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By Randolph O'Brien

Christian Thoughts and Inspiration; Daily Inspiration for Christian Living; Devotions for Spiritual Maturity; Getting to know and Love Jesus; Building and Boosting Hope, Faith, and Love; Aid in Depression; Overcoming Challenging Problems;
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The importance of humility in a believer's life.

SCRIP-BITSMay 09, 2024

The overwhelming importance of knowing the peace that passes all understanding!

The overwhelming importance of knowing the peace that passes all understanding!

This world is full of trials and tribulations, and thus it's not very easy to navigate, but when you know Jesus, and have His peace that transcends all human understanding flowing through you, then life is certainly more manageable. There's no need to worry or hurry, just move with the peaceful and calm attitude that comes from having Jesus as your anchor and strong tower. His Great Invitation of rest and peace are unbeatable, and only fools will refuse it. So please, let's use the wisdom, the LOVE and the power God gives us to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, so we can live the peaceful and abundant life He died for us to have! Much LOVE!

May 14, 202410:43
The importance of being good disciples of Christ!

The importance of being good disciples of Christ!

Jesus Christ is no longer on the earth as a human being, however, as His disciples, we have taken over His earthly responsibilities, become His agents, His ambassadors or representatives, and now, people can only come into contact with Jesus through us; through our goodness, kindness, grace, and all the other attributes we've obtained from Him. But it's no good if we're not using those attributes for the good of others and of our world in general. For then the world will remain in the same dark, evil and ungodly state that it's been in for donkeys' ages now. But that's not what Jesus had in mind when He came to earth. No! He wanted to create a body, His church, that would go around the earth spreading the good news of His gospel, bringing people to the Light, to His light. But sadly we're not doing a good enough job of it, because the world is getting more evil every day, if that's even possible. So come on friends, we have to pick up the baton and run with it for Jesus' sake, otherwise we'll be a great disappointment to Him, and we definitely don't want to end up like that! Much LOVE!

May 13, 202410:35
The overwhelming importance of honouring our parents.

The overwhelming importance of honouring our parents.

What's God's first commandment with promise eh friends? That we honour our parents so that we could live long in the land the Lord gave us. And I know that many of us didn't have good parents, but God didn't specify we honour them if they were only good. No. Whether they are good or bad, we're supposed to honour them. And today we're celebrating our Mothers' on Mother's Day. And believe me, being a mother is possibly the most difficult and most unrewarding job in the universe, because it carries with it such large and consequential responsibilities. Mothers bear, care for and nurture their children from conception to adulthood, and that's no easy task. But they do it without too much fuss and bother and for that we ought to be everlastingly grateful. That means, honouring them, not only on this special day, but all through the year, and all through our lives. For if we had a good mother, we were in the LOVING hands of God. Much LOVE!

May 12, 202410:53
The importance of believers understanding they can only serve ONE Master at a time!

The importance of believers understanding they can only serve ONE Master at a time!

Friends, lots of things and people are vying for our attention in this busy and crazy world. However, we were created to only handle one thing properly at one time. Yes, I know all about doing many things at the same time, but believe me, none of them are ever done to the best of our ability. The Lord in His wisdom made us able to only concentrate fully on one subject at a time, preferably Him. Now the devil engages in all sorts of antics trying to turn us away from God, and one of those things is the LOVE of money. An addiction and sickness that just drives us crazy behind the almighty dollar. But please remember that we can only serve ONE master at a time, which means we cannot serve God and money or material wealth simultaneously. We have to choose...and the best choice is God, who made everything and owns everything! Much LOVE!

May 11, 202411:02
The importance of focusing on heavenly things!

The importance of focusing on heavenly things!

Friends, life on earth is short, but eternity in heaven is forever; that means we need to have more stuff to live in heaven than here on earth. Therefore storing up a lot of stuff down here on earth, only to leave it all behind when we die, is not wise. The best option is to store up more rewards and treasures in heaven where we will be spending a longer time. So let's stop running down material wealth nuh, and start concentrating on the things that will benefit us most in heaven. That's true wisdom! Much LOVE!

May 10, 202411:36
The importance of humility in a believer's life.

The importance of humility in a believer's life.

Friends, Jesus gave up all that He had in heaven to come to earth to live a poor and humble life and sacrifice his sinless life for us. He didn't put on any airs and graces, though He had the right to, and that's the way He expects His followers to behave. As the saying goes, if you know you have it, you don't have to flaunt it. Only those who don't truly have something need to flaunt it. And we already have the best things available, that's salvation and eternal life, thus we need to get ourselves together and help the unfortunates get it too. And the best way to do that is with a humble attitude. Remember that he that exalts himself shall be abased, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted. That's Jesus' philosophy! Much LOVE!

May 09, 202410:24
The importance of believers keeping a tight rein on pride!

The importance of believers keeping a tight rein on pride!

Oh friends, pride is one of the greatest triggers to our falling. You can see it in Satan's demise when he figured he was powerful enough to overthrow the One who had created him, and was kicked out of heaven to walk the earth in shame and disgrace. And that's the same thing he's trying to have us do; ignore God's commandments and live the way he desires. Now, he can cause us to have certain things if we sell our souls to him, but the overall ruler of the universe is still and always will be Almighty God. Thus whatever Satan gives can ultimately be taken away by God. And believe me, pride is one of Satan's major weapons in getting us to turn against God. He tries to turn our free will to choosing his desires rather than those of God. That means as believers, we have to be very careful and not allow our foolish pride to lead us astray as the evil one desires. And with God's help, we can certainly avoid it. Much LOVE!

May 08, 202412:07
The urgent need for Christians to wake up and let their light shine!

The urgent need for Christians to wake up and let their light shine!

Friends our world is going to hell in a handbasket because we Christians are not doing a good enough job of showing it the light of Jesus. Meanwhile, Satan's followers are out there furiously sowing their dark and evil seeds and thus bringing our world under their dark and evil command. That's not good enough my people! Christ entrusted us with turning the world around to His way of thinking, to get others to accept His gospel of light and salvation, but unfortunately we're falling down on the job. Please, please, I implore us to wake up and get ourselves together and do the job we've been handed. Otherwise all of Jesus' sacrifices would have been in vain. And we simply cannot have that! Much LOVE!

May 07, 202411:33
The importance of actioning our Christian faith!

The importance of actioning our Christian faith!

We have two options in this life; to do evil, or to do good, and Jesus, our Lord and Saviour is the champion of doing good! That means if we are to be true followers, we also have to be doers of good and not evil. But, unfortunately, our basic sin nature, which gives us heightened desires for the pleasures of sin, gets in the way of our doing good. So, to be true believers in Jesus Christ, in consort with the Holy Spirit, we need to strenuously and seriously battle those sinful desires. That's the only way we will ever be true Christians and keep doing good rather than evil. Much LOVE!

May 06, 202411:09
The importance of knowing the trustworthiness of Jesus!

The importance of knowing the trustworthiness of Jesus!

In this deceitful and greedy world no human being can be trusted to the nth degree! And that's an indisputable fact, for man is tainted by sin, and sin is not trustworthy. The ONLY trustworthy being in this universe is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and He showed it by shedding His sinless blood on the cross of Calvary on our behalf. Therefore, we should not put too much trust in our fellow man, but put it ALL in Jesus! And if you don't listen, then you will surely pay a hefty price for your disobedience. Much LOVE!

May 05, 202412:42
The overwhelming importance of believers not succumbing to worry!

The overwhelming importance of believers not succumbing to worry!

Worry does not come from God, but is the devil's instigation of fear in our lives. When we have faith, we don't worry, and when we worry, as Jesus says, our faith is small. Remember that God hasn't given us a spirit of fear or worry, but one of power, LOVE and of a strong or disciplined mind. (2 Tim. 1:7) Therefore with that grace of God, we don't have to allow Satan to confuse us with the fear that comes from worrying. But that can only happen if we keep our faith strong, and that can only happen if we keep seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness on a constant basis. So let's do that so we can stop worrying. Much LOVE!

May 04, 202411:05
The importance of seeking God while we're alive.

The importance of seeking God while we're alive.

This earthly life has but two options, to live in sin, or seek the righteousness of God. And sin, though it may seem pleasureable in the beginning, always leads to undesirable consequences. And that's why our world is currently in so much turmoil; too many of us have chosen the sinful and rebellious path instead of the righteous one, and until we change our sinful ways, we will continue down the path to destruction until the earth and all therein is destroyed. God's Word contains so many good promises it's unwise to keep choosing the foolishness advocated by Satan. Remember where Satan is the boss, in hell, but God is the king of heaven, and He's given us the free choice to choose where we want to spend hell with Satan, or in heaven with Christ. Please make the wise choice. Much LOVE!

May 03, 202412:15
the overwhelming importance of thanking and praising God!

the overwhelming importance of thanking and praising God!

Friends, without our great God we'd be sitting ducks for Satan, but through Him we have forgiveness of sins and eternal life, things that necessitate lots of praise and thankfulness. Yes, just consider what our options would be if we didn't have a great and LOVING God nuh. Hellfire and damnation would be our destiny. But now with Jesus' sacrifice we have a great option, so why aren't we wise and thankful eh? Look at all the Lord does for us everyday. All the good things we don't deserve, but yet He bestows them on us. Just think that we got up this morning. Whom do you think is responsible for that eh? Almighty God! There's a roof over our heads, food on our table...that's the Lord's doing. Therefore thanks and praise should be a continual thing in the true believer's life! Please, let's make it so! Much LOVE!

May 02, 202410:12
The importance of seeking God and His kingdom FIRST!

The importance of seeking God and His kingdom FIRST!

Yes Friends, if we don't want to be taken in by the devil and all his evil schemes, we must make it our imperative to seek God and His kingdom before all else. Otherwise we can be overcome and overtaken by any of the many serious ills that now exist in our world. And remember that though God gave us free will to choose as we please, His great desire is for us to choose Him and all the things that He stands for. And when we wisely do that, then He showers us with all the things we need to live a decent life in this ungodly and evil world. So please, wake up and smell the roses nuh...unless you want to spend eternity with Satan. Much LOVE!

May 01, 202412:42
The overwhelming importance of knowing Jesus!

The overwhelming importance of knowing Jesus!

Ah friends, knowing Jesus is indeed important, but accepting Him as Lord and Saviour is even more important, because it's only through Him can one gain salvation and eternal life. That's the only way you will ever see the Father's face in heaven. All other options only lead to hell fire and damnation! Thus it's wise to accept Christ while you're alive, preferably RIGHT NOW, since the Grim Reaper can come for you at any time, and it won't be possible after you die. Refusing to accept Jesus while alive on this earth means the worst possible future for a human soul; eternal separation from God. And believe me, you don't want to experience that. So please be wise and accept Christ as Lord and Saviour so that your soul will rest eternally in heaven with Him! Much LOVE!

Apr 30, 202411:21
The overwhelming importance of being good ambassadors for Christ!

The overwhelming importance of being good ambassadors for Christ!

Friends, here on earth we are the hands and feet, the body of Christ. He's using us to do His earthly work, and we're certainly not doing a good job otherwise our world would not be as evil and strife-filled as it is. And that puts the blame solely on our shoulders for the Lord has given us all we need to do the work assigned to us, but because of fear, laziness or simple complacency, we're not doing it, we're not putting our best foot forward, and consequently people are laughing at Jesus, blaspheming His holy name, and we just sit back and allow it to happen. Believers in every other false faith rise up and fight sincerely for their faith fate, except Christians. That's a sad commentary on our faithfulness friends. So please let's get serious and do the job we were assigned to do nuh, or stop calling ourselves Christians! Much LOVE!

Apr 29, 202411:11
The overwhelming importance of accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour!

The overwhelming importance of accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour!

Now, we all talk about going to heaven, when the roll is called up yonder...and some of us will go, but many will not because they have not received Christ as Lord and Saviour, and He said it quite clearly, that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no man comes to the Father but through Him. So, if we truly desire to be in that heavenly roll call, then we must absolutely give our lives in true surrender to Christ while we're here on earth. There's NO other way to make that roll call in the last days. So please be wise and do it today; RIGHT NOW! Much LOVE!

Apr 28, 202410:46
he importance of believers sincerely heeding God's Word!

he importance of believers sincerely heeding God's Word!

The Lord says, 'seek me and ye shall live.' What don't we understand about that eh? If the Creator and Controller of the universe says something like that, shouldn't we in all wisdom believe it? Yes, if we are wise, and not the playthings of Satan, who keeps us enslaved in darkness and the bondages of sin. But please remember that Jesus died so we could be freed from the evil hold of Satan and come into His light and salvation. So why are we still not seeking God in the throngs and droves like we should, but instead are turning away from Him in throngs and droves, to the sinful pleasures that Satan is holding out before our greedy, envious and lustful eyes? But please remember that those who don't listen will pay a hefty price for their disobedience! Much LOVE!

Apr 27, 202410:52
The importance of having LOVE as our number one attribute!

The importance of having LOVE as our number one attribute!

Yesterday we saw how important LOVE was to the relationship between God and man, and between man and man. Today we're intensifying that relationship with some more scriptures on how LOVE contributes to the wellbeing of mankind and our world. Also the fact that anger and sin and all the evil attributes of Satan just makes our world a place sadly lacking in godly LOVE, but filled with strife and warmongering. Now that's not the kind of world we want our children and their children to grow up in, which means we believers have to get our act together and behave as one body in Christ and fight the evildoers mano-a-mano and make the LOVE Revolution our world so badly needs a reality. Much LOVE!

Apr 26, 202411:09
The importance of LOVE in a believer's life!

The importance of LOVE in a believer's life!

What makes the world go round eh? LOVE! That's because God LOVED us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die so our sins could be forgiven. It was only LOVE that made Him do it. Therefore, if we are to show proper respect for God's goodness and mercy, we should also be reciprocating that LOVE back to Him as well as showing it to others, so that they can know what God's LOVE, is all about. Unfortunately thought, LOVE is not as big and widespread as it ought to be in our world, for believers have not stepped up to the plate to help it increase, while the evildoers have put in the efforts necessary to make sin and ungodliness more popular in our world. And until Christians make that sincere effort to best sin and ungodliness with LOVE, the sad status quo will remain! Much LOVE!

Apr 25, 202411:01
The importance of Jesus' peace in a Christian's life!

The importance of Jesus' peace in a Christian's life!

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, so it stands to reason that if you don't know Him, then you cannot acquire His kind of peace, the ONLY true peace there is. The world spouts a whole lot of hogwash about peace which is only Satan's wolf-like deceit dressed in sheep's clothing, because he doesn't truly desire peace since it will spoil his evil and ungodly business. But in any case, whatever we want in this life, be it LOVE, joy, peace or kindness, we have to actively seek it, but even then, it must first begin with us. For we cannot find or encourage something that we don't have. That's why all of our wants and desires, with God's help, first have to bloom in us before we can successfully spread them to others. Let's remember that it ALL begins with us! Much LOVE!

Apr 24, 202411:45
The overwhelming importance of Christians maturing in their faith!

The overwhelming importance of Christians maturing in their faith!

Like everything in this world, we can only improve our knowledge and practice when we spend time learning about whatever we want to do. The same thing applies to Christianity. To be able to put it into practice, we must learn as much as possible about it, spend time in the Word of God and then put it into practice in our lives. Otherwise we'll never grow, never become mature Christians, just remain baby believers all our lives, and like babies who can't do anything for themselves or anybody else, we'll just stagnate and be useless to ourselves or anybody else. And that's not how Christ expects his followers to live. So let's wake up and walk the walk like we ought to. Remember, it's all for OUR benefit! Much LOVE!

Apr 23, 202411:13
The overwhelming importance of Christ's body of believers dwelling in unity together!

The overwhelming importance of Christ's body of believers dwelling in unity together!

For any organization or group to succeed, there must be a coming together of minds and ideas, and the following of one general plan, otherwise chaos will eventually take over. And unfortunately, that's what's happening in the body called Christ's church. We are supposed to be ONE, but we are so disunited and disunified that we're of not much use in the spiritual battle we're supposed to be waging against the enemy of Satan and his group of evil doers. And it must be heartbreaking for Christ to see all His sacrifices going in vain as we refuse to take up our crosses daily and sincerely follow Him. Please friends, let's develop a grateful conscience and sincerely get together so that we can fight the good fight for Christ, as we're supposed to do! Much LOVE!

Apr 22, 202411:48
The importance of Jesus as our Comforter and Caregiver!

The importance of Jesus as our Comforter and Caregiver!

There are no easy steps in this earthly life, that means we all face troubles and trials, disappointments and disillusions, as we try to walk a careful life. And those times of despair can hit us real hard, and if we're not careful even drive us to harming ourselves. But fortunately that's never the right approach to the situation. And why should it be when we have our great Friend, Comforter and Caregiver Jesus Christ always ready to fill the missing link in our lives. Yes my people, Jesus is the friend that sticks closer than a brother, the One who understands our every care and concern, because He also experienced what we're going through. So, please, let's be wise and turn to Jesus in all our problems, for as the song so rightly says: 'No One understands like Jesus!' Much LOVE!

Apr 21, 202411:24
The importance of knowing Man's short life span.

The importance of knowing Man's short life span.

Man's life on earth is tough and also short. That means we have to use it to the best of our ability; make the most of the opportunities that come our way, especially that wonderful opportunity to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour, and be assured of salvation and eternal life, for that's the best option we have! Satan has nothing good to offer us, but the Lord gave us free will so that we could choose. So please, let's be wise and do as Moses told the Israelites, choose life, or Jesus Christ, so that we and our children may live forever! Much LOVE!

Apr 20, 202410:34
The overwhelming importance of believers controlling their thoughts and actions.

The overwhelming importance of believers controlling their thoughts and actions.

Simply put, life is a battle, fought on the battlefield of our minds. That means all the people out there are fighting to control our minds, to control what we think, talk about and therefore do. Now there are all sorts of evil and ungodly powers and people involved in this battle for supremacy over our minds, but basically it breaks down to a battle between Satan's cronies and those of Jesus. And the wise money is on Jesus. That means we must use the spiritual weapons provided by Him, along with the Word of God to help us stay on the straight and narrow. Remember all Satan has to offer are lies and deceptions, with no substance to his arguments. So if we want to end up with Jesus, then we have to put our best foot forward and use all the tools Jesus has given us to overcome the enemy! Much LOVE!

Apr 19, 202410:55
The importance of giving thanks and praise to Almighty God.

The importance of giving thanks and praise to Almighty God.

God has made preparation for all of our needs from the time we're born to the time He takes us home. But we have to read His Word and listen to His Holy Spirit to understand what's necessary for us to get all we are entitled to. And thus, it also behooves us to give God thanks and praise for His wonderful attention to our needs, both our everyday needs like food and shelter, but also our needs in the life to come, that's salvation through belief in His Son Jesus Christ, who shed His blood on Calvary's Hill that we could be washed clean by that same sinless blood. That means we owe Him a whole lot, which we can never repay. But He doesn't want repayment as such, He just desires our obedience, our LOVE, our thanks and praise! Now is that too much to ask for all He's given us? Certainly not! Much LOVE!

Apr 18, 202413:04
The importance of Christians being very careful in their speech!

The importance of Christians being very careful in their speech!

Life is made good or bad by the words we speak to each other. We can speak either pleasant and uplifting words, or unpleasant and hurting ones. But as Christians, we need to focus on good and pleasant words, because that's the example Jesus set for us during His sojourn here on earth, and it's the example He expects us to follow. However, Beelzebub is so powerful on the earth these days that he's leading us to use evil and deceitful words, words that are ungodly, strife-filled, bitter, envious and chaos causing. But we believers need to push back, and push back hard against that evil doing, if we intend to make a positive difference in the here and now. And we can certainly do it, if we all get together and march as one. Remember, there's power in unity! Much LOVE!

Apr 17, 202412:17
The importance of acclamations in a believer's life.

The importance of acclamations in a believer's life.

In this evil and ungodly world, it's necessary for Christians to know bits of useful scripture that they can learn and speak out loud to help them in their everyday Christian walk. These acclamations as we call them, boost our spirits and strengthen our belief in Christ by giving us confidence in the Word of God and His many promises. They allow us to quell whatever fear(s) crop up as we journey along in life, and help us to adopt a good and right attitude to our situations. So, let's learn these useful bits of scripture and keep repeating them, so that we can build our confidence in Christ. Much LOVE!

Apr 16, 202411:14
The importance of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life!

The importance of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life!

Our Triune God is made up of three people, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father sent the Son to save the world by dying on the cross at Calvary, then rising on Easter Sunday. Then when the Son returned to heaven to be seated at His right hand and intercede for us, the Father sent the Holy Spirit, as He had promised a long time ago, to dwell in the hearts of believers, so that He could remind them of Jesus' words and works and lead them in a godly direction. But like the Father, the Holy Spirit does not intrude on our free will. He gives advice, but it's up to us to accept and follow it. And only if and when we take Him seriously will we be able to make a positive and productive difference in this evil and ungodly world! Much LOVE!

Apr 15, 202411:13
The overwhelming importance of Christ's shed blood to the Christian faith!

The overwhelming importance of Christ's shed blood to the Christian faith!

Simply put friends, without the shedding of Christ's blood on the cross of Calvary on Good Friday, we would still be headed straight for purgatory or hellfire and damnation; eternal separation from Almighty God! For without the shedding of blood, sinless blood like Christ's no permanent atonement is possible. But Christ, through His selfless sacrifice, changed all that, and brought us back to the Father, justifying reconciling, forgiving, sanctifying etc. etc. so that we could be once again called children of the Most High God. Please, let's recognize the blood's importance in our faith and treat it with the holiness and respect it deserves! Much LOVE!

Apr 14, 202413:12
The importance of believers knowing the great importance of the Old Testament to the New Testament!

The importance of believers knowing the great importance of the Old Testament to the New Testament!

The Old Testament is basically a foreshadowing of the New Testament. Thus a lot of stuff, like promises and prophecy can be found in the Old Testament and be fulfilled or manifested in the New. From the beginning of the Bible, the appearance of Jesus on earth was prophesied and spoken of as the coming of the Messiah. So it's not strange to find Old Testament verses reflected or referenced in the New Testament. Jesus did it Himself when He stood up in His hometown of Nazareth to read from the scroll of Isaiah 61 ( Luke 4:21) So, it's very important that believers know that to understand the New Testament, a good knowledge of the Old Testament is also necessary. Much LOVE!

Apr 13, 202410:40
The importance of NEVER giving up on God!

The importance of NEVER giving up on God!

In this life we never know what trials and tribulations might come against us, or when, but one thing is certain, if we stay attached and surrendered to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, He will eventually turn our circumstances around. And if He doesn't, for whatever reason we may not like, or understand, He will most certainly help us to bear our burdens with a good attitude. And I know that we don't like to go through tough times, but that's just the way of the world, and being a disciple of Christ means forsaking ourselves for His cause. It's not easy, but if we hang tight, the rewards will outweigh the troubles. So let's keep hanging tight to Christ! Much LOVE!

Apr 12, 202410:25
The importance of recognizing Jesus as the Light of the world!

The importance of recognizing Jesus as the Light of the world!

Ah friends, evil has overtaken our world, and that evil hides itself in darkness, so that it's deeds cannot be known, and keeps all evil doers in that darkness. But Jesus came to earth that we could escape that evil darkness and have the light of eternal life through His death and resurrection. And isn't it wonderful to know that we now have another option besides the evil darkness of Satan? Surely! But the problem is that if want to escape the evil darkness of Beelzebub, we have to come to the Light, to receive Jesus and all that He has to offer, it won't automatically come to us. The Lord gave us free will, hoping that we would choose His will, and He won't intrude on our choice. So it's completely up to us to make the choice. And wisdom dictates that Jesus is the better of the two options, so please let's be wise and choose Him nuh! Choose the Light of the world! Much LOVE!

Apr 11, 202410:31
The importance of new believers putting on His new mantle!

The importance of new believers putting on His new mantle!

The world is evil and ungodly, we all know that, but in Christ we can make both good individual and worldwide changes. However, the individual change must come before the worldwide one, where believers must put on the new man in Christ; that's accept Christ's new godliness and way of living, while putting aside their old, evil and ungodly lifestyle. It's either one or the either, there's no sitting on the fence, you're either new fashioned in Christ, or old fashioned in the devil. And sadly, those are the only two options we have, so please, let's be wise and choose to live the new life in Jesus nuh! Much LOVE!

Apr 10, 202412:20
The importance of Christians growing in spiritual maturity!

The importance of Christians growing in spiritual maturity!

Life is a complex affair, and the Christian faith, is no different. Though we can come to faith quite easily, because it's the gift of God, we then need to work out our own salvation, that's live the way Christ desires His followers to live. We need to learn Christ's word, study it, and then put it tinto action in our lives, meaning we need to grow up, like children, who first begin by drinking milk, then as they get older begin eating solid food. Likewise as we grow in our Christian faith, we must be able to handle bigger things, become more mature in our faith, for that's the only way to truly understand what the Christian life is all about and thus live it successfully. Much LOVE!

Apr 09, 202413:08
The importance of believers truly reverencing the Lord!

The importance of believers truly reverencing the Lord!

There is only ONE way to true success, and that's by doing what the Lord says in His Word. Read your Bible, study it, and then put what it says into action! It's as simple as that! And yes, that's not always easy to do, but if we truly want to do it, with the Lord's help, we certainly can. But it all begins with us, sincerely wanting to live right in this ungodly and evil world. And yes, the powers of evil will push against us, but let's remember that greater is He that's in us, than he that is in the world! Yes friends, Jesus is greater than Satan any day, and twice on Sundays! So let's wake up and begin seriously living for Jesus! Much LOVE!

Apr 08, 202410:43
The importance of recognizing Jesus' magnificent work on our behalf.

The importance of recognizing Jesus' magnificent work on our behalf.

Friends, if Jesus did not do what He's done in a rather selfless manner, we would not have salvation and eternal life right now. Therefore it's utterly important to recognize His overwhelming importance in the scheme of things, and give Him His rightful praise and glory. The Father recognized it and exalted him to the loftiest heights possible, likewise we should exalt His holy name, and not just with words, but more importantly with action; sincere action, so that others can come to know, LOVE and revere Him like we do. That's the ultimate test of our faith! Much LOVE!

Apr 07, 202411:40
The overwhelming importance of LOVE and OBEDIENCE in a believer's life!

The overwhelming importance of LOVE and OBEDIENCE in a believer's life!

If Christ is our End All and Be All, then we need to do whatever He says, and live the way He desires of us. Otherwise, we will not be showing others that we are His sincere followers. And that, unfortunately, will diminish and destroy all that Jesus has worked so hard and suffered so much to accomplish. It's utterly important that those who follow a Leader, obey His rules and abide by His commands. And in Jesus' organization, that means LOVING each other the way that He first LOVED us. What a joy it would be if we stopped our infighting and petty squabbles and simply live for LOVE and obedience like He desires us of! Much LOVE!

Apr 06, 202410:17
The overwhelming importance of OBEDIENCE in a believer's life!

The overwhelming importance of OBEDIENCE in a believer's life!

If we consider the Lord our Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, then it's of the utmost importance that we obey them as soon as possible. Remember that obedience put off till we feel like doing it is still disobedience in the Lord's eyes. It's necessary that we do His bidding in the least possible time frame, or in other words; when He asks us, and how He asks us. Doing it in our time and way won't cut it, we'll still be considered disobedient and pay whatever price is necessary. And there's always a price to be paid for disobedience. Let's remember that! Much LOVE!

Apr 05, 202411:45
The overwhelming importance of accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour!

The overwhelming importance of accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour!

Oh friends our world is in a sad state, and the only way we can handle it, or whatever comes against us, is by having Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, for Satan, our other choice as leader, doesn't have a single good thing to offer; nothing but hell, death and the grave. Meanwhile, when Jesus died on Good Friday then rose again on Easter Sunday, he throttled Satan and all his kingdom. Thus He became the winner of the battle between good and evil. Now, if we are wise, and use the free will that God gave us, we will indeed choose Christ over Beelzebub; life over death! That's wisdom for the ages! Much LOVE!

Apr 04, 202411:45
The ramification of Easter in a believer's life Part 2!

The ramification of Easter in a believer's life Part 2!

Good Friday determined that our sins were paid for, while Easter Sunday and Christ's resurrection ensured that all those who believe in Him will also rise again from the dead and have eternal life, spend eternity with Him. And if that isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread, I don't know what is! And also, if each and every one of us don't rise to the situation and receive Christ as Lord and Saviour, then wisdom has certainly passed us by, because the only other option is spending eternity in hellfire with Satan. And that certainly is no treat to look forward to. So please, let us attain unto wisdom and seek to unite with Christ, for the long term! Much LOVE!

Apr 03, 202411:57
The ramifications of Easter Part 1.

The ramifications of Easter Part 1.

Ah friends, Easter is one of the most important times in our Christian calendar, but do we really understand what happened two thousand years ago, and truly appreciate it? Not all of us. Two basic things happened: Christ died on Good Friday to pay for our sins, then He was rose from the dead on Easter Sunday! Those two things gave us forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. But we have things to do to make them happen. And that's what we all need to know. Salvation and Eternal Life don't happen automatically. We have to seek them out. So let's wake up and do that nuh! It's wisdom of the ages! Much LOVE!

Apr 02, 202411:42
The importance of BALANCE in a believer's life!

The importance of BALANCE in a believer's life!

In this world, we can either do too much or too little of anything. The important thing though is to find a comfortable balance in most of what we do. That includes our diet, our work and play, our fitness, as well as our time with God. The latter being possibly the most important of them all. But it's ever so much better for us when our ying and yang aline and keep us free to enjoy our lives without too much anxiety, tension and stress. The problem here is that only the individual can regulate their lives to find the right balance, no one else can do it for us. We set our schedules, so we are the ones to prioritize our actions. Let's make it a habit to bring balance to our lives! Much LOVE!

Apr 01, 202411:18
The overwhelming importance of Christ's Resurrection!

The overwhelming importance of Christ's Resurrection!

Oh friends, we all know that someday we'll die and our bodies will be buried and return to the dust from which they were made, but our spirits will still be alive and either go to heaven or hell, depending on whom we believe in, Jesus or Satan. And the only reason why heaven is even an option for us is because Jesus died on Good Friday to pay for our sins, then rose from the grave, three days later, on Easter Sunday. That satisfied the demands of the Father for reconciliation with Him. Before Jesus died, He promised that whoever believes in Him will never die, that's spiritually, but have eternal life with Him. So, since Jesus rose from the dead, it means that all who believe in Him will do the same. That's how important Christ's resurrection is to our well being. So please let's take advantage of it, because it's the best option we have! Much LOVE!

Mar 31, 202413:12
The importance of prophecy in Christ's life!

The importance of prophecy in Christ's life!

A lot of the Old Testament speaks to Christ's coming in the New Testament. None more so than Isaiah's prophetic words of the Servant of the Lord found in chapter 53. It might be spoken in old fashioned Old Testament language, but there's no misunderstanding that it refers to Christ's coming and all the wonderful work He will do on our behalf, as well as all the 'sufferation' He would undergo to pay for our abominable sins. But the deed has already been done, that means, if we are wise, we can now access salvation and eternal life on the work of Jesus! Please, let's be wise on this Holy Saturday and accept Jesus with open arms! Much LOVE!

Mar 30, 202412:49
The overwhelming importance of Good Friday in the Christian faith!

The overwhelming importance of Good Friday in the Christian faith!

We all talk about atonement and payment for sins, but do we know how that was really accomplished? Only by Christ suffering and dying on the cross at Calvary on Good Friday for us! That's how we can talk about forgiveness of sin. The Father required Christ's sinless life to pay for our abominable transgressions. And if we had any decency and /or common sense, we'd be paying much more attention to Christ's desires and commands, because it's only through His death that our sins can be forgiven as a whole. And only when we personally believe in Him and behave in a totally appropriate manner that our individual sins can be forgiven. Thus it behooves us to wake up and start living sincerely for Christ, if we desire to see good days and long life! Much LOVE!

Mar 29, 202410:44
The importance of Maundy Thursday to our faith.

The importance of Maundy Thursday to our faith.

Maundy Thursday gave us several things in our faith. First, Jesus inspired our ceremony of holy communion when He broke bread and offered it, along with wine to the disciples in recognition of His broken body and shed blood that would happen the next day, Good Friday. Then He washed the disciples' feet setting an example that we ought to follow, meaning being proud to be sometimes servants and not simply always desirous of being lords. Then the example of His poignant prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, where His spirit was in agony of the forthcoming crucifixion, There Jesus showed His human side, but also His godly side when He accepted that the Father's will must be done. And lastly, where Judas shows up with a band of soldiers and betrays Jesus with a prearranged sign, a kiss, that led to Him being arrested and taken to the chief priest's house. Maundy Thursday is thus a very important day in our faith! Much LOVE!

Mar 28, 202413:40
The overwhelming importance of believers truly living their faith!

The overwhelming importance of believers truly living their faith!

Too many of us supposed Christians say one thing then do something else. That's not right! That's why Jesus called the Pharisees 'hypocrites.' They desired the people to do things that they did not do themselves, teaching man's traditions more than God's law. And it's exactly what's happening in our world today. Hypocrisy is rife and rampant as Satan and his evil doers rule the roost, while we supposed Christians, cower in fear and shame and comfort, instead of fighting the good fight of Christ. But one day friends, if we don't soon improve our behaviour, our chickens will all come home to roost, and like the Israelites of old, we'll hold our heads and bawl, why me! Be warned, Let him who has ears to hear...hear! Much LOVE!

Mar 27, 202411:14
The overwhelming importance of believing that Almighty God LOVES us!

The overwhelming importance of believing that Almighty God LOVES us!

Friends, God created us out of a desire to have strong and faithful communion with us, and consequently showered His great, unconditional LOVE upon us. He wanted creatures to communicate with, so He decided to create a being in His own image, with His breath of life flowing through it. Now, if the Lord in His omniscience, who knows everything, decided to go through with this creation business, fully knowing that we would eventually rebel, and yet He still did it, that could only mean one thing; that He values us very highly; LOVES us with a LOVE so faithful and true that with our puny and lesser minds, we cannot understand it. But like everything else in His kingdom, we must first believe it before we see it. That's called faith. Much LOVE!

Mar 26, 202409:00