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By Randy Noble

A voice of hope and freedom for Iranians who suffer under a dictatorship government.
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"Fools for Christ's sake."


Revelation 20, "The thousand year reign of Christ on the earth."

Revelation 20, "The thousand year reign of Christ on the earth."

Christ is coming to reign on the earth from Jerusalem for a thousand years when Satan is bound.
May 31, 202430:36
The God of restoration, "Behold, I make all things new."

The God of restoration, "Behold, I make all things new."

One day, God promises to wipe the tears from our eyes. There will be no more pain, suffering, or death. He promises to make everything new!
May 30, 202430:55
"Dust in the wind and the book of Ecclesiastes."

"Dust in the wind and the book of Ecclesiastes."

It was a simple acoustic song by the iconic rock band Kansas that had a phenomenal impact on the world. Listen to my podcast and discover how, "Dust in the wind," spoke to the empty hearts of a young and old generation of listeners.
May 27, 202431:02
"The return of Christ and the Millennial temple."

"The return of Christ and the Millennial temple."

Jesus returns to defeat his enemies at the battle of Armageddon and establish his millennial reign, creating Ezekiel's temple in Jerusalem.
May 27, 202431:06
"A brief study of the attributes of God."

"A brief study of the attributes of God."

A brief study of the greatness of our God in all of His attributes.
May 24, 202430:12
"The death of Iran's president and why it matters."

"The death of Iran's president and why it matters."

Author and prophecy expert, Jimmy Evans, gives a concise Biblical perspective in the death of Iran's president and the worldwide consequences that will result from this trajedy.
May 23, 202430:12
"Broken yet beautiful: Rising up from their ashes."

"Broken yet beautiful: Rising up from their ashes."

I began my teaching program with breaking news from Iran. After that, I read from my book, "Broken yet beautiful," speaking out against the male hierarchy and discrimination of women in the church.
May 20, 202445:18
"Forgiven: Jesus and the Samaritan woman."

"Forgiven: Jesus and the Samaritan woman."

Jesus travels into Samaria to bring hope and healing to a despised woman.
May 16, 202430:39
"Revelation 4: The throne of God."

"Revelation 4: The throne of God."

John has an incredible vision of the throne room of God where the sovereign Lord of the universe is in control of a world in chaos.
May 15, 202431:05
"Cast the first stone: Jesus and the adulterous woman."

"Cast the first stone: Jesus and the adulterous woman."

Jesus exposes the hypocrisy of religious leaders and comes to the rescue of a woman caught in adultery.
May 15, 202430:22
"Toomaj Salehi: A voice of truth the government fears."

"Toomaj Salehi: A voice of truth the government fears."

My interview on "Tapp into the truth" focusing in on Iranian rapper, Toomaj Salehi, currently on death row in Iran.
May 11, 202427:57
"Lessons we can learn from the White Rose."

"Lessons we can learn from the White Rose."

The courageous actions of Hans and Sophie Scholl, has left us an incredible legacy of what true courage under fire really looks like.
May 08, 202444:52
"Toomaj Salehi: A powerful voice of truth for Iranians."

"Toomaj Salehi: A powerful voice of truth for Iranians."

My guest Heather Joy, explains why the Islamic Republic of Iran wants to execute Iranian rapper, Toomaj Salehi, and why his music and voice are such a threat to them.
May 02, 202445:25
"Combating Antisemitism on college campuses."

"Combating Antisemitism on college campuses."

The so called peaceful protests on major college campuses are in reality violent uprisings of hatred against Jewish people that must be stopped!
Apr 30, 202444:59
"The love of God," (The Bible vs. The Quran)

"The love of God," (The Bible vs. The Quran)

The unconditional love of God is the supreme theme of the Bible. The Quran, however portrays a God who doesn't love the wayward sinner. Which holy book is true?
Apr 29, 202430:00
"Sarina Esmailzadeh: A precious life cut-short!"

"Sarina Esmailzadeh: A precious life cut-short!"

Sarina was a creative, intelligent, and humorous youtube creator that desired freedom for all of her Iranian friends. Her dream for freedom was cut short by an evil government at a protest rally.
Apr 29, 202444:45
"Javad Rouhi, murdered for dancing in Iran."

"Javad Rouhi, murdered for dancing in Iran."

Javad Rouhi died under mysterious circumstances while in prison. He was actively involved in the woman,life,freedom protested and was arrested because he was dancing in a crowd of people.
Apr 27, 202431:06
"Driven by the wind: The Calling of Tara."

"Driven by the wind: The Calling of Tara."

Tara is a free-spirited independent woman who is determined to solve the mystery of her brother's disappearance in the Indian Ocean. She embarks on a desperate mission in her sailboat, "The Mistral Wind," and has a life changing encounter with the "God of Irresistible love."
Apr 25, 202430:48
"Bible prophecy and the miracle of Israel."

"Bible prophecy and the miracle of Israel."

The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was a miracle, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy by the sovereign hand of God.
Apr 25, 202445:52
"Preparing for arrest in Iran's underground church."

"Preparing for arrest in Iran's underground church."

Persecuted Christians in Iran have devised a special system of exactly what they will do when their gathering is raided by the secret police.
Apr 24, 202430:01
"The prophecy of Elam and the future of Iran.

"The prophecy of Elam and the future of Iran.

The recent strike by Israel on Iran's nuclear sites has huge prophetic implications for the future of Iran.
Jeremiah 49 is a future fierce judgment by God on the government structure of Iran.
Apr 22, 202445:32
"A miracle on Shabbat: God protects His chosen people."

"A miracle on Shabbat: God protects His chosen people."

When Iran launched a massive drone and missle attack on Israel, the iron dome defense system went to work and amazingly intercepted and destroyed 99% of the weapons launched against the Jewish people.
Apr 18, 202445:42
"Fools for Christ's sake."

"Fools for Christ's sake."

The Chinese Communist Party began removing crosses from Christian churches during the covid 19 outbreak and keeping Christians from also meeting together online.
Apr 18, 202430:26
The "death to America" crowd in Dearborn.

The "death to America" crowd in Dearborn.

The Muslim Immigrants in Dearborn are showing their gratitude by chanting death to America.
Apr 12, 202407:24
Marziyeh Amirizadeh, "A love journey with God."

Marziyeh Amirizadeh, "A love journey with God."

In 2009, Marziyeh Amirizadeh was on death row in Tehran for distributing Bibles. In her first book, "Captive in Iran," she shares the miracle of being released. In her newest book, "My love journey with God," Marziyeh shares what life was like growing up in Iran.
Apr 10, 202445:24
"Jesus, the exalted Lord of the universe."

"Jesus, the exalted Lord of the universe."

Exiled for his christian faith to the Island of Patmos, the Apostle John records an incredible vision of Jesus as the exalted Lord of the universe.
Apr 09, 202431:09
"Former Hezbollah fighter comes face to face with Jesus."

"Former Hezbollah fighter comes face to face with Jesus."

Afshin Javid was a dedicated Muslim and Hezbollah fighter whose heart of hatred was transformed by a powerful vision of Jesus.
Apr 08, 202430:42
"The true origin of Easter."

"The true origin of Easter."

Easter has nothing to do with the false gods of paganism but instead with the triumph of Jesus over sin,death,and Satan.
Apr 07, 202431:04
"The desperate plight of the Iranian street children."

"The desperate plight of the Iranian street children."

Young boys and girls in Iran are forced to labor day and night in the streets of Iran because of the rich and oppresive Mullahs!
Apr 04, 202430:48
"The crucifixion of Jesus, a fact of history."

"The crucifixion of Jesus, a fact of history."

The Quran declares that Jesus wasn't crucified, but documents outside of the Bible affirm that the crucifixion is a fact of history.
Apr 03, 202401:00:51
"The mysterious death of Sara Tabrizi."

"The mysterious death of Sara Tabrizi."

Twenty year-old Sara Tabrizi's body was found at her home in Tehran just one day after being summoned to the Ministry of Intelligence. Sara had endured torture and interrogation at Evin Prison and now was dead. This is the way women are treated in Iran for speaking out against the government!
Apr 01, 202430:33
"Jesus, the suffering servant."

"Jesus, the suffering servant."

In graphic terms, Isaiah 53, portrays Jesus as the suffering servant of Yahweh, the Passover lamb, crucified for our sins.
Mar 29, 202430:56
"Jesus, the promised Messiah," (Part 1)

"Jesus, the promised Messiah," (Part 1)

The old testament prophecies paints an amazing portrait of the birth, death, ministry, and resurrection of Christ, the promised Messiah.
Mar 29, 202431:10
"An apologetic defense of the resurrection," (Lee Strobel)

"An apologetic defense of the resurrection," (Lee Strobel)

Former atheist, Lee Strobel, gives compelling evidence for the skeptic, to believe in the truth claims of the resurrection.
Mar 28, 202431:06
"Reyhaneh, a beautiful fragrance," (Interview with Tim Tapp)

"Reyhaneh, a beautiful fragrance," (Interview with Tim Tapp)

Reyhaneh Jabbari was an innocent victim of rape in Iran, but was tortured for seven years in prison and finally executed on October 25, 2014 in Tehran for the crime of self defense!
Mar 23, 202424:42
"The courageous women freedom fighters of Iran."

"The courageous women freedom fighters of Iran."

Honoring the courageous women freedom fighters of Iran during International Women's month.
Mar 18, 202430:39
"The importance of praying for Muslims during Ramadan."

"The importance of praying for Muslims during Ramadan."

Ramadan is the holiest month on the calendar for Muslims. They are required to pray and fast for thirty days. For the Christian, the month of Ramadan is an important time to pray that Jesus would reveal his love and grace to them during their fast.
Mar 14, 202431:03
"Beyond the veil: Experiencing the unconditional love of God."

"Beyond the veil: Experiencing the unconditional love of God."

The government of Iran continues to punish and oppress Iranian women with harsher consequences violating the Hijab Law. However, many Iranian women are discovering a new freedom beyond the veil when they experience the unconditional love of God.
Mar 11, 202430:33
"Toomaj Salehi, an Iranian artist refusing to be silent in captivity."

"Toomaj Salehi, an Iranian artist refusing to be silent in captivity."

Iranian rapper, Toomaj Salehi, refuses to be silent in prison, exposing the brutality and inhumane treatment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Mar 07, 202445:03
"The truth about the "sham" parliamentary election in Iran."

"The truth about the "sham" parliamentary election in Iran."

There is no such thing as a democratic free election in Iran. The word "election" is an oxymoron!
Mar 04, 202445:27
"Experiencing the peace of God."

"Experiencing the peace of God."

In a world of chaos and stress, people look to drugs, therapist's, or some new age mind altering techniques in desperation to find peace. However, peace is found in a person, and that person is Christ.
Feb 26, 202430:33
"Freedom without Jesus is just another wall."

"Freedom without Jesus is just another wall."

Freedom is a powerful seven-letter word that all of us would give our lives for. But what is true Freedom? What did Jesus teach that true Freedom was?
Feb 19, 202430:03
"Survivors of the Revolution: Shabnam and Marina."

"Survivors of the Revolution: Shabnam and Marina."

Shabnam and Marina, two young teenage girls, growing up in Tehran, share their powerful stories of being imprisoned when the Ayatollah Khomeini became the new dictator of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Feb 15, 202430:03
"The powerful declarations of Jesus that sets us free."

"The powerful declarations of Jesus that sets us free."

The powerful life transforming words and declarations of Jesus give us hope in a chaotic world.
Feb 12, 202417:23
"The Iranian Regime: A cancer that must be removed."

"The Iranian Regime: A cancer that must be removed."

The Iranian Regime has spread it cancerous cells all over the world with proxy groups causing death and destruction. Like cancer, this Islamic ideology must undergo a radical removal or else there will never be peace in the Middle East.
Feb 08, 202445:14
"Knowing Christ, Paul's passionate plea in Philippians Chapter three."

"Knowing Christ, Paul's passionate plea in Philippians Chapter three."

There is a profound difference in knowing about a person and knowing that person. The Apostle Paul's deepest desire was to know Christ intimately. What is your deepest longing and desire?
Feb 05, 202424:08
Revelation 1: A vision of the glorified Christ."

Revelation 1: A vision of the glorified Christ."

The Apostle John wrote down in the book of Revelation a profound experience he had with the risen glorified Christ on the Island of Patmos. Today the church needs to experience once again a fresh Revelation of that vision to help us be strong in difficult times.
Jan 29, 202430:34
"The Last Anniversary?" Looking back on the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

"The Last Anniversary?" Looking back on the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

2024 is the 45th Anniversary of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Will this finally be the last year the Iranian people will have to be reminded about the day their country lost their soul? Will this be the year that they can finally take back their country and be free once again?
Jan 29, 202445:23
"The Great Reset: A globalist agenda for a one world government."

"The Great Reset: A globalist agenda for a one world government."

The World Economic Forum, headed by Klaus Schwab wants to put an end to capitalism and implement a globalist agenda that will restrict our freedoms and rule our lives.
Jan 22, 202445:40
My first radio interview with Kel Fritzi.

My first radio interview with Kel Fritzi.

The interview that launched my blog talk radio career in May 2013.
Jan 21, 202401:32:06