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MY Healing Journal..From Once Broken To I AM

MY Healing Journal..From Once Broken To I AM

By Raquel Mckenze

Born Straight Into Adversity, With a resilient soul, I walk straight Into Victory

The power of trusting the process during adversity
Adversities do not need an invitation to enter our life. challenge show up unannounced at any given moments,It shows up when we least expect it. Adversity is inevitable it is an essential part of our self-growth from which we can become the best version of ourselves. Whether we chose to invite change in or not, during our darkest moment or we continuously run because of fear, of stepping out into the unknown.
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Forgiveness: What I have learned on my healing journey.

MY Healing Journal..From Once Broken To I AM Jul 28, 2023

Do not fin it

Do not fin it

You do not fit in, because you do! You are unique - own it!
Dec 09, 202308:50
Destiny Helper, Soul Tribe and Ancestor

Destiny Helper, Soul Tribe and Ancestor

Have a limitless mindset , your soul tribe , ancestors and destiny helper may not like you.
Dec 09, 202306:03
Reck ourself to to understand ourself

Reck ourself to to understand ourself

There is no light without darkness
Dec 08, 202301:28
Pain is the most powerful teacher

Pain is the most powerful teacher

Adversities was never meant to break you.
Dec 08, 202304:34
Saying goodbye to your old version of self.

Saying goodbye to your old version of self.

Saying goodbye to what you once knew will be easy. However, to embrace your authentic self, you have to release the old you.
Nov 18, 202303:03
Forgiveness: What I have learned on my healing journey.

Forgiveness: What I have learned on my healing journey.

This is my experience , my unique blueprint.

The quote I used on my forgiveness journey was

“ It is within me that I seek, not on me, not for the validation of others.” First I had to be comfortable knowing :
Sometime I will be the villain in someone’s else’s story and that’s okay:
sometime i will be the warriors and hero in others.
Not everyone will agree with me and that was normal.

I have always here the saying: “Forgiveness is not for the perpetrators it is for you. “
I never truly understand this until I was on a journey called THE DARK NIGHT of THE SOUL.”
A journey that brings up scratching unbearable pain. A journey that trigger anger towards myself for what I allowed all my life.
A journey that trigger me to forgive myself and release guilt and shame.

A journey that requires me to forgive my entire family and walk away for them all. The root in which all my traumas started since birth.
A decisions that broke my heart severely but brings peace to my soul and respect for myself. A respect that kept on elevating to the highest version of self.
I wanted to forgive and I needed it to be genuine.
I was tired of living in a repeated toxic cycle.
I was ready to heal..
I was ready to take accountability for my action.
I was ready to forgive myself.
I was ready to let go of all my guilt and shame.
During my healing I realize I had to be my own villain I had to be resilient I and to be aggressive and rebellious to the negative and procrastinating thoughts.
I could not heal with passiveness I had to heal with aggressiveness.
I had to command self-respect
I had to command self-love
I command consistent
I command discipline
And most importantly
I command staying grounded In my uniqueness.

First I had to understand that I can forgive everyone that hurtled me and never give them access to my life ever again:

Secondly.. I had to understand that I had to forgive on my own terms, not on the expectation of others or society's standards.
Not only did I have to forgive emotionally.
It had to be felt on a energetic level.
Jul 28, 202307:59
From failure to success

From failure to success

From failure, there is no other way but to win.
Adversities were never meant to keep you down, it was meant to shape you into the strongest version of yourself.

Your respect for yourself, and your drive to win has to be stronger than your feelings.

Yes, it was not fear of what had happened to you, but how long are you going to let it define you?

The hardest part of my healing was changing my mindset from limited to limitless. From worthlessness to know I am worthy. I just know I was tired of the basics and I wanted more I wanted to elevate into the highest version of myself.
Was it easy? Goeh no but I refused to give this time around.

No one was coming to save me and even if someone tried to come and save me. If I was not ready to be saved, that effort would have been in vain.

Only I have the blueprint for my mind and energy therefore only I can decide when enough is enough.

My healing journal from once broken to I am.. Was not an easy road. My Healing requires dedication, discipline and consistency.

I cannot and will not convince anyone to start healing. I can only used my experience as an example.
Jul 21, 202302:31
Dark night of the soul

Dark night of the soul

Do you stay in guilt and shame or do you move forward?
Sep 18, 202204:21
Who can stop you?

Who can stop you?

Who can stop you? No, one but you!
Sep 18, 202203:49
Healing is hard work, but keep going

Healing is hard work, but keep going

Healing is about taking off that public mask. Healing is about finding you…
Facing the dark night of the soul
Looking in the mirror and accepting responsibility for your action. The path you played and what you allowed and why. Healing is about forgiving yourself and others. Forgiving others do not mean giving them access to your life.

Healing is about setting healthy boundaries. Allow those doors to close and appreciate that.
Some days you will wake up and feel like you just got run over by a bus, continue to heal.
Healing is about crying, killing the ego and let me tell you healing is messy.
Sep 18, 202206:10
That Authentic Version Of Self Is Essential

That Authentic Version Of Self Is Essential

Authentic self, anxiety, depression and manifestation.
Sep 05, 202205:60
Fear is a liar, do not entertain it.

Fear is a liar, do not entertain it.

Start today, fear is a liar. It is okay to make mistakes, it is okay to be petrified. Take the first step, start
Sep 04, 202202:32
You have to be the authentic version of yourself, to align with what is rightfully yours.

 Healing You have to be the authentic version of yourself, to align with what is rightfully yours.

who you no longer are!
You are soaring like an eagle
To the authentic version of self
Doors are closing
Indicating old self is dying
The gratitude of infinity to the creator
The way maker Of all things
New doors are opening
Aligning with the authenticity
Of the real you...
boundaries, grounded
Attachment releases
The test will be repeated
To see if you have learned from them
Send nothing back to senders
Take it, go within and heal
The energy that attracts them
Break that cycle –
Rise baby
Rise …
You are deserving of amazing things
Which start from
Aug 29, 202202:00
Authentic version of self

Authentic version of self

who you no longer are!
You are soaring like an eagle
To the authentic version of self
Doors are closing
Indicating old self is dying
The gratitude of infinity to the creator
The way maker Of all things
New doors are opening
Aligning with the authenticity
Of the real you...
boundaries, grounded
Attachment releases
The test will be repeated
To see if you have learned from them
Send nothing back to senders
Take it, go within and heal
The energy that attracts them
Break that cycle –
Rise baby
Rise …
You deserved amazing things
Which start from
Aug 27, 202202:30
August 27, 2022

August 27, 2022

Aug 27, 202200:29
My Healing Journey From Once Broken To I AM

My Healing Journey From Once Broken To I AM

who you no longer are!
You are soaring like an eagle
To the authentic version of self
Doors are closing
Indicating old self is dying
The gratitude of infinity to the creator
The way maker Of all things
New doors are opening
Aligning with the authenticity
Of the real you...
boundaries, grounded
Attachment releases
The test will be repeated
To see if you have learned from them
Send nothing back to senders
Take it, go within and heal
The energy that attracts them
Break that cycle –
Rise baby
Rise …
You are deserving of amazing things
Which start from
Aug 26, 202202:08