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Reality Boston

Reality Boston

By Reality Church Boston

Reality Boston is a community of Jesus-followers desiring to advance joy in the city of Boston through the good news of Jesus Christ. For more information visit
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Pictures of the Kingdom | The Banquet

Reality BostonMay 14, 2024

 Pictures of the Kingdom | The Shrewd Manager

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Shrewd Manager

Text: Luke 16:1-15  

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Pastor Josh unpacks the Parable of the Shrewd Manager, explaining that we should steward our money shrewdly in light of eternity, just like the manager who strategically plans for his future after being fired. Josh emphasizes Jesus’ warning that we cannot serve two masters and challenges us to invest now for later. 

Jun 04, 202436:26
Pictures of the Kingdom | The Unprepared Bridesmaids

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Unprepared Bridesmaids

Teacher: Josh Wilson 

Text: Matthew 25:1-13

Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25 challenges us to be prepared for Jesus' return. In this teaching, Pastor Josh unpacks the cultural context of Ancient Near Eastern weddings to highlight the gravity of the bridesmaids' lack of preparation, drawing parallels to how we should ready ourselves for Christ's return. Ultimately, the sermon challenges us to live intentionally and righteously in light of eternity.

May 20, 202434:54
Pictures of the Kingdom | The Persistent Widow

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Persistent Widow

Text: Luke 18:1-8 (NRSV)

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

Jesus tells the Parable of the Persistent Widow so that his disciples would “pray always and not… lose heart.” Mandi Paszek explores how our ability to persist in prayer is connected to how we view the character of God—and our willingness to let ourselves be reshaped by the experience of prayer.

May 14, 202435:37
Pictures of the Kingdom | The Banquet

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Banquet

Text: Matthew 22:1-14 

Teacher: Josh Wilson 

May 14, 202433:35
Pictures of the Kingdom | The Soil

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Soil

Text: Matthew 13:1-23

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Jesus’ Parable of the Soils invites us to consider the receptivity of our hearts. Pastor Josh explores how these soil types show up in our souls and exhorts us to cultivate hearts that are fertile places for the Kingdom of God to grow.

May 01, 202439:14
Pictures of the Kingdom | The Hidden Treasure & The Pearl of Great Price

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Hidden Treasure & The Pearl of Great Price

Text: Matthew 13:44-46 

Teacher: Christine McEvoy, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship 

Guest teacher Christine McEvoy uses Jesus' parables of The Hidden Treasure and The Pearl of Great Price to describe not only what the Kingdom of God is like—costly, precious, and deeply worthwhile—but also what kind of people are found in the Kingdom—those who have been captured by its goodness and respond with great joy. How will you prioritize the Kingdom of God today?

Apr 23, 202428:28
Pictures of the Kingdom | The Mustard Seed

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Mustard Seed

Text: Matthew 13:31-33

Teacher: Josh Wilson

The Kingdom of God is like… a mustard seed? Pastor Josh shows us that God uses unassuming things to generate unprecedented results and challenges us to grapple with the tendency to abandon our integrity in the effort to achieve our goals.

Apr 16, 202437:52
Pictures of the Kingdom | The Lost Sheep

Pictures of the Kingdom | The Lost Sheep

Text: Luke 15:1-10
Teacher: Rashad Clemons

Pastor Rashad begins a new series on the Parables of Jesus. Does God condemn us for our lostness? Rashad invites us to meet the God who relentlessly pursues us until we are found. 

Apr 09, 202436:29
The Easter Egg

The Easter Egg

Text: John 20:11-18

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Did you know there’s an Easter Egg in the Easter story? Pastor Josh takes us on a hunt to reveal how John’s reference to “the gardener” helps us make sense of the resurrection and our own stories too.

Apr 03, 202427:15
To Live Is Christ | Strength To Be Limited

To Live Is Christ | Strength To Be Limited

Text: Philippians 4:10-13

Teacher: Josh Wilson  

“I can do all things!” Pastor Josh takes on the most misunderstood text in Scripture, explaining how God gives strength to receive our limits.

Mar 27, 202438:50
To Live Is Christ | Identity and Imitation

To Live Is Christ | Identity and Imitation

Text: Philippians 3:16-4:9

Teacher: Josh Wilson

What comes first: Behavior or belonging? Pastor Josh invites us beyond shame-driven striving into a journey of transformation where we live from our identity imitating others who model the character of Christ.

Mar 18, 202436:09
To Live Is Christ | A Joyful Striving

To Live Is Christ | A Joyful Striving

Text: Philippians 3:7-14 Teacher: Steve Coble, Renewal Church of Chicago Guest Pastor Steve Coble preaches about how God's gift of righteousness in Christ frees us from striving for our worthiness, and instead invites us into a joyful journey of being formed more and more by the truth of our belovedness.

Mar 11, 202443:06
To Live Is Christ | Real Humility

To Live Is Christ | Real Humility

Text: Philippians 2:3–18 

Teacher: Josh Wilson 

What does humility look like? Pastor Josh unpacks how the way of Jesus differs from both conceit and low self-esteem and calls us to truly honor others.

Mar 04, 202436:06
To Live Is Christ | Christ Changes Everything

To Live Is Christ | Christ Changes Everything

Text: Philippians 1:20-30

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

As we continue our journey through Philippians, Mandi teaches on the Apostle Paul's profound statement "To live is Christ, and to die is gain”. She discusses how Christ's presence changes the way we experience trials and suffering, and how it frees us from a life led by anxiety.

Feb 27, 202433:43
To Live Is Christ | Unshakeable Joy

To Live Is Christ | Unshakeable Joy

Text: Philippians 1:1-19 NIV

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Join us this Lent as we journey through the book of Philippians. Pastor Josh begins the series by inviting us to consider: What if we were so grounded in a bigger story—in a deeper reality—that even when things don't go our way, we could still find joy?

Feb 18, 202436:56
Called | It Starts With Your Story

Called | It Starts With Your Story

Text: Exodus 4:1-7, 18

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Pastor Josh closes our series on calling with the powerful reminder that God always leads us in the peculiarities of our own stories and situations. As we see in the story of Moses, God doesn’t waste anything. We are perfectly designed for the calling He has for us, and He intends to use not only our strengths and gifts, but our weaknesses and wounds as well.

For reflection:

• What is your unique story?

• What is your unique situation?

• What is your unique contribution?

Feb 16, 202425:04
Called | Mission in Community

Called | Mission in Community

Text: Exodus 4:29-5:1 NIV

Teacher: Kristian Anderson, Grace Hill Community Church

RCB was honored to have guest teacher Kristian Anderson of Grace Hill Community Church in East Boston join us for the third sermon in our series on calling. In the fourth chapter of Exodus, we find Moses feeling incapable to do what God has called him to do. In response, God not only reminds Moses that He is the one who has given him his mouth and his calling; He also meets Moses in his weakness by providing Aaron. Who is God calling you to go with?

Feb 07, 202433:41
Called | Sustained by God

Called | Sustained by God

Text: Exodus 3:9-12a

Teacher: Josh Wilson

In this week's sermon, Pastor Josh describes the two "ditches" we easily fall into when it comes to living our calling: We either play too small because of fear and insecurity, or we play too big to serve our ego. So what is God's way? Attune to Him, stay close to Him, and put our trust in Him—every step of the way.

Jan 31, 202438:13
Called | Stop to Look

Called | Stop to Look

Text: Exodus 3:1-10

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Have you ever wondered, “Why am I here?” or “Is there more?” The stirrings in our souls come from the God who expands our horizon and invites us to join Him on a great adventure. In the Called series, we’re looking at the story of Moses and unpacking the encounter with God that changed his life and an entire people’s destiny. In this first sermon of the series, Pastor Josh explains how we discover the call of God much in the same way Moses did when he stopped to look at the burning bush—when we slow down and pay attention to what God is doing and the places in the world that are not as they ought to be.

Jan 16, 202437:15
Prepare the Way of the Lord

Prepare the Way of the Lord

Text: Mark 1:1-8

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

In this guided devotion, we are invited to enter the new year in a way that orients us toward the Lord

Jan 07, 202430:40
The God Who Gives | Worship Fully

The God Who Gives | Worship Fully

Text: Luke 2:8–20

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Over the four weeks leading up to Christmas, we come together to celebrate the coming of Jesus our King and share the hope He brings to a watching world. In this first sermon of the series, Pastor Josh invites us to reorient our thoughts and actions this Christmas season around the wonder of Jesus' arrival. What might it look like to model our own worship after the embodied, foolish, vulnerable response the shepherds had to hearing the good news that the Messiah had been born?

Dec 05, 202329:42
Surprise! Unveiling God's Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Victory Through Weakness

Surprise! Unveiling God's Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Victory Through Weakness

Text: Isaiah 53:3-9

Teacher: Josh Wilson

In the second movement of the book of Isaiah, we find the people of Israel returning from exile and wrestling with how to make sense of what God’s doing in a season of disorientation. After years of barrenness, God makes a surprising proclamation: He will bring about renewal for His people. In this sermon, Pastor Josh invites us to consider the provocative truth that God brings redemption not through domination, but through sacrifice and suffering—and that he invites us to the same life of surrender and nonviolence as followers of Jesus.

Nov 13, 202335:27
Surprise! Unveiling God's Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Redemption of the Rebels

Surprise! Unveiling God's Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Redemption of the Rebels

Text: Isaiah 43:18-25 & 44:9-22

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

In the second movement of the book of Isaiah, we find the people of Israel returning from exile and wrestling with how to make sense of what God’s doing in a season of disorientation. After years of barrenness, God makes a surprising proclamation: He will bring about renewal for His people. In this sermon, Mandi Paszek discusses two major themes in Isaiah 43 and 44—the people’s idolatry and God’s plan of renewal— and the surprising ways they are interconnected.

Nov 09, 202330:46
Surprise! Unveiling God’s Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Restoration for the Weary

Surprise! Unveiling God’s Plan for Renewal in Isaiah | Restoration for the Weary

Text: Isaiah 40:27–31

Teacher: Josh Wilson

In the second movement of the book of Isaiah, we find the people of Israel returning from exile and wrestling with how to make sense of what God’s doing in a season of disorientation. After years of barrenness, God makes a surprising proclamation: He will bring about renewal for his people. In the opening sermon of this series, Pastor Josh explains how God restores our strength when we turn and put our hope in Him.

Nov 02, 202331:20
Hearing God | Responding to God's Voice

Hearing God | Responding to God's Voice

Text: Genesis 12:1-9 NIV

Teacher: Rashad Clemons

Rashad Clemons completes our series on hearing God's voice with an invitation and exhortation to live life in response to God's leading. God's call requires a response, and the mark of one who hears is that they also respond.

Oct 28, 202330:20
Hearing God | Impressions of the Spirit

Hearing God | Impressions of the Spirit

Text: John 14:16-20; 25-27

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Pastor Josh continues our series on Hearing God's Voice with an encouraging message about how God speaks to us through impressions of the Holy Spirit. He explains how we might experience this, and how we can discern whether something is the voice of God versus our own gut instinct or the burrito we had for lunch.

Oct 19, 202341:54
Hearing God | God Speaks in Reality

Hearing God | God Speaks in Reality

Text: Acts 16:6-10 

Teacher: Josh Wilson 

In the third week of the Hearing God series, Pastor Josh leads us in answering the question: How do we make sense of how God may be guiding us through the events, opportunities, and situations of our lives? He closes by leading us through a reflective prayer practice called the Examen.

Oct 05, 202345:48
Hearing God | Making Space

Hearing God | Making Space

Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

Mandi Paszek picks up our series on Hearing God's Voice with a practical invitation to slow down in order to make space to hear from God. She introduces a simple yet powerful prayer practice called Breath Prayer that can help us direct our attention to God on a daily basis.

Sep 27, 202330:42
Hearing God | You Were Made for Relationship

Hearing God | You Were Made for Relationship

Text: Genesis 3:1-11

Teacher: Aly Wilson

Aly Wilson begins our series on Hearing God explaining why God speaks and why it matters. She explains that Scripture is the story of a God who reaches for us again and again for the sake of relationship and invites us to open ourselves to a conversational relationship with our Creator.

Sep 11, 202336:14
One Another | Be Devoted to One Another

One Another | Be Devoted to One Another

Text: Romans 12:9-16

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Josh finishes our One Another series by exhorting us to mutual devotion. The devotion that he envisions inevitably contributes to the flourishing of our communities and our spiritual lives.

Aug 28, 202334:23
One Another | Show Hospitality to One Another

One Another | Show Hospitality to One Another

Text: John 13:1-8

Teacher: Damaris Taylor

Damaris continues our One Another series by inviting us into practices of hospitality in being both host and hosted.

Aug 21, 202343:24
One Another | Bear with One Another

One Another | Bear with One Another

Text: Colossians 3:12-14

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

Mandi continues our sermon series by expounding upon the principles of patience and forgiveness bound in love.

Aug 15, 202341:44
One Another | Humble Yourselves with One Another

One Another | Humble Yourselves with One Another

Texts: Ephesians 5:21; 1 Peter 5:5-6

Teacher: Caleb Harris

Caleb continues our One Another series by calling us to practice subversive, countercultural community like that which is modeled in the New Testament.

Aug 07, 202328:19
One Another | Care for One Another

One Another | Care for One Another

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:24b-26

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Josh continues our One Another series by teaching that love looks like support for one another.

Jul 31, 202335:31
One Another | Encourage One Another

One Another | Encourage One Another

Text: 1 Thesselonians 5:8-11

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

Mandi continues our One Another series by exhorting us to carry a posture of encouragement over complaint.

Jul 24, 202332:25
One Another | Serve One Another

One Another | Serve One Another

Text: Galatians 6:2; Romans 12:6-8

Teacher: Josh Wilson

During this week's continuation of our One Another series, Josh teaches that love looks like solidarity by using our gifts to serve others.

Jul 17, 202330:28
One Another | We Belong to One Another

One Another | We Belong to One Another

Text: Romans 12:4-5

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Josh begins our One Another series by delving into Romans 12. He helps bring into focus that we are members of one-another in God's design for His body.

Jul 10, 202331:54
Reimagining Rest | You Are Made for Delight

Reimagining Rest | You Are Made for Delight

Text: Isaiah 58:13-14

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Josh continues our series on Reimagining Rest by beckoning us into healthier practices than our typical cultural overindulgence. Rather than getting caught in the mindset of "work hard; play hard" (which can often lead to spiritual/consumptive gluttony), we are invited into practices that honor God's creation as that which is to be delighted in.

Jun 26, 202338:01
Reimagining Rest | You Are Made for Connection

Reimagining Rest | You Are Made for Connection

Text: Genesis 3:8

Teacher: Rashad Clemons

Rashad continues our Reimagining Rest series by encouraging us to abide in our connection with God. He reminds us that God makes space for us to rest because he wants to be with us. Without slowing down to rest, we are disconnected from our souls, bodies, and one another. We rest and Sabbath in order to connect relationally and spiritually.

Jun 19, 202325:51
Reimagining Rest | You Are Held

Reimagining Rest | You Are Held

Text: Exodus 16:23-30

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Josh continues our Reimagining Rest series by discussing some of the ways that unhelpful mindsets and habits hinder us from finding true rest. In the sermon, he explains that the practice of rest invites us to surrender to a good God who is working even when we are not.

Jun 12, 202340:09
Reimagining Rest | You Are Beloved

Reimagining Rest | You Are Beloved

Text: Genesis 1:26-2:3

Teacher: Mandi Paszek

Mandi begins our series on Reimagining Rest by exploring the origins of שַׁבָּת ("Shabbat," or Sabbath) in Genesis. She casts a theological vision that helps us move from finding identity in what we do to finding identity in being God's beloved.

Jun 05, 202330:35
Encounters With Jesus | The Ascension

Encounters With Jesus | The Ascension

Text: Acts 1:1-9

Teacher: Josh Wilson

In this sermon, Josh wraps up our series, Encounters With Jesus. In examining Acts 1, we catch a glimpse of the uncertainty the disciples faced as they witnessed Jesus ascend into heaven. Similarly, when we are disoriented or confused about the next steps or stages of life, we can revert back to old patterns. But what does the ascent of Jesus truly mean for his disciples, and more broadly, for the church today? As Jesus sits down at the right hand of God, we receive the Holy Spirit, and a commission: to represent the kingdom of God to the world.

May 22, 202329:25
Encounters With Jesus | Miracles Are a Threat

Encounters With Jesus | Miracles Are a Threat

Text: John 12:9-11

Teacher: Rashad Clemons

When Jesus resurrected Lazarus, the chief priests and Pharisees resented and plotted to kill Him. They were afraid that if they let Jesus continue, everyone would believe in Him. Moreover, these religious leaders also began to target Lazarus. In this teaching, Rashad explains how the story of Lazarus points to a greater reality; In Christ, death is not final. Likewise, our stories matter greatly because they reveal God to the world and challenge the status-quo.

May 14, 202326:31
When Sailing in Storms

When Sailing in Storms

Text: Matthew 14:22–31

Teacher: Josh Wilson

This Sunday, we celebrated a significant moment for our community, two churches (RCB + The Table) came together as one body. In this message, Josh shares on what it means to step into a moment of uncertainty. Despite our natural instinct to grasp for control or manufacture comfort, we learn, by way of Peter's example, that if we fix our eyes on Jesus, the outcome is more profound than merely reaching the other side of a journey. Instead, it leads us to walk on water, experiencing His power, presence, and goodness in the middle of the storm.

May 08, 202326:51
Encounters With Jesus | God of Surprises

Encounters With Jesus | God of Surprises

Text: Luke 24:13-35

Teacher: Rashad Clemons

The God of the Bible is in the business of surprising His people. In this message, Rashad discusses the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. The two had been radically impacted by Jesus' life and ministry, but when He was crucified, they became hopeless and disillusioned—"we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place" (Luke 24:21). We often think that God will work according to our own logic, but God works according to His logic. In other words, God's ways are often surprises because God's way are not our ways. But an encounter with the Risen Christ reminds us that God will surprise us for our good and for His glory.

Apr 30, 202327:25
Encounters With Jesus | Failure Isn’t Final

Encounters With Jesus | Failure Isn’t Final

Text: John 21:15-19

Teacher: Rashad Clemons

A defeated Peter returns with the disciples to an old routine, until the resurrected Christ intervenes. In this sermon, Rashad reminds us how Jesus sought out Peter to graciously remove the shame and guilt he carried after denying Him. The resurrection power stands as a reminder that God's love covers everything. To put it simply, failure isn't final. Indeed, His power and His love for us are far greater than our sin and shame.

Apr 23, 202327:04
Encounters With Jesus | Worthy of Our Trust

Encounters With Jesus | Worthy of Our Trust

Text: John 20:24-29

Teacher: Josh Wilson

In this message, Josh kicks off a new series titled, "Encounters with Jesus." In it, he asks us the important questions, what does faith look like and how does it grow? Through the example of Thomas' encounter with the Resurrected Jesus, we see that doubt doesn't negate faith and that Jesus is worthy of our trust. *Our apologies, technical difficulties hindered the quality of this audio recording.

Apr 17, 202334:51
Easter | Just the Beginning

Easter | Just the Beginning

Text: Matthew 28:1-10

Teacher: Rashad Clemons

This Sunday we celebrate the joy and victory of Christ’s resurrection! Rashad reminds us that while the Gospels conclude with the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, this is not the end of the story. Acknowledging the Risen Christ means that His Resurrection is only the beginning. Hope is alive!

Apr 17, 202322:17
The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Peacemakers

The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Text: Matthew 5:9

Teacher: Rashad Clemons

Description: This week Rashad continues in the beatitudes and discusses what peacemaking means for believers.

Apr 02, 202330:07
The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

The Beatitudes | Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

Text: Matthew 5:8

Teacher: Josh Wilson

Description: Josh Wilson continues our series in the beatitudes, and this week discusses the pure in heart. He goes over what purity looks like in the context, and invites the congregation into a time and life of integrity.

Mar 26, 202337:55