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Love to Work

Love to Work

By Rebecca Longman

The brand new #LoveToWork podcast will bring fascinating stories and usable insights from everyday people who love their careers. Each under 30-minute episode will be an exploration into why our guest loves to work, and they will share their tips for how you can also find work you love.
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Stop listening to the 'shoulds' and the 'musts'

Love to WorkMar 27, 2020

It's Never Too Early, Or Late, To Reshape Your Career Into One You Love

It's Never Too Early, Or Late, To Reshape Your Career Into One You Love

Today's episode is with Richard Bennett, a consultant, coach, and international traveler. Richard began his career at Marks and Spencer in the 1980s and followed an internal path to development within the company. He then, prompted by his then manager and his wife, decided to spread his wings and try some new experiences. He hit a few roadblocks along the way, and he talks about how he overcame those challenges while staying true to his core passions as he built his career. 

Richard's story is a prime example of how your early experiences, and the chances you take at the beginning of your career, can help to shape your whole work life. You never quite know where life will take you, but staying true to what you love makes for an exciting and fulfilling journey.

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork, or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

May 13, 202031:20
Finding Work You Love in the Most Unlikely of Places

Finding Work You Love in the Most Unlikely of Places

In today's episode, I'm speaking to Lia Jill Levitt. Lia is an entrepreneur with what some might call, an enviable life of travel, late nights, and the chance to meet an array of interesting people.  This lifestyle hasn't come easily to her; it's taken a lot of sacrifices to get where she is today. Lia has come up against some unique challenges on her journey to a career she loves, and her clients aren't who you might think... listen in to find out more!

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

Apr 24, 202030:42
When Technology is All We Have to Keep Us Connected

When Technology is All We Have to Keep Us Connected

In today's episode, I'm talking to George Mayfield, COO of Prime Vox Communications. It's a phone company, but you'll hear from George that they are supplying much more than technology. They are in the business of helping people to communicate, something which, at the moment, is vital to companies continuing to operate when the economy is struggling. Staying connected through technology is also hugely important for everyone's mental health when we can't get together in person. Companies like Prime Vox are thriving right now, but they also have to adjust their model to meet the changing needs of their consumers. This concise episode delves into ways George and his team are helping their clients, and each other, to keep going. 

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

Apr 14, 202012:38
Get Creative, and Don't Settle For Anything Less Than What You Want.

Get Creative, and Don't Settle For Anything Less Than What You Want.

Today's episode features Nirali Buch Mankodi, Co-founder and Director at Superfoodio. Superfoodio is a healthy, plant based snack company based in the UK. Nirali and her husband have grown a very successful business from scratch, and they now supply some of the biggest supermarket chains in London. 

Nirali shares some fantastic tips for how to start a business, from networking to choosing your team. She also talks about how she manages and thrives working daily as a husband and wife team. She shares some insights into how Covid_19 is impacting their business and what they are doing to thrive and support key workers at this time. 

It's an insightful and motivating interview. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed talking to Nirali. 

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

Apr 07, 202028:54
Stop listening to the 'shoulds' and the 'musts'

Stop listening to the 'shoulds' and the 'musts'

Today's guest is Michelle Minnikin. Michelle is an organizational/occupational psychologist. Her work is focused on (in her own words) "selecting, hiring, and developing awesome humans! Or, helping organizations to keep bad guys out!" She explains how she got to this revelation of what she does during our chat!

Michelle comes across as someone who understands herself well and has applied that understanding to craft a career path that suits her personality. She's a believer that to find work you love, you need to stop listening to the 'shoulds' and the 'musts' and do what truly makes you happy.

I happen to agree with her.

Enjoy the show!

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

Mar 27, 202025:59
Quickfire pandemic episode 1 - Thriving and surviving amidst adversity

Quickfire pandemic episode 1 - Thriving and surviving amidst adversity

Today I'm talking to Joanne Truby. Joanne is a floral designer who's work is very much outdoors and people focused. She's finding ways to stay positive and make her business thrive amidst the adversity.

I hope you find her insights useful!

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

Mar 27, 202015:37
A job, four kids, and no knowledge of the subject didn't stop this lady crafting a job she loves!

A job, four kids, and no knowledge of the subject didn't stop this lady crafting a job she loves!

This week I'm speaking to Donna Amos, a full stack developer. Donna changed her career from being a server in Olive Garden to retrain as a coder. She has four children and still found time in her hectic schedule to transition to her new career within two years. Donna also has high functioning autism, which adds an extra layer of interest to our discussion as she describes some of the challenges she faces as someone with this condition. She's a true inspiration! Enjoy the show!

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

If you have a story to tell about what makes you love to work I'd love to hear from you! Email me at!

Thanks for listening!

Mar 17, 202030:08
You can do it all

You can do it all

Today's episode is with Bhavisha Larson. Bhavisha has a corporate job in IT but is making strides towards building her coaching and mentoring business aimed at people who want to change their careers. After embarking on a three-year journey to discover her passions at work, she now helps others to find theirs. She's learned a lot along the way, and now she's sharing those insights with us. 

Happy listening!

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

If you have a story to tell about what makes you love to work I'd love to hear from you! Email me at!

Thanks for listening!

Mar 02, 202026:02
The only way you can love work is if you're loving your life

The only way you can love work is if you're loving your life

In today's episode, we're talking to Nadia Nagamootoo. Nadia is a Chartered Business Psychologist, and she is the founder of two businesses - Avenir Consulting, and Inclusive Schools CIC.

She's very thoughtful and shares deep insights and practical tips about how she's created a career that she loves. She doesn't see a distinction between life and work; loving work means loving life and vice versa. She's adamant that anyone can create a career they love with some careful self-reflection.

I hope you enjoy the show! 

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

Feb 17, 202022:33
Chasing dollars isn't an avenue to happiness

Chasing dollars isn't an avenue to happiness

Do you know what truly drives you at work? 

How much of the work you do brings you joy? 

This week's guest, Denny Henderson, shares his tips for how you can stop chasing dollars and find work that fills you up.

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

If you have a story to tell about what makes you love to work I'd love to hear from you! Email me at!

Thanks for listening!

Feb 03, 202024:49
Is keeping a journal the key to loving your work?

Is keeping a journal the key to loving your work?

In the first episode of the Love to work Podcast, we're talking to Sophie Smallwood, founder at RoleShare, about what makes her love her work. She's convinced keeping a journal has significantly impacted her shaping a career that she loves. 

In the many conversations I've had with people who love what they do, they very often carve out time to reflect on what's important to them. People create this time in many different ways, but a common one is through keeping a journal. 

During this episode, I confess that I've tried to keep consistent journals many times over the years and failed miserably! Here Sophie shares some of her tips for getting past such failures. She shares ideas to help you to find what drives you and to create a work and home life that meets all of your needs. 

Enjoy the show!

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

If you have a story to tell about what makes you love to work I'd love to hear from you! Email me at!

Thanks for listening!

Jan 10, 202024:27
You know you better than anyone

You know you better than anyone

Today's episode is with Maurice O'Driscoll. Maurice is an independent IT project management consultant. He loves what he does for work, but that didn't happen by accident. He's carefully shaped his path over many years into a career that meets his and his family's needs. He's a practical guy with lots of ideas for how you can also create a career that you love. Plus, he's an advocate for taking a year off to see the world! 

Enjoy the show!

If you'd like to keep up to date with Love to Work, you can follow me on Twitter @letslovetowork or you can find me on LinkedIn as Rebecca Longman. You can also follow the Let's Love to Work blog at or

If you have a story to tell about what makes you love to work I'd love to hear from you! Email me at!

Thanks for listening!

Jan 10, 202026:21