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Let’s Have Tea!!

Let’s Have Tea!!

By Rebecca R Moran

A place to get encouraged, laugh, learn, grow and get filled with God’s Word.
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Episode #13 Girl, Preach!

Let’s Have Tea!!Jun 09, 2020

You Be You

You Be You

Learning how to live with purpose by just being ourselves!
Mar 26, 202421:20
2023 Recap

2023 Recap

I review, reflect & recap on the Goodness of God after a very hard year.
Dec 29, 202318:40
Don’t Lose Your Light!

Don’t Lose Your Light!

Trim your wick & have extra oil. Matthew 25:1-13
Dec 01, 202322:33
Truly Thankful

Truly Thankful

Even after a challenging year, battling anxiety and depression even harder… I am so very Thankful for all that God is doing in my life.
Nov 21, 202317:32
Turn On Your Light

Turn On Your Light

Have you ever been lost, confused, waiting, searching….? John 8:32 days we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. God’s Word is the light to the paths that we walk. His light reveals the things hidden in the dark.
May 27, 202207:03
Let’s Talk About Our Mental Health

Let’s Talk About Our Mental Health

May is mental health awareness month. Listen in as I share a tad of my testimony regarding my mental health.
May 26, 202236:23
All About Loaded Teas!!

All About Loaded Teas!!

Today my guest on the podcast is Nicole Birdwell, owner of B Well Nutrition and Battlefield Nutrition. Listen in as Nicole talks all about Teas!
Oct 25, 202121:22
What If?

What If?

What if we simply trusted God?
Sep 21, 202124:07
Be Still and Declare!!

Be Still and Declare!!

Here are 5 declarations that you can use throughout your day.
Sep 14, 202108:25
Learning to be still …

Learning to be still …

How did you do today when things happened and you had a choice to make. Did you panic or get still and allow God to work it out? If you forgot to get still, it’s ok! Start identifying those times when you can chose to be still, and allow everything, including your mind to get still before God. Let Him reveal His full abilities to you.
Sep 13, 202112:12
Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know

It’s in those restless times that we need to be still before God. It’s those times that we are panicking that we need to be still. But it’s in those times that out mind races because the enemy keeps us focused on the problem and not the Promise. Be Still and Know who God is.
Sep 13, 202108:09


Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.
Apr 05, 202105:30


We all need Hope, but where are you looking for it? Romans 15:13
Apr 01, 202110:12
Monday Morning Minute

Monday Morning Minute

APPROVED. We all want approval. Period. We want to know that people see us and that we matter. We cannot seek approval from others. They will fail us each time. God has approved us and that is all that matters. Period.
Mar 22, 202115:11
Episode #35 Faith In The Father

Episode #35 Faith In The Father

Having bold, childlike faith. wUP0ldmNO7OfjlLFRHRp
Aug 18, 202047:13
Episode #34 Finding Your Spiritual Rhythm

Episode #34 Finding Your Spiritual Rhythm

Today on the podcast I talk about finding our spiritual rhythm with God.
Are you out of sync?
Out of rhythm?

A very good scripture to use to identify if you are in rhythm or out of rhythm with God is, Matthew 11:28-30. The message version starts out like this: Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?

Does those 3 sentences sound familiar? Can you relate?
Possibly, you may be out of sync with the Lord.

Tune in to today’s show to see how you fall out of rhythm with God and how you can get back in rhythm with Him.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Let’s Have Tea!! podcast on your favorite listening platform to know when a new episode is live.
We also have a Facebook page you can like and share with your friends, as well as keep up to date on the latest episodes.

#LetsHaveTea #Podcast #RebeccaAnnaFromLouisiana #InSync #InRhythm #LivingWater #DontLoseYourFocus #Remain #AbidingInHim
Aug 06, 202030:09
Episode #33 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Episode #33 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Who is God to you? Is He your Savior? Healer? Redeemer? Deliverer? Provider? Waymaker? Listen to the extension or Pastor Tony’s message from yesterday. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God....
Aug 04, 202045:57
Episode #32 Authority•Bind•Loose•Keys

Episode #32 Authority•Bind•Loose•Keys

Jesus has the ultimate authority, but He delegates His authority to Believers. We have the power to bind and loose on earth, and we have spiritual keys that give us access to the Spirit Realm. Fasting and praying helps to fine tune us where we can tap in to all that Hod has for us. We can be a giant slayer like David. Persistent. Focused. Obedient. Disciplined. Confident. Will we face our battles like David? ‘But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts....’
Jul 23, 202001:35:54
Episode #31 Prayer & Fasting

Episode #31 Prayer & Fasting

6 hindrances to prayer.
Jul 23, 202047:35
Episode 30 Is This The Fast That Jesus Has Chosen?

Episode 30 Is This The Fast That Jesus Has Chosen?

Question: Are you fasting as an attempt to appear spiritual and manipulate God? Today’s message is from Isaiah 58
Jul 22, 202031:31
Episode 29 It’s time to pray & fast.

Episode 29 It’s time to pray & fast.

Mark 9:29 And He told them, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting." >With all that’s going on in the USA we need to stop, seek God’s face, fast and pray. From corona virus, division, riots, shootings... we must press into intercession. We must step up and intercede for our land. Pray for our leader. Our President, our Governor and the local leaders. Lord, please hear our prayers and heal our land.<
Jul 20, 202001:06:01
Episode #28 Let The True Worshippers Arise.

Episode #28 Let The True Worshippers Arise.

In John 4 we read about the well known story of the woman at the well. Listen in as we reread scripture and dig a little deeper. This woman who had a past so bad that she did all she could to avoid people, but had a spiritual encounter with Jesus, had a taste of Living Water and ended up being the 1st evangelist in the New Testament. She knew her village was fertile soil to plant gospel seeds. She knew they needed to hear this Promised Messiah that she had just met. From being ashamed and feeling condemned, a moment with The Master activated something deep within her, and she was now redeemed and a bold witness for Jesus. Will you be bold like her and tell others? We are the church! Let’s reach people for Jesus.
Jul 16, 202001:43:25
Episode #27 A New Season Brings New Beginnings

Episode #27 A New Season Brings New Beginnings

Isaiah 43 is about redemption. God wants to redeem those dead dry areas of your life. You know, those places you thought were dead. He is just getting you ready for a new season.
Jul 13, 202032:28
Episode #26 Girl, Preach!

Episode #26 Girl, Preach!

Our words carry great power. Do we use our words to build up others or tear others down? Let your words be a life preserver for those around you.
Jun 30, 202028:25
Episode #25 Overcoming The Struggle

Episode #25 Overcoming The Struggle

You can overcome the struggle in your mind! Don't let your past hold you back any longer. You can renew your mind!! God is doing a new thing, but He can't complete it through us if we continue to stay in the old ways; our past. Emotional wounds or wrong thinking can be healed. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new.
Jun 26, 202021:03
Episode #24 8FortyTwo

Episode #24 8FortyTwo

Get In Your Lane! Psalm 119:1 You’re blessed when you stay on course,
walking steadily on the road revealed by God. Are you in the lane God assigned to you?
Jun 25, 202018:20
Episode #23 Wednesday In The Word

Episode #23 Wednesday In The Word

I raise my hallelujah! Did you know evil will not stick around when we praise God? When we raise a hallelujah, it's an emotional expression and thanks to God. Can you raise a hallelujah in the middle of a crisis? Can you raise a hallelujah in the middle of a loss? Invite God's presence into your space and watch what happens.
Jun 24, 202022:31
Episode #21 Girl, Preach!

Episode #21 Girl, Preach!

So many people are living in a dry and parched land and don't even realize it....will you give them a drop of Living Water?
Jun 23, 202024:51
Episode #21 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Episode #21 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

We don't have to strive to be perfect in life, but when we pattern our life after God, we are made perfect through Jesus. He is the ultimate Father. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church...when you do this you are destined to be the best dad to not only your children but a spiritual dad to so many around you.
Jun 22, 202036:02
Episode #20 Overcoming The Struggle

Episode #20 Overcoming The Struggle

Do you feel like you been knocked down in life? Maybe you have, but you are not destroyed! Do you feel like you are under lots of pressure? Maybe you are, but you are not crushed by it. Don't quite. Don't give up. Quitting Is not an option. You can overcome the struggle. 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Jun 19, 202024:30
Episode #19 8FortyTwo

Episode #19 8FortyTwo

Isaiah 22:22. We all have a spiritual key from God that unlocks our purpose for His glory. It is up to us to have the necessary faith and patience for Him to open the doors He wants us to walk through. Along with these spiritual keys is a spiritual stamp upon us that says ’Do Not Duplicate’. That's how important it is to God. Our purpose can't be duplicated. You cannot make a copy of your spiritual key. It's for your calling and purpose. Don't get distracted or impatient while you wait. Those doors will open in God's perfect timing.
Jun 18, 202026:51
Episode #18 Wednesday In The Word

Episode #18 Wednesday In The Word

Romans 15:13. Where is your hope? Is it found in God? Is it found in things? God is wanting to fill you with an overflowing amount of hope so that you radiate hope everywhere that you go. Don’t you want that kind of hope??
Jun 17, 202009:54
Episode #17 Girl, Preach!

Episode #17 Girl, Preach!

Do you have 4 Crazy Friends? Are you one of those crazy friends? A paralyzed man had 4 men that were crazy enough to do what they had to do to get him in the presence of Jesus. They took a roof off of a building. They knew Jesus had the power to heal their friend. Are we crazy enough to believe toile that? Crazy as in, so passionately excited about the power in God’s Word. Girl, Preach! Tell others. Be crazy enough to believe and take God at His Word.
Jun 16, 202038:27
Episode #16 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Episode #16 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Just Do It! What has God called you to do? Don’t be scared, fearful, shy, anxiously hesitate! If God has called you to witness, testify, preach, share, teach, sing...whatever it is, He has equipped you for the call. Just Do It!
Jun 15, 202001:05:55
Episode #15 Overcoming The Struggle

Episode #15 Overcoming The Struggle

2 Corinthians 3:17 days where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is freedom. ==Where are you looking for freedom at? Where are you looking to overcome your struggle? Is Holy Spirit there in that place?
Jun 12, 202024:30
Episode #14 Wednesday In The Word

Episode #14 Wednesday In The Word

Psalm 15 Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? **What are we telling others about coming into God’s presence? Are we speaking truth? Or are we spewing hurt and bitterness from our heart about church? Choose to bite your tongue when what you may say could hinder someone else. We will be held responsible for our words. Don’t be a stumbling block for others.
Jun 10, 202035:22
Episode #13 Girl, Preach!

Episode #13 Girl, Preach!

Why do we compare ourselves with the next person? We all have a message to preach and a testimony to share. Phil 1:6 I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you, will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. We each are uniquely created and each have a unique message. There is no room for comparison with what God has imparted into us. Girl, Preach!!
Jun 09, 202024:15
Episode #12 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Episode #12 Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Are you holding on to a Hope and a Promise? Can you boldly profess ’here I am Lord, use me’? Will you be willing and confident when He sends you? How hot is your fire?
Jun 08, 202057:11
Episode #11 Overcoming The Struggle

Episode #11 Overcoming The Struggle

Your Story Has Already Been Written...
Jun 05, 202029:23
Episode #10 8FortyTwo

Episode #10 8FortyTwo

Your life has a purpose. How will you live the dash?
Jun 04, 202026:49
Episode #9 Wednesday In The Word

Episode #9 Wednesday In The Word

FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real You do not have to live in fear! Holy Spirit is trying to instruct you, fear paralyzes you. Which one will you listen to?
Jun 03, 202024:37
Episode #8 Girl, Preach!

Episode #8 Girl, Preach!

God is looking for people to share His Word. Today we look at Mary Magdalene and The Samaritan Woman.
Jun 02, 202043:43
Episode 7 ’The Awakening Begins Today’ Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Episode 7 ’The Awakening Begins Today’ Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

This is a continuation of Pastor Tony’s message from yesterday, Pentecost Sunday.
Jun 01, 202036:14
Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Sunday’s Monday with Pastor Tony Moran

Pastor Tony continues his message from yesterday. Are we dependent upon God or are we dependent upon ourselves?
May 25, 202034:04
Who Am I? My Identity in Christ

Who Am I? My Identity in Christ

Are you living under a false identity? A stolen identity? Friend, we are created in God's Image. He defines our spiritual identity. We must understand who God created us to be!!
May 21, 202038:09
Sunday’s Monday >Are you running from God?

Sunday’s Monday >Are you running from God?

Pastor Tony Moran extends his Sunday message with us. Join us as he continues his message of Jonah and being obedient b
May 18, 202046:24
Benefits Of The Cross

Benefits Of The Cross

Psalm 103:1-5
May 15, 202023:38
A Mother Like No Other

A Mother Like No Other

Eleanor Roosevelt liked to say, “A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.”

A tea bag is actually useless until it is placed in hot water. Think about it, a box of tea bags in the pantry is just some tea bags that are in a box in the pantry.

May 12, 202037:45
Before Corona•After Corona•During Corona

Before Corona•After Corona•During Corona

Taking the time to find the rolly pollys in the back yard. Learning to live life at a much slower pace.
May 07, 202019:34
Let’s Have Tea Trailer

Let’s Have Tea Trailer

Take a moment to get to know me!
May 07, 202000:52