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Diary Of A Codependent Love Addict

Diary Of A Codependent Love Addict

By Michael Jones

Join my on my journey to recovery. I've spent a majority of my life catering to others (Primarily women), scared to speak up for myself, and being in one failed relationship after another. I'll talk about how I've learned to set boundaries, forgive myself and others, solve problems, and allow others that solve their own problems. This is a story of redemption.

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October 21, 2020

Diary Of A Codependent Love AddictOct 21, 2020

Reparenting myself

Reparenting myself

Today's episode focuses on how I am learning to re-parent it myself. It's been a long journey, but with persistence, I've been able to make a lot of improvements.
Jan 07, 202417:16
Visions and goals for 2024

Visions and goals for 2024

Welcome to another year! What are your goals and visions for the new year?
Jan 02, 202406:02
My first crush!

My first crush!

The time is the early 70's. I'll lose my best friend to the military, but find another friend through a neighbor.
Nov 20, 202311:46
Beginning of the end.

Beginning of the end.

Every end has a beginning. I'll talk about how the death of my mother (Helen) started the road to recovery.
Nov 07, 202321:18
What my recovery looks like.

What my recovery looks like.

My recovery changes week to week. But the one thing that is a constant is that I'm aware of my recovery. My recovery is on 24 hours a day. In this current episode, I talked about my recovery, and how it's affecting me currently.
Jun 22, 202319:17
Dating as a love addict

Dating as a love addict

Overtime I've had some messed up relationships. A majority of what I've learned I've learned through mass media, and friends. I'm finally in a relationship that has some substance, and I'm going to be discussing that in this episode.
Apr 09, 202316:42
Things happen when you have Covid

Things happen when you have Covid

The month of June was busy, and I apologize for not having an episode. Last week I contracted Covid, and it almost sent me on a tailspin. Luckily my mind recovered, and has me on the path to good health.
Jul 01, 202211:21
A month of reflection.

A month of reflection.

A lot can happen in 30 days. During the time between my last podcast and today, My girlfriend had to put her dog down, and the companion dog lost it's eyesight and may need to be put down as well. in between this, my best friend's dad passed away. At some point, I needed to take time to reflect not only on others, but with myself. reflection can be powerful and positive enlightenment tools if used properly.

May 15, 202213:04
Dealing with mental health issues.

Dealing with mental health issues.

I'm so sorry that I left a lot of you hanging. I've had a lot going on the past few weeks. I helped out my daughter with some mental health issues, and it made me realize that I hadn't touched on things that have affected me recently. In a previous podcast I talked about how sometimes people who have had issues, affects the people that we become. This episode I'll talk about how my daughter had a mental health issue and how I helped her through it.
Apr 04, 202228:51
We all have a story.

We all have a story.

Before going to 12 step programs I thought that my story was unique and I was the only person who had things that happened to them. Once I started going to 12 step programs, I realized that other people have the same story as I did.
Mar 14, 202214:13
Role models

Role models

I grew up without any guys guiding me. I often wondered how different my life could have been, had I found men who could have mentored me. It's only been a few years that I've found men (Both real and fictional) that I could draw from.
Mar 05, 202220:35
Rising like a phoenix from the financial ashes.
Feb 28, 202208:55
Valentine's day for dummies

Valentine's day for dummies

Valentine's day has been a sore spot for me in the past. Spending lots of money and time, only to feel disappointed in the end. With a new relationship, came a new way of doing things. Like Valentine's day. Listen to how I circumvented the process in 2022.
Feb 21, 202212:52
Sober living! The place to be!

Sober living! The place to be!

Before I entered 12 step programs, I 1st had to find a place to live. I ended up staying in a sober living house with other addicts. They addicts that lived there were primarily drug and alcohol related addicts. I learned how to co-exist with men who's addictions were similar to qualifiers I knew. Being in a sober living situation taught me a lot about myself, and about others.
Feb 11, 202226:18
Michael's laundry list part 2

Michael's laundry list part 2

This is a conclusion of the 1st seven laundry list Items from 2021. You'll hear the definitions, along with how the list played out in my life.
Feb 04, 202208:58
I'm back!!!

I'm back!!!

Just a little something to let you know what I've been up to since my last podcast. I needed to take mental health break from the various projects I had going on. I've reduced a good number of projects, and now ready to focus my attention on things I enjoy doing. I look forward to taking you on this journey with me
Jan 17, 202204:43
Michael's laundry list

Michael's laundry list

I'm going to go over adult children of alcoholics 14 traits known as the laundry list. In this episode I'm going to do the first seven, and in the next episode I'll do the remaining seven traits.
Aug 14, 202107:09


Oneitis: (Slang)(Noun) attraction towards a single potential partner to the exclusion of other possible partners. As a love addict, I've had my fair share of oneitis. A simple smile would turn into fantasizing about them and then obsession. I would become laser focused on one person, and not noticing all the beauty surrounding me.
Aug 05, 202119:19
Signs of enabling.
Jul 17, 202107:53
Reset button
Jul 10, 202102:02
God grant me the serenity.

God grant me the serenity.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 12 step programs start with this or some variation of the serenity prayer before during or after a meeting the dictionary defines serenity as a state of being calm, peaceful, and troubled as a codependent love addict, my life revolved around chaos, instability, grief, anxiousness, and crisis. I had never really thought of taking a moment out of the day to experience serenity until I was forced to.
Jul 02, 202105:35
Characteristics of codependency - part 2

Characteristics of codependency - part 2

In my previous podcast I went over the first six of 13 characteristics of codependency. Today I'll be covering the remaining seven.
Jun 25, 202105:32
Characteristics of codependency - Part 1 of 2.

Characteristics of codependency - Part 1 of 2.

I came across this information while browsing an adult children of alcoholics group that I belong to on Facebook. Along with the characteristics, I've added how some of these characteristics have influenced my life. I've found this information useful and thought I'd share them with you.
Jun 20, 202106:00
Tag you're it!

Tag you're it!

What would you do if you found out that your addictions are not only subject to you, but have been in your family for many generations? It's usually through casual conversation with your family members that you find out that others have the same symptoms that you've had for years. I wouldn't be surprised if there are at least four generations of codependent people in my family. With each generation, more codependents are made. I can be reached at & Facebook:
Jun 12, 202105:04
Graduation day!

Graduation day!

Throughout my entire life I had to be in control of everything. If I wasn't in control of everything, I felt out of place and not needed. Only recently have I been able to reduce the amount of control that I have. My daughter recently graduated from high school, and I eliminated the need to be in control of every aspect of her graduation day. As uncomfortable as it felt, it was good for me to not have to rely on others to fulfill my needs. I can be reached at & Facebook:
Jun 05, 202116:30
And now a word from your Higher Power.

And now a word from your Higher Power.

Have you ever had a God shot? Do you know what a God shot is? I cannot tell you how many times my Higher Power has talked to me about something that was in my mind and on my heart. Today's journal entry discuses my experience with God shots.
May 28, 202106:39
Facebook taught me a valuable lesson.

Facebook taught me a valuable lesson.

Social media has made it easy to delve into the world of fantasy. Initially when I started on Facebook, it was just to reconnect with old family and friends. But as time went on, I ended up checking out old classmates, and hoping they were single. I realize that social media has its ups and downs. There are good things about social media and bad things about social media. I've since restarted Facebook, but only to promote this podcast. I can be reached at & Facebook:
May 21, 202105:33
Michael's top recovery movies and tv shows.

Michael's top recovery movies and tv shows.

For some strange reason, I can sniff out movies and tv shows that deal with some type of addiction. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I couldn't list all of my favorites, as this podcast would go into hours. I tend to go into character analysis, and direction. This wouldn't be good. I've only chosen ones I feel best represent my path and journey to recovery.
May 04, 202113:38
Papa's got a brand new excuse.

Papa's got a brand new excuse.

I've always been a fan of The Fresh Prince of Bel-air. I've probably seen each episode at least a half dozen times (Thanks to reruns.) My favorite episode yet painful one is "Papa's got a brand new excuse." That episode brings up lots of emotional baggage. I've since dealt with the abandonment surrounding my life, but still get choked up in the last 30 seconds of the episode. I have empathy for Will, and pure disdain for Lou. You can view the episode here. I can be reached at & Facebook:
Apr 21, 202119:18
Still haven't found what I'm looking for.

Still haven't found what I'm looking for.

Throughout my life, I was on a quest to find my spiritual path. I've been a Catholic, Baptist, New age, and Unitarian. When I got into the 12 step process, I realized that I found what I had been looking for all along. I found spirituality and not religion. With religion there are rules and regulations that can make recovery difficult. With spirituality it's just you and a Higher Power that you chat with. An old friend looking out for your well-being.I can be reached at & Facebook:
Jan 17, 202117:01
Wait! Am I dating my mother?

Wait! Am I dating my mother?

I really couldn't tell you how many failed relationships I've had over a span of 40 years. I can tell you that they all had the same characteristics: needy, low self-esteem, insecure, and also codependent. Two codependent souls does not make for a stable relationship. A few years ago I decided to explore why I continued choosing the same type of woman to date. I ended up with the conclusion that I was dating women who were similar to my mother. Who knew? I can be reached at & Facebook:
Jan 02, 202115:35
October 21, 2020
Oct 21, 202000:55


Hello I'm Michael, a codependent love addict. I didn't know what that meant until I went to my 1st SLAA (Sex & love addicts) meeting. Having already done 12 step work up n Al-Anon, I was familiar with the process. The 12 step process has allowed me to heal the adolescent & young adult that was trapped in previous pain. Diary of a codependent love addict chronicles my daily struggles with staying out of harm's way. I can be reached at & Facebook:
Oct 21, 202011:26