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Recovering You

Recovering You

By Cameron Harrison

An Honest and inspiring "What to expect when you're expecting" guide to recovery from addiction. Take a deeper look into what got you here, what you're going to experience, How to find a group or therapist, How to make amends, understanding brain chemistry, establishing boundaries and daily habits, and how to start implementing the tools to help you start winning.
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Soft Warrior Chemistry.

Recovering YouMar 27, 2022

RED FLAGS IN DATING: The Gaslighting Flag
Oct 24, 202322:21
Red Flags In Dating: The Addiction Flag

Red Flags In Dating: The Addiction Flag

This one is obvious, or is it? Is addiction a red flag you should run from or work through? Listen in to find out.
Oct 15, 202310:43
Red Flags In Dating: The Anger Flag

Red Flags In Dating: The Anger Flag

Anger management is a real thing. In this episode, we talk about the emphasis on the management part of anger management. Everyone gets angry, but it’s how we manage and control and utilize that anger that makes it a red flag or not. Tune in to learn more.
Oct 01, 202318:12
Red Flags In Dating: The Narcissist Flag
Sep 17, 202335:20
Red Flags in Dating: The Blitz Flag

Red Flags in Dating: The Blitz Flag

Have you ever gone shopping for a car? Or any major purchase? Do you know how the salesman will always tell you that you have to act fast or you will lose out on the deal. That is what the blitz flag is all about. It’s all about getting you into a committed relationship as fast as possible so that leverage can be used against you. Join us in this weeks episode to learn more about how do identify and avoid this type of person.
Sep 13, 202315:59
RED FLAGS IN DATING: Pushing Physical Intimacy

RED FLAGS IN DATING: Pushing Physical Intimacy

Before any sort of physical contact with romantic intentions starts with a dating interest begins, know your line, don’t allow that line to be crossed. And if your date bases the worth of your relationship on what you’ll give them physically, they are toxic and a Red Flag individual who you should avoid at all costs.
Aug 31, 202318:08
RED FLAGS IN DATING : The Victimhood Mentality Flag

RED FLAGS IN DATING : The Victimhood Mentality Flag

A person who is always the victim and only sees the world as stacked against them and blames everyone else for their failures, is a toxic and dangerous person to be with. They are poison to the soul and will never be satisfied with their life and will not allow you to be satisfied with yours.
Aug 29, 202313:32
RED FLAGS IN DATING: The “all good or all bad” flag.
Aug 24, 202313:13
RED FLAGS IN DATING: Are they playfully teasing or making fun?

RED FLAGS IN DATING: Are they playfully teasing or making fun?

It’s important for you to understand what makes you laugh and feel free and happy, and what makes you feel embarrassed or vulnerable or exposed or humiliated. And the beginning stages of starting today is the best time to communicate these things as the situation’s arise. You never need to feel bad about being made to feel bad.
Aug 20, 202310:01
RED FLAGS IN DATING: The push for Emotional Intimacy

RED FLAGS IN DATING: The push for Emotional Intimacy

We have been given emotions to help us navigate through life to help us discern where there might be danger, where we feel most connected, where we feel most safe, where we need to protect ourselves or others. For some reason, so many people think that they need to give their emotions over to the person. They are in a relationship with as a sign of trust, or Love. At no point should we ever allow someone else to be in charge of our emotions. This is a common tactic for control and abuse and needs to be pointed out and identified as a red flag. Listen in to get more details.
Aug 17, 202311:15


Whenever we meet someone we are interested in, we put on our best face. We say, and do, and dress, and act, and smell, exactly how we think will attract that other person. Which is totally normal…Until it’s not.
Aug 13, 202315:42
Pyramid of Intimacy Pt. 3- Physical Intimacy.
Jun 03, 202301:17:12
Pyramid Of Intimacy Pt. 2

Pyramid Of Intimacy Pt. 2

We step into Psychological and Spritual Intimacy. This is where we begin to join together in our thoughts, our dreams, and with God. It’s no longer just about us and what we think. It’s about making changes to ourselves to align with each other and to meet the expectations of God within the bonds of marriage.
May 24, 202343:23
The Pyramid of Intimacy pt. 1

The Pyramid of Intimacy pt. 1

Intimacy is so much more than a honeymoon night, or heated moments of passion. It’s an aspect of relationships to be worked on, cared for, practiced and developed just like anything else we are passionate about. We discuss how it’s more like a pyramid, with the foundation being Verbal intimacy, then Cognitive Intimacy, and then Emotional Intimacy. The other three top parts of the pyramid will be discussed in future episodes. So if you’re looking for a way to have a healthy and beautifully intimate relationship with your significant other or even to have closer and more connected friend and family relationships, this one is for you. Please share and rate us so this important message can reach more of those who need to hear what we have to say.
May 16, 202359:08
Effective Spousing

Effective Spousing

There is a lot of work that goes into being an effective spouse. It’s about adaptation, the ability to change, the recognition and willingness to show up for the other persons needs without being asked. It’s all about clear, communication and a productive responses. This episode is all about how to be effective in the way, you treat your spouse. Join us and unlock the secrets to a perfect marriage… Just kidding. But there is a ton of information in here that will be useful and valuable.
May 07, 202333:27
Stepping Back vs Stepping Away and setting boundaries.
Apr 30, 202338:09
Supporting Recovery vs Enabling Poor Behavior
Apr 16, 202341:54
Recovery Team Building (Support vs Dependance) and How To Be A Safe Space.
Apr 09, 202345:05
Being Present and Engaged.
Apr 02, 202343:03
Healing through Betrayal Trauma, and utilizing AVR
Mar 26, 202356:26
Holiday Humbuggery

Holiday Humbuggery

My very special and very attractive co-host, AKA My wife Katie joins me to talk about the season. Yes, the season of joy and love, well, maybe not so much for some. The Holidays are hard for a lot of people. And that's ok. You don't need to feel guilty about that. and if that's something you are wanting to change, well we hope that this episode will help you figure out how to better deal with the Holiday depression, comparisons, anxieties, and family contentions that inevitably arise, so that you can truly enjoy the holidays with confidence and finally have a silent night in your head and sleep in heavenly peace. 

Dec 11, 202231:56
The Worth of Your Story.
Dec 04, 202258:54
The Roots In the Storm
Nov 27, 202248:11
You're Only as Sick as Your Secrets: With Sam Anthony Lucania
Nov 13, 202201:16:25
The Evolution of Change

The Evolution of Change

Luke Gordon, founder of “Choose Recovery”, and LCS affiliate joins us to talk about his journey through multiple rock-bottom‘s and going to places of darkness he never thought possible. Then, taking us through the Evolutionaries changes that needed to take place in his life over multiple years, learning how to be honest, even knowing that the consequences could mean the end of everything he held dear. Luke story is one that truly shows that we cannot go beyond the reach of the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. And that with the right amount of effort and hope, the greatest happiness imaginable is still obtainable. It just takes time and evolution, like a long sunrise leading up to the most beautiful morning imaginable.
Nov 06, 202245:16
Finding Balance: Understanding the Roles of Science, Religion, and Breaking Societal Toxicity.

Finding Balance: Understanding the Roles of Science, Religion, and Breaking Societal Toxicity.

This week we are joined by Dr. Brock Johansen who dives into the dangers of conforming to the norms of societal pressures, lifetime medications, and religous/familial expectations. How do we discern truth amidst so much information? Who do we blame for our current situation? Where do we turn for lasting recovery and healing? And where does grace come in to play? We also take advantage of Brock’s in-depth knowledge of how to get off of medications by resolving the root issues through science and discovery. It could be environment, nutrition, or a more mental imbalance. Whatever it is, there is hope and help. And through it all, even as we are broken down and molded into something stronger and better, God is taking part in the process.
Oct 30, 202201:16:47
Gone Too Soon: Overcoming Grief and Loss of Loved Ones.
Oct 23, 202256:57
Fighting through PPD

Fighting through PPD

You wouldn’t typically think that bringing a child into this world would be something that would cause you to lose a part of yourself. But it is one of the most common things for a woman to experience. Struggling through postpartum depression affects a huge percentage of women every single year. And the symptoms can be absolutely devastating and even dangerous. I was lucky enough to be joined this week by two amazing women (Kyra and Danica), who spoke about their struggles and fights that they went through after giving birth, and why it is so important to recognize the symptoms of PPD and to talk to someone about what’s going on. There is no shame in seeking help and taking medications to balance the internal system that has been thrown off by child birth. For the sake of both Mother and child help is available.
Oct 16, 202201:04:22
Above and Beyond: Overcoming Grooming, Abuse, Addiction, and Illness.
Oct 09, 202201:01:06
Ending Generational Toxicity
Oct 02, 202256:08
Faith and Same Sex Attraction.

Faith and Same Sex Attraction.

This week is special. We are joined by Chauncy Brinton who works as a psychologist in the US Army, is a man of Faith in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and is Openly Gay. Chauncy Talks about his experiences growing up with confusing compulsions, finding himself attracted to other men, while at the same time wanting to serve a mission, then getting married and having children, to now getting divorced. All the while focusing on his primary Identity as a Son of God. If you can relate to Chauncy's story and would like to get ahold of him for non-professional guidance, you can do so at:
Also, please dont forget to Like, Share, and comment on this episode in order to spread the good news of hope through recovery. If you'd like to reach me personally, you can email me at:

Other services at your disposal:
- Sons of Sacrifice (same gender attraction mens group through Life changing services)
- Men of Moroni, Mens pornography addiction recovery through Life changing services
- ACT Therapy services for pornography recovery and self acceptance.
Sep 25, 202258:21
E.W.S. And a Warriors identity.

E.W.S. And a Warriors identity.

Cameron is joined by Brandon J. An awesome recovery superstar who talks about his Emergency Warrior System, and the value of understanding his identity. As well as how he fought through multiple divorces and had to completely revamp who he was in order love who he is.
Sep 18, 202201:02:28
We Need to talk.

We Need to talk.

Stephen Joins us to share his story about how his opening up and talking about his problems, picking your closest 5, and using the DPAR system, led to healing and a happier lifestyle.
Sep 04, 202250:19
Hypnotherapy and Recovery.

Hypnotherapy and Recovery.

As we begin this 3rd season, we want to start it off with a truly unique topic and a truly awesome person Megan. We are joined by Megan Johansen, who teaches us about the benefits and the process of Hypnotherapy. No, it’s not hypnosis, I know because she took me through my own session so I could get a feel for it myself, and I gotta say, it was pretty liberating. This field of hypnotherapy is actually quite extensive and has a lot of valid points, as well as the outstanding results to back it up. So Tune in to learn more. This episode is so fun! Don’t for get to subscribe and share, and if you would like to reach out to myself for coaching or have questions, you may do so at:…Or if you’d like to ask Megan more about Hypnotherapy, you can reach her at: on Instagram as healthy_vibes_healthy_lives. And she’s on Facebook as Healthy vibes @healthyvibeswith Megan Or they can email Megan at Then her clinic if you need that is: The Wellness Way North Phoenix on fb or northphoenix
Aug 28, 202253:59
The Mentors Assemble Pt. 2
Jun 12, 202245:11
The Mentors Assemble (Pt.1)
Jun 05, 202252:37
Recovering Your Power
May 29, 202257:17
Effective communication with Youth: Taking the fear out of hard conversations.
May 22, 202251:22
Passion Projects
May 15, 202250:29
Lost Battle Analysis (Q5)
May 08, 202242:44
Profound Intimacy: How to have a deeper, healthier, and happier sex life.
May 01, 202201:07:15
The Mind and Body Connection
Apr 24, 202237:17
Eternal Vigilance
Apr 17, 202244:31
Overcoming Objectification.

Overcoming Objectification.

We have everyday objects that we use for our benefit, our improvement, even our gratification. However, people are NOT meant to be on this list. In this episode we discuss the powerful persuasion that objectification of others has on the world, and how to fight against it.
Apr 10, 202234:37
Trigger prep and PTSD Life.
Apr 03, 202243:02
Soft Warrior Chemistry.
Mar 27, 202240:45
Hard Warrior Chemistry
Mar 20, 202235:38
B.L.A.S.T. Zones and Body Scans
Mar 13, 202246:19
Discovering Accountability

Discovering Accountability

Who are you supposed to talk to when impulses and temptations get tough, or you've just relapsed? In this episode we go through the process of finding the RIGHT accountability partner and talk about how they should treat you and help you most effectively. We also breakdown specific questions that should be asked regularly and answered honestly. I'll list a link to those questions below. Please Rate and share our show with anyone you care about that may be struggling with addiction in order to help us continue to bring hope and light to as many beautiful souls as possible. And as always, remember that today is a new day, and you are a warrior! We love you and appreciate all your support.
TOOL: 1. Do you desire sobriety and freedom from the lies and manipulation of Satan?

2. Are you willing to do whatever is necessary to protect your sobriety for the next 24 hours, including rigorous honesty, praying to God, calling on others, forgiving all resentments, refusing all hits as toxic, reading literature, setting boundaries, surrendering your fears and anxieties, and maintaining an attitude of gratitude and love for those around you?

3. Are you willing to turn your life and your will for the next 24 hours over to the care of God?

4. Are you willing to humbly ask God to remove your defects of character for today, so that you can better serve his will?

5. Are you willing to keep all commitments today as they relate to your sobriety program?

6. Have you completed your daily goals today and done Border Patrol?

7. Have you lost a battle in the last 24 hours? If you lost, what technique did the enemy use to defeat you?

8. Are you planning to do anything that you would be ashamed of in the foreseeable future? What strategy will Satan try on you next?

9. Name at least one thing that you are presently grateful for.

10. Why are you fighting? Why don’t you just give up
Mar 06, 202239:03
Creating Effective Flagpoles
Feb 27, 202230:05