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Red Pill Finance TV

Red Pill Finance TV

By Jason

This podcast is focussed on educating and spreading more awareness in to the revolution of finance that is Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, decentralisation and blockchain. Exit from the Matrix and discover really how deep the rabbit hole goes.
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Red Pill Finance TVMar 06, 2021

E19: Inflation Not Transitory

E19: Inflation Not Transitory

Inflation is here, it is real, and what does it mean to you as the every day consumer?

Oct 29, 202109:49
E18: Truly Understand It

E18: Truly Understand It

Do you truly understand Bitcoin such that when corrections happen and self-doubt arises, that you are able to hold with conviction and diamond-hands because you realise the bigger picture?

Oct 22, 202108:11
E17: Holding Own Private Keys (Retail)

E17: Holding Own Private Keys (Retail)

This episode paints the picture of how private keys work and the parallels against every day example of holding our money in a bank versus in our physical ownership. Private keys is the truest form of ownership and digital property rights.
Sep 08, 202106:48
E16: Ban or Regulate?

E16: Ban or Regulate?

With the continual drive in cryptocurrency dominance and the money involved as seen from the market capitalisation, regulation becomes ever-more important and in some ways a catch-up. I discuss a few stakeholders that are relevant to this consideration and what their likely stances are.

Aug 08, 202110:36
E15: Central Bank Digital Currency

E15: Central Bank Digital Currency

What are the implications of a central bank digital currency (CBDC)? What is its purpose and how could Bitcoin fit in? ** The views of what CBCD will bring and how it manifests are just my opinion and speculation at best **
Jun 05, 202107:49
E14: How to Buy and Store Cryptos

E14: How to Buy and Store Cryptos

An introduction on how to buy cryptos (in-app / exchanges) and how to store cryptos (app, hot wallet and private keys).

May 09, 202111:33
E13: Bitcoin's 4-Year Cycle

E13: Bitcoin's 4-Year Cycle

2021 is meant to be Bitcoin's year of bull-run. We have already seen all-time-highs, with possibly more to come in the second half of the year. But will history repeat itself with a bear market to follow in the year of 2022?
May 05, 202113:20
E12: Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?

E12: Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?

Why does something that is seemingly intangible - can't be touched and can't be seen, have value? This is a paradigm shift and can often be hard for people to comprehend, but there is no doubt value in Bitcoin and its blockchain.

May 02, 202109:50
E11: Show Me the Inflation!

E11: Show Me the Inflation!

Where is the inflation that central banks effectively promised? The COVID pandemic has caused unseen crippling of economies to shut down. The money supply is there, so when these economies revive and when they do it will be significant, the velocity of money will pick up and if not careful the inflation could easily overshoot desired levels by governments/central banks #btc #btcusd #btcinflation

Apr 04, 202112:07
E10: What the FUD?

E10: What the FUD?

Ignoring the Bitcoin FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. What is FUD and the importance of assessing whether something is FUD. Who is the person, what is their education, what is their stake in it, are they actively pushing an agenda or were they simply responding to a question asked?

Apr 02, 202108:06
E9: What is a Stablecoin?

E9: What is a Stablecoin?

Stablecoins are basically an IOU (I owe you) for a traditional fiat currency (usually dollars). You use your fiat currency to purchase a stablecoin that you can later cash-in and redeem for your original currency (if needed). #usdt #usdc
Mar 29, 202110:03
E8: What is Your Motivation for Bitcoin?

E8: What is Your Motivation for Bitcoin?

It is all well and good making a nice gain over a few months, but what does that mean? Does it change your life? Can you quit your job. This podcast goes deeper in to the true meaning of Bitcoin and what is stands for and why we should appreciate the long-term over the short-term #btc

Mar 23, 202109:06
E7: Decentralized and Deflationary

E7: Decentralized and Deflationary

Bitcoin is decentralised and deflationary - the most important traits that it has, which makes it polar opposide from centralised and inflationary fiat money - as the name suggests, "central" bank.

Mar 21, 202107:00
E6: Too late for Bitcoin? HELL NO!!

E6: Too late for Bitcoin? HELL NO!!

Often we think we have missed the train after seeing what we think are so many people having got on it already, or in other words, having witnessed the extraordinary increases and numerous all time highs. But to the general public, we are still very early days with Bitcoin.

Mar 19, 202108:07
E5: The 2017 Run and The Challenges That Were Faced

E5: The 2017 Run and The Challenges That Were Faced

There were several aspects in the bull-run year of 2017 that kind of left a taint on cryptocurrencies and skepticism to some. This goes over what contributed to such a year and why it may be a different story this time round.

Mar 17, 202108:47
E4: Dark Web, Drugs, Criminals and Bitcoin

E4: Dark Web, Drugs, Criminals and Bitcoin

Central banks have recently bashed on Bitcoin on its use for illicit activities. But is it actually the cryptocurrency they should be focussing on? Are the majority of illicit activities not done using cash - the very same cash that they issue / print? Should great technology that is good for finance and the world be hindered by their inability and lack of real understanding in cryptos?

Mar 13, 202105:50
E3: What is Bitcoin?

E3: What is Bitcoin?

It is still very early days and education of digital assets is very important for wider adoption. When something new that can change the landscape significantly and the way we do things, it often starts off with getting scrutinised and questioned. Therefore it is important to have your own judgements and research and understanding. This episode aims to give the "basics" of what Bitcoin is about and most relateable to.

Mar 13, 202108:31
E2: Central Bank Money Printing

E2: Central Bank Money Printing

Central banks' monetary action means an expansion on money supply. Fiat has devalued significantly over the decades and our purchasing power reduced. 2008 and 2020 saw unprecedented levels of quantitative easing. What will 2021 and 2022 inflation rates show?
Mar 06, 202107:31
E1: The Bitcoin Genesis Block

E1: The Bitcoin Genesis Block

The inception of Bitcoin with the message inscribed in the genesis block  with: "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks" by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Mar 06, 202108:07
Trailer - Introduction

Trailer - Introduction

Mar 06, 202100:51