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Living to Be: A podcast by Reino Gevers

Living to Be: A podcast by Reino Gevers

By Reino Gevers

Living to BE – a podcast aimed to inspire you in becoming your authentic self. In the ever-changing landscape of life, filled with triumphs and tribulations, we explore the realms of health, spiritual growth, and personal development. From the very moment, you took your first breath, you embarked on a path destined to reveal your true essence and fulfill your unique purpose in this world.
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Community, Longevity and Happiness

Living to Be: A podcast by Reino GeversMay 01, 2024

Pushback from dark forces
May 18, 202410:22
Ben Oofana: Elevating consciousness with trauma recovery
May 11, 202445:09
Community, Longevity and Happiness

Community, Longevity and Happiness

Happiness is a state of mind, often based on those small joys of life that wield immense power to our sense of bliss.

Society incessantly indoctrinates us that acquisitions are the keys to happiness. The allure of novelty quickly dims, leaving behind a feeling of regret and shame from overspending.

Humans are tribal by nature

We humans are tribal by nature. Positive interaction with our fellow human beings where we feel seen, supported, and heard is key to perceiving a sense of safety and well-being.

A supportive community has for eons been part of the survival mechanism of the human species.

Highlights of this episode:

  • Keys to longevity and happiness
  • The nurturing power of community
  • Essentials of a healthy community

#spirituality #community #selfdevelopment #selfawareness #reinogevers #deepwalking

May 01, 202405:09
Brady Foulk: What we can learn from dogs
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What is authenticity?
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Ann Swanson: What science tells us about meditation
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Catherine Duncan: Everyday Awakening and lessons on mortality
Mar 28, 202425:56
Lolita Guarin: Building stress resilience
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Kim Korte: Finding emotional balance
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Lisa Shield: Finding your Soulmate
Mar 04, 202433:47
The Killer in the Kremlin: We have to speak out against evil

The Killer in the Kremlin: We have to speak out against evil

A startling headline lit up my screen: Russian dissident Alexei Navalny had been assassinated. The news shook me to my core, leaving me appalled at the apparent depths to which Russian leader Vladimir Putin would stoop, fully aware of the shockwaves it would send worldwide.

Navalny's murder snuffed out a beacon of hope in the oppressive landscape of Putin's Russia. When a leader turns to such brutal tactics, it reveals not strength but profound weakness. Navalny epitomized everything the autocrat in the Kremlin was not.

It is the nature of dictatorial regimes that they bring forth the best and the worst extremes in mankind. South Africa's apartheid regime had shining examples of courage and humanity in Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Steve Biko, and many others. Nazi Germany had Dietrich Boenhoeffer and dissidents such as Sophie Scholl. Czechoslovakia had Vaclav Havel and Poland Lech Walesa.

Highlights in this episode:

- What we need to learn in confronting evil

- Why does God allow evil?

#Reino Gevers #media #spirituality #selfawareness #selfdevelopment #truth

More information:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Social Media:

Feb 20, 202413:23
The Truth Be Told
Feb 15, 202406:20
Do what you love
Feb 07, 202406:17
Josh Dech: How your gut impacts your physical and mental well-being
Jan 13, 202438:07
Janet Schmidt: Building a prosperity mindset
Dec 17, 202333:19
Scott White: Staying positive and living your best life
Dec 01, 202328:44
Why does a God allow suffering?
Nov 12, 202307:04
Liberating the mind from attachment and grievance culture
Nov 02, 202309:09
Navigating challenging times

Navigating challenging times

Humanity is about to embark on a journey marked by monumental shifts and unprecedented disruptions, unlike anything we have seen before. It will impact every aspect of our lives, creating a ripple effect that will affect us on multiple levels. During times of uncertainty, we are seeing a retreat into political extremism and religious fanaticism. Fear is what fuels the radicals, exploiting emotions to sow discord and chaos. Millions will find themselves on the losing end, navigating the turbulent waters of change.

Amidst these challenges, there will emerge a resilient group of individuals and communities who seize the opportunity. Winners not only adapt to change but have the innate ability of turning adversity into an advantage.

Ultimately all of life underlies a seasonal principle of natural and spontaneous changes. Evolutionary change, sometimes disruptive, is an elementary aspect of the universal intelligence, of God, or the divine.

- Resilience is acceptance of life's seasonal principle

- Within the vast tapestry of the universe life is constantly, evolving, adapting and in motion

More information:

#selfdevelopment #spirituality #mindset #mysticism More information:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Social Media:

Nov 02, 202307:54
Never Quit on a Bad Day
Oct 16, 202323:00
Kelli Field: The Grief of Goodbye and a walk into authenticity
Sep 13, 202339:43
Michael McGinnis: Awakening from the slumber and the victimhood
Sep 06, 202327:25
Chad Hufford: Creating an Abundant Life with Intention
Sep 01, 202339:53
The dragnet of a cult
Aug 30, 202308:54
Derick Gant: Moving from Mediocrity into a Mindset of Abundance
Aug 28, 202325:46
Standing guard on the information highway
Aug 23, 202303:05
Mark Barnes: Practical strategies on living a long and healthy life
Aug 10, 202327:36
Defining your purpose and meaning

Defining your purpose and meaning

The meaning of life and purpose differs for every individual but at the same time, humanity is collectively transitioning to an ever-changing evolution
of consciousness. The global crisis on multiple levels is by its very nature a transition between the old and the new.
- Moving from a culture of exploitation to restoration and sutainability
- The soul edging toward fulfillment
- Learning, adapting and realigning
#selfdevelopment #spirituality #taoism

More information:
New! ⁠ The Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature's Wisdom for Purposeful Living⁠
⁠⁠⁠Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠
⁠⁠Mastermind Mentoring⁠⁠

Social Media:

Jul 24, 202305:52
Doing or Being?
Jun 05, 202306:07
Lori Marini: Finding a new life after cancer
May 29, 202323:21
The lucky farmer or was he really that lucky?
May 18, 202304:18
Dr. Lynn Carey: Finding your inner peace with passion and purpose
May 08, 202318:43
The things blocking you from living your soul purpose?

The things blocking you from living your soul purpose?

The ancient mystic teachers believed that the ultimate purpose of the human cycle was to become whole, emphasizing that each person has a unique mission to play in the cosmic order. But with the pull of external distractions, you might feel estranged from this sense of purpose and will need to take concrete action.
Taken on a daily basis energy-depleting habits can creep into your life and you would have to react with a clear structure to realign body, mind, and
There is a general misconception that external validation of material success and fame equals living a life of bliss. Often the search for soul
purpose is stuck in the "I" as opposed to the "we". It's the reason why many of the world's most successful people are terribly unhappy
on a soul level with a few of these exceptional individuals however transmuting this unhappiness into causes that serve the greater good.
One of the most gifted men on the tennis court, Andre Agassi struggled with addiction for most of his professional career, which he details in his autobiography "Open". He in reality hated tennis but then realized that his fame as
a tennis player could be a platform to do greater good.
He established the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, which focuses on improving the education system in the United States. The creation of the
foundation stemmed from Agassi's own personal experiences of feeling lost and unprepared for life after tennis. He recognized that many children in the United States faced similar challenges, particularly those from underserved communities, and wanted to help provide them with the tools and resources they needed to succeed in life.
"You can’t spread who you are without being broken first. Sometimes, when you’ve been broken into pieces, you come back and give much more to
people. You can see my scars and they’re key to me making a difference in other lives now," he said in an interview.
Soul purpose is a journey. The whole of life is a discovering journey of your soul purpose. Often the end of one journey, the death of one
"life" is the initiation process into another life, yet ultimately a journey of growth, redemption, rectification, and wholeness.
In this episode, we look at what is key to living your destiny.
More information:

More information:
⁠Website: ⁠
⁠Deep Walking for Body, Mind and Soul⁠
⁠Walking on Edge: A pilgrimage to Santiago⁠
Social Media

May 01, 202306:52
Opening the shutters of the mind
Apr 23, 202309:02
Community: A key to happiness
Mar 29, 202304:60
Byron Morrison: Changing self-sabotaging behavior
Mar 15, 202325:59
Escaping the monkey mind
Mar 04, 202307:51
Kevin Considine: Life lessons from a global pilgrim
Feb 28, 202331:34
Charles Smith: The Power of a Happy Mind
Feb 20, 202321:19
Amanda Kate: Practicing intuitive wisdom
Feb 02, 202333:29
Hannah Spanke: Arising from the hell of prostitution to an intimacy and relationship coach
Jan 27, 202333:31
Things break apart gradually and then with a bang

Things break apart gradually and then with a bang

The signs of a relationship going sour, a company going in decline, and a country becoming a failed state. The patterns are all the same. Early warning signals are not heeded.

A leak in the roof of a house will drip by drip gradually weaken the structural walls until the foundations give way and the house collapses. When small repairs are not carried out they become big problems. A health crisis is preceded by many small aches and pains. A relationship breakdown will have a long history of hurts, insults, and betrayals. A company’s bankruptcy comes after years of poor management and missed opportunities.

The seeds of the failed nation are sown with the gradual growth of the tentacles of corruption, poor government, and nepotism. Countries such as Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Argentina, and South Africa are just some examples of once-flourishing countries that today are sad reminders of how fast the rot can set in.

An alcoholic will very often only seek help during an epiphany that comes in a “flat on the ground” moment. The person is so disgusted and pained about his own behavior that he will admit finally that he has a problem. It is the first step in the healing process.

Negative and destructive behavior has the habit of sneaking into life in many subtle ways. It is one of the reasons why so many New Year resolutions fail. Typical sabotaging self-talk could be: “It won’t make much of a difference if I skip my workout this morning.” “I need to reward myself with a shopping spree after saving for two months.” “It won’t affect my relationship if I cheat on my partner just this once.”

Creating a life of bliss with positive habits

Transmuting pain and suffering leads to higher consciousness and positive change. Meaning and purpose are found after years of depression. A fulfilling, loving relationship is found after enduring years of abuse in a dysfunctional marriage. A different and more fulfilling work is sought after job burnout. An exercise routine and a healthy diet are followed with passion after overcoming a life-threatening disease.

What can you do today? What can be done that will start the ball rolling? If you enter an untidy room filled with junk, you start by clearing one small area, then the following day the next, and so on. Getting physically fit could start with a walk of 2,000 steps and then gradually increase it day by day to 10,000 steps. Reducing a stressed out and fearful mind can begin with a short meditation lasting three minutes until 15-20 minutes is done with ease because you feel so much better afterward. Training body, mind, and spirit to a new level of consciousness and bliss comes after a reawakening from the shadowlands.

More Information:





Jan 24, 202309:01
Nicky Billou: Relationships and the power of connecting
Dec 08, 202216:57
Victoria Rader: Prospering by surrendering to the heart
Dec 02, 202220:05
Nita Sweeney: Depression hates a moving target
Nov 22, 202224:51
Carrie Schmidt: Looking beyond the "foggy" screen
Nov 11, 202225:56
Finding Purpose and Meaning

Finding Purpose and Meaning

Reino Gevers did more than a dozen pilgrimage walks on the Camino de Santiago in northwestern Spain He had countless conversations with people on the same path in search of purpose and meaning. In his essence, he found that life is a journey to finding that alignment and connection to divine purpose within. But so much is holding us back. It could be the inability to forgive a person who is caused you much pain or the trauma over the loss of a loved one. Yet when looking back you will realize that all the ups and downs of life have molded and sculptured you into the person you are today. If you can take a different perspective on what has been and is no more or on the many unfulfilled expectations, you realize that everything is grace and that all has a purpose.

Listen to best-selling author Barry Nicolaou’s take on how thoughts can sabotage or assist us in creating the life we want.

Lori Saitz on how gratitude can be truly transformational in goal-setting and manifestation,

Liam Naden: on how to transform a stressful mindset into one of creativity and flow.

Patricia Lindner, spiritual career alchemist and mentor why so many people get stuck in the so-called comfort zone.

Nov 02, 202231:56
Patricia Lindner: Follow your calling by letting go of your limitations
Oct 30, 202221:52
Liam Naden: Harnessing the infinite power of your brain
Oct 17, 202238:42
Why do most employees lack motivation?

Why do most employees lack motivation?

Only about 15 percent of the global workforce feel motivated in their jobs. Most people suffer in silent misery counting the years and months to retirement - when they can finally start living.

Billions of revenue are lost annually due to unmotivated employees. It doesn't have to stay that way. Choosing the right leaders for key positions can make a huge difference.

In this podcast, we delve into one of the basic human needs: To be validated.

We also look at some of the key qualities required by leadership in setting the foundation for motivated and creative staff.




Oct 03, 202205:13