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The Conscious Professional With Renee Frey

The Conscious Professional With Renee Frey

By Renee Frey

Meet Renee Frey, a seasoned expert with over two decades of experience in the fields of recruitment, mindset coaching, and career development🧠

As a successful business owner and bestselling author, Renee has dedicated her life to helping individuals unlock 🔓 their true potential and find happiness both in their careers and personal lives. With a wealth of knowledge and a passion for personal growth, Renee is your trusted guide on the journey to a fulfilling and joyful life in the Conscious Professional Podcast.

Cheers to getting in the driver's seat of your life ✨
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The Conscious Professional With Renee FreyDec 10, 2019

Don't Make These 5 Mistakes When Looking For A New Job

Don't Make These 5 Mistakes When Looking For A New Job

Does looking for a new job make you feel like you're on a deserted island?

You don't know how to write your resume, you can't get interviews, you're not connected to the right people...

You're not alone!

You're probably making some of the same mistakes that thousands of other people are making too when they go about their job search.

If you're looking for advice that cuts straight through all of the noise around looking for a job you're in the right spot.

Renee (Your Job Search BFF) doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • Why your job searching process needs to start from the inside out
  • Why your resume is your ticket to landing interviews or ending up in the recycle bin
  • How to make sure you're leaving a job for the right reasons before making a switch

✏️ Email your name to Coaching@TalentQ.Net to get your copy of our "Interview Cheat Sheet"


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👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, ⁠⁠⁠I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning⁠⁠⁠

⁠⁠⁠Watch the podcast episode on YouTube⁠⁠⁠

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Renee Frey


May 28, 202439:43
How To Change Your Life From Constant Struggle To Becoming An Ultimate Optimist

How To Change Your Life From Constant Struggle To Becoming An Ultimate Optimist

If you asked a friend to describe you in one word, what would they say?

In Renee's case, people describe her as an ultimate optimist, but this hasn't always been the case.

With personal struggles from her past, Renee carried a lot of emotional weight that she thought would control her life forever.

But through the help of coaching, Renee was introduced to a book that would change her entire outlook.

She discovered that she could create a new story for her life.

Did you know you have the power to change? In this episode, Renee will be redefining this phrase for you in a way that is achievable and believable.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to create the power to change who you are at any time and at any moment
  • How your past self doesn’t have to define who your future self is
  • How your life changes when you choose to make a new decision of who you want to be


➡️View Renee’s book recommendation “Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

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👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, ⁠⁠I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning⁠⁠

⁠⁠Watch the podcast episode on YouTube⁠⁠

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Renee Frey


May 21, 202424:27
The Simplest Way To Use Fear As Your Fuel To Move Forward

The Simplest Way To Use Fear As Your Fuel To Move Forward

May 14, 202419:49
The #1 Way To Plan Your Life & Be More Flexible

The #1 Way To Plan Your Life & Be More Flexible

This episode is for you if you feel like life is just interruption after interruption, distracting you from your tasks.

Wouldn't you love to be able to handle these interruptions with ease and get right back to work?

Of course you would!

After dealing with negative emotions around interruptions...Renee finally mastered her routine to what she likes to call the "Flexibility Protocol."

This one simple method has allowed her to succeed at being a mom, wife, business owner, career coach, podcast host, author, and so much more!

Time management is key to achieving your goals so grab a pen and paper and let's get learning!

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How implementing a flexibility protocol can allow you to remove your negative feelings around situations 
  • How to gain the power to rewire your brain to deal with stressful situations
  • How to create positive statements to recite to yourself each day that will serve as a constant reminder that you are in control of the thoughts you have  

📚 Get Your Free Daily Planner Download HERE

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⚠️Tap HERE to join our free Facebook group:

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube

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Renee Frey


May 07, 202423:08
Is Work Life Balance Total BS?

Is Work Life Balance Total BS?

It seems as though everyone these days is in search of the perfect "work life balance" job.

So what's wrong with that?

Work life balance is a wonderful thing but...💥NEWS FLASH💥this balance is up to you.

Do you want to learn how to take control of your schedule and find time for the things that are important to you?

In this episode, we'll be covering how to put yourself in the driver's seat of your life (both personally and professionally).

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • Choose the words you use about your life carefully
  • Prioritize what’s most important to you on your calendar first
  • Understand that healthy boundaries promote self-responsibility and empowerment
  • Practice self-care because if there is no you, there is nothing else 

⚠️Tap HERE to join our Forward Coaching Program:

⚠️Tap HERE to join our free Facebook group:

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Apr 30, 202423:24
Why You Need To Weed Your Garden Of Relationships

Why You Need To Weed Your Garden Of Relationships

As people, we love to hold onto things.

We love to hold onto things that bring back good memories and we especially like to hold onto certain relationships because they've "been in our life forever" or "they're our family" so we have no choice but to suffer through the time spent with them.

Are they stealing our joy?

Could we be spending that time with other people that leave us feeling better?

We have so little time on this earth to enjoy every extraordinary person, place, or thing there is to enjoy...why waste it on people that don't make you feel joyful and loved?

In this episode, we'll be digging in deep to uncover why it's so important to take a step back and see where there may be weeding of specific relationships in your life that needs to be done and the easiest way to do it (that doesn't leave you as an emotional wreck).

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • Why you're the average of who you spend your time with
  • Why it's OK to let go of relationships in your life that don't serve you
  • How to not let your old beliefs get in the way of relationships that still have time to flourish

⚠️Tap HERE to join our Forward Coaching Program:

⚠️Tap HERE to join our free Facebook group:

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

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Renee Frey


Apr 23, 202426:08
The REAL Secret To All Relationships

The REAL Secret To All Relationships

We all know it. Relationships are complex. But...

They're a part of life and bring on uncomfortable situations we can't avoid.

Wouldn't you love to know how to have more successful relationships, how to handle conflict better, and how to forgive and move on when someone disappoints you?

Well lucky for you, in this episode we'll be sharing the secret to all relationships that's guaranteed to help you accomplish all of these things within your professional and personal relationships.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • The secret to all your relationships
  • How to overcome relationship obstacles
  • How to create fulfilling relationships in your life

⚠️Tap HERE to join our Forward Coaching Program:

⚠️Tap HERE to join our free Facebook group:

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Apr 16, 202420:28
How To Stick To And Follow Through With Your Visions

How To Stick To And Follow Through With Your Visions

Do you ever create this idea in your head of something you want to accomplish?

You think about it and think about it and the idea is just not seeming to go away. It's an idea of something that you really could accomplish, but your mind continues to let it just be an idea instead of an action.

This vision in your mind has been planted there for a reason. It's your true purpose in life! So why are you ignoring?

In this episode, we're going to be giving you all the answers you need to know to follow through with your vision once and for all and step into your true purpose in life.

No more procrastination. This episode is all about taking action.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to create a clear vision
  • How to know your big, hairy why
  • How to reward yourself along the way for hitting milestones
  • How to take continuous action every day toward your vision
  • How to get the support you need to hold yourself accountable 

⚠️Tap HERE to join our Forward Coaching Program:

⚠️Tap HERE to join our free Facebook group:

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Apr 09, 202432:56
The 1 Small Decision Of Meditation Will Improve Your Focus & Concentration At Work

The 1 Small Decision Of Meditation Will Improve Your Focus & Concentration At Work

Some of the greatest discoveries in life begin with being incredibly skeptical of them at first.

You lead yourself to believe that just because a certain solution worked for someone else, doesn't mean it'll work for you.

In this episode, you'll be learning how the recommendation of meditation from a Harvard MBA graduate transformed Renee's life and career.

Renee conveys the message that if meditation can work for someone like her with a Type A personality and an extremely active mind, it can work for anyone (and produce incredible results in their life).

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to begin a meditation practice and stick with it
  • How meditation will benefit you in your career 

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Apr 02, 202415:37
How Buffering Is Killing Your Potential

How Buffering Is Killing Your Potential

We live in a world with constant distractions.

In fact, spending hours on your phone is actually encouraged! There is an endless amount of content to get lost in.

But, there are consequences to what we like to call "buffering." Buffering infiltrates your daily routines, sapping your time and hindering your progress.

What if we told you that buffering isn't just a nuisance—it's a silent saboteur, holding you back from reaching your true potential?

Join us in this episode where we unravel the nature of buffering and uncover the strategies to break free from its grip.

It's time to reclaim your time, refocus your energy, and step boldly into a future that isn't holding you back by buffering.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • Why giving up false pleasures will make you more available to experience the real pleasures in life.
  • The importance of being willing to experience negative emotions part of the time.
  • How to stop buffering and start living the truth of your life. 

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Mar 26, 202425:44
Become The Most Confident Person In The Room

Become The Most Confident Person In The Room

Could this solve all your problems?

If you were able to walk into a room feeling like the most confident person there, not because you're arrogant and self-centered, imagine how great you'd feel.

You'd no longer be your biggest critic that's tearing you down and pointing out all your insecurities the minute you walk out your front door.

You'd be your biggest cheerleader which means that no matter what other people have to say, you are confident in your own skin with who you are.

Hey! Good news for you. This can be taught.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to reframe your negative self-talk into positive self-talk
  • How to really truly love yourself

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Mar 19, 202416:01
How To Remove The Comfort Blankets From Your Life

How To Remove The Comfort Blankets From Your Life

Making a change is really as simple as this.

You have to be prepared to fully embrace the discomfort that's going to come with it.

If you're on the fence and want to see a change in your career, your habits, your diet, your relationships, whatever it may be, this episode is here for you to become comfortable living with discomfort to create incredible change in your life.

Living a comfortable life will never help you to achieve greatness.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How having a positive attitude is the key to approaching change 
  • To discover a newfound passion in your life, you have to push outside of your comfort zone  
  • To make change permanent you have to create new habits and get rid of old ones 

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Mar 12, 202421:40
The Million Dollar Morning Routine You Need

The Million Dollar Morning Routine You Need

Wouldn't you love to wake up feeling like a million bucks?

And finally feel like your morning is setting you up for success...instead of making you feel stressed, rushed, overwhelmed (the list goes on) in the morning?

This episode is the answer you've been looking for. Renee will be sharing her proven morning routine that's allowed her to show up every single day feeling like a million bucks, no matter the circumstances that pop up. Follow these suggestions and watch your productivity skyrocket 🚀

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • Don’t bring todays messes into tomorrow, clean up your physical spaces 
  • Get what you need for your morning ready the night before
  • Set your alarm with intention 

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Mar 05, 202425:56
Break The Cycle Of Imposter Syndrome FOR GOOD

Break The Cycle Of Imposter Syndrome FOR GOOD

Think of a time that you've had huge success with something.

Was there a part of you that felt like you didn't deserve that success or recognition for what you accomplished?

Those feelings most likely mean that you struggle with imposter syndrome. The crazy part is, it's so common among professionals. You're not the only one who feels this.

So let this episode be your introduction to recognizing your imposter syndrome, healing it, and learning how to take ownership of your accomplishments without it.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to start taking ownership of your accomplishments and believe that they’re yours to keep 
  • How to understand that the past is a key indicator of the type of imposter syndrome you may struggle with  
  • How to understand that feeling like an imposter comes from a pattern of thinking that you have the power to break  

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Feb 27, 202415:26
So You Got Passed Up For A Promotion...What Now?

So You Got Passed Up For A Promotion...What Now?

You've been patiently waiting for weeks, months, maybe even years and then you receive the news; you've been passed up for a promotion. Major blow to the ego, right?

Your first instinct may be to lose all hope and become unengaged in your position.

Maybe there's a better way...

In this episode, we'll be talking about where to go from here to get yourself the pay raise and promotion you deserve and how to keep performing to your highest level (even when you don't feel like it).

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to set your mind right to come back stronger from a setback 
  • What happens when you don’t ask for what you want in your career 
  • How to make strategic moves within your company  

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Feb 20, 202421:55
How To Turn Setbacks Into Opportunities For Growth

How To Turn Setbacks Into Opportunities For Growth

In this episode, you'll be challenged to fail. Why you might ask...because failure is inevitable!

Life's challenges test our resilience, but they also present us with fertile ground for personal and professional development. Today we'll be exploring practical strategies, inspirational stories, and expert insights to help you navigate adversity with grace and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. Get ready to unlock the transformative power of setbacks on your journey toward success.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to create new solutions after experiencing setbacks
  • How to lessen the emotions around your failures
  • How to implement the "fail & learn" mindset

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

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Renee Frey


Feb 13, 202423:57
Outsmart Your Limiting Beliefs: A Guide To Getting Back In Control Of Your Life

Outsmart Your Limiting Beliefs: A Guide To Getting Back In Control Of Your Life

Imagine if right now, far back in your mind, there are beliefs that are silently sabotaging your dreams? Yes, you heard that right – those seemingly innocent thoughts you have on a daily basis lurking in the background are, in fact, sabotaging your dreams.

Today, we're diving deep into the subconscious mind, uncovering the secrets of how your thoughts and beliefs are intrinsically connected, revealing some of the most powerful techniques to identify and get rid of those limiting beliefs that have overstayed their welcome in your life.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How limiting beliefs are killing your dreams
  • How to understand the connection between your thoughts & beliefs
  • How to identify your limiting beliefs and show them the door

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

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Renee Frey


Feb 06, 202419:17
What’s Your Money Mindset? 3 Ways To Start Using Money For What It Is: A Tool

What’s Your Money Mindset? 3 Ways To Start Using Money For What It Is: A Tool

Would you believe it if someone told you that your relationship with money is just as complex as your relationship with a loved one?

In this episode, Renee explains how your relationship with money ultimately determines how much of it you’ll have. Sound too good to be true? 👇

Discover how your even your character is mirrored through your relationship with money, what it means, and how you can reshape your mindset about what money is (and what it can do for you). 

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to receive and not trade
  • Understanding that having to work hard to make money is a myth
  • How healing your beliefs about money can help you create more of it

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

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Renee Frey


Jan 30, 202429:07
Explore An Abundance Mindset: How It Can Help You Take Risks & Find Your Confidence

Explore An Abundance Mindset: How It Can Help You Take Risks & Find Your Confidence

Nature is the ultimate display of abundance; it sustains life & is the ultimate display of why do we have such a hard time finding an abundance mindset in our own life?

In this episode, Renee explains how you can achieve an abundance mindset with a simple set of steps. On the flip side, she covers how having a scarcity mindset will limit your potential.

Discover how your deeply rooted fears of not having enough of something or lacking the resources for success can ultimately be reversed when you choose to come from a place of desiring the good things in your life that you already have.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How to become aware of when you have thoughts of scarcity by asking yourself one question
  • Understanding that there is enough success, recognition, and happiness to go around for everyone
  • How to maximize the abundant life that the Universe wants you to have

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

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Renee Frey


Jan 23, 202423:02
How Creating A New Identity Gets You The Job You Want, The Promotion You Want, & The Future You Want

How Creating A New Identity Gets You The Job You Want, The Promotion You Want, & The Future You Want

Ever heard the phrase, "Fake it till you make it?"

In this episode, Renee covers how this commonly known phrase is actually one of the most relevant factors in creating a new identity for yourself. She also uncovers what bringing out your inner child can do for your career. She encourages you to dream of what you desire in your life and how this will ultimately result in the job you want, the promotion you want, and the future you want.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • The importance of allowing yourself to dream
  • How to start acting like the future you
  • The 3-step process of having a vision, knowing your "why," and taking tiny action steps towards it every single day

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Jan 16, 202427:47
How To Re-Launch Your Personal & Professional Life

How To Re-Launch Your Personal & Professional Life

Are you ready for the all new CONSCIOUS PROFESSIONAL PODCAST?

Formerly known as Careers & Cocktails, this first episode of Renee Frey's podcast re-launch will be diving deep into the story behind the new name, set the record straight on how to find happiness in your personal and professional life, and emphasize the importance of prioritizing your mindset.

Renee doesn't waste any time so listen to this episode in full where she covers:

  • How your life is a reflection of your identity
  • How you have the power to change your identity at any time
  • Why it's time to become "You 2.0"

👋Thanks for being here, tune into this episode for content that could change the trajectory of your future!

Check out Renee's book, I Hate Mondays - A Guide To Landing A Job That Makes You Want To Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning:

Watch the podcast episode on YouTube:

Make sure you're connected below 👇






Renee Frey


Jan 09, 202417:55
The Conscious Professional Podcast (Trailer)

The Conscious Professional Podcast (Trailer)

Hey everyone! This is Renee Frey, founder of TalentQ, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to The Conscious Professional Podcast.
I've been on a personal journey of self-discovery and growth, just like many of you. There was a time when I felt lost and unfulfilled in my career and personal life. But I realized that I was going about it all wrong. It was my mindset that needed a transformation, and that's when I was able to become truly happy.
On this podcast, we're going to explore the power of mindset and how it can transform your personal and professional life. You'll hear inspiring stories, discuss practical strategies, and ultimately learn how to start living consciously.
So, who is this podcast for? It's for anyone who wants to find true happiness, fulfillment, and success, not just in their careers but in every aspect of life. If you're ready to prioritize your mindset and take control of your happiness, you're in the right place.
In upcoming episodes, we'll tackle topics like overcoming self-doubt, building resilience, finding your new purpose and identity, and so much more.
Let's do this! Thanks for tuning in, cheers!
Jan 08, 202400:55
Encore Chapter with Stacy Fisher

Encore Chapter with Stacy Fisher

In today's episode we have the lovely Stacy Fisher joining us! She is a fellow competent career coach with loads of wisdom to share. Stacy talks about how significant relationships are to her. She shares her journey of transitioning from the corporate sector to starting her own venture. They discuss things you need to prepare for before your promotion; your goals, your accomplishments and the results you have shown in achieving those. Tune into this episode to learn about all the essentials you need to excel in your career!

Jul 26, 202243:58
Cannabis Career with Juliana Whitney

Cannabis Career with Juliana Whitney

Juliana Whitney, founder of Leafsheets and Cann Strategy is our featured guest this week! She talks about her passion for her business which she started in 2015. She mainly helps entrepreneurs get into the cannabis industry and flourish. We also talk about her badass magenta hair, Oprah Winfrey, her experience being an adopted child and much more.

Juliana loves challenges and problem solving. She talks about how she got into the industry herself and how her entrepreneurial mindset lead her into starting her own business.

Tune into this episode to hear two business women having a meaningful conversation! 


Jun 06, 202223:02
Credit Can Impact Your Career with John Mackey

Credit Can Impact Your Career with John Mackey

This week I am joined in the studio by John Mackey, who is a credit genius! Get ahold of a wealth of information on how credit, credit reporting, and debt collection works from the expert himself.   

John is passionate about correcting all the misinformation related to credit that the American public isn't aware about.   

If you want to learn more about John's work, you can check his website

Apr 07, 202252:49
Living Fearlessly with Lori Crever
Mar 31, 202246:36
Strategically Change Your Mindset with Claudia Miller

Strategically Change Your Mindset with Claudia Miller

Meet Claudia Miller who was listed in the top 23 most innovative career coaches of 2020 by Business Insider! Her expertise and skills in career coaching are highly advanced and beneficial to those who are looking to progress in their careers.  If you want a career change or are looking to grow in your current one, tune into this episode! Claudia enlightens us all with her extensive knowledge and wisdom!

Mar 16, 202240:28
Building a Mindful Career with Sarah Baker Andrus

Building a Mindful Career with Sarah Baker Andrus

Happy International Women's Day!   

On today's episode we have Sarah Baker Andrus who is the Founder and CEO of Avarah Careers.

Sarah shares her passion for helping people excel in their careers and be the best version of themselves.

If you are looking to grow your career tune into today's episode of Career & Cocktails to learn from two of the most talented career coaches out there.

Thank you Sarah for sharing your wisdom.

You can learn about Sarah's work on:

📕 I wrote a book!!  Buy it here: OR   


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End screen Song is called "Success Technologies" you can find it here a href=""  

**DISCLAIMER:** TalentQ and its affiliates would like to remind viewers that the cocktails are intended for those 21+ years of age. Please drink responsibly, and obey the drinking laws in your country. Careers & Cocktails is not liable for any of your drunken mistakes.

Mar 08, 202236:06
Stop Playing Small With Gina Lemon

Stop Playing Small With Gina Lemon

From the words of my guest this week, STOP PLAYING SMALL.  

Gina Lemon, Leader of Human Kindness and Founder of Pandemic Possibilities, joins me to chat about her recent pivot from VP of Human Resources to Business Owner.   

Inspiring to say the least, Gina gives a timely reminder to give yourself permission to grow and develop.  To be true to YOU and your aspirations.  To practice self-care.     

A conversation relevant to hiring leaders and job seekers, I hope you find your ‘celebration’ moment as Gina recently did - - and continue {or begin to} to honor YOU.  Thank you, Gina, for your uplifting message and congratulations on your awakening.  

I can’t wait to share your journey to inspire others.   

xx Renee

📕 I wrote a book!!  Buy it here: OR   👋 Come Say ‘Hi’ On Social Media:  Website: with Me:

Dec 14, 202135:02
Supply Chain Insights With Executive Leader, John Bauer

Supply Chain Insights With Executive Leader, John Bauer

Thrilled to share this episode featuring a fellow former Targeteer, John Bauer.  

A man who at one time, early in his career, found himself walking down the street thinking, "I've made it!", working as a Manager within Target.    

Little did he know, throughout his career he would rise through the ranks from Manager to Vice President, leading highly engaged teams and optimizing supply chain operations for Fortune 500 companies such as Target Corp, Starbucks, TJX Companies & Kohl's.  

What a career!    

Thank you John for joining me to chat about the ever-changing industry of supply chain and for the timely reminder to 'enjoy the journey.'  

You are an inspiration!

For more career related tips, visit:

Nov 02, 202135:42
Get Right With Yourself + Transformation Coach Karen Astromsky
Aug 31, 202154:11
Maximize Your Value With Blake Schofield

Maximize Your Value With Blake Schofield

Are you....  ...frustrated in your job search... ...feeling like you're on the brink of a break down... ...being ghosted by recruiters and hiring leaders... ...struggling to communicate your value...  

Blake Schofield, Founder of Connections Illuminated joins us on Careers & Cocktails to share her journey of navigating Corporate America , feelings of unfulfillment, and how she cultivated her skills and experience to help women across the country.  Blake's passion and vulnerability is undeniable...   

Despite enjoying parts of her 18 year career in Corporate America  and having a loads of success, Blake found herself searching for 'more'.....a feeling that MILLIONS across the country can relate to.    Listen to learn more about Blake's journey, tips & tricks to help propel your career and how she is helping women across the country find clarity in their job search.  

Thank you Blake, you are an inspiration!

Jun 29, 202147:10
Taking The Boring Out Of Business With Timmy Bauer
Jun 15, 202139:13
Seize The Day With Abigail Emerson

Seize The Day With Abigail Emerson

Abigail Emerson is my featured guest this week and she had a LOUD and CLEAR message..... 

We have ONE life to live and there is no better time than NOW to seize the day! Like MILLIONS of others, Abigail found herself considering a change but was leery... 

The time isn't right.... Maybe it's too late to make a change....I'm not in the right place in life.... 

Abigail put in the work, dove deep and worked to overcome her self-doubt and take control of her career. Listen in for your morning boost of motivation and to learn more about Abigail's incredible career journey in aviation ✈

Congratulations Abigail on getting in the 'Pilot's' seat of your career and following your heart💓 

You are an inspiration!!

May 20, 202122:37
Live Intentionally With Carmen Croonquist
Apr 13, 202144:41
Invite People To Your Table + Amalia's Easy Cocktail

Invite People To Your Table + Amalia's Easy Cocktail

This past October I was LUCKY enough to connect with nine-time award-winning author and chef entrepreneur Amalia Moreno-Damgaard.   

I am 'jumping out of my seat' excited to FINALLY share our conversation and Amalia's Easy Cocktail.  [Taste Tested & Approved! Recipe Below]  

Amalia's passion for Latin cuisine is undeniable as she shares her career journey.  Throughout Amalia's life and career, she has fine-tuned her ability to connect people, traditions and cultures to the meals she prepares.  Amalia's cooking ignites conversations, bridges knowledge, and is used as a platform to teach people about Latin cultures.   

We have all changed in the way we work, travel, connect with people.  Amalia gives us a timely reminder to see the good.  See the positive.  And to keep moving forward.    

Amalia, you are on FIRE!  🔥  

Thank you for urging us to invite people to our table - - and to keep moving forward.   

🍹   Amalia’s Easy Cocktail   

Makes 1 cocktail   

6 oz. sparkling soda 

2 teaspoons piloncillo or brown sugar 

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice 

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice 

1 to 2 oz. high quality tequila or mezcal  

¼ cup ice Garnish with a lime slice or rim the glass with dried chile powder such as piquín   

Combine all ingredients in a martini shaker, strain, and serve.  

Get your hands on a copy of Amalia's book here: 

Learn more about Amalia and her work here:   

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, which is why I only recommend books that I believe in and have found invaluable.     

📕 I wrote a book!!  Buy it here: OR   

👋 Come Say ‘Hi’ On Social Media:  


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 Learn more about my company, TalentQ: Visit our Website:



End screen Song is called "Success Technologies" you can find it here a href=""  **DISCLAIMER:** TalentQ and its affiliates would like to remind viewers that the cocktails are intended for those 21+ years of age. Please drink responsibly, and obey the drinking laws in your country. Careers & Cocktails is not liable for any of your drunken mistakes.

Mar 16, 202144:15
Strengthening Your Leadership + Jaime Adam Taets

Strengthening Your Leadership + Jaime Adam Taets

This week my featured guest is Jaime Adam Taets, CEO and Founder of Keystone Group International.    

Jaime joins me for a virtual glass of Piper Heidsieck Brut Champagne and dives right into it - sharing LOADS of value bombs and actionable tips that will help you strengthen your relationships and better LEAD and EMPOWER your team.   

As a leader myself, navigating uncharted territory in today's world, this was a timely [and much appreciated] dose of inspiration!    



 📕 I wrote a book!!  Buy it here: 


👋 Come Say ‘Hi’ On Social Media:  

Website: https://

Feb 16, 202136:13
Recruiting In A Virtual World + Margaritas

Recruiting In A Virtual World + Margaritas

This week I am serving up an episode featuring Katie Kroll, Director of Development and Internships at Northwestern Mutual.   

As a relationship cultivator and culture keeper, Katie's career is founded on the purpose of helping people achieve their personal and professional goals.    

Katie has the keen ability to recognize top talent, and she lifts the veil and shares how she continues to adapt and evolve to the virtual world and changing employment market.  

 If you are a Hiring Leader looking to grow your team, or a Job Seeker looking to ace your next interview, this episode is for you.  It is packed with an insiders perspective on how to effectively recruit top talent in the virtual world, and Katie even shares the 4 most commonly made interview mistakes.

Connect with Katie HERE:

Interested in Career Coaching or Resume Writing? Visit:

Jan 26, 202135:36
Exercising Your Mind & Body + Prosecco

Exercising Your Mind & Body + Prosecco

It is NEVER too late to start investing in YOU.    

That means the whole package of you: Mind + Body + Soul.   Undoubtedly, one impacts the next, so taking care of the whole package is critical to your personal and professional success.   💪

This week's guest serves a great reminder of that.  Tera Busker, Owner and Founder of Fitness To Go joins me to sip on Prosecco and chat about how she turned her passion into a profession and she shares tips and tricks on how to optimize YOUR overall health.   

Learn more about Tera and her work in the fitness world:

To learn more about my Career Coaching, Resume Writing & Digital Courses, visit:

Jan 12, 202136:48
Revenue & Relationship Building With Aaron Eggert

Revenue & Relationship Building With Aaron Eggert

It is NEVER too late to reignite your network! My guest this week is Aaron Eggert - - an old classmate from high school, and most notably, the Founder of Coalition9 and BACKforty.

A connector of people and ideas, Aaron has merged his sales and leadership experience to support, empower and lead other individuals, helping business grow across the country.

Aaron took the initiative to reach out after years of being disconnected. He checked in, shared what he was up to…and the rest is history. We have since shared ideas, partnered on projects, referred clients, and just…continued to check in and support each other’s journey.

So I challenge you, think about someone you have lost touch with. An old co-worker, or an old boss. An old classmate. Don’t let any more time pass. Reignite your network!

And if you are looking to build your RELATIONSHIPS & REVENUE - - Aaron takes us through his journey and shares 3 MUST read books to kickstart your growth!

Tune in on your favorite podcast app or watch the complete episode on YouTube.

Visit for Career Coaching & Resume Writing!

Dec 15, 202035:52
Level Up + Jamo Ginger

Level Up + Jamo Ginger

Can you believe it has taken me until NOW to try Jameson Irish Whiskey❓ A little late to the party I'd say  - - BUT... just in time for the release of SEASON 2 of Careers & Cocktails❗😁  

In today's episode, we are LEVELING UP with Heather Westmoreland, a Medium, Healer & Transformation Coach!  Heather Westmoreland gives us all the magic in this episode!  🌠  

If you are feeling 'stuck' in a pattern, feeling undervalued, suffering from negative self-talk - - or looking to hone in on a specific skill set- - (all far too common occurrences in today's wild world) this episode covers it all and gives you the boost you need to LEVEL UP in your life!!  

Subscribe to Careers & Cocktails on YouTube or your favorite podcast app so you don't miss an update (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, etc)❗  🌐PLEASE share with your network!  

The nuggets of information in this episode are TOO GOOD to keep to yourself.   

To learn more about Heather and her incredible work - visit: 

#podcast #podcastlife #jamesonswhiskey #jamesonirishwhiskey #careersandcocktails #careerhelp #transformation #careercoach #healer #transformation #careercoach #healer #cocktails #whiskey 


I wrote a book!! Buy it here: 

Come Say ‘Hi’ On Social Media: 😊 


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  **DISCLAIMER:** TalentQ and its affiliates would like to remind viewers that the cocktails are intended for those 21+ years of age. Please drink responsibly, and obey the drinking laws in your country. Careers & Cocktails is not liable for any of your drunken mistakes.

Dec 01, 202055:12
Achieving Success In Sales + Bourbon Old Fashioned

Achieving Success In Sales + Bourbon Old Fashioned

Another week of DYNAMITE company and DELICIOUS drinks! Karen Lamb is my guest of honor this week - and she chose to sip a Bourbon Old Fashioned. No complaints here.

You don't want to miss out because Karen is one the BEST networkers I know…and she shares some of her top networking secrets! And, as a fellow female professional, she opens up about staying at home with her children for 7 years before transitioning back to the corporate world, and balancing the act of being a career mom.

Fiercely driven to set new bars and crush new goals, Karen shares a lot of great tips on how she has achieved success!

Thank you Karen!

Visit for more career related tips and delicious drink recipes!

Aug 04, 202028:20
Building A Healthy Relationship With Money + Mimosas
Jul 28, 202030:02
The Rewarding Career of a Doula

The Rewarding Career of a Doula

Joining us from the other side of the world this week is Esther Kokkelmans, a Doula who currently lives in Belgium. 

Knowing very little about the Doula profession – I was ecstatic to chat with Esther and dive in - - especially after learning she is the longest working Doula in her country! [celebrity in the house 😁]

Although a world away, Esther and I have been lucky enough to meet in person, thanks to the power of technology, the power of networking, and moreover, our shared love for Tesla.

When it came time to planning a family vacation to The Netherlands, I posted about it in a Tesla group on Facebook, and Esther was kind enough to not only invite me to their local meetup, but also arrange transportation for me and my girls. A true example of how she continues to inspire, support and network with women in all aspects of her life!

So seeing her bright and smiling face via zoom was a pleasure!

Esther shares her experience of transitioning from a Pediatric Nurse to a Birth Doula, and the role she plays throughout the birthing process. Whether it is helping parents understand their birthing rights, find their voice or helping them prepare for the unknown, Esther has the keen ability to adjust herself to the needs of her clients.

Esther is truly an inspiration as she shares her wealth of knowledge related to the birthing process, women’s rights and her continuous mission of challenging herself and challenging others. 

Thank you Esther for going out of your way to make me feel at home when visiting you, and for inviting me in to learn more about the DYNAMITE work you do as a Doula.

Be sure to check out my website for more info about this episode, future episodes, career tips and delicious drink recipes:

#doula #cocktails #careers #careersandcocktails #thenetherlands

Jul 21, 202040:22
Surrendering To Success + Chai Tea Latte
Jul 14, 202036:34
Minisode: Where Do I Go In My Career?
Jul 07, 202004:20
Viewer Questions Answered: Cover Letters, Interview Tips, Navigating A Career During Covid
Jun 30, 202016:22
For The Love Of Wine + The Journey Of Winemaking

For The Love Of Wine + The Journey Of Winemaking

Attorney turned Winemaker, Rob Fowler joined me in the studio to school us with his knowledge of wine, grape varieties, different wine-making methods and so much more!

This is a blast from the past as we recorded at the end of 2019 - and since then - his company Fowler Wine has grown exponentially as they have officially launched their website and some really exciting NEW products!

VISIT ---> (Now shipping to MN, WI, FL & DC)

Rob has participated in many wine contests over the years, bringing in over 200 awards. He wholeheartedly believes wine-making is the ultimate combination of science and art and he continues to explore that balance as he grows his wine business.

If you are a wine lover - or are just beginning to experiment with different wines - THIS IS FOR YOU.


Visit for more info!!

Jun 23, 202041:41
Growing Your Mindset To Grow Your Business

Growing Your Mindset To Grow Your Business

Beyond excited to chat with a mentor of mine, Mike Gionta, Founder of The Recruiter U.  

Having owned a successful recruiting firm for over 23 years, Mike has shifted to helping other recruiters scale their firms.    

Mike has personally been a mentor of mine for years; as a result of working through his program I experienced a 305% growth in my company.  305%!   Needless to say, I can attest to his ability to motivate, educate and coach on growing your mindset to grow your business.   

To get the conversation rolling, Mike mixed up one of his go-to cocktails a 7 & 7, and I mixed up a Tequila Sunrise.  (Learn more about this episode and our cocktails at   

We chat on topics relevant to today's market - leading through crisis, pivoting, and the power of mindset.   I encourage you to tune in, comment, share with your network.    

If you are looking for more inspiration - Mike shares some of his favorite resources:   

✨The Successful Mind Podcast by David Neagle:  

✨The Millions Within by David Neagle:  

✨Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill  

Cheers, Renee

Jun 16, 202028:57
Tips From An Executive Recruiter + Aperol Spritz

Tips From An Executive Recruiter + Aperol Spritz

This week I connected with executive recruiter and Founder of KLA Industries, Karen Sturgeon.    

Both sharing a passion for recruiting and cocktails - we started our chat with mixing up one of Karen's favorite cocktails - a Classic Aperol Spritz.    (Visit for the to-die-for recipe!!!)   

With over two decades of recruiting experience, Karen shares her journey of starting her own firm, her leadership philosophy and loads of applicable advice related to those considering a job change.    

When is the last time you did a self-assessment?    It's an important and often overlooked step of the process when preparing for a job change. Karen shares some of her favorite questions to ask including one of my new favorites, "If you were the CEO of your company tomorrow, what kind of changes would you make?"    

We chatted about the top resume mistakes we see and best advice we have for job seekers!    

Thank you Karen for introducing us to a new delicious cocktail, and for the timely reminder that we have nothing to fear.   

Cheers 🙌  Renee

Jun 09, 202036:41