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The Resilient Minds Podcast

The Resilient Minds Podcast

By Eric Balance

Join me as I explore the capabilities of the minds and how the X factor can become our WHY factor. Now is our time.
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140 - How can we collectively create a safe space for children with Emily Rivera

The Resilient Minds PodcastFeb 02, 2023

172 - Cultivating Culture by Curiosity with Mitch Matthews

172 - Cultivating Culture by Curiosity with Mitch Matthews

This episode is focused on a conversation with Mitch Matthews, a success coach and speaker, covering topics such as personal growth, the scientific method, faith, corporate culture, education, and lifelong learning. Mitch shares his own insights on his journey and strategies for overcoming challenges, emphasizing the importance of experimentation, curiosity, and continuous learning. 

We go into the depth of defining why integrating culture and perspective is a key importance when creating a new paradigm for the next generation. Mitch shares his own profound experiences in connecting with people by asking questions and recognizing the wisdom of each person he meets.

Whether it’s through his coaching, his podcasts or his speaking & training, Mitch helps fun, successful people to push through their fear to DREAM bigger, THINK better and DO more of what they were put on the planet to do!

Mitch proudly lives a “highly-caffeinated” lifestyle in Des Moines, Iowa with his wife and their two sons.  The Matthews have a wildly creative household and are very active in their church and community!



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Jun 02, 202459:10
171 - Unlocking Intuitive Body Language with Dr. Bradley Nelson

171 - Unlocking Intuitive Body Language with Dr. Bradley Nelson

Our conversation with Doctor Bradley Nelson highlighted his journey from childhood experiences to holistic healing.

Doctor Nelson emphasized instant healing possibilities through unseen powers and the importance of discovering emotions and the power on overall well-being. We discussed tapping into the subconscious mind for communication with the body's natural intelligence, addressing inherited emotional energies that have been influenced and influence future generations.

The Emotion Code involves using a chart of 60 emotions to locate and address emotional energies.

Dr. Bradley demonstrated a process using the Emotion Code chart to identify and release specific emotions. The method involved asking questions and using techniques like the ring in ring method and swiping over the governing meridian.

Understanding how the subconscious communicates is crucial for emotional healing.

Listening to the language of the body can reveal valuable insights into emotional well-being.

The Emotion Code helps individuals identify and release emotional energies, leading to a broader understanding. It can open people up to addressing negative belief systems and supporting personal growth.

Paying attention to the body's signals can unlock physical wisdom and emotional intelligence.

Learning to trust oneself and listen to internal cues fosters congruence and self-awareness.

Doctor Nelson emphasized maintaining childlike openness and humility in our journey, acknowledging a higher power's transformative role as we walk the path. He introduced and discussed certification programs like the Belief Code to empower individuals globally with natural healing methods

Was great to connect dear friend.



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May 18, 202455:55
Mothers Day Episode - Honouring Mothers Energy with Dr Shefali

Mothers Day Episode - Honouring Mothers Energy with Dr Shefali

Happy Mothers Day…

On this special episode with Doctor Shefali, renowned in conscious parenting and family dynamics. She helps many integrate meditation, psychology, and spirituality to break free from conditioned beliefs systems. Focusing on early childhood experiences that shape our adulthood, informing  us all to be mindful of the perceived  limitations we project on children's minds.

Doctor Shefali stresses that deep personal healing is a must, and to take responsibility of ones self before passing on personal traumas to future generations. Being truly present with our own children, understanding their true essence, and allowing them to self-explorre their creativity are key distinctions we can all implement for one another as adults as well. Her book "The Parenting Map" offers practical guidance on conscious parenting, going beyond societal distractions and focusing on the inner work beyond the superficial “knowledge.”

We highlight challenging personal growth aspects like addressing unworthiness and fears for true healing progress. Living authentically and aligned with our purpose creates a deeper family connection through our presence, humility, and continuous learning. We share how its important to step into our collective responsibility by fostering and nurturing our own individual transformations towards an awakened family dynamic and bridge into  community, and national  levels.

Connect with Dr Shefali



New Podcast: Parenting And You with Dr Shefali

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May 11, 202443:59
Bitcoin Series Ep 4 - Understanding the Price of Tomorrow with Jeff Booth

Bitcoin Series Ep 4 - Understanding the Price of Tomorrow with Jeff Booth

In this episode, we dive into the profound insights shared by Jeff, who has brought forth a fresh perspective on economics, technology, and the future. Join us as we explore the journey of discovery that led to the writing of "The Price of Tomorrow" and the transformative creative potential of Energy and how it is building what I like to call, "The Divine Economy."

Episode Highlights:

  1. Background and Entrepreneurial Journey:

    • Jeff opens up with authenticity and sharing about his background. from dropping out of school to pursue entrepreneurship to founding and growing a successful company in Canada.

    • We reflect on the insights gained from entrepreneurial journeys, including the realization that personal limitations often pose greater challenges than external factors.

  1. The Genesis of "The Price of Tomorrow":

    • The inspiration behind writing "The Price of Tomorrow" emerges from a decade-long observation of technology's rapid advancement and its paradoxical impact on prices.

    • Fueled by a desire to understand why prices weren't falling despite technological progress, our guest embarked on a journey to unravel the complexities of the existing monetary system.

  1. The Role of Energy in Resolving Economic Paradoxes:

    • Initially a skeptic, Jeffs perspective on Bitcoin has evolved as he dove deeper into its potential to address systemic flaws.

    • Through rigorous analysis and attempts to disprove Bitcoin's viability, he came to recognize its role as a solution to existing economic challenges.

    • They emphasize the need to unlearn traditional economic paradigms and embrace the disruptive potential of decentralized technologies like Bitcoin.

  1. Embracing a New Paradigm:

    • The process of understanding Bitcoin entails unlearning entrenched beliefs and embracing a new set of rules for economic governance.

    • Our guest compares this transformative journey to a collective reevaluation of historical narratives and the adoption of a decentralized, honest ledger for the future.

Closing Thoughts:

As we conclude our conversation, we're reminded of the profound shifts occurring in our understanding of economics and technology. Through introspection, exploration, and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom, we can pave the way for a more equitable and innovative future, powered by the transformative potential of Alternative Investment vehicles like Bitcoin.

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Apr 29, 202451:24
Bitcoin Series Ep 3 - Integrating Bitcoin in Organizational Behaviors with Vijay Boyapati

Bitcoin Series Ep 3 - Integrating Bitcoin in Organizational Behaviors with Vijay Boyapati

In this empowering episode,  Vijay Boyapati shared his background in computer science and Google discussing the value of bitcoin through Austrian economics. He emphasizing the sound money principles and questioned the impact equity of the fiat standard. Vijay highlighted the differences between Austrian economics and mainstream established economic methods, focusing on economic causality and historical examples like hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic. 

We explore the transition to a Bitcoin Standard, emphasizing education for adoption and individual responsibility in driving broader acceptance and integration across entrepreneurs and organizational behaviours. We discuss on whether businesses should lead or follow in integrating Bitcoin at organizational levels.

This is our collective responsibility and leaders lead by taking action and creating an outstanding standard for their teams, their communities and their organizations.

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Apr 23, 202451:41
170 - The Emotional Intelligence of a CEO with Scott Armstrong

170 - The Emotional Intelligence of a CEO with Scott Armstrong

In this episode of the Resilient Minds Podcast, I welcome Scott Armstrong, a Former Editor of Arabian Business, a jounalist, and founder of mental - a platform that provides a holistic approach to mental health issues in the workplace.

Involved across the world from UK to Bahamas, throughout Oman and onto the UAE, we discuss the importance of a strong corporate culture and the importance of Executive Leadership.

We discuss prioritizing holistic well-being over profit in business models and emphasized fostering mindful leadership to create compassionate work environments. Challenging traditional structures, we focus on promoting collaboration, self-awareness, and personal growth to evolve  workplace cultures.

Future plans for Mentl included expanding mental health awards and hosting retreats for authentic conversations in corporate settings. The dialogue emphasized vulnerability, learning from failures, and nurturing self-compassion alongside professional growth. 

Our meeting encapsulated a transformative journey towards compassionate-driven leadership and life philosophy centered on growth, compassion, and innovative workplace practices.

It was amazing to connect with you my brother.

Lets Build the Future of Business.

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Apr 10, 202401:01:56
Bitcoin Series Ep 2 - The Essence of Money with Bram Kanstein

Bitcoin Series Ep 2 - The Essence of Money with Bram Kanstein

Our discussion on the significance of money and how Bitcoin is changing monetary policy is an conversation with will encourage all who are curious about the future  to listen.

We discussion the functionality of our economic systems and how Bitcoin represents a standard of excellence and is set to revolutionize the financial landscape.

As we  weave a narrative of its functions as a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account, underscoring the intrinsic relationship between time, energy, and entrepreneurial endeavors. Through our dialogue, we illuminate the path for aspiring entrepreneurs, emphasizing the need to take risks and invest resources in nurturing innovative business ideas.

Bram paints a vivid contrast between Bitcoin's scarcity and decentralization and the volatility of fiat currencies and real estate markets. He encourage listeners to embrace their own values and principles, empowering them to make a positive impact on the world by following their hearts intentions, and doing their own due diligence.

Join us as we share how we are building a supportive community of like-minded leaders, devoted to building a new future for the next generation.

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Apr 02, 202401:07:39
Bitcoin Series Ep 1 - A Bitcoin Introduction with Stephan Livera

Bitcoin Series Ep 1 - A Bitcoin Introduction with Stephan Livera

Stephan Livera, a leading Bitcoin educator comes on to emphasize bitcoin's role as a solution to the injustices of centralized currencies.

The importance of understanding fiat currency flaws is underscored, highlighting bitcoin as decentralized, scarce, open. Standing out from other cryptocurrencies consistently.

Bitcoin's market leader status remains unquestioned against numerous altcoins, warning against schemes promoting alternative coins.

Our discussion explores bitcoin's evolution, contrasting its community action against self-serving movements. Bitcoin is presented as an alternative to late-stage fiat environments, promoting long-term thinking and independence from debt structures, and manipulation.

Emphasizing well-being prioritization, bitcoin fosters autonomy and societal sovereignty, providing flexibility for fulfilling careers and business pursuits free from debt cycles.

Participants recognize the responsibility in the shift towards bitcoinization, foreseeing a more equitable and less solution - focused world.

The shift to bitcoins as savings assets will  demonetize real estate, stocks, and government bonds, increasing property market accessibility and reducing reliance on fiat currency.

As Bitcoin becomes the preferred store of value, real estate investors reliant on leverage may face challenges with reduced credit and leverage availability in a bitcoinized world.

The meeting anticipates a fairer cross-generational housing access in a bitcoinized world, reducing reliance on multiple income sources through increased productivity.

Join us in building the future

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Mar 28, 202455:51
169  - Why We Must Create Psychologically Safe Workplace Environments with Christine Hassler

169  - Why We Must Create Psychologically Safe Workplace Environments with Christine Hassler

Join us on this episode as we connect with the amazing Christine Hassler, a prominent coach and speaker, in personal growth, and mental health. Christine shares the importance of listening, constantly learning, and creating psychological safety in organizations for productivity and individual growth.

Christine emphasized trauma processing, trust-building from early experiences, and integrating past wounds for a healthier present reality. From her experience she mentions the importance of addressing inner child work as crucial component for healing emotional patterns affecting leadership and overall well-being.

We dive deeper into the leadership qualities for personal and professional growth, and how focusing on maintaining a beginner's mind, embracing vulnerability with compassion, and promoting self-reflection for uncovering hidden traumas or toxic behaviors. 

If more of us as a collective foster safe spaces for introspection, we epitomize the transformation in all levels. Christine balances motherhood with her coaching commitment, particularly through programs like the Elementum Coaching Institute. Her dedication to supporting holistic wellness underscores empowerment through compassionate-driven practices, tapping into individuals' innate hidden potential.

Was amazing to share insights and connect Christine

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Mar 13, 202452:21
168 - Empowering future leaders to believe in themselves with Marisha Lakhiani

168 - Empowering future leaders to believe in themselves with Marisha Lakhiani

Marisha Lakhiani from MindValley, the Chief Growth Officer, discusses her journey and experiences related to entrepreneurship, business development, and personal growth.

She shares insights on her childhood aspirations, entrepreneurial spirit, challenges faced in partnerships, overcoming grief and loss of identity due to business failure. Marisha emphasizes the importance of authenticity, vulnerability, intentionality in leadership roles. She highlights the significance of establishing a strong team culture based on values like co-elevation, growth mindset, ownership to foster engagement and productivity within organizations. Marisha's approach involves empowering individuals to believe in themselves and their ideas while creating a supportive environment for personal and professional growth. Her philosophy extends beyond work-life balance as she stresses the impact of workplace dynamics on overall well-being and relationships outside of work.

Marisha also mentions upcoming events where she will be speaking about AI in performance marketing at Affiliate World Dubai followed by engagements at manifesting conferences with Mind Valley in Miami and New York later this year. 

We encourages you to connect with her via Instagram or LinkedIn for updates on workshops focused on marketing strategies while also sharing insights into leadership principles during discussions like this podcast episode.

Was amazing to connect Marisha

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Feb 28, 202455:34
167 - Unveiling the Secrets of "Happy Money" with Ken Honda

167 - Unveiling the Secrets of "Happy Money" with Ken Honda

In this episode of the Resilient Minds Podcast, I welcome our esteemed guest Ken Honda as we delve into the profound connection between money and happiness. Ken, a renowned author in Japan with a rich background in finance, shares his insights on the concept of "happy money" and how it can transform our lives.

  • Ken Honda's background as a successful author in Japan with a focus on the relationship between money and happiness.

  • His extensive financial expertise gained from owning and managing various businesses.

2. Exploring "Happy Money":

  • Ken introduces the concept of "happy money" - money that brings joy and gratitude when received or spent.

  • Emphasis on doing what you love, giving to others, and maintaining a positive relationship with money.

3. Finding Mission and Joy:

  • Ken shares his personal experience of discovering his mission during a vision quest, transforming work into something enjoyable.

  • The importance of aligning passion with profession, moving beyond survival mode.

4. Navigating Global Changes:

  • Ken addresses global changes, assuring listeners that strong connections and pursuing one's passions can weather economic fluctuations.

  • Insights into his upcoming international teaching ventures and the concept of Money Peace Town.

5. Upbringing and Career Influence:

  • Discussion on how upbringing shapes career paths and finding true contentment.

  • Exploring past traumas and pain to help others discover their authentic selves.

6. Money Trauma and Emotional Intelligence:

  • Personal experiences with money trauma and its impact on business perspectives.

  • Emphasis on emotional intelligence in managing finances.

7. Meaningful Connections and Passion Pursuit:

  • Finding meaning in life through meaningful connections and pursuing one's passions.

  • Creating a system to attract financial success while doing what you love.

8. Sales Approaches:

  • Different approaches to sales, highlighting the importance of being a good listener rather than just a talker.

This enlightening episode explores the profound relationship between money and happiness, unveiling the secrets of "happy money" with the wisdom and experiences shared by Ken Honda. Discover how emotional intelligence, meaningful connections, and pursuing passions can transform your financial journey.

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Feb 22, 202456:23
166 - How to Apply Practical Spirituality into Business Environments with Master Co

166 - How to Apply Practical Spirituality into Business Environments with Master Co

I have had the pleasure of connecting with Master Co live for the first time 5 years ago in London, England before COVID, where he had us gaze into the eyes of strangers, with deep breathing patterns, and energetic work.

At that time in my life, my focus was on money only, and disconnected from a greater source of intelligence, that year I devoted myself to following my heart.

No Matter what it took, or how hard it was going to get… I committed to myself that I would walk the path to becoming aligned within myself.

As I gazed into the eyes of a dear friend, Nikki Sharp, and felt an energy of life within myself, I knew I needed to go deeper, I didn’t know how, but I knew why…

It inspired me to invest in one of the greatest and most expensive masterminds of my life, The Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership. I didn’t know why I needed it, but something in me for the first time told me that I was worth so much more.

With Tony's ability to connect himself and bring people of great wisdom to come and teach alongside him, I Realized, I knew nothing and was willing to truly focus my energy on doing what Byron Katie calls, “The Work.” 

Today I get to release a podcast with Master Co, who is a leading expert in meditation and energetic practices, shares his journey of discovering pranic healing, and delivers a compelling and profound teaching at Unleash the Power Within which today is aired around the world. 

He explains how he learned the technique to heal his wife's broken hip and went on to use it to help others. Master Co emphasizes that everyone can access this energy and directs listeners towards understanding and utilizing their life force for healing, relationships, finances, and spiritual development. He also discusses the importance of clarity, meditation as a way to empty low frequencies and connect with higher vibrations, and the concept of oneness in our interconnected world. 

He taught structured and sustainable meditation in organizations to help improve clarity and decision-making so that culture and communication are refined for harmony and co-creation.

Check out the episode as Master Co concludes by guiding listeners through a brief breathing exercise that can be practiced anytime for relaxation and connection with One's Spiritual Self.

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Feb 06, 202401:01:09
165 - How Alignment with Yourself can Help you Manifest with Matt Kahn

165 - How Alignment with Yourself can Help you Manifest with Matt Kahn

Welcoming Matt Khan, who is a renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling author to the Reslient Minds Podcast was a real pleasure. Matt's teachings focus on love as the ultimate path to self-realization and he offers practical guidance for navigating life's challenges with grace and humor.

Our conversation explores the concept of losing the mind in order to reconnect with the heart, which allowed both of us to share our unique different perspectives, and you can recognize the magic of two perspectives merging into a unique approach on life. Something seldom done in society, the power of thoughtfulness and communication to get to a similar path is often mistaken and misunderstood by so many, and highlighted beautifully in our exchange.

Matt emphasizes that it is not about completely abandoning rationality but rather reuniting the mind and heart for a more balanced approach to life. He suggests spending time in feelings and understanding emotional needs as a way to cultivate emotional intelligence and strengthen the connection between mind and heart. Surrendering control to the wisdom of the heart allows for personal growth and empowerment.

A profound ethically aligned episode that focus on how we can all implement even more of these principles within organizational culture, sacred relationships over transactional ones to cultivate positive workplace environments that align with spiritual wisdom, and reverance for one another.

Appreciate you @MattKahn, you are a blessed brother. Lets create magic in this world.

Connect with Matt Kahn:


YouTube: @MattKahnAllforLove

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Jan 28, 202401:00:16
Special Edition - Empowering conscious organizational behaviour with Sri Preethaji

Special Edition - Empowering conscious organizational behaviour with Sri Preethaji

Cultivating awareness within any organization comes down to the leadership, the founder, and the executive teams.

When we take the time to set those intentions to enhance a culture, we know that the strategic process will show up. Because focused attention finds solutions, and as legendary marketer and management consultant, Peter Drucker has said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

Join me and Sri Preethaji, a spiritual leader and philanthropist, as we discuss a collective vision for creating an awareness of Oneness and amplifying enlightened leadership across the planet. With already millions of followers and an intentional focus, where people can experience compassion, connection, and creativity.

Sri Preetaji emphasizes the importance of living free from suffering and stepping into a state of calm and peace to create even more wealth and master meaningful relationships. 

We focus on how the impact of conscious leadership in organizations and communities, can manifest a new generational paradigm that changes the experience for our businesses, our bottom line, and the people, planet, and purpose we serve.

We go into depth on the 4 day Field of Awakening immersions offered around the world by Sri Preethaji and the dedication and focus it brings to ones personal journey to have the courage to manifest and lead a conscious corporate culture.

Join the upcoming dates in:

Sydney,Australia - March 14 - 17, 2024 -

Miami, Florida - March 21 - 24, 2024 -

Mexico - April 18 - 21, 2024 -

Verona, Italy - April 25 - 28, 2024 -

Looking forward to seeing you all experience the profound wisdom. Thank you Sri Preethaji, Sri Krishnaji, and all the Ekam Staff, Faculty, and Lokaa Foundation Volunteers for your grace, kindness, and hospitality while I was in India.

Grateful for these eternal friendships.

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Jan 18, 202450:35
164 - How your Intuition could Enhance your Intentions with Trevor Blake

164 - How your Intuition could Enhance your Intentions with Trevor Blake

Excited to share the flow of this episode as im pleased to say, this perhaps has been one of my favourite podcasts and the grace that came through was unbelievable, and I am super grateful for having met this man @trevorblake

Trevor G. Blake is an entrepreneur, author, and speaker known for his work in the field of business and personal development. He is the author of the New York Times Best Seller, "Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life," which has gained recognition for its practical and actionable advice on achieving success and happiness.

He has an MBA as well as a degree in radiation physics and nuclear medicine.

We emphasized the importance of self-confidence and tapping into feminine energy, and the beauty of our connection to this within ourselves. Trevor shares how as a result of reprogramming his brain, setting intentions, and letting go of past emotions he build up the certainty within himself on how to build multiple successful businesses. 

We discuss the concept of time as an illusion and he encourages listeners to follow their dreams with authenticity. The conversation highlights the significance of listening to intuition and embracing change in order to create a fulfilling life.

A super fulfilling chat, and I am grateful for the magic that we co-created.

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Jan 12, 202454:51
163 - Why relationships with yourself matter most with Jillian Turecki

163 - Why relationships with yourself matter most with Jillian Turecki

During this amazing episode I welcome on an epic relationship teacher Jillian Turecki, and host of her famous podcast Jillian On Love. She has cultivated and studied her own relationship with self and allowed it to shine by enhancing relationships through teaching and writing. 

Her passion for love stems from observing both her parents marriage and deeply discovering what she wanted to identify and understand for herself and her future.. She shares that in depth awareness of how shes taken practical steps into integrating her way of being and is focused on the development and understanding on how to have the worlds most successful relationships.

How often do we take this type of responsibility in our lives to genuinely get curious enough about ourselves so we can really foster great relationships with the people around us. This is a fundamental part of any great way of seeing new perspectives because ultimately the way you see this relationship with yourself is how it will expand into your family, community, and culture.

Join Jillian and I discuss the importance of why cultivating your own awareness will ultimately lead to better relationships in career, family, and romance.

It was a great conversation. Appreciate you @jillian 

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Dec 31, 202350:21
162 - The Edge of Valuable Virtues with Dr Rick Hanson

162 - The Edge of Valuable Virtues with Dr Rick Hanson

Welcoming Dr Rick Hanson on the podcast was a delight for me as this podcast episode was so integral in its wisdom and the flow of the converstation was like water. 

Dr Rick Hanson is a psychologist, a senior fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times best-selling author. He has published seven books in multiple languages and is involved in various organizations related to neuroscience and contemplative wisdom. He discusses his interest in borderlands and how different cultures coming together can create opportunities for growth. 

Dr. Hansen shares that his path was influenced by childhood memories of unnecessary unhappiness, leading him to explore ways to fill an emotional void within himself through practices like meditation and taking in the good moments in lifem with a depth on emphasis on  personal growth and learning, we highlight how individuals have control over their own development and no one can stop them from learning and healing through their own experiences. 

In a world where people feel pushed around, it is important to know that one can realize that they can grow every day within themselves. We go into depth of the concept and understanding of pushing oneself to the edge and whether extreme experiences are necessary for this type of growth. When their is an element of self trust, vulnerability, compassion, and self-understanding for most men and women if this is emphasized, it can be used as a means to build healthier relationships and contribute positively to society. 

Rick suggests that anyone wanting to connect with him or get involved in his initiatives can refer to his book, "Making Great Relationships," which offers practical advice and tips. He also mentions the Global Compassion Coalition, a rapidly growing organization focused on bringing people together to make positive change in the world. Rick emphasizes the importance of coming together like our ancestors did for the common good and discusses learning from indigenous communities about living with compassion and justice. 

He believes it is time to bring their wisdom into business and entrepreneurship. 

Grateful for your time and wisdom dear Rick

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Dec 21, 202352:28
161 - Why Agreements Matter with Don Jose Ruiz

161 - Why Agreements Matter with Don Jose Ruiz

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Don Jose Ruiz, author, speaker, and devoted co creator to the Resilient Minds podcast. He has traveled to sacred sites around the world and continues to hold wisdom that he has received and the silent knowledge that he translates for others.

His experiences at these sites have taught him about himself and his own energy, and how to manifest it forward towards the next generation.

Don Jose's goal is to help people come closer to themselves and create an even better future through creativity and healthy outlets. He encourages people to unlearn someone else's dream and search within themselves instead.

The speaker discusses the importance of accepting life and not wasting time. They emphasize the value of listening to stories and clues left by past teachers and creators. We discuss the importance of success leaving clues and we go into depth of,  “The Five Agreements” which are introduced as: being impeccable with one's word, not taking anything personally, not making assumptions, doing one's best, and listening.

As Don Jose Ruiz explains each agreement in detail and highlights the significance of skepticism towards being negative in each of these cases we focus on our personal experiences and reflections on unlearning these negative patterns.

Finally, we mention our encounters with indigenous people in South America who taught them about unlearning from what is often taught in these new mystery schools that are passed down from generation to generation.

Focusing on recognizing that life is a continuous ceremony, we share a breakthrough in understanding that triggering others with our unique light is an opportunity for compassion. Through our unique behavior, we inspire others to join us in shining their light. The importance of honesty and confronting one's emotions is emphasized as a way to return to truth and sacredness.

The celestial fire within each person is described as the source of energy for creativity and overcoming negativity. Discovering this light is the experience of what many can discuss as enlightenment or deep awareness. As we honor the feminine nature within ourselves and take care of our bodies, we express in gratitude towards our blessed mothers who bring us into this world.

At the end of the day, it's the peace you have within that will be shared across the world. We emphasize the significance of this peace and surrender in achieving positive change. The power of expressing oneself with authenticity and vulnerability are the cornerstones to creating a meaningful life.

Thank you for joining my brother

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Dec 14, 202356:51
160 - Bringing Science and Spirituality Together with Dr Sue Morter

160 - Bringing Science and Spirituality Together with Dr Sue Morter

As I welcome Dr. Sue Morter, an international speaker, master of bioenergetic theory, and quantum field visionary who focuses on elevating human consciousness through energetic medicine to the show. 

Dr. Sue emphasizes the importance of regulating oneself by breathing from the belly to activate the relaxation response and calm the nervous system. This allows for greater expansiveness, creativity, and empowerment in life. She shares her transformative experience in meditation in the year 2000 which led her to understand that we are more than just our minds and bodies.

Dr Sue discusses the importance of breathing in the belly to stay calm and regulate our responses to triggering situations. In the past, society often triggers defensive behaviors where this can promote a reality where defensiveness is necessary, whereas dropping attention into the body can promote creativity and well-being. We go deep into an exercise to bring energy back into oneself instead of projecting our insecurity onto others or objects, which can lead to a greater sense of self and empowerment. 

In our conversation, we emphasize that we have control over our own experiences and choices, and by influencing ourselves first, we can create certainty in any environment. As we grow its imperative that  we cultivate resilience and enhance our abilities to maximize our potential through faith and intention, as shown by quantum science's understanding of manifestation based on focus and vibration.

We go deep into the connection between science and spirituality, emphasizing that our beliefs and mindset can influence our reality. It explores the concept of consciousness and how individuals have the power to shift collective consciousness through their thoughts and intentions. 

Our conversation also touches on authenticity, evolution, and the importance of aligning the mind, heart, and gut in decision-making. Check out Dr Sue’s “The Energy Codes” guide for embodying these principles in daily life.

Thanks for coming on dear sister.

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Dec 04, 202352:47
159 - How Mental Health Education Can Empower The Next Generation with Lyndon Longhorne

159 - How Mental Health Education Can Empower The Next Generation with Lyndon Longhorne

Meet Lyndon Longhorne as we discuss the concept of failure and how it can be perceived as either negative or even better, motivating. 

We discuss the emphasis and the importance of using failure as a learning opportunity and seeking help when going through difficult times. Our conversation touches on our personal experiences with mental health struggles and the need for open conversations and support networks to prevent individuals from feeling alone in their struggles. Both Lyndon and I stress that these topics should be taught at a younger age to promote emotional well-being and resilience.

As we reflect on the importance of finding inner purity and understanding that everyone has a core essence. We discuss the mental health crises and the projection of diagnoses onto individuals without knowing the truth and how inclusivity and treating people based on their personality rather than appearance or abilities can empower them to thrive in any situation with the correct tools. 

The fact is that there is no need in caring much about others' opinions, and having compassion for different the different perspectives we encounter, by listening to one another's unique maps of the world. Lyndon mentions setting goals, maintaining positivity, resilience, strength, mindset, attitude as keys to success in his life.

Lyndon suggests using a traffic light system to identify people in your circle who can support you on your journey. He mentions setting goals, both short-term and long-term, as a way to stay motivated and focused. Repetition and consistency are crucial for developing good habits. 

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Nov 22, 202353:50
158 - How to Activate Mental Fitness in the Workplace with Marc Champagne

158 - How to Activate Mental Fitness in the Workplace with Marc Champagne

As I welcome Marc Champagne to the Resilient Minds podcast. We discuss Marc's journey into mental fitness and his defining moment when he had to shut down his business. This led him to realize the power of questions in overcoming challenges and finding purpose. Mark emphasizes the importance of listening to our feelings and using practices like journaling to train our minds for success. He shares how a simple question from a mentor changed everything for him, leading him on a new path towards personal growth and helping others.

Marc shares the importance of mental fitness and how it can be integrated into organizational culture.  Introducing mental fitness practices in meetings and systems, such as taking a few minutes to acknowledge emotions and engage in guided breath work. These small adjustments can have a significant impact on productivity and well-being. The importance of speaking the language of different companies or individuals when promoting mental fitness, using diverse perspectives to engage people in conversation. 

Consider the health of your mind: Recognize the importance of mental health and well-being. Prioritize the health of your mind and the minds of your team members. Consider how mental fitness practices can support individual and team performance, creativity, and overall well-being. Make mental fitness a part of your company culture and support your team members in taking care of their mental health.

Thanks for coming on brother.

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Nov 15, 202357:55
157 - How to BE SEEN with Jen Gottlieb

157 - How to BE SEEN with Jen Gottlieb

Congratulations to Jen on her amazing journey and the launch of her new book “BE SEEN.”

Join Jen and I discuss the importance of cultivating a meaningful purpose and recognizing that its about magnifying many of them all at once.

As she launches her new book, she reminds us to trust that by constant and never ending improvement we will define our identity and step into a role model for others where will encourage others to feel safe enough to feel seen, heard, and understood.

She encourages everyone to continue to go after the biggest and wildest dreams while you share your story to inspire and teach others. With this courageous action despite fear and uncertainty you will create so much value because you are making a difference by encouraging others to see how it all comes together.

I really enjoyed Jens authenticity to help us all remember that nobody is perfect and it's important to share the real and messy parts of our lives. Recognizing that you get to choose a positive perspective on life and when you build relationships without judgment that you will enhance the way people perceive you because that is how you perceive yourself.

The ability to BE SEEN is in how you choose to see yourself.

Check out her new book out now.

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Nov 01, 202352:14
156 - Delegate Tasks, Believe in Yourself, and Create your Dreams with Dr. John Demartini

156 - Delegate Tasks, Believe in Yourself, and Create your Dreams with Dr. John Demartini

Join me and Dr. John Demartini in a conversation that focuses on the role of parents in empowering their children to find solutions and become independent.

Dr. John Demartini is a polymath and a world-renowned human behaviour expert. He has five decades of research across multiple disciplines. His work has been described by students as the most comprehensive body of work, and & an extensive library of wisdom, as well as wisdom of the highest and most valuable order

Dr. Demartini’s  mission and vision is to share knowledge and wisdom that empowers you to become a master of your own life and destiny.

 As we discuss the importance of providing a blend of support and challenge our next generation for maximum growth and development. We emphasize that overprotecting or overchallenging can lead to negative outcomes, but finding a balance is key. AS Dr. Dimartini goes deep into his own personal experiences with his father, who instilled him with accountability from a young age, problem-solving skills and self responsibility. 

This empowering conversation allows us to discuss the value of regenerative fair exchange rather than giving something for nothing, as it fosters independence and prevents entitlement. Overall, we highlight the significance of cultivating meaningful relationships with children based on values and compassion in order to create future leaders.

Together we focus on manifesting awareness and enhancing self-trust and how it includes our own personal stories about childhood experiences, such as leading bold journeys and the impact of how our parents cultivated our development. 

Dr. Demartini reflects on his mother's creativity and her ability to create a safe space, highlighting the importance of contrast in all communication styles. Additionally, discussing an emotional moment with his mother when he felt supported and loved unconditionally.

We dive deep into personal and professional journeys and cultivate a discovery of a generational transfer of knowledge from one great teacher to a future one.

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Oct 25, 202357:58
155 - The Power of Listening with Kute Blackson

155 - The Power of Listening with Kute Blackson

On this episode join me in welcoming Kute Blackson, a renowned author and speaker, had a unique childhood where he witnessed miraculous healings performed by his father.

This upbringing instilled in him a sense of limitless possibilities and the desire to help others. At age eight, Kute began speaking publicly and discovered an innate ability to inspire people. He delved into spiritual self-help books, seeking answers about life's purpose and his own identity.

Despite being ordained as a minister at 14, Kute felt that it wasn't his true path but was too afraid to speak up. Eventually, at 18 years old, he made the decision not to take over his father's churches and embarked on his own journey towards fulfilling his purpose.

Kute discusses the importance of integrity and authenticity in achieving true success. He shares his personal journey, including leaving everything behind to pursue his calling in California, breaking away from his father's ministry, and traveling to gain a deeper understanding of himself and life's purpose. Kute emphasizes the significance of following your soul's guidance, even when it doesn't make sense at the time. He highlights that some of the worst moments turned out to be blessings in disguise and expresses gratitude for unanswered prayers and heartbreaks that led him to where he is today. 

Kute explains how he feels guided by grace now more than ever but notes that following this innate intelligence requires surrendering control and not analyzing or questioning every step along the way. He emphasizes being open to subtle signs, sensations, conversations, or encounters as they often hold valuable guidance beyond our conditioned minds' capacity to understand.

The importance of following guidance and feeling in order to live in flow. He explains that the ego's limited perspective prevents us from seeing the bigger picture, and that even seemingly negative experiences can lead to positive outcomes. We shared our perspective on listening to the universe and how it becomes magic when the universe listens to you. 

Join Kute and I as we focus on breaking generational cycles and healing familial relationships for personal growth. Kute encourages listeners to work through unresolved issues with their parents for their own freedom and evolution.

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Sep 26, 202358:22
154 - Cultivating Your Artistic Expression with Leroy Booker

154 - Cultivating Your Artistic Expression with Leroy Booker

Ever thought of yourself as an artist?

Could you be a creative, a painter of the canvas you call life, a curator of your own circumstances and a master of your destiny?

If you knew you could step into your own freedom and independence and write your own story, what would it look like?

Who would you be and how would you speak...

What could you create and why would it define you...

Join myself and Leroy as we expand on the courage and consistency it takes to follow a vision that as been given to you, and has been offered with reverence for a service to something greater.

We believe we all have this capacity, to unveil our illusion and step into the fulfillment and meaning of life. And as I listen to the wisdom of this tremendous young man, I see that the future generations are in for some tremendous guides, leaders, and profound boldness.

Leroy emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and changing patterns in order to achieve success. We discuss the need to treat ourselves as if we are already at the desired destination while enjoying the journey and highlighting the importance of self-care and preparation. Our conversation also touches on the power of silence and reflection in gaining wisdom to make decisions.

We share about Leeroy's upcoming album release, merchandise, and shows, and encourage all to connect with them on Instagram for more information:

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Aug 25, 202356:10
 153 - How to Activate an Organizational Culture that Impacts Your Bottom Line with Satyen Raja

153 - How to Activate an Organizational Culture that Impacts Your Bottom Line with Satyen Raja

On this episode of The Resilient Minds Podcast we connect with a Spiritual Wisdom Keeper and Business Leader Satyen Raja. Satyen shares how his spiritual journey began from questioning rituals in Hinduism and seeking deeper meaning. He explains the unique path of the Warriorsage, combining the warrior's strength with the sage's wisdom. 

During our time together we discuss the responsibility of cultivating awareness during uncertain times and encouraging other individuals to explore their true path by examining compromises they have made in life. The journey from ego to mastery, exemplifies a path in peak performance leading to peak existence. Satyen emphasizes the importance of listening to one's inner voice or spirit, which can be experienced as God, cosmic intelligence, or a benevolent force that unifies us all. 

Society often discourages trusting this inner voice and instead values external validation and success. However, reconnecting with our inner truth allows us to find fulfillment within ourselves and navigate life more powerfully. This transformation can turn individuals from hardworking mules into magicians.

We empahise the negative consequences of being disconnected from one's true nature, such as breakdowns in family and relationships and follow throught on what Satyen explains that leaders must prioritize creating an environment that fosters wholeness and transformation within their organizations. 

Throughout this episode Satyen shares his personal experience of finding a sense of home and purpose when he entered a kung fu school, and he challenges listeners to remember their own moments of coming home and encourages them to create organizations where this feeling is cultivated regularly. 

Satyen asserts that implementing these principles leads to exponential growth, increased fulfillment, and loyalty within teams. He highlights the importance of unity among organizations for a greater shared purpose, emphasizing the need for enlightenment, unification, and mobilization to make a collective impact on society.

I encourage you to check out this amazing episode and focus on how you can uncover blind spots and patterns that may be hindering success.

Check out Satyens New Book Transcendent CEO and Transcendent Culture that can be found at

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Aug 11, 202353:50
152 - How to trust that the Universe is always guiding your journey with Drew McManus from Satsang

152 - How to trust that the Universe is always guiding your journey with Drew McManus from Satsang

In this episode of The Resilient Minds Podcast I sit down with Drew McManus and he shares  about his recent move to Montana and how he has overcome difficult periods in his life. We all always share about the importance of following one's heart and finding a sense of purpose. 

And the conversation touches on the self-centered culture of social media and the need for young people to understand that there is more to life than external validation. This Nature of going inside can be seen as an important tool for gaining perspective on our place in the world.

Over the course of our interaction we share our  thoughts on being a cultural influencers and the importance of having good ideas to make an impact. Emphasizing the significance of human nature and curating experiences that help people connect with spirituality.

Music is a way to access this ethereal space without chemical assistance, which is why Drew aims to inspire others through his music. He chose the name "Satsang" for his band, which means spiritual discourse in the company of truth. Drew recounts how he heard the universe speak to him during a trip to Nepal and how he continues to listen by paying attention to what resonates with him or pushes him away from things not meant for him.

We go into depth of surrendering and trusting in whatever is meant for us in the human experience. Drew shares personal experiences with comparison and owning his music, which has led to financial stability during COVID-19. He advises new artists to focus on authentic music rather than overthinking perfectionism. 

An avid athlete, we go into a important topic of masculinity and how martial arts can help individuals embody principles of service without ego. As we approach life like a student, we can apply our curiosity to any and all situations.

Overall the power of family and community is a fulfilling and fruitful topic that invites your heart to feel the independence of trusting in yourself and our ability to create. We are all here doing our best and if you live with passion, all is possible.

Trusting in something greater than yourself, is the truest form of living in integrity.

Thank you for your wisdom Drew @satsang

Check out the full episode out now on all platforms

Follow Satangs Journey

check out for updates on his music and tours.

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Aug 02, 202355:40
151 - Why Reflections Are Empowering Lessons with Eric Balance
Jul 18, 202324:02
150 - How to Create Conscious Business Practices and Help Everyone Win

150 - How to Create Conscious Business Practices and Help Everyone Win

On this episode of The Resilient Minds Podcast, we connect with Brandon Beachum. We discuss Brandon's journey as a serial entrepreneur and his experiences with Resort Share, which grew to become one of America's fastest-growing private companies. 

Brandon also shares his belief in the ultimate nature of reality and emphasizes the importance of following synchronicities or "spiritual breadcrumbs." He discusses how challenges can lead to personal growth and encourages listeners to view life as happening for them rather than to them.

We take time to emphasize the importance of staying open to these experiences, even if they seem intense. Taking time as we want to ensure that entrepreneurs take the initiatives to shift to the idea of self-mastery and choose how to show up regardless of external circumstances. We suggest that keeping one's heart open and mastering emotions are key in navigating life. 

Brandon believes that viewing everyone as a teacher on our journey is how we can master emotions as it becomes crucial for personal growth, momentum and self-awareness is the most important factors. 

Finally, we take the time to inform how applying these concepts in business can be beneficial.

All aspects of life, including business and relationships, are interconnected. Growth and expansion occur through these experiences. Setting intentions and being in service to others when pursuing business opportunities, and magnifying and amplifying their gifts is what sets masters of their own reality apart from the rest.

We discuss the importance of all winning in business and disagree with old paradigms of business that believe that one person must win and the other must lose in dealings. We both believe that both parties should benefit and look out for each other's interests. We take the time to challenge these old perspectives and acknowledge that most people will refuse to do business in the old paradigm moving forward. We are entering a new era of awakening and unity consciousness, where love is more important than force or separation. 

Brandon shares his book "The Golden Key," which condenses 25 years of exploration into eight keys for unlocking infinite abundance in all areas of life. He offers the book for free and emphasizes the importance of being present in every moment.

Check out the book and Connect with Brandon.

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Jun 28, 202359:57
149 - How you can build a life around the things you love with Richie Norton

149 - How you can build a life around the things you love with Richie Norton

We curate each moment in our life and we decide how we want to live, our ability to create our destiny is a byproduct of being absolutely committed to making it come to life.

What would it look like to step into your own discovery of life and be able to surround yourself around the people that can amplify what you are already doing so you can focus on creating what you are absolutely passionate about bringing to life.

Join Richie Norton and I discuss the importance of being true to yourself, and how we manage to uncover ways that you can really build around yourself and the things you really want to align in all parts of your life together.

He is an award-winning author and serial entrepreneur.  An executive coach to CEOs, he is featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Inc., Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Business Insider, Huffington Post, and more. Pacific Business News recognized Richie as one of the Top Forty Under 40 “best and brightest young businessmen” in Hawaii. Richie is one of the world’s leading thinkers and Top 100 coaches as honored by MG100. 

I am grateful to meet this man as he not only shares the mission of truly aligning more great people for a common purpose towards a more unified connection in this world, he was an amazing keynote speaker at The Conscious Entrepreneurship Summit in May and It was a pleasure hosting him

If you want to learn more about his amazing books and the amount of impact he is already creating in this beautiful make sure to check him out.

Thank you for your wisdom @richienorton

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Jun 01, 202301:08:23
148 - How You Can Purchase a Business with No Money and Scale with Roland Frasier

148 - How You Can Purchase a Business with No Money and Scale with Roland Frasier

Business is an art that can be passed down from generation to generation. However there is a belief that we are all competing, if we saw each other as an opportunity to work together, we would never feel the need to start from scratch.

In any area of our lives, especially the Art of Business.

This week we meet with Roland Frasier, a “recovering attorney” and co-founder/principal of 6 different Inc. Magazine fastest-growing companies in the e-commerce, e-learning, real estate, and SaaS spaces.

He is a serial entrepreneur who has founded, scaled, or sold over two dozen different businesses ranging from consumer products to live events to manufacturing companies with sales ranging from $3 million to just under $4 billion. Roland has been featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Money, Business Insider, Fast Company, and on major television networks. He has interviewed Sir Richard Branson, Spanx founder Sarah Blakely and many other industry leaders on his award-winning Business Lunch podcast. 

We come together to discuss the opportunity of shifting wealth from one generation to the next, and how we can take a massive part in it as creative entrepreneurs that want to expand our Impact and legacy for centuries to come.

If you want to learn more about leaving your legacy across multiple verticals and impacting industries as a power for good. This episode will give you some great tips.

Thank you for your wisdom Roland Frasier

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Apr 29, 202355:33
147 - How Business Can be Used as a Weapon to Change the World with Jack Delosa

147 - How Business Can be Used as a Weapon to Change the World with Jack Delosa

Businesses have the power to create positive change in the world in a number of ways. Here Jack shares how he has been seeing this happen firsthand since he was a young boy.

He noticed through the power of Innovation, that his parents were able to help youth as he was growing up and create new products and services that can have a positive impact on society and the next generation. 

They were able to provide jobs and support local economies, and by creating employment, businesses, nonprofits, and community leaders can help reduce poverty and improve the standard of living in communities. Which was a byproduct of the way his parents showed up as he grew up.

This gave him awareness and he adopted a more socially responsible approach to his overall operations as he grew older. This involved taking some very difficult steps which he shares in the episode that really tested his own structure and resilience. However by stepping through he has been able to reduce environmental impact, support local and global communities, and improve the performance and working conditions of employees and organizations throughout the world.

Overall Jack delivers a very simple and prolific message through corporate social responsibility initiatives, he knows businesses can make significant contributions to social and environmental causes, with financial means and is clear about not trying to spiritually bypass or transcend money. It's really the relationship with money that will magnify who you are.

Overall, businesses have the potential to be a powerful force for good in the world. By focusing on innovation, employment, social responsibility, and philanthropy, businesses can help drive positive change and create a more regenerative future for everyone.

You won't want to miss this episode

Jack Delosa builds businesses. He is the founder of Australia's largest business coaching and training provider, The Entourage, which has a community of over 550,000 members. Since 2010, The Entourage has helped its members add over $2 billion in value to their businesses. Under his leadership, The Entourage has been awarded the 4th Best Place To Work In Australia, and Top 50 Australasia, by AFR's Best Places To Work.

Connect with Jack Delosa

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Apr 12, 202358:12
146 - How Curiosity can change the Art of Business and Life with Simon Curran

146 - How Curiosity can change the Art of Business and Life with Simon Curran

In a world that is evolving and cultivating a new generation, it's our duty to step into the curious lens of ourselves and be willing to learn from the environment, the people, and the experiences around us.

Join me and the Senior Vice President of Leadership and Development at, Simon Curran. We discuss the importance of holding space for culture and leadership to thrive by focusing on growth and enhancing the experience of open and thoughtful communication, and how Rokt has honed in this responsibility by curating experiences to provide absolute growth for their global infrastructure.

The primary objective of Rokt’s L&D function is to support and accelerate the career development of the company’s Rokt’stars. 

Simon is an experienced CEO and entrepreneur, who after a significant life-changing event, dedicated his life to helping others access their limitless potential.


Simon believes creativity is our greatest natural resource. Applied well, creativity has the ability to transform the businesses, brands, companies, and communities that surround us. With more than 20 years of experience working in creativity and innovation around the world, Simon has extensive expertise in corporate strategy, marketing, business transformation, customer experience design, communications, and creative storytelling. Simon shares a specific passion for the contagious culture of high-performing teams. He works extensively with next-generation leaders, youth, business venturing, and the startup community.


Simon’s been an investor and Director in a range of startups and industries in New Zealand and the UK. He’s a Board Director and father of 3 young girls.

Highlights from Rokt’s 2023 L&D Initiatives:

  • 500 Rokt’stars assembled in Whistler for GKO, where workshop sessions were led by global thought leaders on mindset, flow, high performance and nutrition 

  • Rokt is increasing its Level Up training allowance for every Rokt’star, which can be used to choose from a suite of Executive Coaches, personalized specialist trainings, conferences and events 

  • Rokt is launching a new monthly Health & Vitality program - the Five Fuels of Performance - to help Rokt’stars unleash their potential with tips to better manage their sleep, movement, nutrition, stress and energy

  • Refreshing the complimentary food offerings in each Rokt office to ensure the right mix of health and vitality is within arms reach for any Rokt’star 

  • Launching a new monthly leadership training program for all Senior, People and Emerging Leaders  

  • Launching a new content library of podcasts, articles, books and workshop exercises to provide 24/7 access to best- in- class L&D materials 

    Connect with Simon Curran

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Apr 04, 202352:08
145 - How to Find Solutions by Unleashing Inner Peace and Enhanced Well-being with Laurina Carroll

145 - How to Find Solutions by Unleashing Inner Peace and Enhanced Well-being with Laurina Carroll

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a powerful, time-tested technique that has been transforming lives for over six decades. Developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, TM has gained widespread recognition for its ability to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being. 

In this episode we dive deep into Transcendental Meditation, exploring its benefits and how it can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life, a profound practice regularly discussed by one of my teachers, Ray Dalio.

Transcendental Meditation is a simple, effortless technique that can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, culture, or belief system. It involves silently repeating a personalized mantra for 15-20 minutes, twice a day, while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. The mantra serves as a vehicle for the mind to transcend its active thinking state and experience a state of deep inner peace and restful alertness.

TM has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety by activating the body's natural relaxation response. This lowers cortisol levels and increases the production of serotonin and endorphins, leading to a calmer, more balanced state of mind.  Regular practice of TM has been shown to improve focus, memory, and cognitive function. By accessing a state of restful alertness, the mind becomes more efficient and better equipped to process information and solve problems, allowing you to focus on solutions.

Transcendental Meditation can lead to increased self-awareness and help you find the internal life force to lead you towards achieving your most important goals in life, the ones that you may have even doubted at some point in your life.

Laurina Carroll is a ayurvedic educator that focuses on holistic lifestyle management; she got her B.A. in Ayurvedic Medicine, and her M.A. in Vedic Science from Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.

She worked as a health educator at the highly regarded Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center in Schledehausen, Germany. She also lectured and provided individualized patient education at The Raj, an award-winning Ayurveda health spa in Iowa.

She has been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for more than 24 years, and has been teaching the TM program since 1997. Laurina currently lives in the Chicago area with her husband, Bolton Carroll.

She offers Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Consultations, individual and group Yoga classes, and teaches the Transcendental Meditation technique.

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Mar 27, 202354:55
144 - How to Thread Humanity's Treasured Narrative with Queen Diambi

144 - How to Thread Humanity's Treasured Narrative with Queen Diambi

Imagine a vast, colorful tapestry, delicately woven with the intricate threads of human history. Each strand represents the stories of civilizations, the rise and fall of empires, and the lives of individuals. But as your eyes scan the rich fabric of humanity's past, you realize there is a gaping void, an absence of stories that are vital to our collective understanding. This absence, this profound missing part of our human history, is African history.

African history is a treasure trove of knowledge, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and an ode to the profound diversity of cultures, languages, and traditions. Yet, for far too long, this vital piece of the puzzle has been shrouded in mystery, obscured by the mists of ignorance and the shadows of prejudice.

The neglect of African history is not only an injustice to the continent itself but also a disservice to the entire world. For it is within the cradle of Africa that the story of humanity began. The continent's vast landscapes, ranging from the sweeping savannas to the dense rainforests, have nurtured the origins of our species. It was here that Homo sapiens first set foot on Earth, marking the beginning of an incredible journey that would span millennia and continents.

The legacy of African history is written in the sands of Egypt, where the ancient pyramids stand tall as silent witnesses to the ingenuity and ambition of a great civilization. It is engraved in the stones of Great Zimbabwe, a testament to a powerful kingdom that once thrived in the heart of Southern Africa. It echoes in the oral traditions of the Griots, the esteemed storytellers of West Africa, who have preserved the continent's history through generations of song and verse.

The story does not end with the marvels of ancient civilizations. Africa's history is a living, breathing entity that continues to evolve and shape our world today. The continent has been the wellspring of countless innovations and ideas that have revolutionized our understanding of art, science, and philosophy. From the mathematical genius of the ancient Egyptians to the striking artistry of the Nok culture in Nigeria, Africa's contributions to human knowledge are as diverse as they are groundbreaking.

The tapestry of human history cannot be complete without the vibrant and complex threads of African history. To ignore this crucial component is to disregard our shared human experience and to limit our understanding of the past, present, and future. We must seek to unravel the enigma of Africa's past, to explore its untold stories and hidden truths, for it is only then that we can truly appreciate the richness of our global heritage.

Join me and Queen Diambi where we discuss the importance of this profound wisdom and the responsibility we hold by educating ourselves and the next generation about the importance of where we all come from. 

Queen Diambi Kabatusuila was crowned as the ruler of the Bena Tshiyamba People of Bakwa Indu of Central Kasaï Region part of the ancient Luba Empire in the Democratic Republic of Congo on August 31st, 2016. She has been enthroned by all the Bakwa Luntu Chiefs on July 15 2017 and now holds the Title of Diambi Mukalenga Mukaji Wa Nkashama Wa Bakwa Luntu (Queen of the Order of the Leopard of the Bakwa Luntu People). 

You won’t want to miss this episode.

Connect with Queen Diambi:

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Mar 21, 202301:05:23
143 - How to Manifest Your Vision with Niurka

143 - How to Manifest Your Vision with Niurka

Have you ever felt like you were meant for something more? 

Like there was a purpose you were meant to fulfill, but you just can't quite put your finger on it?

This feeling is quite common and can be incredibly frustrating, but fear not because today we'll be discussing how you can manifest your vision and turn your dreams into a reality. Firstly, it's important to note that manifesting your vision is not an easy journey and many people have died with the regret of not following through on their hearts intention. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. However, the rewards are immeasurable. When you're living your vision, you're living a life of purpose, a life that's meaningful and fulfilling. You're able to wake up each day with a sense of excitement and purpose, knowing that you're working towards something that's bigger than yourself. Manifesting your vision requires you to be clear on what it is that you want to achieve. This means taking the time to really think about your goals and what you want to accomplish in your lifetime. It's important to be specific and to visualize what it is that you want to achieve. When you can see your vision clearly in your mind, it becomes easier to work towards it and to stay motivated. It's also important to take action towards your goals. Manifesting your vision requires more than just positive thinking, it requires action. You need to take steps towards your vision every single day. This can mean making small changes to your daily routine in health, relationship, and business by taking big leaps towards your goals. Whatever it is, it's important to take action and to stay committed to your vision. Finally, it's important to surround yourself with people who support your vision. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and who encourage you to chase your dreams. These people will be your support system and will help you to stay motivated when times get tough. Niurka has been a huge part of my life in helping me define that I am the creator of my environment and that I have the moral responsibility to step up and fulfill my destiny. Join us from March 9-11, 2023 for the Manifest your Vision Challenge. NIURKA is the Visionary, Creator and Leader of Life-Changing, Transformational Events, Courses, Experiences and Adventures. Niurka is a Transformational Leader And Master Results Coach who has guided hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life to Elevate the way they Think, Speak And Live. Her work Inspires, Empowers and Guides people to Break Free of obstacles, and create a life of meaning and success... on their terms. In 2000 she launched her company with the Vision of Inspiring Social Transformation through Inner Evolution. Prior, she was the legendary, record-breaking #1 Corporate Trainer working side-by-side with
Anthony Robbins for 5 years, the world-renowned authority on leadership psychology and peak performance.

Niurka's work Unites the world of Business with Essential Wisdom of Mind-Body-Spirit.

Connect with Niurka:

3 day challenge

Niurka’s Website:

Mar 08, 202358:47
142 - How to challenge societal rules and step into your true identity with Shaman Durek

142 - How to challenge societal rules and step into your true identity with Shaman Durek

Throughtout history rules have been passed down from generation to generation to create an illusion that stories, and situations should be a certain way, is there a possibility that the same rules that were meant to “help” us have actually hindered our unlimited potential in to co create something so much more beautiful.
On this podcast we discuss and discover the importance of sharing your authentic self in the world and let go of the fascade that was created to limit many of us. As we embody and step into a full state of being we can allow ourselves to heal aand hold the space for others to step into sovereign leaders.
Leadership is the ability to trust in yourself and know that what you have within you is what can be created around you. We all have this much power and although some of us have been taught to follow our dreams from a young age, its imperative that those of us who have the courage to go out there and make them happen, empower our environments and the people around us to do the same. For those that serve the higher realms of themself, master the physical one in daily life and able to enhance abundance for all around them. ⁣ Shaman Durek is a visionary for the ‘Now Age,’ with a strong focus on the evolution of humanity, while also simplifying our experience through common sense practices. Shaman Durek has studied extensively, extracting the best from all the world philosophies, religions, spiritual teachings, and theories. Through his no nonsense teachings, he demystifies spirituality by making it attainable and understandable for not only the layman, but also for the more spiritually advanced, and everyone in between. He is redefining what wellness means by putting the power back into the hands of the people, so that they may live consciously, authentically, and in alignment.
Connect with Shaman Durek:


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Feb 21, 202354:46
141- How Corporate Leadership and CEOs can tap into their own Power with Dimple Thakrar.

141- How Corporate Leadership and CEOs can tap into their own Power with Dimple Thakrar.

As many of you know Sovereign Leadership is a mission of mine, to really enhance the outlook of leadership and help them empower loving and courageous wisdom for, and recreating corporate culture into a regenerative one.
This is a way we can truly utilize the power of one anothers wisdom and together redefine what wealth means in this world. Coming back together with a dear friend after 3 years of going on our own journeys, Dimple and I discuss the importance of embodying a true leader.
What is the difference between true masculine and feminine presence in the corporate world and how by being at the forefront of building relationships it is an important balance to create from within. We focus on the importance of self leadership and how important it is to nurture yourself as a leader in your organization, your community, and your nation so you can show up with full presence, and with a passion for the people you serve.
For those that serve the higher realms of themself, master the physical one in daily life and are born with true abundance.
⁣Dimple Thakrar is one of the world’s leading Executive Alignment coaches. She is renowned for her unique multidisciplinary approach to helping clients navigate hard times, complicated relationships, and emotional blocks while creating an enduring and lasting legacy. Her refreshingly honest coaching style has attracted a wide range of high profile clients, including executives, corporations, and CEOs. Always driven by a challenge, she exclusively works with High NetWorth Individuals to surpass their limitations and reach new heights of success. Having worked as a strategic adviser on policy and implementation for the European Federation, Dimple has earned a global reputation as an expert, author, and media contributor.

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Feb 10, 202301:06:14
140 - How can we collectively create a safe space for children with Emily Rivera
Feb 02, 202359:25
139 - How artists breakthrough into creativity by following their hearts with Brad Jameston.
Jan 28, 202350:20
138 - How energetic love making can empower your self confidence to try new things with Bibi Brzozka

138 - How energetic love making can empower your self confidence to try new things with Bibi Brzozka

Bibi’s unique journey through the corporate world and the luxury stratosphere helped her determine that there was even more she wanted to create in her own life and was willing to build the confidence to regularly try new things. By discovering the relationship with her highest self she went on a journey to encourage an expression that was deeply important to her.

Conscious Sexuality for men and women has been a rising topic and a curiosity in a world that many feel can be taboo. However, as Bibi discovered this deep relationship with herself today she helps men, women, and couples to amplify this awareness so they can have the most profound love life. In the sheets, and out among nature, to foster that profound connection that many of us may long for or hope will one day be understood with our partners, and one another.

Bibi is an awakener of power and sensation, and she will guide you into deeper states of fulfillment. She can help you weave powerful practices into your own life, as she serves as a vessel for conscious intimacy in modern times.

Her mission is to help you reclaim your body, your pleasure, your power. You came here for a reason, to release your most expressed and embodied version of yourself. She has taken what she's learned to craft the kind of sexual education we all need not only for great sex, but for richly fulfilling lives.
Connect with Bibi:

Upcoming Ladder to Bliss Program


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Jan 17, 202356:13
137 - How can you adapt and improvise your creativity with Zoran Todorovic

137 - How can you adapt and improvise your creativity with Zoran Todorovic

How can you adapt and improvise your creativity with Zoran Todorovic

In an ever changing world its those with the most creative potential that sometimes feel like they don’t belong.  Zoran and I sit down to discuss the importance of improvising as a creative intelligence that is ready to enhance and adapt to what it means to support alongside one another.

Living on the beautiful island of Ibiza Zoran is a leading international master coach, notable author and passionate activist for the evolution of human consciousness. We had the good fortune of developing an understanding of one anothers beautiful wisdom and I must say this is a man with profound dedication to supporting people tap into their own excellence and helping people create certainty within themselves in a world that has conditioned “star seeds” to feel as if something is wrong.

Zoran’s vision and mission is “evolving humanity” where human beings tap into their highest potential and apply that brilliance to breakthrough projects for the greater good of our collective. Imagine a world where we all live according to our true potential. A world where every great idea is instantly realised in an effortless, joyful, and collaborative way. A world where we are our best selves and reveal, appeal to, and appreciate the best in others.

Co founding TNM Coaching and bringing a better tomorrow through his unique platform where he not only interviews some of the leading individuals but also host luxury retreats, and bridges the gap between the internal and external worlds. You wont want to miss this episode

Connect with Zoran:


Check out the TNM Unplugged Podcast


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Jan 11, 202355:49
136 - How is art helping humans to discover their own powerful energy with Vesa Kivinen

136 - How is art helping humans to discover their own powerful energy with Vesa Kivinen

In this profound conversation we expand on the importance of unique expression and how expanding our creative potential becomes when we take the time to hone it in within ourselves. As humans its important to become part of the world to illuminate our own path and expand on it as a unified intelligent community.

Vesa is an extremely aware artist cultivating his artistic expression in the world of mixed media since 2008 and is now extremely involved in Crypto, Digital Art, and NFT.

He is considered to be a leading early artist building the metaverse and NFT expansion, being among the first to enter in the earliest stages. In 2013, his digital art project with actress Veena Malik reached around 300M people, with critical acclaim (references).

The latest venture,, is seen around events in Dubai. VESA is an advisor to Sheesha Finance, Jade City, Metahistory: Museum of War & Oceans & US. He also builds with leading metaverse companies like Zoan, Blockchain Valley Virtual, Landrocker, Megaverse and Superworld, VESA is also an ambassador for the International Blockchain Association. Crypto Oasis included him in the Ecosystem report among the top 10 artists in the UAE region, and L’Officiel awarded him the top Web3 artist award.

His art has been collected by hedge funds, exchanges, CEO's and influencers. Among them are Charles Hoskinson, Charlie Lee, Dr Marwan Al Zarouni, Saeed Al Darmaki, Tone Vays, Coach K, Willy Woo, and many others.

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Dec 21, 202201:10:13
135 - How can Conscious Investing Impact Your Ecosystem with Ba Minuzzi

135 - How can Conscious Investing Impact Your Ecosystem with Ba Minuzzi

This was definitely a highly energetic and engaging conversation with Ba Minuzzi, the CEO of Umana Multi-Family Office, an integral venture capital founder bridging celebrities and athletes to IMPACT projects with intention. In this episode, we discuss the importance of identifying the extent of principles and values and how as investors in projects it's more needed now than ever.

Ba acknowledges the blessings of her responsibility here and how she is a vessel to cocreate alongside many great artists, creators, and leaders.  We focus on expanding opportunities and growth on purpose, and why when we redefine wealth, we can see that it genuinely comes from within. Ba expresses how her family values transferred into her daily rhythm and why this foundation is such an important core to integrate as a leader in the VC space and beyond.

From Porto Alegre, in the South of Brazil, Minuzzi worked her way up to build her asset management company, which now has $370 million of assets under management.

Today, she manages the family office of Adrian Grenier, known for his role in The Devil Wears Prada, and the HBO series, The Entourage, as well as other celebrities who have fortunes between $10 million and $300 million.

“The world is getting better.” @baminuzzi

Connect with Ba and the UMANA Family:


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Dec 13, 202201:01:47
134 - How can a Kundalini Awakening Amplify your Abilities with Neven Paar

134 - How can a Kundalini Awakening Amplify your Abilities with Neven Paar

On this podcast join me and Neven Paar the Authour of The Serpent Rising and The Magus, 2 Kundalini principled books driven to help anyone understand their internal peace and freedom.  Neven has taken his own awareness and shared his profound discovery in two amazing books, and on the show we dig deeper into the importance of knowing ourselves as humans to tap into our fullest potential and cultivate a more profound understanding towards ourselves and the ability to create our lives. The greatest teacher is within us.

“One of the first gifts to manifest in my life was the unfoldment of new creative expressions. Visionary painting, inspired acting and comedy, and expressions through poetry and musical lyrics entered my life as I allowed this newfound creative energy to channel through me. Knowledge and understanding of the hidden mysteries of life and Creation inspired my tone of speaking and writing on Spiritual topics. A new thirst for expressing these truths evolved inside me as my consciousness continued to expand as a result of the Kundalini energy awakened within me.”

We can all consciously express this artist within us, all we have to do is be willing to go inside and discover it.

Connect with Neven:


Order his books

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Dec 06, 202201:07:49
133 - How to Create Community that Becomes Family with Immanuel Cape

133 - How to Create Community that Becomes Family with Immanuel Cape

On this podcast Join me and Immanuel the Freedom Rebel who has taken the last years traveling between Ibiza and Tulum and co-founded Tulum and Ibiza CryptoClub where global entrepreneurs share their gifts and educate about the importance of wealth sovereignty and financial literacy. As an avid speaker educating on the power of crypto, you’ll be interested to hear some quality value shared about how the crypto market is currently an uncertain one just like everything else in our life, how we can all learn from our choices, because the only certainty we all have is inside us. Whether it's crypto, business, romance, expression, and following the heart we all must take responsibility for our actions. Immanuel is a dear friend and has always put his heart and soul into everything he does. Thank you for coming on brother.

Immanuel Cape is a motivator and educator and has founded Tulum Crypto Club, Tulum Crypto Fest, Ibiza Crypto Club and is regularly contributing to the environment through his art, leadership, kindness and generosity. An all round amazing human being leading from the heart.

Connect with Immanuel:

And his new Freedom Podcast

The Freedom Podcast by Immanuel Cape wit EVAN LUTHRA

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Nov 26, 202201:07:06
132 - How to Be a Lifelong Student with Kim Zoller

132 - How to Be a Lifelong Student with Kim Zoller

On this podcast Kim Zoller and I discuss and discover the power of our open minded ways to learn from one another and how we find it important to utilize this type of curiosity in the world. What would it look like if more of us could show up in curious expressions and be hungry to learn from one another. If we take more time to learn, we can expand our culture within organizations, communities, and nations.  Unifying perspectives and maps of the world that may be different from ours and instead recognizing and understanding where they may be coming from. No limitations, just infinite ways to learn, this is what family does, it listens.

Kim Zoller, CEO and founder, began ID360 over thirty years ago after working in the staffing industry. Kim recognized that individuals with strong competencies but lacking superior interpersonal skills must develop that area if they truly want to succeed.

Kim’s strength is her ability to be a true strategic partner by assessing needs, delivering sustainable solutions and implementing measurable results. She is also a dynamic facilitator and coach, Kim’s passion and goal is to make a positive and measurable impact in her clients’ lives.

Connect with Kim Zoller


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Nov 19, 202253:49
131 - How to Empower the Next Generation with Dr. Mohammed Naji
Nov 11, 202252:54
130 - How Can we Deepen the Relationship with ourselves with Adrian Grenier

130 - How Can we Deepen the Relationship with ourselves with Adrian Grenier

On this podcast Join me and Adrian as we come together to ask quality questions about what creates the deep unifying connection to our feminine force, the love from our mothers, and our awareness of ourselves. We demystify the Self from taking on an identity of responsibility and explain how family, nature, and masculine and feminine presence within us all can strengthen this bond to our hearts intentions, eachother, and our beautiful home, Planet Earth.

Adrian Grenier has cemented his place as a change agent who leverages his influence and talent as a communicator to spread consciousness on essential issues: family, community and nature.

As an investor, Adrian has backed companies and entrepreneurs that he believes can change the world for the better. Through his impact firm, DuContra Ventures, that looks to invest in companies that create positive change by adhering to Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations, and is committed to achieving a better and more sustainable future for all.

He is also the creator of the documentary series Earth Speed, which tells the stories of inspiring founders who are looking to solve real problems, such as reducing inequality, spurring economic growth, and tackling climate change through sustainable consumption.

We share the importance of having the courage to challenge the status quo, express yourself and go after what you know is you. Trusting in yourself is what will enhance your trust in our universal teacher.

“First BE with the feeling of yourself, and if it's not there don’t force it.” - Adrian Grenier

Connect with Adrian Grenier:

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Oct 27, 202252:46
129 - Our world mirrors back what we perceive with Robert Grant

129 - Our world mirrors back what we perceive with Robert Grant

Our points of advantage are based on our way of seeing ourselves and the people around us but once we take the time to understand that our awareness can tap into christ consciousness, or god conscious awareness we can discern behavior based off of compassion.


Because we have been able to discover this phenomenon within oursel\ves and as a result we can embody this behavior. You see, we all have this direct path available to us. Moving forward we can activate this together with powerful conversations, seminars, and guides by listening and paying attention to what's within us and around us.

Join Robert and I as we go deep into the dynamics of what is possible by using our whole brains and exchanging the interface of embodying our hearts intentions and amplifying with our minds. It's what Robert explains as true wisdom becomes embodied and flows to everyone so we can tune to the best version of ourselves.

Having lived in nine countries, Robert Edward Grant’s career and life have spanned a very broad spectrum of interests and educational disciplines. Professionally, he has played a leading role in the global healthcare industry, covering such diverse areas as pharmaceutical and medical device technologies as well as international healthcare systems.

Robert’s TED Talk titled: “Beautiful Minds are Free from Fear” has been a source of inspiration to millions of people around the world. He is a native speaker of the English language but he also speaks Korean, German, French, and Japanese fluently.

As a prodigious entrepreneur, he has founded/co-founded several companies including Strathspey Crown LLC, Evolus Inc., AEON BioPharma Inc., Alphaeon Credit Inc., AccessElite Corp, Ceyeber Corp, Crown Sterling Ltd LLC, and Theon Technology LLC. His companies, like his interests, span Healthcare, Security, Blockchain, CleanTech, Advanced Cybernetics, and Fintech.

Most recently, during the past decade, he has turned his attention and acumen toward number theory, mathematical physics, geometry, cryptography, and blockchain cryptocurrencies. He is a strong advocate of data sovereignty for the original producers (individuals) of digital assets.

Connect with Robert Grant:

Check out Roberts show on Gaia: CODE X

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Oct 22, 202246:47