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Reliable Truth

Reliable Truth

By Richard E Simmons III

Welcome to Reliable Truth with best-selling author Richard E Simmons III. Are you searching for truth in your life? Looking for talks that will get you thinking? Each week Richard talks on topics like how to find happiness in your work, or how to improve your marriage. Listen anytime – on the way to work or over a lunch break – and you should come away feeling challenged and encouraged.
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The Role of Planting

Reliable TruthMay 10, 2024

Dr. Mark Gignilliat - Jesus Prays for Us
May 27, 202446:09
The Role of Understanding

The Role of Understanding

What is the role of understanding in our lives?

I remember years ago, driving back from a vacation with our kids, who at the time were about 4 and 5 years old. They were happily watching a cartoon.

We happened upon a really bad storm, like nothing I had ever run into before. I finally had to pull over to wait it out.

It really shook me up.

Well, I looked back at my kids, and they were totally engrossed in their show - literally unfazed by the dangerous storm. They weren't concerned about it at all.

Many people are in grave danger of being eternally lost; maybe a heartbeat away from eternity, and they're not concerned at all.

It's like they're sitting back watching their favorite show, living with a false sense of security.

In Matthew 7:21, Jesus declares, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

Do you know of anyone in your life that is living with a false sense of security? As believers, we have a responsibility to speak up. Today we're discussing just how to do that.

May 19, 202448:09
The Role of Planting

The Role of Planting

What is the purpose of planting?

Of course, the purpose of planting is to yield something more than just the seeds that one plants. The purpose of planting is to yield something of value, like forests, food, shade or beauty.

Jesus tells us in John 15:8, "By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples."

Yet, we cannot make the fruit ourselves. Only God can bring life. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:6 that, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth."

Bearing fruit is not optional. As His people, God designed and expects us to be fruitful in some way or another.

But the beautiful part of planting is to rest in knowing that the results are up to God.

Yes, strive to plant and do your work well in the Lord, using the gifts He has given you, but He is the one that causes the growth and brings others to Himself.

May 10, 202452:01
Understanding Human Desire

Understanding Human Desire

How much would it take to satisfy my heart? How much is enough?

Interestingly, there are people who don't have much that want more, understandably, and then there are people that have a whole lot, and they still want more.

And neither group stops to ask the question: Do I have enough?

May 03, 202452:28
Dr. Mark Gignilliat - Wisdom from Proverbs
Apr 28, 202448:39
Dr. Mark Gignilliat - Election: Objects of God's Grace
Apr 18, 202447:53
The Value of Understanding

The Value of Understanding

What is the quality of your work? Would you like to get understanding on how to live a more fruitful life?

In today's message, we continue looking at the metaphor of the different types of soil that the Word of God fell on.

We'll look at three things that keep us from being fruitful: worry, deceit and the desire for other things.

Apr 15, 202440:39
Being Fruitful
Apr 05, 202448:60
Does the Resurrection Really Matter?
Mar 31, 202453:39
Dr. Mark Gignilliat - Lenten Psalms
Mar 24, 202447:21
Being a Healthy Man Part 5 - Friendship and Community
Mar 16, 202435:56
Being a Healthy Man Part 4 - Confronting the 3 Deadly Sins
Mar 11, 202444:47
Being a Healthy Man Part 3: Physical and Spiritual Discipline
Mar 03, 202453:29
Being a Healthy Man Part 2 - The Heart and the Mind

Being a Healthy Man Part 2 - The Heart and the Mind

What has more power over you - your mind or your heart? Which one rules over you?

The heart can easily overcome or override what you know. The heart is the seat of the emotions and has the ability to take charge of your thinking.

Last week we looked at the foundational principles to living a healthy life:
- Being transparent
- Dealing with the past
- Dealing with the future
- Emotional health

We concluded that to truly live well is to live in the present.

In Part 2 we are looking at the heart and the mind, the innermost parts of a man.

The heart is made up of the mind, the will and the emotions. And the soul is the mind and the heart of a man.

To have a healthy heart, we have to be proactive, and we have to be defensive. It is up to each of us to protect our own hearts and minds.

Feb 26, 202451:04
Being A Healthy Man Part 1 - Centered on the Truth
Feb 19, 202451:42
Jerry Leachman - Praying in the Trenches: Courage When it Counts

Jerry Leachman - Praying in the Trenches: Courage When it Counts

How do you respond when you experience hardship?

How many of us face moments in our life when we don't have a plan? Serious illness, financial loss, failure... how we need to have this as our prayer from 2 Chronicles 20:12 "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You."

Our guest is Jerry Leachman, sharing this message at our recent Men's Breakfast.

James 5:16 tells us that "The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!" - Watch on YouTube

Jerry Leachman of Leachman Ministries is a favorite speaker at The Center's events. Along with being an associate Chaplain in The NFL for many years, Jerry has done ministry in Guatemala, Scotland, Russia, Europe and Africa as well as all over the U.S. He and his wife Holly have been on Young Life Staff and continue to be involved with Young Life here and also internationally. Learn more about the books Jerry mentioned in his talk: Reflections on the Existence of God and The Battle Plan for Prayer

Feb 12, 202450:58
There is Power in the Humble Life

There is Power in the Humble Life

What is the power of a humble life? Two verses sum up how God views pride and humility:

Proverbs 16:5 tells us that, "The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this, they will not go unpunished."

James 4:6 "But He gives us more grace. That is why scripture says that God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Those are powerful words: God detests the proud.

The word opposed in the Greek means "to be at war with."

C.S. Lewis said that "Pride is a spiritual cancer... It is the complete anti-God state of mind." This is true because we have such a hard time seeing it in our own lives.

Could that be true of my life and yours? I believe that we should be praying daily, "Lord, show me the pride in my heart. Let me see it."

Feb 05, 202452:19
Galatians Study - Part 4

Galatians Study - Part 4

How important is unity in ministry?

After an interval of 14 years, Paul goes back to Jerusalem to confront 2 false brothers - false teachers. And he also went to see all of the 12 disciples, to make sure that they were unified in their mission of Christ with him.

Tim Keller writes: "If the other apostles had not confirmed Paul, if they had not renounced the false teachers, it would be very hard for Paul to retain his converts, because he had all these false teachers telling his converts that Paul was preaching a gospel that was inadequate, and not as full as the original apostolic gospel preached by the Jerusalem leaders.

So you can see why Paul wanted to come meet with them. Paul found that the 12 disciples were completely unified with him, which dispelled the false teachers attacks and propelled the growth of the church.

Jan 29, 202450:41
Galatians Study - Part 3

Galatians Study - Part 3

Do you think God has things that He wants us to do - that He appoints us to do? It is an interesting thought!

When Jesus appeared to Saul (Paul's previous name) on the road to Damascus, Jesus told him,

"Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen and will see of me. I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me."

Am I doing the work that God has appointed for me to do?

Jan 22, 202450:01
Galatians Study - Part 2
Jan 14, 202447:44
Galatians Study - Part 1

Galatians Study - Part 1

When I first became a Christian, I didn't think much of the book of Galatians. I didn't understand what Paul was saying.

But now here I am some 47 years later, I have a much better understanding of Galatians, and I love it. I deeply appreciate it.

Paul wrote this letter just 17 years after Christ's death and resurrection. He emphasized the many eye witnesses that were still alive at that time and encouraged those who were skeptical to go and talk with them.

Galatians 1:3-4 says that Jesus "...gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father." He alone can rescue us.

Jan 08, 202453:46
Knowing God

Knowing God

What is God like? What are the most significant attributes of God that you think of?

Many people would respond that he is a righteous God, a holy God. He is all powerful. He is loving, he is merciful. He is a just God.

But maybe his most important attribute is one that we don't think about very often. The prophet Jeremiah tells us in chapter 31, verse 34 that God is knowable.

Think about that.

He's not a God that's hidden. He wants to be known. He reveals himself so that he can be known.

The scripture and prophecy that we are studying today, Jeremiah 31:31-34 is considered one of the best texts on knowing God.

Would you like to know him better?

Dec 29, 202356:09
Dr. Michael Green - It Started With One Man

Dr. Michael Green - It Started With One Man

Today my guest is Dr. Michael Green, bringing us a message from Acts 18, to begin the new year with renewed hope and courage. 

Lift up your eyes to see what just one man can do for the cause of Christ. Remember, one person plus God is always a majority!

Dec 25, 202350:53
Jerry Leachman - Dead Men, Walking

Jerry Leachman - Dead Men, Walking

Are you a part of the remnant?

Jerry Leachman of ⁠Leachman Ministries⁠ joins us with a message for men - to help us examine where we are in life.

Many people are wondering in our culture today, "Am I seeing the America I have known fundamentally change before my eyes?" And maybe it’s never coming back.

I’m going to talk about the remnant today, because in the Bible and all the way through the Bible, it’s the remnant that always saves the city.

I want you to wonder: are you part of that remnant or are you just one more scared guy filling up with anxiety, bluffing your way through the world, trying to pretend to be brave, but you’re really not?

Jerry is a favorite speaker at The Center's events. Along with being an associate Chaplain in The NFL for many years, Jerry has done ministry in Guatemala, Scotland, Russia, Europe and Africa as well as all over the U.S.

He and his wife Holly have been on Young Life Staff and continue to be involved with Young Life here and also internationally.

Dec 18, 202301:03:04
Dr. John Guest - The Certainty of Christ

Dr. John Guest - The Certainty of Christ

Today Dr. John Guest brings a message of hope in the certainty of Jesus Christ.

"I wasn’t raised to go to church. I did think Christians were soft. Pastors in England would talk in a rather slow and boring tone, and it was sort of remote.

I didn’t go to church, but I picked them up on the radio and when there was no such thing as television when I was a child and from time to time, you’d hear one speaking for whatever reason on the radio and I gave it no credence until I got into my adolescence and was asking questions about my own life..." - John Guest

John is the author of ten books. He co-founded Trinity Episcopal School of Ministry and was a participant in the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism and a board member of the National Association of Evangelicals. He founded the Coalition for Christian Outreach, an evangelistic organization employing approximately 150 staff on college campuses.

Also, he co-founded South American Missionary Society (1976), hosted a daily radio broadcast, “New Life In Christ,” on WPIT-FM, Pittsburgh (1983-1990), and currently has a daily broadcast on WORD FM, 101.5 in Pittsburgh as well as several other cities. John married Kathleen Heggar in 1967 and has four daughters: Carrie, Chelsea, Sarah and Susanna.

Dec 10, 202352:54
Dr. Mark Gignilliat - Isaiah: Advent Hope

Dr. Mark Gignilliat - Isaiah: Advent Hope

Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School joins us today with a special Advent message from the book of Isaiah.

Does God seem distant to you? Do you wish that God would fill you in on what he's doing in this chaotic world that we live in?

Hebrews 1 tells us that, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word."

The Lord has not left you and me to the best of our own imaginative devices. He has not left us to the best of our own intellectual enterprises to figure out who he is.

Jesus is the speech of God on display. The scriptures are God's inscribed word that witness to him.

The Lord has spoken. He has given himself to be known - to truly be known. But we must remember: we only get to know God on his terms. We don't get to know God on our terms.

I pray that in this season that each of you will be able to enter into Advent with joy and with hope.

Lord, thank you for these words from the prophet Isaiah. Even though they were written hundreds of years ago, they continue to resonate to us even today, as they point to you, oh Jesus, our wonderful counselor and our Mighty God.

I pray that you will bless these listeners during this season. Draw us to yourself, draw me to yourself, oh Lord!

In repentance and renewal, I pray in Jesus name, Amen!

⁠Dr. Mark Gignilliat⁠ is professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School, where he teaches courses in Old Testament and Hebrew, and also serves as theologian in residence at St. Peter's Anglican Church in Birmingham. Dr. Gignilliat is married to Naomi, and they have four children. ⁠Watch on YouTube here

Dec 04, 202349:40
Drayton Nabers - The Case for Character
Nov 27, 202351:42
Russell Levenson - In God's Grip: What golf can teach us about the Gospel

Russell Levenson - In God's Grip: What golf can teach us about the Gospel

Richard's guest is Russell Levenson, speaker at our recent Men's Breakfast, sharing about his special relationship with President George and Barbara Bush, as well as his newest book In God's Grip: What golf can teach us about the Gospel.

Today he shares many heartwarming and inspiring stories about the Bush's. You don't want to miss this!

⁠Watch on YouTube

Russell is the pastor of St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston Texas, the largest Episcopal Church in America, with over 10,000 members. He was President George and Barbara Bush's pastor and performed the eulogy/sermon at each of their funerals. Russell's book about the Bush's is Witness to Dignity: The Life and Faith of George H.W. and Barbara Bush.

In God's Grip: What golf can teach us about the Gospel is a unique collaboration by two Texans, both among the best in their field, sharing hints to improve golf and faith. The family of Ben Hogan, one of the game's immortals has permitted Rev. Russell Levenson to use the four-time U.S. Open Champion's words on both subjects in this profound and joyful book.

Get your copy of Russell's book

Nov 19, 202354:04
Gospel of John Study - Part 14

Gospel of John Study - Part 14

Where am I in my relationship with God?

In I Peter 2:25, Peter writes, “For you are continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and the Guardian of your soul.”

I love that phrase, the “Guardian of your soul”. Peter is writing to a group of Christians who were suffering persecution, going through a difficult time, and he’s saying to them, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and He’s the Guardian of your soul, when you stay close to Him.

As he writes, Peter says that the problem is that we are continually straying like sheep.

Even as Christians, either we are drawing near to God, or we are drifting away from Him. In looking at my own life and in interacting with men and counseling with them, I've observed that usually when you drift away from Him, you’re not really aware that it’s happening.

It’s usually happening when you’re real busy, and you’re thinking, "I can get back to this later, but I’ve got to get through this over here..."

This is the last message in our 14-part series of the study of John!

As we wrap up this study, I would challenge you with these words to think about. Am I diligently seeking God, and seeking to hear from Him and drawing close to Him each day? Or am I at a point in my life where I’m just kind of slowly drifting away, or just kind of drifting?

I share this, because it’s so apparent that the state of our spiritual life is ultimately our responsibility. And that’s why we’re told, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

Nov 12, 202348:18
Gospel of John Study - Part 13

Gospel of John Study - Part 13

Do you feel like you’re close to God? Do you feel like you have a close relationship with Him?

Missions leader John Oswald Sanders says, “Today, right now, you are as close to God as you choose to be.” Think about that. I believe he is saying that we determine the closeness of this relationship.

In author H.D. Morton's book In the Steps of the Master, he witnesses a scene in a cave near Bethlehem. Two shepherds had sheltered their flocks in the cave during the night. How were the flocks to then be sorted out?

Well, one of the shepherds stood some distance away, and gave his peculiar call. Each shepherd had a unique call, he says, which only his sheep knew.

Morton writes, “I watched it with my own eyes. His whole flock had run to him because they knew his voice. They would have come for no one else, but they knew the call of their own shepherd.”

How about you?

Nov 05, 202347:10
Gospel of John Study - Part 12

Gospel of John Study - Part 12

I believe that many modern people don’t believe in Satan. Or, they don’t see him as being much of a threat.

Interestingly, a number of ministers or teachers never teach or speak on the issue of Satan and the forces of darkness. Why do you think that might be?

Maybe the ministers think, "Since my sophisticated audience doesn’t believe in this stuff, I’m not going to talk about it. It seems to cause discomfort to go there.

What about you? Do you see Satan as a threat to your life, and to your family?

Oct 30, 202352:39
Gospel of John Study - Part 11

Gospel of John Study - Part 11

Are you bored with life? Are you happy with where your life is headed?

Last week we discussed how boredom can ruin your life and the danger of an easy life - a life of leisure. This can lead to a life of complacency

Historian Alexander Tytler wrote this in the late 18th century:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote for themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

He goes on to say:

“The average age of the world’s great civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from great courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; then from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence, you go back into bondage.” 

Does this remind you of where we are today as a nation? What will each of us do with the prosperity we have been blessed with?

I believe that it’s not so much that prosperity corrupts us. It’s what prosperity makes available to us that can potentially corrupt us.

What is God calling you to do?

Oct 22, 202351:59
Gospel of John Study - Part 10

Gospel of John Study - Part 10

What do you think a false Christian is? Someone who goes through the motions? Someone who thinks doing good things will get them into heaven?

Well, that’s what the Pharisees thought.

And yet, Jesus says in Matthew 15:7-9 that, "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules."

Jesus had great concern for this group, and He addresses this often in the Bible.

But, what is true belief? You see, true belief transforms who you are, because it involves the heart, and not just the head.

That is where repentance comes in. The surrender of your heart to Christ. How is your heart toward God?

Oct 14, 202347:18
Gospel of John Study - Part 9

Gospel of John Study - Part 9

How would you describe the quality of your life?

We are back in the book of John, continuing our study in chapter 6. In the Greek language there are two different words that are used for the English word "life" - bios and zoe.

Bios is the physical and biological life - our physical bodies. The life of the body. The experience of the body.

Zoe has to do with the quality of your life experience. You see, you can be physically alive and have a horrible quality of life.

In the book of John, every time you see the word “life”, it’s the Greek word zoe. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

We are not here just to exist. God’s will is that we really live, and this is what zoe is. This is what Jesus offers. To live with a sense of purpose and joy and exhilaration. The abundant life.

Is this true of your life?

Oct 09, 202346:46
Dr. Mark Gignilliat - The Life of David
Oct 01, 202349:34
Homosexuality and its Effect on the Church - Part 2
Sep 22, 202355:01
Homosexuality and Its Effect on the Church - Part 1
Sep 18, 202350:41
Gospel of John Study - Part 8

Gospel of John Study - Part 8

Do you believe Christianity is true? If so, what is the evidence that you’ve built your faith on?

Conversely, have you rejected the existence of God? What is your basis of that decision?
​The famous scientist Francis Collins was an atheist and incredibly well-educated. One day an older woman asked him about his faith.
​​And it just kind of dawned on him. Collins said, “As a scientist, I had always insisted on collecting rigorous data before drawing a conclusion. And yet, in matters of faith, I had never collected any data at all. I had never examined any evidence at all. I realized I didn’t know what I had rejected.”
​​In other words, Collins was saying, "I had rejected God, I had rejected Christianity, but, in reality, I didn’t know what I had rejected. I had never looked at any evidence."

As Francis Collins began to examine the evidence, he was shocked at what he found. Today, he’s a very committed, outspoken Christian and one of the most prominent scientists alive today.

You see, evidence is important.
​​In fact, we should want evidence, because the more evidence you have, the stronger your faith will be, just like if you’re trying a case in a court of law, the more evidence you have as the prosecuting attorney, the better the chances are that you’re going to win.

In this study we finish up John chapter 5.

Sep 07, 202346:13
Gospel of John Study - Part 7
Sep 03, 202346:26
Gospel of John Study - Part 6
Aug 24, 202354:11
Gospel of John Study - Part 5

Gospel of John Study - Part 5

What is the thirst of the soul?

We are in John 4, discussing Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. It is a fascinating conversation.

He’s focusing on the spiritual need in her life and she’s thinking about not having to come to this well to drag water back to her house every day.

The thirst of the soul.

I read an older sermon by Tim Keller, and he talks about the role of water in your body. He says that our body is 50% water, and that if you are deprived of water you will die of thirst and dehydration. It is a terrible way to die.

Thirst is a physical deprivation because you are made of water, and therefore, you crave it, and you need it. In the same way, Jesus uses the term living water, to tell this woman, "Your soul is craving for something that you don’t have and I’m the only one who can give it to you. It comes from Me."

Where are you looking to quench the thirst of your soul?

Aug 20, 202349:18
Gospel of John Study - Part 4
Aug 13, 202354:03
Gospel of John Study - Part 3
Aug 06, 202346:00
Gospel of John Study - Part 2

Gospel of John Study - Part 2

Today we're studying John chapter 2. It’s a quick read, and full of interesting details about Jesus.

He spent 30 years of His life in a small, obscure village called Nazareth. The people in Nazareth didn’t even think much of Him, yet even at age 12, Jesus really had a good grasp of who He was and why He was there. He grew in wisdom and knowledge, and in favor with God and man.

Hebrews 5 tells us that, "although Jesus was Son of God, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation.”

So, we learn that He suffered, and He learned obedience from all that He suffered. What do we know about His suffering?

Jul 29, 202346:42
Gospel of John Study - Part 1

Gospel of John Study - Part 1

Jul 23, 202347:02
Michael Easley inContext - Reflections on the Existence of God
Jul 16, 202341:57
Paul Walker - I Did Not Come To Condemn But To Save

Paul Walker - I Did Not Come To Condemn But To Save

Today my guest is Paul Walker. We'll be looking at four different people from the gospel of John who represent four types of people: two seekers and two believers.

One seeker is a guy named Nicodemus who seems to have it all together while the other is a woman caught in the midst of adultery who's clearly got her fault lines exposed.

One believer is Thomas, Jesus's disciple who was plagued by doubts and questions. The other is Peter, fired up for Christ but finds that his life actually doesn't square with his faith.

So four people from four different places in life, each of which I would say is looking for the same thing: to be in the inner ring.

Christian apologist C.S. Lewis came to this conclusion, "I believe that in all men's lives at certain periods and in many men's lives, at all periods between infancy and extreme old age, one of the dominant elements is the desire to be inside the local ring and the terror of being left outside the inner ring."

Where have you felt it?

Jul 09, 202354:12
Responding to Life's Disappointments
Jul 02, 202351:01
Dr. Mark Gignilliat - Courage
Jun 23, 202341:17
Jerry Leachman - On Point With Your Family?

Jerry Leachman - On Point With Your Family?

Happy Father's Day!

Jerry Leachman of Leachman Ministries joins us with a message for fathers especially, but also for all men - to help us all focus on the things that matter.

Are there any boundaries when it comes to human sexuality? How do our choices affect others in our lives? As a father, how do my choices affect my wife? My children?

Today's message is about living an upright life - how to be a righteous man. Righteous men are just normal guys, but they’re just not double-minded anymore. They confess their sins. They live with accountability. They want to be part of the solution.

Dads, you can demonstrate to your daughters how women should be treated. Men can model to their sons on how to think about real women, and how real men treat women. Women, even the most godly ones, cannot do that like a man can. Women can nurture. They comfort. They encourage and they’re powerful prayer warriors, but they cannot model for boys and demonstrate to young girls in the way men can.

Train up your child - create a desire in them to live for Christ through your example and through cultivating a loving relationship with your children. It's the most worthy job you could aspire to.

Jerry is a favorite speaker at The Center's events. Along with being an associate Chaplain in The NFL for many years, Jerry has done ministry in Guatemala, Scotland, Russia, Europe and Africa as well as all over the U.S.

He and his wife Holly have been on Young Life Staff and continue to be involved with Young Life here and also internationally.

Jun 19, 202350:49