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RICH Talks and Tips Podcast With Coach Courtney J

RICH Talks and Tips Podcast With Coach Courtney J

By Coach Courtney J

Join your host, Coach Courtney J, as she navigates the realms of personal development and holistic well-being. Each episode is designed to enrich your mindset, amplify your potential, and equip you with the tools needed to thrive in every aspect of your life. Drawing from her extensive experience as a certified life coach and holistic wellness advocate, Coach Courtney J delivers insightful conversations, practical tips, and transformative insights that inspire you to unlock your full potential.
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Who Do You Love?

RICH Talks and Tips Podcast With Coach Courtney JFeb 11, 2021

Picking My Battles
Jul 07, 202307:29
Fulfilling A Need

Fulfilling A Need

This episode talks all about you catering towards your needs and not the need of others to fulfill that for you. It’s a season 3 reboot!!
Jun 28, 202312:22
Mindset Rehab: When You Thought You Had It All Together
Jul 14, 202215:18
Mindset Habits: Make it or Break it
Jul 07, 202212:07
Breaking Free...

Breaking Free...

This episode is all about breaking free from the conventional ways of living life, and allowing our beliefs to empower us to go after those things we desire.. No longer should we shrink to do things the normal way, but rather choose the unconventional way of doing it.. This episode we are breaking free!!
Dec 11, 202111:05
Damaged Goods 😩
Nov 11, 202107:56
Are They Really Connected? Financial Literacy & Your Identity…

Are They Really Connected? Financial Literacy & Your Identity…

This is a Pre-recorded segment from our live Lunch With Coach Courtney J & special guest Meechie Jefferis, on Tuesdays. We are talking all things about financial literacy and how it’s connected to your identity. If you pull like to connect to either one of us, please follow us on social media, or email me at ask
Nov 01, 202130:51
Have You Looked In The Mirror Lately?

Have You Looked In The Mirror Lately?

Desiring change requires you to actually see yourself for who you are. So have you taken the steps towards looking that person in the face, and really seeing yourself? Change comes when you can truly see yourself from perspective without a filter. It's time to focus on that person that you see looking back at you. It is time to acknowledge her and get her to a place that will shift life as she knows it. If you are desiring a more intentional route, you have to make the initial steps in that direction towards living a life beyond what you see!

Connect with me 

Oct 31, 202108:47
Enduring The Journey Towards Queendomship: Accepting Your Identity As A Queen
Sep 16, 202125:12
Dope Women Doing Epic Shhhh! Series Season 2 Episode I

Dope Women Doing Epic Shhhh! Series Season 2 Episode I

WELCOME TO SEASON 2!!! This season we are kicking it off with a new podcast series entitled Dope Women Doing Epic Sh*t! I have had the privilege of connecting with some amazing women, and I think it’s about time that the world recognizes them also. From now until August you will get to see who I have chosen to spotlight. This week we have Shana Jackson. Be sure to follow her on Facebook @girllisten
Jul 07, 202110:47
Discovering Myself Was Always Part Of The Plan

Discovering Myself Was Always Part Of The Plan

This week's episode is the wrap up of th discovering yourself series. It speaks on how discovering myself was always a part of the bigger plan. As an individual I could not see myself helping others, before I truly discovered my true and authentic self. I had to heal where healing was required and I had to decide to move when I needed to move. Its time to shift into our higher selves and live at a higher level!

May 29, 202107:28
Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

This week’s episode we are still discussing the topic of discovering yourself. We must identify those things that we just don’t have time for anymore. I have created a list of six things that I am doing away with. As your Life Tutor is my job to position you for greatness. It’s time to vibrate at a higher level. Let’s get in position to live a richer life!!
May 13, 202113:38
What Is It That You Believe About Yourself? Have No Regrets!
May 05, 202107:58
Healing Is Attached To Your Identity

Healing Is Attached To Your Identity

In this week's episode, we are discussing healing, and how it is attached to your identity. Have you ever wondered why it's so hard for a person to gain success from a place of hurt? Well, it is impossible for that to happen. When I recognized that I had to heal my most broken places FIRST in order for me to experience life on a higher level, that's when life shifted in an upward direction. 

Mar 17, 202108:18
Discovering Yourself Pt 1 (New Series)

Discovering Yourself Pt 1 (New Series)

You ever had the thought of who am I? Like really have you ever questioned if you really knew the real you? In this episode, I speak on a moment in my life, where I questioned if I really knew who I was? Or was I more familiar with the hats i wore on a day to day basis. It is important to get in touch with your true identity, because that's were I would say the money resides. Over the next few weeks, join me on this journey of discovering yourself!
Mar 11, 202109:10
I Am Your Life Tutor...3 Lessons I Had To Learn About Life

I Am Your Life Tutor...3 Lessons I Had To Learn About Life

In this episode I introduced myself as a Life Tutor! Yes, Life is the teacher that will fail you, but I have studied and  mastered some major lessons, that I am now able to tutor, coach, train and develop other women on how to move forward towards living a richer life. I also announced my new signature coaching program, RICH LIfe Transformation Academy, an online platform that's going to help women GLOBALLY accomplish life's greatest lessons.. 

If you are interested in learning more about this new program, visit 

Mar 04, 202110:23
My Self Care Has A Tribe!!

My Self Care Has A Tribe!!

This is another episode of the Self-Care, Self-Love and Self-Improvement Sis series. This one is called my self-care has a tribe, because it really does. I believe in connecting with others that will help push you towards a better you. Therefore I decided to partner up with some amazing women thats ready to share with you, the importance of having  self-care plan designed and created just for you. Tonight you will get a chance to hear from Dr. Sharice Bradford, April Nicole Scipio, and Ms Menia LadyRedd lockhart. They have become apart of my self care tribe, and next Saturday February 27th we will be showing you how to establish that self care plan. 

Make sure you join us, by simply clicking the link

Looking for a private community to grow and develop? Here is your personal invite to join the RICH Women Empowerment Community 

Feb 18, 202138:24
Who Do You Love?

Who Do You Love?

This is another episode in our Self-Care, Self-love Self-Improvement Sis Series. We have been talking about taking care of yourself, by speaking kind to yourself, taking mental health days to recharge, boosting your confidence and recognizing your process. Tonight I want you to take a look at who do you really love? Do you really love yourself, and how do you truly know? There has been moments where I didn't always loved myself, and it would show. I had to take the internal look at how I was treating myself, to know that there were some things I needed to adjust. Now I am at a place of loving me above everything else.. Take a listen to this week's episode.

Feb 11, 202113:43
Unmasking: A Look Into My Process of Becoming
Feb 04, 202118:03
Boss Up Sis!

Boss Up Sis!

We are continuing our talk on Self Care, Self Love, Self Improvement Sis series. Today’s episode was inspired by an interaction I had on social media. I was challenged to “Boss Up”, meaning I was told to step my game up, be confident in what I bring to the table... simply show up. In order to receive corrective criticism one must have a growth mindset. It’s all about confidence. How are you showing up? Are you giving them your own flavor?
Jan 28, 202109:51
Stop-Pause-Process Repeat

Stop-Pause-Process Repeat

This week's episode we are continuing our talk in our series SElf-Care, Self-Love, Self-Improvement Sis!!

Today I will talk about the importance of taking that intentional MENTAL HEALTH DAY. We all know them as those days that we try to do absolutely nothing. Just last week, I felt the weight of my dily tasks, and I had to take a few days myself. Understand that it is important for you to take those moments to STOP-PAUSE-PROCESS and Repeat..

I get it, we have the responsiblities of taking care of everyone, but something happends to you, who will fill your shoes? Again, be kind to yourself, and take the necessary moments to take care of your mind, body and spirit. It is okay to take the cape off.. 

If you are looking for of a private community to join, that will provide you a space to just be, refuel and get the resources you need, Then I am inviting you to join me at RICH Women Empowerment, You can send me an email at for more information. 

Jan 21, 202111:16
Be Kind To Yourself Sis!

Be Kind To Yourself Sis!

This episode is the first in the new series Self-Care, Self-Love, Self-Inprovement Sis!

Over the next several weeks, I will be covering different topics as it relates to self care/ self improvement. It is a fact, that as women, we take care of everyone and everything else BEFORE we give ourselves much needed attention. I know this to be true personally for myself. I have a natural habit of putting everyone's else needs ahead of my own. 

Over the next few weeks, I will discuss how this has caused me to take a step back, tyaking a deeper look within. I will talk about some personal expereinces, and different techniques that I have incorporated into my daily self-improvement plan.

In this week's episode, I mentioned how important it is to be kind to yourself, allowing yourself grace. We often are harder on ourselves, than others. Its key to use affriming words and phrases, when faced with negative thoughts. It is vital to have a self-care/self-improvement plan in place to make sure that you are operating at your greatest self. 

To stay connect and follow my journey, connect with me on social media!

On Facebook at: Richimpact2019

On Instagram at: @rich.impact19

Jan 14, 202115:48
Is It Just a New Year?

Is It Just a New Year?

We have heard this saying for many years.. "New Year New Me".. Year after year we talk about the things we wish to accomplish and for some reason by the middle of the year those things are no longer relevant. It's time to make the shift in our processing. Let's get out of the habit of saying its going to be a new year new me, and lets put some real life action behind our words. Listen to some of the tips that I provide in this episode.

Jan 07, 202109:07
7 Ways You Can Apply Core Values to Everyday Life

7 Ways You Can Apply Core Values to Everyday Life

As the year ends, we all tend to reflect on those things we accomplished and valued. We become fill with gratitude just to make it this far. Your core values are what keeps you grounded. They should be considered daily. I give you 7 ways on how you can simply apply your core values to your everyday life.
Dec 31, 202011:20
2020-The Year of the Plan-demic

2020-The Year of the Plan-demic

We all know how this year has been. For some things shifted really quick. As for others, this were on the rise. On this episode, i had the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Takeya Noble. She is a true go-getter, amazing author, and soon to be the master coach of Manifest&Hustle Course. L:isten to her as she expresses how 2020 was an amazing year for her. Also be sure to listen for all the amazing things to come for me!! We are in position to help those who are ready to see purpose manifest in their lives! 

Dec 23, 202015:14
Are You Still Fighting: Setting Boundaries

Are You Still Fighting: Setting Boundaries

This week's episode talks about the internal fight we have with ourselves, when planing ahead and establishing boundaries. Too often we allow those things and/or people to cross boundaries, causing us to lose focus. It is time to fight for our purpose. It is time to create our plan and stick to it. It is time to create and set those boundaries, so that others can see just how serious we are. It is time to fight for You! 

Dec 17, 202009:57
Benefits of Planning Ahead

Benefits of Planning Ahead

When life hits you, it has a way of showing you how unprepared you were. The key benefits of planning ahead will position you for a more successful life. With proper time management, daily productive tasks and celebrating your small wins, will give you the starting point on a successful journey. In getting ready for 2021, there will be talks, tips and strategies that will position you for success. It's time to move forward!
Dec 10, 202012:04
Hitting The Master Reset

Hitting The Master Reset

With everything that's going on in the world, you must recognize when it's time to hit the master reset button. This episode I will talk with you about my recent moment of reseting, tips on how to reset, and more!
Jul 14, 202015:47
Launch Day June 2nd 2020/ Implementing A Strategic Plan

Launch Day June 2nd 2020/ Implementing A Strategic Plan

Coach Courtney J gives insight into who she is, how she made the choice implement a plan to get her life in alignment. Coach Courtney shares weekly tip with strategy for daily living.
Jun 03, 202014:03