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By RNTalks

The story of RNTalks began in May 2019. A big vision which took baby steps and decided to start small. The sole aim at the time of inception was to provide ethical, transparent, emotional, and professional support for school and college students.

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Strong People Help Others To Grow

RNTalksJan 02, 2021

 ‘Still Life’ by A. K. Ramanujan

‘Still Life’ by A. K. Ramanujan

‘Still Life’ by A. K. Ramanujan

When she left me

after lunch, I read

for a while.

But I suddenly wanted

to look again

and I saw the half-eaten



lettuce and salami,

all carrying the shape

of her bite.

Apr 25, 202300:16
‘Wolf’ by Keki Daruwalla

‘Wolf’ by Keki Daruwalla

‘Wolf’ by Keki Daruwalla


half silhouette and half myth

the wolf circles my past

treading the leaves into a bed

till he sleeps, black snout

on extended paws.

Black snout on sulphur body

he nudged his way

into my consciousness.

Prowler, wind-sniffer, throat-catcher,

his cries drew a ring

around my night;

a child's night is a village

on the forest edge.

My mother said

his ears stand up

at the fall of dew

he can sense a shadow

move across a hedge

on a dark night;

he can sniff out

your approaching dreams;

there is nothing

that won't be lit up

by the dark torch of his eyes.

The wolves have been slaughtered now.

A hedge of smoking gun-barrels

rings my daughter's dreams.

Apr 25, 202300:46
 ‘Hunger’ by Jayanta Mahapatra

‘Hunger’ by Jayanta Mahapatra

‘Hunger’ by Jayanta Mahapatra

It was hard to believe the flesh was heavy on my back.

The fisherman said: Will you have her, carelessly,

trailing his nets and his nerves, as though his words

sanctified the purpose with which he faced himself.

I saw his white bone thrash his eyes.

I followed him across the sprawling sands,

my mind thumping in the flesh's sling.

Hope lay perhaps in burning the house I lived in.

Silence gripped my sleeves; his body clawed at the froth

his old nets had only dragged up from the seas.

In the flickering dark his lean-to opened like a wound.

The wind was I, and the days and nights before.

Palm fronds scratched my skin. Inside the shack

an oil lamp splayed the hours bunched to those walls.

Over and over the sticky soot crossed the space of my mind.

I heard him say: My daughter, she's just turned fifteen...

Feel her. I'll be back soon, your bus leaves at nine.

The sky fell on me, and a father's exhausted wile.

Long and lean, her years were cold as rubber.

She opened her wormy legs wide. I felt the hunger there,

the other one, the fish slithering, turning inside

Apr 25, 202301:10
 ‘Summer In Calcutta’ by Kamala Das

‘Summer In Calcutta’ by Kamala Das

‘Summer In Calcutta’ by Kamala Das

What is this drink but

The April sun, squeezed

Like an orange in

My glass? I sip the

Fire, I drink and drink

Again, I am drunk

Yes, but on the gold

of suns, What noble

venom now flows through

my veins and fills my

mind with unhurried

laughter? My worries

doze. Wee bubbles ring

my glass, like a bride’s

nervous smile, and meet

my lips. Dear, forgive

this moment’s lull in

wanting you, the blur

in memory. How

brief the term of my

devotion, how brief

your reign when i with

glass in hand, drink, drink,

and drink again this

Juice of April suns.

Apr 25, 202300:41
‘On Killing A Tree’ by Gieve Patel

‘On Killing A Tree’ by Gieve Patel

‘On Killing A Tree’ by Gieve Patel

It takes much time to kill a tree,

Not a simple jab of the knife

Will do it. It has grown

Slowly consuming the earth,

Rising out of it, feeding

Upon its crust, absorbing

Years of sunlight, air, water,

And out of its leperous hide

Sprouting leaves.

So hack and chop

But this alone wont do it.

Not so much pain will do it.

The bleeding bark will heal

And from close to the ground

Will rise curled green twigs,

Miniature boughs

Which if unchecked will expand again

To former size.


The root is to be pulled out -

Out of the anchoring earth;

It is to be roped, tied,

And pulled out - snapped out

Or pulled out entirely,

Out from the earth-cave,

And the strength of the tree exposed,

The source, white and wet,

The most sensitive, hidden

For years inside the earth.

Then the matter

Of scorching and choking

In sun and air,

Browning, hardening,

Twisting, withering,

And then it is done.

Apr 25, 202300:57
‘If You Forget Me’ By Pablo Neruda

‘If You Forget Me’ By Pablo Neruda

‘If You Forget Me’ By Pablo Neruda

“I want you to know

one thing.

You know how this is:

if I look

at the crystal moon, at the red branch

of the slow autumn at my window,

if I touch

near the fire

the impalpable ash

or the wrinkled body of the log,

everything carries me to you,

as if everything that exists,

aromas, light, metals,

were little boats

that sail

toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,

if little by little you stop loving me

I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly

you forget me

do not look for me,

for I shall already have forgotten you.”

Apr 20, 202300:34
 ‘Lady Lazarus’ By Sylvia Plath

‘Lady Lazarus’ By Sylvia Plath

‘Lady Lazarus’ By Sylvia Plath

I have done it again.   

One year in every ten   

I manage it——

A sort of walking miracle, my skin   

Bright as a Nazi lampshade,   

My right foot

A paperweight,

My face a featureless, fine   

Jew linen.

Peel off the napkin   

O my enemy.   

Do I terrify?——

The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?   

The sour breath

Will vanish in a day.

Soon, soon the flesh

The grave cave ate will be   

At home on me

And I a smiling woman.   

I am only thirty.

And like the cat I have nine times to die.

This is Number Three.   

What a trash

To annihilate each decade.

What a million filaments.   

The peanut-crunching crowd   

Shoves in to see

Them unwrap me hand and foot——

The big strip tease.   

Gentlemen, ladies

These are my hands   

My knees.

I may be skin and bone,

Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman.   

The first time it happened I was ten.   

It was an accident.

The second time I meant

To last it out and not come back at all.   

I rocked shut

As a seashell.

They had to call and call

And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.


Is an art, like everything else.   

I do it exceptionally well.

I do it so it feels like hell.   

I do it so it feels real.

I guess you could say I’ve a call.

It’s easy enough to do it in a cell.

It’s easy enough to do it and stay put.   

It’s the theatrical

Comeback in broad day

To the same place, the same face, the same brute   

Amused shout:

‘A miracle!’

That knocks me out.   

There is a charge

For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge   

For the hearing of my heart——

It really goes.

And there is a charge, a very large charge   

For a word or a touch   

Or a bit of blood

Or a piece of my hair or my clothes.   

So, so, Herr Doktor.   

So, Herr Enemy.

I am your opus,

I am your valuable,   

The pure gold baby

That melts to a shriek.   

I turn and burn.

Do not think I underestimate your great concern.

Ash, ash—

You poke and stir.

Flesh, bone, there is nothing there——

A cake of soap,   

A wedding ring,   

A gold filling.

Herr God, Herr Lucifer   



Out of the ash

I rise with my red hair   

And I eat men like air.

Apr 20, 202302:39
‘The Second Coming’ By William Butler Yeats

‘The Second Coming’ By William Butler Yeats

‘The Second Coming’ By William Butler Yeats

Turning and turning in the widening gyre   

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst   

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.   

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out   

When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert   

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,   

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,   

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it   

Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.   

The darkness drops again; but now I know   

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,   

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Apr 20, 202301:02
Caged Birds’ a poem by Maya Angelou

Caged Birds’ a poem by Maya Angelou

Caged Birds’ a poem by Maya Angelou

Apr 20, 202301:01
‘Presence of Love’ by John Keats

‘Presence of Love’ by John Keats

‘Presence of Love’ by John Keats

Apr 16, 202300:31
‘Presence of Love’ a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

‘Presence of Love’ a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

‘Presence of Love’ a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Apr 16, 202300:31
‘Love’s Philosophy’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘Love’s Philosophy’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘Love’s Philosophy’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Apr 16, 202300:31
‘She Walks in Beauty’ a poem by Lord Byron

‘She Walks in Beauty’ a poem by Lord Byron

‘She Walks in Beauty’ a poem by Lord Byron

Apr 16, 202300:44
'A River' by A.K. Ramanujan

'A River' by A.K. Ramanujan

'A River' by A.K. Ramanujan is my favorite poem. A River is a poem about the different ways in which rivers can be viewed, from dry riverbeds to deep, flowing bodies of water.

Apr 12, 202301:12
“The Frog And The Nightingale” by Vikram Seth

“The Frog And The Nightingale” by Vikram Seth

“The Frog And The Nightingale” by Vikram Seth is one of my favorite poem and its unique approach to poetry writing. It's a timeless classic that I would recommend to any fan of literature. Not only does it offer a great narrative, but also teaches a valuable lesson about staying true to yourself and never giving up on dreams. I'm sure you'll love it.

Apr 11, 202304:32
“The Seven Ages of Man” By William Shakespeare (from As You Like It)

“The Seven Ages of Man” By William Shakespeare (from As You Like It)

“The Seven Ages of Man” By William Shakespeare (from As You Like It) looks back at the different stages of life, from birth to death. Each age features an exploration of one particular stage, examining its implications and presenting stories from people who have experienced it. It's a fascinating journey through our shared human experience! We hope you will join us for this emotional and thought-provoking series. Thank

Apr 11, 202301:10
"Sleepless Night" By Ruskin Bond

"Sleepless Night" By Ruskin Bond

"Sleepless Night" By Ruskin Bond is a wonderful poem that has enthralled audiences of all ages. It is a classic work of literature and one of the most enduring works by Ruskin Bond. Tune into my podcast to listen to it.

Apr 09, 202300:56
"Dreams" by Langston Hughes

"Dreams" by Langston Hughes

"Dreams" by Langston Hughes is one of my favorite poems. It speaks to the power of hope and the ability to dream and work towards a better future despite obstacles. The poem captures so many emotions and feelings in just a few words. It inspires me every time I hear it. Every time I read it, I feel like I’m getting closer to understanding its message.

Apr 08, 202300:10
'Baby's Way' by Rabindranath Tagore

'Baby's Way' by Rabindranath Tagore

Today we bring to you the beautiful poem 'Baby's Way' by Rabindranath Tagore. Baby is the Human Soul, which has descended from the Heavens, the realm of serene bliss, to bring joy to this sultry world of many sufferings

Apr 04, 202301:13
"If" by Rudyard Kipling

"If" by Rudyard Kipling

"If" by Rudyard Kipling is a poem that speaks of finding strength and resilience in the face of adversity. The poem follows the narrator's journey through life, exploring various themes such as courage, duty, tradition, and perseverance. By examining these ideas, Kipling encourages readers to be brave regardless of their circumstances.

Apr 04, 202301:21
"Palanquin Bearers" By Sarojini Naidu

"Palanquin Bearers" By Sarojini Naidu

"Palanquin Bearers" By Sarojini Naidu is a beautiful lyrical poem which captures the emotions of a group of bearers carrying a palanquin through the streets. The poem expresses their love for their work and how they take pride in it despite its arduous nature.

Apr 04, 202300:33
"A Bird, Came Down the Walk" By Emily Dickinson

"A Bird, Came Down the Walk" By Emily Dickinson

"A Bird, Came Down the Walk" By Emily Dickinson is a poem has been widely celebrated for its exploration of the beauty of nature and how it can be found in even the simplest places. It also serves as a reminder to take notice of our surroundings, an important lesson everyone can relate to. The poem has become part of the American canon, inspiring readers to slow down and appreciate the little things in life.

Apr 04, 202300:37
"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth is one of my favorite poems. I find it really inspiring and thought-provoking. It makes me stop and appreciate the beauty of nature and life around us, even in our darkest moments. It's a reminder to take the time to reflect, be creative, and enjoy the simpler things in life. Thanks for sharing! :) Listening to it read out loud on a podcast really brings it alive for me! I'm sure others will appreciate hearing this classic poem as well. Please consider including it in your show! Thank you!

Apr 04, 202300:52
"Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats

"Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats

"Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats is one of my favorite poems, and I love hearing different interpretations of it. It's a great way to explore different nuances in the poem and appreciate its complexity. From spoken word recitals to musical renditions, there are so many fantastic takes on this classic that it can be hard to choose just one!

Apr 04, 202303:56
The Road Not Taken BY ⁠ROBERT FROST

The Road Not Taken BY ⁠ROBERT FROST

The Road Not Taken BY ROBERT FROST

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Apr 04, 202300:52
World No Tobacco Day With RNTalks.

World No Tobacco Day With RNTalks.

World No Tobacco Day With RNTalks. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying they want to quit. Commit to quit today and lead a healthy life. Quit Today Live For Tomorrow.

Jun 04, 202110:59
What is Zohnerism Parody How Does it Affect Us in Daily Life

What is Zohnerism Parody How Does it Affect Us in Daily Life

Breaking news and panel debates have been dominating Indian TV for the last few days. All of them are supporters of Zohnerism Parody!

Jun 04, 202116:22
Happy Mother's Day Message

Happy Mother's Day Message

Anna Jarvis commemorated her mother with a day of celebration in 1908, which led to the modern Mother's Day celebration. May 12 falls on Sunday this year, which is International Mother's Day. During this time, mothers celebrate their bond with their children.

Jun 04, 202105:50
13 Ways To Develop A More Vibrant Personality PART 2

13 Ways To Develop A More Vibrant Personality PART 2

We all own certain personality traits that set us aside from the rest. A mix of good and evil; these traits determine how we react to circumstances and personalities. 13 Ways To Develop A More Vibrant Personality PART 1 & 2 shall help you to evolve your personality.

Jan 19, 202122:59
13 Ways To Develop A More Vibrant Personality PART-1

13 Ways To Develop A More Vibrant Personality PART-1

Explore and rediscover your personality’s hidden perspectives, stimulate your senses, speed up success & reputation by following some basic steps.

Jan 17, 202115:49
Child Psychology Part3

Child Psychology Part3

This is the concluding part that deals with the emotions and social development of the child. The role of the mentors, parents, and primary caregivers is utmost at this juncture.

Jan 15, 202115:18
Child Psychology Part 2

Child Psychology Part 2

Child Psychology Part 2 will enable the parents, mentors, and primary care givers to understand the child better and help out and also seek professional help if needed.

Jan 14, 202112:42
What Is Child Psychology- Part 1

What Is Child Psychology- Part 1

Child Psychology- Part 1, is useful to help both parents and teachers better understand and support children in their care.

Jan 13, 202112:27
How Does The Locus of Control Affect Your Life- PART 2

How Does The Locus of Control Affect Your Life- PART 2

In continuation of our 1st episode of Locus of control, we here speak about the internal locus of control in the part 2 version and how they both together define our primary four dimensions of core values of… self-evaluations – one's primary appraisal of oneself – simultaneously with neuroticism, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. Listen to find out how...

Jan 13, 202111:41
How Does The Locus of Control Affect Your Life-PART 1

How Does The Locus of Control Affect Your Life-PART 1

Are you wondering as to how does the locus of control affects your life? Locus of control is one of the primary four dimensions of core values of… self-evaluations – one's primary appraisal of oneself – simultaneously with neuroticism, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. Listen to find out how...

Jan 13, 202110:16
Who Am I-Part 2-Core Identity

Who Am I-Part 2-Core Identity

People are oft confused about their Core identity and how they want people to remember them as. This episode Who Am I-Part 2-Core Identity shall help you identify with your inner self.

Jan 12, 202114:59
Who Am I-Part 1-Rediscover Yourself

Who Am I-Part 1-Rediscover Yourself

Everyone wants to be noticed yet they are not confident of what they want others to see them as. Who Am I-Part 1, will help  you to Rediscover Yourself.

Jan 11, 202115:30
Embracing Change Is The Key To Survival

Embracing Change Is The Key To Survival

Life has its ups and downs. For every downslide moment, there is an upswing moment too. Have faith in your faith. Embrace change...remember change is vital for survival.

Jan 08, 202105:33
Motivational Session at ARSD

Motivational Session at ARSD

'Winners don't do different things. They do things differently,' Want to be a leader? Want to be happy? Want to be loved by one and all? Then go ahead and watch the video.

Jan 07, 202103:25
Take Panga with Your Life

Take Panga with Your Life

Till the time you don't move out of your comfort zone you will never be able to achieve anything in your life. 

जब तक आप अपनी ज़िन्दगी से पंगा नहीं लेंगे तब तक आप ज़िन्दगी में कुछ नहीं कर पाएंगे। इसलिए उठिए और पंगा लीजिये, फिर देखिये आप कहाँ से कहाँ पहुँच जाते हैं।

Jan 05, 202101:26
Sher aur Lakadbaggha

Sher aur Lakadbaggha

Never allow anyone to belittle to and make you feel small or insignificant. Stay focused on your goals and success will be yours. 

कभी भी किसी को आप की बेज़त्ति करने की और आपको नीचा दिखाने की अनुमति न दें।

Jan 04, 202101:53
Strong People Help Others To Grow

Strong People Help Others To Grow

Strong People Help Others To Grow while the insecure and weak people pull each other down. There are two ways to succeed one is to work for a goal and the second is to pull down others. Stay positive and help others grow with you.


Jan 02, 202102:56
Rhetoric To Nirvana...Inspiring Lives with RNTalks

Rhetoric To Nirvana...Inspiring Lives with RNTalks

Each one of us has faced difficulties in life and have overcome the situation with our grit and determination. Come share your inspiring and motivational stories with the world through our platform... Be an inspiration to others with RNTalks

Jan 01, 202104:27
What is RNTalks?

What is RNTalks?

Stop for a moment & consider the last time you felt typically unmotivated or demotivated. What delivered you out of that feeling? Sometimes listening to someone say something that resonates with you alters the manner you've been looking at a specific assignment or problem.

Jan 01, 202106:54
Thoughts Produce Feelings

Thoughts Produce Feelings

SHOW LESSThoughts Produce Feeling. Don't believe me? Then try it for yourself. How we feel is directly proportional to the types of thoughts we cultivate. If you think positive thoughts then you invite the positivity from the universe towards you and vice-versa.

Jan 01, 202106:00
Have a Healthy New Year

Have a Healthy New Year

Stop trolling 2020 and build a better 2021. 

Jan 01, 202102:30