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LifeTransformed With Robert Bolden

LifeTransformed With Robert Bolden

By Robert Bolden

Is your life exactly perfect? Are you fulfilled Spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, are you growing everyday? If so, this podcast isn’t for you... if not .. have a listen, and if your a “seeker” get ready to be inspired 💪 Find Your Purpose - Monday Coffee & Christ - Thursday
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Coffee & Christ...Filled with Joy in All Circumstances

LifeTransformed With Robert Bolden May 09, 2024

Coffee & Christ... The Power of Compassion & Reconciliation

Coffee & Christ... The Power of Compassion & Reconciliation


In this episode of Coffee & Christ, Robert Bolden shares his thoughts on the verse of the day from 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. He emphasizes the importance of compassion and how it differs from empathy. Robert believes that many people get stuck in their feelings and live in the past, but Jesus can heal them in the present. He encourages listeners to go to God for comfort and solutions in all their troubles. Robert also discusses the attitude behind actions and the power of thoughts, highlighting the need to maintain a pure heart and seek reconciliation with others.


Compassion is different from empathy as it allows us to meet people where they are but not leave them there.

Jesus can heal us in the present, and we don't need to spend time and money going back into our past to find healing.

Going to God first for comfort and solutions in our troubles is key.

The attitude behind our actions is important, and wrong thoughts can lead to wrong actions.

Maintaining a pure heart and seeking reconciliation with others is crucial.


compassion, empathy, healing, comfort, attitude, actions, thoughts, pure heart, reconciliation


compassion, empathy, healing, comfort, attitude, actions, thoughts, pure heart, reconciliation


Seeking Reconciliation with Others

Going to God First for Comfort and Solutions


00:00 Introduction and Verse of the Day

02:18 The Importance of Compassion

08:20 The Encapsulation of Life in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

09:54 Making Faith a Habit

17:16 Conclusion

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May 30, 202417:49
Abundant Life ... Now #7 Overcoming tragedy...

Abundant Life ... Now #7 Overcoming tragedy...


Alejandro shares his journey of becoming a paraplegic after a motorcycle accident and how he found purpose and positivity in his new life. He emphasizes the importance of patience, gratitude, and focusing on the little things that matter. Alejandro also talks about the support group he started and how it has helped many people with disabilities. He advises his younger self to appreciate what is truly important in life and not get caught up in temporary thrills. Alejandro's story is inspiring and reminds us to find joy and purpose in every situation.


Find purpose and positivity in every situation, no matter the circumstances.

Practice patience and gratitude to navigate through challenges.

Focus on the little things that matter and appreciate them.

Create a support system and help others going through similar experiences.

Don't get caught up in temporary thrills and prioritize what truly matters in life.


00:00 Introduction and Background

02:26 Work at the Center for Independent Living of Broward

06:44 How Alejandro Ended Up on the Abundant Life Now Show

09:37 Adjusting to Life as a Paraplegic

12:31 Lessons Learned and Building a Support Group

17:46 Embracing Positivity and Finding Happiness

23:31 Closing Remarks and Contact Information

24:17 The Importance of Community

24:33 Promoting Growth and Learning

24:48 New Chapter

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Odd’s Cafe - A local Love place and space

May 27, 202425:04
Abundant Life... Now

Abundant Life... Now


Garrett Vita shares his personal experience of a spiritual battle with a demon and the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. He describes feeling a cold presence creeping up his body and the Holy Spirit's protection and strength in the face of the demon's attacks. Garrett emphasizes the importance of faith, seeking God, and aligning with His plan. The conversation also touches on the transformation and growth Garrett has experienced in his relationship with God and the potential for leadership roles in Life Transformed.


The battle of the spiritual realm is real, and the Holy Spirit is with believers to protect and guide them.

Seeking God and aligning with His plan brings peace, love, and assurance in the face of challenges.

Having faith and trusting in God's power can overcome any obstacle, whether it's a spiritual battle or a difficult situation in life.

Continually pursuing a deeper relationship with God leads to growth, transformation, and a greater understanding of His love and presence.

Leadership roles in organizations like Life Transformed can provide opportunities for personal and spiritual development.

Sound Bites

"The battle of the spiritual realm is real. And the Holy Spirit is literally in you."

"He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

"There's no greater force or problem than a demon. But after that experience, it gives you reassurance that everything that you practice as a Christian is real."


00:00 Introduction and Excitement for Guest

03:23 The Reality of Spiritual Battles and the Presence of the Holy Spirit

07:44 Faith and Trust in God's Power to Overcome Obstacles

10:19 Seeking God and Aligning with His Plan for Peace and Assurance

20:33 Leadership Potential and Opportunities for Development

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Odd’s Cafe

May 20, 202422:32
Abundant Life ... Now Show #5

Abundant Life ... Now Show #5


The conversation revolves around the theme of the heart and its influence on our words and actions. The analogy of the heart as a garden is used to illustrate the importance of what is planted and nurtured. The role of parental influence and finding a firm foundation in life is highlighted. The need for discernment and pruning in giving access to the heart is emphasized.


What is in our hearts influences our words and actions.

Parental influence and finding a firm foundation in life are crucial.

Giving access to the heart requires discernment and pruning.

Observing people can give insight into the flowers and weeds in their hearts.


00:00 Introduction

01:52 The Heart as a Garden

02:49 The Influence of Parents

05:05 Straying and Returning

08:30 Giving Access to the Heart

10:38 Lessons on Access and Trust

12:30 Transitioning from Hobbyist to Master Gardener

15:17 Being Discerning with Access

18:06 The Power of Listening and Community

18:56 Identifying Weeds and Flowers in Life

21:05 Observing People's Hearts

23:30 Compassion and Rejoicing

25:40 Conclusion

28:08 Introduction and Sponsor Acknowledgement

28:23 The Influence of the Heart

28:24 Parental Influence

28:44 The Importance of Being a Fully Committed Team Member

28:56 IntroOutro Music.wav

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May 13, 202427:28
Coffee & Christ...Filled with Joy in All Circumstances

Coffee & Christ...Filled with Joy in All Circumstances


In this episode of Coffee and Christ, Robert Bolden discusses the power of the Holy Spirit and the joy that comes from being filled with the Spirit. He emphasizes that the grace of God is sufficient for us and that His power is made perfect in our weakness. Robert encourages listeners to surrender themselves to God and allow His power to work through them. He also highlights the importance of being different from the world and finding joy in the Holy Spirit, regardless of circumstances. Robert concludes by reminding listeners that the Holy Spirit is a comforter and a source of wisdom and truth in our lives.


The grace of God is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in our weakness.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit allows us to be different from the world and find joy regardless of circumstances.

Surrendering ourselves to God enables His power to work through us.

The Holy Spirit is a comforter and a source of wisdom and truth in our lives.


00:00 Introduction and Setting

01:45 Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 12:9

03:01 The Power of God's Grace in Weakness

07:51 Being Filled with Joy in the Holy Spirit

09:08 The Holy Spirit as a Comforter

12:06 The Joy Given by the Holy Spirit

14:53 Reprogramming Our Beliefs and Behaviors

15:21 Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit

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Odd’s Cafe

May 09, 202415:53
Abundant Life ... Now Show #4

Abundant Life ... Now Show #4


In this conversation, Robert Bolden discusses the six fears that Satan uses to distract people from God: fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, loss of relationship, noise, and old age. He emphasizes that these fears are not from God and can be overcome by His perfect love. Community is important for speaking truth and supporting one another in overcoming fear. The conversation also touches on the importance of skepticism, openness, and inclusivity in a community. The main takeaways are that perfect love drives out fear, skepticism can be healthy, and openness and inclusivity are key in a community.


Satan uses six fears to distract people from God: fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, loss of relationship, noise, and old age.

These fears are not from God and can be overcome by His perfect love.

Community is key for speaking truth and supporting one another in overcoming fear.

Perfect love drives out all fear.

Skepticism can be healthy or hinder growth.

Openness and inclusivity are important in a community.


00:00 Introduction

01:24 Distracted from God

02:08 Laughter and Joy

02:36 Fear of Loss of Love

04:05 Fear of Loss of Relationship

04:55 Peer Pressure

07:45 Fear of Losing a Loved One

11:05 Fear of Old Age

12:40 Fear of Death

24:03 Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

25:18 Community and Speaking Truth

25:40 Conclusion

26:15 Introduction and Sponsor Acknowledgement

26:57 The Importance of Being a Fully Committed Team Member

27:10 IntroOutro Music.wav

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May 06, 202426:15
Coffee & Christ... Touch me Jesus
May 02, 202417:19
Abundant Life ... Now Show #3

Abundant Life ... Now Show #3


In this conversation, the host and panelists discuss the tactics of Satan and how he uses fear to distract people from God. They specifically focus on three fears: fear of poverty, fear of criticism, and fear of ill health.


Satan uses fear to distract people from God and prevent them from following Jesus.

The fear of poverty can lead to a preoccupation with material needs and distract from faith.

The fear of criticism can hinder one's ability to live out their faith and be true to themselves.

The fear of ill health can create anxiety and uncertainty, but having hope in a new body and trusting in God's provision can alleviate this fear.


00:00 Introduction and the Topic of Satan

03:02 Chapter 1: Fear of Poverty

07:32 Chapter 2: Fear of Criticism

13:22 Chapter 3: Fear of Ill Health

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Apr 29, 202423:52
Coffee & Christ ... elimate anxiety
Apr 25, 202424:53
Abundant Life... Now Show #2

Abundant Life... Now Show #2


The conversation explores the concept of a fully surrendered community member and what it means to be part of a community. It discusses the importance of community and the characteristics of a fully surrendered community member, such as serving others and being engaged. The conversation also touches on the characteristics of a non-committed community member and the role of skepticism in the community. The hosts emphasize the inclusivity and openness of their community and invite listeners to join.


Being a fully surrendered community member means serving others and being engaged.

A non-committed community member may show up but not actively participate or contribute.

Skepticism can be healthy when it leads to discernment and investigation, but being a constant skeptic can hinder growth.

The hosts emphasize the inclusivity and openness of their community, inviting listeners to join.


00:00 Introduction and Topic

01:36 Fully Surrendered to the Community

04:32 Characteristics of a Fully Surrendered Community Member

07:54 Characteristics of a Non-Committed Community Member

12:17 Serving Others in the Community

17:04 Skepticism in the Community

21:07 Summary and Invitation to Join the Community

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Apr 22, 202423:44
Coffee & Christ... Church is NOT a Place or building...

Coffee & Christ... Church is NOT a Place or building...


In this conversation, Robert shares his thoughts on the importance of the heart and the impact of what we allow into it. He cautions against relying solely on therapy for healing and emphasizes the power of trusting in Jesus. Robert also discusses the concept of church as a community rather than a building, and the responsibility to care for one another and be family for those without family. He highlights the promise of Jesus to provide homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields to those who have given up things to follow Him. The conversation concludes with a reminder to surrender self and follow Jesus.


The condition of our heart is determined by what we allow into it.

Healing and transformation come from trusting in Jesus, not solely relying on therapy.

Church is not a building, but a community of believers who care for one another and become family for those without family.

Jesus promises to provide homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields to those who have given up things to follow Him.

Surrendering self and following Jesus leads to a life of abundance and eternal life.


Church as a Community and Family

The Promise of Jesus to His Followers

Sound Bites

"You don't need therapy, you don't need that to heal from the past. You're already healed. Just go to Jesus with it. Just change your thoughts. It doesn't require anything beyond trusting in Jesus."

"Church is not a building or a place. It's a people and we're all church. We're all united in Christ by faith. We're brothers and sisters, united together."

"Jesus will deliver. All you have to do is give up everything, surrender self and follow Him."


00:00 Introduction and Setting

06:29 Creating an Irresistible Community

13:30 Surrendering Everything to Jesus

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Odd’s Cafe

Apr 18, 202420:58
Abundant Life ... Now Show #1

Abundant Life ... Now Show #1


The conversation focused on the themes of isolation and community. The participants discussed different types of isolation, including proximity isolation, emotional isolation, spiritual isolation, and visionary isolation. They also shared personal experiences of isolation and how it affected them. On the topic of community, they emphasized the importance of communication that builds unity and the value of diverse perspectives. They highlighted the need for safe spaces where individuals can express themselves authentically and be respected, even if their views differ from others. The conversation concluded with the recognition that community can transcend generational and cultural boundaries, providing opportunities for growth and learning.


Isolation can take various forms, such as being physically distant from others, lacking emotional or spiritual connections, or feeling isolated in one's vision or goals.

Community is built on communication that fosters unity, where individuals can express themselves authentically and be respected, even if their views differ from others.

Safe spaces within a community allow for personal growth and learning, as well as the opportunity to transcend generational and cultural boundaries.

Valuing diverse perspectives and actively seeking out connections with others can help individuals move from isolation to community.


00:00 Introduction and Purpose

25:12 The Importance of Community

25:42 Promoting Growth and Learning

26:07 IntroOutro Music.wav

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Apr 15, 202424:47
Coffee & Christ... "THE" Path to healing... anything

Coffee & Christ... "THE" Path to healing... anything


In this episode of Coffee & Christ, Robert Bolden discusses the importance of standing firm in faith and surrendering to God. He emphasizes unity of and the power of embracing differences. Robert shares a story from the book of Mark about a woman who was healed by her faith in Jesus. The main takeaways from this episode are the significance of standing firm in faith, embracing unity, and finding healing and freedom through faith.


faith, standing firm, surrender, unity, church, embracing differences, healing, freedom


Stand firm in your faith and surrender to God.

Embrace unity in the church and celebrate differences.

Find healing and freedom through faith in Jesus.

Believe in the power of faith and trust in God's plan.


Finding Healing and Freedom Through Faith

The Power of Belief and Trust in God's Plan

Sound Bites

"No one can judge me."

"We could be a church where our differences are not hidden or blurred in the uniformity, but proudly displayed."

"Submit your own views, culture, and tradition to the throne of God, asking to help you embrace others who do things differently from you."


00:00 Introduction and Verse of the Day

03:10 Standing Firm in Faith and Surrendering to God

06:05 Embracing Unity and Celebrating Differences in the Church

09:18 Finding Healing and Freedom Through Faith

14:28 The Power of Belief and Trust in God's Plan

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Apr 11, 202419:50
Coffee & Christ... the Magic of Serving...

Coffee & Christ... the Magic of Serving...


In this podcast episode, Robert Bolden shares his personal journey of transformation through following Christ. He emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest and serving others, just as Jesus did. He also discusses the red flags in marriage and the need for healthy habits and selflessness in a relationship. Robert encourages couples to have open and honest conversations, seek God's guidance, and consider counseling if necessary.


Following Jesus and living life according to His teachings can lead to a fulfilling and joyful life.

Marriage requires intentional work, healthy habits, and selflessness from both partners.

Red flags in marriage include a lack of service towards one another, controlling behavior, and blaming each other.

Couples should have open and honest conversations, seek God's guidance, and consider counseling if needed to improve their marriage.


00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast

02:29 The Example of Jesus Washing the Disciples' Feet

03:22 Jesus' Mission to Show Us How to Live Life to the Full

06:37 Red Flags in Marriage: Stop Serving One Another

09:14 Red Flags in Marriage: One Spouse Wants to Control Everything

12:44 Red Flags in Marriage: Blaming One Another

20:40 Seeking Growth and Healing in Marriage

23:09 Closing Remarks

Apr 04, 202422:59
Coffee & Christ ... What does my Heart have to do with it...

Coffee & Christ ... What does my Heart have to do with it...


In this podcast episode, Robert Bolden shares his daily practice that has transformed his life. He discusses the importance of sanctifying God in our hearts and being ready to share the reason for our hope with others. He emphasizes the need to engage with and build community with others, regardless of their beliefs. Robert also highlights the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the importance of walking in the Spirit to experience victory and righteousness.


Sanctifying God in our hearts means allowing what is in our hearts to be reflected in our actions and interactions with others.

We should be ready to share the reason for our hope with others, but in a gentle and respectful manner.

The Holy Spirit is always with us and is ready to help and guide us in every area of our lives.

Walking in the Spirit allows us to experience victory and righteousness, and to overcome the desires of the flesh.

Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and following His direction can bring answers and solutions to every problem we face.


00:00 Introduction

01:01 Verse of the Day: 1 Peter 3:15

03:01 Interacting with Others

04:01 Being Ready to Share

06:29 Sharing with Gentleness and Respect

09:03 Believing and Stepping Out in Faith

10:30 Compassion for Others

11:04 You Are Never Alone

12:07 Living with the Holy Spirit

15:18 Walking in the Spirit

18:58 Living on a Higher Level

21:29 Choosing to Walk in the Spirit

23:14 Controlling Your Thoughts and Desires

24:26 Listening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit

25:15 Conclusion

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Odd’s Cafe

Mar 28, 202425:58
Coffee & Christ... THE way to live your Purpose!!!

Coffee & Christ... THE way to live your Purpose!!!


In this episode, Robert Bolden shares his thoughts on finding purpose and living a transformed life. He emphasizes the importance of gaining new awareness in Christ and surrendering comfort for calling. Robert discusses the significance of simplicity and the role of a Jesus encounter in discovering purpose. He encourages listeners to seek Jesus first and prioritize His presence over plans. Robert concludes by highlighting the power of seeking God's presence for His plans to be revealed.


Gaining new awareness in Christ is essential for living a transformed life.

Comfort can hinder one's calling, and it is important to prioritize purpose over personal comfort.

Simplicity and a Jesus encounter play a significant role in discovering and living out one's purpose.

Seeking Jesus first and prioritizing His presence leads to the revelation of His plans.


00:00 Introduction and Setting

01:25 Gaining New Awareness in Christ

06:12 Comfort vs Calling

08:18 Simplicity and Purpose

09:15 Letting Go of Comfort to Find Purpose

10:02 Purpose as a Byproduct of a Jesus Encounter

12:19 Seeking Jesus First

15:04 Seeking the Kingdom of God

18:46 Prioritizing the Person over the Plan

19:56 Seeking God's Presence for His Plans

20:09 Conclusion

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Odd’s Cafe

Mar 21, 202418:49
Coffee & Christ... who are you... Really

Coffee & Christ... who are you... Really


In this episode, Robert Bolden discusses the importance of emotional wellness and caring for our emotional health. He emphasizes the power of thoughts and the need to choose joy and hope. Robert also highlights the role of the heart in determining our actions and encourages listeners to overcome fear, anger, and worry. He shares affirmations for emotional wellness and emphasizes the transformative power of meditating on biblical truths. Overall, the episode encourages listeners to prioritize their emotional well-being and seek God's guidance in their lives.


  • Caring for our emotional health is essential for overall well-being.
  • Our thoughts have a significant impact on our emotions and actions.
  • Choosing joy and hope can transform our outlook on life.
  • Meditating on biblical truths can lead to emotional transformation.


00:00 Introduction

02:21 Verse of the Day: Revelation 4:11

03:29 Creating Things that Honor God

05:06 Being Authentic and Sharing the Message

07:14 Emotional Wellness

09:42 The Need for Emotional Wellness

12:11 Caring for Our Emotional Health

13:06 The Power of Thoughts

15:02 Choosing Joy and Hope

19:22 Overcoming Fear, Anger, and Worry

21:18 Affirmations for Emotional Wellness

22:26 Transforming through Truths

23:22 Conclusion

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Odd’s Cafe

Mar 14, 202423:24
Coffee & Christ... What does my heart have to do with it?
Mar 07, 202419:01
Coffee & Christ... how to live the promise of God

Coffee & Christ... how to live the promise of God


In this episode of Coffee in Christ, Robert Bolden discusses the power of living with an eternal perspective and being a royal priest. He emphasizes the importance of sharing the truth and being a light in the world. Robert also reflects on dark times and how God's light can transform our lives. He then explores the concept of God's promises and the role of faith in experiencing their fulfillment. He encourages listeners to find promises in the Bible that cover their needs and to act on those promises with patience and endurance. By doing so, they can inherit the promises through faith and patience.


  • Living with an eternal perspective and having faith in Jesus can transform our lives.
  • We are all called to be royal priests and share the truth with others.
  • Reflecting on dark times and recognizing God's presence can bring hope and light.
  • Acting on God's promises requires faith, patience, and obedience.


00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast

02:16 The Legacy of Jesus

03:36. Living with an Eternal Perspective

04:04. Being a Royal Priest

05:10 Sharing the Truth and Being the Light

06:23. Reflecting on Dark Times and God's Light

07:29 Living an Amazing Life with God

08:34 Promises and Faith

09:11 Finding Promises in the Bible

11:26. Holding Fast to Hope and God's Faithfulness

14:08 Acting on God's Promises

17:18 Exercising Patience and Endurance

19:32 Inheriting the Promises Through Faith and Patience

20:51 Conclusion and Invitation Join our email list, receive a gift, and value that will help to transform your life.

Feb 29, 202419:25
Coffee & Christ... Following God's example...

Coffee & Christ... Following God's example...


In this episode of Coffee and Christ, Robert discusses various aspects of living a transformed life through following God's example and walking in the way of love. He emphasizes the importance of inner richness and humility, and cautions against the pursuit of material wealth and excess. Robert encourages listeners to focus on their character and the preservation of their life, rather than accumulating possessions. The episode concludes with an invitation to join the Coffee and Christ community and continue the journey of faith.


  • Follow God's example by knowing Him and spending time with Him.
  • Walking in the way of love involves being kind, helpful, and serving others.
  • True richness comes from inner character and living a purposeful life.
  • Choose a good name and prioritize humility over material wealth.
  • Avoid the paths of the wicked and stay true to your faith.


00:00 Introduction and Setting

01:28 Following God's Example

03:08 Walking in the Way of Love

07:09 Rich and Poor in Spirit

09:02 Living with Excess

10:41 Born and Die with Nothing

13:01 Inner Richness

14:36 Choosing a Good Name

18:16 Humility and Motives

20:04 Avoiding the Paths of the Wicked

21:04 Conclusion

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Feb 22, 202421:23
Coffee & Christ... Who's plan are you following?

Coffee & Christ... Who's plan are you following?


In this episode, Robert Bolden shares his thoughts and experiences on the power of the Word of God and living a life in partnership with Him. He begins by introducing the setting and purpose of his podcast, Coffee and Christ. He then focuses on the verse of the day, Micah 7:18, and reflects on the forgiveness and mercy of God. Robert discusses the concept of the Rhema Word, which is when the Bible speaks to an individual in a personal and powerful way. He encourages listeners to read the Bible continuously and keep a journal of verses that speak to them. Robert also emphasizes the importance of living by every word that comes from the mouth of God and seeking His guidance in decision-making. He concludes by discussing God's desire to partner with His people and the importance of committing all actions to the Lord.


  • The Word of God has the power to transform lives and bring joy and peace.
  • Reading the Bible continuously and keeping a journal of verses that speak to you can deepen your relationship with God.
  • Living by every word that comes from the mouth of God and seeking His guidance in decision-making can lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.
  • God desires to partner with His people and establish their plans when they commit to Him.


00:00 Introduction and Setting

01:28 Verse of the Day: Micah 7:18

05:15. The Rhema Word

09:46. Living by Every Word

12:39 God Loves to Partner with You

17:14 Proverbs 16: God's Partnership

20:02 Conclusion and Community

Feb 15, 202421:22
Coffee & Christ... Wisdom in this world full of desire

Coffee & Christ... Wisdom in this world full of desire


In this episode of Coffee and Christ, Robert Bolden shares his thoughts on various topics related to faith and personal transformation. He emphasizes the importance of harmony in relationships and the need to be rooted in the Word of God. He also discusses the power of evangelism and the role of miracles in spreading the gospel. Finally, he explores the value of wisdom and how it surpasses worldly desires.


  • Harmony in relationships is essential for growth and transformation.
  • The Word of God is a powerful tool for cleansing and renewal.
  • Miracles and the power of God can be instrumental in evangelism.
  • Wisdom is more valuable than worldly desires and can guide us in making good decisions.


00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast

02:00 The Concept of Harmony

05:25 Evangelism through Power

10:54 The Value of Wisdom

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Feb 08, 202419:58
Coffee & Christ... Wisdom... the How and Why

Coffee & Christ... Wisdom... the How and Why


In this episode of Coffee in Christ, Robert Bolden discusses various topics related to faith and purpose. He starts by introducing the Purpose Challenge and emphasizes the importance of finding one's purpose. He then shares the verse of the day from Philippians 4:6-7, highlighting the command to not be anxious and to present our requests to God. Robert also explores the Great Commission from Matthew 28:18-20, emphasizing the responsibility to make disciples and teach others. He discusses the plan to spread the gospel and the importance of prioritizing God's mission. Finally, he introduces the concept of the Five P's of Evangelism and discusses the moral benefits of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.


  • Finding and living out our purpose is essential for a fulfilled life.
  • We are called to share the gospel and make disciples of all nations.
  • Prioritizing God's mission should be our top priority.
  • Wisdom leads to integrity, justice, faithfulness, and righteousness.


00:00 Introduction and Purpose Challenge

02:04 Verse of the Day: Philippians 4:6-7

03:16 The Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20

08:14 The Plan to Spread the Gospel

09:30 God's Priority and Our Role

11:01 The Five P's of Evangelism

13:24 Wisdom from the Cross

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Jan 25, 202420:34
Coffee & Christ... Why do You Work???

Coffee & Christ... Why do You Work???


In this episode of Coffee and Christ, Robert Bolden discusses the importance of living as a son or daughter of God rather than as a servant. He explores the concept of functional justification and how it can lead to enslavement to work. Robert emphasizes the need to find identity in being a child of God rather than in what we do. He encourages listeners to act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit and to approach others with the message of God's love. The episode concludes with an invitation to join the Hope to Purpose Challenge and a reminder to live in the world but not be of the world.


  • Find identity in being a child of God rather than in what you do.
  • Act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit and be a reflection of Jesus in the world.
  • Transition from being a servant to being a son or daughter of God.
  • Remember that the answer to every question and the way out of any circumstance is Jesus.


00:00 Introduction and Purpose

01:10 Verse of the Day

04:19 Son vs Servant

06:29 Functional Justification

08:25 Identity in Work

10: 08 Are you living as a Son or Servant

12:17 Acting on the Holy Spirit

13:15 Work as Functional Trust

14:08 Transitioning from Servant to Son

17:31 Adoption to Sonship

18:19 The Answer is Jesus

19:14 Hope to Purpose Challenge

20:03 Conclusion and Call to Action

Challenge zoom registration here... Free Hope2Purpose challenge

Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Jan 19, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Purpose Challenge January 2024

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Jan 18, 202420:04
Coffee & Christ - Holy Spirit takes action!!!

Coffee & Christ - Holy Spirit takes action!!!

Learn about the Hope2Purpose challenge here:


In this episode of Coffee and Christ, Robert Bolden shares his spontaneous thoughts and experiences that have transformed his life. He emphasizes the importance of dwelling in the house of the Lord and seeking His love and beauty. Robert also discusses the empowerment that comes through the Holy Spirit and the choice to live in that power. He encourages listeners to be unaffected by others and to remain close to God. Robert highlights the significance of acting in the Holy Spirit's influence and being a light in one's environment. He concludes by urging listeners to respond with confidence and boldness and to surround themselves with a community of like-minded individuals.Takeaways

  • Dwelling in the house of the Lord and seeking His love and beauty brings joy, peace, and a life of abundance.
  • The Holy Spirit empowers believers to do miraculous things and fulfill their calling.
  • Choosing to live in the power of the Holy Spirit allows one to be unaffected by others and to act with confidence and boldness.
  • Being a light in one's environment and boldly declaring God's word is a calling for all believers.
  • Surrounding oneself with a community of like-minded individuals provides encouragement and support in living out the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.


00:00 Introduction and Spontaneity

02:03 Dwelling in the House of the Lord

03:50 Empowerment through the Holy Spirit

05:38. Choosing to Live in the Power

09:14. Being Unaffected by Others

10:46. The Choice to Remain Close to God

13:10. Acting in the Holy Spirit's Influence

14:16. Being a Light in Your Environment

15:14. Boldly Declaring God's Word

16:45. Choosing to Believe and Invest

18:32. Responding with Confidence and Boldness

20:30 Surrounding Yourself with a Community

21:27 Conclusion and Challenge

Jan 11, 202417:36
Coffee & Christ.... The way to Live a Life of Joy!!!

Coffee & Christ.... The way to Live a Life of Joy!!!

Let there be no doubt the Holy Spirit was present... if you are a skeptic... why are you that way? What do you fear? Thanks for joining me today... reach out if I can serve you in any way!!!


In this episode of Coffee and Christ, Robert Bolden discusses the importance of seeking God's will and living in alignment with it. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and empowering believers. Robert also explores the concept of joy-based warfare and how believers can maintain joy in the face of spiritual resistance. He invites listeners to join the Life Transform community and participate in a challenge focused on finding hope and purpose. The episode concludes with a call to action to schedule a serve call and engage with the community.


Seeking God's will and living in alignment with it is essential for a transformed life.

The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in guiding and empowering believers.

Maintaining joy in the face of spiritual resistance is a powerful form of warfare.

Joining a community of like-minded believers can provide support and encouragement on the journey of faith.


00:00 Introduction and Setting

01:21 Verse of the Day: Teach Me to Do Your Will

03:10 The Holy Spirit and the Breath of God

04:39 The Joy of the Holy Spirit

10:31 Invitation to Join the Community

13:19 Joy-Based Warfare

18:23 Challenge: Hope and Purpose

19:33 Call to Action: Serve Calls

21:01 Conclusion

Join us for our complimentary Hope2Purpose challenge… click here to register

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Jan 04, 202421:40
Coffee & Christ

Coffee & Christ

Join us for our complimentary Hope2Purpose challenge… click here to register


In this episode, Robert Bolden shares his daily practice of Coffee and Christ and reflects on the verse of the day, Galatians 6.10. He emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities to do good and highlights the distinction between doing good and being good. Robert also discusses the significance of building up and encouraging the family of believers in the face of spiritual warfare. He explores the sin qua non of kingdom seeking, which involves continuous and expectant prayer for the coming of God's kingdom on earth. Robert concludes by encouraging listeners to review their activities and discern God's presence in their lives.


Seize opportunities to do good and make a positive impact on others' lives.

Focus on doing good rather than simply being good, as defined by societal expectations.

Build up and encourage fellow believers in the face of spiritual warfare.

Engage in continuous and expectant prayer for the coming of God's kingdom on earth.


00:00 Introduction and Setting

01:01 The Year-End Experience

02:00 Coffee and Christ

02:16 Verse of the Day: Galatians 6.10

03:15 Opportunity to Do Good

04:11 Doing Good to All People

06:48 Encouraging the Family of Believers

10:46 The Sin Qua Non of Kingdom Seeking

15:18 Praying for the Coming of God's Kingdom

19:27 Committing to Instant and Complete Obedience

21:09 Reviewing Activities and Discerning God's Presence

22:00 Conclusion and Purpose Challenge

Dec 28, 202321:41
Coffee & Christ... Idol's anyone
Dec 14, 202324:44
Coffee & Christ... become aware of longings we all have...
Dec 07, 202322:04
Coffee & Christ

Coffee & Christ

See how Your life can be full of Joy

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Nov 30, 202321:31
Coffee & Christ... who's will?

Coffee & Christ... who's will?

Our first video podcast...

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Nov 25, 202318:20
Coffee & Christ

Coffee & Christ

What is one thing you always have to do to find peace? If you are ready to do that one thing on your road to total Transformation have a listen.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Nov 16, 202319:35
Coffee & Christ... check your Faith

Coffee & Christ... check your Faith

The Holy Spirit was coming in loud and clear this morning. Join me if you are ready to be inspired, to emerge from a 20 minute episode with more energy... ready to take action.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Nov 09, 202322:16
Coffee & Christ... Your guide... My guide
Nov 02, 202322:15
Coffee & Christ... insight on living a beautiful life...

Coffee & Christ... insight on living a beautiful life...

Do you want to know the perfect way to live to yield the most amazing experience possible on this earth? Here ya go!!!😀

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

Hebrews 3:13 NIV

“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”

Romans 14:19 NIV

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,”

Hebrews 10:24 NIV

“that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”

Romans 1:12 NIV

“If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.”

Galatians 5:15 NIV

“Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”

2 Corinthians 13:11 NIV

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Oct 26, 202320:10
Coffee & Christ... transformation

Coffee & Christ... transformation

Are you thinking that maybe, one area of your life could use a little transformation... listen in to be inspired to action...

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Oct 19, 202318:34
Coffee and Christ... Have You Been Hurt?
Oct 12, 202314:37
Coffee & Christ... Do You Believe... Really...

Coffee & Christ... Do You Believe... Really...

The invitation is out... it is time... if you sense that it may be "time" for you to finally act on what has been stirring inside of you.... have a listen.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Oct 05, 202318:29
Coffee & Christ... How to love

Coffee & Christ... How to love

Great insight on what love and the source of love is.... Wisdom that can be tough to swallow...😀

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Sep 28, 202311:45
Find Your Purpose... Follow Me

Find Your Purpose... Follow Me

If you are fortunate enough to have one or both of your parents still here ... listen in to see one way you can honor them and live your prupose at the same time.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Sep 25, 202311:17
Coffee & Christ... what is Meek?

Coffee & Christ... what is Meek?

Check out this episode and learn more about the interesting fact that meekness is strength.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Sep 21, 202314:06
Coffee & Christ... Do not conform 😀

Coffee & Christ... Do not conform 😀

If you find yourself thinking... wow, this world is on a strange path... talk heart, you are commanded to not conform to this world!!! Isn't that exciting? Join me as the Holy Spirit reveals a way to do that.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Sep 14, 202319:17
Find Your Purpose... Follow Me ✝️

Find Your Purpose... Follow Me ✝️

In this episode I share what it looks like to follow your purpose without structure and logic... the rewards are off the charts. If your curious... 🧐 have a listen.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Sep 11, 202320:51
Coffee & Christ... Lessons from John the Baptist...

Coffee & Christ... Lessons from John the Baptist...

John the Baptist was about as counter culture as you can get for his time... He offers some valuable lessons on how to impact this world for Jesus.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Sep 07, 202320:02
Coffee & Christ... lessons for the brokenhearted, and the "good" person

Coffee & Christ... lessons for the brokenhearted, and the "good" person

Wow, God is God... and I thank him for that!!! Listen as He speaks to me... and possibly you ... today. 😀

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Health Summit

Aug 31, 202322:25
Coffee & Christ... the prophet Z

Coffee & Christ... the prophet Z

Join me as God does the God thing and inspires me and you....

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Aug 24, 202320:24
Coffee & Christ... Is it up to You to grab life?

Coffee & Christ... Is it up to You to grab life?

This is a topic that our culture has a strong opinion on... even the new age folks think it is all about "Me"... my power, manifesting, self care... Listen as God drops some wisdom.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Aug 17, 202322:06
Find Your Purpose... Follow Me... Find your purpose in the "big" world.

Find Your Purpose... Follow Me... Find your purpose in the "big" world.

I share some wisdom from the prophet Micah that applied directly to my experience in the corporate world and as a leader. This offers hope to all of those who are doing something that is paying the bills, or allows you to prosper... but may not be speaking life into you.

Want to See more? New videos are uploaded every Wednesday at 4:30 PM (EST):

How to build connection in Relationship:

How to practice discernment in Relationships:

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Are You working for someone and not "fulfilled"? Have you been rejected or felt judged by a church or religion? If you are experiencing or have experienced either of these scenario's... listen today.Are You working for someone and not "fulfilled"? Have you been rejected or felt judged by a church or religion? If you are experiencing or have experienced either of these scenario's... listen today.

Aug 14, 202314:16
Coffee & Christ... an invitation 😀

Coffee & Christ... an invitation 😀

The greatest gift... available to all...

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Are You working for someone and not "fulfilled"? Have you been rejected or felt judged by a church or religion? If you are experiencing or have experienced either of these scenario's... listen today.Are You working for someone and not "fulfilled"? Have you been rejected or felt judged by a church or religion? If you are experiencing or have experienced either of these scenario's... listen today.

Aug 10, 202320:48
Coffee & Christ... Everything You do, I do... is driven by a motive...

Coffee & Christ... Everything You do, I do... is driven by a motive...

Join me as I am guided to a deeper understanding of how to live in this world in a peaceful, powerful, loving way.

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Podcasts Join me live from Odd’s Cafe here in Asheville…  message me for the exact time.


Health Summit

Are You working for someone and not "fulfilled"? Have you been rejected or felt judged by a church or religion? If you are experiencing or have experienced either of these scenario's... listen today.Are You working for someone and not "fulfilled"? Have you been rejected or felt judged by a church or religion? If you are experiencing or have experienced either of these scenario's... listen today.

Aug 03, 202322:10