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A Mystical Elephant

A Mystical Elephant

By Robert K Jones

Broadcasts designed to help folks find some happiness and joy in a sometimes chaotic world.
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A Need For Security; How To Use Your Get Out Of Jail Free Card

A Mystical ElephantMay 06, 2020

Mental Health Awareness Month; Be Wary of Loneliness

Mental Health Awareness Month; Be Wary of Loneliness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Episode 65 explores the ever increasing risk of loneliness to our health and well-being. Physical distancing and staying at home have complicated an already serious problem. We each have the power to overcome the loneliness contagion. It requires the development of meaningful relationships and connecting beyond our four walls.
May 20, 202012:23
The Culture of Life; A Garden Entrusted to You

The Culture of Life; A Garden Entrusted to You

There is no doubt that Spring is busting out all over. Despite the fact that most of us have been sequestered at home, the trees, bushes and plants have put on their annual brilliant display. But what about us? Are we blooming or withering? Episode 64 looks into what I call A Culture of Life. It is something we choose. As the poet asks; "What have you done with the garden entrusted to you?"
May 16, 202010:08
Heal, Help, And Comfort; Just Do The Next Right Thing

Heal, Help, And Comfort; Just Do The Next Right Thing

Our response to the pandemic is changing as our "curve is starting to bend" and things are reopening around the world. It seems a bit daunting to know how to react as some people wear masks while others don't. Some are maintaining social distance and others aren't. Episode 63 is about doing the next right thing. How do we heal, help, and comfort as life modifies once again? It might not be so complicated.
May 13, 202012:17
2020 Vision of Mother's Day

2020 Vision of Mother's Day

Episode 62 is a love letter for all of our dear Mothers. They were our first friends and our unrelenting champions. Too often, we fail to appreciate their love and sacrifices. They stand ready on the sidelines of our lives, eager mto bind up wounds and offer encouragement...asking little in return. Happy Mother's Day to the women who gave us life. We, your children thank you.
May 09, 202011:56
A Need For Security; How To Use Your Get Out Of Jail Free Card

A Need For Security; How To Use Your Get Out Of Jail Free Card

It seems like no matter how much security is layered on, there is still danger lurking. After awhile we find ourselves locked in a virtual jail cell, isolated from reality. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Get Out of Jail Free Card and let go of all the worry? Episode 61 looks at how fear and self interest disempower us and some ways to find freedom. It just might be a survival tool as we continue social distancing and work our way back into the busy world.
May 06, 202011:56
Essential In Every Way

Essential In Every Way

We are, each of us, essential in every way. Episode 60 not only honors those who are putting their lives and treasure on the line day-in and day-out but affirms the sacredness of us all. Better Angels are forging a new path right here and now. Can our values shift to recognize this truth and transform us? Let’s look forward to a new awakening of oneness and rebirth of our essential nature.

May 02, 202007:41
The Land In Between; Moving From What Was To What Shall Be

The Land In Between; Moving From What Was To What Shall Be

Episode 59 deals with the significance of these transitional times as the nation and world try to "reopen" and the pandemic seems to be mitigating. This is a kind of land-in-between where we are unsure and tenuous. We grieve what was and worry about what will be. Perhaps this is the place where we take a breath and use our unique opportunity to define what things are most important going forward. It is an invitation to employ what we have experienced and learned in the hard times to celebrate living in a whole new way.
Apr 29, 202010:28
America Shining Through; What We Do For The Least Of Our Brothers

America Shining Through; What We Do For The Least Of Our Brothers

There is something special about being an American. Even the rich and varied landscapes of our country testify to the unique gift we have been given. We rise up from difficulties and overcome forces that would crush our spirits. Episode 58 looks at the humble generosity embedded in our nature which reaches out to "the least" and embraces those who suffer. COVID-19 reminds us of who we are and how closely we walk with God.
Apr 25, 202012:20
Caution To The Wind; A Premature Rush To Normal?

Caution To The Wind; A Premature Rush To Normal?

Our grandparents used to warn us not to "throw caution to the wind." That advice wasn't heeded by my generation very well. We rushed into the world head-on with notions of creating a brave new world. The results were not always good. And now, as elders, most of us recognize the truth of that sage wisdom offered years ago. Episode 57 looks at the need for prudence and mindfulness as we deal with COVID-19 and breaking free from sheltering-in-place.
Apr 22, 202011:45
A Call For Patience; The Bigger Experience of Life

A Call For Patience; The Bigger Experience of Life

Most of us have sheltered in place for over a month in the midst of this worldwide health crisis. Patience seems to be wearing thin for some. Our smaller lives are trying to overtake promises of the bigger experience. Episode 56 is about maintaining or reclaiming the notion that, as Mr. Spock said, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." When we really accept the premise that we are all in this together, let go of our controlling worried fears, and be patient, good things are bound to happen.
Apr 18, 202014:31
Spreading Love Goes Viral

Spreading Love Goes Viral

Imagine what the world could be like if we kept connecting with such generosity when this pandemic has abated. The love and compassion that is rising have overcome so many of our fears and worries as people reach out to help those who struggle and suffer. Episode 55 looks at a hopeful new world in which God's love transcends our differences and a new creation, woven of one fabric, is born.
Apr 15, 202009:43
Easter In Isolation; The Light Hasn't Been Dimmed

Easter In Isolation; The Light Hasn't Been Dimmed

From our physical isolation and darkness of uncertainty come the promises of Easter, Even a pandemic of this proportion cannot dim the light of transformation. Good Friday always yields to love. From that, we will never be separated. There is a prayer that springs forth from God and all the angels and saints to our hungry hears. Here I Am. We are never alone in our suffering.
Apr 11, 202010:21
Our Hardest Times; Birth Of The Next Greatest Generation?

Our Hardest Times; Birth Of The Next Greatest Generation?

It may be difficult to see that this global infection is re-forming and shaping us so we might be free from the bondage of self-absorption. Episode 53 looks at the descending road and hardest of times envisioning new beginnings and fresh starts. We can rise from the ashes. Perhaps this is the dawn of A New Greatest Generation.
Apr 08, 202010:23
Getting Bored and Feeling Lonely; Why It's Time To Share A Story

Getting Bored and Feeling Lonely; Why It's Time To Share A Story

So many of us have been sequestered at home for several weeks, sheltered in place by this deadly virus. Episode 52 offers up the idea of creating, developing, and recording your personal story. Planting the seeds of legacy by doing this will leave a gift like no other. What a great opportunity for all of us to share our true colors with those we love.

Apr 05, 202010:08
Transformational Suffering; Saved from the Calmness

Transformational Suffering; Saved from the Calmness

Along with this COVID-quarantine comes so much personal loss and suffering. Episode 51 explores how there might be a gift in our disappearing calmness. The transformation from controlling to powerlessness has long-lasting spiritual implications. Self-reliance gives way to universal reliance and empowerment yields to a higher power. For now, as we are all longing to be close, may we become more aware that God is right beside us.
Apr 01, 202010:47
What Am I Supposed To Be Terrified Of Today And Whose Fault Is It?

What Am I Supposed To Be Terrified Of Today And Whose Fault Is It?

I think we are all tired of being terrified. Episode 50 looks at the trauma that results from scarcity that goes way beyond empty aisles of toilet paper. There is a sense that we are in trouble, vulnerable, and out of control. This is a great time to take a deep breath and remember that we are surrounded by abundance. And that love always wins.
Mar 28, 202009:35
Awfulizing the Future; Smoking Cigarettes and Watching Captain Kangaroo

Awfulizing the Future; Smoking Cigarettes and Watching Captain Kangaroo

It’s true that our imaginations can create or destroy. Likewise, boredom can dull us out or inspire. Episode 49 explores how being hunkered down in quarantine can lead us to awfulizing outcomes during this health crisis. We need to reach out to elders, go the extra mile to connect with others at a distance and to maintain a great sense of humor.
Mar 25, 202008:04
Quarantine Depression; How to Remain Resilient

Quarantine Depression; How to Remain Resilient

The difficult times we are enduring can easily trigger a number of negative feelings and behaviors. Episode 48 is about Quarantine Depression and our ability to find the resilient zone where we are neither reactive nor impulsive. We can overcome the trials we face by making calm and rational decisions. Fear and Panic need never rule the day.
Mar 22, 202009:54
The Glass-Half-Full; A Question of Scarcity or Abundance

The Glass-Half-Full; A Question of Scarcity or Abundance

The Glass is only half-empty if you decide to look at it that way. When hard times and crisis situations present themselves, we need to take charge of our perspectives. Episode 47 offers a few ideas about approaching our disrupted lives with a bit of common sense, compassion, and even joy. From grocery stores to family rooms, there are plenty of reasons to acknowledge a glass-half-full.
Mar 18, 202010:30
Our Inability To Accept Trauma; I’m Okay Even Though You're Not

Our Inability To Accept Trauma; I’m Okay Even Though You're Not

The COVID-19 health crisis has touched the lives of everyone. Even though we should stay positive, and not panic, it is dangerous to engage in happy talk denial. Episode 46 explores the nature of long-lasting trauma which could result if we maintain the false notion that everything is OK when it is not. We have a chance to reach out while being emotionally honest about our fears, worries, and hopes. The outcome might be a permanent change in how we treat each other.
Mar 14, 202011:19
Incorporating Pain; Why Befriend Your Wounds

Incorporating Pain; Why Befriend Your Wounds

When other people are suffering we feel a deep stirring to fix things for them. Episode 45 is about what to do when all of our good advice and solutions seem to fall on deaf ears. With chronic trauma and poverty of spirit, perhaps incorporating and befriending our own pain is the way to compassionate oneness and healing.

Mar 11, 202010:26
Owning Your Part; A Step Toward Healing

Owning Your Part; A Step Toward Healing

Episode 44 is about taking the first step toward healing from trauma. Taking responsibility, or owning your part, in whatever has taken place in your life is painfully necessary even when you are an innocent victim. Feelings cannot be changed but our responses to them can. We have the power to be well, to live in the here and now, and to live happy lives.
Mar 08, 202010:05
Irresistible Hoops; Where Have All The Players Gone?

Irresistible Hoops; Where Have All The Players Gone?

This is the season we’ve been anticipating throughout a long winter. Spring is ushered in as college basketball heads into March Madness. Episode 43 somewhat whimsically looks at how the game has moved indoors with abandoned hoops dotting home courts once filled with neighborhood kids. Has independent play without adult organization become a thing of the past? Perhaps a revival is just what we need.

Mar 04, 202011:43
What Are You Fighting About?

What Are You Fighting About?

Episode 42 is called "What Are You Fighting About?" It explores the difference between fighting for and fighting about. We take a look at standing your ground as well as finding a way to nonviolence. One thing is certain, winning at all costs while weaponizing religion is no way to peace.

Mar 01, 202010:45
Headwaters; Our Connection to the Source

Headwaters; Our Connection to the Source

We are on our way. Episode 41 is about that journey to and from the headwaters of our Source. James Taylor sang that the secret of love is in opening up your heart. That is the trip worth taking. Beyond personal growth and change, this being-on-the-way is transformational. We will uncover True Self in God. This enables us to reach out and connect with a universal oneness.
Feb 26, 202009:34
Consider Yourself at Home; Welcoming and Belonging

Consider Yourself at Home; Welcoming and Belonging

Episode 40 is about welcoming and belonging. There's nothing quite like belonging. The welcome we receive from loved ones and never feeling like a guest or intruder is heartwarming. Beyond hospitality, welcoming and belonging are intrinsic elements of love.
Feb 23, 202007:32
Having A Good Conversation

Having A Good Conversation

How about having a good conversation! Episode 39 explores the difficulty of meaningful connections in the cyber age. Tweets and emojies just can't deliver a real relationship. There is a lot we can do to end the deafness created by all the surface talk. This is a great time to get started.
Feb 18, 202009:56
Defined by Experiences or by Love

Defined by Experiences or by Love

Episode 38 is about how we measure our lives. Even more important, it's about how we define ourselves. All of the things that happen, and the way others perceive us, combine to create an image of who we convince ourselves to be. But that perception is an illusion of a false self. Who are we really? The voice at the core of our being whispers that we are much more than we think.
Feb 15, 202010:18
Leaving an Epitaph; Time For Every Purpose

Leaving an Epitaph; Time For Every Purpose

The sting of death and depth of loss can be diminished when regrets are minimalized. If we do the best we can under adverse circumstances, avoid leaving one another angry, and forgive mistakes along the way, we will be able to find our way to acceptance. Episode 37 explores our 'if-onlys' and offers a way to think about how you might like to be remembered.

Feb 12, 202008:44
Looking Through The Window; More Angels Than Angles

Looking Through The Window; More Angels Than Angles

We spend more time looking at things than looking into them and beyond. Episode 36 explores our ability to see angels rather than angles. Too often, the powerfully obscene, sensational and ugly hold us in their grasp. But the beauty of the world seen through a child's eye holds more power than all of the negativity combined. There are more angels among us than we might suspect. The distracting smudges on our windows need not distract us. For once upon a time each of us was a dreamer who believed.
Feb 08, 202011:20
Planting Happiness Where You Are

Planting Happiness Where You Are

It's February and seed catalogs are arriving in the mail. Some folks are planting inside to grow vegetable starts for summer harvests. This episode of An Elephant for Breakfast explores the need for some interior garden work of another kind. It suggests a way to YES and a realization that the world and all of life is a miracle growing out of God's great love.
Feb 05, 202008:43
Religion Can Still Transform; Hope for the Future

Religion Can Still Transform; Hope for the Future

Haven't we had enough of all the quarreling and divisiveness to last forever? Episode 34 of An Elephant for Breakfast looks into the one place where separation can best be healed. We turn to our faith systems and religions. Unfortunately, this seems to be the one area where we are most at odds. Yet in the midst of this discord, something wonderful seems to be germinating. Communities of hope are rising from the ashes of despair. Harmony, Serenity, and Unity might just win the day after all.

Feb 02, 202012:57
The Incredible Gift

The Incredible Gift

Wouldn't it be odd to find an Amazon box at the door, leaving it outside and never opening it? Episode 33 looks at this kind of peculiar, yet all too common phenomenon. The wonderful content unexplored represents that true and authentic self that we try so desperately to ignore. Yet the gift is always there and forever waiting to be unwrapped. The choice is yours to make.

Jan 29, 202011:52
Thinking, Passions and Dreams; What to do with a Talking Frog

Thinking, Passions and Dreams; What to do with a Talking Frog

Episode 32 whimsically refers to talking frogs. Of course it is less amphibian and more grounded than that. We are exploring dreams, passions and how we think about them. There is so much beauty and mystery to life yet we spend most of our time looking past it toward goals and survival. Are our dreams and passions intact? Is it possible that we have set them aside and settle for less? Stop and take a good look around. Perhaps it's time to reflect and reconsider.

Jan 26, 202011:06
Life's Not Fair

Life's Not Fair

In Episode 31 we look at the unfairness of life. Bad things happen to good people. Trials and tribulations seem to come more frequently than joy and good times. Has God abandoned us to fate or are we often weighing what is just and unjust from a self-centered perspective? Maybe life isn't so tragic after all.

Jan 22, 202005:40
Prejudice and Transformation Revisited

Prejudice and Transformation Revisited

On this Martin Luther King Day, January 20, 2020, I wanted to share reflections from the Civil Rights Museum's MLK50 celebration in 2018. Memphis is a city that is trying to change. The history of racism and the assassination of Dr. King is being reframed through community projects, programs, and by listening. We can transform personal prejudice. bias and racism too.  The Special Podcast today is about my own journey and awakenings. There is language in it that is offensive and descriptions of behavior that should be heard through the context of time. It would be wrong to sanitize it.

Jan 20, 202020:29
Relationships and Trust; Four Points of Restoration

Relationships and Trust; Four Points of Restoration

At one time or another, every one of us has either broken trust or has had trust violated. Episode 30 explores the damage done to relationships after betrayal.  The fear, of course, is that nothing will ever be the same.  Something sacred has been lost. But is that true? There is always a way to recover even if the relationship cannot be fully restored.

Jan 19, 202006:16
Our Ifs and Almosts

Our Ifs and Almosts

Ifs and Almosts are the subject of An Elephant for Breakfast Episode 29...If you loved me...If you do this I will do that...If only things could be different. These statements limit relationships and make them conditional. Then there are those regret-filled Almosts. I almost took Scuba lessons. I almost applied for that job. I almost took a chance. Both Ifs and Almosts take the flavor out of life. What might happen if we eliminated both and threw caution to the wind? I have a hunch that this adventure would be a lot more fulfilling.

Jan 15, 202005:53
A Blessed Gift to Others; Four Themes of Love

A Blessed Gift to Others; Four Themes of Love

This episode is about the good news that each of us is blessed and has been since we were conceived. The bad news is that most of us don't believe it. The basis of an authentic spiritual journey has four themes or movements of love. The mission of your life-time awaits you.

Jan 12, 202007:48
A Deeper Tolerance; 2020 Vision

A Deeper Tolerance; 2020 Vision

This episode of An Elephant for Breakfast takes a fresh look at the nature of tolerance. It asks if we might explore the option of a new pair of glasses when it comes to our fear and mistrust of others.

Jan 08, 202008:60
The Personal Epiphany

The Personal Epiphany

As our holidays in the United States come to a close, many people around the world are just starting.  Epiphany and The Twelfth Night usher in a whole new season of joy. It is also a time to reflect on our awakenings...those Ah-Ha moments that shape hour lives. Deep spiritual experiences of connection with God and one another shed light on our mission and purpose. Let's start this year off by being open to such possibilities and by continuing the celebration of life.

Jan 05, 202006:17
Five Rejuvenating Resolutions for 2020

Five Rejuvenating Resolutions for 2020

Episode 25 is the first of 2020, the new year and decade. As we resolve to do better, to be better, and to shape how things might look in the days and months ahead we might consider what is most important. Here are five simple resolutions that, if practiced, are guaranteed to rejuvenate life.

Jan 01, 202008:24
The True Meaning of the Holidays (And Those 5 Golden Rings)

The True Meaning of the Holidays (And Those 5 Golden Rings)

The subject of our podcast today comes on the Fifth Day of Christmas and contains a gift of five golden rings which point us toward a more enlightened way of living. May your days be filled with treasures of new beginnings and rich blessings for the year and decade to come.
Dec 29, 201907:21
Christmas Days of Yore

Christmas Days of Yore

Episode 23 comes on Christmas day 2019, It is a story about my experiences at the home of my Aunt and Uncle, Helen and Wendell Trenchard in Deland, Illinois. My grandfather, Roy Jones, his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren gathered each Christmas to celebrate the great love of family with traditions from a sleigh bell parade to ghost stories around the fireplace. It is an era lost to time but which still warms hearts generations later. May your own memories bless you today and always.

Dec 25, 201909:04
Making Peace

Making Peace

With the holidays upon us, this is a perfect time to take a breath and reflect if only for a minute. Overwhelming pressure to get everything right can destroy any sense of the peace we are supposed to find at this most joyful season. Recall some of the happiest moments from days gone by and people who brought the gift of peace to our gatherings. Carry that thought through the following days. It will make a world of difference in how we will fondly remember this year's celebrations.
Dec 22, 201908:34
God With Us; Pure as the Driven Snow

God With Us; Pure as the Driven Snow

Final Preparations for Christmas and the other seasons of light are in full swing. Gifts are being wrapped and mailed, menus are under scrutiny, and travel plans have been made. Maybe a good snow would slow us down reminding everyone of what is most important. We are celebrating the fact that God is with us. We are never abandoned...and we are never all alone.
Dec 18, 201907:06
Refractions of Light; It's All About Joy

Refractions of Light; It's All About Joy

Joy seems to make a triumphal entrance during this holiday season. With lights, parades, colorful decorations, gifts and gatherings of loved ones, it vanquishes the ordinary and mundane. Like a beam of light refracted through a prism, joy is an experience of awe. As we celebrate this holiday season, the miracles, kindnesses, and love can bring about something which has the power to change everything.
Dec 15, 201907:19
Hope is Made of Memories

Hope is Made of Memories

Sharing our stories and memories is one of the most important things we can do...especially during the holiday seasons when vivid recollections come back to us with such clarity. Our struggles, triumphs, stumbles, and successes can provide just the hope and sense of possibilities that family and friends need to light their own paths. This is our legacy.

Dec 11, 201908:36
A Journey at Night; The Road That Takes Us Home

A Journey at Night; The Road That Takes Us Home

There is a longing that descends during this season of celebration. All of the hardships and struggles of life seem heaviest as we consider what we might have lost on the journey. But then a light flickers and a single star shines. There is always a way back home.

Dec 08, 201905:45
The Grace of Unknowing

The Grace of Unknowing

The grace of unknowing is the source of wisdom, growth, and transformation. As the season of light presents itself again this year. It is important to recognize that for some, a poverty of spirit obscures the festivities. Setting aside our busy schedules for being present to those who suffer can carry lifesaving comfort. When allowing ourselves to be transported from wellbeing, certainty, and control into the gloom of another person’s shadows, it becomes possible to experience the grace of unknowing.

Dec 04, 201905:55