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The S.O.G. Crew Bible Study

The S.O.G. Crew Bible Study

By Dr. Robert Ornelas

The S.O.G. Crew (Thump Records/ Universal Music Group) is a Hip-Hop group based out of Anaheim, CA. Their style and message break modes creating a new genre of Hip-Hop being dubbed ‘cause music.’ More than music; it’s a message of hope, encouragement, and influence.

Join Dr. Robert 'Battle Ax' Ornelas as he shares biblical principals. Dr. Ornelas is a Conference Keynote Speaker, National Youth Advocate, California Political Party Liaison, and a former 2016 US Presidential Candidate. He is passionate about his Native American and Indigenous roots throughout North America and the South Pacific
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Apostle - Sent

The S.O.G. Crew Bible StudyJul 17, 2021

Never Forget Covenant

Never Forget Covenant

Podcast titled 'Never Forget Covenant.' This is the introduction of our Covenant message and induction as we begin a new study leading us all to rise for 2024.

There are many covenants in the bible that we will soon get into. Tonight we will be talking about relationships with our partners and those that started with us from the beginning. Many have come and many have gone. We have had many partners who have gone home to be with the Lord since we started. Do we still check on their children? Do we still honor our prayer partners from the past or our armor bearers from years ago? Do we still SALUTE our partners who have grown fatigued, those who have grown tired, those who have a gentle voice, or the ones who lack the energy to continue reaching out to the lost?

Dec 26, 202354:04
Be An Ensample

Be An Ensample

An example is a role model publicly. That is not what we are going to be talking about. Sharing on the subject of being an ENSAMPLE to our inner squad, our team, flock, and our group. We pray that God gives us the strength to stay focused on the Lord and to have our eyes fixed on imitating our mentors, those that God put in our lives to stand appointed over the gatherings of inspired leaders.

Dec 05, 202301:04:29
Walking in Protocol & Being a Herald

Walking in Protocol & Being a Herald

We are continuing our message on Protocol by encouraging those who are walking as a herald for God, those who are heralds of truth, and our people who have a preaching ministry. In ancient times, a herald was a representative of a king or commander of the military. A HERALD was a person with great authority who was sent to the king's subjects or enemy armies to deliver a message. A Herald was exempt from the havoc of wars and as a leader that herald influenced and affected the character, behavior, and development of something or someone.
Our prayer is for our family, lifelong friends, and partners to be looked at as a sign of things to come. John the Baptist had a ministry that prepared the people for the arrival of Jesus. For years The S.O.G. Crew was brought in to usher in revivals throughout North America, especially in Native American communities.
Isaiah 40:3
The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Nov 28, 202359:26
Do Not Be A Man Pleaser
Oct 31, 202301:07:22
How Should We Treat People?

How Should We Treat People?

Message is titled ‘How Should We Treat People?’ What does the Bible say about treating others? As leaders, how should we treat the people that we are accountable for? As people of authority under authority, how should we treat the leaders that we are under? When persecuted, how should we treat our enemies? Do we correct others in love? Do we handle rebuke in humility? Do we keep it humble when persecuted falsely demonstrating the message of the cross?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Oct 20, 202301:22:32
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

I enjoy talking about David and how he loved going to the HOUSE OF THE LORD. Have you ever heard people say that they love Jesus but they hate the church? Tonight at 7:30 PM PST we will be talking about the "Psalms Of Ascent" What are the Psalms of Ascent? Some say that the Psalms of Ascent were songs that the children of Isreal sang when they came back from EXILE while they walked up the holy hills back to Jerusalem to worship the living God.

We have a song called 'Jerusalem' that we have been singing for years. The hook goes, "Jerusalem, I'm gonna find my way back to you." Native American communities in our country consider this song an anthem, especially the Navajo Nation.

Join us as we break down Psalm 122. All are welcome to join our Tuesday night bible study this evening. Please send us your prayer requests.

Oct 14, 202301:04:16
Daily Bread

Daily Bread

Continuing our study on the Lord's Prayer. Asking our Leader and Master to supply our basic fundamental necessities, both physical and spiritual. Let this be a word for all of our family, partners, and those that will come after us. Thank you, Lord Jesus for recruiting us for a greater plan.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and SEEK MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Dec 22, 202201:10:53
Lord's Prayer Part 2 - Let Thy Kingdom Come

Lord's Prayer Part 2 - Let Thy Kingdom Come

I pray that this study helps you connect with God so that you publicly declare the good news message to a people that will soon arise and shine on the scene. Thank you for the wisdom Lord through your word that continues to keep our family and partners favorable in your presence. Give us the strength to change so that we confidently declare a TRUE Kingdom message Jesus.

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you

Dec 15, 202201:02:51
The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer has always been a special prayer for me since I was a boy. Been using it a lot more of late thanking God for my secret place where I can share, celebrate, and worship Our Father that is sitting at the highest place. This message is a reminder for all of us to lose ourselves in the presence of the creator. Let this be the manner that we approach OUR FATHER for the rest of our lives.

Matthew 6:9 9 After this manner, therefore, pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Dec 15, 202247:17
Blessed Are They Which Do Hunger and Thirst

Blessed Are They Which Do Hunger and Thirst

Continuing our Jesus Sermon On The Mount message.Message is for those that are walking by faith trusting God in their goings. He has been faithful to us time and time again. Thank you, Jesus, for the correctness of thinking during crisis in our world, on the internet, and in our personal lives. 

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Sep 06, 202250:17
Blessed Are The Meek

Blessed Are The Meek

We invite all our family, lifelong friends, partners, Native American/ Indigenous Community, and those seeking a word in the right season. We will continue with Jesus’s Sermon On the Mount Beatitude message of Blessed Are The Meek. Who are the meek? The meek are those that are gentle in spirit and submit to the will of God. Our prayer is to have strength under control not easily provoked and we lift those that are agitated in their souls. Lord Jesus, raise up an army of OVERCOMERS.

Aug 26, 202256:37
Be Cutting Edge

Be Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge means to be fresh, band new, extremely up-to-date, and most advanced. This podcast episode is an encouragement to those that God is asking to stretch towards the miraculous. We are believing for God to restore, sharpen, and grant courage to our family, lifelong friends, partners, and those around the world that have been supporting this Podcast Bible Study.

Aug 10, 202145:15
Apostle - The Restitution of All Things

Apostle - The Restitution of All Things

Are we in a season of correction? The Apostle Peter mentioned a season called the RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS in Acts 3. Is this our season to restore that which was stolen? Join us as we continue our message on Apostle, cry out for a return of the family, pray for the enemy to hand back what belongs to us, come in agreement for the Lord to restore our country, and recovery of sight to those that are blind. Lord, restore marriages, relationships, friendships, ministries, and the identity of your children. Join us as we break down the restitution of all things before the fall. (Acts 3:21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.)

Jul 30, 202155:01
Apostle Sent Part #2

Apostle Sent Part #2

We pray that this Podcast on the subject of SENT reaches people that are being tossed by the waves of life, causing many to be agitated mentally, nervous, upset, bothered, and anxious. Sent means to be let go or dismissed to go on a mission. As Noah was in the ark he sent out a raven that never came back and a dove that came back. The first time the dove came back, the dove was broken into pieces because it could not find a place to call home. It is right there that we need to take care of those that are broken and introduce them to church, scripture, worship, fellowship, and the things of God. The second time the dove came back it had an olive leaf in its mouth. This time the dove had faith, trust in God, and the confidence that the trials were no longer huge. The same thing when we mentor people. It is a process that needs to take place so that those that were devastated by the trials of life can now be Sons of God, leaders of their families, leaders of the community, good husbands, and good parents. Blessings to all our supporters around the world. We are believing that Jesus will send you all out in power. We want it to be known that we extend our right hand of fellowship to you all. For more information please contact

Jul 22, 202101:06:16
Apostle - Sent

Apostle - Sent

Are you SENT by God? Have you been SET at liberty? Is this your season to be sent out on a MISSION? The Holy Spirit has blessed us with the power of knowledge to help those that are broken in pieces.

Shared how I was sent to Florida. Since being here, I have comforted the families that were devastated by the beachfront condominium collapse that took place in Surfside, Florida. Had to fast and pray thanks to Tropical Storm Elsa that threatened the Florida Keys, and shared how officials linked members of the South Beach community with the torturing and killing of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. Please keep in mind that I have recently been approved to be a Congressional Candidate for Florida's 20th Congressional district special election along with Florida State Representatives in the Fort Lauderdale area. With that being said we want to continue to thank the beautiful people of Florida, all our people that have been supporting this bible study from California, Texas, Ohio, Colorado, New York, Kentucky, North Carolina, Washington, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and country of India. Also a big shout out to our recent support coming from United Kingdom, Spain, Ghana, Japan, Macao, Nigeria, and Zombie.

The SENT message is a reminder that we have been sent to bring order to the world and called to beautify it.

John 17:18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

For more information please free to contact us at

Jul 17, 202101:01:03
Apostle Paul Part 3 - The Mind

Apostle Paul Part 3 - The Mind

Apostle Paul taught his followers the message of the mind and how we should understand things. We lift the thoughts, purpose, and work of our people. Let this MIND be in you like the Apostle wrote in scripture. We pray that you would grow in Christ, grow in the way you imagine, invent, and grow in the way you give advice. This Podcast Episode message will renew, restore, remodel, and upgrade all those that download from around the world. By putting on the mind of Christ we are joining together and devoting ourselves to our savior. We want to take this time to thank all Florida, California, Texas, Ohio, Colorado, New York, Kentucky, North Carolina, and all the states in the US that have supported this Podcast Bible Study. We want to also send a shout-out to all the regions within the country of India that are standing with us. Blessings to Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, and Gujarat in India. We are praying for you, your families, and the GREAT WORK God has for you in India and around the world.

Jul 11, 202141:01
Apostle Paul Part 2 - The Experience

Apostle Paul Part 2 - The Experience

A sudden radical life-changing experience was the message of the Apostle Paul throughout his ministry. He spoke in different languages to Kings, Commanders, those in authority, elders, and public crowds. Paul testified sharing wisdom and understanding of this amazing turning point in his life that changed his attitude, perspective, and belief thanks to the Lord Jesus that met him on the road to Damascus while he was persecuting the church.

I have been honored to be in the great state of Florida for the last few weeks. Last week on Thursday, June 24, 2021, an apartment building in Surfside, Florida near Miami collapsed, and as of today, 11 people are confirmed dead. CNN reported that 150 people are unaccounted for. The good Lord placed it on my heart to visit the community of Surfside to comfort those that are mourning the loss of family and to support those that are still desperately seeking their loved ones. Just like Paul had a radical life-changing experience, I truly believe it is my moral obligation to help our countrymen that are in need by sharing the message of the God of all comfort, and believing that we can help those that are in a dark situation see the light of Christ.

Acts 9:3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

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Keep it Christian by supporting positive Gospel Hip Hop streetwear for the entire family and encourage others to support faith mentorship program that grants urban youth power to inspire peers in the United States, Europe, Japan, Canada, and Mexico today. Purchase The S.O.G. Crew Streetwear and leave a review. Thanks and many blessings. 

Jul 02, 202159:30
Apostle Paul Part 1

Apostle Paul Part 1

When it comes to the Gospel, we will either be a minister that operates like a celebrity, or we will be like the Apostle Paul that operated with a strong personality. My prayer is for you to be passionate when it comes to the advocacies that God places on your heart and never be ashamed of the Gospel while working with many different types of people. We want to take this time to thank all those in the United States especially Florida and California that have been supporting this bible study. We also want to thank the beautiful people from Madhya India, Punjab India, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, and Tokyo Japan that follow this bible study. Blessings to you all from The S.O.G. Crew and Sons of God Ministries in the name of Jesus.

Jun 23, 202148:51
Apostle - The Great Commission

Apostle - The Great Commission

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Streamed Podcast bible study from Florida. Thank you, Lord, for granting me the ability to be loud, to be wide open, and to give great effort when sharing the message of the GREAT COMMISSION. This is a great moment for those that have committed to the Gospel, those that unite, connect, and bring all people together. We lift those that have walked away, abandoned, and doubted this calling.

Mark 16:15 - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Jun 16, 202101:02:58
Apostle Intro

Apostle Intro

We have been together for over 20 years as an Urban Hip Hop Movement. All SOG members were already Christians when we got together to give back to our community, State, and Country. The message and teaching of the Apostle was the first message we received as a team and as a family. We used Hip Hop to reach family and violent areas of our country. The message of the Apostle prepared us to look for individuals operating as Apostles, Apostolic worship, how to conduct ourselves around Apostles, Apostolic Protocol, how to submit as SONS, sent ones, visionaries, persecutions, great grace, boldness, defenders of the faith, Chief Apostle, and moving in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Join us for a simple message on the subject of Apostle in the name of Jesus. Our prayer is for our partners and people to walk like the Apostles of old in today's world. Empower your great people Jesus.

Acts 5: 12 And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people, and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.

Jun 11, 202154:24
Suicide Causes Suicide and Life Causes Life
Sep 17, 201901:03:49
Marriage Covenant

Marriage Covenant

Dr. Robert 'Battle Ax' Ornelas talks about marriage covenant in this podcast episode. He shares how important it is to be an example when it comes to our marriages and the way we are seen by to the next generation, our peers, and elders that are watching us. This study on Marriage Covenant is a reminder of God’s Divine Institution and prepared the entire Sons of God Hip Hop Movement for the Marriage of S.O.G. Crew originator Johnny Diaz on September 1st. As a Hip Hop group with a National young following we want to be examples to those that one day want to make a covenant commitment to God.

Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Sep 07, 201953:12


Deborah was a prophetess, wife, and she judged Israel during a time similar to our current state. We lift up all our mothers, sisters, daughters, and neighbors. Raise up leaders that will nourish and vindicate the people Lord.
Aug 05, 201956:46
Jezebel Spirit

Jezebel Spirit

Jezebel did not reverence God and introduced into Israel's capital city of Samaria her Phoenician worship of Baal as opposed to the worship of Yahweh. She protected idolatry and persecuted the prophets. Dr. Robert "Battle Ax" Ornelas shares on the subject of Jezebel. This message is for anyone in authority and all those called by God Almighty. The entire Sons of God (S.O.G. Crew) Hip-Hop Movement here in the United States is keeping you all in prayer. Make sure you listen till the end. Thank you, Lord, for releasing YOUR fire on this PODCAST. 

Jul 27, 201949:52
Time to Move Forward
Jul 17, 201943:46
Angel In The Battlefield

Angel In The Battlefield

Front man Dr. Robert 'Battle Ax' Ornelas shares story on Clara Barton one of the most honorable women recorded in our American History. Clara had a strong desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield during the Civil War alleviating human suffering through her volunteer work and courage. Clara fed soldiers, bandaged up wounds, prayed for her students at a time when women did not have the right to vote. She later organized the American Red Cross to help during times of War and Natural disasters. Clarissa Harlowe Barton will always be recognized as the 'Angel in the Battlefield' a name given by captured Confederate Soldiers for her kindness and mercy while taking care of their needs. 

"Grateful for the example of such an honorable American woman. Today we have wars on the streets, prisons, war on drugs, and so many different things. I have dedicated my life to stepping into the middle of wars to gather all the wounded so that we can help lead them to our Lord and Savior," said Ornelas

Apr 24, 201946:48
Civility and The Golden Rule

Civility and The Golden Rule

Civility from a Biblical Perspective and how to apply in our modern day. The Golden Rule is a basic principle that should always be followed to ensure success. Interfaith Dialogue is the constructive, and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions, faiths, and or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels.

Mattew 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

"We are accountable for knowing the 'Golden Rule' principal and should treat everyone that we come into contact in our everyday lives as valuable people because it is the appropriate thing to do," stated Ornelas

Dr. Robert 'Battle Ax' Ornelas celebrated Civility Day on April 11th in Gary, Indiana with longtime mentor Dr. Clyde Rivers honorary Ambassador at large for the Republic of Burundi, Africa. Among those at Civility Day Celebration were Gary Chamber of Commerce, National Entertainers, Indiana Civil Rights Commission, local news, International Community, and endorsed by Indiana State Governor & US Congress. 

Apr 17, 201949:57