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RDK Ministries

RDK Ministries

By Rod King

God wants to heal your broken heart, but He needs you to give Him all of the pieces.
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Be Careful Where You Sleep

RDK MinistriesOct 12, 2020

A Changed Mind Changed My Life Proverbs 4:23
Feb 06, 202339:10
Don't Lose Your Focus
Jan 23, 202347:21
My Head Hurts

My Head Hurts

Empowerment COGIC

Dr. Rod King, Pastor

The attack the enemy is bringing against your mind is designed to disable you mentally, cripple you physically or restrict you spiritually in every area of your life.

Jul 27, 202254:36
There Is One Stage Left

There Is One Stage Left

Empowerment COGIC

Dr. Rod King, Pastor

It is important that everyone under the sound of my voice does an honest inspection of themselves and ask yourself what stage of my life am I in right now.

Jul 20, 202240:25
You Need To Straighten Out
Mar 17, 202248:33
The Choice Is Yours

The Choice Is Yours

We make our choices and then our choices make us. Our choices produce acts which produce character and character eventually becomes permanent. You are a byproduct of the choices you continually make. Where you end up tomorrow is a result of the choices you make today

Feb 28, 202253:09
My Identity In Christ
Sep 22, 202153:25
You Have To Grow From The Fall
Aug 02, 202146:15
The Lord Will Provide
May 05, 202152:57
Why Are You So Angry
Feb 25, 202135:35
Your Dream Is Still Significant
Feb 01, 202155:22
The Faith To Move Forward
Jan 05, 202128:40
I’ve Got To Keep Moving
Nov 09, 202055:59
What I Saw Changed My Life
Nov 02, 202050:15
Be Careful Where You Sit
Oct 25, 202049:05
Be Careful Where You Sleep
Oct 12, 202053:33
The Drought Is Over Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41
Oct 09, 202048:30
Stop Telling Me What I Can't Do
Sep 28, 202036:50
I'm More Than A Baby

I'm More Than A Baby

1 Peter 2:2

When God created you all He was doing was taking a selfie, because He formed you in His image and likeness. He calls you a master piece because you are a piece of the Master.

Sep 21, 202040:30
I'm All That and Then Some

I'm All That and Then Some

Man was created to dwell in the presence of God like fish live in water. Like birds were created to soar and plants were created to thrive in rich soil. In essence, God’s presence was not only created for our survival, but also for the plan, purpose and promise for which we were created.

Aug 09, 202037:19
Overcoming Disappointment

Overcoming Disappointment

Dr. Rod King, Pastor

Empowerment COGIC

Disappointment is a weapon Satan uses which causes you to be so preoccupied with what’s going wrong with you that lose sight of everything that is right with you. Disappointment usually occurs when what u expected to happen doesn’t happen. Satan uses disappointments to stop you from expecting anything from God. In other words, disappointment is the sensation of unmet expectations. And if you ever become numb to disappointment, you run the risk of becoming numb to the joy of the Lord which is your strength.

Jul 22, 202029:15
You Don't Have To Be Afraid

You Don't Have To Be Afraid

Psalms 91:5-6

No matter where you are and who you are, evil has the potential to reach you. Evil has 31,536,000 seconds, 525,600 minutes, 8,760 hours which equate to 365 days that evil has the potential to consume you. One of the biggest tools or tactic the enemy uses is fear. Fear is a byproduct or result of evil. Although God has not given you the spirit of fear, what many people don’t understand is your fears are 100% dependent on your survival. That’s why as long as you live, your faith in God always has to be bigger and stronger than your fears. If not you run the risk of allowing your fears to decide your future.

Jun 26, 202048:50
It's Supposed To Hurt

It's Supposed To Hurt

The true intention of pain is to alert you something is wrong, and that action is required. Too many people are in pain, but won’t come to church. In pain, but wont to pray. In pain, but won’t change your circle of influence. In pain, but still talk to them every day. Your pain is not always about what the enemy is doing to you, but sometimes it’s God trying to get through to you. God can’t ease your pain if you refuse to admit you are in pain. Your pain is not meant to break you your pain is meant to build you.

Jun 18, 202001:02:26
You Reap Where You Sow

You Reap Where You Sow

In Genesis 26 the bible says, Isaac sowed in the land which means he planted. The place you sow is the place you should expect to see growth. When you sow you create an opportunity for God to grow what you sow.

May 29, 202001:00:40
Get The Mud Off Your Face

Get The Mud Off Your Face

Every single one of us has a story and our story involves some type of struggle, and that struggle many times occurs from something you see. Your struggle with what you see will either propel you to change or paralyze you into remaining the same. Your struggle usually results in disappointment, but your disappointments are indication you are close to your destiny. Your disappointments are refractive errors that are designed to distract you from seeing what God is already doing in and through you. However the question is, can you give God praise for what He’s already doing that you can’t see?

May 12, 202033:48
I Didn't Know What I Had

I Didn't Know What I Had

To all the Mother’s on this 2020 Mother’s Day, thank you! Thank you for giving your last so we could have everything we need. Thank you for carrying us even when you should have put us down. Thank you for all the words that went unspoken, but taught the greatest lessons. Thank you for loving us even when we seemed hateful, ungrateful and unbearable. Thank you for putting us first even when we put you last. Thank you for all the times I forgot to say thank you, because nothing you have done or said has been forgotten!We Love You!

May 11, 202049:03
The Presence Of God

The Presence Of God

If you don’t deny yourself, you are denying Him. Every time you give in to your will for your life and not His will for your life you are denying Him. You keep praying for God to do a work in your life, but He has already finished the work for your life.

May 08, 202051:25
I Came With A Purpose

I Came With A Purpose

The Holy Spirit represents the 3rd member of the trinity. However, his purpose is often misunderstood. The Holy Spirit has been diminished to a feeling that people can catch, rather than a lifelong gift that you can freely have. Hence many people make a determination as to who has the Holy Spirit by how a person dances, rolls, falls out or foams at the mouth. When this occurs, you will hear many people say they got the Holy Ghost, or they caught it, as many believe this is the only way you can get it. However, I’m not here to argue or debate about how you receive it, because Jesus told us in Luke 11:13 it is a gift given to those who ask for it. But I’m here discuss what happens once you receive it

May 08, 202043:55
I'm All That And Then Some

I'm All That And Then Some

Man was created to dwell in the presence of God like fish live in water. Like birds were created to soar and plants were created to thrive in rich soil. In essence, God’s presence was not only created for our survival, but also for the plan, purpose and promise for which we were created. Your talent, your gifts and your potential are attached to His presence. God will never give you anything that is intended to reduce or excuse His presence in your life. Therefore, it is not what God gives us that reduces His presence, but what we choose to do with it.

May 08, 202037:19
I Need A Miracle

I Need A Miracle

Merriam Webster defines a miracle as an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God. It states miracles have the potential to manifest divine intervention in human affairs and supersedes natural laws. Therefore a miracle occurs to show that the power behind it is not limited to the laws of matter or mind, due to its ability to interrupt fixed or natural laws. The world in which we live is nothing more than a series of miracles, but we have become so used to seeing them, what was once called extraordinary has been reduced to ordinary

May 07, 202045:00
You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

There are moments in our lives that cause us to feel completely alone. We find ourselves at a crossroad, afraid, confused and without a roadmap. We feel as though no one knows what we are going through. Despite what people don’t understand about you, you still have to keep a smile on your face because the choices you make in these moments can define the rest of your life. You now recognize the worst feeling is not being lonely. It’s being forgotten by someone you could never forget. This sermon will remind you that you are not alone and you haven’t been forgotten by God.

May 07, 202044:27
God Doesn't Make Mistakes

God Doesn't Make Mistakes

Dr. Rodderick King is the Pastor of Empowerment Church of God In Christ located in Lake Helen, Fl. Empowerment was established to Empower, Equip and Transform lives for the Kingdom Of God.

May 06, 202049:43
Seeing 2020 In 2020

Seeing 2020 In 2020

Dr. Rodderick King, Pastor

Empowerment Church of God In Christ

Lake Helen, FL 32744

It is my prayer that in 2020 you will not give up on your dream because it took too long. You will not give up on your dream because you had to work too hard or it cost too much. I pray that your dream exceeds your bank account, therefore God has to do it. As a result, you must become stubborn, tenacious and relentless for the work of the Lord, because the dream God showed you concerning your life is worth the wait.

May 06, 202042:48