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Romance isn't Dead

Romance isn't Dead

By Raye and Sally

Romance in books, movies, tv shows and fandom
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Episode 25: Aliens, dinosaurs and dust bunnies, oh my!

Romance isn't DeadSep 22, 2019

Episode 45: Rocking out Singh style

Episode 45: Rocking out Singh style

In this wittily titled episode we're talking about Rockstars, mostly those created by Nalini Singh in her Rock Kiss series, that started with Rock Addiction and the enigmatic Zack join us on this wild ride with Schoolboy Choir.
Also, this is our last episode until late October. We have decided to take a brief hiatus, work on the schedules for what will be the official Season 2 and kick things up a notch!
Aug 30, 202042:28
Episode 44: Rolling down the highway

Episode 44: Rolling down the highway

No, it's not another episode dedicated to Clueless. This time we're looking at the second book in the Torpedo Ink Series from Christine Feehan, Vengeance Road. This isn't your usual happy-go-lucky romance, it's dark, gritty and apparently (?) has some, blink and you'll miss it, supernatural elements too!
Aug 16, 202043:25
Episode 43: What we've been up to

Episode 43: What we've been up to

This week it's general talk about everything we've been up to over the last few weeks; books, tv, movies, life! Just two friends sitting around and having a catch-up!
Jul 12, 202001:02:43
Episode 42: The Lone Wolf and the Runaway

Episode 42: The Lone Wolf and the Runaway

In the last episode of our Steamy Summer we share our thoughts on 'Not a Hero' by Cherise Sinclair.
Jun 28, 202032:25
Episode 41: The Snobby Wallflower

Episode 41: The Snobby Wallflower

So, what did we think about our first ever Lisa Kleypas book? In the first episode of our Steamy June, we looked at Secrets of a Summer Night, the first in the Wallflowers series.
Jun 14, 202042:09
Episode 40: From Florence with Love

Episode 40: From Florence with Love

A Room with a View by EM Forster is a wonderful, though not quite traditional, love story. The film is stunning, the scenery in it beautiful and the characters delightful and horrible in equal measure.
May 10, 202059:27
Episode 39: When cupid's arrows go array

Episode 39: When cupid's arrows go array

Emma (1996), a fantastic movie adaptation of the Jane Austen novel. Great cast (hello 1990s Jeremy Northam), and a delight to the eyes. Come with us as we talk about this, and other things...
Apr 26, 202027:52
Episode 38: So...whatever!!

Episode 38: So...whatever!! could be argued (we won't) that it's the best modern adaptation of a Jane Austen novel! So, here it is...the episode you may, or. may not, have been waiting for...we present to you, our review of Clueless!
Apr 12, 202030:41
Episode 37: His virtue for a vase

Episode 37: His virtue for a vase

He gives up running away when their safety is in question, but is the vase really worth him giving up his virtue, and is Amy Malory really as knowledgeable as she seems?
Mar 29, 202031:17
The Quarantine Special

The Quarantine Special

We're all stuck in isolation right now, whether for our own health or to protect our elderly and vulnerable loved ones. Whatever the reason, we thought we'd talk about some things we're going to be reading/watching while we're at home...join us and take some notes!
Mar 21, 202042:48
Episode 36: Let's hear it for the boy

Episode 36: Let's hear it for the boy

Let's hear it for the boy...a 1980s love letter.
Mar 15, 202031:35
Episode 35: Reformed rakes make the best husbands

Episode 35: Reformed rakes make the best husbands

This week we're looking at an oldie but a goodie in the world of regency/historical romance. We're delving into the world of pirates, mistaken identities and the very old 'reformed rakes' trope. Yes, we're taking a trip down memory lane and reading Gentle Rogue by the much-missed Johanna Lindsey.
Released in 1990, this is the third book in her very popular Malory series, and it hits all the popular tropes head-on. So, what did we think about it? Here's the unvarnished might be surprised!
Mar 01, 202030:37
Episode 34: Nobody puts baby in the corner

Episode 34: Nobody puts baby in the corner

"It was the summer of 1963 [...] and I didn't think I'd ever find a guy as great as my dad."
This week we're all about movies of the 80s, well, one in particular. It's the movie many a teenage girl swooned over in the summer of 1987. Did it set unreasonable expectations?
What is it about Dirty Dancing that made it so successful? Was it all about Baby and Johnny?
We take a look at one of Raye's all-time favourite's all about the music and the moves. And of course, "nobody puts Baby in the corner."
Feb 16, 202033:36
Episode 33: The truth sets you free

Episode 33: The truth sets you free

For our first book of 2020 we read Only His by Elizabeth Lowell. It's the first in a series based in the west after the American Civil War...So, what did we think of this book? Did we like it? Would we put it on the 'recommendations' shelf? Listen to hear what we had to say - we promise we're wittier than this appears to be!
Feb 02, 202041:53
Episode 32: Welcome to 2020

Episode 32: Welcome to 2020

As you may (or may not) know, Sally is a HUGE fan of Star Wars. So at the end of last year she went and saw The Rise of Skywalker...not once, not twice, but three times! Here are her thoughts. Unedited, unscripted and definitely uncensored. Oh, and romance plays a big part too...So settle in for something of a rough ride!
Jan 19, 202048:52
Episode 31: Farewell 2019

Episode 31: Farewell 2019

In our last episode of this decade, we take a chance to look at the first book in the Argeneau series (vampire novels) by Lynsay Sands, say thank you to all our listeners for going through our first year with us, and talk about the general stuff in life.
So farewell 2019, and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 to all our listeners.
Dec 29, 201930:35
Episode 30: Romance goes to the winter movies

Episode 30: Romance goes to the winter movies

This week we're all getting ready for the festive season, so we thought it only appropriate to talk about two of our favourite winter movies. While You Were Sleeping and The Holiday. We talk about why we love them what is romantic about them and hopefully will encourage you to watch if you haven't already seen. We'd also like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Festive season, no matter what you're doing.
Dec 22, 201928:44
Episode 29: When no means I don't want to read this...

Episode 29: When no means I don't want to read this...

This week we picked up another book by Catherine Coulter. If you listened to episode 27 you will remember we said that Coulter is a good writer, her characters are well created, the story progressed well (though there were a few bits that were unnecessary) and overall, we enjoyed the book. This week we looked at a later book by the same author, Night Fire, and let's just say...if we were grading newts, this would be a T for Troll...
Dec 08, 201929:20
Episode 28: The writer has it...

Episode 28: The writer has it...

This week it's all about writing. With it being November we felt it only appropriate to talk about our own experiences, especially as Raye has been daft enough to sign up for NaNo again! Of course, writing isn't all fun and games, as anyone who has desperately been cursing their vanishing muse will be well aware...So, how do you do it?
Nov 24, 201947:10
Episode 27: The Unwanted Bride

Episode 27: The Unwanted Bride

There are few things better for a romance reader than a well-written regency, and Coulter definitely gives us that.
The Sherbrooke Bride by Catherine Coulter is a wonderful introduction to a regency series about a strong family, with the tale of straight-laced and sensible Douglas and his rebellious young bride, Alexandra.
Oh, and we found our mojo, so expect some sass.
Nov 03, 201938:53
Episode 26: Pride & Prejudice heads to the movies

Episode 26: Pride & Prejudice heads to the movies

It's a special episode this week, in aid of #InternationalPodcastDay (Mon 30/9). Yes, we're looking at the classic Pride & Prejudice again, but this time we're off to the movies. Raye looks at one of her favourites, Bollywood's Bride and Prejudice, while Sally takes on the more traditional 2005 Kiera Knightley version. So, what did we think? And who did we bring along for the ride?
Sep 29, 201929:34
Episode 25: Aliens, dinosaurs and dust bunnies, oh my!

Episode 25: Aliens, dinosaurs and dust bunnies, oh my!

This week we've taken a step into the paranormal, with a bit of sci-fi tossed in for good luck. We're talking about the fifth in Jayne Castle's Rainshadow Island novels, Siren's Call. So, what did we think of this? Sally has read some of the books, Raye has read none, so where does this one fall in the spectrum? Is it 'yay' or 'nay'?
Sep 22, 201929:57
Episode 24: Presenting...the first, the original, the only...Mr Darcy

Episode 24: Presenting...the first, the original, the only...Mr Darcy

This week we've turned to the classics. Yes, we're looking at the original romantic hero. Whether you know him from the BBC drama, the 2005 movie, or just remember he was a character in Bridget Jones...Fitzwilliam Darcy has earned his place as a romantic hero!
And this week, Pride and Prejudice is our focus, though we promise we don't go all lit-crit!
Sep 08, 201936:57
Episode 23: Wherein we really do discuss "Whitney, My Love"

Episode 23: Wherein we really do discuss "Whitney, My Love"

First, there was Jennifer and Royce. Now, we have Whitney and Clayton. Sure, the names are less than traditional, and the stories are incredibly similar, but we wanted to take some time to talk about Judith McNaught's seminal work, "Whitney, My Love". So, here it is...
Aug 25, 201945:43
Episode 22: I'm a half-fae a mortal world

Episode 22: I'm a half-fae a mortal world

If you're now humming 'Barbie Girl' by Aqua then I sort of apologise...
This week's episode is all about the first in The Iron Fae series by Julie Kagawa. A YA romance published by Harlequin Teens in the US, it's supernatural, includes familiar characters from Midsummer Night's Dream and fae mythology. If you love that, then you'll love this.
Listen to the latest episode to find out what we thought.
Aug 11, 201936:14
Episode 21: In which we come of age

Episode 21: In which we come of age

21 today...21 today...we've got the key to the door...
We've been talking about it for a while! Wolves, rain, empaths...yes, this week we're talking about the latest in the psy-changeling series by Nalini Singh, Wolf Rain.
Also, our next book is a YA, the first in a series all about the fey, The Iron King by Julie Kagawa.
Jul 28, 201943:44
Episode 20: This is not "Whitney, My Love"

Episode 20: This is not "Whitney, My Love"

This time we're talking about the 1989 book, A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught...
We talk historical accuracy, character development and everything in between. Find out what we thought and listen to us chatter a lot about loads of different things romantic.
Jul 14, 201940:00
Episode 19: Welcome to the Bar Cynster

Episode 19: Welcome to the Bar Cynster

At the Bar Cynster marriage is to be avoided, but once they meet their soulmates - the ones born just for them - they are doomed.
This week we are talking about the first Cynster novel by Stephanie Laurens, Devil's Bride.
We also get a bit distracted, with talk of weather and other books!
Jun 30, 201943:52
Episode 18: The ties that bind us together...soulmates

Episode 18: The ties that bind us together...soulmates

Whether it's a red thread, the Force, or writing on your skin...we all search for ours. Soulmates...can anyone say they didn't dream, at some point, of finding theirs?
This week, the soulmate trope, in many guises, is our much do you love it?
Jun 16, 201929:05
Episode 17: Me Before You...The truth and nothing but!

Episode 17: Me Before You...The truth and nothing but!

This week we're reviewing Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. While it's one Raye likes, Sally is relieved that it's one she reserved at the library. Hence, it's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...
Jun 02, 201938:40
Episode 16: A dream man in a nightmare

Episode 16: A dream man in a nightmare

A thriller with a difference...a horrific murder spree brings Marlie the alpha male of her dreams(?). This week we're looking at one of Sally's book choices, Dream Man by Linda Howard. This book is a quarter century old. How did it age? We take a look...
May 19, 201940:10
Episode 15: Why did we do this to ourselves?

Episode 15: Why did we do this to ourselves?

This week is the episode none of you asked for. In which we look at EL James' The Mister and Shadow Rider by Christine Feehan. We are going to be VERY honest...
May 12, 201946:03
Episode 14: In which we get salty...

Episode 14: In which we get salty...

This week was another book club week, and the book was Frontier Woman by Joan Johnston. It was a choice...and we go into why we would not EVER recommend it. Sorry, not sorry!
May 05, 201938:12
Episode 13: A Fanfic Dive

Episode 13: A Fanfic Dive

Today we go just a little off-piste but the subject of the day is fanfiction. We talk about what it means to us, how we came across it and a little bit about relation-shipping.
Also, we mention White Abyss by Stephanie Terault...check it out here.
Apr 28, 201936:48
Episode 12: It's back to the Highlands we go

Episode 12: It's back to the Highlands we go

This week is we chatted about Avengers (for a bit) and then The Dark Highlander by Karen M Moning. Oh, and if you want us to read the new EL James and talk about it...let us know in the comments...we're willing to take the hit for you, our readers!
Apr 21, 201931:26
Episode 11: Love in a teenage world!

Episode 11: Love in a teenage world!

This week we take a quick(!) look at YA novels, from their odd conception in the 1980s to their modern incarnation...
Oh, and check out our Twitter.
Apr 14, 201948:27
Episode 10: Love, Loss and Happily Ever After

Episode 10: Love, Loss and Happily Ever After

This week it was all about chicklit with Jill Mansell's 2011 novel, To the Moon and Back. It was a brand new author for Sally and an old favourite for Raye. Let us know what you think.
Oh, and we're now on Facebook.
Apr 07, 201940:10
Episode 9: Must have that!

Episode 9: Must have that!

This week we talked all about the authors on our 'Must-buy' list both past and present, and got pretty animated about the books we love and why.
Check out our blog to find out where else we can be found.
Mar 31, 201943:34
Episode 8: A Romantic Historical Kidnapping for the Modern Age

Episode 8: A Romantic Historical Kidnapping for the Modern Age

This week we were reviewing The Other Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. Feelings were mixed, but you can find out more about how we felt about the most recent addition to the extended Bridgerton series by listening along. Let us know what you think.
Mar 24, 201940:21
Episode 7: Battle of the Blondes

Episode 7: Battle of the Blondes

In the purple corner we have Rapunzel...In the pink corner we have Princess Aurora.
Who will win? The Self-Rescuing Princess or the Damsel in Distress. This week we talk about Disney princesses and their male counterparts...
Mar 17, 201935:47
Episode 6: Cursed immortals need love too

Episode 6: Cursed immortals need love too

It's another book review this week, and another supernaturally-themed one at that. This week we take a look at the fifth Dark-Hunter novel by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Night Play. We look at the themes, what we liked, what we didn't...and tell you all about the next book we're going to be reading.
Our blog
Mar 10, 201941:03
Episode 5: Have you seen my panther?
Feb 24, 201943:00
Episode 4: May the Force be with you...
Feb 17, 201901:01:54
Episode 3: Lairds & Lasses

Episode 3: Lairds & Lasses

What's really under that kilt!
This week we talked all about Ransom by Julie Garwood.
We like the fantasy of the highland warrior in a historically inaccurate kilt so sue us (please don't!).
Next week it's Star Wars!!!
Feb 10, 201940:58
Episode 2: Superheroes and Superheroines need love too
Feb 03, 201901:05:31