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The Other Side Of The Bed

The Other Side Of The Bed

By Ronita Jackson

Open, honest talk about what it REALLY means to be single in a relationship obsessed world.
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July 15, 2022

The Other Side Of The BedJul 15, 2022

Deja Vu

Deja Vu

Same ole, same ole. Ebonics intended. God give me strength and wisdom in this season. Good stewardship Lord because adulthood is proving a bit ghetto. 🥴 This ends our conversation. -The line has disconnected.
Dec 11, 202310:53
Knock Knock

Knock Knock

It’s time to walk away from what you never should have walked into. Somewhere there’s a bit of guilt and hurt still lingering. Break up with it and fall in love with what and whom will love AND appreciate you.
Oct 22, 202311:13
The Pineapple

The Pineapple

Mistakes happen but to be judged by them, is a different story altogether. When one never listens, they never hear your heart. Make sure to play it for someone that appreciates the beats, the lyrics, the melodic sound of what it means to be you.
Oct 19, 202315:59
The Confession; Part 3

The Confession; Part 3

I fell short and am finding myself having to not only get up but let go and forgive too.
Jan 26, 202307:56
The Confession - Part 2

The Confession - Part 2

Asking myself the real questions, when frankly, I already know the answers.......just afraid to admit to what they are and most of all, what they mean. Truth can hurt if you let it but I speak healing, deliverance and being set free. Why do I choose to hold on to the chains???

Dec 17, 202205:08
The Confession - Part 1

The Confession - Part 1

Sometimes it’s better out than in. I didn’t step off the pedestal, I fell. God still loves me, but can I forgive myself?
Dec 07, 202205:38


I'm a Priority, not an Option, even on your longest day. Never forget whom you are or what you deserve. I refuse to be thrown to the side like that first slice of bread, picked over and the next piece selected because it's not a "regular" slice....but have you ever noticed that those end pieces cover/protect what's in the middle? Shoot, I've never been a single slice of anything; I'm not a loaf, a slice, I'm a factory that produces what a real man needs and wants but we'll get into that another time. Until then, remember whom you are and if they wanted to, they would. Period. Stay bold, stay fearless, stay successfully single until it's REAL.

Nov 08, 202203:21
The Break Down of Breakthrough

The Break Down of Breakthrough

It's been a season but one I needed to get to where God wants to take me and I am having to pray and CRY my way through this thing! It's one thing to be broken, it's another to be broken down for the building of your spiritual strength/faith. Anybody with me? Even if not, our journeys all tell a story......what's yours? Maybe I'll call this chapter of life........The Reveal; the ending of a season and the beginning of those greater latter years but most of all, the creation of a new me. My, my.

Sep 21, 202205:14
More Degrees Than A Thermometer

More Degrees Than A Thermometer

What is the measure of a man? Success, wealth, title? Don’t allow your worth to be determined by anyone or anything. 💪🏾
Aug 24, 202203:16
July 15, 2022

July 15, 2022

Jul 15, 202200:33
It hurts to be cut, but sometimes the cut starts the healing process.

It hurts to be cut, but sometimes the cut starts the healing process.

There are times, we need surgery on the inside as much as we do on the outside. When it takes root and makes you sick and stagnant, it's time to let the Ultimate Physician do what He does best, be God. 

Apr 14, 202207:56
Food For My Soul

Food For My Soul

You ever just need a good meal? I mean something that just fills you and delights your tastebuds? I know I do and it dawned on me today that there's one meal in particular, I've continually taken for granted. I can't even explain why I have and it's sad because it's the one meal, I could never have enough of, never loses its' taste and gives me what I need, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Because you're all so wise, you've caught on to knowing I'm speaking of the "Word" that was once made Flesh and now sits at the right hand of our Father (Mark 16:19). If you needed a sign to read your Bible, this is it. Go eat, be filled and feed your soul; your present and your future will thank you for it........mine will. 

Mar 21, 202204:45
Be Love, Just As You Ask For It.

Be Love, Just As You Ask For It.

Love is not just wha we need, but what we should also give. It can be so hard to grasp that simple equation, when you feel 'Love' has let you down, time and time again; but what if, just what if, you become what ask for? Love is multifaceted and if it wins, why do we always aim to have lost in Love? Choose today, to become the thing, the person, the light this world needs. The Love you have to give, is needed more than you know and beyond the limitations of romance....go be it. 

Feb 18, 202204:57
Coming Out of The Dry Place

Coming Out of The Dry Place

This is one of those episodes that if I didn't share, I think I'd be doing both you and me an injustice. When we think about it, some seasons last longer than we think but maybe, just maybe, it's because we refuse to move out of them. It hit me that, that's where I am.......was, really. God showing it to me, was a gift in itself and with His strength and wisdom, I plan to open it and enjoy every moment! It's a new and lush season ya'll, let's LIVE in it!!!

Jan 23, 202208:32
Joy w/o Boundaries

Joy w/o Boundaries

Now this one ya'll, is a few weeks old and somehow got lost in the sauce but I wanted to post it anyway because it still connects with us as single individuals. It's amazing how one's own personal misconceptions can make them believe it's another person's reality, when it's really not. That, in a nutshell, is what this episode is about. It doesn't have to be my blessing for me to have sincere joy about it but for some people, they will never understand or sadly experience what that means and how great it can really feel. Single doesn't mean sad, mad or discouraged, especially in the wake of someone else's happiness. Little sis, that sweet baby is another love to add to my life and for you both, I am grateful, today and always. 

Oct 25, 202105:00
The Heaviness of Debt

The Heaviness of Debt

Debt, in any form can be heavy; it’s time to pay it off and realize you are worthy of everything you desire. YOU. HAVE. VALUE.

Oct 25, 202111:21
To All The Believers.......Trust God.

To All The Believers.......Trust God.

I believe God....PERIOD POOH.

There's an attack against the church in a way that's never been seen before, one that's so blatantly disrespectful that it seems easier to just walk away from it. But I'm here to encourage you as iron sharpens iron, to keep holding on to that faith and standing firm in His word. It is your weapon against this warfare that is not carnal but on another level as previously predicted by our God our Father. It may take you to read more, worship more, seek His presence more, spend more time with Him, but He is worth it. As much as we put efforts into everything else, why is it so hard to put that same effort into pursuing knowledge of God? You guys, don't give up because of church hurt, something I know all too well and don't give up because a season that you thought should have lasted months, has taken years, don't give up, just because it's not easy. You were promised victory and that you shall have on this side of Heaven and when you get there. So salvation is real through the shed Blood of Christ and so are the promises He's given you. Hold on to them in this troubled world, remember who He is, whom you are and all that He will forever be. Stay strong, God loves you and so do I. 

Sep 04, 202109:54
Children Matter.....Period

Children Matter.....Period

Have you ever heard the phrase....."Now that I have kids...."? followed by some "profound" revelation that's made the individual(s) realize how important taking care of children really is? It boggles my mind sometimes because it honestly , TO ME, seem selfish in a sense. I've never believed that a child's life or well being had to matter or be deemed important because they now belonged to me. 

It seems as if we've strayed so far away from the notion of "It takes a village to raise a child." because of the fear that bad people and their horrible actions have instilled in us and caused us to lose trust in the village. But I don't believe it's an option that should be obsolete, as long as we've put our trust in THE RIGHT PEOPLE, not just the convenient ones. Yes, my perspective is different because I don't have children (here come the folks that'll say I have no right to an opinion and yet, I'M STILL SPEAKING), but I've had the pleasure and opportunity to help and contribute to the lives of children that are not my own for the past 21 years. I love them as though they were my own, their well being, mindsets, emotions and everything about them matters as if I bore them myself. When they are with me, I care and cover them as though they are my own but the biggest part, is even when they are not in my presence, they are on my mind, in my heart and in my prayers. All children matter........period. And if your nose is turned up and you're opinion differs, I promise it's more than okay, we can agree to disagree and life will continue to go on. ;-)

Aug 29, 202105:15
Single is My Super Power!

Single is My Super Power!

The title is enough in itself, being single is my SUPER POWER! I am neither weak, nor undesirable and my relationship status is not a symbol to be worn with shame. Sis, I'm proud to be SUCCESSFULLY SINGLE AND SO SHOULD YOU!

Jul 22, 202102:57
What Type of Parent Are You?

What Type of Parent Are You?

Not everyone, but some of us have some true parenting issues that have knowingly and unknowingly been passed down from generation to generation. But it's time to stop the curses that we sometimes choose to ignore and why is that? Too painful, too consuming? But what if your recognized it was becoming a detriment to your child/children? What if what you choose not to address becomes THEIR MESS? The roles that we play in the lives of those we love, can either reflect life or loss. Choose life. 

Jul 03, 202113:21
Thirst Trap

Thirst Trap

Ever been thirsty enough to trade what you know to be good for what you thought would be better? Yeah, I’ve been there too but no more. I’d rather fill my soul to an overflow, than sip from a glass half full, still needing and wanting more.
Jun 27, 202107:56


They come and go like the change of the wind, some good and some bad but adjust your sails, the sun will shine again.
Jun 23, 202110:07
The Disconnect

The Disconnect

Have you ever felt disconnected, powerless even? Maybe you're no longer connected to the right power source and that's what this episode is all about. I'm finding not only my connection again, but the power that gives me strength. May you be encouraged to find yours!

Jun 13, 202107:41
Righteousness Can Be Both Pain & Pleasure

Righteousness Can Be Both Pain & Pleasure

As Believers, we teach a lot of things but we somehow conveniently leave the message short of both the pain and pleasure of faith. It's not always easy, it's not always pretty, it's not always green pastures and sweet hymnals. Sometimes we suffer, sometimes we hurt, BUT God is always there and yes He's always good. There's a song that says, the same God on the mountain, is the same God in the valley and this I know to be true. He's faithful, even when I'm not and there have been a lot of nots, HELLO SOMEBODY! But all in all, He's kept me, He keeps me, He helps me and is there always, even in the darkest of hours. Please don't allow the mistakes of humans to fuel unbelief......righteousness even when you have pain, produces remarkable pleasure. Seek God first and foremost, always........

Apr 20, 202105:12
It's Okay to Grieve, Especially When You've Lost YOU.....

It's Okay to Grieve, Especially When You've Lost YOU.....

We teach people a lot of things, but never how to grieve the loss of themselves. We go and grow through so many things and it changes us, but so many of us are not healed, just walking around carrying the weight of those wounds. It's time to let those things that you thought made you, YOU....go. It's time to be whom you really are, now go be GREAT!

Apr 20, 202103:46
Use Every Gift You Have!

Use Every Gift You Have!

What's the greatest thing you've ever done? If you can't answer that yet, with complete satisfaction, what are you waiting for?

Apr 20, 202103:39
Jaxn's Fall From Grace

Jaxn's Fall From Grace

So it's been a week for the Jackson clan, but not my folks, the self proclaimed relationship Coach Derrick Jaxn. Just a few days ago, the man who built a business, platform and lifestyle on encouraging women to know their worth and not engage in relationships with brothers that cheat, use or abuse them, has admitted to doing pretty much the same to his wife. This one was a bit hard for me, even typing now because of how he's handled the now very public situation, thus far. It hasn't been with humility or forgiveness but almost in arrogance, not confidence and although I was never a fan, I am disappointed for his fans and supporters. This episode discusses my view on the situation of cheating, preaching, misleading and the hurt it can cause. Enjoy (and forgive the yawn about 6 minutes in, I thought it was edited out but oops)! 

Mar 26, 202119:32
The Hypocrisy of The Church

The Hypocrisy of The Church

Ya'll, I didn't even edit an intro for this one, I just started talking because the topic bothered me a bit. If you're familiar with the Kirk Franklin "debacle" and might feel like I feel, then this is FOR YOU. We definitely throw the rock and hide our hands, Believers, let's do better.

Mar 18, 202108:42
Daddy Issues

Daddy Issues

It's due time to address those things that infect and affect us. I had some daddy issues, do you?

Nov 18, 202022:12
Public Failures, Public Pain, Private Turmoil.........Where Hills and Songs Collide.

Public Failures, Public Pain, Private Turmoil.........Where Hills and Songs Collide.

When someone, especially a pastor or church leader makes a mistake, why is it that we are so critical of their mishaps? I know for sure I've complained of several church leaders and not always the right way but I can honestly say, it wasn't because of an expectation of perfection but one of humility and in this case, it doesn't seem to be lacking. Praying for those that fail publicly, especially in front of judgmental and imperfect man. May God hear and heal your private pain.

Nov 06, 202005:07


Knowing yourself...........

Oct 01, 202004:16
Tears of Joy

Tears of Joy

I want to accomplish things so great, that it brings me to tears just thinking about it. How about you?

Sep 26, 202003:31
Do You Value What You Have Now?

Do You Value What You Have Now?

Valuing what we have now is so important. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded of just that. 

Sep 11, 202004:13
Better Decisions

Better Decisions

You know how movies reflect real life? Yeah me too and this one scene from one of my favs hit home for me for sure. 

Sep 09, 202003:19
The Beginning....

The Beginning....

What does the other side of your bed look like? Is it empty, is it filled with things you use or someone you use??? 

If you don't know how to answer that or just don't want to be honest, even with yourself, let me share with you what mine looks like.........

Aug 23, 202002:25