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Royal Discuss

Royal Discuss

By Royal Discuss Podcast

It is who you are, not what you try to be, that makes you a member of the royal family.
The Royal discuss encourages you to embrace Royalty and understand the potential of living like a king or queen.

It's a privilege to have you here.
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What do you have?

Royal DiscussApr 03, 2022



Growth is a fundamental aspect of life, permeating various dimensions from personal development to economic expansion. At an individual level, growth encompasses continuous learning, self-improvement, and the pursuit of new experiences. Economically, growth signifies an increase in the production and consumption of goods and services, leading to improved standards of living and prosperity. In nature, growth is evident in the flourishing of plants, the expansion of populations, and the evolution of ecosystems over time. Ultimately, whether in human endeavors or natural phenomena, growth embodies the innate drive for progress, adaptation, and advancement.
Feb 25, 202403:49
Don't Be Distracted

Don't Be Distracted

Unlock the power of focus with Royal Discuss Podcast's latest episode! In a world filled with distractions, learn why staying focused is essential for success. Join us as we explore practical strategies to overcome distractions and maximize productivity. Tune in to gain valuable insights and reclaim control over your attention. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion - prioritize your focus and unlock your full potential today!
Feb 18, 202403:34
Love Yourself

Love Yourself

In the journey of life, one fundamental truth stands out: loving oneself precedes the love we give and receive from others. Prioritizing self-love is not selfish; it's an essential act of self-care and self-respect. When we nurture a deep sense of love and acceptance for ourselves, we set the foundation for healthier relationships with others. Self-love empowers us to set boundaries, prioritize our well-being, and pursue our passions with confidence. It allows us to recognize our worth independent of external validation, leading to greater resilience in the face of adversity. By embracing ourselves fully, flaws and all, we cultivate authenticity and attract genuine connections based on mutual respect and understanding. Without self-love, we may seek validation and fulfillment from external sources, leading to dependency and instability in relationships. Investing in self-love fosters inner peace and emotional stability, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Ultimately, by loving ourselves unconditionally, we invite love and abundance into every aspect of our lives, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves. Therefore, let us embark on the journey of self-love, recognizing it as the cornerstone of fulfilling relationships and a life of joy and fulfillment. Happy St Valentines Day
Feb 11, 202403:28
Be Intentional

Be Intentional

The world lacks intentionality. If we become more intentional about our lives, gifts, and talents, we can achieve greater heights. Being intentional transforms us, enabling us to accomplish more and become more.
Feb 04, 202404:08
Stay Within The Confines Of your Assignment

Stay Within The Confines Of your Assignment

How familiar are you with your assignment? It's crucial to understand and adhere to the requirements, don't do less.
Let the Holy Spirit hold your hands as you fulfil this assignment.
Jan 28, 202403:42


Hello there,
How's the progress in building your capacity? Make sure to develop comprehensive skills. May God bless your podcast endeavors, bringing inspiration to those who listen.
Jan 21, 202404:06
Big Space or Big Place?

Big Space or Big Place?

How well are you utilizing the resources in your hands? This is the time to start been intentional and seeing the 'not so big' ability as a big deal.
Be inspired as you listen.
Jan 14, 202403:38
Tips for 2023

Tips for 2023

Celebrate the new year!
Prepare yourself for 2024 with actionable tips.
Tune in for practical advice to make this year better.
Listen, implement, and gather essentials for a successful 2024!
Jan 07, 202404:23


In the journey of life, we often try to control every aspect, relying on our own strength and understanding. But there's incredible power in surrendering our lives completely to God.

Total dependence on God doesn't mean we give up our responsibilities or efforts; it means we acknowledge His supremacy and trust in His divine plan. It's about recognizing that He knows what's best for us, even when we can't see the way forward.

When we let go and place our trust in God, we find peace in the midst of chaos, strength in times of weakness, and clarity in moments of confusion. It's a surrender that leads to true freedom, for we release the burdens of self-reliance and embrace the limitless grace and love of our Creator.

So, today, take a step towards total dependence on God. Surrender your worries, fears, and ambitions into His hands. Trust that He will guide your path and provide what you need. In this surrender, you'll discover a deeper connection with the source of all strength and wisdom.
Sep 03, 202305:05
Accelerator or Break?

Accelerator or Break?

Life is a journey filled with countless opportunities, challenges, and moments of decision-making. In this fast-paced world, it can be difficult to determine when to pause and reflect or when to press on and continue moving forward. However, recognizing the signs and understanding when to pause or keep going forward is crucial for personal growth, well-being, and overall success. In this article, we will explore key considerations that can help you make informed decisions in various aspects of your life.
Listen to this podcast as Royal Discuss delves into the details of pausing or accelerating.
Jun 04, 202306:54


In order to become everything God intends us to be, sacrifice is a necessary component. It necessitates giving up our will, forgoing ease for growth, developing our character, spending time in our relationship with God, and giving selflessly to others. We unleash our entire potential, align ourselves with God's will, and live the abundant life He has planned for us as we accept the transformational power of sacrifice.
Royal Discuss Podcast in this episode unravels the power of sacrifice .
May 21, 202306:13
Take it Slow

Take it Slow

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, constantly striving for more and pushing ourselves to the limit. However, amidst the chaos, it's essential to remind
ourselves to take it slow and be kind to ourselves. It's crucial to remind ourselves to take it slow and be kind to ourselves, . In this episode, learn wisdom to Take it slow..
May 14, 202305:31
Waiting or Wasting Away?

Waiting or Wasting Away?

The time between where we are and where we want to be in life is filled with waiting periods. Whether we're waiting for a work chance or the accomplishment of a personal goal, these intervals can feel tiresome and unproductive. But rather than seeing waiting as a passive experience, we can make it a period of development, introspection, and deliberate action.

Life's waiting period does not have to be a dull or ineffective time. We may make this time a time of personal development, self-discovery, and significant action by taking an intentional stance. Invest in your development, set attainable objectives, form important relationships, and put self-care first as a way to embrace the power of intentionality. Remember, it's only by deliberate waiting that we can genuinely make the most of every present and lay the groundwork for a better future.
May 07, 202305:20


Allowing fear to control our lives can hold us back from achieving our goals and living our best lives. This episode teaches the approach to fear as royalty.
Apr 02, 202306:49


Sensitivity is a vital aspect of our lives that affects our emotional, mental, and social well-being. It refers to our ability to perceive and respond to our environment, people around us, and situations we encounter. Being sensitive is not a weakness; in fact, it is a strength that allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and understand their emotions and needs.
In this podcast, we will explore the different aspects of sensitivity. We will discuss how these forms of sensitivity impact our lives and how we can learn to manage them effectively.

Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of sensitivity and learn how we can use our sensitivity to build stronger relationships, enhance our communication skills, and become more self-aware.
Mar 26, 202308:01


Potentials show us how far we can go.
Every man have untapped potential, and it is your responsibility, with God's assistance, to uncover YOU. Discover God for yourself and accept the larger version of yourself.
You are not allowed to be small.
Feb 19, 202310:46
Do It Afraid

Do It Afraid

We never try new things, therefore we don't know what we're capable of. You learn how well to prepare later on by doing it in fear.
Not trying anything new at all is the first step toward failure.
Now is the time to try that novel concept.
Dare to pursue novel ideas!
Feb 05, 202304:50
Instructions are life

Instructions are life

If one wants to avoid dying, one should follow directions. Life depends on instructions. When the Lord speaks, pay attention and obey. God desires to lead you. His direction will come if you acknowledge him.
Jan 15, 202305:60
Harness the New year

Harness the New year

There is always hope at the start of a new year. Using the year effectively is just as crucial as making goals.
Jan 01, 202306:14


We require people who are compassionate and will shield us with all they have. Sometimes we make mistakes and miss it. People like this hold our hands and make sure we birth everything that has been placed inside of us.

Gain better understanding by listening to this episode.
Dec 04, 202205:42


Climbing the achievement ladder requires more effort and time when no one is there to help.
Relationships are important; a loner is a limited man.
Listen to this episode as we analyze a different kind of relationship.
Nov 13, 202206:37
Covenant Relationships

Covenant Relationships

The gift of a covenant friendship is golden.

A man should desire men who will give their all to friendship and be willing to reciprocate. Learn more as you listen to today's episode
Nov 06, 202206:20


No man is an island.
A community is necessary for us. One of the notions that people misunderstand the most is friendship.
Have you ever had a desire for friends?
Are circles necessary?
You should listen to today's episode to get more understanding.
Listen and be blessed.
Oct 09, 202208:23
Relationship with Mentors

Relationship with Mentors

Choosing to surround yourself with someone who can guide you, correct you, and help you become a better person is one of many choices that will determine how far you can go in life.
Do you have a burning desire to learn more about parenthood and mentoring?
Be informed, blessed, and changed by listening to the Royal Discuss podcast.
Oct 02, 202206:43
Relationship with God

Relationship with God

Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you…. James 4:8a
If there’s anything God so desires, it is to have a very great relationship with men. He desires to commune with us, but He won’t force or coerce us into doing so. Scripture says “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.” He desires fellowship with you and me.

Join us today on Royal Discuss as we learn about our RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.
Sep 18, 202207:05


Mediocrity starts from the mind; Scripture says as a man thinketh in his heart, So he is.
God didn’t create You to be a mediocre, as a matter of fact,You were created to be the champion and not a subordinate. Many have been limited by their own thought as to who they are, God called you chosen, but your reality says otherwise because you are not SEEING THE BIGGER PICTURE.

Join us Today on ROYAL DISCUSS as we reposition our mind to SEEING THE BIGGER PICTURE, and SHUNNING MEDIOCRITY.
Sep 04, 202206:42


Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me. A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership.
Boundary is know when to say Yes and How to say No to take control of your life.
Boundaries are about taking responsibility for our own lives. God gives us freedom to choose to live within His boundaries or outside of them, and to live outside of God’s boundaries means to accept the consequences.

Be enlightened about Burdens as you listen.
Aug 28, 202207:32


When life seemed to be dealing with one, when it looks like things aren’t going the way one wants them, when it looks like all things are shattering, the best thing to do is TRUSTING GOD.

When trusting God seemed hard, when it looks like it is hard to trust God;what do we do?
Learn on TRUSTING GOD as you listen .
Aug 07, 202207:44


Scripture says; Better is the end of a thing, than the beginning thereof. Ecclesiastes 7:8a. Yes! The end is Better, rewarding and satisfying; but then, there’s a series of hardwork and rigorous training between the beginning and the Better end which connotes PROCESS.

Nothing great happens overnight! It takes dedication and intentionality to stay through the PROCESS.

Join us today, on ROYAL DISCUSS, as we learn from God’s servant, Apostle Sam Adesuyi, on the Topic PROCESS. You cannot afford to miss this!
Jul 31, 202216:09
Self Awareness

Self Awareness

Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. He who looks outside dreams, who looks inside becomes awake.

Self-awareness starts by looking inwards rather than outwards. It is looking through the mirror and seeing one’s self through one's eyes.

Join us today on ROYAL DISCUSS as we learn about Self Awareness!
Jul 17, 202207:40


If patterns are not observed, a man may be delayed. We shouldn't lead carefree lives as royalty.
Knowing patterns and navigating them is what wisdom is.
Jul 10, 202206:50
Royalty Seeks Wisdom.

Royalty Seeks Wisdom.

One of the most important things is wisdom.
Royalty is characterized in large part by wisdom.
Come along as we reveal wisdom's hidden truths.
Jul 03, 202207:24
Do away with old things

Do away with old things

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. - Phil 3:13

The hinderance to the new is the old. Until we learn to let go of the old things, we may never attain the level of the new. It is essential that every man sustains the ability to let go of things of old and reach out for the new. 

The fact that it is behind you means, it should not have a place in your present.
Do not permit your past to dictate your future by tampering with your present.

Are there mistakes you've made in the past? Learn from it and move on to perfection.
Are there achievements you've accomplished in the past? Do not dwell in it, there is more.

No matter what happened in the past, let it remain in the past and focus on the future ahead.

Jun 12, 202208:20



There was once a man, who saw a dying king at the battlefield. He tried to assist, but the King chose to die honorably by falling on his own sword. After the king's death, The man who witnessed the king's death sought advice from one of the dead monarch's enemies. He professed that he was the one who assassinated the King. He did this in order to profit from the tragedy. the king's adversary was not an adversary at all; in fact, he adored him. The witness' declaration became the evidence of his crime and, as a result, the cause of his execution, as he was charged with treason and hanged. Everyone thought he was a murderer but alas he was simply a greedy man with manipulative words. 

Words are building blocks of every utterance, they are channels through which the intents of the heart is communicated.

Words determine the positivity or negativity expressed in a given situation.

As royalty, it is essential that we take cognizance of the use of our words and the resultant effect it conveys.

Ecc 8:4a says;

Where the word of a king is, there is power.

Royalty does not talk unless they have considered and reasoned about what they are about to say.

Royalty doesn't just make declarations, because where the word of a King is, there is power.

Your words are not mere words, they carry the potential to effect a change either positive or negative.

Your words are more than just words; they have the power to transform things for the better or for the worse.

A man's thought is the wellspring of his words. What you say is what you believe. As a result, it is critical that a man's thoughts be guarded.

The speech of a man has the power to both liberate and entrap him.

Make a commitment today to speak words that transform.

Jun 05, 202207:58
Overcome your fears

Overcome your fears

Your greatest limitation is the one placed on yourself.

It's the way Dare had read and prepared successfully for his exam. Suddenly grows cold feet and forgets all he has read.

FEAR how deadly!

Or how Patricia who has been praying, fasting for God to give her a job and as she was almost losing hope, a company called her that they had accepted her application and would be glad for her to work with them as a General Manager, that she should report on Monday for the physical interview.

But due to the fear of not being able to deliver maximally as the company was quite a big one, she almost said she couldn't do it.

Thank God for her mom, who shouted a bit of sense into her and offered 3 doses of courage to boost her morale.

As she went for her interview, she kept on mouthing the scriptural verse as a mantra, "For God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind."

She aced the interview...can I hear "Glooorrryyyy."

But how fear would have made her lose out. Fear strives to keep one in one's comfort zone, and as comforting as the comfort zone's a real limiting zone.

As such, to achieve all that God has for you as a must be READY to come out and overcome that FEAR.

How do I overcome my fears?

Join us this Sunday on Royal Discuss as we discuss in detail how to step out and Overcome your biggest Fears.

Don't miss it!!

May 22, 202207:28
Royalty is Diligent

Royalty is Diligent


Just a second! Let me tell you a story.

There was a young shepherd boy, who lived looooonnnngggg ago, He was the youngest from the family of really mighty men but our young shepherd was encumbered with watching after his father's sheep. I mean, who sits down with flocks when you can actually be in the war front, representing your country against the popular philistines giant. Our young shepherd boy wasn't deterred, in fact that made him more focused and diligent!

Guess who later defeated the philistine's Giant and eventually became the King? Yes, you guessed right, Our Young Sheperd boy.

The wonders of diligence!

Diligence means paying needed attention and aiming for excellence and perfection when fulfilling duties. A diligent person tries hard to do everything possible and pays a lot of attention to details. 

....seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men” (Proverbs 22:29). It means a diligent person is put into important places of honor. Remember our Young shepherd boy?

Diligence  is helpful in becoming successful and gaining a fortune, the diligent never lacks: “He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich” (Proverbs 10:4).

Royalty is Diligent! Join us this Sunday as we hear the mind of God concerning Deligence. It promises to be great.

May 15, 202206:58
Pay the price

Pay the price

Even as stressful and strenuous as schooling could be, coupled with the feeling that lecturers don't really care about your life, or the rigours of completing assignments....

...the fact that you have to attend lectures, yeah even the boring ones or the research works that can be quite frustrating.

Or the fact that you can't really have a great SOCIAL life because of don't suddenly want to drop out of school (though you've made the threats, more than twice).

Yet you look towards that day, when you'd wear that gown, be given your certificate and have all effrontery to call yourself a BSc, Masters, Phd Degree Holder

And with this thought in mind...with your eyes set on the glory of that day and keep grinding, keep pushing and keep pressing

Now hear the words directly from Paul...

....who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God

Heb 12:2

Stating to us that,for the Joy before him, Jesus endured the pain and shame on the cross

So is there a shortcut to getting the PRIZE without paying the PRICE?No!

To get to the throne and earn the prize, there's always a price to pay...there's no two way to it

But if our eyes be set on the price we might only be able to achieve just a little... we might feel discouraged or dissuaded when the pain/shame seems too much to bear

As such man's best bet is to focus on the PRIZE/GLORY, he would gain from the price he has paid

Join us this Sunday on ROYAL DISCUSS PODCAST, as we talk about Pay The Price!

Missing out on this is not an option!!

May 08, 202206:30
Strength from within

Strength from within

(Two friends discussing)

Moji: I am tired and worn out, I'm stressed out and on the verge of giving up, last night I thought of ending it all but I just couldn't, the pain is just too much and excruciating. 

Ayo: I'm sorry you feel this way, my dear friend.

Moji: Ayo, you don't understand, this feeling has overwhelmed me and I'm beyond depressed; I'm desperately in need of strength but none seem forthcoming. Ayo, I am tired!!!

Ayo: Mathew 11:28 says Come to me all you that labour and have loads, I will give you rest. The world is full of disappointment and we sometimes become overwhelmed, what keeps us afloat is where our strength is. 

Moji, where do you draw strength from?

...It is okay to get tired and worn out. It's okay to be overwhelmed and on the verge of giving up.

Life shows us some sides that are not so palatable. Trials and tribulations are a part of life, what keeps us afloat in times like this, is where we get our strength from.

Where do you draw STRENGTH from? 

Perhaps you find strength in your friends or family? Or you look to your spouse and you get refreshed and strengthened? What happens when these people are not available? What happens when it's blurry but your friends are not available to help you?

Join us this Sunday on ROYAL DISCUSS as we talk about STRENGTH FROM WITHIN

God is set to bless you.

May 01, 202208:08
Prayer; A Way of Royalty

Prayer; A Way of Royalty

Royalty must be REDEFINED! You are ROYALTY!

What are the TRUE ways of ROYALTY?

Join in tonight at Royal Discuss, as we discuss one of the TRUE ways of Royalty...

Apr 24, 202206:02


A sharpened tool at home is not useful at the workshop!!!

The work doesn't stop at sharpening your tools, rather it continues by being RIGHTLY POSITIONED!

Tune in, as we discuss POSITIONING!

Apr 17, 202206:08
Sharpen your tools

Sharpen your tools

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Abraham Lincoln. 

Most times, the problem is not the availability of the tool, the problem is about the sharpening of the tool.

Join us this week on Royal Discuss as we discuss how to sharpen your tool.

Apr 10, 202208:11
What do you have?

What do you have?

No man is born EMPTY

It's just our refusal to dig deep and discover how much we have within.

The realisation of what we have will help us know our true Royal identity.

Join us this week on ROYAL DISCUSS as we find out how to unleash the gifts embedded in us.

And no, you should NOT SKIP this!
Apr 03, 202206:09



Life is not cast in stone

I have heard men say

"This is who I am and nothing changes it"

"This is what I believe and nothing changes it"

"That is my principle, it doesn't change no matter the circumstance"

No matter your perspective about life, always know that it is not absolute.

The letter 'n' you see is a 'u' from someone else's point of view.

The figure '6' you see is someone else's figure '9'.

Flexibility defines your ability to objectively see from another's point of view and consequently redefine your belief or conviction.

Do not think your perspective is all that is to the situation.

Be open to hear others, BE FLEXIBLE!!!

Jul 22, 202104:54
The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

When our hearts are filled with burning words.
We really want to say what is on our minds.
We want to give our thoughts an expression.
We want to give our imaginations a voice.

We crave to deliver a speech.

Before you proceed to fulfil these cravings.
Have you considered if speaking at that moment is necessary?
Is it time to speak?
Is that how to say it?
Is this where to say it?

Learn the power of silence.
Learn the power of silence.
Not every word deserve a response.
Not every action deserve a vocal reaction.
Till you learn this, you will speak at impulse.

Jul 14, 202105:36


As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.

You are who you think you are.

You possess what you think you can possess.

You fail where you think you will fail.

Nothing is permitted to exist in your life without the approval of your thought.

God said to Ezekiel, “can this dry bone live again?” He wanted to check Ezekiel’s reasoning capacity.

He wanted to check Ezekiel’s beliefs and convictions. 

What are those dry bones you battle today? Do you think they can live again?

That new project, do you think you can accomplish it?

What are your thoughts?

Jul 07, 202103:55


If you are not convinced, confusion is inevitable. Challenges will come, circumstances will arise but one of the things that keep a man is his convictions about cogent life matters. What have you discovered that will make you secured? Dare to be convinced, dare to have a life less confusing. You cannot afford to lead a life tossed to and fro. Get your convictions today.
Jun 18, 202105:10
The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Words are units of communication. When accurately spoken, they reveal the pure intent of the heart for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. It is therefore expedient that a man places a guard over the words that proceed out of his mouth. Words are not just building blocks of a sentence, they carry creative powers in them. We create what we desire by the type of words we speak. In Genesis 1 God said let light be and there was light. What are you creating with your words? Are you even aware that you are creating things by your words? Or you simply say what comes to your mind and silently hope it comes out well? How do you speak to people around you? Are your words building up men or pulling men down? What effect does your word create in the lives of the people? 

It's time to get more intentional about the kinds and manner of words we speak.

Jun 10, 202105:37
Be Encouraged

Be Encouraged

Be Encouraged !!!

Identity is the awareness of who something or someone or oneself is or the repeating qualities that enable the recognition of such an individual or group by others or oneself.

I know you've done enough, you've given it your all. Why not give it another shot?

Comparing yourself to others can only cause you to lose sight of your true essence.

There is a talent in you waiting to be explored. There is a specific assignment you were designed to undertake and accomplish. 

Listen to this podcast without any distractions this week.

Regain your sense of self-worth, pick yourself up, and start moving forward.

Your current situation does not define you. Gird up your loins and move forward. 

You are not a failure, be encouraged.

Jun 02, 202106:38
The Power of Preparation in Waiting.

The Power of Preparation in Waiting.

The Power of Preparation in Waiting.

A man's readiness for what he is waiting for is determined by his preparation. We always pray and intercede for things we need to move forward, but we don't plan for them. Preparation provides a response to the question, "How will I handle it when it arrives?" Are you planning for her, bro, while you pray for a marital partner? Are you improving your understanding of women? Are you amassing pertinent information about the female gender? Oh, and how about leading a family? Have you thought about that? 

It's not just about praying and waiting for answers; it's also crucial to prepare for them.

"Father give me a child". What do you know about parenting? What insights have you gained into raising a child in the Lord's ways? 

 It's beyond being a mother, it's about guiding that young chap in the way of the Lord.

"Lord, I need a job"

I'll give it to you, son, but how much do you know about the role you're praying for? How many managerial courses have you taken if you want to be a manager?

Wishing for something doesn't make you ready; preparing is what gets you ready and fit for what you want.

"See, ehn, my wedding day will be glorious, everything will be as white as snow."

Congratulations in advance ma, after the wedding are you preparing for the marriage? Have you learnt how to relate with in-laws? Have you acquired knowledge about building a home? What do you know about supporting your spouse? Have you considered the financial responsibilities of keeping a home?

"Lord, you have called me to the mountain of governance, please use me"
Dear Son, I will use you but what do you know about governance? what have you learnt about politics in Africa or politics in Europe? what exactly are you intending to govern? Have you sat down to consider the bottlenecks in today's governance? How do you intend to solve them?

If you fail to prepare, you have only prepared to fail. 

Preparation says "If you are given what you are praying and waiting for, how will you use it?"
Whatever it is you desire and pray for, ensure you don't stop at expecting the answers, ensure you prepare for the answers. 

The secret to making the best use of your answered prayers is preparation.

Don't just wait, while waiting prepare.

May 19, 202106:47
The Power of Waiting

The Power of Waiting

The Power of Waiting.

" I'd been hoping to meet the company's Managing Director. I got up as early as possible to get to his office. After a brief exchange with the receptionist, I was instructed to wait in the waiting room until I was seen. I had to wait 7 hours to see the MD, but I waited because I knew that once I saw the MD, the pains of waiting would be gone "

All in our world is fast: fast food, fast internet, fast distribution, turbo vehicles, and so on.

Many of us have struggled to master the art of waiting due to our need to complete many tasks quickly and efficiently.

A great achiever's willingness to wait until the expected outcome is delivered is a crucial attribute.

As long as there is an expectation, waiting is never a waste of time.

The expectation is crucial because it is your expectation that will help you recognize when the item you've been waiting for arrives.

Are you anticipating something or are you just waiting?

When the result is delivered, the pain will be gone.

A pregnant woman pushes through pain before her baby is born, but once the baby is born, she forgets about the pains she endured.

Why don't you wait until your miracle arrives? Never give up.

The strength of those who wait on the Lord will be renewed. They will mount up with eagle-like wings, they will run without tiring, they will not faint while they walk.

Keep your eyes on the Lord. Don't rush anything. Your salvation is on its way.

May 12, 202105:42