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Royal Redeemer Sermons

Royal Redeemer Sermons

By Royal Redeemer

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The Blessing of Being Merciful

Royal Redeemer SermonsMay 13, 2024

The Blessing of Restored Relationships

The Blessing of Restored Relationships

The Blessing of Restored Relationships (Matthew 5:9)

Jesus came to bring peace, but humanity often rejects it. Millennia of war, strife and unrest has proven that. Why is peace so hard to find and sustain? Join us as we continue our sermon series from Matthew 5 as Pastor Mark preaches on, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

May 28, 202421:39
The Blessing of Integrity

The Blessing of Integrity

The Blessing of Integrity (Matthew 5:8)

Integrity is what you are when no one else is looking. As we continue in our series, we will look at the importance of living with integrity when it comes to what we say, see, think, and feel. Remaining "pure in heart" allows us the blessing of being able to "see God" and enjoy a close personal relationship with Him. With the Spirit's help, we can experience God's presence, feel His power, and relax in His peace and forgiveness.

May 20, 202421:58
The Blessing of Being Merciful

The Blessing of Being Merciful

The Blessing of Being Merciful (Matthew 5:7)

We all love the fact that Jesus does not give us what our sins deserve (death and separation); instead He loves and forgives us as He shows us mercy. We love His mercy, but at times we are not so quick to show that same mercy to others. That's an issue because Jesus tells us, "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Join us as Pastor Dave looks at the unmerciful servant and then what the blessing of being merciful looks like in your life.

May 13, 202426:39
The Blessing of Living God's Way

The Blessing of Living God's Way

The Blessing of Living God's Way (Matthew 5:6)

Righteousness involves a relationship and a lifestyle. it's a relationship we, as Christ-followers, enjoy because God has made us right through faith. However, it's also a lifestyle because, in response to God's love and grace, we seek to live a life of righteousness that honors our Lord. This week, as we look at Jesus' fourth beatitude, we will look at the righteousness God freely offers, as well as what it takes to have a hunger and thirst for "Living God's Way".

May 5, 2024

May 06, 202423:13
The Blessing of Being Gentle

The Blessing of Being Gentle

The Blessing of Being Gentle (Matthew 5:5)

Gentleness may be an attribute we value in a nanny or a nurse, but it doesn't seem beneficial in our tough world. Jesus says it is. We are continuing our sermon series from the beatitudes, and this Sunday, Pastor Mark will help us understand, "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth."

April 28, 2024

Apr 29, 202419:59
The Blessing of God's Comfort

The Blessing of God's Comfort

The Blessing of God's Comfort (Matthew 5:4)

Life is full of sorrow and suffering. Thankfully, to help us rise above these problems and pressures, Jesus teaches a second beatitude that reminds us that God is available to help us in our time of need. As we continue in our series, "Blessed", we look at and celebrate the blessing of the comfort God provides in our time of need.

April 21, 2024

Apr 22, 202421:37
The Empty Tomb

The Empty Tomb

On Easter, we celebrate Christ's resurrection and the fact that His victory over the grave has the power to strengthen our trust in all of God's promises. As followers of Christ, the empty tomb helps address our questions and worries, and offers us an opportunity to develop and deepen our faith.

March 31, 2024

Apr 16, 202423:03
The Blessing of Depending on God

The Blessing of Depending on God

The Blessing of Depending on God (Matthew 5:3)

The Beatitudes are much more than nice sayings to be written on wall plaques. These words from the lips of our Lord provide direction and guidance for the heart of every true believer. In the eight Beatitudes recorded in Matthew 5, we rejoice in Jesus' wisdom that allows us to live a life that is supremely blessed! This Sunday, we look at the blessing that comes our way when we humbly depend, not upon ourselves, but upon God.

April 14, 2024

Apr 15, 202423:03


Good Friday Sermon.

March 29, 2024

Apr 02, 202416:22


Maundy Thursday service

March 28, 2024

Apr 01, 202418:30


No one wants to be envious. No one really likes "wishing" to be someone they can't be or "wanting" stuff they can't have. this Palm Sunday we will look at how, like the religious leaders in Jesus' day, sometimes envy can have us in its grip, too. Thankfully, as we look at the sin of envy, we will also learn how God can help us replace that sin with a sense of contentment and thanksgiving.

Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024

Mar 25, 202420:42


Laziness is a sin that promotes the mindset that you never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. In our Lenten series "Breaking Sin's Grip", we will now look at the fact that both physical and spiritual laziness can hold us in its grip and that, by the Spirit's power, we can move toward a God-honoring life of diligence.

March 17, 2024

Mar 18, 202421:42


According to the World Health Organization, the United States has a bigger problem with worry than any other country. We are the most affluent, richest, and maybe the most blessed nation in history, yet we struggle the most with worry. Jesus came to fix that. We are continuing our Lenten sermon series, "Breaking Sins' Grip", join us as Pastor Mark preaches on breaking the grip of worry and replacing it with God's peace.

March 10, 2024

Mar 11, 202421:14


Uncontrolled and unresolved anger can cause us to do or say things we later regret, things that can end up being painful for us and those around us. As we continue in the series "Breaking Sin's Grip", we will look at how, through the power of the cross, Jesus not only sets us free from the grip of anger, but also empowers us to live a life of patience that honors God and blesses others.

March 3, 2024

Mar 04, 202422:42


Wisdom tells us that in some situations it's healthy to have doubts. It would be wise to doubt most "get rich-quick" schemes, short-lived diet fads, and many internet opinions. But, we never need to DOUBT God's Word! Join us as Pastor Dave shows us that we can TRUST God's promises when He tells us that He loves us (personally), forgives us (completely), and has plans for us to His glory.

February 25, 2024

Feb 26, 202426:19


How honest are you with yourself? Are we being truthful with each other? How has deceit affected our society? Join us as Pastor Mark continues our sermon series, "Breaking Sins Grip" as we'll learn about honesty.

February 18, 2024

Feb 19, 202420:60
PRIDE (Ash Wednesday Sermon)

PRIDE (Ash Wednesday Sermon)

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you have undoubtedly experienced recurring sin. Yet, like everyone else, while you may have the desire to change, you lack the power to fully break free from sin's grip. Thankfully, in the power of Jesus' cross, there is freedom in His forgiveness and the ability to exchange hat sin with a life that truly honors God.

February 14, 2024

Feb 16, 202424:11
Secure in Christ (Romans 8:31-39)

Secure in Christ (Romans 8:31-39)

A small child gazes peacefully up into her father's face as he runs through the war-ravaged streets of his small town. Destruction, violence, and death are all around, yet this child is at perfect peace in her father's arms. This is a good picture of the security we have in our Heavenly Father's arms. He holds us close. He is for us. And He will never let anything separate us from His love. In this sermon, Pastor Mark preaches from Romans 8 as we learn we are Secure in Christ.

February 11, 2024

Feb 12, 202422:58
Hope in Christ (Romans 8:18-30)

Hope in Christ (Romans 8:18-30)

What does the phrase "Life in Christ" mean to you? We're working our way through Romans, chapter 8. So far, we've learned that our freedom and victory can only be found in Christ. Make plans to join us this Sunday as Pastor Dave helps us focus on the HOPE we have in Christ. A HOPE founded upon Jesus, who understands us, and who promises to bring good out of our seemingly HOPELESS situations, and ultimately our HOPE in eternity through Him and with Him.

February 2, 2024

Feb 05, 202422:44
Victory in Christ (Romans 8:5-17)

Victory in Christ (Romans 8:5-17)

We are a competitive culture. We love winning. And God gives us victory in the most important areas. First, He gives us victory over sin and death. And because of that, we have victory in other areas of our lives. We'll continue our sermon series in the 8th chapter of Romans as Pastor Mark preaches on the victory of Christ.

January 28, 2024

Jan 29, 202423:03
Freedom in Christ (Romans 8:1-4)

Freedom in Christ (Romans 8:1-4)

In his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul offers reassurance to all believers that, through the power of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, it is possible to enjoy "Life in Christ" and be transformed into His image. In this sermon, we will look at the opening verses of Romans 8 and how, instead of facing condemnation, all Christ-followers are able to experience and enjoy freedom in Christ.

January 21, 2024

Jan 22, 202423:05
Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

Abortion has touched the lives of many and, certainly, there are all kinds of arguments and opinions surrounding this topic. Thankfully, God's Word has much to say about this miracle of life, as well as how to overcome the guilt and hurts of life through His gracious forgiveness.

January 14, 2024

Jan 16, 202421:45
Hitting the Reset Button (New Year's Eve Sermon)

Hitting the Reset Button (New Year's Eve Sermon)

For many people, New Year's Day is a time to hit the reset button as they move forward into the new year. Many of us will make (and try to keep) resolutions to help us be renewed, to get a fresh start, and to make needed adjustments. Those plans will be futile unless you start by refreshing your walk with the Lord. Getting closer to Him will help you be in sync with His plans for you. Join us this New Year's Eve as Pastor Dave helps us to explore the tools that God has made available to you, for you to live a healthy Christ-centered 2024.

December 31, 2023

Jan 10, 202422:47
Love For This World (Christmas Eve Sermon)

Love For This World (Christmas Eve Sermon)

As we wrap up our series, "Right from the Heart", we will look at the miracle of God's gift of love for all people on that first Christmas, 2,000 years ago. And yet, this Christmas Eve, we will discover that there wasn't just one miracle that look place, but four - four miracles that reveal and move us to give thanks for God's love for this world.

December 26, 2023

Jan 09, 202422:06
Loving Those in Need

Loving Those in Need

Today, there are people with very real needs, severe neds in some cases. Sadly, because they are often "out of the way", there is a tendency to feel uncomfortable being around them or even annoyed by them. Instead of looking down on them, our Lord Jesus calls us to show them love. As we continue in our series "Right from the Heart", we'll look at several ways by which we can reflect the heart of our loving God and go about loving those in need.

December 17, 2023

Dec 18, 202322:38
Loving My Neighbors

Loving My Neighbors

How can the heart of God live in us during this season of Advent? It lives in us when we love our neighbors well. The challenge is identifying them, then finding the fuel to do it. This Sunday, we'll continue our sermon series "Right from the Heart," as Pastor Mark shares the message, Loving My Neighbors.

December 10, 2023

Dec 11, 202322:35
Loving My Family

Loving My Family

With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it's easy t obecome distracted from the true heart of the holiday. To embrace the full meaning of Christ's birth, it's important that we remain focused on the heart of God's love. Filled with the joy of God's gift in Jesus, we rejoice in opportunities to reflect that same love of Christ to those around us.

This Sunday, we will look at what's involved in sharing that love of God when it comes to loving our family.

December 3, 2023

Dec 04, 202324:25
Blessed to be Generous

Blessed to be Generous

God created everything. It's all His! He is a GENEROUS GOD! In His love, He has blessed each of us richly. We are blessed physically, spiritually, emotionally, relationally... and yes, even financially. God has blessed us so that we will bless others. One of the ways we can bless others is by being GENEROUS with the resources we've been blessed with, like supporting our church, those in our circle of influence, or missions opportunities. This Sunday, Pastor Dave will help us unpack how we are blessed to be generous.

November 26, 2023

Nov 27, 202323:43
Blessed to be a Servant

Blessed to be a Servant

Being a Godly servant is more than just serving people. It's a mindset, a position, and a commitment. This Sunday, as we continue our sermon series "Blessed to Bless", Pastor Mark will preach from Philippians 2 on Blessed to be a Servant.

November 19, 2023

Nov 20, 202322:44
Blessed to Use God's Gifts

Blessed to Use God's Gifts

We often think of blessings as things we receive. While it's true God graciously gives us all we have, we are not just passive recipients of His blessings. Just as God blesses us, so He promises to bless others through us. As we live from a place of gratitude for God's gifts and trust in His provision, we can be agents of His blessing in our world.

This Sunday, we begin our new sermon series "Blessed to Bless" by looking at how God has blessed each of us with spiritual gifts that can impact others and grow His Church.


Nov 13, 202322:12
God Is... Love

God Is... Love

We've all said things like, I LOVE pizza, I LOVE vacations, I LOVE my spouse and kids! Really? You have the same feelings and emotions for a slice of pizza as you do for your family? LOVE is often-misused word. And then keep in mind that the Bible tells us that "GOD IS LOVE", that He loves us unconditionally, sacrificially, and forever! This Sunday Pastor Dave will help us unpack the fact that GOD IS LOVE, how we are to love Him, as well as to LOVE others as ourselves.

November 5, 2023

Nov 06, 202326:01
God Is... Sovereign

God Is... Sovereign

This Sunday, we will continue in our "God Is..." sermon series. As we look at the fact that our Lord is sovereign, we will learn how, as God, He is in control of all things. There is a great comfort and assurance in knowing that every aspect of our life is in His loving, capable hands.

October 29, 2023

Nov 06, 202323:20
God Is... Reliable

God Is... Reliable

The Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. It also says God is a firm foundation upon which we should build our lives. We are continuing our sermon series this Sunday as Pastor Mark preaches on how God is Reliable.

October 22, 2023

Oct 23, 202323:19
God Is... Gracious

God Is... Gracious

What we believe about God affects how we live, how we view ourselves and others, and even how we respond to the trials we face in life. Our beliefs about God also affect our relationship with Him. It's important to have a healthy view of God - one based, not on our feelings or opinion, but on the truth of His Word.

This Sunday, we will be looking at the fact that our God is gracious, and because He is a gracious God His grace is able to forgive, strengthen, and sustain us in this life.

October 15, 2023

Oct 16, 202324:12
The Book of James | Growing Patience

The Book of James | Growing Patience

Patience is the capacity to tolerate challenges or delays without getting upset. It's having peace while in the obstruction. The book of James gives us practical ways to develop patience. This Sunday, we are concluding our sermon series from the book of James as Pastor Mark preaches on developing patience.

October 8. 2023

Oct 09, 202318:54
The Book of James | Avoiding Arguments

The Book of James | Avoiding Arguments

Even though conflict is a regular part of life, James offers us instruction on how to steer clear of it. As we continue in our series on th ebook of James, we learn not only some of the reasons for the arguments that take place today, but also the remedy.

October 1, 2023

Oct 02, 202324:33
The Book of James | Relating to Others Wisely

The Book of James | Relating to Others Wisely

Have you ever wondered what it takes to relate to others in a healthy, God-pleasing, WISE way? Would God smile and say you have WISDOM as you relate to those in your circle of influence... with friends, neighbors, co-workers, fellow students, and family? How about the more toxic people in your life? Join us this Sunday as Pastor Dave helps us look at what the Book of James has to say about the difference between worldly wisdom and Godly Wisdom.

Sep 25, 202326:11
The Book of James | Using Words Carefully

The Book of James | Using Words Carefully

Words have started wars. Other words have inspired greatness. Words have caused considerable harm. And words are used to praise God. our tongue is an incredibly important part of our being, and our words are very important to God. The bible says they reveal what is in our heart. We will continue our sermon series from the book of James this Sunday as Pastor Mark preaches on using our words carefully.

September 17, 2023

Sep 18, 202321:52
The Book of James | Don't Play Favorites

The Book of James | Don't Play Favorites

Whether done intentionally or not, different people are treated differently. As we continue in our series on the book of James, we will learn that, not only is it wrong to show favoritism toward certain people but, as members of Christ's Church, we are called to follow God's example and unconditionally love everyone - regardless of who they are, what they look like, or how much they own.

Sep 11, 202320:36
The Book of James | Triumphing over Temptations

The Book of James | Triumphing over Temptations

The book of James explains a lot about temptation. We learn were it comes from, how it forms and where it can lead. This Sunday, we'll continue our sermon series on this important epistle, and Pastor Mark will uncover several Biblical tools to help us deal with temptation.

September 3, 2023

Sep 05, 202322:15
The Book of James | The Blessing of Problems

The Book of James | The Blessing of Problems

The book of James portrays a faith that goes into action and uses God's solutions and wisdom to help us navigate both the bad and good times of life - a faith that is active and can be put to work each day, as well as carry us through life.

This Sunday, we'll look at the blessing of problems, and will learn how we can experience a true sense of jay in knowing that God is at work in our pain and difficulties and using them to grow and bless us.

August 27, 2023

Aug 29, 202323:07
Overcome | Overcoming Sorrow and Loss

Overcome | Overcoming Sorrow and Loss

The Bible (John 16:33) tells us that "in this world we will have trouble." It's a fact -- you cannot avoid it. We will all walk down the dark path of sorrow, loss, and grief from time to time. The good news is that the verse goes on to say, "take heart, I have overcome the world". Join us this Sunday as Pastor Dave digs into God's Word to give us tools to overcome sorrow, loss, and grief.

Aug 21, 202324:55
Overcome | Overcoming Apathy

Overcome | Overcoming Apathy

The desert monks of the 3rd century were surprised by a certain apathy or melancholy that seemed to overcome some of their brothers. They called it Acedia. It wasn't depression but manifested itself with spiritual indifference, a soul stupor, dullness, and lethargy. They no longer marveled at the sacrifice of Jesus. Is this an issue in our 21st century church? This Sunday Pastor Mark continues our sermon and preaches on Overcoming Apathy.

Aug 14, 202322:06
Overcome | Overcoming Lust

Overcome | Overcoming Lust

Without a doubt, lust isn't simply a dangerous sin, it's hard to defeat. And, because of its destructive potential, the Bible warns us not to mess around with it. Continuing in our series "Overcome", we give thanks that, through the wisdom of God's Word, we can find the necessary guidance to overcome lust and replace it with thoughts that are God-honoring and pure.

Aug 08, 202322:15
Overcome | Overcoming Greed

Overcome | Overcoming Greed

Greed can get the best of us. We think we can find identity, significance, happiness, and satisfaction in having just a little more money or stuff. Yet, God's Word teaches a better way. We're continuing our sermon series "Overcome" with Pastor Mark preaching on Overcoming Greed from Luke 12.

July 30, 2023

Jul 31, 202320:22
Overcome | Overcoming Shame

Overcome | Overcoming Shame

No one likes to experience shame, but it is everywhere and impacts everyone. Thankfully, there is a way for us to overcome the shame we encounter. As we continue the series "Overcome", we will learn how God's grace can remove the crippling effects of shame and remind us that, no matter what, we are loved by Him.

June 23, 2023

Jul 24, 202322:42
Overcome | Overcoming Fear

Overcome | Overcoming Fear

There are over 500 known and named phobias. Everything from large things to small things... hairy things to bald things. Some fears are normal and keep us safe, but others can paralyze us from accomplishing God's will. This Sunday Pastor Dave will help us identify our personal fears and learn some helpful tools to use to overcome those fears.

Jul 17, 202324:50
Overcome | Overcoming Adversity

Overcome | Overcoming Adversity

How do we as Christ-followers survive the different problem areas of life that may challenge our faith? More importantly, where do we obtain the strength to stay on course in our walk with Jesus? Thankfully, God gives us His Word to not only help us face the trials of life but provide us the power needed to overcome them.

This Sunday, we will look at how God offers us the help we need to overcome adversity with a spirit of faith, hope and the power of Christ.

Jul 10, 202322:41
Raising Stellar Kids | Serving As Mission Control

Raising Stellar Kids | Serving As Mission Control

A lot of effort, fous, and wisdom go into space travel. The same is true for parenting. This Sunday, we'll conclude our sermon series, Raising Stellar Kids, as we focus on the mission control, and learn about training, course correction, altitude, and mission objectives.

July 2, 2023

Jul 03, 202324:37
Raising Stellar Kids | Charting the Right Course

Raising Stellar Kids | Charting the Right Course

As we continue our series, Raising Stellar Kids, we will learn that while kids need to know who God is, they also need to know what it means to be His child and a follower of Christ. This Sunday, we'll learn how to help today's kids in charting the course for their life in a way that will empower them to remain true to God and the way He designed them.

June 25, 2023

Jun 27, 202323:05