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RunYogi Diaries Podcast

RunYogi Diaries Podcast

By Santosh Shiva

Welcome to the RunYogi Diaries podcast .

In this podcast , you will hear conversations with regular folks on extraordinary journeys of well-being and fitness through endurance sports. These include running, cycling , triathlons and mountaineering . Hopefully you'll find these conversations insightful and motivational.

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RunYogi Diaries #86 on pursuing a passion, getting faster and mental health with Coach "D"

RunYogi Diaries PodcastFeb 18, 2022

EP-132 with Dr. Neeta Gautam, runner, physician and an Ayurveda proponent for holistic health

EP-132 with Dr. Neeta Gautam, runner, physician and an Ayurveda proponent for holistic health

In conversation with Dr. Neeta Gautam , a family physician, faculty at the Stanford school of medicine and a proponent of Ayurveda for health . The conversation covers a comprehensive discussion on modern medicine, Ayurveda, running, and the intersection of these domains. Neeta, a medical practitioner and faculty at Stanford University, explores the blend of modern medicine with Ayurvedic practices, emphasizing the significance of lifestyle choices in managing health. She highlights her running journey, stating its positive impacts on her life beyond physical fitness, like happiness, accomplishment, and improved sleep quality. Neeta advocates for consistent running as a personal goal over speed or accolades, valuing its holistic benefits. As a family medicine specialist, Neeta discusses her approach to patient care, focusing on prevention and lifestyle mediation in chronic illnesses such as stress, anxiety, and diabetes. She stresses the importance of addressing basic health practices, like movement, nutrition, and sleep, alongside traditional medical interventions. Neeta shares insights on epigenetic and the potential to modify genetic predispositions through lifestyle changes. She addresses the specific health risks for South Asians, including predispositions to metabolic disorders, advocating for active lifestyles and strength training as preventative measures. The conversation delves into Ayurveda's principles, emphasizing its preventative and individualized approach to health. Neeta illustrates how Ayurvedic practices, such as sleep routines and diet adjustments, can significantly improve health outcomes. She advocates for the integration of Ayurveda with allopathic medicine, urging medical professionals to be open and curious about alternative healing methods. Lastly, Neeta offers general Ayurvedic recommendations for endurance athletes, suggesting mindful training, nutrition, and an understanding of one's constitution for optimal performance and long-term health. This conversation is about effectively bridges traditional and modern healthcare philosophies, advocating for a holistic, informed approach to health and wellness. Chapter timelines 0:00 Intro and background 3:46 Running journey 6:15 How did Ayurveda become of interest 9:15 Impact of epigenetics 18:00 Importance of strength training 21:00 How does Ayurveda complement modern medicine 35:00 Practice of Ayurveda in modern life 38:00 Evidence based research on ancient medicine 50:00 Ayurveda for ensure athletes 54:00 Fun Q&A round 1:00 The last word

Mar 23, 202401:01:40
EP-131 In conversation with Srinath Nagarur on his incredible journey of fat-loss and fitness

EP-131 In conversation with Srinath Nagarur on his incredible journey of fat-loss and fitness

In conversation with Srinath Nagarur, a tech exec , who has been on a jounrey of self discovery in the area of fat loss, fitness and health. Having lost over 50 lbs in the last year, Srinath has dwelt into depths of nutrition science and psychology to find a hack thats working for him. This discussion covered several important aspects, including the importance of understanding the difference between fat loss and weight loss, the role of quantified nutrition, the psychological impacts of body image and weight management, and the power of habit formation in achieving sustainable results. The conversation highlighted how personal experiences, understanding the science behind nutrition, and implementing simple, sustainable habits can lead to significant changes in one's health and well-being. It also emphasized the need for patience, perseverance, and a focus on health rather than just aesthetics. Key takeaways from this discussion include: 1. **Quantified Nutrition**: Understanding and measuring your intake of macronutrients (proteins, carbs, fats) according to your body's needs can significantly impact weight management and overall health. 2. **The Importance of Protein**: Increasing protein intake can help with muscle maintenance and growth, especially as one ages, and it can affect hunger levels differently than carbohydrates, potentially leading to more effective weight management. 3. **Habit Formation**: Making small, sustainable changes and focusing on creating healthy habits rather than seeking quick fixes can lead to more lasting health improvements. 4. **Emotional and Psychological Aspects**: Addressing and managing the emotional and psychological aspects of eating and body image is crucial for a successful health and weight management journey. 5. **Customization and Personal Journey**: Recognizing that each individual's journey is unique and requires a personalized approach based on their preferences, lifestyle, and goals. 6. **Patience and Consistency**: Understanding that results may not always be immediate or linear, and that consistency and perseverance are key to achieving long-term goals. This conversation serves as a reminder of the complexity of health and fitness journeys and the importance of a holistic, informed, and patient approach to achieving and maintaining health and wellness. Chapter timelines 0:00 Introduction 4:00 Flashback 11:59 The emotional impact of weight gain 15:15 Getting beyond fads 20:53 Simplifying lifestyles 23:34 What is Quantified nutrition 31:37 Challenges of emotional eating 36:53 Power of Habits 43:54 The Japanese idea of Umami 50:26 Setting the right expectations on results 1:00 The fun Q&A round 1:03:24 The last word

Mar 17, 202401:04:58
EP-130 with Aum Gandhi on ultra-running, mental health and the American experience for South Asians

EP-130 with Aum Gandhi on ultra-running, mental health and the American experience for South Asians

In conversation with ultra runner Aum Gandhi, who is through his efforts amplifying the message around mental health and the South Asian experience in America. In his early 20s, Gandhi, then 29, embraced a sedentary lifestyle that resulted in weight fluctuations and mental health challenges, intensified by the demands of a high-stress engineering job. However, a transformative shift occurred when he casually took up running five years ago. This seemingly simple decision sparked a profound change as Gandhi developed an insatiable thirst for pushing his limits. What began with a modest 5K soon evolved into more ambitious challenges—a half marathon, followed by the ultimate feat of completing a full marathon. Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, Gandhi discovered the exhilarating world of trail running, which ultimately propelled him to achieve a remarkable milestone in April 2021: conquering his first 100-mile race. Gandhi's journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of embracing physical activity, not only for the body but also for mental well-being. His progression from a sedentary lifestyle to conquering ultra-distance races exemplifies the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for personal growth through determined pursuits.

Hana Asano. 

Jan 30, 202401:21:57
EP-129 with Harshal Patil on his getting started on running marathons

EP-129 with Harshal Patil on his getting started on running marathons

In conversation with Harshal Patil, a co-runner at the Mystic Miler running group , who has grown as a runner from barely running a few miles to running mutiple marathons with elan. Additionally he has been running faster and most efficiently , while also shedding 16 Lbs of extra weight in the process. We get behind the scenes on his journey. Chapter timelines 0:00 Intro and background 3:28 Flashback 5:35 Impact of hectic work-life 8:26 Start of fitness journey 11:05 The scaling of running journey 13:38 The first 10k and Half Marathon 16:33 The upside of COVID shutdown 19:38 Weight loss with running 21:11 Getting faster organically 23:37 The pivot to a full marathon 28:17 Resetting confidence for a full marathon 33:08 What is appealing about the full marathon 38:54 An breakthrough 2023 44:21 Why the Boulder marathon 45:54 Trail running 50k 52:15 What’s next on the horizon 56.21 The fun Q&A round

Jan 21, 202401:02:20
EP-128 In conversation with Manjeet Singh, tech exec, functional fitness coach and Spartan racer.

EP-128 In conversation with Manjeet Singh, tech exec, functional fitness coach and Spartan racer.

In conversation with Manjeet Singh, tech exec, functional fitness coach and Spartan racer. Manjeet can be reached on Instagram handle @coachmanjeet and on Facebook. An fascinating conversation around the importance of functional fitness and how it can be accomplished with little time our busy life throws at us. Chapter timelines 0:00 Introduction 2:56 Flashback 7:55 Staying active during young adulthood 13:30 Influence of wrestling 19:55 Impact of traditional eating styles to health 24:00 South Asians at higher risk of lifestyle diseases 28:39 The big bets for longevity 34:08 The need to self-experiment 36:25 Agile fitness during travel 38:33 The power of identity 41:38 The Spartan racing journey 48:15 How to train for a Spartan race 52:54 What’s next on the horizon 1:00:35 Fun Q&A round 1:10 The last word

Dec 04, 202301:13:17
EP-127 with Dr Srinivas Panja on dealing with grief and mission of the Runforjeev foundation

EP-127 with Dr Srinivas Panja on dealing with grief and mission of the Runforjeev foundation

In conversation with a dear friend, Dr Srinivas Panja who along with his wife Nirmala Panja, are learning to deal grief of losing their dear son to suicide in 2022. What makes them extraordinary is the fact that, instead of getting buried in pain, they have chosen to redirect energies tin bringing awareness to mental health issues among youth , by starting the The RunforJeev ( . The foundation aims to bring awareness and resources to the mental health crisis through strategic projects and partnerships. Additionally, the foundation will focus on enabling a conversation amongst the South Asian community in America, where mental health is often not a comfortable topic of candid conversation. The RunforJeev foundation also organizes an annual 5k run/wak in Nov, the net proceeds of which go to the foundation . You can sign up for the event or make donations through this link

0:00 Introduction and background

3:02 A life thats turned upside down

6:52 Lessons from dealing with grief

12:22 Supporting each other as partners 

19:00 The power for reframing 

20:12 The power of running and yoga 

25:53 The power of social connections 

28:06 The story behind Run for Jeev Foundation 

Sep 25, 202342:28
EP-126 with Art Del Rio a former Navy seal and top ironman finisher

EP-126 with Art Del Rio a former Navy seal and top ironman finisher

In conversation with Arthus Del Rio, a former Navy Seal , and co-founder of Team RED4. Founder, Arthus Del Rio, US Navy Seal (Ret) races in honor of all of those who have served, are serving, and will serve the SEALs. Team RED4 is a non-profit race team dedicated to highlighting Naval Special Warfare Foundations. You can learn more about the foundation and make donations at Chapter timelines 0:00 Intro and background 4:19 A quick background about the Navy Seals foundation 7:41 The journey to becoming a Navy Seal 10:21 Getting into Triathlon 18:14 Getting into the Navy Seals program at age 33 21:27 Secret of getting through intense Navy Seal training 22:28 What’s a Hell week 27:15 Graduating the Nave Seal program 34:46 The dive phase of Nave Seal program 43:47 Triathlon journey post Nave Seal retirement 47:46 Starting the Ironman journey 49:30 Training for Ironman 51:14 Virtual self supported full Triathlon in pandemic 58:01 Qualifying for for Ironman world championships 1:01 Doing back to back Ironman 1:05 Nutrition and Salt :The secret of super endurance 1:09 Art’s salt and gel protocol 1:19 The Nice France Ironman Championship story 1:23 What else is working for performance 1:28 The Fun Q&A round 1:38 The last word

Sep 24, 202301:39:39
EP-125 with Jayme Linker world record holder on rowing across the Atlantic and the Pacific

EP-125 with Jayme Linker world record holder on rowing across the Atlantic and the Pacific

In conversation with the amazing Jayme Linker from Colorado. Jayme's story is about second chances , and making the best use of it. From struggling with eating disorder to finding purpose in her competitive endurance ocean rowing , she is pure inspiration . In 2021 she participated in the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge on a mixed pair team which it took her 51 days and change to complete. On June 12th, her mixed pairs team Aloha Kai will be rowing the Mid-Pacific where she will become the 1st US-born female to row both of these oceans. Jayme rows to raise money for Eating Disorder Awareness as she has suffered from an eating disorder for over 2/3 of her life and has dedicated her life to helping others not suffer like she has. 0:00 Intro and Background 2:57 Flashback, where it all started 4:59 What caused the eating disorder/and its impact 11:26 The beginning of Endurance lifestyle 13:28 How did water enter the scene 16:26 Prepping for a ocean row 23:00 Competing in ocean rowing 24:00 Navigation 25:53 The difference in rowing Atlantic and Pacific 29:02 Scary moments 30:42 Rowing in the night 32:51 Importance of mind control 34:31 The Bear Moose Hideaway Foundation for Eating Disorder 42:11 What’s next is circumventing the ocean 58:40 The last word

Sep 13, 202301:00:32
EP-124 in conversation with Amit Bhosle on his journey to finishing the first 100 miler

EP-124 in conversation with Amit Bhosle on his journey to finishing the first 100 miler

In conversation with Amit Bhosle , a techie from Seattle on his jounrey of weight loss that turned into a path to endurance sports. From his start in road road running combined with passion for mountaineering, that eventually culminated into his quest for the 100 miler. The 100 miler is the gold standard for ultra runners, kind of like what a 26.2 is for road runners. We get behind the scenes on his amazing jounrey and take some simple yet powerful life lessons . Chapter timelines 0:00 Intro and background 3:45 Flashback, where it all started 18:14 Getting into mountaineering 23:26 Evolving into ultras 32:07 The first 100 miler attempt 43:34 What eventually nailed a 100 miler finish 52:40 The top 3 lessons 1:00:10 What next on the horizon 1:01:25 The fun Q&A round 1:08:47 The last word

Jul 25, 202301:10:39
EP-123 with Sonia Ahuja her journey of ultras and recent top 5 finish at Badwater 135

EP-123 with Sonia Ahuja her journey of ultras and recent top 5 finish at Badwater 135

#ultrarunning In conversation with the incredible Sonia Ahuja, who recently became the first Indian-origin woman to compete and finish at the top 5 spots in the Badwater 135, considered to be the highest foot race in the world. Furthermore, she has distinguished herself as a world-class elite ultramarathon runner. In September 2022 she came first overall in the 100-mile Miami Florida Ultramarathon and then in January 2023 she ran the 135-mile Brazil Ultramarathon, where she set the record as the fastest female, coming in third overall and was the fastest international runner. Chapter timelines 0:00 Introduction 3:48 How and why it All got started 8:47 Shifting to longer runs 14:39 Pivoting into ultras 17:52 The Pandemic effect 21:18 The need to push more mindset 23:39 How did the winning mindset develop 28:09 Winning the Miami Florida and Brazil 135 36:02 Why get a podium finish 38:53 The Badwater 135 journey 47:51 How to prepare for the Badwater race 53:32 How did it feel to finish on top at Badwater 58:39 How to deal with a missed goal 1:04:15 The top lessons that are working 1:09:23 What’s next in the horizon

Jul 08, 202301:25:53
EP-122 with Ironman Maneesh Rai on his best tips on training and fitness

EP-122 with Ironman Maneesh Rai on his best tips on training and fitness

In conversation with Maneesh Rai, a multi-time Ironman finisher. We get behind the scenes on his journey of fitness. Key lessons include tips on swimming long distances, the power of habits, and how to build consistency. Chapter timelines 0:00 Background and Intro 2:57 Flashback 13:14 Journey to the first Ironman 17:34 Swimming the Alcatraz 25:26 Fixing the running gap 29:06 The top 5 best practices that is working 29:46 Have a plan 32:47 Importance of Consistency 33:50 Importance of Cross training 36:06 Manage injury proactively 39:09 Focus on distance, not speed 43:58 Nutritional strategies 47:11 What’s next in the journey 51:02 Fun Q&A round

Jul 02, 202358:59
Episode #121 with Anusuya on her new life in N America and how she managed to stay fit amidst the big change

Episode #121 with Anusuya on her new life in N America and how she managed to stay fit amidst the big change

In a conversation with Anusuya Ashok again on her second stint in the podcast She was featured in episode 62, where we talked about her incredible running journey, check it out. Anusuya is first a Saree runner, then an ultra runner and now she is an ultra yogini ( YTT200 USA Yoga Alliance Certified) and also a level 2 nutritionist. Check her Instagram handle @anu_lokha to learn about how to get super flexible using yoga. In this outing, we focus on her move to N America, and how she managed to keep her fitness alive in a completely new place, new culture, and new colder weather conditions.

Chapter timeline

0:00 Intro and background

4:02 Transition to N.America

8:09 Learning to live amidst snow

9:07 Self-motivation mantra

12:57 Yoga

21:49 Restart running in America

28:53 Running in a Saree in America

30:52 Differences in Running in India versus America 

37:43 Fun Q&A round

37:59 What’s new in food choices

41:24 Favorite time of workout

42:44 What’s new in Gadgets

43:49 What’s the best compliment you got

45:15 What’s the hardest criticism you have got 

49:21 Wrap up, the guest's last word

Jun 09, 202351:19
Episode #120 with Ricky Singh on his journey to 50 states club, summiting Mt Everest and running 100 milers

Episode #120 with Ricky Singh on his journey to 50 states club, summiting Mt Everest and running 100 milers

In conversation with Ricky Singh, on his incredible journey of well-being and fitness. We get behind the scenes on why it started and how it became a project of relentless pushing of limits.

Highlights of his accomplishments include 50 state marathon club, summiting Mt Everest and Mt Manasalu, finishing the Badwater ultramarathon, and a gamut of other 100 miler races. That's incredible given he started only in 2005 and went all out while raising a family and running a business.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background 

2:42 Flashback

5:33 The first marathon

6:51 What was the motivation

9:10 Why pick running 

12:36 The approach to scale

13:37 Beginning of mountaineering journey

22:33 Mt. Everest summiting experience 

26:56 Transformative Nature of Mountaineering 

34:08 The ultra running journey 

38:04 Why push the limit

39:54 Did breakdowns happen?

41:25 What does the family think 

45:50 Ricky’s top 5 lessons

51:11 What’s next on the horizon 

54:08 The fun Q&A round

1:02:22 The last word

Jun 01, 202301:06:07
Episode #119 with Kiran Krishnamurthy on his journey to Boston and Tahoe 200 mile ultra

Episode #119 with Kiran Krishnamurthy on his journey to Boston and Tahoe 200 mile ultra

#ultrarunning #marathonrunner Kiran Krishnamurthy's roots in running are atypical. An adult-onset runner, who is naturally "underweight" as Kiran describes it, his motivation was to get fit and never about getting in shape. Running was never a passion for him till 2016. It started with Fitbit challenges with friends and found it tough to win by just walking, so he took up running to get more steps in a shorter time span. With a newfound liking for running, he joined the local hiking club. Since then he has been running to explore the beautiful trails in the Bay Area and looking to run marathons/ultramarathons and keep pushing his limits. Chapter timelines 0:00 Intro and background 4:07 Flashback to where it all started 9:06 Journey to BQ 15:29 Scaling and figuring out nutrition 27:02 Running downhill for BQ effort 29:43 Dealing with a difficult year 33:51 The Pandemic year, a turning point for running 39:49 A self-supported 100 miler 44:49 BQ finally 47:17 A unique approach to training, the mid-week long run 52:10 The Boston experience 54:26 Journey of the Tahoe 200 59:55 Benefit of Yoga to Training 1:04 The Tahoe 200 experience 1:11:53 What’s Next on the Anvil 1:114:17 The fun Q&A round 1:20:28 The last word

Apr 28, 202301:23:36
Episode #118 with Sadhana and Sudhakar on conquering the Abbots world marathons together

Episode #118 with Sadhana and Sudhakar on conquering the Abbots world marathons together

In conversation with the incredible running couple Sadhana and Sudhakar on their journey of conquering the Abbott world majors together. Sadhana is a management graduate who currently works with her family business in the well-known South Indian restaurant chain A2B. Sudhakar is an engineer and tech professional. They have two lovely kids. They are an everyday couple with a common passion for running and well-being, and they achieved this incredible feat together. Chapter timelines 0:00 Intro and background 7:20 The beginnings 12:47 Moving to the USA and signing up for the half marathon 17:34 The first full marathon 21:28 The start of Abbot's major journey 24:23 Running medals as jewelry 30:11 The feeling of shaving off 90 mins for PR 32:53 The next three majors 39:52 the decision to move back to India 42:12 Balancing parental responsibilities 44:23 Positive impact on marital relationship 49:04 Training in India 57:58 The Tokyo finale experience 1:08:40 What’s next on the horizon 1:11:05 The fun Q&A round 1:20:16 The last word

Apr 23, 202301:22:27
Episode #117 with Sundar Kumbakonam, Co-Founder of the Journeys Within on the purpose of the spiritual quest

Episode #117 with Sundar Kumbakonam, Co-Founder of the Journeys Within on the purpose of the spiritual quest

#spirtuality #journey In conversation with Sundar Kumabakonam. Sundar is a technologist In 2016, he quit as Senior Director, Engineering, Broadcom Corporation, and pivoted his life in a different direction, to something he deeply cared about. He started by launching the Tapasya Yogashala in Bangalore. In addition to Hatha Yoga classes, the studio offers Yoga Teacher Training Programs. In his quest for ‘something more than life as usual, and through his voracious reading and learning, he stumbled upon many great teachers and notably Gurdjieff , which provided a way to put theory into practice. He is an active member of the Gurdjieff Foundation of India. We get behind the scenes and learn about some fascinating ideas and people in the conversation. Chapter timelines 0:00 Intro and background 4:14 The beginning of the spiritual quest 6:12 Osho’s Influence 9:10 Possibility of past life determination 11:54 What about Osho was interesting 15:15 The domain of judging 28:37 The next big influence 34:19 The advice to pause 35:44 Gurdjieff and the Fourth way, the next big influence 48:58 AN intro to Ravi Ravindra 53:06 What is the all about 57:05 Why Yoga 1:06 Gurdjieff teaching of the three brains 1:12 Why endurance and spirituality are complementary 1:16 The last word

Mar 19, 202301:18:03
Episode#116 with Sukumar Rajagopal, ex-Global CIO of Cognizant on his pursuit of fitness

Episode#116 with Sukumar Rajagopal, ex-Global CIO of Cognizant on his pursuit of fitness

Today's conversation is not with a runner or an ultra-endurance athlete.  It's a simpler journey of fitness that an average person struggles with. Most want to look good, feel good, and be healthy. And Sukumar's down-to-earth wit makes his journey personable. He has made it work with persistence.  We get behind the scenes on this fascinating journey, starting with wanting to get fit to find a marriage partner and the ensuing quest for fitness thereafter.

Chapter timelines 

0:00 Intro and background

3:45 The beginnings

8:36 The exercise conundrum

13:03 Stumbling into the WHY

21:45 The top three practices that helped

24:33 The tiny habit method ( freedom from demotivation )

30:52 Changing food habits

35:07 Concept of Tiny Grit and Reducing procrastination

46:14 What’s next is walking around planets

50:38 Fun Q&A round

57:42 The last word

Feb 25, 202359:34
Episode #115 with Ultra cyclist Shankar Muniyappa on his cycling journey, enhancing family and community leadership

Episode #115 with Ultra cyclist Shankar Muniyappa on his cycling journey, enhancing family and community leadership

In conversation with Ultra cyclist Shankar Muniyappa, who started as a commuter cyclist and scaled to endurance cycling. He also supported his friends to partake in a fitness lifestyle by creating a community. What's more, he does this along with his lovely wife, proving that the pursuit of endurance hobbies can be an enabler in marriages. His is a fascinating journey of growth and leadership.   Shankar has penned an article on bicycling safety, Prep URL: 

Some of his recent adventures include the following   

  • Couple: Beartooth Pass (Montana) 30 miles and 6,000 feet climb at 11,000 feet altitude
  • Couple: Deathride (Markleeville, CA): 100 miles and 14,500 feet elevation gain
  • Couple: Mt. Whitney Bike and Hike in 24 hours: (1) Ride: 36 miles and 5,000 feet climb (2) Hike 21 miles and 7,400 feet elevation gain
  • Low to High (L2H) Death Valley (Bad Waters) to Mt. Whitney: 147 miles and over 15,000 feet elevation gain
  • Double Century: 200 miles and over 14,000 feet elevation gain

Chapter timelines 

0:00 Background Introduction

3:45 Backstory

6:27 Selecting a proper bicycle

11:33 Cycling in the growing up years

13:35 Pivoting into endurance bicycling

17:58 Big changes to lifestyle to get fitter

21:50 Changes to nutrition

24:58 Improving power and cadence

28:06 The big rides with the wife to Bearttooth

34:01 The Mt Whitney adventure

38:28 The death ride adventure

43:25 Nutrition during rides

47:16 Creating a community challenge

58:59 What’s next on the horizon

1:00:57 Fun Q&A round

1:06:12 The last word

Feb 12, 202301:09:10
Episode #114 with Life and Business coach Mahesh Nambiar on how to peak your performance in the new year

Episode #114 with Life and Business coach Mahesh Nambiar on how to peak your performance in the new year

In conversation with Mahesh Nambiar. Mahesh is a coach, mentor, and consultant facilitating unprecedented personal and professional outcomes for individuals and teams vis-à-vis leadership, organizational development and change management, and process consultancy. Mahesh has dedicated himself to the pursuit of supporting others in producing the unthinkable and the unimaginable for the last 27 years and has altered the work and lives of over 150,000 people globally.  Mahesh also received the Priyadarshini National Award and Conference Rashtriya Ekta Award Issued by the All India National Unity Conference.

0:00 Intro and background

4:23 What is peak performance

7:17 Should we be effort or outcome focused

9:15 Why being results-driven isn’t satisfying

11:53 What is behavior

13:08 How do define the purpose

15:43 What’s the purpose if our well being

18:44 How to know if one is operating at the peak

21:39 Rat race versus operating at peak

23:24 Making what you say as important

24:42 What pitfalls should we look out

28:54 How to handle multiple priorities

33:29 Handling the lows

40:19 Wrap up

Jan 02, 202341:36
Episode#113 with Dr. Sripathi Kethu on his 38 marathons in 12 months to achieve the 50 states club

Episode#113 with Dr. Sripathi Kethu on his 38 marathons in 12 months to achieve the 50 states club

In conversation with Dr. Sripathi Kethu , on his amazing accomplishment of 38 marathons in 12 months to achieve the 50 states club in the US.  Sripathi has been on episode 7 of the RunYogi Diaries podcast where we talked about his running journey.  In the episode, we get behind the scenes on he executed a 38-marathon project in 2022.

0:00 Introduction and background

3:35 The ground zero of the 50 states project

6:07 The decision to do it in 12 months and logistics

13:58 Managing double marathons

15:33 Goal setting for finish times

17:09 Challenge of self-motivation

18:54 Staying healthy in-between marathons

20:17 Nutritional strategy

22:32 The scheduling challenge

23:45 Managing family commitments

25:28 Managing multiple terrains

27:05 The mental hack

29:57 The Sripathi rating of highlighted marathons

30:22 The most challenging one

36:24 The most fun marathon

37:11 The best-organized one

37:37 The worst organized

38:55 The best crowd support marathon

40:48 The smallest-size marathon

41:50 The largest-size marathon

42:21 The most complicated travel

46:17 The best marathon of all

49:10 What’s next in the hopper

51:14 The last word

Dec 30, 202253:23
Episode #112 with Vikas Malik on his 100-mile finish record, 50k wins & ketogenic diet
Dec 26, 202201:10:16
Episode #111 with Jeev Singh on his journey to ultras, Ayurvedic lifestyle, and environment

Episode #111 with Jeev Singh on his journey to ultras, Ayurvedic lifestyle, and environment

In conversation with Jeev Singh of London. Jeev is a successful tech executive in the banking Industry in London. His journey to well-being through running which led to highly conscious living is fascinating. As a deep thinker, the insights in the conversation were pure gold.   He can be followed on his Instagram handle @desi.runner

0:00 Intro and Background

5:38 Flashback, to where it all started

10:09 What triggered the change

13:56 Signing up for the Athens marathon

19:22 Life beyond the first marathon

22:45 Pivoting to trail running

30:05 Inception of environmental consciousness

32:18 Going longer into ultras

36:50 The 100 miler

30:04 Mantra for digging deep

42:33 Problem-solving obstacles

46:34 Goal-oriented workouts

48:20 Healing injuries

52:37 What is the Ayurvedic lifestyle

1:00 The Satvic lifestyle conundrum

1:09 What happened to the toxic habits

1:12 The Green Runner initiative

1:30 Fun Q&A round

1:39 The last word

Dec 16, 202201:41:29
Episode #110 with JJ's Coach Pramod on his journey of running. coaching and pursuit of excellence

Episode #110 with JJ's Coach Pramod on his journey of running. coaching and pursuit of excellence

In conversation with Coach Pramod, the chief coach of Jayanagar Jaguars( JJ), one of Bangalore's oldest running groups, that's grown into a premier coaching organization. Pramod, a multi-faceted individual with interests in theater, technology, and fitness, has trained over 7000 people to pursue their fitness and endurance goals.   A sprinter himself during his growing-up years, Pramod has successfully pivoted his passion for running into a mission for the greater community good. 

A believer in a structured approach to improving performance, he has also forayed into collaborating with coaches in Kenya to bring best practices back to India.   

He believes everyone runner, no matter their current levels must and can pursue their best. We get behind the scenes of his amazing journey.

0:00 Intro and Background

3:45 Flashback, to where it all started

9:44 Focusing on career

16:07 A fit family

18:23 How did Jayanagar Jaguar happen

20:43 The new innings of racing

23:08 Coaching journey at JJ

30:01 Finding time for multiple commitments

36:49 Resilience of women athletes

39:30 Managing JJ’s growth

43:42 Motivating trainees and scaling operations

48:57 The Kenya influence

53:59 Why everyone should pursue ones passion

59:05 What’s next on the horizon, the focus on youth

1:02:56 The fun Q&A round

1:08:39 The last word

Dec 10, 202201:10:34
Episode #109 with Ironman Dipa Patel on her journey of beating the odds to pursue a passion

Episode #109 with Ironman Dipa Patel on her journey of beating the odds to pursue a passion

In conversation with Dipa Patel, who had to fight the cultural and gender baggage growing up in America, to pursue her passion of log distance bicycling and eventually become an Ironman triathlete.   Her story is inspiring to many women of South Asian descent who may find themselves in similar circumstances and are held back either through limiting self-beliefs or lack of representation.  You will enjoy this very light-hearted yer insightful conversation with Dipa Patel.

0:00 Intro and background

3:15 Flashback to how it all started

7:57 The beginning of the bicycling journey

10:56 The cycling tragedy

16:46 The start of long-distance running

19:30 beginning the triathlons

24:58 Cross-fitness between running and bicycling

28:33 Barriers for South Asian women in endurance sports

36:28 Finding time to train

40:32 Injuries

42:09 Nutrition

51:10 What’s next on the horizon

57:11 Fun Q&A round

1:02:50 The last word

Nov 24, 202201:04:02
Episode #108 with Vishal Ahuja on journey of a late start to running, Boston Qualification, and Ironman

Episode #108 with Vishal Ahuja on journey of a late start to running, Boston Qualification, and Ironman

Vishal's story underscores the fact that you will never know unless you try. For someone who started running at age 38 with absolutely no prior running history,, to have gotten fast enough to qualify for the Boston marathon is an incredibly inspiring tale. You will love this conversation.

0:00 Intro and background

4:02 Flashback, to where it all started

6:09 Scaling from half marathons to full

8:14 The journey to qualify for the Boston

14:25 The Mountains to Beach marathon

18:20 Injury prevention strategies

19:31 The Boston marathon experience

25:09 Nutritional strategies

29:22 Why pivot to Triathlons

35:58 The open water scene in Bay Area , CA

38:02 The Ironman Experience

41:54 The Arizona Ironman 140.6

43:09 Tweaks for training for an Ironman

45:52 The New York Marathon experience

51:25 Fun Q&A round

Nov 12, 202256:33
Episode#107 with Satish Gogineni the fastest Indian to have Climbed Mt Everest and Mt Lhotse in 19+ hrs

Episode#107 with Satish Gogineni the fastest Indian to have Climbed Mt Everest and Mt Lhotse in 19+ hrs

In conversation with Satish Gogineni, the Hyderabad-born mountaineer, who climbed not one but two mountains in a single day. Satish summited Mount Everest and Mount Lhotse — the first and fourth highest peaks in the world – within 20 hours of each other, in one single expedition. This makes him the fastest Indian to achieve the double summit, a feat less than 100 climbers in the world have managed.

Oct 08, 202201:35:60
RunYogi Diaries #106 with Ultra runner Shajan Samuel on finding meaning through running and fitness

RunYogi Diaries #106 with Ultra runner Shajan Samuel on finding meaning through running and fitness

In conversation with Shajan Samuel, who takes us behind the scenes on his formidable journey of personal transformation through fitness.   Once overweight and feeling lost, Samuel used running to find purpose and meaning in his life. But in the beginning, it wasn't easy, after discovering that even running 100 meters was a herculean task, he went on a quest to transform himself physically and mentally. Among other things, he moved to live in the Mumbai slums to embrace an austere lifestyle that changed him completely.   Over the last 10 years, he has completed 12,24 & 36 hours of stadium runs, Malnad Ultra, Rann of Kutch, Berlin Marathon, Deccan Ultra & countless other runs.

Youtube version

Oct 02, 202258:44
RunYogi Diaries #105 with Arnab Banerjee on why and how he did the Bigfoot 200 miler ultra

RunYogi Diaries #105 with Arnab Banerjee on why and how he did the Bigfoot 200 miler ultra

In conversation with Arnab Banerjee, Seattle-based ultra runner and alpine-style mountaineer who was originally in episode 75 of the podcast.  He is back on the seat to talk about his latest adventure, the Bigfoot 200 miler foot race in the beautiful Cascade mountains of Washington, that had a 40% DNF this year. Bigfoot 200 is a tough point-to-point 200-mile race that needs guts, intense training, and passion.  Arnab is also the only South Asian finisher in the 2022 contingent of 200+ participants.

Youtube link

Sep 04, 202201:11:05
RunYogi Diaries #104 with Madhu Nagaraja on second chances and his journey to swim the English channel

RunYogi Diaries #104 with Madhu Nagaraja on second chances and his journey to swim the English channel

In conversation with Madhu Nagaraja, an incredible athlete who found his way back to his passion perchance amidst a personal breakdown. Sometimes, bad things happen for the good.   

Here is Nagaraja's incredible Open Water Swimming Career summary  

Open Water Swimming Career

Aug 21, 202201:34:25
RunYogi Diaries #103 with Ironman Tarun Chandrashekar for whom constraints aren't a show stopper

RunYogi Diaries #103 with Ironman Tarun Chandrashekar for whom constraints aren't a show stopper

In conversation with Tarun Chandrasekhar on his journey to Ironman as a Type 1 Diabetes situation. Tarun and Polly ( episode 102) are a Husband and wife duo who have managed to lead an active lifestyle as a family.  We get behind the scenes on Tarun's side of the story. This episode is so much fun and full of great learnings.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

4:17 Flashback, how it all started

6:23 Meeting Polly

7:30 Long-distance bicycling

10:10 Beginning of Running

14:55 Living with Type 1 Diabetes

19:33 Pivot into the world of triathlons

28:07 Managing training amidst a busy work schedule

30:31 The first Ironman experience ( Indiana)

36:39 The Ironman Texas experience

40:37 Road-bike versus the TT bike

45:32 What’s next on the horizon

Aug 07, 202257:38
RunYogi Diaries #102 with Dr. Polly Niravath on her challenging journey to an IRONMAN

RunYogi Diaries #102 with Dr. Polly Niravath on her challenging journey to an IRONMAN

In conversation with the incredible Dr. Polly Niravath, who has had an amazing journey of marathons and triathlons for over a decade. We get behind the scenes on how she did it all, despite having a busy schedule as a doctor, parent, and homemaker.

0:00 Intro and background

2:53 Flashback, why and how it all started

4:45 How exercise can help fight cancer

8:13 How long from couch to 5k

10:19 Early mistakes and lessons

15:31 The step up to the first full marathon

16:37 The positive rub-off on kids

19:52 Role modeling for self-care

23:56 Balancing priorities

25:08 The first marathon experience

27:30 Conquering fear of water for Triathlons

34:55 Scaling the Triathlon journey

36:40 Dealing with a DNF

37:41 The first 140.6 Triathlon

42:27 The First IRONMAN, IMTX 2022

43:13 Dealing with an Injury 2 weeks prior to race day

46:44 “Ironmind”

48:34 Building confidence through training

50:58 Finding time to train for IRONMAN

53:16 What next on the horizon

54:31 Fun Q&A round

59:55 The Last word

Jul 17, 202201:01:18
RunYogi Diaries #101 with Saurabh Bhasin on how to summit Mt. Denali( and other peaks)

RunYogi Diaries #101 with Saurabh Bhasin on how to summit Mt. Denali( and other peaks)

#mountaineering #denali   In conversation with ultra-endurance athlete and mountaineer, Saurabh Bhasin on how to prepare for something as challenging as climbing Mt. Denali. We get behind the scenes on how he did it.  Also, check out episode #61 if you are interested in Saurabh's journey in ultra-endurance including 140.6 triathlons and ultras.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

3:00 Getting re(started)

6:39 Training for the summit

16:54 Beginning of the trek

18:14 What happens at the gear check

19:57 Packing for the trek

21:53 Heading to Talkeetna,AK for a bush plane

22:28 The Denali base camp

23:32 Pushing to camp 1 (pic)

28:29 Pushing to camp 2 (pic)

31:15 Pushing to Camp 3

33:35 Camp 4, 14k ft ( pic)

33:48 West Buttress Ridge ( Pic)

35:10 Summit attempt day(pic)

36:47 The emotional state on day of the summit

41:09 The summit

43:09 Making your way back

46:12 How are teams created

48:23 How are effort and push determined for climbs

59:04 How does one process an amazing achievement

54:32 What’s next on the horizon

Jun 15, 202259:59
RunYogi Diaries #100 with Badhri Chakravarthy on his journey of 75 marathons in just 10 years

RunYogi Diaries #100 with Badhri Chakravarthy on his journey of 75 marathons in just 10 years

In conversation with Badhri Chakravarty who started running after he turned 50, and has not looked back. He started his running journey from scratch and discovered he is good at it. He shows us that it's never late to discover something about yourself.  From getting faster to finishing all the 50 states, he is on a path to 100 marathons. We get behind the scenes on his fun and inspiring journey.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

2:44 Flashback to where the running journey started

6:21 The first half marathon

8:31 Why running

11:44 The first full marathon

12:57 Scaling to more marathons

13:48 How the Chicago marathon changed perspective

15:52 Aspiring to do Boston

18:05 Starting to run after 50

18:29 Doing the Boston Marathon

21:48 Key success factors for consistency

24:48 The importance of family support

26:42 Dealing with others’ cynicism

27:57 The three people who inspire Badri

32:48 The project management mindset

35:26 The Big Sur marathon

39:46 The training approach

45:01 Race strategy

48:49 The funny episode in Alaska marathon

54:21 Views on stretching and strength

55:45 Importance of hydration

57:43 On the path to 100 + marathons

59:26 Why no ultras and trail runs

1:01:47 The Fun Q&A round

1:08:34 Wrap up and final word

Jun 08, 202201:10:37
RunYogi Diaries #99 with Gauri Jog on her journey from marathon to Iron distance triathlon( 140.6) with Asha foundation

RunYogi Diaries #99 with Gauri Jog on her journey from marathon to Iron distance triathlon( 140.6) with Asha foundation

In conversation with Gauri Jog on her journey of running from ticking off a bucket list to doing an Iron distance Triathlon in a matter of just 4 years.  She started running with Team Asha in 2016 and participated in two races that year, the San Francisco Half Marathon and Portland Full Marathon. In 2017,  she coordinated the running program and was the fundraising coordinator for team Asha. In 2018, she took on participating in triathlons, eventually doing the full Ironman in 2020.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

3:52 Flashback on how it all got started

7:04 The first run

10:22 Physical activity growing up

12:23 The first big race

14:39 The meditative experience in the first full marathon

20:07 Dealing with a layoff through running

23:22 Getting involved in coordinating for Asha

26:54 Beginning of the Triathlon journey

31:05 Learning to do longer and open water swims

38:41 Committing to do an Iron distance

45:43 Overcoming the mental block

49:01 The Asha 140.6 full triathlon

55:01 What’s next on the horizon

56:54 The Fun Q&A

1:00:06 The last word

Jun 02, 202201:00:56
RunYogi Diaries #98 with Santhosh Padmanabhan the founder of Runners' High community in Bengaluru

RunYogi Diaries #98 with Santhosh Padmanabhan the founder of Runners' High community in Bengaluru

In conversation with Santhosh Padmanabhan, a man on a mission of using running as a tool for empowerment for adults and children alike.  He founded Runner's High ( as a social enterprise and not as a non-profit or just a profiteering business. They have volunteers from the community coming forward to support all initiatives and currently have served over 10,000 runners.  Running is a simple yet beautiful activity that can open a world of learning for anyone. Runner’s High is a social enterprise, inspired by the infinite possibilities of learning and growth that running as a sport offers.  

Ever since it took off, Runner’s High has worked with children in Ananya Trust, Sita School, Spastics Society of Karnataka, Shristi Special Academy, Thulir, Snehadaan, and Asha.

Chapter Timelines

0:00 Intro and background

3:48 Flashback on how running entered life

11:28 Moving to the US and change of perspective

15:13 The Austin Asha phase

24:05 AT crossroads, figuring out what to do

26:40 Angst against societal unworkability

28:00 Taking Running into education

34:10 The birth of Runners High

39:07 Why runners are a happy bunch

42:13 Family’s reaction to an unusual journey

44:38 How Runners-high has spread

50:10 What was happening to personal running journey

54:57 Anandayana, a unique running event

1:01:46 Will there be a future Olympian

1:09:03 What next on the horizon

1:13:33 The fun Q&A round

1:18:50 The last word

May 26, 202201:21:11
RunYogi Diaries #97 with the young Rishon Magehalli on his journey to F4 motorsport racing

RunYogi Diaries #97 with the young Rishon Magehalli on his journey to F4 motorsport racing

Motorsport racing is an endurance sport The sport demands mental and physical fitness at the highest levels, especially if you are behind the wheel.  

An emerging sport in India,  it's a pleasure to be in conversation with this young man pursuing his passion.  In conversation with the 16-year-old Rishon who has been racing since 2017. In just 5 years his accomplishments have been very impressive in Karting both at the International and National levels. In his Debut year, right off the mark, Rishon won the best newcomer award and also won the 2nd runner up at the FMSCI Rotax Max Indian National Championship 2017 in Micro level. In 2018 he moved to the Junior Max category. In his first year in junior class, he won many accolades, two 2nd places and a third-place to his credit, and finished an impressive 4th place in the championship standings. Rishon made his International Debut in the Trofeo easy kart Italian Championship in 2018 and his best race result was in round 5 where he finished 5th place. He has had several top 10 finishes ending 8th in the overall championship standings. In 2019 Rishon was selected to represent India in the CIK FIA world championship 2019 by the Federation of motorsports India. He was qualified among the finalist in 2 rounds. His best race finish was 6th place. He has expanded his racing experiences in the CIK FIA World championship 2019. In the same calendar year, he did the X-30 junior level in India, Rishon finished in 3rd place in spite of missing round 2 of the championship as he had to attend the CIK FIA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2019. In 2019 Rishon was also leading the FMSCI Rotax Max Indian National championship in Junior max with 3 first place wins and a second and third place wins but had a DQ to his disadvantage and lost the championship. In 2020 Rishon did only round 5 of the X-30 FMSCI Indian Karting Championship 2020 in a SENIOR category where he finished 1st place. In the same year, in 2020 Rishon became the National Champion by winning the FMSCI ROTAX MAX INDIAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2020 in junior max and also won THE BEST DRIVER OF THE YEAR 2020. In the year 2021, After Karting Rishon took part in the National formula open-wheel racing championship 2021, the MRF Formula 1600. In his very first year, he claimed the 2nd runner-up title in the overall championship 2021. He ended the season on a high note by winning the final 2 races of the championship. He also got the best lap timing to end the championship.

May 18, 202250:26
RunYogi Diaries#96 with ultra marathoner Bipul Talukdar on his journey to the triple crown of 200 milers

RunYogi Diaries#96 with ultra marathoner Bipul Talukdar on his journey to the triple crown of 200 milers

In conversation with Bipul Talukdar, an accomplished ultra runner that is the only South Asian to have completed the triple crown of 200 miler foot races. He did this in 2021, in addition to his Cocodona 240 finish that made it a total of four 200 miler races in the same year.  His running journey started in 2011, with TeamAsha,  Silicon Valley Running Program that trains adults to run half marathons to raise funds for underprivileged children’s education in India.  We get to the backstory of this amazing endurance journey, the how and the why of it.   

Bipul can be followed on his Instagram handle @talespinboy

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro

4:25 Flashback on where it all started

8:09 Starting with marathons and scaling to ultra

12:28 Changes in lifestyle due to running

14:29 Who inspired the scale

18:16 The alternative to High volume training

30:37 Effect of training on mental health

34:38 Four 200 hundred miler year

36:01 How does a Virtual Tahoe 200-mile race work

44:23 The first two hundred miler experience

49:41 How to avoid blisters

55:58 The Big Foot 200 experience

58:03 Can a trail runner take in the scenery

1:02:58 What is mental strength

1:06 The Moab 240

1:10 How the body adapts

1:13:31 Spiritual dimension of ultra running

1:17 What next

1:26:08 The last word

May 11, 202201:27:47
RunYogi Diaries #95 with Ram Rajagopalan on his journey to Ironman

RunYogi Diaries #95 with Ram Rajagopalan on his journey to Ironman

Ram started his running a decade back. Starting with a local marathon, he scaled his journey to running marathons across the country and internationally. His pivotal moment came when he decided to give triathlons a try. Like all adult-onset swimmers, he overcame his trepidation for water and mastered the pool and open water. His first Ironman was in April 2022 in Woodlands, Texas.  We get behind the scenes on his incredible fitness journey that lead to the first Ironman finish.

0:00 Intro and background

4:11 Flashback, where it all started

7:52 The first marathon

13:05 Scaling

15:01 Learning from early mistakes in training

20:36 Dealing with Injury

22:37 Pivoting into ultras and triathlons

25:13 Mastering swimming

30:35 Is endurance sport purely physical

32:02 Overcoming the swim handicap

34:00 How to train for a Triathlon

40:00 What next on the horizon

41:51 The Fun Q&A round

47:14 Wrap up message

May 04, 202247:56
Episode #94 with Nattu Natraj on adventures of Badwater, Marathon Des Sables and many 100 milers

Episode #94 with Nattu Natraj on adventures of Badwater, Marathon Des Sables and many 100 milers

In conversation with Nattu Natraj, the first known person of Indian origin to do Badwater 135, a tough grueling ultra foot race. The Badwater marathon is 135 miles of hell in 140F temperatures. From Death Valley to Mt. Whitney. It gets so hot that shoes melt on asphalt. Therefore, the runners often seek solace on the white strips on the side of the road, where it is relatively less hot.   To prep for Badwater, Nattu completed the Marathon Des Sables. Marathon des Sables, or MdS, (French for Marathon of the Sands, also known as Sahara Marathon)[1] is a six-day, 251 km (156 mi)[2] ultramarathon, which is approximately the distance of six regular marathons. This multi-day race is held every year in southern Morocco, in the Sahara Desert. It has been regarded as the toughest foot race on Earth.  Additionally, Nattu has completed over 150 ultras including the Western States 100 and Hurt 100. Nattu and his wife Karen Bonnett Natraj ( Episode 92) are active members of the ultra community inspiring many to lead a healthy lifestyle.

0:00 Intro and background

6:22 Flashback to where it all started

11:23 Choosing the Badwater 135 as a goal

13:08 Doing the Marathon des Sables to qualify for Badwater

17:03 The beginners mistake at Marathon des sables

23:54 How to train for Marathon des sables

28:35 Prepping and Running the Badwater 135

33:12 How do grueling ultras change you

38:38 Motivations change with age

41:00 The western states

44:33 Finishing the most challenging Ultra, The Hurt 100

47:03 Food choices in ultra

52:30 The top 3 tips

54:24 What’s next in the horizon

57:36 The Fun Q&A round

Apr 28, 202201:04:18
RunYogi Diaries #93: "Masala Runner " Mohan Iyer, on common sense approach to run 100+ marathons across the world

RunYogi Diaries #93: "Masala Runner " Mohan Iyer, on common sense approach to run 100+ marathons across the world

Mohan is a technology executive for a day job and an accomplished marathon runner. What started as a casual hobby back in 2010 with a 5k in February of that year, grew quickly into a running adventure that continued until Covid put the brakes on it in February 2020.   He ran my very first full marathon in October 2010 in Chicago and has run 110 full marathons, 1 Ultra, and 54 half-marathons to date. What started as a weight loss journey turned into a passion. Mohan has completed a full marathon in all the 50 States plus DC. He has run on the 7 continents including  Antarctica and has also run a  marathon at the North Pole. He has also completed the World Marathon Majors (Chicago, Boston, New York, London, Berlin, and Tokyo).

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

3:16 Flashback, to how it all began

9:42 Getting bitten by the running bug

10:18 The First 5k to a full marathon

16:04 The first marathon

18:00 Training by instinct

23:42 How did the marathon bug happen

31:35 Gamefiy the running journey

34:12 Managing high volumes of running

38:58 How did running change over time

41:48 A common-sense approach to running a LOT

43:39 The importance of stretch and massage

46:21 Managing family commitments

47:54 The top memorable marathons

51:56 What next on the horizon

52:22 Food choices and preference

53:27 Fun Q&A round

57:41 Final wrap up message

Apr 09, 202258:46
RunYogi Diaries #92 Karen Bonnett Natraj on her ultra-endurance journey and mission to empower others

RunYogi Diaries #92 Karen Bonnett Natraj on her ultra-endurance journey and mission to empower others

Karen Bonnett Natraj is a long-distance athlete, and a Life Coach, focusing on Mental Fitness and Performance.    While her journey started with cycling in the 1990s when she joined some family members for the MS 150 ride, she went on to "Randonneuring" 1200k rides and later pivoted into the world of ultra running and Ironman. There has been no looking back since she started, as she scaled her performances and qualified for the Boston marathon and the coveted Western States 100. Her 2017 near-miss finish at the Western States has well written about, and we get to get behind the scenes on that epic race.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

3:02 Flashback of where it all started

6:12 Starting the long-distance bicycling journey

8:00 Randonneuring The 1200k rides

13:07 Fueling for the ultra-long rides

14:59 How did running enter life

17:46 Start of the ultra journey

18:34 Meeting Natu

22:23 Becoming an Iron Man

25:21 Dealing with lack of motivation

27:53 Doing back to back 100 milers

28:30 Strategy for recovery

31:27 What is eat clean

35:12 A new view on wellness and coaching

40:57 Western states 2017 a victory of mindset

49:30 What next on the horizon

56:32 The last word

Mar 31, 202256:59
RunYogi Diaries #91 on Infradian Rhythms and its impact on Women's fitness with Sapna Agarwal

RunYogi Diaries #91 on Infradian Rhythms and its impact on Women's fitness with Sapna Agarwal

In conversation with Sapna Agarwal, an advocate for women's health and fitness. Her mission of spreading awareness about important natural cycles,  unique to women is invaluable. The infradian rhythm is a 28-day cycle that regulates the menstrual cycle.  " Women are not little men", she quips, and rightly so. The fitness protocols that exist today exclude these factors leading to frustration and long-term health impacts. This is a must-listen if you are curious about how one can align natural rhythms to generate the best health outcomes.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

3:00 Flashback, how it all started

6:52 Adaptation, getting fit by cleaning home

8:43 Everything is not honky dory after losing weight

9:50 The self-sabotage phase

10:56 The ownership to change course

13:10 The daily struggle of creating change

18:34 Starting of the running journey

20:02 Discovering speed

22:12 The price of the obsessive runner

24:11 The start of an underlying illness

27:15 The impact of external stress on running

29:39 Leaky Gut syndrome

30:14 Letting the mind do the talking

33:21 The value of functional medicine

35:19 Empathizing one choice

38:01 Body Image and Mental health

40:34 What is Infradian Rhythm

46:13 Lifestyle aligned to a woman’s needs

47:26 Top 3 tips for women’s fitness planning

55:05 The importance of progesterone cycle

1:01:12 Why women should do strength training

1:08:31 What next in the journey

1:11:50 Fun Q&A round

1:17:08 Parting message

Mar 24, 202201:19:23
RunYogi Diaries #90 with Odia Ironman and Mountaineer Sidharth Routray

RunYogi Diaries #90 with Odia Ironman and Mountaineer Sidharth Routray

Sidharth Routray is the first known Ironman from the state of Odia in India and he takes pride in being a trendsetter. Odia and its people are one of the most beautiful and culturally rich regions in India.  He is also an avid mountaineer who has done peaks like Mt. Aconcagua, Mt. Denali, Mt. Orizaba, Mt El Plomo, and over 200 others. He is a proud former student of the prestigious National Defence Academy of Dehradun. Currently working as Head of Digital Marketing in San Jose, the Silicon Valley of USA.  We get behind the scenes on his amazing journey of personal loss and revival, and how endurance sport has enriched his life.

0:00 Intro and background

3:21 Who is a Payika

6:41 Flashback, early days of endurance /mountaineering

9:05 How to determine location w/o GPS

9:56 The organic farming journey

10:42 Life in LA mountaineering restart

12:12 The Bicycling bug

14:21 Hitting refresh

16:34 Balancing family

18:38 The Triathalon journey

21:58 Breaststroke in the half iron

25:32 Training for full Iron man and time management

29:09 Discipline is not a bad word

32:35 Role of spirituality in endurance

35:15 Summiting the highest peak in South America

40:02 3 weeks to an Ultraman

47:56 Overcoming lows

52:33 What next in the journey

54:08 The fun Q&A round

1:04:07 The last word

Mar 18, 202201:05:21
RunYogi Diaries #89 part 2 on Neuroscience and spirituality and Intersection ( or divergence )

RunYogi Diaries #89 part 2 on Neuroscience and spirituality and Intersection ( or divergence )

In conversation with Neuroscientist, Shrinath Kadamangudi, we explore where the physical stops and the metaphysical begins. Is the human experience merely physical, or is there something more? What is a personal will, and what is the self? A conversation of the brain is incomplete without dwelling on the metaphysical.

Mar 13, 202239:47
RunYogi Diaries #89 Part 1 Neuroscience 101 and importance of brain health with Shrinath Kadamangudi

RunYogi Diaries #89 Part 1 Neuroscience 101 and importance of brain health with Shrinath Kadamangudi

In conversation with Neuroscientist, Shrinath Kadamangudi, who for the last 8+years has been dwelling into the science of the brain. He went on to complete a B.S. in Neuroscience from UT Dallas and an MPhil in Neuroscience from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Shrinath is currently in the MD-PhD dual degree program at the University of Texas Medical Branch. He just finished his pre-clinical training and has recently commenced his Ph.D. in Neuroscience under the mentorship of Dr. Giulio Taglialatela, Director of the Mitchell Center of Neurodegenerative Disease Research, exploring therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s and age-related dementias. Shrinath is an avid fan of philosophy and metaphysics as well and is curious to explore the divergence and intersection of the brain and the spirit.

0:00 Intro and background

3:55 Why the pursuit of NeuroScience

6:29 What is NeuroScience

10:02 What is mapping

14:01 What is the time element in brain function

18:27 Why do we remember only somethings

21:57 Can bain frequencies communicate across bodies

23:20 What is Love

27:46 The main parts of the brain

31:32 The evolutionary organization of the brain

39:15 How to keep Brain healthy

44:51 Impact of stress on brain health

49:29 Why do Neurons die

Mar 10, 202253:49
RunYogi Diaries #88 Nutrition 101 with " Indian Nutritionist" and registered dietician Sarika Shah

RunYogi Diaries #88 Nutrition 101 with " Indian Nutritionist" and registered dietician Sarika Shah

#diet #nutrition #indian 

In the house today is Sarika Shah a registered dietitian and nutritionist who inspires everyone to live their best and especially working with South Asians in America. Her mission of keeping ethnic food central to the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle through science is commendable.   We get into a 101 on nutritional science so you can make informed decisions around what you eat  

You can contact Sarika at

Chapter timelines















Mar 04, 202251:35
RunYogi Diaries #87 on well-being through balancing energy with Dr. Nitin Bhatnagar

RunYogi Diaries #87 on well-being through balancing energy with Dr. Nitin Bhatnagar

In conversation with a cardiologist who is going beyond traditional modern medicine to provide holistic health to people.  As a cardiologist also trained in Energetic Medicine, Angelic Reiki, and as a Soul empowerment life Coach, he helps to empower people's lives. We explore the idea that we were energy and by hacking it we can access our well-being and ability to heal ourselves.

0:00 Intro and background

2:31 Flashback, how it all got started

8:53 How did the pull to alternative healing happen

10:48 What is energy medicine

16:02 How does one make a choice

21:26 The nervous system connection

25:57 The mindset of healing

28:22 Where does one start the balancing energies

37:44 The idea of ultimate fitness

39:14 The connection to Physical fitness

43:51 Knowing your WHY to create balance in endurance

48:38 What is listening to body actually mean

53:00 The other brains of our system

56:31 The last word

Feb 23, 202258:39
RunYogi Diaries #86 on pursuing a passion, getting faster and mental health with Coach "D"

RunYogi Diaries #86 on pursuing a passion, getting faster and mental health with Coach "D"

In the house today is Dharmendra, aka coach "D " aka Dhammo. Dhammo 's story of pursuing a passion by stepping out of their comfort zone and doing what makes one happy. From pursuing a Boston qualification to leaving a lucrative consulting job to start a coaching practice, his is a fascinating journey. Hope you take some nuggets of wisdom from his story.

0:00 Intro and background

4:02 Flashback and why the running started

7:50 Start of work-life and signing up for the first race

11:53 The New Jersey Marathon

13:47 Taking a sabbatical to pursue BQ

20:37 Training to get faster

27:09 Quitting job to pursue a passion

32:06 The fourth block to performance

33:49 Was leaving the job easy

41:07 The Boston Marathon experience

47:07 The experience of coaching

51:24 Mental health and running

55:10 What next on the horizon

1:01:36 Fun Q&A round

1:12:47 Wrap up the last word

Feb 18, 202201:13:24
RunYogi Diaries #85 with Colin Turner a born again runner and coach on how to run efficiently

RunYogi Diaries #85 with Colin Turner a born again runner and coach on how to run efficiently

In the house is Colin Turner, who is on a mission to help former athletes regain their fitness at any age, and find joy, fulfillment, and accomplishment. He is a lifelong athlete who is passionate about nutrition and wellness. Over the years, he has discovered what a difference fitness and exercise have made to his mental health, sense of accomplishment, and energy levels.  Colin can be reached on his website We get behind the scenes on his journey and listen to his secret sauce for running success.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Background and introduction

2:52 Flashback/How it all started

5:56 Rediscovering to run

8:46 What triggered the need to restart running

10:43 Going back to basics

15:54 The reason for not giving up

16:00 Mental side of endurance

19:43 The importance of mindful running

21:10 The importance of cadence

23:59 Measuring Power as a metric

28:20 The coaching journey

32:00 Measuring quality of sleep

37:19 The approach to nutrition

38:33 What next on the horizon

40:27 The fun Q&A round

Feb 10, 202243:52
RunYogi Diaries #84 on key attributes of healthy living with Health Lifestyle coach Sukanya Sridhar

RunYogi Diaries #84 on key attributes of healthy living with Health Lifestyle coach Sukanya Sridhar

#health #lifestyle In the house is Sukanya Sridhar, a health lifestyle coach that's making a difference by sharing her success with others. We zoom into the core principles of her coaching. Sukanya shared her personal journey of recovering from cancer and her pursuit of endurance sports in episode 6.

Chapter timelines

0:00 Intro and background

2:49 The why of lifestyle coaching

5:43 Discovering what it means to be truly healthy

11:08 Key attributes of a healthy lifestyle

18:07 Is the effort to be healthy worth it

23:48 Why do people struggle to prioritize exercise

29:52 The concept of mindful eating

38:24 The importance of rest

42:12 Finding one’s center

48:23 The importance of gratitude

50:05 The importance of relationships

53:33 Role of spirituality in health

Feb 04, 202201:02:31