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Dungeon Master Journals

Dungeon Master Journals

By Ryan Treanor

Each episode is recorded straight after a dungeons and dragons session I have run or played in. It's a way for me to make notes to myself but also to share the experience as a DM and what did/didn't work well. If you listen along I hope you get something useful out of it.
Currently playing episode

Keez campaign - entering the sunken citadel

Dungeon Master JournalsOct 29, 2021

Exiled - first warning

Exiled - first warning

Our heroes warn Queen Kishar of the Persians' intent and start preparing for war
Jan 26, 202401:32:01
Exiled - an unexpected ending

Exiled - an unexpected ending

The hero's arrive in Thrace
Jan 25, 202451:04
Exiled - evidence acquired

Exiled - evidence acquired

An "in and out" job brings more evidence than intended
Jan 23, 202402:25:31
Exiled- a slight revenge

Exiled- a slight revenge

A very long full session chase scene
Jan 18, 202401:41:47
Exiled- coastal betrayal

Exiled- coastal betrayal

Our heroes make it out of Greece and across to Persia
Jan 12, 202457:22
Exiled - a complex web

Exiled - a complex web

A short session of world building that was sparked by a random event during the last session.
Jan 12, 202419:28
Exiled - City chase

Exiled - City chase

The party are recognised before they even dock their boat, resulting in a long chase through the town and a death.
Jan 11, 202401:55:18
Exiled - a draining day

Exiled - a draining day

An encounter on the way to the next town nearly results in death :/
Jan 10, 202401:20:27
Exiled - Into the world

Exiled - Into the world

Cleodora hears of her father's death after the military coup and flees the city.
Jan 08, 202401:11:01
Exiled - Cleodora's character creation

Exiled - Cleodora's character creation

I talk through the making of my new character Cleodora the priestess of Zeus and some background on the game set up.
Jan 07, 202414:32
Lyson's epic - a toast

Lyson's epic - a toast

Roshoma, the centaur, gets the one and only successful hit on the dragon when she finds the one part of his body not protected by scales and successfully fires her arrow into him.
The severely injured dragon fights on claim victory and brings an end to our tale
Jan 04, 202401:19:47
Lyson's epic - into the fire

Lyson's epic - into the fire

Lyson and is band head into the town to face the dragon but their plan doesn't survive first contact as a guard is incinerated in the first round and the dragon doesn't let up on lyson. The fight continues next time.
Jan 03, 202401:08:17
Lyson's epic - rally the troops

Lyson's epic - rally the troops

Lyson runs into his cousin, a sharman of sorts, who seemed to know he would be here. Together, they rally a few town guards from the area and prepare to face a dragon
Jan 02, 202437:49
Lyson's epic - A moments respite

Lyson's epic - A moments respite

Lyson has a meal with the farmer Abrac and learns that a dragon has taken over a nearby town, so he prepares to face it
Jan 02, 202424:22
Lyson's epic - unheroic death

Lyson's epic - unheroic death

Lyson and Hadirseen prepare to be ambushed in the night, but apparently not well enough as Hadirseen quickly falls to the spears of their attackers. Lyson devastates the rest of them, appart from an archer who flees, but it is to late for his new friend who had a spear thrust under his ribs and into his lungs.
Dec 28, 202301:13:40
Lyson's epic - A brief meeting

Lyson's epic - A brief meeting

We learn about the political scene in Spata, and Lyson keeps a level head, preventing the situation from becoming dire.
Dec 26, 202341:49
Lyson's epic - beached as!

Lyson's epic - beached as!

Lyson gets shipwrecked and washed a shore on a Spartan beach. He finds another survivor, a centaur named Hadirseen, who has become deaf during the shipwreck.
They then realise they are right near a walled town and some humans are heading towards them, humans that don't seem very welcoming
Dec 23, 202356:47
Lyson's epic - Entering the Echoscape

Lyson's epic - Entering the Echoscape

Character creation for a solo play using the Savage Worlds system in my Echoscape system
Dec 19, 202332:04
Scarlet Citadel - episode 14

Scarlet Citadel - episode 14

Arrival at Peltzenhien
Aug 14, 202323:23
Scarlet Citadel - episode 13

Scarlet Citadel - episode 13

The carrion's claw
Aug 07, 202307:14
Scarlet citadel- episode 12

Scarlet citadel- episode 12

Fall of the Carrion Claw
Jun 29, 202322:18
Mysrika - sands of Mythos

Mysrika - sands of Mythos

AI adventure - first look at using AI to run the Ironsworn RPG and setting up for a game in the Egypt inspired Mysrika.
May 22, 202344:53
Scarlet citadel - episode 11

Scarlet citadel - episode 11

Wizards, blacksmiths and chickens
Mar 28, 202323:56
Scarlet citadel- episode 10

Scarlet citadel- episode 10

Possessions and Resurrection
Mar 04, 202324:59
Scarlet citadel - episode 9

Scarlet citadel - episode 9

The party slugs through some undead and gathers some loot.
Feb 20, 202313:21
Scarlet Citadel- episode 8

Scarlet Citadel- episode 8

A new home and returning to the Citadel the party finds the legendary elven sword "Arcturus the sword of stars"
Jan 27, 202318:04
Scarlet Citadel- episode 7

Scarlet Citadel- episode 7

Back to town and a little side trip to the shadow realm
Jan 27, 202327:22
Scarlet Citadel -journel 6

Scarlet Citadel -journel 6

Owlbears and Jailers
Nov 25, 202226:42
Scarlet Citadel- journal 5

Scarlet Citadel- journal 5

The party leave red tower to head to the Scarlet Citadel but decide to check out the secret entrance.
Nov 09, 202221:59
Scarlet Citadel- journal 4

Scarlet Citadel- journal 4

A whole lot of role-play and info dumping... best just listen.
Oct 27, 202235:50
Scarlet citadel- journal 3

Scarlet citadel- journal 3

The part kill a nesting pair of harpies in the ruins of the Scarlet citadel and the head down to the floor below where they fight a crimson tusked ogre and free the prisoner known as Teastrainer.
Oct 12, 202222:29
Scarlet citadel- journal 2

Scarlet citadel- journal 2

The party gets the tick of approval from constable Roach and meets Konrad the wizard before heading out of town. They spend the night at the dwarves wood camp before continuing on to the citadel. The session finishes with the ruins in sight.
Sep 28, 202238:41
Scarlet citadel- journal 1

Scarlet citadel- journal 1

I share the background story that the players and I came up with and share the events of our first session of koboldpress' scarlet citadel. Owlbear attacks and bar games were the highlights as the characters get to know their new home base.
Sep 15, 202244:04
Keez campaign - entering the sunken citadel

Keez campaign - entering the sunken citadel

In this second session of our campaign our fourth player joined us with a haf-elf bard and we entered the dungeon to fight kobolds and giant rats. We also gained some knowledge about the past and present occupants of the sunken citadel.
Oct 29, 202113:22
Keez campaign - leaving town

Keez campaign - leaving town

I'm getting to play in an ongoing campaign and will be using this podcast as a form of campaign notes.
Oct 12, 202126:43
Horror one-shot

Horror one-shot

This episode I talk about my level 10 puss in boots bard and the horror one-shot I played him in.
Oct 12, 202124:41
October 11, 2021

October 11, 2021

Oct 11, 202100:26