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By RyAn

Truth be told, I’ve created this to tell my crazy life story as an experiencer, More importantly, I seek like minds so we can create spaces to properly evolve. It is my will to discuss potential solutions that will make an actual difference in our lives and lay a solid foundation for future generations.
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The night after 3 days of sleepless madness

TheEvolutionSolutionFeb 18, 2023

The important ?s and a couple of my OBE experiences

The important ?s and a couple of my OBE experiences

I tell a couple of my obe stories from back in the day
May 02, 202422:07
What to do about our kids future ? The digital concentration camp examined / how do we proceed?
Apr 30, 202433:57
My apology to friends, family, and humans in general

My apology to friends, family, and humans in general

My intention was to tell the story of my very unique life in fiction with truth scattered within it online / offline. The reason for this has to do with my own safety and to give me the leeway to have some fun with some not so positive subject matter…. And due to lots of things that became harder than I could imagine , as if some force did not want me to get this work done….. I didn’t do what I set out to do properly …. And for that …. I am sorry and I wish I’d done some things differently …. ( disclaimer - My goals were never gonna be easy to achieve )
Mar 06, 202448:01
Do we need to change our relationship with technology ?

Do we need to change our relationship with technology ?

The technology has gotten away from us in my view . And I been concerned about it for a long time … so I discuss why I feel this way and want to know what you think ?
Mar 04, 202423:30
Small things big problems

Small things big problems

I ask a series of ?s about nanotechnology and ponder what is exactly going on with my / our health . This is not for children adults … please don’t listen to it with them around . Thanks .
Mar 03, 202417:12
4am quiet rant

4am quiet rant

From the heart
Feb 27, 202440:16
Smart meters….how bad for our health are they ?

Smart meters….how bad for our health are they ?

I don’t want to put fear in your heart, I just don’t want ya ending up dealing with what I’ve had to deal with. This means we have to focus on solutions , and when the health risk is from unseen phenomena , other than praying ….we gotta get to the root cause and deal with it the best we can… this is part of my working hypothesis work on what in the world is being done to me and how . So we dig into solutions around here ..but it helps to know the problem like I said …root cause … this one is short and sweet. Just trying to do some good so others don’t get as blindsided as I did …. Love not fear y’all
Feb 10, 202408:11
Thoughts on our health 12/28/2023

Thoughts on our health 12/28/2023

What do we do about our health situation on this planet ?
Dec 29, 202321:10
Exit bleachers / enter game

Exit bleachers / enter game

Or the world , the reality , your health , your freedom could be at risk on a level I don’t think many can imagine … targeted individual control grid the future of the human race and solution issues are discussed . Btw…. I got a feeling GOD and Jesus have plans to change things around. Here and to be a part of that is an honor !
Nov 06, 202332:46
Things on my mind

Things on my mind

May be a little heavy for some of ya. My heart is in the right place
Nov 01, 202312:28
Something I want to get off of my c chest

Something I want to get off of my c chest

If anyone knows the most censorship resistant platform please let me know …. Help for the targeted individual would be cool to better understand as well
Nov 01, 202309:52
Back off

Back off

Where do we get good information at now , are our thoughts our own and how do we know the true nature of god and how to know the truth of all things …. Like the whole truth on the Maui fires
Sep 24, 202330:30
Mom went to the dentist and….

Mom went to the dentist and….

Aug 22, 202327:21
Ryan’s back. Church experience

Ryan’s back. Church experience

Aug 10, 202343:05
None of us promised tomorrow so

None of us promised tomorrow so

I probably need to get some deep dark secrets off my chest so you don’t go through as much as I have when it comes to some issues we now face
Aug 06, 202331:34
Chris Bledsoe on beyond skinwalker

Chris Bledsoe on beyond skinwalker

Check out the Chris Bledsoe episode on beyond skinwalker available on history channel and Amazon prime … I knew he had a history episode coming … didn’t know it was beyond! He’s the best dude in our paranormal / spiritual experiencer field so I’m super happy for him and the family ! Book called imo of god also available by Chris .
Aug 04, 202314:04
Message for humanity

Message for humanity

I tell.a few deep dark secrets I am privy to mixed with some stories about my unique life and what my working hypothesis is as it pertains to what’s going on in this world and what can we do about it !
Aug 03, 202359:59
When health care goes wrong .

When health care goes wrong .

After 2 insurance incidents , one being fraud, still on SSI but have no insurance expected to live on 900 bucks a month with a dying currency BY DESIGN… I ponder how to properly go on as it pertains to what I deem my purpose / purposes in life. This one gets a little heavy at the end.. IMO I AM RIGHT , yet surrounded by wrongness because I am onto some things ….the adversaries agenda… isolate , distract , and destroy me COVERTLY. My agenda , to shine light on the darkness and do what I must so those forces in the sky who love me for real deem me worthy to evolve to that better place …and if it is his will, make this reality better than it is now …. Why life in this reality and bear witness to what I have over the years and say / do nothing …? It simply feels wrong …so I risk my life to bring you all stuff like this …. To help you see where things are and are going if we don’t come together for real and…, CARE MORE…. DO MORE ..,I’d be more effective if more folks would simply walk with me to the truth about some very important things …. Health care is just part of a much bigger issue we face .., AND IMHO … much like GOD, I want / need to know …. Who’s who in this zoo we call earth…. It’s crazy , but I feel I’m looking for the same thing he is… a new family….for a new earth …50 years it’s taken to REALLY FEEL that in my heart … I’ve wanted it for the longest ….but now I’ve been through enough to realize how damn important it really is….pain, torture , isolation , these things will make one LOVE and appreciate TRUE FELLOWSHIP AND GOOD HEALTH … FOR REAL!! Love y’all
Jul 28, 202323:11
My unique life .. why you should care about it …and what appears to be the task at hand…

My unique life .. why you should care about it …and what appears to be the task at hand…

There was a fork in the road back there somewhere …. One way takes us to freedom … evolving … and a better world … and the other appears to be a digital form of slavery with unseen tactics , covert weaponry , and a very toxic environment along with tech that can have us chasing our tails with distractions .. Protection from GOD and his good crew , perhaps Jesus and some angels , Forces that don’t want us to have to be done this wrongly ( my life seems to be a bit of a test subject for some of this nonsense I do not consent to to be honest ) and I am simply speaking about multiple working hypothesis which tends to get me in trouble it seems but a world with the messed up things I am experiencing isn’t a world many of us would want to be a part of IMO so if it kills me speaking so openly about this ….then at least I did not consent to it , and showed GOD I am trying to do what is right … based on what I am experiencing…. I don’t think he would want his children dealing with a world this covertly rigged IMO… and would want us to have safe spaces to evolve and exist without all the covert trauma tactics .. control grid that even effects us in our homes… I pray for this to stop in my life and in others lives as well, so we can more easily create a world that is healthier , people that are happier , and establish boundaries between what we really want , and what some other force wants to do to us or trick us into consenting to…. The truth has never been so important
Jul 01, 202359:59
Talkin bout Mel and Neil interview

Talkin bout Mel and Neil interview

Jun 14, 202305:14
Back from the hospital exploring the Havana syndrome diagnosis in Florida and ….

Back from the hospital exploring the Havana syndrome diagnosis in Florida and ….

Surprise surprise …. Went on my own free will and they still found a way to baker act me . See moving to Florida article at newsletter and on , and subscribe to the targeted justice feed/ page , and Clif high , and Jon Rappaport ( sp?) LOL. Baker act info is being used as a get locked up and observe while dealing with some strange stuff…. Oh, and more disappearing clothes LOL WHICH IS A TREND FOR ME … possible gang stalking tactic ? I don’t know. Ask a TI and see what they think ….bottom line , we face what many of us are dealing with or we fall prey to it …. And I just walked into the fire again to see what’s up and prayed my way out after ….. of course being baker acted …. See moving to Florida article and repealing the possibly unconstitutional baker act in Florida . The no. 2 state in America that google searches Targeted Individual…. 1 is California and. Look a how many people have fled that state for one reason or another . Fires that scream directed energy weapon tactics IMO and others …the truth is not pretty in America at this time , but opportunity if we rise like lions and create safe spaces for living and evolving. Some of our institutions have failed us . Time to face this and create a better world together I say ….what do you think ?
Jun 13, 202308:07
I was gonna be good today with what I was gonna say then…. I didn’t … oops .

I was gonna be good today with what I was gonna say then…. I didn’t … oops .

Do we still have a first amendment … ? I was trying so hard to talk about non controversial subject matter and I just totally went off the rails on this one … but what is the truth ?
Jun 05, 202348:32
Hot 2 liter in fridge

Hot 2 liter in fridge

How does a 2 liter lid get that hot in a refrigerator ?I I kind of collect anomalies and many are easily explained away . Some are not … so I share them…and get myself in trouble from time to time which tells me the anomalies at times have a story … sometimes they do not . 🙏🏼😃
Jun 05, 202320:43
The week the cat got out of the bag about RyAns unique life .

The week the cat got out of the bag about RyAns unique life .

The week the smart grid decided to abuse RyAn and what it means for all of us .. I break the silence on a certain court case in Texas involving RyRy and 3 letter agencies … and a certain list full of people being done wrong …
May 26, 202330:03
Mind control 101

Mind control 101

I share a personal working hypothesis about mk ultra like programs and what do we do about it. Face it, stay positive , and make sure our thoughts are our own for starters….. not for the faint of heart or those who rather not know the truth or at least explore it …..
Apr 16, 202328:41
Attention TI’s

Attention TI’s

My intention, to give you hope , to be there for you cause imo I’m here for a reason…this is happening on our, I’ve not stopped thinking about you all since the Thursday call. I need to give you more. I need to create the safe spaces initiative IMO BEFORE I leave this earth. Hospitals and mental places won’t cut it and are dangerous. Our goal, to make the mainstream look like fools for not addressing this TI Havana syndrome thing…. It’s the elephant in the room , it has a lot of moving parts, disinformation everywhere….. we create a parallel society or give our kids transhumanism and slavery …. I’ll do better next time , but you need to know some things about the situation and myself …. Keep your head up… stay mobile , and I give you some links you can use but some like meditation techniques are not a one time and I’m all better thing … there is a formula , and if we can cure cancer , as a healer myself , we can handle this…..with the proper protocols….. we have abilities or they could not be on our ass like this YALL …think about it., U need me, you text me ok? Here to serve
Apr 01, 202358:12
Can I be normal ?

Can I be normal ?

My attempt to test fb and myself in not talking about a lot of things I tend to talk about cause it’s important …. It matters …. But it runs people off…. So I’m testing things here gang….Dont look behind you….. there is an alien from planet pop tart and his people really want their pop tarts back….. SEE , I FAILED ALREADY 🙈😃
Mar 11, 202309:05
Can I be normal ?

Can I be normal ?

A test with fb
Mar 11, 202327:15
Church door locks 15 min late so I made this

Church door locks 15 min late so I made this

Texas TI case
Feb 27, 202348:43
The video you must watch

The video you must watch

Check out, then find the economy of the energy body post that has video and a list of links that if we take action together on, we will change the game . Weapons for evolution and spiritual battle in those links and the video is certified gold by RyAn DeCarmine.. And that is rare.
Feb 22, 202324:13
Good news

Good news

Billboards and needing dr joe training like we need air….
Feb 18, 202319:21
The night after 3 days of sleepless madness

The night after 3 days of sleepless madness

This may offend some … sorry
Feb 18, 202344:17
Twitter ghost town test post and oh yeah … TI s lives just got a bit more complex BUT….the cat is….

Twitter ghost town test post and oh yeah … TI s lives just got a bit more complex BUT….the cat is….

OUT OF THE BAG ON THE TARGETED INDIVIDUAL PHENOMENA . I collect he’s crazy opinions so when I show people otherwise …. It’s another documentary episode if I live long enough… Chemtrails , ufo’s and now , believe me this time when I say u r gonna want to sit down for the full story …. Let the lawsuits commence …. ( now hiring security detail LOL
Feb 16, 202330:52
Call to action / safe spaces needed

Call to action / safe spaces needed

The Targeted Justice cases are underway ( one for now ) and it’s heating up in TI LAND…. And I rather be elsewhere..,. But need options , among other things ,see Substack T I feed for all the info
Feb 15, 202330:52
Do u c what I c ?

Do u c what I c ?

Feb 15, 202330:52


My 2 cents on 22 vets a day dying from suicide
Feb 09, 202320:19
Consent 01

Consent 01

A subject I want to take a deep dive into not just for me , for all of us ..,. Doing the Nancy Reagan has its advantages! ( just say no) I
Feb 09, 202310:55
Sim city strangeness

Sim city strangeness

Feb 08, 202308:50
Help with some online things and Jon is on fire !

Help with some online things and Jon is on fire !

On Substack
Feb 05, 202306:12
Just something I wanted to share and a message to those who collide in wrongness

Just something I wanted to share and a message to those who collide in wrongness

That is all. Ps code orange 7 and 12 That part isn’t suppose to make sense so ignore the code orange statement unless u understand the message of course which most don’t by design and don’t ask me about it please
Jan 16, 202314:29
Code orange 7 and 12

Code orange 7 and 12

If u don’t understand this , it is not for you and simply ignore it Thanks
Jan 16, 202300:16
This one is all over the place cause when I try and help ti,s ...

This one is all over the place cause when I try and help ti,s ...

Well, I don’t like giving bad news and I feel I have to do it way too much...they ask me about things from time to time and it’s not always good news ...I do what I can for them
Jan 15, 202334:37
The story of the splitting of the earth experience

The story of the splitting of the earth experience

And some other info .
Jan 13, 202317:58
Made on the 11th of January . I speak of the house but it’s more about what is happening to many US.

Made on the 11th of January . I speak of the house but it’s more about what is happening to many US.

And I feel this needs to be said due to my surroundings and what I sense the future could be like for many of us. Stay prayed up ! 🙏🏼
Jan 11, 202306:39
The drive to honey lake.

The drive to honey lake.

I had an odd experience the past couple of days wanting to Goto this honey lake place but needed to feel it out first energetically, pray on it , so I showed up and this is what happened typical TI stuff …, this is gonna sound cocky, but all I could think about on the way home is…,., it’s a sad day in America if people knew what I did and what I just barred witness to the past couple of days . Pardon tech issue at very end.
Dec 23, 202201:19:18
Car accident increase and why I think it could be happening

Car accident increase and why I think it could be happening

Dec 16, 202215:16
Waking up crying and talking to GOD.

Waking up crying and talking to GOD.

This one is personal
Dec 15, 202254:31
Websites that help one navigate what I feel we all face.

Websites that help one navigate what I feel we all face.

Is he crazy ? Did he eat the brown acid at Woodstock ? The question you should be asking is how do I find out the nature of my reality .. ? And this is me trying to help the world with that
Dec 11, 202256:19
I’f u are a TI , I’d like to ask a question ?

I’f u are a TI , I’d like to ask a question ?

When you post on faaebook does your health change ? Feedback please .thank you
Dec 11, 202224:04
And along came a law officer and an opportunity
Dec 10, 202217:37