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The Homeschooling Journey: Tips and Encouragement for Going the Distance

The Homeschooling Journey: Tips and Encouragement for Going the Distance

By Sabrina Bjornstrom

Ready to be encouraged on your homeschooling journey? I'm Sabrina, passionate Christian, wife to Dave, mom of 6, and grandma to 19. Having recently completed 28-years of homeschooling, my goal now is to share encouragement and ideas with other moms, both those new to homeschooling and those already in the thick of it. I hope to help you stay motivated and convinced that homeschooling really is "the best job in the world"!
Episodes are short, only about 10 minutes unless I have a guest where we talk a bit longer. So let's jump in. So happy you're here!
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101. Hands-On Life Skills (Interview)

The Homeschooling Journey: Tips and Encouragement for Going the DistanceJan 20, 2023

141. Do You Think Your Child Might Have Dyslexia?

141. Do You Think Your Child Might Have Dyslexia?

Some studies say that one in five kids has some form of dyslexia. Today I talk about some signs that might make you want to take a closer look, especially if your child is struggling to learn to read. Links: Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jan 16, 202410:23
Special Announcement for 2024

Special Announcement for 2024

Happy New Year to you all! Please take a moment to hear today's short announcement regarding the podcast!

Thanks so much for listening. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jan 05, 202403:58
148. Timeless Christmas Classics

148. Timeless Christmas Classics

Today's episode offers a few suggestions of famous Christmas stories to cherish with the whole family during these last weeks of Advent.


Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Dec 15, 202307:45
147. Christmas Scavenger Hunt

147. Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Kids love scavenger hunts! Today I talk about a way to combine the fun of a scavenger hunt with a beautiful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas that the whole family will enjoy.


Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Dec 08, 202311:19
146. Advent Activities for Kids
Dec 01, 202309:33
145. Don’t Miss Out on Your Blessings!

145. Don’t Miss Out on Your Blessings!

Today I share a beautiful and simple poem that reminds us of our human tendency to miss out on the hidden blessings in our lives. Share this episode with your kids!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Nov 24, 202307:25
144. In Gratitude to Homeschool Moms!
Nov 17, 202309:52
143. How to Adapt to Dyslexic Challenges
Nov 10, 202311:18
142. Dyslexia Struggles Can Snowball!
Nov 03, 202310:07
140. He Knows What He Is About!

140. He Knows What He Is About!

Today I share a short meditation that has brought me strength and peace throughout my homeschooling journey and in many other aspects of my life. I hope you find that it touches you as much as it has always moved me.


Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Oct 20, 202307:22
139. Homeschooling on a Budget
Oct 13, 202310:16
138. Answering the Critics of Homeschooling

138. Answering the Critics of Homeschooling

Today's episode picks up from where I left off last week in offering my responses to a recent online forum for critics of homeschooling. Here's what they said... and what I'd like to share with them from my 28 years of experience.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Oct 06, 202310:42
137. In the News: Why People Look Down on Homeschooling

137. In the News: Why People Look Down on Homeschooling

Frequent news stories note the significant increase in homeschooling over the past several years. But not everyone is on board! A recent online forum asked people for honest critiques of the choice to educate kids at home. Here's what they said... and what I'd like to share with them from my 28 years of experience.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Sep 29, 202312:34
136. Finish Each Day and Be Done With It!
Sep 22, 202303:25
135. Recognizing Their Strengths

135. Recognizing Their Strengths

We moms tend to worry about the areas where our kids struggle. But let's turn things around and talk about identifying and nuturing their God-given strengths.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email


Sep 15, 202309:48
134. They Used to Read!

134. They Used to Read!

Today I share a humorous and powerful reminder from an all-time favorite author. This episode is one for you to enjoy with the kids!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email Reference:

Sep 08, 202310:18
133. Easing Back Into School

133. Easing Back Into School

How do you begin your new homeschool year? Today I talk about three simple ways to keep you and the kids enthusiastic about starting back into a new schedule!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Sep 01, 202309:05
132. Overcoming Homeschool Distractions for Moms

132. Overcoming Homeschool Distractions for Moms

Today I talk about three areas that can sabotage a successful and peaceful homeschooling journey. It's a good idea to be aware of them so you can make a plan!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Aug 25, 202309:04
131. Homeschooling Alongside Your Kids!

131. Homeschooling Alongside Your Kids!

Here's a reminder to take advantage of those opportunities to slow down and share in the excitement of learning new things with your children.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Aug 18, 202308:30
130. Five Reasons You Are Your Child's Best Teacher

130. Five Reasons You Are Your Child's Best Teacher

It's time to gear up for a new school year! Today's pep talk will remind you of why you're going to do a great job!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Aug 11, 202308:52
129. "Soul Surfer" Homeschool Mom!

129. "Soul Surfer" Homeschool Mom!

Remember Bethany Hamilton, world-famous surfer, shark-bite survivor, and … guess what else? Be inspired by the uplifting words of this amazing young mom.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Aug 04, 202309:06
128. Teaching Reading is Way Easier Than You Think!

128. Teaching Reading is Way Easier Than You Think!

Teaching reading is usually pretty painless... kids just naturally want to jump right in! Join me for today's interview with lots of encouragement from Molly!

Resources for today's episode: ABeka Letters and Sounds; Bob Books; Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons; Montessori Method

I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast

Or email me at

Jul 28, 202318:51
127. Homeschooling with Confidence and Humility

127. Homeschooling with Confidence and Humility

How can we balance being confident in our homeschooling while also knowing when to reach out for help? Today I interview a young mom who talks about the practicalities of walking this fine line.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jul 21, 202324:14
126. Take Advantage of Your Kids' Natural Gifts

126. Take Advantage of Your Kids' Natural Gifts

Today I encourage you to capitalize on your kids' natural gifts and talents! Learn to recognize their unique approaches to learning and understanding God's beautiful world.

 Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jul 14, 202309:06
125. The Delights of Reading to Toddlers!
Jul 07, 202319:52
124. Flags, Fireworks, and Founding Fathers!

124. Flags, Fireworks, and Founding Fathers!

Today's episode focuses on some of the fascinating history behind our country's Fourth of July celebrations. Your kids will especially love finding out about the kid who designed the American flag!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jun 30, 202308:42
123. Psalm 23 for Homeschooling Moms

123. Psalm 23 for Homeschooling Moms

Today I share a powerful and uplifting reminder of God's perfect care for us. Take a few moments to rest in the promises of our Good Shepherd!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jun 23, 202311:31
122. Hero Dads!
Jun 16, 202306:25
121. Time to Get Outside!

121. Time to Get Outside!

Today's episode is a fun one! Your kids are going to love this challenge!
Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jun 09, 202310:24
120. Celebrating the End of Your Homeschool Year (Interview)

120. Celebrating the End of Your Homeschool Year (Interview)

Today Stephanie joins me to talk about finishing another year of homeschooling. You'll love her genuine and gentle reminder to cherish the accomplishments of our children and to take joy in the beauty of our vocation as mothers.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jun 02, 202331:26
119. Honoring Memorial Day
May 26, 202307:34
118. Finding Your Summer Rhythm

118. Finding Your Summer Rhythm

What do you want your summer days to look like? Structured? Or not too much? Today I give some pratical tips for making the most of this glorious time of refreshment!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

May 19, 202310:14
117. Thank You to the Moms
May 12, 202307:34
116. Persevering Through Hard Seasons

116. Persevering Through Hard Seasons

Today author and homeschool mom Carrie Strong talks about how she saw God's hand leading her to continue homeschooling in the midst of some challenging life circumstances. You'll be inspired by her gentle reassurances.

Check out Carrie's book and her website:

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

May 05, 202322:31
115. A Daily Dose of Music

115. A Daily Dose of Music

Do you take time to enjoy classical music with your kids? If not, you're missing out, not only on some powerful physical and mental benefits, but most of all on one of life's greatest joys! Today I offer some simple ways to make music appreciation happen in only 5-10 minutes a day!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email


Vivaldi Concerto for Two Trumpets, Allegro

Apr 28, 202311:07
114. Do Report Cards Really Matter in Homeschooling?

114. Do Report Cards Really Matter in Homeschooling?

Grading and report cards... do we really need them in our homeschooling? After all, we already know how our kids are doing. Today I talk about how, why, and when to think about grades.

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Apr 21, 202310:24
113. Let's Talk About Homeschool Co-ops!

113. Let's Talk About Homeschool Co-ops!

To be or not to be... in a homeschool co-op. That is the question! It's that time of year where many of us have to make this decision for next school year. In today's episode I go over the pros and cons and help you think about what's best for your family!


Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Apr 14, 202310:14
112. Sharing the Easter Story With Your Kids

112. Sharing the Easter Story With Your Kids

Here's a fun project to teach your kids the true meaning of Easter! Resources mentioned:

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Apr 07, 202306:14
111. How to Choose Curriculum: It's That Time of Year! (Interview)

111. How to Choose Curriculum: It's That Time of Year! (Interview)

Today my daughter Rose joins me to talk about one of the best parts of homeschooling: choosing curriculum. We cover lots of practical questions: whether to use pre-planned curricula or choose your own piece-by-piece, how to know when something's just not working, and that all-too-common tendency to order too much from all those glossy catalogs!

Mar 31, 202330:47
110. Slow and Steady!

110. Slow and Steady!

Did you know that homeschool mamas are the absolute rockstars of consistency? Today's episode is a tribute to you! Be encouraged by these four ways you model: "Slow and steady wins the race"!

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Mar 24, 202311:46
109. Why That Fear of Failure?

109. Why That Fear of Failure?

Let's figure out what is causing us to go down this rabbit hole! Today's episode focuses on five reasons why and how to nip them in the bud! 

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Mar 17, 202312:60
108. Think You're Not Doing Enough? Hit the Pause Button!

108. Think You're Not Doing Enough? Hit the Pause Button!

Do you worry about not doing enough? Today I offer three quick shifts in mindset to deal with this widespread homeschooling fear. 

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Mar 10, 202306:03
107. It's All Greek to Me! Languages for Littles (Interview)

107. It's All Greek to Me! Languages for Littles (Interview)

We typically think of learning languages as taking place in highschool. So why would a homeschooling mom want to start Latin and Greek with her very young children? Find out today as Rose talks about some surprising reasons why!


Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Mar 03, 202329:52
106. Simple Ideas for Lent
Feb 24, 202308:03
105. Are You Asking Good Questions?
Feb 17, 202312:54
104. Story Time: Critical Thinking with Little Ones
Feb 10, 202313:37
103. Forming Good Character in Your Kids (Interview)

103. Forming Good Character in Your Kids (Interview)

What do "walking it backwards", shucking corn, and drawing on Bandaids have to do with teaching character life skills? Rose joins me today to talk about some gentle and fun ways to impress life lessons on kids.  It's never to early to start thinking about these! 

Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. I'd love to get your feedback! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Feb 03, 202331:59
102. Fieldtrip Favorites!

102. Fieldtrip Favorites!

Now's a great time to plan all those spring fieldtrips! Today I talk about some of our family favorites and how to take advantage of what's available in your area.

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jan 27, 202316:18
101. Hands-On Life Skills (Interview)
Jan 20, 202328:52
100. Top Ten Countdown!

100. Top Ten Countdown!

Today in celebration of the 100th episode of the Homeschooling Journey Podcast, I do a countdown of the Top Ten All-Time Favorite episodes. My hope is that you'll go back and listen again to the practical and timeless wisdom my guests and I have shared with you over the past two years.  And please reach out to me with topics you would like to see covered in the future. You are my inspiration for going forward in this endeavor!

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Message me on Instagram at homeschoolingjourneypodcast or at my email

Jan 13, 202310:20