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Sacred Guidance with StellaMuse

Sacred Guidance with StellaMuse

By Elise Carr

Like Psychology for the Soul in a Modern World ~ Blending Psychological & Ageless Eastern Wisdom. From the modern Western Psychological Sciences, personality and the body, heart, mind connection, to the Ageless Eastern Wisdom including authentic Tantra, Yoga, Buddhism and Esoteric mysteries of life, love, relationships & everything in between. Join me, Elise Carr M.A., Integrative Therapist, Conscious Relationship Expert & Eastern Wisdom Practitioner as I guide you along a Truer Path to Better Knowing and Understanding Yourself & and All That Is. Are you ready to journey with me...
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The White Tigress: Secret, Sexual-Spiritual Female Masters

Sacred Guidance with StellaMuseOct 22, 2019

Emotional Processing - Permanently Drop That Baggage!

Emotional Processing - Permanently Drop That Baggage!

Imagine living free of any and all emotional turmoil, pain, upset, anger, disappointment, jealousy, sadness and hurt from your childhood till now.

 It is possible.

Most people live in an internal prison of the mind and emotions. Non-stop all day every day. So reactive to the world and thus also so attached to the thoughts and feelings that arise that these thoughts and feelings not only FEEL real, they become who most of us think we are. I’m angry. I’m sad. I want this. I need that. You wake up it starts and it doesn’t stop until you go to bed and even then, it may wake you up in the night...

This is what many of us call “normal” and what most of us don’t realise is actually a self-created prison keeping us from living the life we are here to live.

How do we awaken from this? First, we realise our self in this story. Hello! I’ve been there too!

Alas, you can’t change that moment by going back and replaying it for the rest of your life BUT we can however use those moments as springboards to access the core emotions (pain / upset / regret / trauma whatever it may be for you) attached to that that which we have been carrying round AND then we get to work!

I call this practice ‘Emotional Processing’ think of it like learning how to permanently drop the emotional/mental baggage of your entire life so far and not collect any more moving forward. All by using the power of both eastern and western psychological practices in one artful process that you can use as a go-to whenever required.  

We dive into;

  • How you "trained for this!"
  • This IS an opportunity for growth
  • ‘Good Vibes’ only approach NOT the answer
  • Rising above the emotional/mental prison
  • Learning the Art of Emotional Processing: Basic 9 Step Approach
  • Sit & Relax
  • Breathe
  • Awareness & Acknowledgment
  • Accept the Experience
  • Direct Dialogue
  • Finding the Root Feeling
  • Feel
  • Witness
  • Transcending Emotions
  • Shift in Consciousness
  • Where to from here?
  • What happens when Emotions come up?

Stella Gem

"Once you can fully sit in that feeling space, in complete acceptance of “this is the feeling” you can then gently begin to shift your perspective this is the ‘reframing’ that Buddhist psychology talks of. This is the path to transcendence – and by that I mean transcendence of emotions controlling you, you are going ‘beyond them’ ..."

Stella Takeaway

"This is all part of the Path of self-realisation and thus the Path to integrating your ‘lower nature’ as we call it in Esoteric Psychology (that being your personality, physical, emotional, mental vehicles as I’ve spoken of in other episodes) and lifting all of that to your ‘higher or divine nature’ (we can call that Soul) which we are All here to learn." Enjoy

With love, Elise | StellaMuse

May 15, 202422:15
Parenting with Consciousness – From Surviving to Thriving the Early Stages & Beyond

Parenting with Consciousness – From Surviving to Thriving the Early Stages & Beyond

It’s a temporary time of sacrifice – a breaking open in ways, a breaking down in ways, a birthing and a re-birthing in ways. Particularly for the mother. But for all parents it is a new world of wonderment and undeniable chaos.

Together we explore

  • Limits of the body
  • What to be aware of to be able to Parent with Consciousness
  • The State of your '3 Vehicles'
  • How to assess where you are; Physically Emotionally, Mentally
  • What Support looks like for you
  • Loss of Identity
  • Where to get Emotional, Mental and Physical Top Ups or Benefits
  • The more Psychological Approach
  • Allocating time and resources to recharge YOU
  • Sacrifice V's Your Own Personal Time
  • Navigating Crisis
  • Seeing our Partner as “not being (good) enough”
  • WHAT to be Conscious of as Parents
  • No Shame in Asking for Help
  • Knowing Yourself
  • Opportunity to learn Divine Attributes
  • Guidance for the Mama's
  • Guidance for the Dada's
  • Parenting with Consciousness as Your Evolution

Stella Excerpt

"My Golden Key for you is to allocate time and resources to doing what recharges YOU - It’s not enough to just be ‘conscious’ or ‘aware’ as a parent. It is about taking action on getting your primary needs met too. Of course, it won’t be to the same degree as before – PB – pre-baby as I call it. But, even a little bit will top you up enough to get through a day, or the week…"

Takeaway Gem

"IF you can regulate your needs; physically, emotionally and mentally (even spiritually for those of us walking the path) it will make this time of transition easier. Though not necessarily easy. Finding moments of more ease and calm amid the chaos does help you continue on and slowly rebuild gently with time."

In Light & Love of the Soul, Elise | StellaMuse


Feb 21, 202437:34
The Life Changing Art of Detachment

The Life Changing Art of Detachment

We are creatures of habit. Creatures of comfort. Who seek pleasure over pain, familiar over unfamiliar. We’ve been programmed in modern times to seek the fast, cheap and easy in life. Be that in diet, fitness and health regimes to fixing our relationship problems in ‘only three steps’.

What if we instead turn within and seek to learn The Art of Detachment?

Detachment from thoughts, emotions and behaviours that limit us and keep us repeating the same cycles while our bodies age and weary. As a result, we may well reach the high point which the Ageless Eastern Wisdom, many faiths and philosophies speak of. A point ‘of lived wisdom’ we could call it.  A point where we cease to create suffering for ourselves and others.

Together, We Also Explore

  • Detachment – the great experiment
  • Modern Western psychology of detachment
  • The Ageless Eastern teachings of detachment
  • Beauty, Wisdom & Truth of philosophies & faiths;
  • Baha’i Faith of Persia
  • Buddhism (including Zen)
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Jainism
  • Kabbalah
  • Taoism
  • Letting go & the practice of Firm But Loving
  • Harmony, ‘de-taching’ & the Path of Least Resistance
  • The Art of Detachment & the Art of Letting Go
  • The Internal Battle – Soul V's Personality
  • Questions and self-inquiry for meditation & contemplation
  • Your True Nature

Stella Excerpt

"Letting go has for too long been associated with endings, death, suffering and pain. When as we know, it is simply part of the cycle of all that is. Both The Art of Detachment and The Art of Letting Go are therefore simply part of this cycle too. It is in letting go of what no longer serves; in the toy of childhood. In the habitual reactions to a lovers’ doing or not doing what is desired. In the repeating of out dated habits; be that over eating, smoking, buying more stuff or aimlessly scrolling social media, that something dies, ends and, de-taches. Allowing something new to take its place. A tiny shift, a tiny change and thus a tiny turn upon the spiral of life moves us forward."

Takeaway Gem

“…and if nothing else what if I asked you to ask yourself what are you most attached to right now? how can you better deal with that? What is one thing, aspect, person, that you can detach from; be that mentally, emotionally, physically, so that you are no longer hurt, impacted, affected?”

Your starting point today is simply to take one attachment that you have right now, that you know does not serve you. That is causing you hurt, pain or harm in some way and begin The Art of Detachment from it. As you come to sense, feel, know the liberation that it brings, it will fuel you to continue to take the next attachment, and the next. Slowly peeling them back and casting them off and onto the fire. Making way for your freedom and the consequent freedom of others.

In Light & Love of the Soul, Elise | S*M

Aug 03, 202037:20
The Mystics & The Esotericists ~ Blending Heart, Mind & Beyond

The Mystics & The Esotericists ~ Blending Heart, Mind & Beyond

Today more than ever, if we are to walk the Path we walk it not only for ourselves but, to purify ourselves to be channels of light to illuminate the way for others. We do so by harmonising and blending the Way of The Heart with The Way of the Mind. The Love with The Wisdom. The Mystical with The Esoteric. For the Mystic of yesterday is to become the esotericist of today.

Let’s explore some famous mystics and esotericists. How we can not only learn from them but, also how we can develop our heart mind connection to reach our highest potential and carry onwards and upwards the flame they bestowed upon our Way.

Together, We Also Explore

  • What is Mysticism?
  • Some famous mystics…
  • The Way of the Heart
  • Poetry by Hadewijch
  • The Way of the Mind
  • Modern Mystics & Practical Mystics
  • Well known esotericists
  • Wisdom | Mind
  • How do we shift from modern mystic to awakening the mind?...
  • Esoteric readings that may speak to you…
  • Where to look and what to look out for
  • Beyond the words – semantics, symbolism and the meaning of ‘man’
  • Study
  • Mind Meditation
  • Forms of practice before ‘meditation’
  • Training the mind
  • Wisdom quotes from Bailey & Blavatsky

Stella Excerpt

keep in mind, there is not one Path, there is never only one way. What works for you and I may be entirely different and that is perfectly fine. Just be honest with yourself that you are working on the mental/mind as well as your emotional/heart/astral and, body/physical.

Takeaway Gem

This esoteric way, of blending heart and mind is one of knowing that ‘what is outside is also within’ – that we are one; the microcosmic of the macrocosmic.

May you find your Way to blending the heart and mind as you walk your Path.

In Light & Love of the Soul, Elise | S*M

Jun 18, 202040:58
Flourish Through Adversity: No Mud, No Lotus

Flourish Through Adversity: No Mud, No Lotus

How do you get to living from that place where you radiate as the Lotus you are here to be, when you’re feeling stuck in the mud of adversity; be that challenge, change or crisis?

If you pay attention you can sense, hear, learn and know that the mud serves and nourishes you. It can help awaken, teach you compassion and turn knowledge and lived experience into wisdom.

So, let’s look at some ways you can Flourish Through Adversity by embracing the opportune mud along the Way.

Together, We Also Explore

  • The Eastern story of the Lotus in the Mud
  • Understanding the Relationship - The lotus needs the mud
  • Adaptation & The art of Indifference
  • Cycles of Crisis, Tension & Breakthrough
  • Detachment & Being the Witness
  • Observation - The key to transforming
  • Taking Responsibility – with questions to Muse on
  • Helping One Another
  • Moving closer to Your Truth
  • Self-Reflection Questions

Stella Excerpt

“You are the Lotus, wherever your focus along the way at any given point your highest self is also striving to radiate your perfume and turn your head, heart and Soul unified toward the sun, to shine forth no matter what adversity you may have withstood or are currently experiencing at this seemingly unprecedented time.”

Takeaway Gem

“Eventually we learn without the darkness, there is no light. Without winter there is no summer, without Shakti there is no Shiva, no Feminine without masculine. So there simply can be no lotus without the mud. The little and grand challenges. The changes and growing pains we go through over seasons and years. The crisis’ we experience. Be them internally and silently in our own deep feeling and thinking, in our relationship with others we keep striving to compassionately and kindly love. And just as much as collectively, as a humanity in this overly selfish modern world we find ourselves living out life.

To resist the mud is to resist life. Progress. Growth. Evolution and, inevitable death before rebirth and renewed life can bloom.”

to finding your Way, through the mud.

In Light & Love of the Soul, Elise | S*M

May 07, 202037:59
7 Mystical Truths for Travelling the Sacred Path in Crazy Times

7 Mystical Truths for Travelling the Sacred Path in Crazy Times

When you are committed to walking a conscious path, of choosing love over fear even in crazy & uncertain times, you begin to ‘see’ & eventually know that there's only going forward, no going back; to who you were last year, or yesterday. That what was normal before is no longer. You awaken to the sacred that is within you. But how do you get from feeling fear & uncertainty to deeper awareness? How do you travel the Path in harmony & flow with the duality of this life?... Let’s explore!
Apr 03, 202033:35
Modern Love: Self, Lover & Soul

Modern Love: Self, Lover & Soul

Do you feel loved? Deeply seen, heard, cherished & fulfilled by love; with yourself? In a relationship with a beloved? By friendships, family, a teacher or guide? How about with Your own soul? Most people I work with are longing, hungry & wanting to fill a void. They feel, sense & know something integral to be missing. Let's cultivate, experience, explore and deepen your; Love with Self. Love with a current or future lover or beloved and, Love with All That is – from Soul to Spirit.
Mar 10, 202052:29
Secrets to Navigating the Spiritual Path

Secrets to Navigating the Spiritual Path

I want to share with you some wisdom secrets, hard won knowledge and sacred guidance of those who walk the Path; the mystical and esoteric, Yogic & Tantric, conscious and spiritual – however you relate to it. For leading a life upon the more genuine path can be made clearer with guidance from those further along the Way. What do you need to know from here? Let me share some of the key secrets to navigating what the Path will bring up for you if you do commit, or are already committed to this Way.
Feb 27, 202047:20
Balancing BEing & DOing in Relationships

Balancing BEing & DOing in Relationships

Balancing the two axis of DOing & BEing can greatly impact your daily life, your consciousness & spiritual path &, all your relationships. Especially intimate relationships. A union I call; The Lover & The Beloved. One who's more inclined to give love & One who's more inclined to receive. (Whether you're currently in an intimate relationship or not this exploration can easily be an opportunity to reflect, better understand & learn from previous relationships or prepare for future relationships as well.)
Feb 13, 202042:06
The Sacredness of the Moment – Embodying Presence

The Sacredness of the Moment – Embodying Presence

Instead of living in virtual worlds, living disconnected & severed from what you really are, distracted, worrying, rushing, anxious...I I offer you practical entry points to embodying your own presence. Guiding you to reconnect with the sacredness of this moment. Your life. Through the beauty of a consistent morning practice, learning the art, the beauty and the power of slowing down with calm stillness, being the watcher and witness of your personality nature, journeying with breath and beyond.
Jan 31, 202042:46
Loving Reconnection - GUIDED PRACTICE

Loving Reconnection - GUIDED PRACTICE

This gentle and loving guided practice will help you relax your physical body, calm your emotional body, and slow the busy mind with simple breath, self-reflection, awareness, visualisation and a soul alignment component. All to seamlessly reconnect you - beyond body, feelings and thoughts - to what you truly are, which is Love.
Dec 19, 201924:23
Self Care: Consumerism & Escapism or Love & Living Truth

Self Care: Consumerism & Escapism or Love & Living Truth

Are we becoming increasingly self-obsessed with ‘self-care’ as a new consumer driven craze or are we becoming more self-aware?
If we are becoming more self aware, how long do we dwell focusing on the 'self' before we see it's only a bridge to broader awareness beyond our individual selves? Let’s unpack self care from a consumer hype - escapism perspective, to exploring what healthy Self-Care looks like, how it weaves with Self-Love and why from there we find the bridge to Living Truth.
Dec 06, 201929:49
Transforming Anger & Unmet Needs into Intimacy & Activism

Transforming Anger & Unmet Needs into Intimacy & Activism

You get angry, you blame someone or something. It’s easy. It puts it outside of yourself & gives you a perfect out to not have to do any real work & break the anger cycle. From anger & blame, to unmet needs in romantic, professional & family relationships, & learning to get to the root cause - not just deal with effects, we cover it all. We also learn to move closer to love & intimacy & how anger can be used for good. For anyone who’s ever gotten angry or knows someone who has, this is for you!
Nov 23, 201935:56
Raja Yoga: The King of Yoga

Raja Yoga: The King of Yoga

Raja yoga focuses more on mental control than how good you look and move in yoga pants. Known as the Kingly yoga, it incorporates all the other schools & adds advanced mental practices. The Path of Raja yoga is one of study & mind control to unite you with your highest self.  Leading you to control yourself & your world. While it asks the most it gives the greatest return of all yoga; it leads to supreme enlightenment.  While there are different forms and ways to attain this, Raja is the highest form.
Nov 07, 201901:05:52
The White Tigress: Secret, Sexual-Spiritual Female Masters

The White Tigress: Secret, Sexual-Spiritual Female Masters

An elite secret sect of women who were devoted and disciplined in sexual and spiritual practices. With the key pursuit being to restore their beauty and youthfulness to reach and attain full feminine potential and become, as they term it, an immortaless … Come journey with me into the sacred world of The White Tigress.
Oct 22, 201933:44
Spiritual Values for a Purposeful Life

Spiritual Values for a Purposeful Life

You’re either governed in part by your values, or you're neglecting them & governed by someone else’s values. Walking a spiritual path of purpose is a commitment to your highest self, to all fellow humanity & to Source. It's in this simple yet profoundly deep & life changing commitment that you can truly find your purpose in the world. Knowing that no matter what life may place before you, you have your spiritual values like a north star shining on the dark night, lighting your path toward the new day.
Oct 11, 201933:54
Change: The Fear & The Beauty

Change: The Fear & The Beauty

Why do some of us struggle with change? Like the end of a relationship. A job that has ended or, our entire career is over. That we have to leave a place we love and move elsewhere. Then there is change in health, or the experience of a loved one dying or, life with a new baby. What is clear when we look at change and how we experience it is that if we aren’t closer to the embracing end of the spectrum, we’re likely creating fear instead. Let's explore moving from The Fear to The Beauty of Change.
Sep 25, 201933:30
Shining a Light on Suicide: Prevention, Support & Grief

Shining a Light on Suicide: Prevention, Support & Grief

This episode explores how to offer support in regards to suicide prevention. Including signs to look for if someone you know may be suicidal. How self-care while supporting those in need is also important and finally, the journey of emotions and grieving for those of us navigating life after someone we know or love suicides.
Sep 11, 201938:58
Healing the Psyche & Emotions from Sexual Trauma

Healing the Psyche & Emotions from Sexual Trauma

PODCAST MENTIONS SEXUAL TRAUMA Healing from trauma is a journey. There is more than one path you can take as you explore what is right for you, for where you are right now. Even if you haven't experienced sexual trauma in some capacity, you likely know someone who has. Some people aren’t aware there is opportunity to truly heal, even long after the trauma and I want to ensure, that as many people as possible know, that likely indeed complete healing is possible. Let's learn how...

Sep 01, 201923:50
Breaking Up with Toxic Relationships

Breaking Up with Toxic Relationships

Have you been in a toxic relationship at some point? With a romantic partner, friend, family member or colleague? Perhaps, you’re in one now. It can be toxic; physically / sexually, emotionally, verbally, mentally or spiritually toxic. It's important to acknowledge if you are in a toxic relationship of any kind. Equally important to be aware if you have a pattern of choosing or attracting these kinds of relationships. Or, if you're choosing to stay in one. Also knowing how to get the help you need...
Aug 15, 201935:01
Disillusionment with Life: from Illusion to Rebirth

Disillusionment with Life: from Illusion to Rebirth

The high becomes a low. It’s no longer worth it anymore; relationships – sexual, platonic, familiar, professional, work/career, the dreams you had, the goals you strived to make. When something comes to an end and those emotions you were feeling have dropped. The excitement, love, happiness is nowhere to be seen. Is this psychological or spiritual crisis? It can be both. But the letdown of disillusionment isn't your new life. There is opportunity to shift from illusion through disillusionment to rebirth
Aug 01, 201933:53
Money ~ Crystallised Energy Made Divine

Money ~ Crystallised Energy Made Divine

From the highest perspective money is energy. It's essentially love &, it's divine. You wouldn’t think that looking at the world we've shaped with money. How did we end up here? It’s been said humanity's trouble is a result of taking and not giving, grasping and not distributing. As a humanity, we've broken universal law in how we've taken and used money. Our role as conscious citizens of this new age is to change that. In order to make it happen we need to be informed to make right choices.
Jul 18, 201926:12
Spiritual Development ~ The Life Changing Relationship with Self, Teacher & Source

Spiritual Development ~ The Life Changing Relationship with Self, Teacher & Source

Self-development in the pursuit of personal growth, happiness & success has its limits. Does it have a place? Absolutely. Can it help? Definitely. Is it the end game? Not even close. Spiritual development takes you to places you have never seen or experienced before. It takes you deeper into knowing your true self beyond body, heart & mind. As renowned mystics, esotericists, yogis and greats among us all mused, they had a teacher. A guide who helped them truly know themselves. Are you ready to meet yours?
Jun 25, 201940:40
Esoteric Astrology: From the Moon to the Sun

Esoteric Astrology: From the Moon to the Sun

Many are still drawn to the moon. To cleansing crystals, gathering, chanting & dancing, moving & making 'manifestation' lists. I’ve been there too, blissfully none the wiser. But today I ask you, what if our energies are being misguided & wasted on a globe that has no light of its own? What if we are stuck in old ways that we should have out grown, but are so blindly attracted to the pretty shine & allure of promised moon magic, that we can’t see clearly to question & evolve to higher ground? Let's expl
May 30, 201935:17
Wesak Festival Full Moon

Wesak Festival Full Moon

Wesak is the Festival of the Buddha - the spiritual intermediary between the highest spiritual center; Shamballa & the Hierarchy. The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of Source / God. The Embodiment of Light & Indicator of the Divine Purpose. Wesak is celebrated at the Full Moon of May when the Sun is in Taurus. It is a day of reunion, pilgrimage & rejoicing expectancy. Ancient legend, mythical story or fact? Journey with me and decide for yourself as we explore this auspicious Festival.
May 10, 201926:08
Chemical Pilgrimage ~ Are Drug States Spiritual?

Chemical Pilgrimage ~ Are Drug States Spiritual?

Some want to feel God, be God, escape, avoid life, get high, be one, feel pleasure, have fun & they want to do this by taking something to get there. From ayahuasca & peyote to ketamine & LSD - I share the Ageless Wisdom, the ancient spiritual, psychological & soul based insights combined with modern science to answer some of the big questions. The alluring call can seem like the thing to buy into, but at what cost & benefit? And based on what factual knowledge & true wisdom are you making this choice?...
May 02, 201933:26
Living a Tantric Life: With & Without a Partner

Living a Tantric Life: With & Without a Partner

In Tantra, we work on the lower self and transform it: your actions, emotions and thoughts. Part of living a Tantric Life is learning your lower self. Then realising your higher nature and manifesting that into reality. So that you can live from your place of truth. True Tantra is transforming the lower to manifest the higher. This is part of living a Tantric life; working on yourself. If you stop growing you can easily slip back into old patterns, habits, addictions and ways. So, we must transform..
Apr 11, 201939:46
Rediscover the Essence of Tantra

Rediscover the Essence of Tantra

If you mention Tantra, most think it is purely sexual; multiple orgasms, multiple partners, multitudes of pleasure. I’d say this is more like multiple layers of glamour, illusion and fog now veiling the truth, the pure essence of what Tantra encompasses. The real Tantras are complex beyond what you can image. With many of the Western paths purely sexualised (to make you feel good as often as possible), the pure essence of this science and art is often lost. Let’s rediscover the Essence of Tantra togethe
Apr 03, 201935:46
Awakening Tantric Consciousness: From Sexuality to Soul Love

Awakening Tantric Consciousness: From Sexuality to Soul Love

Most of what we see in the world from social media and pop culture to the pseudo spiritual world of quick fixes and feel good pleasures speaks to our desire nature. We like what we like, when we like it and, we want it to feel good. As often as possible. While sex can be divine, it is not automatically divine. We have to make it so by consciously creating it that way. As sex and divinity can be weaved together, let's learn how in 'Awakening Tantric Consciousness: From Sexuality to Soul Love'.
Mar 20, 201937:15
Cultivating Patience & Radical Acceptance

Cultivating Patience & Radical Acceptance

Patience and frustration are a tricky seesaw to balance at times. Especially when you want what you want, how you want it, NOW!

We've grown increasingly impatient with day to day life and we've lost control of our bodies, our emotions and our minds. But what if you don’t need to get upset, frustrated, angry, or impatient? And instead learn to cultivate inner calm, a sense of ease, grace and peace. Almost like awakening the Buddha within you, your most powerfully poised self. Let's discover how.
Feb 12, 201929:22
Bodhicitta ~ Guided Practice

Bodhicitta ~ Guided Practice

If you want to experience freedom from fear, and those triggers that set you off and make you sad or mad and stressed. If you also want others to feel this too, then you are called to Bodhicitta. This isn’t a selfish motive, it is a selfless motive. You are drawn to helping every being on earth to also experience this. If you want to wake up, be non-reactive, open and fearless in the face of any challenge for your growth and the growth of all beings, I'm here to guide you there with Bodhicitta practice.
Jan 30, 201921:35
Desire ~ From the Playground to the Path

Desire ~ From the Playground to the Path

It’s not easy to rise above the animal nature of desires – the escapism (and at times addiction) of all that you crave, lust over and want; from sex and food, to shopping and porn, and all that’s in between. So, how do you cultivate control and will? How do you shift the primal animal desires, pleasure seeking or even sexual nature to a desire of the heart or something higher? This is what I want to share and explore together with you today...
Jan 14, 201943:09
The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

Everyone you know is going through something small or grand, it’s on their mind, it’s in their heart, it’s effecting their emotions and the way they feel. Even if something great happened just the other day, that unresolved or underlying issue is still there. Maybe you’re feeling this now too. But in the darkest of hours, we must accept that this is part of the human experience. That as Buddha realised, through his dedication to the Path of awakening, suffering is inevitable. But there is a way out.
Dec 17, 201833:41
Self-Care for Depression & Dark Times

Self-Care for Depression & Dark Times

We all can benefit from some Sacred Guidance to navigate the depression and dark times that affect us in this human experience. For at some point or often more than one point, along the way we are faced with these challenging time.

So, let’s explore together a top four of sacred tools that can help you or someone you know who needs some guidance in navigating depression or dark times.
Dec 08, 201826:00
Knowing Yourself Beyond: Body, Heart & Mind

Knowing Yourself Beyond: Body, Heart & Mind

It’s time we go beyond the familiar & comfortable and challenge ourselves to reach new heights and depths of truth, love-wisdom and innate beauty – to feel & know what we really are. Which is not our bodies, our feelings & emotions, or our thoughts. But love & light, ultimately Soul. With a higher purpose to contribute to a greater good. But first we must demystify the mistaken perceptions which govern us, then learn to clear the blocks that hold us back from higher consciousness. Are you ready?
Nov 19, 201801:06:12
World Servers of the New Age

World Servers of the New Age

There is a world group who are striving to supersede the outdated hierarchical efforts. From economic, political, scientific, religious, artistic and beyond, these people comprise of the World Servers of the New Age.

Breathing new life into the modern dark ages we are finding ourselves. They are working to educate humanity and expand human consciousness, so that newer, truer ideas may be grasped, embodied and acted upon.

Are you one of these World Servers of the New Age? ...
Nov 07, 201832:16
Yoga Nidra - Guided Practice

Yoga Nidra - Guided Practice

Yoga Nidra is that profound serenity felt between full awake, alertness, and sleep. That beautiful calm, relaxing in between space also known as yogic sleep. In the yogic tradition this practice is seen as ‘sense withdrawal’ to prepare you for the practice of meditation. When we turn our attention within, we have a better ability to help ourselves; to create that body, heart, mind connection.

Are you ready to come journey with me as I guide you through a practice of Yoga Nidra...
Oct 26, 201830:42
Chakras: Gateways to Consciousness

Chakras: Gateways to Consciousness

Through time the unfulfilled ways of the West, have sought wisdom of the East. Partly because people are pulled by the glamours of the Eastern Mysticism. One of those such mystical pulls are the chakras. Nothing is more popular amongst the spiritual and new age groups of today as learning to ‘activate’ and ‘force’ the opening of chakras.
I talk about this, some dangers that go with it, and bring some ancient wisdom to light. Wisdom that is unlikely shared in the modern books, courses and workshops
Oct 10, 201836:07
Harmlessness: Destroyer of Limitation

Harmlessness: Destroyer of Limitation

Harmlessness… sounds pretty simple, in its most basic form it can be. But this is no easy feat along the Path. Some of us interpret Harmlessness as not physically hurting anyone, others as choosing to not eat animals or to not speak cruel words. While all of this can be part of, it is by no means all there is to embody if we are to commit to Harmlessness as a way of life and discover it can indeed be the Destroyer of our Limitation and the key to our Liberation.
Sep 20, 201833:56
Spiritual Bypassing & Spiritual Materialism

Spiritual Bypassing & Spiritual Materialism

What you can look out for if you are falling into Spiritual Materialism or Spiritual Bypass - of avoiding the real work on the Spiritual Path. If you are clinging to the shine and glitz of the pseudo-spiritual circus while not actually committing to being ‘Witness’; not meditating and studying the wisdom and truth teachings, nor embodying the authentic Path that calls you, may be avoiding the work and simply pleasure seeking. So let’s explore what to avoid, be aware of and, what to muse on to get on t
Sep 13, 201845:21
Loss & Death: A Sacred Transformation

Loss & Death: A Sacred Transformation

If you are willing to come journey with me I want to share with you some mystical and esoteric truths on loss, the sacred act of dying and death and how we can help support ourselves, each other and those we meet along the way who just like you and I are inevitably also going to face this time. For death and loss is something we will all go through at some point, both as one who feels left behind and, one who crosses over the threshold departing this life.
Aug 30, 201844:08
LOVE ~ The Selfless Revolution

LOVE ~ The Selfless Revolution

It is quite a shift in perception to see that Love is not a sentiment or an emotion, it is not a desire or a selfish inspiration motivating you in your day to day life. LOVE when we talk of the grand overarching glue of all that is, it is The wielding force guiding all and leading the way to integration, unity and inclusiveness. Imagine that! THAT'S LOVE. So, let’s dive into this deeper…
Aug 15, 201830:12
Botox – More War on Beauty

Botox – More War on Beauty

Is selling an unattainable ‘beauty’ stripping peoples’ self-worth? Is this a form of perpetual enslavement? Are you a slave in this war on beauty? The lengths that you or those you know are going to, to not address what is going on within yourself or themselves – the fears, the insecurities, the insatiable desire to fit in or be ‘enough’ is ignoring the inner work that needs to be done. Choosing to pay for outer work to be done instead will never be enough... Let’s journey into Botox & More Wa
Aug 02, 201832:37
Navigating Anxiety

Navigating Anxiety

Fear, worry, nervousness, panic. Anxiety is not something that is easily talked about . Yet more people are finding everyday life harder to manage and want to find answers. Be it fleeting anxious moments, frequent sensations of angst, panic attacks when all gets too much to bear, anxiety doesn’t have to be a mystery. From a scientific, esoteric and psychological perspective we explore the connection between fear and anxiety, its root cause and practical methods you can explore for a brighter tomorrow.
Jul 19, 201824:41
Warriors of Compassion & Light

Warriors of Compassion & Light

Warriors are strong, resilient, courageous, ready for anything especially for battle. Though the greatest battle is within, it is of mind and emotions along with the glamours and illusions that veil the truth and keep us fixated on the physical body. True strength we learn along the path is found in the harmony of an open loving and pure heart, a trained mind and a purified body. So how do we start this training & go deeper? Let’s journey together and find out.
Jul 05, 201822:55
Feminine Disconnect to Empowered Heart

Feminine Disconnect to Empowered Heart

Disconnection is part of life. The cycle of the human experience. Though it may have you feeling that you have lost a connection to a deep part of you. Or have you wonder if you have ever been able to truly connect to an elusive part of yourself before. These experiences, thoughts and feelings may well be a disconnection from your inner empowerment; your Truth. Something that comes from fully embodying your feminine/being/creativity, in harmony with your masculine/doing/consciousness. Let's explore!
May 30, 201836:41
Navigating the 'Dark Night of the Soul'

Navigating the 'Dark Night of the Soul'

Dark Nights of the Soul are continual at intervals on the Path. As you release more and more of what you are not, you will walk in closer alignment with that which you are. These times of darkness can be the most painful and excruciating, confusing and lonely. They are less often psychological crisis and more often spiritual crisis. Today we journey together into the Darkness to Meet the Dark Mother Goddess of the Underworld...
May 17, 201840:35
Tantra, Kundalini & The Jade Egg, is this the Sexual Fast Food Movement?

Tantra, Kundalini & The Jade Egg, is this the Sexual Fast Food Movement?

Tantra, Kundalini & the Jade Egg are only some of the radically sexualised and glamourised ways of stripping the sacred bare. A direct reflection of the values we see in society today. Where the shiny, feel good, quick fix, instant gratification is not only easier, it looks sexier and more erotic and, of course, it’s the way to go as everyone is doing it, claiming it’s magical effects, 'Gramming and Tweeting about it...ready to peel back the veil and dive deeper into Tantra, Kundalini and the Jade Egg?
May 02, 201823:15
Awakening Truth, Love & Beauty

Awakening Truth, Love & Beauty

Some time ago now the words, “Truth, Beauty, Love” began coming to me as I sat in meditation. I’d never heard these words together. I knew “these are my values of sorts”, but not how they are deeply understood or, how and why they connect together. In speaking with one of my teachers they mentioned, “The good, the beautiful and the true”… which I began to Muse on deeper. Come journey with me today into Truth, Love & Beauty as we explore the shift from lack and not enough to aligning with wha
Apr 17, 201814:10
Are You Prostituting Your Soul?

Are You Prostituting Your Soul?

Have you ever made a decision that you knew was not honouring your truth? Then you have connected with the inner prostitute. I’ve done it. It’s not necessarily about selling your body, but selling your soul for gain, financial or otherwise. It is putting a price tag on yourself, at the highest cost to you. It is your challenges with, and fear of survival that drives the shadow prostitute. Your harmony with survival lets it live in the light and lets you live in greater alignment with your truth.
Apr 02, 201818:60