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Wellness Words

Wellness Words

By Sadie Goddard-Wrighton

As a certified Health and Wellness Coach and media lover, I'm excited that you are here. Thank you for pressing play. I have an absolute passion to share information with you so you can live your own life with grace and zest. Bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation. Wellness Words podcast episodes offer wellness insights and thoughts in short weekly snippets. Let's get the conversation started!
Currently playing episode

E#19 Bringing a vision to life

Wellness WordsOct 14, 2022

E#58 From Stress to Zest and everything in between

E#58 From Stress to Zest and everything in between

Let’s talk about Stress to Zest

Stress in general is a natural and normal feeling to experience in our daily lives and stress can play as a reminder that not everything goes to plan, and it reminds us of the good things in life (when things are going smoothly without a glitch). The thing with stress is that it can suddenly pop up unannounced and how we deal with the stress relates back to past experiences, our own coping skills, and overall acknowledgment of what caused the stress in the first place.

What I would like to share with you is the importance of challenging yourself to know what triggers your stress and what you may do next time when a similar stress happens.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

May 28, 202407:29
E#57 World Health Day and a time to check in with your health by Sadie
Apr 10, 202408:23
E#56 The Wellness Queen passionate about prevention and play with Mandy Price

E#56 The Wellness Queen passionate about prevention and play with Mandy Price

In this special episode, I talk with Mandy Price. Mandy is a counsellor, educator, party hostess and someone who loves to bring people together for play and deep connection. She experienced her own health crisis in the form of Adrenal Burnout and went on to create her Business ‘Welcome to Wellness’. Her mission is to support women to prioritise their own health - our health is your wealth - so they can have the energy and joy needed to be the best version of themselves. Mandy runs retreats for women which provide opportunities for women to Rest and Restore from the often frantic, stressful pace of modern life, to experience strategies that support the nervous system and allow rhythm and essence. Time just to ‘be’, to nourish your body mind and spirit. Self-care is an act of Self Love!

Find out about Mandy’s retreats:

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Apr 04, 202419:14
E#55 The Beauty of Sound and Stillness with Glenyce Durdin

E#55 The Beauty of Sound and Stillness with Glenyce Durdin

Sound healing has many benefits and in this week's episode, I talk with Glenyce who has had a wonderful life full of music directing and teaching. After working in television and directing many musical projects in South Australia, Glenyce has a business in Adelaide where she specialising in energy work and sound healing. Energy and sound work are modalities that offer a space to relax, immerse in deep reflection, clear your mind and the inner-chatter, and rest in holistic stillness.


To add to Glenyce’s repertoire of sound, she is a qualified Energy Code Coach. There is a level of calmness that shines when working with energy codes and sound healing. Glenyce has a sound studio and shares her talent by inviting you to enjoy “beautifully crafted acoustic surround sound experience for a deep nurturing relaxation”.

Listen and feel calm by purely learning more about the beauty of sound and stillness.

Find out more about Glenyce’s offerings at:


Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.


Mar 27, 202424:06
E#54 Compassion Fatigue is real with Sue Cosgrove
Mar 20, 202422:38
E#53 Ageless Networking with Helen Curry

E#53 Ageless Networking with Helen Curry

In this 3rd episode of Series 4, I chat with my long-time friend Helen Curry. Helen is all about networking and her passion for connecting people with information that she finds along the way. Helen’s avid interest in listening to a bountiful number of interesting podcasts and YouTube channels, all have a focus on health and wellbeing, and ageing well in the current world we live in. A self-proclaimed Ageless Networker, her inspiring comments and knowledge make you want to understand more about yourself and how you can foster a sense of purpose when sharing and passing on information to others. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Mar 12, 202417:00
E#52 Communication, courage, and confidence with Celeste Cleary

E#52 Communication, courage, and confidence with Celeste Cleary

In this episode, I chat with Celeste Cleary about all thing's communication, courage, and gaining the confidence to nurture others in a collective space. As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, Celeste currently focuses on group coaching and supporting organisations to deliver an array of workshops. Delivering sessions around topics such as stress management and communication skills, Celeste motivates her participants to communicate with courage and self-awareness.

Find out more about Celeste's by visiting

Mar 05, 202422:13
E#51 Welcome to Series 4

E#51 Welcome to Series 4

The Wellness Words podcast returns after a brief break with Series 4! Join us for the upcoming episodes where guest speakers will accompany Sadie on an enlightening journey, sharing their professional insights and experiences in the realms of wellness and coaching. We hope you'll you can join us for Series 4. Be inspired to set some intentions as it's the small things that make an impact on your life.

Feb 28, 202403:55
E#50 The benefits of lightweight exercise after surgery

E#50 The benefits of lightweight exercise after surgery

Thank you to all my listeners who have followed my Wellness Words podcast journey, which started last year, and to those of you listening now who have just started following my podcast and maybe surfing from episode to episode. Thank you. It’s a pleasure to write a new episode each week and this series, Series 3, has covered some interesting topics that focus on our health, self-confidence, balancing our busy lives, exercise, and opening our hearts to new possibilities. I wonder what episodes you enjoyed the most?

Today’s episode is about the benefits of lightweight exercise after surgery. It’s important to follow the advice of your health team but one of the regular conversations I’ve had over the past three years is the fact that, what forms part of our recovery is the integration of exercise and movement. When recovering from certain surgeries, it’s commonplace to start moving a lot earlier than we used to. Gone are the days when we convalesce and stay sedentary for weeks on end. Getting up and moving, slowly at the beginning, is a great way to get the circulation moving and getting the blood to flow and eases back mobility and strength.  

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jul 17, 202304:24
E#49 Tips to navigate working and running a small business

E#49 Tips to navigate working and running a small business

Business. It doesn’t have to be risky going into business!

As Series 3 only has one more episode to go, this is something of a story. I’m going to share with you, my listener, about how and why I do the work I do. With many years of experience in the wellbeing space, facilitating workshops, events, and co-creating many initiatives, it was meant to be. My very own micro-wellness business was born. A space close to my heart. A space where I get to meet so many beautiful walks of life. People looking for change. People looking for a change of routine, a change of pace, a change of habit, and even a change of mind. I say I own a micro-business, and it does fill my time up but in a beautiful way. I work during the day and into the evening most days of the week and honour the weekend with well-deserved family time and a time to reset.

Have you ever thought about starting your own business? It’s actually not as scary as you may think and when you have a passion and skill to share, it makes it even more viable to give it a go.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jul 10, 202305:51
E#48 Open your heart to change

E#48 Open your heart to change

Self-reflection and awareness are common threads throughout my coaching and my podcast episodes – sharing insights and strategies with other people. Friendly reminders that the easiest way to change can be to:

  • take small steps
  • think or visualise the desired result
  • talk about your intentions with people you trust
  • accept feedback along the way and celebrate the small wins
  • motivate yourself with writing your successes down in a journal or on a post it notes to remind yourself of your goal
  • take time to reflect on the small changes you are making along the way (this may mean being silent and some alone time to ponder)

Opening your heart to change is worth it’s wait in gold. If you’re like me, you know that you are more motivated to start the ball rolling if you have a clear vision of what it is that you want to achieve. We become less motivated when we feel that it may not be achievable, and we may have to re-gig the timing on when to start. Opening your heart to change can also result in incredible personal fulfilment and growth and when we welcome change with an open heart, we can then unlock a world of new possibilities and the next time we want to change something else in our life, we can easily tap into what worked well and what steps we put in place to achieve it.


Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jul 03, 202305:56
E#47 The benefits of walking

E#47 The benefits of walking

In today's episode, I’d like to explore and uncover the many benefits that walking offers to our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Let's begin by discussing the physical benefits of walking. Regular walking has been proven to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and enhance overall fitness levels. It's a low-impact exercise that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, regardless of your age or fitness level. Walking can help us manage your weight, lower blood pressure, and it can help improve bone density. It’s proven to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.

There are many mental and emotional benefits to walking. It allows time for feeling refreshed, revitalised, and our lungs are treated with fresh air. Walking helps stimulate endorphins, which then in turn elevate our mood and sense of being. Cognitively it helps us gain clarity and focus. Who would think that a quick walk around the block at lunchtime could be so good for us. It’s free and we can do it mostly anyway and anytime. Winter is always a tricky time to get motivated especially with darker mornings and nights. You are the one who knows when a walk can be purposeful added into your weekly commitments.

The Breast Friend Project - Lets stay active | Heart Foundation Walking

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jun 26, 202305:09
E#46 Nutrition and good food

E#46 Nutrition and good food

A healthy diet, as in food choices, is the foundation of good health. The way we live our lives, or what work we do (i.e., do you burn less calories at work due to a desk-based job, or are you walking around a lot during the day burning off calories). You can improve your overall health by balancing good nutrition with nutritional intake. There are aisles and aisles of processed food in our shops compared to even 50 years ago. Good nutrition also contributes to our quality of life and good food reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Eating as much fresh food, the soil-to-soul way of thinking, compared to processed is paramount to stabilizing weight and keeping it at a healthy point for our body type and our body needs.

As a Health and Wellness Coach, it’s outside of my scope to design an eating plan for a client. What I can do though is motivate, empower, and encourage a client to self-reflect on the food that they currently eat and support them to design goals related to a possible ‘test and try’ goal related to foods they know they are missing from their diet. Then coming back to the next coaching session and talking through what worked and what didn’t work.

A good starting point is to look at websites such as Nutrition Australia and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Good luck with any little food changes over the next week. Don’t be hard on yourself but maybe look at the foods that you consume that may have too much sugar, salt or preservatives in them. Remember – soil to soul is great for our heart and body. – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Nutrition Australia


Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jun 12, 202306:16
E#45 Healthy habits versus unhealthy habits

E#45 Healthy habits versus unhealthy habits

What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘habit’? What does it mean to you?

Do you suddenly think more about some of the unhealthy habits you may have?

Or, are you feeling proud that you maintain a good dose of healthy habits?

Habits have been described as ‘small decisions you make and actions you perform every day’ and 40 percent of our behaviours on any given day are made up of habits. Whatever your habits are, you can start to see how they provide structure in our lives and how they can form a foundation for the way we live our lives. Habits can also be associated with our core values, and the things that are important to us. They are also things that we do without making a conscious effort. We do things in our day that are based on our habits.


Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

May 29, 202306:24
E#44 Building balance in our busy lives through mindfulness

E#44 Building balance in our busy lives through mindfulness

Building balance in our busy lives through mindfulness really doesn’t have to be difficult. It can take time, practice, and then you may find it easier and easier to make it part of your day, or week. And it’s worth it. Balancing self-care with regular responsibilities, including work, children, and deadlines, can be a juggle. Maintaining the ebbs and flows and finding the rhythm. Balancing your time and the time you spend with others. It’s about setting aside time to make it happen. It’s not always possible but when you do, take it all in - take in the air you are breathing right now. Take in what you can hear. Take in what you can see. Stroke the fabric that you are wearing and feel grateful. Be kind to yourself this week and accept any mistakes you make, and any tasks you do in a different order to what you had planned and breathe.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

May 22, 202304:38
E#43 Compassion fatigue and how it can affect your wellbeing
May 16, 202305:34
E#42 Self-confidence and Self-awareness – do you have the right balance?

E#42 Self-confidence and Self-awareness – do you have the right balance?

In this episode, I will share with you some of the strategies I use to stay focused on my level of self-awareness and how it boosts my self-confidence and I hope they help you too.

Let’s talk about self-awareness. When we are literally more aware of ourselves, we can identify our own traits and feelings about certain areas in our lives. Being self-aware, and spending time purposely mapping in our mind the things that make us who we are, can have great benefits to our wellbeing. When we stop and listen to our own thoughts, we can then use the following 5 steps to stay self-aware and, in turn, more confident:

  1. Make a conscious effort to be aware of what is important to you and why.
  2. Always stay curious about your strengths and the strengths that can make you more self-aware (sense of direction and the steps to reach our goals)
  3. Know your limits - important to identify and reflect on your limits and be aware not to allow them to define you
  4. Give yourself positive feedback (talk out loud and listen to your own voice)
  5. Seek feedback from others (from people you trust)

Being aware of how confident you are about things is the stepping stone to being more confident in times when you have self-doubt. When we link our doubts with our WHY and what triggers us, we can start to write a list of things that are bothering us, as equally as write down what builds our self-confidence.


Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

May 08, 202305:06
E#41 A new series to inspire and motivate good health

E#41 A new series to inspire and motivate good health

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Series 3 of Wellness Words. I can’t believe the last month has gone so quickly since finishing Series 2. I’m really glad to back to share Series 3 with you.

Time goes by when you get caught up in life. Life brings us highs and lows, happy and tricky times, our health goes through changes, and our moods too. I find it interesting how our moods move with the seasons as well. As in Summer, we feel like the daylight hours are still there for us when we get home, so exercising and tinkering around outdoors can be a blessing during the early evening.  Autumn, which we are in at the moment in Australia, can be a time of shedding and getting ready to hibernate a little during the cooler months (I sometimes see it as a time to do an Autumn clean, as much as I relish a Spring clean). Our health and wellbeing are equally affected due to the desire to hide under a warm blanket and a good movie, versus a walk on the beach or parklands taking deep breaths in while out in the fresh air.

Moving on to what Series 3 is all about. Series 1 of Wellness Words was very much about the extracts from my self-published book which I wrote in 2021 after being touched by breast cancer and a global pandemic. Series 2 focused on self-reflection, time to be yourself, and the importance of living life with balance and direction (go back and recap if you haven’t listened to them yet).

Series 3 is that and a little bit more. It’s going to be a journey of:

  • self-confidence and self-awareness
  • compassion fatigue and how it can affect your wellbeing
  • building balance in our busy lives through mindfulness
  • healthy habits versus unhealthy habits
  • nutrition and good food
  • the benefits of walking (and alternatives for indoors)
  • open your heart to change!
  • tips to navigate working and running a small business
  • the benefits of lightweight exercise during and after surgery

Talking surgery. I have a confession. It has been three years now since I had my surprise diagnosis. A surprise because I never saw it coming. No obvious symptoms and “wow” was it a journey in the beginning, and it still is a journey to navigate. Which is why I love the work I do. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I take absolute pleasure in supporting people and meeting them where they are in life. Talking to them about what lights them up, what brings them joy, and what moves them forward when things don’t always go to plan. And, celebrating small wins and seeing the smiles on their faces when they realise they still have so much to be proud of.

I do hope you will join me over the next few weeks of Series 3 and as always. Reach out if you would like to chat, collaborate, or connect.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.


May 01, 202303:59
E#40 Mental chitter-chatter and foggy thoughts

E#40 Mental chitter-chatter and foggy thoughts

You’re not the only one who feels that there are days when you’re feeling so focused and then BOOM you feel tired and fatigued. I thought I would share this with you for my final podcast for Series 3 because I had a little moment today in the car on the way to work where I thought to myself “wow, one minute I’m on fire with ideas and new content” and then “how come it’s so easy to get distracted with your own thoughts and brainwave chitter-chatter”!

Foggy brains make for foggy mistakes. We are likely to make mistakes and have less attention to detail when we are tired and fatigued.

So, let me leave you here at #40 and ask you this:

  • What are you going to do in the next month that will allow you to have less chitter-chatter in your mind?
  • What are you going to change to feel less foggy?

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.


Apr 09, 202303:26
E#39 Silence is golden - the art of listening

E#39 Silence is golden - the art of listening

We can get caught up in wanting to fix someone else’s curly situation, like I have spoken about before in my podcasts. It’s what friends do. Having a good venting session and pausing and taking a breath to actually listen to another person’s viewpoint is golden. Intentionally taking on board what they have to say. Listening. Being silent. Allowing yourself to feel grounded, as equally as feeling uplifted when positive vibes are shared, and positive acts of encouragement are offered.


Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Apr 03, 202303:51
E#38 Dare to Change – 3 ways to ‘break the mould’

E#38 Dare to Change – 3 ways to ‘break the mould’

Mentally it’s very easy to stay safely in a mould that serves our lifestyle, sometimes for a long time. Our way of life is orchestrated around our busy lives and the commitments we have throughout the weeks. Along with the ‘have to’s’ and our regular routines.

Routines are safe. They balance what could be a day full of could’s, should’s, and maybe if’s. Routines give us a level of certainty. They provide us with a subtle checklist to tick off in our mind. Let’s face it, routines can also become monotonous and familiar. What routines can also lead to is – boredom. Familiarity sets in. Motivation decreases. And, on the flipside, we can look at our routines and break the mould – if we want to add a little bit of flair to our day or week. Break the mould and stay curious.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Mar 27, 202305:25
E#37 Storm brewing or just a slight breeze?

E#37 Storm brewing or just a slight breeze?

You know those days when you feel in a flurry, and nothing seems to be going at the same speed as your brain? Then only to find that the person in front of you on the stairwell has a moon boot on and is taking a very long time. It puts it into perspective when you know yourself that you can sometimes have a slower step when you have a sports injury or sore foot. It also put it into perspective for me today that my head felt like it was all stormy and about to burst, only to be reminded that someone else may be having no choice but to walk through life slightly slower.


Talking about our brains for a moment:    

  • What is it that you may need to let go of right now?
  • Is there an old thought pattern that no longer serves you, and can change into a new thought?


I’ve said before that we all know that we are creatures of habit, however, it’s an opportune time to recalibrate the mind after a day where you know your thoughts got the better of you. A day where you were about to go down the rabbit hole of feeling hurried, disorganised, and maybe ungrateful.


Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Mar 20, 202305:10
E#36 Rest - without guilt

E#36 Rest - without guilt

Rest – without guilt. It is natural for us to feel guilty. It’s a natural emotion. But why do we feel guilty about resting. It’s needed. It really is. It gives our brains and bodies chance to rejuvenate and slow down. If we are constantly on the go, then our nervous systems have less chance of slowing down. A good night’s sleep is absolutely needed but resting in the waking hours whenever you can, allows you to capture the moments where the walk around the block to ‘let go’ of the day's worries, or the lay on the bed for 10 minutes after the children have gone to bed, that we allow ourselves time and space for deep breaths and gratitude. Thinking about the day gone by.

Rest – without guilt. As parents or caregivers it’s really important that we take time to rest without guilt. It’s ok. It’s also ok to feel guilty but then stop and say to yourself ‘gosh I feel great for that rest’. I am a big advocate for being active and bringing movement into our daily lives, as much as an advocate for resting and taking a breather.

Find time this week to have 10 minutes a day to rest. Even if it is at lunchtime at work and disappear - enjoy your salad while sitting on a bench watching the world go by. Only 5 more episodes left of this series. Series 3 will be back in May. I hope you have enjoyed the episodes from Series 2 and you can always go back and listen to Series 1 all over again!

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Mar 13, 202305:29
E#35 Love your lymph and it will love you back!

E#35 Love your lymph and it will love you back!

There are many easy ways to love your lymph system and keep it from overworking. Take a walk, practice a dry brush technique, or brush your skin from feet to shoulders in a circular motion in the shower once a week. Drink plenty of water, limit your caffeine and alcohol, and enjoy those leafy greens. It’s a great way to unclog things and your lymph nodes will love you back too!

You may notice that when your lymphatic system isn’t working at its full beneficial your skin may feel or look different, or your lymph nodes may become swollen or inflamed. The same applies when your lymph system is overworked – you may have weight gain, puffy eyes, brain fog, bloating and many other symptoms. The best thing to do is to seek advice from your local GP or seek a lymphatic specialist.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Mar 06, 202304:54
E#34 The ‘should’s of self-care’

E#34 The ‘should’s of self-care’

Time after time I hear clients talk about what they should be doing. We all do it though, don’t we? We can easily get caught up in having a long list of reasons for doing something, and not doing something. The reality is we must calm those thoughts down for our own mental wellness to flourish and expand. With practice we will eventually berate ourselves less for not achieving something because we should have done it by now, or we should have made more time for it over the weekend. Let’s look at it another way and think about the ‘should’s of self-care’. 

The ‘should’s of self-care’, in my opinion can be described as a way of reframing the icky feeling we have about not doing something and turning it around and observing what we have achieved, rather than what we haven’t achieved. I’ve said before that there are only so many hours in the day but it’s the way she choose to spend it.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Feb 27, 202303:57
E#33 The Breast Friend Project

E#33 The Breast Friend Project

This week’s episode is slightly different from my usual episodes because this episode is about my new community group.

I ask for your permission to celebrate the new group that I have named The Breast Friend Project. It’s been in the pipeline for a few months, and I finally put the cogs in motion. You see, I have this little niggling feeling because when I talk about my business (my coaching and massages) I keep coming back to the thought that there is something else that I need to do. I need to use my lived experience and pivot it into something rich and positive for others.

So, my new project is here! A private group that women can join. It’s more than a regular support group - the main focus is women’s wellness and self-care during and post-diagnosis.

Funding is being cut for in-person group services and I couldn’t put it off any longer! After losing a dear friend this month to cancer, I realised that my little offering of a combination of online and in-person connection is something that the community will benefit from. Walks and chats are coming too.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Feb 20, 202305:04
E#32 Love yourself and live well

E#32 Love yourself and live well

Love what you do, love what you feel, love what you experience, and love the difference you make in the world. Whatever you do for a living, volunteering, or being part of a club – your input and your presence make a difference. We just have to acknowledge what we bring when we enter the room, or when we have a meaningful conversation with someone (that then makes their day).

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Feb 14, 202303:15
E#31 Actively appreciating our achievements

E#31 Actively appreciating our achievements

As we know, it's actively appreciating our achievements that feeds our souls and brains.

Positive thoughts boost our morale, and it’s a joy to see others light up when they do the same. The power of appreciation is never to be underestimated. I read a book once that said it’s beneficial for our health to determine the ‘feelings’ that we have behind a ‘desire’. Things that we hope to change, or try, build our self-belief and self-efficacy. We are more likely to weed out the uncertainty of making a new habit or trying something new if we consider the overall outcome. An outcome that brings us new feelings of appreciation.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Feb 06, 202304:39
E#30 Schools are back and 3 Top Tips to managing unproductive thoughts

E#30 Schools are back and 3 Top Tips to managing unproductive thoughts

My top tips that I share in some of my workshops is my tri-circle bubbles. Optimism, creativity, and positivity.

I describe my tri-circle bubbles as a visual tip to show the three keywords when balancing our thoughts, as well as bolstering our enthusiasm and motivation. If we feel optimistic, our positivity and creativity will shine. If we are more positive, our minds will think more optimistically and creativity with emerge. When we are creative, we will feel more optimistic and positive.

I love bringing attention to the tri-circle bubbles in my coaching because it gets a lot of heads nodding. It’s simple to remember, yet it creates conversation and how it all links together. This creates a time for reflection about what we can do or say to ourselves or others when free time becomes limited. Schools are back! And with that, more carers, parents, loved ones, grandparents, and many others, it adds a little sense of anti-climax – even when in Australia we still have a month of summer left, but we know that evenings and late nights during the school and working week, become precious again.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'. Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jan 30, 202307:46
E#29 Stay active - it only takes a minute

E#29 Stay active - it only takes a minute

  • Do you move enough?
  • Are you active enough?
  • Are your legs strong to hold you strong when you feel weak?

As we age, our core muscles and upper legs become more and more relied on to hold us.

Is there anything you can do to move more or improve on, or increase on – without having to sign up for the next marathon that you can do this week, or the next couple of weeks, or next month and work towards it? Even the Heart Foundation has done so much research about the fact that we are not moving enough. We are not a moving culture as much as we used to be, apart from some countries and communities which are still very dedicated to very little technology, if at all, which is a great distraction. So, take a minute. Stay active and appreciate being active. My main message is to live well, stay active, feed your mind as much as your body, and appreciate every step you take to increase your movement – it only takes a minute to change your mind and focus on doing something good for your health.

Subscribe and share my vision of 'bringing wellness coaching to the community through conversation'.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jan 24, 202305:03
E#28 Are you aware?

E#28 Are you aware?

Before ‘accepting’ that we need to change something that we are doing, for example, eating unhealthy snacks, or the lack of vegetables that we put on our plate, we need to become ‘aware’. It's sometimes as simple as reflecting on the times we spend feeling unmotivated versus being motivated to set out more wins throughout the week.

Over the last few years working in the wellbeing space, I am very aware that many friends I talk to, or people I meet through work, are aware that there are things in their life that they would like to change. This will happen if we ‘accept’ once we are ‘aware’ and then we can ‘acknowledge’. I call it the 3A’s.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jan 16, 202307:25
E#27 A new year and new opportunities

E#27 A new year and new opportunities

Happy New Year and welcome to a new series of podcast episodes. Wellness Words is here as a go-to podcast when you fancy a little bit of inspiration to move forward in whatever is happening in your life right now. What’s your new opportunity in 2023?

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jan 09, 202306:39
E#26 Are you stuck in a rut?

E#26 Are you stuck in a rut?

As yourself:

“Am I stuck in a rut?”

“Is Christmas a great opportunity to think about jazzing my life up a bit in 2023?”

“What wish do I want to wonder?”.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Dec 16, 202204:54
E#25 Let's be honest

E#25 Let's be honest

Part of building resilience is being true to ourselves and honouring our own abilities to put health goals in place. Let’s be honest – this little podcast is only a small part of your day, and it may jog a thought in your mind that encourages you to try something new and be honest. 

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Dec 09, 202204:20
E#24 Relationships with ourselves and with others

E#24 Relationships with ourselves and with others

The strength of our relationships can be impacted by minor hiccups. It is important to honour the differences we may share. The mutual respect that is sometimes needed to understand and give time and space to cherish the relationships we have built over time, is paramount. The relationships we make throughout our lives are bonded by attraction, soul mateship, and pure connection.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Dec 01, 202204:53
E#23 Devoting time for yourself

E#23 Devoting time for yourself

PODCAST #23 Devoting time to yourself - devoting time to yourself is key to your overall wellness. We all have busy brains from time to time and it’s always refreshing to check in with ourselves and to feel confident that 5 or 10 minutes can make the world of difference. What will you do this weekend…just for you?

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

#wellnesswords #serenitysunflowers
#serenitysunflowers_justbe #healthandwellness #bekindtoyourself #openyourheart #changeisgood #bewhoyouare #trueself #wellness #positivity #optimalhappiness #wellnesswordspodcast
Nov 25, 202205:24
E#22 I see what you mean!

E#22 I see what you mean!

The next time you utter the words “I see what you mean” maybe take a moment and think about the images that come to your head when you say it. It’s interesting how our brains work and how visualisation can help us succeed in our health goals. Our health is important, and I must say that our energy levels can be affected by what we are thinking and doing.

Let me ask you:

· What images come to mind when you imagine the ‘healthiest version of yourself’?

· What does it feel like to remember past successes?

· How visual are you and how often do you day-dream possibilities about your own life?

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Nov 11, 202206:06
E#21 Ready to create change?

E#21 Ready to create change?

Ready for change? Is there something that you would like to change in your diet, do more exercise or physical activity, find a new way to relax, or try yoga or pilates? Whatever it is, we are born to flourish. With that I dare you to dream about a new ‘thing’ in your life. I’d love to hear all about it.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Nov 03, 202205:42
E#20 Creating 3-monthly wellness goals

E#20 Creating 3-monthly wellness goals

Seize the moment to put your own health needs to the front of your mind. Be comfortable with the daily decisions you make about your own wellness, and your aim to maintain healthy habits. You know how habits work – they work by practicing to make them a consistent part of your life. Changing habits for the greater good can feel hard in the beginning, and with practice and desire, you will gain great outcomes if you keep focused on what you set out to achieve. This

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Oct 22, 202204:54
E#19 Bringing a vision to life

E#19 Bringing a vision to life

There are times in our lives where we go off track and there are times when we feel we could be sinking into the ‘same-same’. To be honest, that is life – we all have days where we think that it’s time for something new. Maybe it’s something that we’ve been putting off for some time and today could be the day where we finally have a go!

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Oct 14, 202205:57
E#18 What path do you want to take in 2023?

E#18 What path do you want to take in 2023?

Who would have thought that focusing on your own wellness could be this invigorating? Go on – have a go. You know me now and I keep things simple but equally get excited when I know possibilities are endless.

Have fun creating your vision statement and get in touch if you would like to have a non-obligation chat with me. Love to connect with you.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Sep 29, 202207:56
E#17 Your WHAT and Your WHY

E#17 Your WHAT and Your WHY

It’s when we connect with ourself and really think about an area in our life that we want to change, experiment with, or tweak, that the thoughts start rolling. We start thinking about our WHAT and our WHY without realising that we are thinking in that way.

We are creatures of habit and we know there’s always a start and finish, beginning and an end, and it’s the bit in the middle that counts too. Having a vision for the future, especially in relation to our health and wellbeing, is becoming more and more a topic of conversation.

What’s your WHAT and your WHY?

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.
Sep 23, 202203:22
E#16 Authentic Connection with yourself and with others

E#16 Authentic Connection with yourself and with others

We achieve a better sense of self by being mindful, being open to new habits, being in connection more with our values, and being aware of what we really appreciate about ‘what’s important’ in our own lives. Sometimes we may need to pause and stop thinking of the wellbeing of others and take time in our lives to think about our own needs and wants.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Sep 16, 202204:29
E#15 My Final Page

E#15 My Final Page

It’s when we stop, pause and think and cherish a sense of time and space. 

Let’s make sure we all stop for a moment and take stock of what we have staring right back at us.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Sep 09, 202207:36
E#14 Inner-strength and Determination

E#14 Inner-strength and Determination

How many 'monkeys' are you feeding? Have you checked in with your sense of strength lately? What does it feel like when you reflect on past moments and then realise that you were stronger than you thought? Have a think. You may be surprised at how you react or respond to tricky situations.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Sep 01, 202204:50
E#13: Being You

E#13: Being You

Taking pride in yourself and taking time out for yourself is important for living an optimal existence. One way to achieve it is to spend time doing things that make you feel fulfilled, grateful and energised.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Aug 13, 202204:05
E#12 Life is like a kaleidoscope

E#12 Life is like a kaleidoscope

It’s our younger years that form the foundation and who we chose to be, or not. Growing up as the quiet and sometimes reserved Sadie is not the person that I am today. I am me, and you are you. We are all different.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Aug 05, 202204:49
E#11 Filling your own cup up with gratitude

E#11 Filling your own cup up with gratitude

The moments we experience as little daydreams are sometimes the ones that grasp our attention forever.

How wonderful to feel ‘in the moment’ and present. How rich are moments like this? How grateful do you feel when you feel totally absorbed? Only you know the answer to that.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information

only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jul 29, 202205:43
E#10 The Art of Reminiscing

E#10 The Art of Reminiscing

Living in the Moment and the art of reminiscing. Reminiscing is good for the soul and is a perfect opportunity to take homage to times gone by that were pertinent to our growth and overall sense of being.

Jul 08, 202204:31
E#9 It's the simple things...

E#9 It's the simple things...

How often do we really make a conscious effort to stop whatever we’re doing and just sit, before tackling the next chore? I, for one, believe that as a human race we don’t do it as much as we should. Sometimes it’s because you may feel you have to fit it all into the busy schedule, rather than making time for it, and purposefully acting on doing it.

Insights and thoughts shared on my Wellness Words podcast are for information only and are not to be used for clinical, medical, or prescriptive purposes.

Jun 30, 202205:00