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Think & Act Differently with Sales Academy

Think & Act Differently with Sales Academy

By Adam Brooks

Short bursts of ideas, motivation, inspiring thoughts and conversation with Adam Brooks (and at times special guests) about business, life and better performance.
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No one pays me to speak!

Think & Act Differently with Sales AcademyMar 10, 2022

Meet YOU where you are at

Meet YOU where you are at

Meet YOU where you are at!

We hear and say similar all the time as coaches, trainers, therapists etc, "meet people where they are at"

I am challenging YOU to simply apply the same to you.

Meet YOU where you are at. Short simple musing today. Enjoy.

#musing #questions #applyyou

Jun 04, 202405:29
Screw the Hustle Culture!

Screw the Hustle Culture!

Screw the hustle culture! Todays musing is "Not 100%...any of the time!"

Yes, I appreciate this flys against the majority of advice out there, but I mean it. YOU shouldn't be aiming to give 100% all of the time, and neither should you expect that from your team.

Working to a healthy and productive capacity while leaving space if vital for sustainability in building a growing a business!

#business #realtalk #selfcompassion #productivity #newblueprint #wellbeing #coaching #buildthefuturenow

May 02, 202407:56
Compared to what?
Apr 30, 202412:04
Transforming Business Through the Power of Caring: A Pathway to Success

Transforming Business Through the Power of Caring: A Pathway to Success

In today's fast-paced business world, the secret ingredient to unparalleled success and fulfilment isn't just in the strategies we deploy, but in the depth of our caring. Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches us the profound impact of our thoughts, intentions, and actions on our personal and professional lives. Inspired by his wisdom, I want to share a powerful strategy that places caring at the forefront of business excellence.

1. Caring Deeply About the Mechanics of Your BusinessSuccess is no accident. It's the result of meticulous care for every facet of your business - from the precision of your finances to the creativity of your marketing, from the efficiency of your systems to the synergy within your team. Imagine treating each component with the same attention and intentionality you would a treasured relationship. This isn't merely about oversight; it's about fostering a thriving environment where excellence is the norm. When we align our business mechanics with our highest intentions, we set the stage for miraculous growth and achievement.

2. Caring for Your Customers: The Heart of Your BusinessAt the core of every transaction is a human connection. Understanding and empathising with your customers' deepest needs and desires isn't just good business—it's a sacred exchange. Like Dr. Dispenza emphasises, our thoughts and feelings have the power to shape our reality. When we approach our customers with genuine care and a deep desire to serve, we not only meet their needs but exceed their expectations. It's about creating a harmonious relationship where value is exchanged freely and joyfully. This level of care transforms your sales and marketing from mere transactions to meaningful interactions, building a foundation of trust and loyalty that lasts.

3. Caring for Yourself: The Pillar of Your BusinessAs business owners, we often carry the weight of our dreams and responsibilities on our shoulders. Yet, amidst the pursuit of success, we must not forget the importance of caring for ourselves. Your business is a reflection of you. Nurturing your well-being, embracing balance, and living a fulfilled life are essential to sustaining your passion and purpose. This self-care is the wellspring from which all creativity, resilience, and endurance flow. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. By caring for yourself, you ensure that you have the strength, clarity, and vitality to lead your business to new heights.

To dive deeper into this transformative approach, I invite you to listen to this episode about the strategy of caring in business.

It's time to embark on a journey of growth, not just as entrepreneurs but as stewards of a new way of living and working. Let's embrace the power of caring in every aspect of our business and life, creating a legacy of success, fulfilment, and profound impact.

Thank you to Phil Evans for the reminder in our conversation last week over dinner, celebrating a loved ones success.

#BusinessTransformation #PowerOfCaring #JoeDispenzaInspired #Entrepreneurship #CustomerCare #SelfCare #BusinessSuccess

Apr 16, 202412:38
3 Stages of Wisdom

3 Stages of Wisdom

Have you ever noticed this?

I have been a sponge for knowledge all my life. Learning, growing, shaping, re-shaping, rebuilding. Whatever path growth takes, it is one that I found I progress through 3 stages:

1) learning phase - this is where we are taking the information in and trying to figure it out, trying to intellectualise it. But caution, this can also be the dismissive phase.

2) understanding phase - where we have allowed it in and being to apply it, so this can also be called the application phase - this is where it gets harder perhaps.

3) Getting It phase - this is where we have pushed through the mistakes, the successes of applying it, and we have grown, we are still growing because we are 'owning it' at this phase.

I go into each one a bit more and have to celebrate and thank Dr David Hamilton who gave a brilliant talk last night in Bristol. Bringing science and a deep understanding based on personal experience, science and extensive ongoing research to demonstrate how the mind can heal the body.

Understanding the power we all have to better captain out own ship for better physical and mental health, by understanding more about the mind and our application of it and the impacts it has to our bodies, our lives and loves of those around us. Truly awesome.

You can find David here:

And I highly recommend you do.

#life #human #science #business #mindset #healing #growth #selfdevelopment

Mar 19, 202415:40
Rules of Getting Lost!

Rules of Getting Lost!

3 rules of getting lost. Do you agree with these?
The guy I mention in the musing today is 
☆ Martin Seville who runs Empathy Coaching & Extraordinary Times.
A real inspiration and man on a mission to support men, and Dad's to live better lives. Np finger wagging or judgement, but real life, lived experience, from the darkest parts of life, through to thriving. A real Maslow\s progression through life.
As Tolkien wrote "Not All Who Wander Are Lost"
Talk to someone. Get un-lost!
#business #life #coaching #reallife #musings #podcast

Martin's links are here:

Start the conversations

Feb 22, 202412:30
I am an Imperfectionist
Feb 16, 202410:48
Follow up before the start

Follow up before the start

Todays musing...Follow up before the start!

You heard me...even the term follow up makes me bilious was a phrase I said yesterday on a previous Sales Academy thread about poor email and business marketing. But a genuine question was asked, by a longstanding friend of Sales Academy which was, "OK but how do you follow up?"

I shift the resource up front.

The podcast episode explains more, love to hear your thoughts.

Feb 07, 202408:23
Handling Objections

Handling Objections

Want a tactic for overcoming objections? Tune in and understand the BIGGEST reason why you are getting objections and what to do about it. #Sales #salesacademy #salescoaching #salesforce #makeithappen #bethedifference #training #coaching

Feb 03, 202408:04
Unspoken Expectations!

Unspoken Expectations!

"Unspoken Expectations are Premeditated Resentments"
Mic drop....let that one sink in! 🎤
Todays musing, is this! And boy did it hit last week when I heard it.
How often when we don't speak our truth, when we don't speak up for what we believe? When we don't clearly communicate our wants and not wants, our expectations, do we find disappointment & resentment?
Have a listen and comment below, love to know your thoughts. And if this resonates with you, chances are, it may with your network - give it a share. We dare you!
#business #life #musings #podcast #questions #coaching

Jan 24, 202410:47
Decades not days

Decades not days

Such an important message. We as humans totally overestimate what we can do in a day, a week, a month, a quarter and even a year. And we totally underestimate what we can achieve in 10 years, 20 years or more, depending how many you have left! So how are you thinking about your commitments and aspirations for the coming decade, and how are you breaking that down into bitesize chunks that becomes more manageable and more achievable around life. Drop me a message and let's talk it through.#business #life #planning #goals #10yearplan #10years #makeithappen #coaching #goalsetting #accountability

Jan 11, 202410:15
Obstacles and Opportunities

Obstacles and Opportunities

"This year has been tough"

I have heard it, i have read it, I have seen it, I have maybe even said it, butI think with brutal honesty, it can and will be every year.
Looking back over the last 5+ years...
Brexit (and that is still nowhere near done!)
Immigration & lack of talented resource
Covid and global lockdowns
Another financial banana skin - thanks Liz Truss!
For a plethora of reasons, each day, week, month and year across every industry can be tough.
The difference, for me, has and will always be in 'our response'.
What we say, feel, think & do next! That's where our superpower is. In the choices that we have.
On Friday at Strategic Planning I kept referring to a quote from Lorenzo the Magnificent (or his proper name Lorenzo De Medici) which was:
"I am beset with obstacles and opportunities"
I think we all are, so whether they are people or things, its how we rise to meet them. And we need support to do that. We need a sounding board to stop us going nuts. We need accountability to ensure we don't stop where we normally would but we also don't repeat the same old patterns and exhaust ourselves in the process.
Thank you to Emma - who inspired this podcast episode on this very subject. 🙏👏

Dec 21, 202306:54
Gratitude with Attitude!
Dec 20, 202305:01
What sticks with you?

What sticks with you?

What sticks with you? That's the musing this week, following a brilliant evening with my favourite band on Monday evening. A band who I love and one I have supported on live tours for 3 decades, for over 30 years. And then I found myself thinking that in the the concert..."I have supported this band for over 30 years" and then it hit me. What a selfish thought!? Ocean Colour Scene have seen me through 3 house renovations, countless relationships, having children and becoming a parent, starting and building multiple businesses, the list goes on. In that time, people have come and gone, relationships, friendships, I have lost loved ones and always there, a safe place to go to. A song An album A lyric A melody A memory An emotion. I found myself with tears on my cheeks Monday night, overwhelmed with joy and love and support and decades of sharing my life with the boys. Thank you SImon, Oscar, Steve & Damon (latterly Andy, Tony & Dan) You have been a constant and always will. But what sticks with you?

Dec 07, 202307:41
Where's my Mojo?
Oct 24, 202308:47
Who you are?

Who you are?

Ever had to deliver a 60 second introduction? Ever had to sit through 30-40 other peoples introductions and still by the end of it, you haven't got a clue who the people are in this room?

That's way more common than you think. I created an exercise in 2012 and have been doing this ever since. Three simple questions. Not easy questions, but simple, those two things are not the same.

These simple but not easy questions, when you invest time into them, curating and creating them authentically, they can become a game changer. Want to know the questions? (because I really want to know your answers)

Have a go and DM me. Get in touch, let's talk them through. Be awesome.

#business #life #self #understanding #sales #experience #knowyourself #selfworth #becomebetter #bethedifference

Sep 19, 202309:21
Peek a boo!

Peek a boo!

Remember the game we would play as parents, as uncles and aunties, as grown ups with young babies.

Peek a boo! We would hide behind our hands and the toddler would love it. The Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget explains that up until 4 months of age, a child believes that if an object cannot be seen, then it no longer exists!

Between the ages of 4-7 months a child develops what Piaget discovered and calls 'Object Permanence' which means the baby's understanding of when something disappears it is not gone forever.

This got me thinking...what if any research has been done similarly for adults when it comes to joy, happiness, mood and states for example. And plugging away on the web, plus using some AI research support, I am struggling to find anything. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist (or does it, if no one has joined these thought processes before, who knows!).

Phil Stutz, co author of the book 'The Tools'. A doctor of Psychiatry tells a story of when he took a flight with his Dad and the weather was pretty awful that day. He was young, so flying back then (1960's) was less common, however, he was nervous flying for the first time and bad weather didn't help, his Dad calmly said "it's OK son, once we get above the clouds, the sun is out and it will be gorgeous".

Phil remembers thinking and feeling 'How can that be?" As the sun wasn't out, he couldn't see it, the clouds were there. Yet, just as his father said, once they got above the clouds, there was the beautiful sun and blue sky.

That got me thinking about our moods, our choices, and how we are affected by what we can or cannot see, hear or feel. That is todays 'Musing'.

Enjoy, I hope it helps.

#life #musing #podcast #business #mood #choices #fears #psychology #beinghuman #bethedifference

Sep 11, 202315:58
The Greatest Salesman in the World!

The Greatest Salesman in the World!

Bold claim?

No not at all. Not if you have read it. This absolute business and literary classic. A parable about becoming the greatest salesman in the world. OG Mandino nails it in 111 pages in this tiny little book. Like a mosquito, small but powerful.

Buy it, read it three times and change the way you do business. Simple.

What are your top 3 books about Sales? Get in touch.

#sales #business #skils #books #salessuccess #success #bethedifference

Sep 05, 202304:06
All of YOU is welcome!

All of YOU is welcome!

In case the grammar police are it or listen for the context because the grammar is correct!

Over the years, so many people have come to our events and weren't sure whether they were good enough for the coaching programmes. Stop and think about that for a minute, imagine thinking you are not good enough to be coached and supported to become better with a team who care about your results. But you may be surprised to know this is more common than not.

So this is that! All of YOU is welcome. No matter where you are at, what is going on for you, wherever your confidence or abilities are right now, you deserve to get the support that is affordable and effective to become better.

Reach out... DM is that simple. No judgement, just real support.

#business #businesscoaching #youareenough #youmatter #sales #success #support #coaching #bethedifference

Aug 01, 202307:33
Meet them where they are at!

Meet them where they are at!

We hear this a lot right?

But why does it always feel that the context it is discussed is a 'one off' thing.

As coaches an therapists, our role is to support people to grow, so surely where they are at is constantly changing. Are we recognising that in the coaching and support journey?

#business #life #coaching #realtalk #musing #businesscoaching #selfdevelopment #growth

Jul 31, 202309:11
Nobody comes into work, just to piss you off!
Jul 20, 202310:11
No more silver bullets!

No more silver bullets!

Seriously stop!

Stop asking for sliver bullets. It's bullshit! they don't exist and even if they did, who's to say you can even aim right?

This musing, may have turned into a slight rant! Unlike me, I know! 🤣

But seriously...stop asking for silver bullets. Work at your craft. Get better at being a good human. That's the work!

#work #life #business #musings #podcast #salesacademy #education #straighttalk #sales #salestraining #businesscoaching #coach #bethedifference

Jul 13, 202308:15
The dishwasher is not mine!
Jul 05, 202309:32
A fish rots from the head down!

A fish rots from the head down!

Not the most palatable title for a musing perhaps.

I can assure you it is not the most appetising or digestible conversations with leaders either, but one that has to be had at times.

Are you leaders living and breathing the values, the culture, the ways of working, 'the way' that you serve customers and your team?

How are you doing this?

How are you reviewing or benchmarking what you are doing?

Why does it matter so much?

Have a listen, and let's debate this some more.

#business #life #musings #conversations #leadership #leaders #leadershipdevelopment #salesacademy #people #bethedifference

Jun 06, 202310:54
100 Reasons Why YOULove Sales!

100 Reasons Why YOULove Sales! heard right!

Do you want to truly break through and get the results you deserve in your career or business. Then here it is! No, it isn't a secret sauce or magic bean, its a major part of your identity that can be crippling your ability to take your gift to the world.

And that is that you have fallen into the age old trap of "I don't want to be THAT kind of sales person".

You know the ones we mean. We have all experienced them, and we would do everything we can to avoid being that person, in fact we are! Every day. By avoiding the elephant in the room. Sales is vital to the success of any organisation, big or small. And if you want to get good at anything, you've got to really be in love with it.

#business #sales #salesidentity #selling #marketing #profits #results #success #selfdevelopment #growth #identity #bethedifference

May 23, 202304:09
Dichotomy of courage
May 18, 202310:12


It's all about the people right!? Until it isn't or for some sadly it never was.

Yet it is and it should always be. People are the rock bed of everything good, so let's discuss how important they are to you and what relationships really mean to you & your business.

#business #coaching businesscoaching #sales #salesacademy #salesforce #people #relationships #bethedifference

May 04, 202309:16
At times.

At times.

Ever had that... ? At times, you are the best version of you, you can be. Yet at times, you are the polar opposite to that!

At times we are our own worst enemy. At times we are our greatest champion & cheerleader.

At times, we don't need or want anything or anyone. At times, we cannot do it or be it on our own!

I get it. I hope you do too.

#realtalk #drseuss #selftalk #reflection #suicideprevention #starttheconversation #youmatter

Apr 27, 202316:54
Are you significant?

Are you significant?

An even better question, perhaps, is what does significance or 'being of significance' mean to you? Let's put it another way. Do you ever question your value, your worth, your purpose? This is what we mean. Are you being of service, making a difference, having an impact. However you describe it, there is a deep rooted desire in all of us to be significant in some area. Have a think about it....let us know. #business #businesscoaching #life #lifestyle #coaching #coach #betherealyou #bethedifference #significance #value #worthplaying

Mar 29, 202313:29
If you want happiness, change your metrics!

If you want happiness, change your metrics!

A tri-factor (is that a word or term) of things came together in conversations and listening to & reading books of late, and that is around the pursuit of happiness and the unhappiness that accompanies this. But why? 

Is it that we are never satisfied? Could it be that always seeking more, leads to emptiness and a lack of fulfilment or is it that a tri factor of our values, our happiness and our metrics are not aligned. 

How are we measuring our happiness and success? How does that align with our values and the values of our metrics, confusing or letting us down! 

Have a listen, see what you think. 

#podcast #video #musings #realtalk #happiness #bethedifference #business #life #coaching #sales #businesscoaching #results #success 

Mar 13, 202310:23
Trickle over the dam!

Trickle over the dam!

I was gifted this phrase, in a conversation with an old colleague, sorry a previous colleague! (easy to read that wrong)

After reconnecting on the work front for the first time since probably 2009 it was brilliant to catch up on old times, share stories, explore each others journey since those corporate days, and during the conversation I asked him, what triggered you to get in touch. 

And he replied, it wasn't one specific thing, but the trickle over the dam effect of seeing, hearing and resonating with some of the content that we share pretty prolifically. 

And that is how marketing for us should work, we put it out there, with a vibe, and it repels and attracts on purpose. As the tribe grows, the listeners, the followers, the people who we want to reach, engage, they start a conversation, they reach out, the take action. 

The starting point for 'Thinking & Acting Differently' in our experience and that is our entire purpose. 

#purpose #makeadiffrence #bethedifference #marketing #business #content #contentcreation #podcast #video #spotify #youtube #salesacademy #coaching #training

Mar 09, 202308:32


OMG am I tired of the 'grey brigade' (no not the oldies, but the old ways of thinking and behaving that come with that title). You know, the 'they' crowd!   

There was a line in a song from the 80's by Snap, called "Rhythm is a Dancer" and in that line, this guy says:  "I'm a serious as cancer, when I say rhythm is a dancer'  

That line always stuck with me from my teens, and losing my Dad to cancer in 2018, it only served to heighten that phrase. At times Dad would ask what I actually it wasn't in a neat box of employed work for him! And the shock at times when he would say "and people pay you for that!?"   The reality is, yes they do, and we pay others for that service and support in our business and lives, because coaches, mentors and consultants help us get past a point where we would normally stop - they help us think and act differently, in my personal view.   

So the conversation of professional comes up lots and I have always been and will always be "as serious as cancer" about what I do, and I am a professional. I develop, I invest in our growth as a team and a business, I & we evolve, but rather than be caught up in the pomp, the ceremony, the pretence of what or how we should be or behave, I choose to be me. I choose to be the best version of me and that version is complex, that version interrupts, that version calls people on shit and is prepared to be called on shit too. That person is congruent, real, straight talking and perfectly imperfect - flawed as we all are. 

But that person is embracing, accepting and humble with it.   That person is me, I am proudly and unapologetically professional-ish!   

#business #marketing #sales #realtalk #coaching #bethedifference #speaking #professional #professionallife #professionalspeaker

Feb 21, 202310:05
Vulnerability is not an easy door to walk through!
Jan 19, 202309:07
Is this a love story, or a one night stand?

Is this a love story, or a one night stand?

'Is this a love story, or a one night stand?'  

An interesting yet important topic that we discuss in our latest musing. And don't be misled by the title, there is depth here if you are willing to explore it!  

#bethedifference #sales #business #training #coaching #salesacademy

Jan 05, 202312:34
Pleasure v Happiness

Pleasure v Happiness

Do you know the difference for you? Do you know the hidden risk of pleasure seeking?  

Let's explore it and unpack it a bit and see how it lands for you.   

#musing #podcast #business #life #mindset #salesacademy #dopamine #addiction #betterhabits

Nov 14, 202208:18
Chalk the lines!

Chalk the lines!

I may go a little Samuel L Jackson here, but this is important.   

Chalk those lines. Re chalk them, because they become unclear Re chalk those motherf*cking lines because others will walk over them!  

I feel this is an important musing to share, a topic that regularly shows up with adults, who for whatever reason. Life getting busy, changes in relationships and working groups, customers expectations and just general life...chalking our lines, so we know where we are, our position of safety and are ability to grow.... based in our values and what's important to us as individuals.   We cant assume others know them, understand them or respect them, especially if we aren't respecting them or ourselves. SO chalk those lines people.   

Enjoy this one, love to hear your thoughts.   

#growth #business #life #growthmindset #boundaries #boundariesarehealthy

Nov 08, 202208:01
LOVE in business?

LOVE in business?

What a fab topic to discuss and haven't we discussed it in many different ways as part of the Sales Academy Family, our Tribe, our community of business owners and leaders.   

But for you, does or should LOVE exist in business? 

How do you feel about even the word being introduced and discussed in business?   

Let us know your thoughts?   

#salesacademy #sales #marketing #business #businesscoaching #businessnews #musings #podcast #vlog #anchor #spotify  #realtalk

Oct 27, 202207:04
Challenge: To BE List!

Challenge: To BE List!

Screw the To Do's!
Be the To Be's!

Tired of writing to do lists and then not fulfilling you?
Find To do's a little bit like an overbearing authority that you've created yourself that you know have to complete tasks for your grown up imaginary friend!

I did. So I walked, I reflected, I meditated, I slept on it and I got in the shower (my nighttime meditation, anchors me to the shower in the morning so I start my day with an epic boost!) and I realised, my life trajectory shifted when I focused more on 'Who I want to be' rather than what I want to do.

Not cliche bollocks, but real, honest, raw self talk about who do I want to be. And yes, instantly positive statements and buzzword bingo fell out of my thoughts, so I went deeper with them:

Healthy was one of them.

I never wanted a six pack, so that isn't and will never be my focus. But living long enough to enjoy my grandkids and watch and support my children grow into adults with awe and wonder. Being healthy enough to enjoy green spaces, big blue skys, rivers, waterfalls and seas. To wonder, breathlessly at the top of a hike. I want to be that person. So I had to create time & space for that, I had to make it an important part of my life, I had to adjust my course to BECOME him. I had to create new habits.

Who do you want to be?
]What does your 'To Be List' look, feel and sound like?

DM me with your thoughts, or comment below, let's do this people. 🙌👍💜

#life #business #goals #habits #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #becoming #bethedifference #makeshifthappen

Oct 11, 202207:19
Awareness of a lack of awareness

Awareness of a lack of awareness

Some people we meet have no awareness right? But what about the ones who claim to have awareness?   

I'm talking coaches, trainers, therapists, people who work with people, and have a decent level of understanding of human beings and behaviours. they know this stuff, or they should, as it is 'their industry', people are 'their thing'.  

So why is it that we so often see people in this space, who are not aware of their lack of awareness....  Think it over, let it percolate, reflect on recent interactions - see what comes up.  

 #coaching #life #business #musings #salesacademy #training #mindset #behaviours

Oct 06, 202206:60
You can't reason with the unreasonable!

You can't reason with the unreasonable!

Have you ever tried to reason with the unreasonable? How did that work out?

Do you find that it is always other people or situations that are unreasonable?

How can we evaluate? How can we come at this differently? What is required to get a better aligned outcome?

Enjoy this to hear your thoughts. Get in touch. 

#Business #Life #musings #podcast #vlogs #mindset #behaviour #ownership #accountability #results #focus 

Sep 26, 202209:30
In the room, but I'm not there!

In the room, but I'm not there!

Wow... that one hit like a brick. The awesome Frank Lampard in his second interview for the podcast show "The High Performance Podcast" which you can find here and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone...subscribe to it and pop it on when you run, drive or even clean the house or DIY! 

Episode link:

But Frank talked about when he is in the room but not present, because his mind is wandering, his energy is up, he is a doer, a completer, a what  next, what next. And that feeling of never quite reaching the 'there' and the intensity that brings. 

I confess, for years this was me, and at times, it still is, but I am evolving and developing my emotional agility and intelligence to manage this better for me and others. How about you?

When are you 'In the room, but not there?'

Enjoy pondering this one, todays musing. 

#salesacademy #growth #mindset #focus #present #selfleadership #leadership #business #life #coach #coaching #businesscoaching

Aug 17, 202208:31
Mind your language!

Mind your language!

Interesting topic for todays musing and one that I can honestly say, rears its head fairly regularly in conversations with lots of good human beings...

Let me know what comes up for you when you listen to this one! Feel free to pop in a comment or drop us a message.

#realtalk #musings #podcast #business #SalesAcademy #sales #coaching #coach #coaches #coachinglife #mirror #life

Jun 27, 202205:12
Stop asking us for Sales Training...

Stop asking us for Sales Training...

What a crazy title for a podcast episode, from a sales training company, right!

Wrong! You may think that, however, I challenge you to listen in and understand fully what we mean by this. 

For too many years, sales and sales training has been about tips, tricks, gimmicks, techniques - (omg even the words make me cringe!) delivered in one day workshops that tick a box for 'support and development' or potentially even an 'investors in people' plaque that hangs in reception. 

For us, investing and developing your sales and sales team in your business (by that we mean self employed, solo business owners, right through to multi nationals) is more than important, because in business, no one can hide away from sales is vital to its success!

This takes time, caring, nurturing, support, together with challenging, training, coaching and mentoring...that is and should always be an ongoing process for sustainable success. 

Let's have the conversation, let's change the way we do business, let's invest together. 


#salesacademy #sales #salestraining #salescoaching #coaching #business professional #professionalselling #businesscoaching #strategy #results

Jun 08, 202209:18
The dichotomy of control!

The dichotomy of control!

We are all control freaks! 

Whether we like it not, it's a reality that we grow into if we choose the continual personal development path. 

Our need for control is a part of survival, part of growth, part of life! The varying degrees to how we allow our desire for control, to effect our lives and the lives of others around us, varies between people. 

So we need it, it's positive, it supports us and it's vital...

However, are we trying to control what is our of our control? Now that is futile!

Are we trying to control everything.... good luck with that! 

Enjoy the musing, let us know your thoughts! 

#life #business #musings #salesacademy #podcast #control #letgo #personaldevelopment #growth #psychology

May 19, 202205:27
I love you, I just don't love who you are choosing to be right now!

I love you, I just don't love who you are choosing to be right now!

Interesting musing today....

One of self reflection, together with the deeper understanding and separation of 'we are not what we choose to do' and yet 'we can become who we choose to be'. There is no guarantee that who we are becoming and what we are choosing are good things. 

It doesn't mean we are not deserving of love! 

think about it...

#life #business #love #choices #ownership #extremeownership #parenting 

May 19, 202211:52
Interest, stimulate and convert!

Interest, stimulate and convert!

Three simple swim lanes, for you to map out your lead generation ideas and give you the best opportunity to organise and structure the logical process behind the emotional decision making that is a 'buying process'. 

Notice I said, buying process not selling process, because, all sales is about understanding and implementing good buying processes for your audience, your prospects, your customers. 

Give it a out some ideas in each of these three key areas and let us know how you get on, get in touch and let's talk it through. Give us the opportunity to add value to you and see where it takes us. 


#business #sales #marketing #leadgeneration #education #motivation #inspiration #salesacademy #coach #getresults #realtalk

May 17, 202211:13
Capacity, resource & pricing!

Capacity, resource & pricing!

A simple and yet powerful principle to carry forward and review regularly in your business. 

All three are important and normally, one effects the other, but are you considering all three when you need to. 

Take a listen.   

#business #education #focus #mindset #businessprinciples #coach #coaching #businessowner #businesscoach

May 10, 202207:36
You didn't have a bad day, you had a bad ten seconds!

You didn't have a bad day, you had a bad ten seconds!

Ever had this...where something has happened, that literally took up ten seconds of your time, ten minutes maybe, and you chose to hold onto it all day and allowed it to ruin your day!  

That is a choice, and our superpower (or one of them!) is choice!   

If the subject today resonate with you and you want to learn how to deal with this stuff better, I can highly recommend Angie Hayes, I mention her in the episode, here are her details. 

07879 008262  

#sales #business #podcast #musings #brain #mindset #focus #beliefs #results #control

Apr 28, 202207:26
No one pays me to speak!

No one pays me to speak!

Let's see if the 'judgers' get involved and comment without listening or engaging in the content! 

OK so the title may be a little provocative in its title, but the reality is very much one of choice. I would love to hear your thoughts, views and how you utilised speaking as part of your marketing mix. 

#business #speaking #marketing #professionalspeaking #motivationalspeaker #sales #opportunities #realtalk

Mar 10, 202213:06
BIG as a principle, do you know it?
Mar 10, 202203:17