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Salesforce Casts Podcast

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Salesforce Casts Podcast
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What The Locker Service? WTL

Salesforce Casts PodcastNov 01, 2018

Frequently asked questions by newbies

Frequently asked questions by newbies

In this episode let me walk you through some of the most frequently asked questions by newbies, who either wants to make their career on Salesforce or who's trying to learn Salesforce.

These are the questions I tried answering

  • Am from Non-IT/non technical background will I be able to get a job in Salesforce as it involves programming?
  • I get overwhelmed looking at the different types of errors.
  • Do I need to have any prior knowledge to Java?
  • Do I have to remember all the syntax
  • Is Certification a mandate?
Dec 22, 201810:25
What is Einstein Prediction Builder & few use cases where it can be helpful

What is Einstein Prediction Builder & few use cases where it can be helpful

In this episode we will try to look at what is **Einstein Prediction Builder**. Also, just understanding the tool/platform is not going to help us.

Though a tool is super powerful it’s of no use to us if we don’t know and where to us it. Hence I tried focusing on the **three different verticals/industries where Einstein Prediction Builder can be used**. I also mentioned one use case for each vertical.

If you ask me to sum it up, I would say, in case you have an object and also there exists a field that you want to be predicted, so that you can put some extra care or give a heads up to it, that’s where Einstein Prediction Builder comes to the game.

In case you have **large data sets** that has to be processed with Prediction Builder our work becomes a piece of cake.

Check the episode for the use cases and other stuff.
Nov 30, 201807:02
Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming in Salesforce

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming in Salesforce

In this episode let’s look into what’s Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming and how do we do it Salesforce platform.

Synchronous Programming
In Synchronous programming statements will be executed one after the other. Say, we have 10 lines of code, then each and every line will be execute one after the other. So first line has to be executed it's only then the execution jumps to the second line. Likewise, second line has to be executed, only after that execution jumps on to the third line, so one and so forth. So, If our first statement is dealing with fetching list of Account records, until we get the data, execution will not jump on to the next line.

Asynchronous Programming
Asynchronous Programming is a methodology in which statements will not be executed one after the other. let’s say we have 10 lines of code and one of the statements in these 10 lines is a setTimeout() statement and lets go with the assumption that we want it to get executed after 10 secs. Then the execution comes to this setTimeOut statement and the moment the execution hits this statement, we are telling the computer I want to run this function but I don’t want to do it at least for a 10000 milliseconds in the future. So once 10 seconds from now gets passed that’s when I want this statement to get executed.

Often we use this format of coding when we want to get data from other systems or when we make AJAX calls and etc. So we make the call and the thread doesn’t know when the response is going to comeback. This is Asynchronous Programming.

We also discussed about other things in this episode. Please check it out.
Nov 22, 201807:48
Why did salesforce come up with Lightning Experience?
Nov 15, 201808:03
Things you need to know about REST API

Things you need to know about REST API

In this episode we will try to understand what is REST API and how can we make use of it.
Nov 10, 201809:20
What The Locker Service? WTL

What The Locker Service? WTL

In this episode we will try to understand whats Lightning Locker Service and why do we need to implement it in our projects.
Nov 01, 201809:30
Best Practices in Apex Programming
Oct 19, 201808:35
Everything you need to know about Oauth & JWT

Everything you need to know about Oauth & JWT

Everything you need to know about Oauth & JWT. Visit to get a hang of all the topics we covered and we will be covering. Find info about our subscription at
Oct 11, 201812:38
All about Einstein & Voice Assistant

All about Einstein & Voice Assistant

In this episode we will talk about the new product launch in Dreamforce '18 which is Einstein and the Voice Assistant.
Oct 04, 201810:31
What's the future of Salesforce?

What's the future of Salesforce?

What's the future of Salesforce? Should someone learn it and make it as my career and etc..
Sep 25, 201813:50
What to develop/build after you are done learning Salesforce and how to become a better Salesforce Developer.

What to develop/build after you are done learning Salesforce and how to become a better Salesforce Developer.

In this episode we will be talking about what to develop/build after you are done learning Salesforce and how to become a better Salesforce Developer.
Sep 20, 201812:05
Challenges faced when you migrate Salesforce Org from Classic to Lightning

Challenges faced when you migrate Salesforce Org from Classic to Lightning

The very first episode of this podcast!!
Sep 12, 201804:50