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the Millennial Throwback Machine

the Millennial Throwback Machine

By Sam Williams

this podcast is going to be all about 60's music. the goal with this podcast is to educate a younger generation on one of the greatest decades of music of all time, and to prove to people that Millennials can love 60's music as well and it's not just for Baby boomers. Each week I"m going to review one song by one artist from the 60's and split the podcast into two halfs. first half is going to be my perspective and my opinion on the song and why I think it's so good or why I don't think it's so great. then I'm going to talk about the history behind the group or artist that did the song and talk about the behind the scenes industry people and places that helped make it a hit (writers and producers, session musicians and band members and recording studios and chart positions, etc.) I will occasionally interview industry people from back then either over the phone or in person to give you a better glimpse of how the business worked back then and how much has changed since then, and to educate younger people on their careers and the songs they made famous to the people listening that may not be familiar with their music at all
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Episode 228 Part 2: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

the Millennial Throwback MachineSep 30, 2023

Episode 242 Part 2: Gale Garnett

Episode 242 Part 2: Gale Garnett

hey Guys! Sorry for the delayed release of the next episode of this podcast. I unfortunately got sick this month, and I"m still not over it right now unfortunately. I'm definitely doing everything that I can do to try to get back to a 100% but I am definitely feeling much better then I was last week. but I wanted to put out one more episode before this month is over, so I can start fresh next month. so this week's episode is all about the history behind the last song & artist I talked about on my podcast. I hope you find it interesting. here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

Please do also check out the premium subscription version of my podcast. here you'll be able to find all of my new interview episodes for this podcast. there is SO MUCH good information that these guests are giving me on my podcast. I truly hope that you'll become a premium subscriber soon so that way you don't miss out on all of these really good interview episodes. here's where you can check it out right here:

don't forget to also check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast including some of the ones that I talked about in old interview episodes I did before they went premium. here's the link to that right here:

Please do also listen to my latest EP. I would really appreciate it if you guys could listen to it because the more organic listeners I get on Spotify, the more the Spotify Algorithm will reward me. right now it's unfortunately punishing artists & bands who are getting less then a 1,000 streams on Spotify per month, even if their music is REALLY good. here's the link to where you can listen to it right here:

also PLEASE do check out the new merchandise for the podcast that I launched recently for the premium version of my podcast. definitely let me know what you think of it by emailing me at, or you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

If you found out some REALLY cool facts about the last song & artist I talked about on my podcast & you haven't heard of them before & your around my age, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. once again, my apologies for a delayed release of this next episode of my podcast. I know this is super last minute because I put out 2 a month now, & April is almost over, but I wanted to put out one more before this month is over so I can start fresh next month. I hope you guys are doing well & I will talk to you all soon.

Apr 29, 202437:12
Episode 242 Part 1: Gale Garnett

Episode 242 Part 1: Gale Garnett

Hey Guys! So here's something that you may not expect from me. I had a sudden inspiration to cover another female artist on my podcast recently. and normally I don't do back to back female artists on my show, but this song came to mind that has a very interesting lyrical premise, and I just couldn't pass on breaking it down & analyzing it. in this song, the singer talks about something you hear a lot about today, but the thing is this song came out 60 years ago, so she was 60 years ahead of her time with the lyrics in this song, so that's pretty cool. here's the link to where you can listen to it right here:

don't forget to please follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

would also really appreciate it if you guys could subscribe to the premium version of my podcast. I wouldn't want you to have to miss out on all of these great interviews that I'm doing for this podcast. there is so much gold information that I"m getting from these guys & so many amazing stories that are just really captivating & interesting. here's the link to it right here:

also I would REALLY appreciate it if you could listen to my music as well. look guys, Spotify is penalizing artists for paying for fake streams but, if you guys listen to my songs, then that's all organic listens & it will help with getting my stuff noticed on Spotify. I don't pay for listeners of my podcast, so I know that everyone that listens to this show are all real people. here's the link to where you can listen to it right here:

also do check out the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in old interview episodes (the free ones) if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email them to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also feel free the browse through my new podcast merch store. this store is specific to the premium subscription version of my podcast. this logo really hones in on exactly what the premium version of my podcast is all about. you can check it out right here:

If you liked my analysis on this week's song & artist & you have never heard of her before & your a millennial/Gen Z, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thank you guys for being patient with me with this particular version of my podcast. I hope your still enjoying this version of my show even though I only release two episodes a month now. I'll be back with another episode this month but then next month I'll start back up again fresh. but I'll keep you guys occupied with new interview episodes for the premium version of my podcast, and that version of my podcast is truly a level up from this version of my podcast. thanks for listening & I will talk to you all soon.

Apr 08, 202439:31
Episode 240 Part 2: Dusty Springfield

Episode 240 Part 2: Dusty Springfield

Hey Guys! So I am back with my second free episode for this month. I'm wrapping up woman's history month with another episode talking about the history behind the last song & artist I talked about on my podcast, Dusty Springfield. now I want you guys to understand that if this episode, for whatever reason, is hard to listen to, maybe I"m just a little bit all over the place & disorganized with my facts, maybe I should try to write down what I say on my podcast before saying it, please email me at, cause like I always say for this show, I"m open to all kinds of feedback for my podcast (both good and bad) I'm always looking to improve this show, so I would appreciate any kind of feedback I can get for this podcast. Otherwise, I'll just keep doing what I have been doing for this podcast. here's the link to the last song I talked about just in case you wanted to listen to it:

Please do follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok as well. I haven't said this in a while, but if I don't know you & you discover this podcast online, please reach out to me. I want to get to know you better & become acquainted with you:

also, I would really appreciate it if you guys could subscribe to the premium version of my podcast. Cause here's the thing about this version of my podcast. With this free version of my podcast, you guys are kind of getting the minimal surface level information about this music, but on this premium version of my podcast, you are truly getting the deep hard to find facts & stories about these songs from the people who were there making this music back in the 60's. so in a sense, if your not crazy about this particular version of my podcast, maybe you'll like this version instead:

also please do stream my last EP guys. look, I could definitely get penalized if I use a play listing promotion company to grow my streams on Spotify, so that means the only way my songs could grow in streaming numbers is if you guys listen to it & share it with your friends organically. here's the link to my songs right here:

also please do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for my podcast. this is where you'll hear all of the music that I have talked about on my podcast. if you would like to suggest to me songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

if you found out some VERY cool behind the scenes facts about the last song & artist that I talked about on my podcast & your a Millennial/Gen Z, please email me at you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thanks for being patient guys with this free version of my podcast. I'll probably put out another couple of episodes for this free version of my podcast next month. in the meantime, please do sign up for the premium version of my podcast. there you'll get the super tough to find stories about theses absolutely great songs from this era. Hope you guys are doing well & I will talk to you all soon.

Mar 27, 202401:01:52
Episode 240 Part 1: Dusty Springfield

Episode 240 Part 1: Dusty Springfield

hey guys! so sorry for again the delayed release of a free episode of my podcast. let me tell you something guys. it is SO HARD balancing doing this version of my podcast and doing the premium subscription version of my podcast. I have been recording SO MANY new interview episodes lately, and if I"m being totally honest with you, it is has been REALLY difficult to find the time to do the free version of my podcast, among also managing classes for the school that I"m going to, as well as trying to work on new music. but I'm not gonna lie, things have been great for me lately. It has been SUCH A JOY doing these interviews for the premium version of my podcast, and it has been SO COOL uncovering new facts about some of my favorite records of all time from the people that were there & made this music happen back then. But I digress, I'm really gonna do my best to try & upload a new free episode of my podcast for a few reasons, one I don't want to neglect you guys & only release premium interview episodes & not give you guys any free content, and also, while I have been able to interview so many great 60's music legends on my podcast, there are TONS of records from the 60's where pretty much no one is alive today who were involved in the making of these records, so I couldn't interview those particular people, and I think I want to make an effort to try & cover those records on this free version of my podcast, so I'lm keeping that music alive while interviewing as many OG people who made these songs back then as I can for the premium version of my podcast. as I'm doing this week. so it's women's history month, and I thought I would kill two birds with one stone & do a song by a British Singer & have it be a female. here's the link to this week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

listen guys. I recorded 5 FREAKING INTERVIEWS THIS MONTH. i have been going SO HARD at doing this particular version of my podcast, and I REALLY hope you'll jump on this soon. it's super affordable & there are SO MANY great and insightful interviews on this feed already and SO MANY more that are gonna come out soon. I REALLY hope you guys will take advantage of this while it's here:

and GUESS WHAT GUYS!?!?! I FINALLY HAVE MERCH FOR THE PREMIUM VERSION OF MY PODCAST!!!! YES!!!!!! I just got this REALLY cool logo done for the premium version of my podcast. and the slogan PERFECTLY encapsulates EXACTLY what you would be paying for for the premium version of this podcast. I hope you guys enjoy this fresh new merch, and definitely let me know your thoughts on the new logo as well:

also please do listen to these Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. I still update them whenever I get the chance to record & put out free episodes of this podcast. please do check them out right here & do send me suggestions for songs I should talk about next at

also, PLEASE do stream my last EP. guys I am currently working on new music but MAN it has been a slow process with these new songs because I have been SO BUSY with doing interviews for the premium version of my podcast, that I just haven't had the time to further flesh out the arrangements for these songs, but don't worry, I will get to them, in the meantime, please do enjoy this:

if you loved my analysis on this week's song & you haven't heard it before & your around my ages, please email me at

Mar 19, 202423:16
Episode 238 Part 2: The Trashmen

Episode 238 Part 2: The Trashmen

Hey Guys, once again my apologies for the delay with releasing part two of the last song & group I was talking about on my podcast. I was hit with a family tragedy recently so I have been tied up with managing the house while my parents have been gone (and we have two dogs now) but I did manage to record part two this week, and also, surprisingly enough, this group is associated with something related to Black History Month & I talk about that with this episode of this podcast. here's the link to last week's song just in case you want to listen to it:

please do follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

also please do sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast. I would really appreciate it because here you will hear some very cool very hard to find facts & stories on some of the greatest 60's rock & roll songs of all time. here's where you can do that right here:

also, please do listen to the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast, here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones mentioned in the older interview episodes that I did a while back before I went premium with them. this is where you'll be able to keep track of every song I talk about on my show since I don't play snippets of the songs I talk about on my show. here's the link to it right here:

Please do also listen to my last EP that I released. I love all of these songs & they are truly capture a very specific moment in time for me. here's where you can do that right here:

also I have something very exciting to announce. I just launched new merch specifically for the premium version of my podcast. I hope you enjoy this logo as I think it perfectly encapsulates what the premium version of my podcast is all about. here's the link to that right here:

If you found out some VERY cool facts about the last song & group I talked about on my podcast & you have never heard of them, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thanks guys for being patient with me with putting out this next free podcast episode. I also love how you guys are continuing to listen to this show even though I don't put out an episode every week. I really do appreciate that. please do keep listening & I hope you'll sign up for the premium version of my podcast soon so you'll be able to check out my latest interview episodes as well.

Feb 19, 202437:20
Episode 238 Part 1: The Trashmen

Episode 238 Part 1: The Trashmen

hey guys! so I actually am back with another free episode of this podcast. the reason as to why this one came up so quickly is because this time I had a pretty clear idea as to which song I wanted to talk about next on my podcast. so I decided to go down a slightly different direction this time with this particular next song I'm going to talk about with this podcast. I honestly have only done this once with my podcast, and I thought it would be a lot of fun to do this again, but I thought it would be a good idea to roast another 60's song that I"m frankly not a fan of, to show you guys that while yes, there were many great songs from the 60's, ther were some not so great songs from that era that kind of stink. & this song is certainly one of them. I definitely not a fan of this song & maybe after you hear me talk about how much I don't like it, you'll agree with me & think that it sucks as well. but if you dare to check it out, here's the link to where you can listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

Please do also sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast. here you'll hear all of the new interview episodes that I"m doing on my podcast. this is a true inside look on some great behind the scenes facts on some of the greatest music ever written & recorded from the people that were there. here's the link to that right here:

PLEASE do also check out the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in old interview episodes of my podcast before they went premium. please do listen to these as I don't feature any music clips on my podcast. here are the links to those right here:


also I would formally like to announce that I now have a NEW Merch store for the premium version of my podcast. I truly believe this new catch phrase firmly represents what the premium version of my podcast is about. you can check it out right here:

would also absolutely LOVE IT if you guys could listen to my last EP. I could REALLY use your help with getting some more streams with my songs. & if you guys were to listen to my songs, that would boost my monthly listenership on Spotify. here's where you can do that right here:

if you liked my analysis on this week's song, and you happen to agree with me that this song isn't very good & your a millennial/Gen Z, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. the next episode will go into the history behind this song & it actually ties into Black History month believe it or not. I'm very happy to be back so soon with another free episode of this podcast. & I hope you enjoy the new merch for this podcast & definitely lmk your thoughts on it at

Feb 06, 202429:52
Episode 236 Part 2: Tommy Roe

Episode 236 Part 2: Tommy Roe

Hey Guys! So I am back with another free version of this podcast. So I have been telling some people (friends and people I meet on social media) about my podcast (specifically my young friends around my age) and I truly hope you'll spread the word amongst people your age about this podcast, because that is what this show is for. I have said that since episode one of me doing this podcast 6 years ago that this podcast is designed to educate younger millennials about 60's music & the history behind it and I will continue to say that from here on out. I also think there are tons of millennials who are fans of this stuff & are hungry to learn more about this quite amazing music from the 60's, and this podcast is designed to fill that void for them. but anyways, this episode goes into the history behind the last song & artist I talked about on my podcast & I also go into specifics as to which studio musicians played on his records & which studios his songs were recorded in. here's the link to the last song I talked about just in case you wanted to listen to it:


You can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

PLEASE do also check out the premium subscription version of my podcast. to those who are new to my podcast, all of my new interview episodes are going on this private premium subscription version of my podcast. I also FINALLY got a new logo done that is specific to the premium subscription version of my podcast. if you want to see what that new logo looks like, please do click on my latest Instagram story. But please do sign up for this so that way you don't miss out on any of these new interview episodes. to get a taste for this version of my podcast, please scroll through past episodes from 2021 and before to hear some old interview episodes to get a feel for this version of my podcast:

also PLEASE do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. if you are new to my show, I don't play ANY music on my podcast so this is where you will hear all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast. & I constantly update these playlists whenever I talk about new songs. please listen to these playlists if you want to hear the songs I have talked about on my podcast:

also please do check out my official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. FINALLY new merch is coming for this podcast. I pretty much have the final logo selected for the merch for the premium subscription version of this podcast. but in the meantime, please do check out this store & do buy something from it if you feel so inclined to do so:

also do check out my last EP. I really do love these songs & please send them to younger peeps that you think might enjoy them. here's the link right here:

If you found out some GREAT behind the scenes facts from the last artist & song I have talked about on my podcast & you have never heard of him before & your a millennial/Gen Z, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thanks guys for hanging with me. I may not put out as many of these free episodes as much anymore, but maybe I will if I see an increase of listenership from Millennial/Gen Z peeps. I just might put out more episodes. we shall see. in the meantime, I hope you guys are doing well & I hope to talk to you soon.

Feb 01, 202428:40
Episode 236 Part 1: Tommy Roe

Episode 236 Part 1: Tommy Roe

Hey Guys! Happy New Year! once again, my apologies again for the delay with dropping a new episode of my podcast, the beginning of this year was kind of a doozy for me. I spent the first week of the year sick/under the weather & then my soon to be 2 year old niece was at my studio for a while, and when she is there, it's difficult to record any music or podcasts because she is very loud. but I finally got around to recording a new episode for you guys, and I also have been very busy doing interviews for the premium subscription version of this podcast, and now that I have two dogs at my studio, when i'm home alone I have to keep an eye on one of them so it's hard to just go into my room & record my podcast sometimes. But I thought I would kick the year off with a very cool winter song that you may not be familiar with. A pretty underrated one I might add. I love this one & I hope you like it too. here's the link to it right here:

Please do follow me & reach out to me On Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

would absolutely LOVE IT if you guys could subscribe to the premium subscription version of my podcast. I'm telling you I am offering something quite unique here. You just won't find anything like this anywhere else. consider this like a streaming service like Netflix or HBO, except that it's all about 60's rock & roll history. so there is really a true value with this subscription & that is what I am offering to you. here's where you can access it:

also PLEASE do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast including some of the ones that I have talked about on my podcast including some of the ones that I have mentioned in old interview episodes of my podcast from before I started doing the premium interviews. this is how you can keep track of all of the songs I talk about on my show. here's where you can check them out right here:

also please stream my last EP guys. I'm also very excited for my next batch of songs for my next EP, but please do enjoy these songs as well. they truly encapsulate a moment in time for me. here's the link to where you can check it out right here:

also would absolutely love it if you guys could check out my latest music video as well. this is such a unique song for me. it's truly one of a kind. I don't think I'll ever write another song like this one. here's the link to it right here:

also do check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. I will get a new logo worked on for the premium subscription version of my podcast. You guys will just have to hang tight for that one. here's the link right here:

As per usual, if you liked my analysis on this week's song & you never heard it before & you have never heard this song before & your a millennial/Gen Z, definitely email me at, you can also follow me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. Happy New Year Guys. I will try to be back here next week with another episode of this podcast, but also, please do sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast. I would hate for you guys to miss out on all of these very cool interviews that have exclusive information on these great songs from the 60's that you won't find anywhere else. Thanks for being patient with me guys, I know it's tough for me to release these free episodes of my podcast but I certainly try to. I'll see you guys next time.

Jan 24, 202433:48
Episode 234 Part 2: Bobby Moore & The Rhythm Aces

Episode 234 Part 2: Bobby Moore & The Rhythm Aces

Hey Guys! I know it's been a while since I have released an episode of this podcast, it's been becoming a little more difficult to find the time record these free podcast episodes, as I often think about what song I should talk about next, & that can take me a while to do that, and I also have been getting wrapped up with recording episodes for the premium subscription version of this podcast, so that has sucked up a lot of my free time, as well as taking care of my responsibilities with my current living situation, so it's been a little challenging for me to release these free episodes, but I'm doing my best to do that, while at the same time, thinking about new music to produce as well. I wanted to share with you guys the link to the last song I talked about on my podcast just in case you forgot the song. here it is right here:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

would also absolutely LOVE it if you guys could sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast. this will REALLY help me out financially, and you will get access to SO MANY REALLY Cool stories on my podcast about some GREAT songs that you won't find ANYWHERE Else on my podcast. here's the link to where you can access it right here:

Also please do listen to the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones I have mentioned in old interview episodes I did a while back. here's where you can check it out right here:


don't forget to also check out my last EP. I still love all of these songs, while I am also equally as excited for my new batch of songs as well. here's the link to where you can listen to it right here:

also would absolutely LOVE it if you guys could check out my latest music video. this song is so unique for me, it is kind of a one trick poney, but it's still very cool. here's the link to where you can watch the video right here:

if you found out some GREAT information about the last song I talked about on my podcast that you didn't know about & your around my age (your a Millennial/Gen Z) please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tokr @iheartoldies. looking back on this year, it was a very busy year for me for interview episodes, I got lots of great information from guests on my podcast talking about the history behind all of these great songs from back then, also it was a busy year of music releases, but hopefully by next year I'll be in the studio recording some new songs & of course I'll be releasing new interview episodes for the premium subscription version of my podcast. I hope you guys enjoyed this year, I"ll try my best to keep up with putting out new episodes for the free version of this podcast, but it's been tough for me to do that as I do have a big life outside of this podcast. but I hope you guys are doing great & I will see you & talk to you all next year.

Dec 30, 202346:50
Episode 234 Part 1: Bobby Moore & The Rhythm Aces

Episode 234 Part 1: Bobby Moore & The Rhythm Aces

Hey Guys! Sorry it's been so long since I have released an episode, there's a lot of reasons as to why I'm not as frequent as I was before with releasing new episodes of this show, I'm balancing a bunch of other things right now, with recording & releasing new interview episodes of the premium version of my podcast, to writing & recording more music, and also dealing with my current responsibilities of where I'm staying at currently. also, I put a lot of thought into which song to talk about next on my podcast, and that can take me some time to make that decision. but as always, I do appreciate those who still listen to my podcast despite the fact that it is often very difficult for me to show up to this free version of my podcast so frequently, but I definitely do my best to do so. As I was looking through the past episodes of my podcast, I had noticed it had been quite a long time since I have done a song from Muscle Shoals, Alabama, and I thought why don't I do another one. there were so many great R&B/Soul Pop songs recorded in that small little town in the south, it was definitely hard for me to pick a song to talk about, but I definitely picked a good one. here's the link to it just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

PLEASE do sign up for the premium version of my podcast. would REALLY appreciate it if you could do that. I have SO MANY cool people lined up for the premium version of my podcast who worked on some GREAT music. people like session pianist Artie Butler, record producer Artie Ripp & songwriter & DJ Lee Garrett. if you don't want to miss out on any of that, here's the link to where you can check it out right here:

also would absolutely LOVE IT If you guys could listen to my last EP. man these songs definitely feel like a time machine for me, they capture specific moments in time for me from about a few years ago, and yes, I'm working on a few some more new songs for the next EP. one of them is actually the sequel song for one of the songs I released off my last EP. More on that later, but anyways, please stream it right here:

also, please do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast, here you'll be able to find all of these great songs that I talk about on my podcast, while I may not do it each week, but whenever I talk about a new song, I add it to this playlist, so please do give them a listen right here:

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items with a logo that is specific to this podcast. I hope you enjoy it. if you did, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

if you liked my analysis on this week's song & group & you have never heard this song before & your around my age, please email me at, you can also follow me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I appreciate those of you who still listen to this podcast even if the amount of episodes I put out isn't as frequent as they used to be, but trust me, I"m still doing this podcast as I am constantly releasing & scheduling interviews for the premium version of my podcast, it's just that the solo episodes are not as much as they were before.

Dec 19, 202331:38
Episode 232 Part 2: The Nazz

Episode 232 Part 2: The Nazz

Hey Guys! so I'm back with another episode of my podcast. I decided to take the week of Thanksgiving off but I still do appreciate all of you who continue to listen to this podcast even if the episodes are less frequent in terms of when I'm releasing them. I"m sure you guys know why that is by now but just in case you don't, I spend a lot of time deciding/figuring out what song by which artist/band to cover next on my podcast, and sometimes it takes me a little bit of time to make a decision on that, and I always decide that before I start to record my next episode. On top of everything else outside of my podcast that I have going on right now, it can be challenging to find the time to do this show, a long with figuring out what song and artist to cover next on my podcast. Since I have done so many episodes of this podcast, I still try to keep it fresh while still staying in my niche, which definitely isn't an easy task. but I do my best. anyways, I'm excited for this week's episode of my podcast, cause here I talk about a band from the 60's that you may not be aware, but you may be able to relate to their story. here's the link to last song I talked about just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

would absolutely LOVE IT if you guys streamed my last EP. it's very rough for me right now because my songs don't have enough streams for me to make any money on Spotify, but you guys could easily change that. and hopefully someday soon when I start to get placements in Movies & TV shows, those streaming numbers will change. here's the link to that right here:

please do also listen to the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far including some of the songs I have mentioned in some of the older interview episodes I did on my podcast a while back. hope you guys enjoy them, if you have any suggestions for songs I should cover next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at


please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the official merch for this podcast, and maybe after checking this out you'll have an idea for a new logo for this podcast for new merch. if you do please send that idea over to me at, & I"ll consider it for a logo idea:

if you found out some interesting information about the last group I talked about on my podcast in this episode, do email me at, or maybe you were familiar with the 70's artist who was in this band but not the band he was in during the 60's. maybe you didn't know much about them.but anyways, I really hope you guys are enjoying these free episodes of this podcast, and please don't forget to also sign up for the premium version of my podcast so that way you guys don't miss out on all of this great interview content I have been putting out for that version of my podcast. here's the link to that & I will talk to you guys again next time:

Nov 26, 202351:32
Episode 232 Part 1: The Nazz

Episode 232 Part 1: The Nazz

Hey Guys! So I'm back with another episode of my podcast. once again my apologies for the delay in terms of me putting out an episode of my podcast. this one took a while because this week's song has some pretty complex harmony going on with it, so it took me some time to try & analyze it, but I"m back with another premium episode for this podcast. I don't often get personal with my episodes but I can personally relate to this song & I dive into exactly how & why I'm able to relate to it in this episode. Plus it was my birthday a few weeks ago so normally I take the week of my birthday off for my podcast. I hope you guys enjoy this one & for the first time in a while, I'm somewhat dipping my toe into the 70's with this one, as this song is a hybrid 60's & 70's song. more on that for the next episode. but anyways, here's the link to the latest song for this episode just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

Please do also check out the premium subscription version of my podcast as well. I"m doing something special this month, I"m dropping two interview episodes since it's my birthday month & the second interview I will put out will be an indicator for an upcoming musical project I am working on right now. here's where you can subscribe to learn more about it:

don't forget to also check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs that I have talked about on my podcast, but please send me some suggestions for songs I should talk about next that I haven't yet. you can do that by writing to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also please do listen to my latest EP. it sucks guys, at this rate with the amount of monthly listeners I have on Spotify right now, I won't be able to make any money from royalties from my songs on Spotify but if you guys stream my music, that will ultimately change that. here's where you can do that right here:

please also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items with my own custom logo that is specific to my podcast. you can find it right here:

if you liked my analysis on this week's song & artist & you have never heard this tune before & your around my age, or maybe you weren't familiar with the 60's version of this song but you know it from the 70's version of it, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I'm glad I'm somewhat branching out into the 70's with this podcast, while still keeping it in the 60's. the next episode will have some crossover into the 70's in terms of Rock & Roll History but it will still be interesting to listen to for sure. I think I'm gonna put out one more episode this month before Thanksgiving.

Nov 14, 202347:56
Episode 230 Part 2: Neil Sedaka.

Episode 230 Part 2: Neil Sedaka.

Hey Guys! sorry for the delay in releasing another episode. it's been very hectic with me in terms of what I have going on with my school and also doing interviews for the premium version of my podcast. but I wanted to give you guys another free episode of this podcast to give you guys a part two on the last episode I released. I have also been busy keeping up with posting new content to my Tik Tok Page (which can feel like a full time job sometimes) but I wanted to show up for this free version of my podcast & not let down the organic listeners that continue to check out this podcast. here's the link to the last song & artist I talked about on my podcast:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also check out my last EP. I could really use your help with getting this EP some organic streams. it's so hard to make a living these days in the current state of the music industry, but if you guys share my music & listen to it & really spread the word about it. you would be helping me out tremendously. I would appreciate that in advance. here's the link to it just in case you wanted to listen to it:

also would absolutely love it if you guys could subscribe to the premium version of my podcast. I got a new subscriber as of yesterday. I would hate to have you guys miss out on all of these great interview episodes I'm releasing. here's where you can do that right here:

Please do also check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to keep track of all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast including some of the ones that I have mentioned in old interview episodes of my podcast. here's where you'll be able to find all of them right here:

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. this logo for this podcast is very cool & I want to get your thoughts on it as well as any new ideas you have for me for a potential new logo for this podcast:

also would absolutely love it if you guys could check out my latest music video. I put in a lot of hard work into making this video & I really hope you guys enjoy it. here's the link to it right here:

if you found out some GREAT information about the last song & artist I talked about on my podcast & you didn't know much about them & your a millennial/Gen Z, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I hope you guys are doing great & I will probably have one more episode of my podcast ready to go for you guys before my birthday, two for November and maybe three more for December before the holidays & that will be a wrap this year for the free version of my podcast. this year was a very productive year for my podcast & there will be more premium episodes of my podcast into the new year. Stay well guys & definitely keep things groovy!

Oct 25, 202301:05:40
Episode 230 Part 1: Neil Sedaka

Episode 230 Part 1: Neil Sedaka

Hey Guys! I hope you are all doing great. So my Second EP came out last month. You know it's very difficult to get a piece of music noticed & listened to by a lot of people when you have zero money going towards the marketing for it. I'm hoping with the right kind of sync placements that these songs will find an audience & they will get noticed on a much larger scale outside of just people I know who I send my music to one day. but if you guys decide to listen to it, that will help me out tremendously because all of the streams you put towards my music will be totally organic & it will be streams that I don't have to pay for via marketing. so that will be great. but anyways, this week I decided to go back to the ealry 60's and do another teen idol. I haven't done one of these guys in quite a long time. specifically an east coast teen idol as well. here's the link to this week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

Please do also listen to my last EP. would really appreciate the streams on this one & I hope the songs resonate with you in someway. here's where you can listen to it right here:

don't forget to sign up for the premium subscription version of this podcast. I would hate to have you guys miss out on all of these great interview episodes I'm doing. here's where you can do that right here:

Please do also listen to the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in older interview episodes of this podcast. I hope you enjoy these playlists & if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch Store for this podcast. I hope you'll enjoy it. there is a lot of cool merch items with a logo that is specific to this podcast. here's where you can find it right here:

also would totally love it if you checked out my latest music video as well. it's super dope & I hope you like it. here is the link to it right here:

If you REALLY liked my analysis on this week's song & artist & your dying to hear more about the history behind this artist next week, then definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. Thanks guys for being patient with me on the next episode of my podcast, & I sincerely hope you'll subscribe to the premium subscription version of this podcast. hope you guys are doing great & I will talk to you all soon.

Oct 09, 202345:34
Episode 228 Part 2: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Episode 228 Part 2: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Hey Guys! so it's the last day of September so I wanted to get one more episode in before the month is over. a lot of this episode is going to be review because even though I don't do it all of the time, I have covered Motown in the past, so it definitely isn't uncharted territory for me. but it still should be interesting if you haven't heard me talk about Motown in a while, but I also talk about another successful independent record company from the 60's in this episode, that actually ties in Motown. also my next music video is out, please do watch it & leave a comment if you love it. here's the link to the last song I talked about on my podcast just in case you forgot it:

you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also watch my latest music video. would totally love it if you could watch it & let me know your thoughts on it. you can do that by emailing me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

definitely also please sign up for the premium version of my podcast. I really want you to hear these really cool interviews I'm doing with these 60's music legends. here's where you can do that right here:

also definitely check out my last EP that I released. it has all of the singles I have released this year including the new version of Turquoise Apricot. here's where you can do that right here:

please also check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for my podcast. here's where you can keep track of all of the songs I cover on my podcast & you can also revisit songs that I previously talked about on my podcast as well. here's where you can do that right here:

also please do check out the offical Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find this super cool merch store that is specific to this podcast. Yes I do have my own merch for my podcast, and if your interested in buying something from this store, here's where you can do that:

if you found out some FASCINATING facts about this week's song & artist & you have never heard of the people behind the scenes of this song & you never knew too much about the co lead singer of this song & your around my age, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. hope you enjoyed this episode, please do watch my latest music video. take care guys & I will talk to you all soon.

Sep 30, 202358:22
Episode 228 Part 1: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Episode 228 Part 1: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Hey Guys! sorry for the delay with putting out another episode of this podcast. a lot goes into doing this podcast in terms of the song selection, and I also have a lot going on in my life currently but I will do my best to still put out three episodes a month whenever I am able to. I would hate to leave the listeners of the free version of my podcast hanging & only put out the premium interview episodes. but anyways, I am also back with some great news for my music. my next music video comes out on Friday & I would absolutely love it if you guys could check it out & share it with your friends when it comes out. it also comes out at 1pm PST on Friday as well. it is the official music video for the long awaited new version of Turquoise Apricot that you can now stream everywhere as well. I also decided to switch it up this week & talk about a song that is very relevant to today's world & I talk about exactly how it is relevant in today's world in this episode as well. here's the link to where you can listen to it just in case you wanted to check it out:

You can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also sign up for the premium subscription version of this podcast as well. I just dropped an interview episode with a guy who was in a band that was the first to record a song that would become a perennial classic for Jimi Hendrix. & he also became a member of the Turtles. here's the link to where you can listen to that & all of my other new interview episodes right here:

also definitely check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that have been mentioned in some of the older interview episodes of this podcast. this is how you keep track of all of the songs I cover on my show after I wrap up each one or two part episode. here are the links to those right here:

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. by buying a merch item from this store, that is another way you can support me not only with this podcast but financially as well. here's where you can do that right here:

also please do check out my latest EP that has the brand new version of Turquoise Apricot. this EP has every song that has already been released, but I bet you haven't heard this new version of Turquoise Apricot that came out as part of this EP as well:

if you REALLY liked my analysis on this week's song & you haven't heard it before and your a millennial/Gen Z, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I appreciate you who are still listening to this podcast, I know it's been hard for me to release a new episode every week, but I just have a lot going on in my life right now & time honestly just slips away from me before I can really get to doing this podcast, but I will still do my best to put out three episodes a month, although it just might be two depending on what else I have going on in my life right now. Anyways, I will be back soon with another podcast & I will talk to you all again very soon.

Sep 26, 202352:44
Episode 226 Part 2: The Shadows Of Knight.

Episode 226 Part 2: The Shadows Of Knight.

Hey Guys! Sorry for the long delay with releasing this episode. I have been dealing with an equipment crisis in my studio that I think is resolved now but I will keep you all posted on that. if your a musician and one of your pieces of musical equipment that you use on a regular basis isn't working all of a sudden, you become a one track mind & all you can think about is how to fix it. so that took over my train of thought for a while, but I definitely haven't forgotten about you all, so I wanted to give you part two of the last group & song that I talked about. also more updates, my next music video comes out September 29th, so get ready because the thing I have been talking about for quite sometime is finally coming out, so that's exciting. here's the link to the last song we talked about just in case you wanted to listen to it again:

Please do follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also sign up for the premium version of my podcast. got a lot of cool interviews lined up for the premium version of my podcast that will come out very soon, here's the link to where you can sign for that if your interested right here:

also please do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to keep track of all of the songs I talk about on my podcast including some older interview episodes before they went premium, if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:


also would totally love it if you guys could check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. it's been a long time since I have promoted this merch store on my social media pages, but I should soon. I have a music video coming out soon so I have been busy promoting that on social media lately as well, but if you happen upon my podcast, please know that I do have a merch store & I would love it if you could check it out & let me know your thoughts on it as well:

if you found out some REALLY cool facts about the last song & group that I talked about on my podcast from listening to this week's episode, DEFINITELY email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thank you guys for being patient with me I know the last episode I put out was a few weeks ago, life happens to me sometimes & when it does it's hard for me to really focus on releasing an episode to you, but thank you to everyone who is still listening to this free version of my podcast, and I will do my best to try to maintain this free version despite everything I have going on in my life right now. love you guys will talk to you all soon.

Sep 16, 202301:06:16
Episode 226 Part 1: The Shadows Of Knight.

Episode 226 Part 1: The Shadows Of Knight.

hey guys! so I"m back with another episode for this podcast. I'm doing my best to try to give you guys these free episodes, and I can see that people are still listening to this free version of my podcast, and I"m very happy to hear that. I would be more happier if I were to hear from one of you who listens of my podcast! so please don't be a stranger and definitely reach out to me at I would also love to hear from you if your a younger listeners of this podcast as well. so this week I'm keeping it within the rock theme, I"m just doing a slightly different sub genre of Rock. this song is honestly quite adult for a 60's song, so I will probably put an explicit content labeling for this one. it's honestly one of the most adult songs of the 60's. here's the link to where you can listen to it right here:

you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

also would totally love it if you guys could subscribe to the premium version of my podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the new interview episodes of this podcast, and here you will find some very cool and VERY difficult to find behind the scenes stories about some great 60's pop, rock & roll & R&B songs. here is the link to where you can find that right here:

also would absolutely LOVE it if you could check out the official Spotify & Youtube Playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I talk about on my show including some of the ones that I mention in interview episodes of this podcast. here's the link to those playlists right here:

also would totally love it if you guys check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast, here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items that are specific to this podcast. here's where you can find it right here:

if you liked my analysis on this week's song & you found it interesting & you have never heard of it before & your around my age, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. so I do have an update for you guys on my next music video. I decided to scrap my original plan with only releasing clips of it because the footage in the video that I"m not satisfied with has been modified so hopefully I am satisfied with the final end result. I'll keep you guys posted on that cause I haven't seen that new version of the video yet. I will let you know when I do. more then Iikely I'll be releasing the video in full as it is on my Youtube account. I'll let you know what my final decision is on that.

Aug 29, 202339:52
Episode 224 Part 2: The Chantays

Episode 224 Part 2: The Chantays

Hey Guys! so I hope you are all doing well. a couple of things I wanted to update you on, so as far as my music video is concerned, because I"m not 100% satisfied with the video, I probably won't be uploading the full video to Youtube, but instead, I'll be posting clips of it to my Tik Tok & Instagram feeds. I really want to show you guys the best parts of this video, so please do understand that. but anyways, follow me on those platforms to see parts of the video. so this week's episode is a continuation of the last episode I put out where I talked about Surf Rock, and now I am going to share some history of the genre & why even though if your not a baby boomer & your a millennial, you might be familiar with this style of music. here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

You can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

also would love it if you guys could sign up for the premium version of this podcast. you'll hear all of my latest interview episodes of this podcast. here's where you can find the link to it:

don't forget to also check out the official Spotify & Youtube Playlists for this podcast, here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some fo the ones that I have mentioned in the interview episodes of this podcast. here's where you can find all of them right here:

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find these really cool merch items that are specific to this podcast. I hope you enjoy the logo, and I would also love your feedback on the merch items itself as well:

if you found out some REALLY cool information about last week's song & episode & you didn't know too much about surf rock & you thought this episode was cool & your a millennail/Gen Z, please email me at also, I haven't mentioned this in a long time, but I am also open to any kind of constructive feedback you may have for me for this podcast. I am always looking to improve it, so if you have any suggestions for me that you think might help out my podcast & make it better for my listeners, please send them over to me at My second EP comes out September 8th, and soon you will see clips of my latest music video but please follow me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies so you can watch clips of my music video when I post them.

Aug 26, 202357:42
Episode 224 Part 1: The Chantays

Episode 224 Part 1: The Chantays

Hey Guys! So I know it's been a few weeks since I have released a podcast episode, well just know that like I always say, I never forget about you, I just have other things going on in my life that make it very tough for me to do this show every week, so like I said before, I will be putting out three of these episodes a month, & I think I covered all of the news that's going on with me in the last podcast, and I think in this one too, so if you want to find out the updates for me and my music, please listen to this episode of this podcast and the last one too. But anyways, I thought since it's still technically summertime, I should cover a song within a genre that very much sounds like summer. the genre is surf rock, and this week's song definitely glorifies that genre for sure. here's the link to this week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

You can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also sign up for the premium version of my podcast, I hope you'll do this because if you do, you will get access to all of the interview episodes I'm currently doing for this podcast. those will all be uploaded to this private feed. here's the link to it just in case your interested in signing up for it:

please do also check out the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones talked about in my older interview episodes. please do send me suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast at

also definitely check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast, here you'll be able to find all of these really cool merch items that are specific to this podcast. if you like this logo & you have some feedback for me on the prices of each item in the store, definitely email me at

if you REALLY liked my analysis on this week's song & you have heard of this genre before but you have never heard this song before and now you want to learn more about the history behind this song, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I'll be back with another podcast episode soon, but please listen to this week's episode to hear all of the updates for my music as I am not sure if I will have enough character space here to talk with you about everything new that is going on with my music.

Aug 16, 202332:38
Episode 222 Part 2: The Searchers.

Episode 222 Part 2: The Searchers.

hey Guys! Hope you all are doing well. so yes! the Turquoise Apricot music video is FINALLY finished! and the full EP comes out September 8th, and I'm playing a release show for the EP September 5th at Bar Lubitsch. I'm on at 9pm my friend Marcelo is on at 8pm. so yes! that will be a good time & the music video for the song should be done by then as well. also I still have LOTS of interview content for the premium version of this podcast planned to be released & I'm also still recording new interview episodes for the premium subscription version of this podcast as well. but anyways, this week's episode is chock full of great information about the British Invasion, so if any of it is new to you if you are new to this podcast, I hope you enjoy the information. here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also check out the premium version of this podcast as well. If you want to hear all of the new interviews I'm doing for this podcast, I would highly suggest you check this out & sign up for it. it isn't that expensive but it's honestly hard to put a price on the great trivia information these guys give me, the stuff that is SO hard to find online, it's definitely worth signing up for just for that alone:

please do also check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast, if you do you'll hear all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes for this podcast, the old ones before I decided to go premium with my interview episodes. but anyways, I hope you enjoy them, here's the link to where you can listen to them right here:

also please do check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast, there are some REALLY cool merch items you can check out through this store, definitely let me know whatcha think of the merch items here plus the prices of each item in the store, you can do that by emailing me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

if you found out some REALLY cool facts about last week's song through this week's episode and you were just COMPLETELY blown away by all of the great information I talked about on here, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I also want to thank everyone who is still listening to this podcast and I also hope you will sign up for the premium version of this podcast as well. honestly it's been hard to find the time to do both & also do songwriting & demo production on my new recently written songs on top of that, but I love doing this podcast & I will continue to do it as long as you guys keep listening to it. I have lots of interviews scheduled for release within the coming months, & you will love each & every one of them for sure. also hopefully my next music video will be done by early September as well for the new version of Turquoise Apricot. hope you guys are doing great & I will talk to you all very soon.

Jul 30, 202359:54
Episode 222 Part 1: The Searchers

Episode 222 Part 1: The Searchers

hey Guys! hope you are all doing well. I'm sure a lot of you have noticed that my frequency as far as how many episodes I have been recording & releasing lately has dropped significantly recently. it has been hard for me to do this show for a variety of reasons, but mainly because of my schedule & what I currently have going on in my life, but I love this music & I love talking about it so I will still continue to do this podcast whenever I can. but also I have LOTS of cool updates for you guys! for one, I FINALLY finished my music video for the new version of Turquoise Apricot. the Full EP will now officially come out on September 8th, and HOPEFULLY, the music video for the song will be done by then as well. here's where you can listen to this week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

also please follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

definitely also check out the premium version of this podcast, I don't want you to miss out on these really great interview episodes I"m doing for this podcast. here's where you can do that right here:

also please do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you will be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned interview episodes:

please do also check out the Official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast, I would REALLY appreciate your support for this podcast through this store, but also through the premium version of this podcast as well, but definitely check out the store & lmk your thoughts on it:

if you REALLY liked my analysis on this week's song & you have NEVER heard it before & your a millennial/Gen Z, definitely email me at, or you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies, I want to thank everyone who still listens to this podcast even if I'm unable to drop an episode as frequently as I was able to before, but besides that, I"m definitely looking forward to having you guys hear my new version of Turquoise Apricot, as that is finally getting released on September 8th, be well guys & I will talk to you all soon.

Jul 19, 202346:38
Episode 221: The Ad Libs

Episode 221: The Ad Libs

Hey Guys! So sorry for the delay in releasing this episode. i had this episode planned to be released in June for Black Music Month, but as always, life gets in the way, so I didn't get the chance to release it last month. but anyways, I have some MAJOR announcements for you guys that I may not have said during this episode, but it looks like my podcast host recently got rid of the character limit for texts descriptions, so if I don't mention it in this episode, I will discuss it here. so here's the deal with my music video guys. it turns out I will be needing to raise some funds to finish it, but the good news is that it won't be much I'll need to raise, and however much you can raise will help me finish the music video for this song & ultimately release this BRAND New great version of this classic song of mine. so here's the link to this week's song, but right below it, will be the link to my GoFundMe Campaign for finishing the music video for my next single: also IF you want to hear this brand new AMAZING version of my old classic Turquoise Apricot, & you want to hear it in a way that you have never heard it before, PLEASE consider donating to this campaign. if you do, I'll release the new version of the song. here's the link to where you can do that right here: also, here's the other deal. If you want to find out more about my brand new long version of Turquoise Apricot that I'm trying to raise some funds to release,I would STRONGLY suggest you listen to my latest interview I did with a REALLY cool station out of Morro Bay California pretty close to San Francisco called 97.3 the Rock. Let me tell you how you can listen to this. when you go on their website, click on the tab that says "Two Week Archives" then scroll down find a show called "Bryce Davis After Six" the top show under is tab is my interview. so here's where you can do that: don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here: also here's another way you can support me & this will help with paying for my music video as well. for those of you who didn't know, I host a premium subscription version of my podcast & that is where you will find all of the new interview episodes for this podcast. if you want to hear all of my latest interview episodes for this podcast, where I sit down with MANY 60's music legends, here's where you can do that: also, you can definitely listen to my latest song as well! If you want to me talk about that song more, then please listen to my latest interview I did with 97.3 the Rock, but here's where you can hear the song as well: also PLEASE do listen to the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. you will find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast in one place right here. I hope you enjoy it. if you have any suggestions for me for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at, you can also follow me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies: also definitely check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items that are specific to this podcast. if you find any cool merch items in this store, or you have some feedback for me on the logo & the prices of each item in the store, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:
Jul 03, 202344:18
Episode 219 Part 2: Brook Benton

Episode 219 Part 2: Brook Benton

Hey Guys! So I"m back with another episode for this podcast. expect one more new episode for this podcast for this month before the next month starts. but anyways, I have some very exciting news for you guys. I'm writing new songs right now & I just got word that the reshoot for the music video for Turquoise Apricot will happen very soon. probably next month, I"m currently waiting for a hard date for the music video reshoot but we are currently looking at sometime in the second week of July. I'm VERY excited to reshoot the music video for this song, & probably as soon as we have that date scheduled, I will submit the full EP for a release date after we pencil in that date for the music video reshoot for that song. also I have a very cool interview episode coming out for the premium version of this podcast this month, to celebrate black music month, it's gonna be with a African American artist from the 60's who had a pretty recognizable hit from the early 60's, but anyways, here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

You can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also sign up for the premium version of this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the new interview episodes for this podcast. the link to that is right here:

please do also check out my latest song too. I really love this song it's one of my favorite original songs I have written. please do take a listen to it the link to it is right here:

don't forget to also check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes of this podcast (the old ones before they went premium) please send me any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast at

don't forget to also check out the official Redubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items with my own custom logo attached to it, if you like this logo & would like to suggest to me new logo ideas for this podcast, please feel free to reach out to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

if you found out some REALLY cool facts about last week's song & artist & you were completely blown away & amazed by the song's connections to some big late 70's hits, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. Guys I'm VERY excited to finally get to reshoot the music video for Turquoise Apricot. been waiting to do this for a LONG TIME & i'm very excited to finally get to do this. then you'll hear the new version of the song in all of it's psychedelic glory. can't wait to release it. & shoot the music video again to the new version of the song. also please check out the premium version of this podcast, where you'll hear my interview with a very cool 60's African American Artist. I hope you guys are well & I will talk to you all soon.

Jun 21, 202338:18
Episode 219 Part 1: Brook Benton

Episode 219 Part 1: Brook Benton

Hey Guys! So I think some of you probably know this by now, but I recently decided to stick with a three episodes a month release schedule with this podcast. it has become harder and harder for me to try to put out 4 a month these days, between my school classes & the internship I'm doing for my school and on top of that, doing interviews for the premium version of my podcast, I definitely have my hands full at the moment, so more then likely, I won't have a new episode the first week of the month, but the remaining three weeks of the month, I will have a new episode. if that changes I'll let you know, or you'll get notified with an extra episode being released in the month, but anyways, I'm very excited to dive into this week's song. June is now technically Black Music Month, so I"m celebrating that with covering some great songs by some black artists, & this week's episode I'm gonna be covering an absolutely FANTASTIC song from a REALLY good black artist. I had fun breaking down this song for you & here's the link to it just in case you wanted to listen to it:

you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast. I really don't want you guys to miss out on all of these great guests I have been having on. these really cool interview episodes that I"m doing. here's the link to where you can do that right here:

also would absolutely LOVE IT if you guys could listen to my latest song. I'm definitely a fan of it, and my friends think it's great too. I could use the help with getting it more streams, so please do listen to it. the link to it is right here:

also please do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far minus the songs discussed in the premium interview episodes of this podcast. this is how you keep track of all of the songs that I talk about on my show. please send me suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, you can do that by emailing me at

please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these really cool merch items with a logo that was specifically designed for this podcast. I hope you enjoy it, here's the link to it right here:

if you REALLY liked my analysis on this week's song & you have NEVER heard it before & you absolutely LOVE this song & you thought it was great & your a millennial/Gen Z, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I appreciate you guys for sticking around & still listening to this podcast even if I"m unable to release one episode a month because of how hectic my current schedule is. Please sign up for the premium version of this podcast, I have been very busy conducting interviews for that & creating content for that feed. I hope you'll do that soon cause I definitely don't want you to have to miss out on all of the interview episodes I have been doing lately. as they will be exclusively posted on to this feed so the only way you'll get to hear them is if you sign up for the premium version of this podcast. be well guys & I will talk to you all soon.

Jun 11, 202344:35
Episode 217 Part 2: Bobby Darin

Episode 217 Part 2: Bobby Darin

Hey Guys! My apologies for the delayed release of this episode. my life can get so crazy sometimes that putting out an episode just isn't feasible sometimes. but I never forget to record one but sometimes I just don't have that moment to myself where I can sit down & release an episode. a lot of times I"m at events or I"m doing an interview episode for the premium feed, so more times then not I get pulled into a bunch of different directions & time slips away & an episode doesn't get released. but just know that I never try to leave you guys hanging for too long. so I'm back with part two of Bobby Darin. this one I"m very excited about because he was such an interesting artist in so many ways, and in this episode I dig deep into his career & just how prolific the guy really was in his lifetime. here's the link to the song I did when I covered him not too long ago:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also check out my latest song too. I really like this song & according to my friends who have heard it, they love it as well & they think that it's my best song yet. I would tend to agree with them, so please go listen to it & help me out with getting more streams. here's the link to where you can do that:

Please do also sign up for the premium version of my podcast. I'm dropping one interview a month for the premium version of my podcast. would love it if you could check it out & sign up right here. it only costs $4.99 a month & you get your first couple of months free:

Also please follow & check out these two playlists for this podcast. I highly recommend you do this so that way you can keep up with the new songs I talk about on my podcast & you don't fall behind on that. I update these whenever I complete a two parter and start a new one. here's the link to those playlists right here:

also would absolutely love it if you guys could check out the Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. I hope you guys enjoy it & if you have any suggestions for future merch logo ideas please send those over to me at you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies.

if you found out some GREAT information from listening to this episode & you didn't know too much about Bobby Darin before listening to this & you found it quite fascinating & your a millennial/Gen Z person, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I think I may stick to a 3 episodes a month release schedule with this podcast going forward, cause doing 4 a month to be honest with you, is a little challenging for me right now, given the things that I"m currently dealing with, and also, please remember that I do have a life outside of this podcast, but I do enjoy doing it & I thank you for your continued listening for it. but please sign up for the premium version of this podcast, cause I will be sticking to dropping one new interview episode every month for a very long time. so please do that, and also do check out my music. I could use some help with getting more streams right now & you checking out my stuff will definitely help grow my listenership on the streaming platforms. but anyways, I hope you guys are doing great & I will talk to you all again very soon.

Jun 01, 202301:02:16
Episode 217 Part One: Bobby Darin

Episode 217 Part One: Bobby Darin

Hey Guys! So I'm back with another episode of this podcast. & I'm happy to be back because I recently saw that my listeners for this show are officially back to normal in terms of listener numbers! that's very exciting! so yeah, as per usual, things have been very eventful with me, but I'm pretty sure I talked about all of the things that happened with me in the last podcast, but if I didn't, I definitely spoke about them in this episode. but yeah I was at a cool 60's music related event last weekend because of my podcast, so yeah, all good stuff. it was a tribute show for a 60's music related compilation called Nuggets put on by the Wild Honey Foundation. I actually got to talk to some people who will probably be potential future podcast guests. I was so inspired by watching a movie about this singer/songwriter from the 60's that I decided to cover him this week on my podcast. here's the link to this week's song right here:

you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also check out my latest single. I absolutely love this song & it's a personal favorite of mine. I definitely think it's one of my best songs. here is the link to that right here:

also would absolutely LOVE IT if you guys could check out & sign up for the premium version of this podcast. I just put out a great interview with an original member of the Blues Magoos. you can find that interview & the rest of my brand new interviews right here:

don't forget to also check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in the old interview episodes I used to put out for free. if you have anymore suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at

Please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the super cool custom merch for this podcast. if you have any suggestions for new merch logos for this podcast, please send those over to me at, this logo is pretty good on itself but it's 4 years old now & I could probably use something new:

if you REALLY liked my analysis on this week's song & you never heard this song before & you had no idea this artist could do this style of music & your a millennial/Gen Z and you have never heard this particular artist tackle this specific genre of music, definitely email me at thanks guys for your continued listening of this podcast. I gotta say it's really starting to pay off for me. I just got into a 60's music related event for free & I got to go to a legendary 60's music recording studio in LA, and it's all because of what I"m doing on this podcast. so that's all great, & definitely listen to my latest song. I absolutely think that it's one of my strongest & greatest songs. I'll talk to you guys more next week.

May 22, 202330:52
Episode 215 Part 2: Young Hult Unlimited

Episode 215 Part 2: Young Hult Unlimited

Hey Guys! Once again, I apologize for not releasing an episode this last week and a half. it is getting harder & harder for me to do this podcast with everything I have going on in my life right now. between school & music production & songwriting & at home responsibilities. but I do appreciate the fact that my regular listener numbers are starting to come back so that makes me happy that me not releasing an episode on one particular week doesn't effect my listenership at all. but as always, things have been incredibly eventful for me lately. so there is a lot of catching up to do on my end with you guys, and I don't think there is enough character space in this text description for this episode to fill you in with everything that has been going on with me lately. so I think I'll save some of it for next week. one thing I'll tell you is that I actually got to see Rock & Roll History for myself in person recently. I will catch you up on that next week. here's the link to last song just in case you didn't listen to it or forgot about it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

also please do sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast. would appreciate it if you guys could do that because then you'll hear all of my latest & upcoming podcast interviews. including one with an original member of a band called the Blues Magoos. here's the link to that just in case you want to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me on Spotify so that way you guys can hear my next song when it comes out the following week. I'm really excited to release this song. I feel like it's one of my best songs yet, it's really powerful & it has a great message. here's the link to where you'll be able to stream it. this is the link to my last single, but through it, you'll be able to find my artist profile to get to my next song:

also, please do check out the Spotify & Youtube Playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes of this podcast (the old ones at least) definitely send me any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet at

please do also check out the Official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the super cool merch items that are specific to this podcast. I hope you'll enjoy the logo & if you have any thoughts on it please send those thoughts over to me at

if you found out some great BTS information about this song & you didn't know anything about it, definitely email me at, or you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I appreciate your continued listening to this podcast even if it's difficult for me to get to you guys every week. trust me I have a lot of things to tell you & please keep your ears low to to ground for my next song as well. I mean everything from getting to visit a legendary 60's recording studio, to getting free vinyl, to getting a press guest pass to a cool 60's music related event happening in LA, so yeah lots to talk about there. but more importantly, please do keep on the lookout for my next song, because I can guarantee you, this one is going to be a doozy, I'll talk to you guys soon & I'll try to be back here next week with a new episode. we'll see if I can do that.

May 13, 202353:08
Episode 215 Part 1: Young Hult Unlimited

Episode 215 Part 1: Young Hult Unlimited

Hey Guys! so I"m back again with another podcast episode. and I also wanted to let you know April's interview episode for the private premium feed is out with Trade Martin. I hope you enjoy it, but also as of this month there will be two new interview episodes kicking off 2024 in January & February, and hopefully there will be more to come after that but I will be keeping you guys busy in the meantime with a brand new interview episode every month for the whole year. also I'm very excited to release the next single for you. I'm very proud of writing this song, and there is a spooky/eerie element to it, and I will talk more about that with you next week. it's one of those songs where if your a lady who listens to it, you'll listen to it & be like "Sam is a good man" and I'll leave it at that until next week. but anyways, I decided to switch things up & do an instrumental song & I noticed I haven't done a Chicago song in a long time, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone & do a Chicago song that's an instrumental. here's the link to that just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also stream my latest song Possibility. I'm very proud of this one & it definitely gives me a mixed range of emotions every single time I listen to it. you can find the link to it right here:

also definitely check out the premium subscription version of my podcast. you definitely don't want to miss out on next month's interview episode. I hope you'll enjoy it, but this is also where you'll be able to find all of the newest interview episode from this year and last year as well. they won't be posted to this feed. here's the link to it right here:

also please do check out the official Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. I want you guys to hear the songs I talk about every week & whenever I can record & put out an episode these days, and this is how you'll be able to do that. I update these playlists every week every time I switch up the song I artist that I talk about. if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next that I haven't yet, please send those ideas to me at

also definitely check out the Official Redbubble merch store for this podcast. this is another way you can support this podcast other then being a subscriber to the premium version of this show. I would honestly much rather have you subscribe to the premium version of this podcast but a purchase from this store will also suffice as well. here's the link to that:

if you REALLY liked my analysis on this week's song & you have never heard of this group before & your a millennial or a Gen Z and you haven't heard this song before, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. hope you guys will sign up for the premium version of my podcast so that way you guys don't miss out on any of the interviews I have been rolling out lately. & I hope guys also follow me on Spotify so that way you don't miss out on my next release as well. the name of that song is called Too Much To Drink & I will talk more with you guys about that song next week.

Apr 30, 202324:40
Episode 213 Part 2 Retake 2: The Beau Brummels

Episode 213 Part 2 Retake 2: The Beau Brummels

Hey Guys! Sorry again for putting out this episode kinda late but I wanted to release the next one so here I am again with the next episode of this podcast. I did want to let you guys know the next song of mine is coming out on May 17th, and I"m very excited to release this one because I think it's the strongest song out of all of the ones that I have released. it's a really good song & the subject matter is slightly controversial but it's also very relatable. I'm sure many guys my age have been in the situation I was in when I wrote the next song coming out. also this month the next premium interview episode will drop as well, and it's with a session guitar player from NYC called Trade Martin. a lot of interesting facts are dropped during that episode. and the link to that will be in the text description of this episode of this podcast. but first here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

Please do sign up for the premium subscription version of this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the latest interview episodes I"m doing plus all of the new ones going forward. you can listen as you can learn something new from these guys as well as I learn something new from them as well:

also please do listen to my last song Possibility, I will also encourage you to follow me on Spotify so that way you'll get notified when new music of mine comes out as well. and definitely follow me on Apple Music as well. here's the link to where you can do that:

also definitely check out the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes of my podcast. if you like these playlists & would like to suggest to me songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please send those suggestions to me at

also definitely check out the Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items with my podcast logo attached to it. if you like these merch items & you would like to lmk your thoughts on the logo attached to these items, definitely email me at

if you found out some GREAT information from listening to this week's episode & you didn't really know anything about last week's band & you definitely learned a lot about them, then definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik tok @iheartoldies. also please understand that if I miss a week for this podcast, please know that I definitely have a life outside of it, I have places to go to, people to see, but I still love doing this podcast & it kinda bothered me my last episode got such a low amount of listeners then what I normally get. I honestly hope that trend does not continue & that was just a weird glitch & I hope you will still come back & listen to this podcast whenever I release a new episode. sometimes it's hard to juggle this podcast everything else I do every week, but I try to get it done & if it doesn't happen it's definitely not on purpose. take care guys & I will speak with you all very soon. don't forget my next song comes out May 17th. it's called Too Much To Drink.

Apr 24, 202344:36
Episode 213 Part 1 Retake 2: The Beau Brummels.

Episode 213 Part 1 Retake 2: The Beau Brummels.

Hey Guys! I wanted to apologize for missing the last few weeks. been so sidetracked with music production & songwriting that a lot of my free extra time has been sucked up with that. Please know that even though I still love to do this podcast, it's definitely not the only thing that I"m doing in my life currently. and there's never enough hours in the day to do everything I usually do on a weekly basis, so some things take more time than others. also I don't always have an artist or group/song picked out in advance, so a lot of times I make that decision super last minute. and my I'm not always in the right headspace to think about music trivia/history and music analyzation. I really hope you understand that, but I am happy to be back with another episode of my podcast, and this time I'm reintroducing another interesting segment of my show that I haven't done in a few years, and that is review a song by an artist or group I have already talked about on my podcast but I haven't done again in a long time. this is the second time I"m doing this so that is why this episode the second retake episode of this podcast. here's the link to this week's song just in case you wanted to hear it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

would love it if you guys could subscribe to the premium version of my podcast, so that way you don't miss out on any of my new interview content. it's only $4.99 a month and you get two months free. here's the link to where you can do that:

don't forget to also listen to my latest song Possibility. I could really use the help with getting the streams up for this song, and if you like it, please share with your friends because that is the only way the streams for the song will go up organically unless the song gets placed in a movie or TV show or if I pay for Payola. here's the link to where you can do that:

also please do check out the Spotify & Youtube playlists for this podcast here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in old interview episodes of my podcast. please send me suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also please do check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items that have my own custom logo specifically for this podcast. if you have any feedback for my for this logo please email me at

if you liked my analysis on this week's group song and you have never heard of them before and your a millennial, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I hope you guys are doing great and I will talk to you all soon. also definitely subscribe to the premium version of my podcast as I will have a new interview episode out soon. take care and I hope you guys have a good weekend.

Apr 15, 202333:40
Episode 211 Part 2: Brenda Lee

Episode 211 Part 2: Brenda Lee

Hey Guys! so I'm back with another episode of my podcast. I appreciate you guys who stuck around and still listen to my podcast every week. my host was recently bought out by Spotify and ever since then I have seen a strong dip in my listenership but for those of you who still listen to my show every week, I want to thank you for doing so. I"m back with another episode but I also wanted to let you guys know my next single comes out on May 17th and towards the end of April is when I will be talking about the song more. for now, definitely check out my newest single Possibility, it's a great song and I hope you'll be able to relate to it & you'll be able to connect with the lyrics. but anyways, this week I dive into the history behind last week's song & artist & I draw a big comparison between her career and a career of a massive pop star of today's world. I hope it makes sense & it resonates with you if you happen to be of the generation who didn't hear this music back in the day. here's the link to last week's song:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also check out & sign up for the premium version of this podcast. I really want you guys to hear these interviews & get access to all of this great hard to find BTS information about these great 60's songs from the people that were there. here's the link to where you can do that:

pleas do also listen to my latest song, I would definitely appreciate it if you guys were to listen to it. this one is personal & definitely let me know if this is a song you'll be able to relate to. you can do that by emailing me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

please do also listen to the Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones I have mentioned in old interview episodes back when I used to put them out for free. if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

don't forge to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast, here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items that are specific to this podcast with a logo that is custom to this podcast. if you like this logo & would like to give me some feedback on it, definitely email me at

if you learned some REALLY cool facts about last week's song & artist from this week's episode & you have never heard of her before & your around my age and your a millennial/Gen Z, please email me at, I wanted to wrap up women's history by putting out one more women themed episode for this month, next week I will switch it up to something different. but anyways, thank you guys for your continued listening to this podcast & I will let you guys in on my next single release soon & please do enjoy my latest song as well & let me know whatcha think of it but also sign up for the premium version of my podcast to get access to all of my latest interview episodes as well.

Mar 31, 202343:06
March 27, 2023

March 27, 2023

Mar 27, 202300:54
Episode 211 Part 1: Brenda Lee

Episode 211 Part 1: Brenda Lee

Hey Guys! so I thought I would keep this whole girl thing going for just a little bit longer for women's history month, but next week it will be part two of this and then I'll switch it up to something different! and also, a little reminder that my next song is out, it's called Possibility, and I would REALLY appreciate any streams you could give my song because that will be streams that I could get without having to pay for ads or getting on to Spotify playlists. also I just dropped an INCREDIBLE interview with any OG Nashville studio musician who played on LITERALLY dozens of hits that came out of that city, and I think most of you music fans out there should know that Nashville continues to be a relevant city in the music industry, so I hope you will subscribe to the premium version of my podcast so that way you won't miss out on this great interview I did, cause I know that you will absolutely love it! here's the link to where you can find this week's song right here:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

PLEASE do also sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast.I wouldn't want you to have to miss out on all of this great interview content I'm releasing every month, each one of these interviews has great information about the awesome music that was recorded & released in the 60's, and I know you will appreciate every single fact you learn from these guys. there is a lot to learn from these people & I know you will enjoy listening to these:

also would absolutely LOVE IT if you could listen to my latest song, this song is really just one that makes me happy & it breaks my heart at the same time, so I definitely have mixed emotions about this song, but it's still great & I hope you'll be able to relate to it & like I said earlier, I could definitely use your help with getting more streams & helping me increase my monthly listenership on Spotify. you can do that by streaming the song right here:

also please do check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes of my podcast. the old ones but not the ones that are on the premium feed. here are the links to those & if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at or you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & iheartoldies:

also please do check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items that has a logo that is specific to this podcast. if you like this logo and would like to let me know your thoughts on it, you can do that by emailing me at

if you liked my analysis on this week's song and you haven't heard it before and your around my age, please email me at, I would really appreciate any feedback you guys have for me on my podcast, and I will do my best to implement it, but anyways, I will be back with a new episode of my podcast soon and please do enjoy my latest song & sign up for the premium version of my podcast. thanks.

Mar 26, 202331:06
Episode 209 Part 2: Doris Troy

Episode 209 Part 2: Doris Troy

Hey Guys! So I'm back with another episode of this podcast. My apologies for missing last week. sometimes I get so caught up in other things in my life that I forget to release an episode one week, and sometimes record one too, but I alway s get back on it sooner then later. but let me catch you up on what has happened since the last episode. first, I put out a single called Possibility. this one is REALLY personal and every time I listen to the song, it makes me both happy and sad, but it's an honest song about a situation I was in a few years ago and I hope you'll be able to relate to it & enjoy it. I'll post the link in this text description of this episode. also I dropped my next interview episode and I gotta say i absolutely LOVE this one. it was such a treat getting to interview this guy and I TOTALLY loved the information that I got out of him. This one was a total winner. I hope you enjoy that one as well, as much as I did conducting it. but anyways, here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

Don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

also PLEASE do check out the premium subscription version of this podcast. I want to make very clear with you guys I won't be putting out free interview episodes anymore. they will all be on this private feed going forward so this is how you'll get to hear me interview legendary 60's musicians including my latest one with Charlie McCoy. here's the link to that:

also would LOVE it if you guys could listen to my new song. look it, I could use your help with building my streaming numbers for my music on Spotify and you guys could do that for me if you listen to my music. I would really appreciate that because then my streaming numbers will look better then they do right now. here's the link:

Please do also listen to the Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs that I talk about each week if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at

also would TOTALLY love it if you guys could check out the official Redbubble Merch page for this podcast. I think it's time for a new logo but I will do that soon I promise. for now, here's the link to where you can check out the merch that is related to this podcast. definitely let me know your thoughts on this merch, you can write to me at, you can also reach out on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

if you found out some GREAT facts & information about last week's song from listening to this podcast and you didn't know too much about this song & the artist that recorded it, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thank you guys for staying on top of listening to this podcast even if I miss a week. I hope you'll love my new song & I hope you'll sign up for the premium version of this podcast so you can listen to my latest interview episode with Charlie McCoy. I will be back next month with a new interview episode on the private feed and the next song will come out in May. thank you guys for your continued listening and I will talk to you all next week.

Mar 21, 202354:18
Episode 209 Part 1: Doris Troy

Episode 209 Part 1: Doris Troy

Hey Guys! Happy International Women's day! I'm back with another episode of my podcast, and since it's women's history month, I decided to do a song by a female artist. I haven't done one of those in a minute, but also, I have a song coming out next week on the 15th. and man am I nervous to release that song, but hopefully nothing bad happens to me as a result of me releasing the song. but also, next week I will put out the next interview episode for the premium version of my podcast. I will do it after this weekend's Oscar telecast because the person I'm interviewing was a musician who played on Elvis's records. quite a lot of them actually. and I know the new Elvis biopic is nominated for a bunch of awards. Hopefully Austin Butler wins best actor. if he does, I'll release the next interview episode. but anyways, here's the link to this week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also check out my last song too. my next one will come out next week on the 15th, but also please do listen to this one as well. if you like it, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

Please do also check out the premium subscription version of this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the current and upcoming interviews for my podcast. I hope you enjoy listening to these interviews, and honestly, it's not that expensive, and the information being talked about by my guests is definitely worth it's weight in gold. here's the link to where you can check it out right here:

please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items with a logo that is specific to this podcast on these merch items. if you like these merch items and you would like to let me know your thoughts on it, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

Don't forget to also check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in past interview episodes of my podcast. if you found some songs you like from listening to these playlists and would like to suggest to me songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at

If you liked my take/analysis on this week's song and you have never heard it before and you would like to let me know your thoughts on it, definitely email me at, especially if you haven't heard the song before and your a millennial/gen z and you found out about the song through my podcast. thanks for tuning in guys and I will talk to you guys again next week when my next song and interview drops. 

Mar 09, 202326:46
Episode 207 Part 2: Joe Hinton

Episode 207 Part 2: Joe Hinton

Hey Guys! I"m back with one more R&B/Soul themed episode for Black History Month, so in this episode I do a deep dive with the history behind last week's song, which is Funny How Time Slips Away by Joe Hinton, and in this episode I talk about the history behind a very little known sub genre of soul music known as Country Soul Music, and I go more into the weeds of that genre in this episode. also unfortunately my interview with 97.3 the Rock is no longer up on their site but I did download a copy of the interview the guy who interviewed me sent me, so if anyone wants to hear it, write to me at, and I'll WeTransfer over to you the file as it will be too big of an file to send in an email attachement. but anyways, here's the link to last week's song and this week's example just in case anybody wanted to listen to it:

You can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also sign up for the premium subscription version of my podcast. here you'll be able to access all of the interview episodes that I"m doing currently plus the new ones that will be coming out soon. the next interview will be with Nashville session musician Charlie McCoy. lots of songs are talked about during that interview so I really do hope enjoy it. here's the link to where you can find that interview plus all of the other new ones right here:

don't forget to also listen to my brand new song "I Don't Look The Same Anymore" and also, my new song "Possiblity" comes out on the 15th of March, I really like that song. it's a personal favorite of mine, but it's also one of my most vulnerable songs to date. but I Don't Look The Same Anymore is too, but in Possiblity, I take my my honesty vulnerability in the lyrics to the next level, but anyways, I''ll talk more about that later. here's the link to where you can find the song:

also please do check out the Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. I hope you'll find some of your favorite new songs to you on these playlists, and again I apologize if these playlists are too long for you to listen to now, but you can easily follow along with this podcast and find the song I talk about each week because each episode is labeled by a specific artist and you can find that artist through the songs on this playlist, so here are the links to them and definitely write to me if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram And Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. I hope you find some cool merch that you enjoy from this podcast. please send me any thoughts you have on the logo plus the prices for each item in the store at

if you found out some cool information about this week's song & artist & you didn't know anything about them and your a millennial/Gen Z, or if you learned about a whole new sub genre of country music, definitely email me at, or you can reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thanks for being patient with me guys and I will talk to you all next week. 

Feb 28, 202352:32
Episode 207 Part 1: Joe Hinton

Episode 207 Part 1: Joe Hinton

Hey Guys! sorry for missing a week. My life has been super crazy lately. but I"m back with another episode and lots of updates for you about my music & my podcast. I don't think I'll have enough character space to tell you everything that has happened with me since my last episode. so if you want to hear everything that has happened with me since my last episode, please do listen to this episode. but just to give you a small taste of what has happened with me, I got my hard drive back with all of my data recovered, and I did an on air radio interview with 97.3 the Rock. I will post the link to that in this description of this episode, I also lost one of my all time favorite songwriters  from the 60's one week but then I met another really great songwriter from the 60's the following week. so yeah, it's been crazy with me but I"m back with another episode I will try to be back with one more before the month is over. we'll see. but I'm back with another great song by a black artist for black history month, this one is really cool. here's the link to where you can listen to it:

you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also check out the premium subscription version of this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of my upcoming interview episodes plus the newest ones that will come out soon. my latest interview is with Tony Powers, the next interview will be with Nashville session musician Charlie McCoy. here's the link to where you can find the premium version of this podcast:

also would love for you guys to check out the latest interview I did with a station out of Morro Bay CA called 97.3 the Rock here's the link to where you can listen to it. it should be under Bryce Davis After Six under the the two week archives tab:

also please do check out my latest single I Don't Look The Same Anymore. I got another song coming out next month on the 15. I hope you guys enjoy it, here's the link:

also please do check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. please send me any ideas for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet. you can do that by emailing me at

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items that have this specific logo attached to it. here's the link to that. I hope you guys enjoy it:

if you loved my analysis on this week's song and you have never heard this song before and your a Millennial/Gen Z, please do email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. thanks for being patient with me guys and your continued listening. the next song comes out on March 15th, and the song is called Possibility. I hop you guys enjoy it and in this episode, I talk more about the song. I also talk about the next podcast guest for next month, so lots of stuff happening with me, and I will be in touch with you again soon. I will talk to you again next week. 

Feb 20, 202352:16
Episode 205 Part 2: Junior Walker & The All Stars

Episode 205 Part 2: Junior Walker & The All Stars

hey guys! so sorry for the delay with this week's episode of my podcast. this external hard drive situation has been giving me a lot of anxiety but the good news is  it's all taken care of now and life is good with me. I will have all of my data back soon. also, my next single Possibility comes out March 15th, so I hope you guys will enjoy that one. that one is a very personal song for me and it's honestly about an experience that I had with somebody else. will see if that person finds out if the song is about them, but that's another story. but anyways, I hope you guys will also stream my new song I Don't Look The Same Anymore that's out now on all of the streaming platforms. but also, coming up this month is my next podcast interview with Tony Powers, songwriter from the Brill Building. I hope you guys enjoy that one. also, here's part two on my latest episode where I cover Junior Walker & The All Stars. hope you guys enjoy hearing the history behind this artist & the group from me. here's the link to last week's song:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do also sign up for the premium version of my podcast. here you'll be able to find all of my current really cool time machine style podcast interviews with musicians from the 60's. I hope you enjoy them. but I also hope college professors will use them for their Rock & Roll History classes:

here's the link to my latest song:

here are two interviews I did two years ago with Honk Magazine and ShoutoutLA. I hope you enjoy these interviews that I did, and I just did one with a radio station out of Morro Bay called 97.3 The Rock. I haven't gotten a copy of that interview yet but I will let you know when I do and when I will be posting it. until then, please do enjoy these two interviews:

also please do check out the two playlists I have for this podcast. the Spotify and Youtube one. these playlists are updated pretty much every time I cover a new song on this show. if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please send those ideas to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also do check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these cool merch items for this podcast. if you like what you see definitely email me at

if you found out some cool info from this week's artist and you didn't know anything about them and your a millennial/Gen Z. definitely email me at I hope you guys enjoy this week's episode, I will be able to focus all of my attention and energy on this now that my stressful external hard drive situation is finally resolved. feeling pretty good right now and I will talk to you guys more soon. 

Feb 09, 202301:02:06
Episode 205 Part 1: Jr. Walker & The All Stars.

Episode 205 Part 1: Jr. Walker & The All Stars.

Hey Guys! apologize for the delay with a new episode of my podcast. I unfortunately had a technology issue recently with my external hard drive and it is in the shop right now, so that's the bad news, the good is my new song is out now! Yes, I Don't Look The Same Anymore is out now on all of the streaming platforms. it is such a great song! I really do love it. it's super unique and I'm a huge fan of the song myself. I hope it motivates you to work out more and change some things up about your diet. I changed a lot about those two things and because of that, I lost the weight that I needed to loose and I was so inspired by that that I wrote a song about it. But anyways, my external hard drive issue will thankfully not disrupt the flow of the premium subscription version of my podcast. so your definitely gonna want to sign up for that. but anyways, I hope you enjoy this week's song. here's the link to it just in case you wanted to listen to it:

also please do sign up for the premium version of my podcast. I got lots of cool interviews with lots of cool people coming out soon. It's not that expensive either and it is definitely a one way ticket back in time to one of the greatest decades of music of all time. I really think you'll enjoy these interview episodes. here's the link to where you can access them:

do also check out my latest song too that came out last week I hope you enjoy  it and I really do think that it kicks ass and I know you'll love it. here's the link to where you can stream it:

please do follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

also don't forget to also check out the two interviews I did last year. I have one new interview out now on my Instagram & Tik Tok feed, and I also may have a radio interview coming up as well. I will keep you guys posted as well, but for now, please do enjoy these two print interviews I did recently as well. I hope you enjoy them:

also would love it if you guys could check out the two playlists for this podcast. these playlists are updated every week to reflect the new songs that I talk about which change bi weekly. I hope you enjoy these playlists, and if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email those ideas to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also would love it if you guys could check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. there are a lot of cool merch items in this store. I hope you love it. here's the link to that:

if you loved my analysis on this week's song and you have never heard it before and your a millennial/Gen Z and you would like to learn more about it, please reach out to me at would totally love to hear from you and thanks for being patient with me guys. life gets kinda crazy with me so I might miss a week of no new episode but I always get back on it sooner then later. I will talk to you guys again soon. 

Jan 31, 202337:56
Episode 203 Part 2: The Cascades

Episode 203 Part 2: The Cascades

Hey Guys! Sorry for the release of this new episode being delayed. I was experiencing some technology issues last week but the most important thing is those issues are now resolved, so I"m happy to be back with the second part of this episode from a few weeks ago. but I also some VERY good news for you.  the next single for my upcoming EP comes out next week on the 24th, I hope you'll love this song & it brings to you motivation for you fitness goals for 2023, even if you haven't met them yet. but anyways, also, the next premium interview episode for the private feed is out too. and also, if your thinking about signing up for that, please consider adding the private feed to Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts if you haven't already. they are currently having issues with private feeds and Spotify that they are in the process of fixing at the moment. here's the link to the song from a few weeks ago just in case you wanted to listen to it again:

don't forge to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also sign up for the premium feed for this podcast. would really appreciate that. here's the link to where you can sign up:

also would love it if you could check out my last single. next week when the new song comes out, I will be posting the link to that. I hope you guys enjoy this one:

don't forget to also check out the two interviews I did two years ago, but if you want to see my latest interview, it's on my socials @iheartoldies both for Tik Tok and Instagram. it's a video interview with Guitar Center. but also, check out these ones as well:

don't forget to also check out the two playlists I curate for my podcast. I definitely hope you enjoy them, and if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please email me at you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also please do check out the official Redbubble Merch store page for this podcast. I hope you enjoy it and if you have any thoughts on the merch items plus the prices of each item in the store, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

if you learned a lot of cool information about last week's song and you never knew too much about this band but you found the info I discussed on here interesting and your a millennial/gen Z, definitely email me at I hope you enjoyed this episode. I can't wait for you guys to hear my next single that will be coming out this month. it's definitely a banger and I"m sure it will get stuck in your head when you do listen to it. also, hope you'll subscribe to the premium feed soon so that way you'll be able to hear the latest premium podcast interview episode plus the ones that will be coming out in the following months and the previous ones too. thanks for hanging in there with me while i got some of this tech stuff sorted out. I'm happy to be back to doing this podcast and I will talk to you guys again soon. hope you'll enjoy my new song.

Jan 18, 202342:30
Episode 203 Part 1: The Cascades

Episode 203 Part 1: The Cascades

Hey Guys! Happy New Year! will be putting out episodes of this podcast on more of a regular basis going forward and also, starting this month, there will be a new interview episode added to the private premium feed every month from now till September. I'm gonna be talking to Steve Katz, an original member of Blood Sweat & Tears & I'm very excited to put that one out. also I'm dropping my next single for my upcoming EP this month too. as much as I love the song, I will have mixed feelings about releasing it. but I"m trying to have more of a positive perspective on the song and less of a negative one despite the current predicament I"m in in relation to what the song is about. but yes, you can follow me on Spotify through the link of my last single to hear the next one coming out on the 24th. also, for this week's song, I was inspired by the weather I have been having living in LA this week that I thought I would cover a song to match that. here's the link to where you can listen to it just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me on Tik Tok & Instagram right here:

don't forget to also sign up for the premium version of my podcast. here you'll be able to find all of my current interviews and the new ones going forward as well. I really don't want you to have to miss out on these great interview episodes I'll be putting out for most of the year. here's the link to where you can sign up just in case you'll be interested in doing that:

also would love it if you could check out my last single too. through this link, you should be able to find my artist page & follow it so you can get notified when my next song comes out this month. which it will on the 24th, but also do check out my last song too. it's really good. the one coming out this month is great too, but I hope you guys will listen to this one too:

also please do also check out the two interviews I did last year. my latest interview with Guitar Center is out now on my socials, but these two interviews are cool too. honestly hope to do more in the near future. hope you guys enjoy these ones, if you did, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also please do check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far, and I update these playlists every week every time I talk about a new song on my podcast. hope you'll enjoy these playlists and if you did, please email me at

don't forge to also check out the Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. hope you find the items in this store cool, and if you did, please email me at and let me know your thoughts on these merch items:

if you liked my analysis on this week's song and you haven't heard it before and your a millennial/gen z. definitely reach out to me at, or hit me up on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. hope you guys enjoyed my podcast this week and the next premium podcast interview will be out by tomorrow. 

Jan 08, 202342:24
Episode 201 Part 2 2022 Podcast Finale: Unit 4 Plus 2

Episode 201 Part 2 2022 Podcast Finale: Unit 4 Plus 2

Hey Guys! Happy to be back with one more podcast episode until the new year. next year is going to be very action packed for me with lots of things happening with my music (4 more new songs coming out in the new year) and lots of new interview episodes to come out to the premium subscription feed for my podcast. 9 to be exact for 9 months straight. so you will have lots of new stuff from me to look forward to getting in the new year, and if you follow me on Tik Tok, you would have already seen a sneak peak of one of the upcoming premium podcast interviews. and to top it all off, one more music video too that hopefully will get done sometime next year. the video is taking longer then I expected to be done because I chose to re record the song I shot the video to. but anyways, this week's episode is a part two on last week's so lots of history of the British Invasion and some things discussed before on this podcast. here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on instagram & Tik tok right here:

don't forget to please also sign up for the premium version of my podcast. I sincerely hope you'll do this because you will hear a new interview episode from me every month for 9 months starting next month if you do this. here's the link to where you can sign up:

do also check out my latest song too. the next release will happen very soon. I will probably update you guys more on the next release in the first episode of the new year, but for now, please enjoy this one. it was definitely a lot of fun recording & writing this one:

also I have two interviews to share with you, but I also have a brand new interview to share with you that is currently on all of my socials right now. just click on my social links and you'll see it. here's the link to those interviews I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed doing them:

please do also check out the two playlists I have for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes of my podcast. i hope you'll enjoy these playlists and it gives you ideas for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet. if it does, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram @ Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items with my own custom logo for this podcast on it. here's the link to it. hope you enjoy these merch items and the logo attached to it:

If you learned some cool facts about the last song I talked about on my podcast and you have never heard of this group before and you really found it interesting, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I really enjoyed doing this podcast this year, and even though the show went through a lot of changes I still came up on top because of your continued listening. thanks guys. I can't wait to keep doing this in to the new year and I will talk to you all very soon. 

Dec 26, 202253:04
Episode 201 Part 1: Unit 4 Plus 2

Episode 201 Part 1: Unit 4 Plus 2

Hey Guys! So happy to be back after a nice long break. been so busy doing interview episodes for the premium subscription feed for my podcast. If you haven't already, I would highly suggest signing up for that I will be putting out a brand new interview episode out every month for 8 months  straight starting in the new year in January. also I will keep you guys updated on the whereabouts of my next single coming out. still trying to figure out a release strategy for it. So I"m back and I noticed it's been a while since I have done a British Invasion band on my podcast, so I picked a very interesting song from that scene to do, it's very different from other songs from that time and place. so here's the link to it just in case you wanted to check it out:

Don't forget to also follow me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

Please do also subscribe to the premium subscription version of this podcast. there will be 8 new interview episodes coming out spread out over 8 months. there are 7 recorded now and I will do one more next week. here's the link to where you can sign up & access it so that way you don't miss out on any of these new interview episodes:

please do also stream my latest song that came out last October. will be releasing the next single sometime in the first half of next year. just not sure when yet, but for now, please enjoy this song and let me know your thoughts on it, you can write to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

don't forget to also check out the two interviews I did in 2021 with Honk Magazine and ShoutoutLA, but if you also want to check out the latest interview I have done, just hop on over to my IG and watch a cool thing I did with Guitar Center. yes that did come out! but also, don't forget to check these two interviews out as well. Definitely let me know whatcha think of them. you can do that by emailing them at you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram And Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

don't forget to also check out the two official playlists I made for this podcast, I hope you'll enjoy them but these playlists should give you a good reference as to what kind of songs I talk about on my podcast and I hope this will help you come up with some great suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast. please send me those suggestions at

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. hope you enjoy the custom logo I specifically made for this podcast. if you did, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

If you enjoyed my analysis on this week's song and you have never heard this one before and you fell in love with it and your a millennial/Gen Z, please feel free to email me at I hope you guys are doing great. please sign up for the premium version of this podcast. I want you all to hear these interview episodes they are very special and informative. you will learn info in these interview episodes form these guys you won't find anywhere else I can promise you that.

Dec 10, 202233:28
Original Music Special 200th episode.

Original Music Special 200th episode.

HEY GUYS! I'm back! and I'm excited to say that as of this week I have reached quite a huge milestone with this podcast. this is my 200th episode, and I can't believe I made it this far! and I honestly couldn't do it without you, so thank you for listening to this podcast and continuing to listen to it every week. so this week, for something special for episode 200. I decided to break down one of my own songs, and this one means a lot to me as it is the first single off my next EP that I put last month on the 19th. in this episode, I do my normal podcast routine, except with one of my own songs besides something from the 60's. I go deep into the story behind this song and how I wrote it & recorded it. I found you find it interesting & you'll stream it soon. here's the link to where you'll be able to find it just in case you wanted to listen to it:

Please do follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

also would love it if you could subscribe to the premium version of this podcast. I have 4 interviews coming out soon. you definitely don't want to sleep on this. I hope you enjoy this, you'll find all of these great really cool interviews where you'll learn cool behind the scenes facts on all of these great songs from the 60's from the guys that were there. here's the link just in case you wanted to check it out:

also do check out the two interviews I did last year with Honk Magazine and Shoutout LA. here I dive a lot into myself as both a songwriter and a music historian and trust me, you will learn a lot about me after reading these interviews. if you like these interviews, and you would like to know what you thought of them, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and tik tok @iheartoldies:

Please do also check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes of my podcast back when they used to be free to listen to. If you have any suggestions for songs I should cover next on my podcast, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also please take a gander at my official Redbubble Merch store for my podcast. it has a lot of cool stuff in it and I really think you'll enjoy it. please let me know your thoughts on the logo plus the prices of each item in the store, you can do that by emailing me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

If you loved my analysis on this song and you have become a fan of my original music after listening to this song and you want to tell me what you think of the song and you found the story behind it interesting, definitely email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I can't believe I made it to 200 episodes, but I wanted to thank you for listening if you have been with me since the beginning but also thank for your continued listening to my podcast, and cheers to 200 episodes and 200 more

Nov 16, 202201:27:52
Episode 199: Jumpin' Gene Simmons

Episode 199: Jumpin' Gene Simmons

Hey Guys! crazy how I'm almost at 200 episodes for this podcast. now my bday is next week, so that means no new episode for next week. but after next week, I will come back with a special 200th episode for this podcast, and that will more then likely be another original song special episode where I'll be breaking down one of my own songs, and that will probably be the song that I just put out. but anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying that song btw. Would definitely love to hear your thoughts on it. Anyways, this week's episode is a special Halloween themed episode where I dive into a very cool Halloween themed song that you may not be very familiar with, and while it doesn't sound like a typical Halloween song, there are some lyrical and musical elements to it make it eery sounding enough to be considered a Halloween song. here's the link to it just in case you wanted to check it out:

don't forget to also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram And Tik Tok right here:

Please do also check out the premium version of my podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the interviews I have done this year, and I got more coming very soon. I got one out that was actually in person, and there will be one more coming out soon, and I have a few more I will be scheduling soon:

Please do also check out my new song that is out now. I really do hope you'll enjoy it, I will probably be covering it for the 200th episode of this podcast. if you like it, please email me  and let me know at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram And Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

don't forget to also check out the two interviews I did last year with Honk Magazine and ShoutoutLA. I"m super bummed out that my interview with Guitar Center is taking so long to come out, and my song has been out for little over a week now :( but I hope you'll enjoy these two interviews I did last year, because I did reveal a lot about myself in these interviews and if you did enjoy them, please email me and let me know at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram And Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

don't forge to also check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. I update these playlists weekly when I cover new songs on my podcast. if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, after listening to these playlists, please email those ideas to me at, you can also find me on IG & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the official Merch for this podcast. please let me know whatcha think of this store at, you can also find me on IG & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

If you really enjoyed this song and you have never heard it before but you think it's a fun Halloween song and you like it and your a millennial/Gen Z, please email me at, let me know if you also learned any cool facts about the song from this episode as well. I hope you guys are well. I will see you in two weeks for episode 200. 

Oct 29, 202201:03:25
Episode 197 Part 2: Freddie Scott

Episode 197 Part 2: Freddie Scott

Hey Guys! So I have some pretty exciting news for you. my new song the Guru Girl is officially Out as of this week! Please go stream it wherever you get your music. I truly love this song and I think you will love it as well. More new songs off my next EP will come out next year, but for now, please do enjoy this one. also, continuing on with last week's theme, I'm paying tribute to a departed friend of mine who I was supposed to have on my podcast but it didn't work out and I didn't get to have him on because he passed away. I hope you guys enjoy my tribute to him, as I am covering one of the songs he had his hands on as an engineer. this week I dive more into the history behind last week's song and I share with you some very rare behind the scenes information about last week's song that I have gathered from some sources from some people that I have spoken to about the song that worked on it, including my friend who passed away. here's the link to last week's song just in case you wanted to listen to it:

don't forget to also follow me  & reach out to me on Instagram And Tik Tok right here:

also would absolutely love it if you could subscribe to the premium version of my podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the interviews I did this year, and I just put one out and it was my first in person interview I have done in a long time. hope you guys enjoy it, it's not that expensive:

don't forget to also check out my latest song too. would love it if you could do that, and through my latest song, you can find the rest of my previously released music on my same artist profile. if you like this song, definitely let me know your thoughts on it. you can do that by emailing me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram And Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

Please do also check out the last two interviews I did last year. I'm REALLY hoping this Guitar Center interview will come out soon, but I"m also bummed that it hasn't come out yet and the first single off my next EP is already out. but anyways, please read through these and if you want to meet me if you are based in LA after reading these, please feel free to reach out to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

Please do also check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast so far, please send me suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast at

Please do also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast and let me know your thoughts on it at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagam and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

If you learned some really cool information about this week's song and you didn't really know anything about the Brill Building prior to listening to this podcast, please email me at, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. I hope it was informative and RIP to my friend Brooks Arthur and I will see you guys next week.

Oct 22, 202201:13:40
Episode 197 Part One: Freddie Scott

Episode 197 Part One: Freddie Scott

Hey Guys! so my show last night was ok, It honestly taught me a lot about EXACTLY what I don't want for my live shows, and it also taught me the very valuable lesson on how building a fan base online is much more important these days then playing live, but besides that, I hate to start this fresh new week off negatively, but one of the people I tried to get on my podcast recently passed away, and this one really hit me hard because he was a friend of mine and I will definitely miss him, but luckily I was able to talk to him on the phone & all of the great info he gave me over the phone I wrote down most of it on my that's the main thing. and so in tribute to him, I'm doing one of the songs that he worked on as a recording engineer. this one was arguably one of the best songs he ever worked on, and next week I will provide to you some very cool behind the scenes information about this song & how it was made. for now, please do enjoy this song & here's the link to where you can listen to it:

Please do follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

please do subscribe to the premium version of this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the interviews I'm doing this year plus I will put out two more interviews soon. here's the link to where you can sign up for that:

Don't forget to also check out the last EP I put out last year too. I hope you'll enjoy it. the first single off my next EP will come out next week on Wednesday, but also, do check out this one as well, you can let me know your thoughts on it by emailing me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also please do check out the two interviews I did last year with Honk magazine and ShoutoutLA. I have a feature coming out with Guitar Center very soon. I'll let you guys know when that is out. for now, definitely check out these two interviews I did last year:

also, definitely check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I have talked about on my podcast including some of the ones that I have mentioned in interview episodes of my podcast. if you enjoyed it, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

don't forget to also check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. I hope you enjoy it and if you like the logo and you would like to give me some feedback on the logo and the prices of each item in the store, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

If you liked my analysis on this week's song and you enjoyed it and you can definitely relate to it, and your a Millennial/Gen Z person, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies. I hope you guys like this song, and I will talk to you next week when the first single off my next EP drops which is this Wednesday, and the song is called the Guru Girl. I hope you guys like the song.

Oct 13, 202231:42
Episode 195 Part 2: Barbara Mason

Episode 195 Part 2: Barbara Mason

Hey Guys! So sorry for being so MIA lately. things have been very busy with me lately. currently I"m going to school and I also have a lot going on with my new living situation too. but other then that, life has been good and I"m excited for you to hear the first single off my next EP that is coming out this month on the 19th, and If your around on Tuesday and your in LA, please come to the release show for that song at Bar Lubitsch. I"m on at 10 and it's 10 at the door. the song is called the Guru Girl. but anyways, I still haven't forgotten about you guys, and please excuse me if I let a whole week go by without a new episode. I have lots going on during the week and with my new school schedule, I"m still figuring out when I'll be able to record this podcast. but I know you guys will find this one interesting and informative, even if it's lots of review from a recent podcast that I did on the same subject. here's the link to the song again just in case you wanted to listen to it:

You can also follow & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok right here:

don't forget to also check out the premium version of this podcast right here:

don't forget to also check out my last EP as well. the first single for the next one will be coming out this month, but please do enjoy the last one. if you have any thoughts or opinions on these songs, please send them over to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

Please do also check out the two interviews I did last year as well with Honk Magazine and ShoutoutLA. I just did an in person on camera interview recently with Guitar Center, I will keep you guys posted when that feature comes out. for now, please enjoy these two interviews I did last year and definitely let me know your thoughts on them at

please do also check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find a complete list of all of the songs I have talked about on my show so far, I hope you enjoy it. and if you have any suggestions for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, please send those over to me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

also don't forget to check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find these super cool merch items with a custom logo specific to this podcast attached to them. if you enjoy this merch store, please let me know your thoughts on it at

If you found some cool facts & information about last week's song that you didn't already know and your a millennail/Gen Z person, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok @iheartoldies 

Oct 08, 202201:11:30
Episode 195 Part 1: Barbara Mason

Episode 195 Part 1: Barbara Mason

Hey Guys! My apologies for no new episode last week. I had every intention on releasing this one last week, but I unfortunately got sick last week, so that's why I held off on releasing it till now. but the good news is it's not Covid and even better, my next show isn't until the week after next week. but other then getting sick, life has been very good to me lately. I have a song coming out next month on the 19th, then I"m doing a release show for that song at Bar Lubitsch on the 11th. I"m on at 10 and it's $10 at the door, and I also have two really cool interviews coming out for the premium version of this podcast, as well as a feature coming out for myself pretty soon. so lots of good things are on the horizon for me at the moment, but it's also a new week for the podcast, so that means I'm covering a new song, and man is this one different from the last song that I did, but I hope you guys enjoy it. here's the link to that just in case you wanted to listen to it:

You can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik Tok right here:

please do also subscribe to the premium version fo my podcast. I will be uploading two new interviews very soon. here's the link to that so you can sign up:

also check out the last EP I put out as well. the first single for the next EP is coming out next month, but to prepare yourself for the next EP, please listen to the last one. and definitely let me know your thoughts on it by emailing me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram & Tik Tok @iheartoldies:

please do also check out two interviews I did recently with Honk Magazine and ShououtLA. I actually have another very cool on camera interview coming out very soon, but I will let you know as soon as that is out. for now, please do enjoy these two interviews and let me know at, if you want to meet me and your in LA after reading these interviews:

definitely also check out the official Spotify and Youtube playlists for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of the songs I talk about on my podcast and it is updated every week, if you have any ideas for songs I should talk about next on my podcast that I haven't yet, you know where to find me:

also definitely check out the official Redbubble Merch store for this podcast. here you'll be able to find all of these super cool merch items that are specific to this podcast. if you like this logo and these merch items, please send me whatever feedback you have for me regarding this. you can do that at my email address which is

if you liked my analysis on this week's song and you fell in love with this song and you haven't heard it before, and your a millennial/Gen Z, please email me at, you can also follow me & reach out to me on Instagram and Tik tok @iheartoldies. I'm looking forward to what is to come with me and my music and the premium version of this podcast as well. I will speak to you all soon. be well and definitely keep things groovy!. 

Sep 26, 202233:06