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The Passion Podcast

The Passion Podcast

By Saora Love

This podcast is about all things to do with sex relationships, masculine and feminine, understanding ourselves and each other more, and radical self responsibility.

Currently playing episode

19~ A deep, raw, vulnerable and honest share and life update from Saora

The Passion PodcastAug 15, 2022

26~ Reshaping Masculinity: Healing the Heart of Men. W/ Jeremie Lotemo

26~ Reshaping Masculinity: Healing the Heart of Men. W/ Jeremie Lotemo

In this episode Saora and Jeremie Lotemo intimately explore the path of men's healing.

- Exploring the deep pain and wounds experienced by men

- Womens challenges in:

*Finding the balance between expressing boundaries and showing understanding/compassion

*Reclaiming voice without swinging to extremes.

*Recognizing the impact of choices on relationships and respect.

- Importance of respect in relationships and its role in preventing resentment.

- Navigating conflicts, controls patterns.

- Men's deep desire to provide and serve.

- The fear and programming of men being disrespected if they express vulnerability.

- Respect is CRUCIAL!!!!!!

- Understanding the impulse to control and change one's partner.

- Embracing and allowing change by acknowledging and presencing it.

- The impact of the mother wound/abandonment wound.

- Core beliefs arising from wounds: self-worth and approval seeking.

- Masculine presence tied to safety and structure.

- The significance of men's circles for healing and connection.

- Healing through emotional expression and brotherly support.

- Reparenting oneself and nurturing the inner child.

- Connecting with nature to heal the mother wound.

- Spiritual healing through connecting with the feminine aspect.

- Identifying the origin of wounds and symptom detection.

- Empowering men with love and respect while promoting growth.

Saora Love: WEBSITE-

Jeremie Lotemo is a poet, writer & transformation coach. Since 2020, Jeremie has made it his life’s work to help as many people as possible create lives and relationships that reflect their heart’s deepest desire for love and wholeness. Jeremie is also known for his body of work around healing the masculine shadow, challenging strict gender roles, and creating new paradigms of masculinity.

LINKS: Website -

Instagram & Twitter - @byermeas

Aug 03, 202301:04:02
25~ She’s back!!! Why Saora disappeared…
Jun 06, 202340:06
25~ The Transformative Practice of Authentic Relating. W/Jason Digges

25~ The Transformative Practice of Authentic Relating. W/Jason Digges

Jason and Saora discuss a broad array of topics including:
Conflict = Energy: The Transformative Practice of Authentic Relating
Conflict transformation.
First step is to do nothing… not react.
Trusting the uncomfortability of the unraveling.
Ancestral karma and the clearing of karma as part of our life purpose.
The balance between dignity and humility.
How Saora got her name and what it means.
C*vid being like a really bad medicine trip, and how we can move into post traumatic growth as a community.
Nothing is personal…
Creating islands of coherence.

Jason’s Bio
Author of Conflict = Energy, The Transformative practice of Authentic Relating, Jason is a modern renaissance man. Equal parts artist, philosopher, teacher, and media producer, from 2003-2012 he worked for Ken Wilber to create thousands of hours of educational media on the topics of transpersonal psychology, spirituality, productivity, and personal growth.
For 4 years before Co-Founding ART International, Jason Studied with all of the major leaders in the circling and authentic relating. This allowed him to synthesize the curriculum into a concise guide and publish Conflict = Energy in 2020. He was the first person to start a podcast for the global AR community and spread The Art of Being Human course to Bali and Europe. Obsessed with how humans can live and relate optimally, he’s facilitated groups and taught authentic relating and circling since 2012 and he has led courses in over 20 cities around the world.
Jason is also passionate about translating deep wisdom principles and personal growth methods for main stream audiences. His latest work on Polarity Guidance for managers and leaders, brings the Authentic Relating teachings and practices into companies.
Jan 27, 202351:47
24~ True freedom.

24~ True freedom.

Saora gets truly raw and vulnerable sharing her experience around identity structures and how to find true and lasting freedom from ourselves. She also shares intimate details about her relationship and the recent challenges they've been navigating and how it all ties in.

Saora Love:
I carry a strong medicine… A very well-forged and sharp sword of truth. This is balanced with a large capacity for empathy, compassion, and zero judgement.
I have been through a lot of intense suffering and a vast array of pain and challenge…always coming out the other side freer, clearer, and more loving. These trials are a huge blessing. Because of them, I am able to support a broad array of humans with a vast spectrum of challenges.
The only way I have found this level of embodiment is in fully reclaiming, fully retemplatizing, and fully integrating my whole, multidimensional, infinite self and having unshakeable trust in it all.
Through my mentorship, I guide people back to the only place of true power, which is taking 100% responsibility for every single aspect of reality.
With an understanding of the nature of this realm, I support people to recognize and alchemize the deep allure of identity structures that keep them vastly limited. I help people transcend stuck attachments and reunite with their authentic essence.
I am here for the resurrection and reintegration of wholeness through energy mastery.
I am here for those that are ready for a radical awakening.
I am an open and unconditional invitation for love.
I can see you, because I am journeying the same path.
Seer | Identity Slayer | Wisdom Channel | Mystical Mentor

Saora's links
Dec 20, 202249:40
23~ From fear to power-King, warrior, magician lover... The journey of the healing masculine. With Nicola
Dec 06, 202201:17:02
22~ How to move through relationship challenges TOGETHER. With Sarah Poet

22~ How to move through relationship challenges TOGETHER. With Sarah Poet

The traumas of separation will break up union if we let it. Saora has a very deep discussion with Sarah Poet about how can both people can own their side and be accountable about radical honesty about what’s going on inside of you. They pull apart the topic of owning the truth of your experience and the stories you then create. It's about true union… 
Union within, union with other and most importantly union with the divine.
 3:04 Sarah introduces herself. 5:58 Trauma and supporting each others nervous systems. 7:20 The bullshit that’s taught in the polarity world. 10:18 How trauma lives in the body. 11:15 The importance of bringing your traumas into the light in a wholesome and sovereign way. 12:25 Sarah guides an exploration to discover any residual traumas, and gives advice around how to work together to meet and heal it. 17:17 The foundation of innocence and working on the same team. 18:20 When you com from presenting what’s happening within the body now… No one can be wrong. 20:00 The traumas of separation and what causes them. 25:15 Sovereign sacred union. 26:30 The ways we project mother/father wounds onto each other. 31:01 Carrying wounded victim templates and how it destroys union. 34:30 soul union bonding/enmeshment. 38:44 Claiming our desire for union, the trap of meaning making and how we can get trapped in relationships for too long. 41:00 Potential infiltration in relationships. 44:00 Potential shadows in dom/sub dynamics. 47:50 Eroticized wounds… 52:30 What are you okay with tolerating? Looking honestly if we’re going into eroticized wounds. 54:50 What does regenerative energy feel like? 101:00 Healthy versions of polarity. 105:00 Polarity in the unified field. Sarah Poet is a truth seeker, a thought leader, a former school creator turned feminine/masculine integration expert, and, as it turns out, a medicine woman for modern times. It is Sarah’s mission to serve the true evolution of human consciousness, to integrate feminine & masculine on all levels, and to bridge us collectively from separation to connection. Sarah helps couples, individuals, and organizations heal the separation traumas inflicted by patriarchal culture and come into deeper connection via integrity, embodied intimacy, resiliency, authenticity, & love. Sarah will go with you to the depths, responding exactly to your unique path or query, to uncover your deepest and most empowering truths. Listen to her TEDx, her Sacred Remembering Podcast, & book time with her at IG: @embodiedbreath
Nov 28, 202201:11:17
21~ UPDATE!!! I spent 2 months alone in the wilderness... Here's my story.

21~ UPDATE!!! I spent 2 months alone in the wilderness... Here's my story.

Saora shares about her huge journey where she went into the wilderness alone for almost two months. No power, reception, no buildings... Just her and nature. She shares about her deep rite of passage and also just a general life update.
Nov 10, 202201:05:11
20~ A peek inside their relationship. With Mikaal Bates and Touch Copple.

20~ A peek inside their relationship. With Mikaal Bates and Touch Copple.

Take a peek inside this beautiful and deep relationship. Mikaal and Touch get raw and real about what works and what doesn't work.
Aug 23, 202258:55
19~ A deep, raw, vulnerable and honest share and life update from Saora

19~ A deep, raw, vulnerable and honest share and life update from Saora

Saora Love gets really vulnerable and shares about her life in a whole new way. If you want to get to know her more... Listen to this.

Aug 15, 202249:25
18~ Understanding each other more. W/ Justine Baruch

18~ Understanding each other more. W/ Justine Baruch

Unraveling the common challenges that come up in relationships. The ways that men and women misunderstand each other and powerful ways to create more union, happiness and polarity.

7:30 The differences between men's and women's needs.
11:05 The purity and good intention of men's desire to provide.
12:00 The two reasons why men stop providing.
13:12 More productive ways that men/women can get their needs/desires met.
16:40 The main challenges men have around supporting women in ways that they desire.
22:49 A helpful format for communication.
25:22 Understanding the beauty of sameness and difference and how to work with both.
27:50 Women yearning for men's leadership and how everyone would be greatly served by men learning to understand how a woman really functions.
29:42 The difference between women's resentment and a women's need/desire to be independent.
32:00 A process for healing judgement.  
35:46 How women perceive men in a certain way and it compromises their openness.
37:10 “Where are all the good men”… How this is very telling and damaging.
38:54 The trap as women to bring any kind of superiority into a relationship.
41:00 The ways women can be more understanding of men and the things they have to move through.
44:00 How unhealthy it is for a couple to process everything together.
46:00 The edges Justine has had to face within herself.
54:00 The biggest projection that Saora has had to face.
56:20 How we want people to be things that they simply are not.
58:45 the difference between worth and compatibility.

Justine's links:


Her programs:

Aug 09, 202201:00:11
17~ Sexual mastery. How you treat your cock is how you treat the world. With Tyson Adams.

17~ Sexual mastery. How you treat your cock is how you treat the world. With Tyson Adams.

This is a deep dive into many of the common sexual challenges and distortions, and some really potent remedies to these.

6:00 What is sexual sovereignty for men?
7:30 Mens relationship with their cock. Using your cock as a means to an end and how that effects your entire reality.
10:50 How to expand pleasure to the whole body.
11:20 Mens relationship to porn nd the ways that women can be more understanding.
16:30 Ways we use each other to feel better. How to balance within ourselves first.
18:00 How and why men objectify their own cock, and therefore everything.
24:14 Tysons experience with porn and the effects it had on him.
30:50 Saora’s experience of what it feels like to be with men who have a developed their sexuality around porn.
31:24 The quantum entanglement that happens from porn.
33:10 Step for men who want to reduce porn usage.
35:48 Tysons pornography experiments
39:56 Mens sexual attention on women. How to hold your center and what it can feel like as a woman to receive this in an unwanted way. 49:20 What Saora thinks men want in the bedroom.
51:00 Respect… Number 1 need for the masculine.
58:43 Masturbation as a death practice.
1:03:35 Nourishing erotic connection with nature… Aka, eco-eroticism.
1:05:00 Connecting your erotic self into your internal system .
1:10:10 How Saora cracks open to her longing in a way thats generative.

Saora's links


Tysons links



Aug 02, 202201:19:54
16~ Relationshp synergy. How to continuously allow a relationship to die and be reborn. w/ Jaymin & Eri.

16~ Relationshp synergy. How to continuously allow a relationship to die and be reborn. w/ Jaymin & Eri.

You're in for a treat with this episode. Eri and Jaymin are two total bad asses. They share SO much gold that they've learnt from their long term, incredibly functional and beautiful relationship.  How to continuously allow a relationship to die and be reborn in the best ways possible. How to fight well. How to be flexible with polarity. The ways we don’t realize we’re abusing or enabling.  

Eri Kardos is an internationally acclaimed speaker, best-selling author, and accomplished love and relationships coach.
Her work with singles and couples is deeply transformational, and for her clients who have chosen to step up and do this work, beautiful & nourishing unconditional love has become the norm, creating profound ripple effects in the lives of their families, communities, and businesses.
Coming from a successful corporate background, Eri is a former leadership development professional at She received her MBA in Global Leadership from the #1 international business school in the world.
Rather than regurgitating coping strategies for dealing with a broken model of love, Eri offers an entirely different approach: Relearn Love.
She is a loving wife to an incredible husband, and mother of two amazing boys, with part of her own personal love story featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love.
Author of the best-selling book, Relationship Agreements: A Simple and Effective Guide for Strengthening Communication, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy to Design Your Ideal Relationship, Eri is highly acclaimed for helping people to authentically elevate their relationships to experience deeper, more intimate and more fulfilling connections.
Eri is here to light the way and hold your hand along the journey to unconditional love.

Jaymin J. Patel is a Growth Coach & Soul Mentor for High-Achievers.
Business Owners, Founders, Spiritual Leaders, and celebrated Artists come to Jaymin after they've explored coaching (or have become a coach) and now want to explore their EDGE and see what more is possible.
Jaymin's mission is to help soul-aligned leaders unlock their Greatest Achievement Potential, experience the highest levels of freedom & truth, and easefully expand into even more abundance in health, wealth, & love...
In addition to being a TEDx speaker who has delivered 500+ paid talks and being an author of 8 books, Jaymin is a highly sought-after, heart-driven, no-fluff, intuitive coach who has been hired by powerful leaders in the spiritual & transformational communities as well as top leaders of corporations around the world.
Most importantly, Jaymin is a dad of two incredible kids and shares a beautiful conscious relationship with his wife, Eri. He and his family are currently living on the tropical island of Bali, where he hosts private retreats for his clients.



Facebook Profile -
Private FB Community -
Instagram -
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Facebook group page:
Instagram: @CoachEriKardos

Jul 25, 202201:07:45
15~ The journey of healing attachment styles and it's effect on sex and relationships. w/ Damien Bohler

15~ The journey of healing attachment styles and it's effect on sex and relationships. w/ Damien Bohler

Damien Bohler and Saora explore the super rich territory of attachment styles, how it's our map for bonding, how they effect arousal,  how we can become more secure and the effect this has on our sexuality.

9:11 Rewiring the attachment styles.

12:45 The attachment theory in a nutshell. How our attachment style is our map for bonding.

20:02 What is secure attachment. 

24:40 Bonding from a secure attachment and how that effects arousal in a different way.  

25:53 The importance of taking time to bond with someone and how we can rush into bonding unconsciously and it bypasses the necessary safety checks. 

30:33 Saora’s experience of secure, parasympathetic arousal in her life. 

32:00 Fears around not being hard or wet enough without “enough” intensity and friction.

33:40 Damian’s porn experiment and how he’s no longer turned on by it. 

34:00 men's fear of loosing his hard on and how it relates to attachment styles. 

36:50 “Positive dissonance”… How abuse or neglect can be re-calibrated

39:15 How a man with a conscious, loving and gentle cock can be so profoundly healing for a woman cervix. 

40:00 How wounds that were created relationally are best heal relationally. 

41:50 Co-dependence to independence to interdependence. 

55:10 What is feminine devotion.  

58:40 What is masculine devotion.

Saora's links


Damien's links


Jul 18, 202201:12:16
14~ How to love the opposite sex well & how to create trust and safety. With Joshua Michael Wenner.

14~ How to love the opposite sex well & how to create trust and safety. With Joshua Michael Wenner.

This is a deep, beautiful and lively conversation between Joshua Michael Wenner and Saora Love. The explore a broad array of topics all under the umbrella of understanding the opposite sex more, how to love each other well, common problems and helpful solutions. 

3:36 Who is Joshua
5:30 Differences between how men and women desire to be loved and the main problems that can arise in the translation.
13:09 The three primary ways to love men.
14:07 The difference between nurturing and fixing/mothering .
15:38 The level of power women have to elevate men through appreciation.
20:27 The ways women can use radiance and sexual flirtation to nurture men.
23:06 The perfection of the design that women can see a mans heart more than he can.  
25:11 Tips for women around how to ask requests from men in a way that will be received better.
27:22 Discussion about women sexual breadth and how men desire variety.
31:15 The deep responsibility for women to choose men who they actually trust and respect.
34:00 what does it mean for a woman to feel safe. How does it work and feel in her body.
36:00 leaky/seeky/sneaky energy.
44:50 The ways men can take a woman’s expression personally and how to navigate this.   
46:20 The ways women spew their emotions on men, how to take more responsibility and better ways to express without blame/shame.
50:45 How men can solve challenges without being a nice guy/savior and shutting down their needs.
52:14 the ways men tend to compartmentalize parts of them hidden to avoid conflict.
54:11 Women’s intuition and capacity to read a man more than he can, and how man can learn to trust the perfection in this.
57:00 Direct honest communication that creates trust… Why and how it creates trust and safety  
1:06:20 Is it more important that men have money or honesty.
1:07 :50 How do we nurture and nourish ourselves first. 

Saora's links


Joshua's links:

FB: morning ! Wonderful! This looks so good. Excited to listen & share! 

Joshua is an entrepreneur, veteran, filmmaker and emotional resilience expert. He has spent the last 24 years growing companies, maximizing human potential and is the founder of Emotional Resilience Training (ERT) & co-founder of K4 School of Men’s Work & Valor Warrior Resiliency Programs. His coaching, curriculum and frameworks are being used to help high achievers, successful entrepreneurs, men, first responders, veterans & those who deal with high stress and trauma to learn emotional resilience tools to navigate complex emotionally challenging situations to achieve meaningful results. Prior to his current work, Joshua had a successful exit as part of the founding Business Rockstars team, has been an advisor & coach to achievers in multiple entrepreneurial ventures & was on an elite team of 5 of the top trainers & speakers to train fortune 100 companies while working for Tony Robbins
Joshua is currently in post production of his film the Gift of Grief, a personal story of how he turned the pain of his brother’s loss into meaning & purpose including interviews of the top experts in the fields of grief & trauma. The film is expected to be released Jan 2023.

Jul 11, 202201:18:36
13~ Why men would want to hold space for womens emotions, and how. Bas & Priska Waijers Baumann.

13~ Why men would want to hold space for womens emotions, and how. Bas & Priska Waijers Baumann.

In this episode Saora Love is talking with Bas and Priska Waijers Baumann.
This is a beautiful deep dive into an authentic relationship that is working after years of being together.
They share about their journey as a couple and the things they've learnt both through their own experience and through their experience in coaching couples together. 

0:50 Who are Bas and Priska and what do they do?
5:40 What have Bas and Priska had to move through in their relationship.
17:20 How can men meet a womans emotions and emotional needs. How he can really BE there for her. (Using posture and not feel personally attacked) not being afraid of feelings. Wanting her just to stop.
25:50 WHY would a man want to learn to meet a woman emotions without feeling personally attacked. Seeing your partner beyond your own pain.
30:33 being real, and humbling to learn we’ve done something that needs to be changed.
33:55 Being humble… Receiving reflections with grace and how beautiful it can be.
38:20 Polarity. The rigidity of some modern polarity teachings that are around today.
40:00 Bas and Priska’s version of the polarity dance.
45:50 Saora’s tools and practices for being her most juiciest self.
40:50 Priska’s practices for the same.
52:20 What does Saora need from a man to be able to feel in her full feminine flow.
55:27 Saora’s acknowledgement to how much men have to go through to achieve embodiment, and what is required of a woman to attract such a man.

Saora's links


Bas & Priska's links:

FB group:


Bas & Priska:
Dedicated Coaches, Powerful Healers, Passionate Lovers

Their love-story alone is movie-material: starting with meeting for the very first time in another realm during meditation and continuing with bravely overcoming 1001 obstacles in order to finally be together.

In short: Their love was meant to be and Life pushed them beyond all limits to leave their comfort zones and live united as partners.

Bas and Priska are both licensed coaches and teachers, have a background of various healing techniques and are one-of-a-kind in their field.

They elegantly combine the very down-to-earth tools with spirituality and the power of other realms.

Since 2017 they are supporting singles and couples all around the world in attracting and thriving in magical relationships, exploring the dance of the masculine and the feminine, and experiencing soul-stirring love with much success.

When Human Design and the Gene Keys entered their lives, there was no looking away or turning back. They dedicated themselves to integrate this ancient wisdom into their work.

Life has brought them together not only for their own happiness but also for a bigger mission.

They feel it as their divine duty to do their part in rising the vibration on this planet by supporting singles and couples in attracting, keeping, and sustaining romantic relationships."

Jun 27, 202201:04:46
12~ Sacred feminine responsibility & our evolution with the masculine. With Abby Kneipp.

12~ Sacred feminine responsibility & our evolution with the masculine. With Abby Kneipp.

In this fun episode Saora Love and Abby Kneipp dive deep into a wide array of topics. But there's a definite thread about responsibility. How can women be more responsible in relationship, how can they inspire more masculinity from their partners, how can they be more responsible with their sexual energy. They also dive into healing through sex and entering from a space of not knowing.

3:18 Abby's introduction.

6:30 Abby’s experiences with her clients lately (how women have a lot of fear and resistance understanding how and why to surrender to the masculine)

11:28 Choosing a partner who you respect enough.

13:35 Being more responsible instead of unconsciously attempting to fill a void

16:17 Start small

19:44 How to let the man win/feel more masculine.

23:36 Moving into intimacy from a space of not knowing.

25:34 Healing through intimacy.

29:26 Responsibility and integrity around sexual energy and how to express it.

56:24 Cycles/menstruation.

01:00:59 Where to find Abby online.

Abby Kneipp
Abby Kneipp is a mystic guide who works with women to awaken their womb magic, embody their pleasure and return home to their power.

Her work is deep and mystical, it’s to be felt and experienced, not just understood on a logical level.

She has spent the last 9 years walking with plant medicine and learning off many indigenous tribes.

She is an author, a romantic and is an advocate for children - to bring an end to child trafficking.

She bridges the ancient into the modern, works with many healing modalities and above all believes that love is the only power there is.

Abby's Links


Saora's links


Jun 14, 202201:05:11
11~ Men's struggles, building trust & how to inspire polarity. With Dominick Quartuccio

11~ Men's struggles, building trust & how to inspire polarity. With Dominick Quartuccio

3:32 Dominick introduction

4:55 Dominicks unique view into masculine and feminine

10:07 What polarizes and depolarizes in relationships

18:34 When a woman wants a man to be more polarized in his masculine

34:16 Advice for men around being more in their masculine and supporting women being more feminine

40:52 Building trust by reassuring it’s welcome when asking the partner to open up

42:43 Men’s main struggles

45:29 “ask me anything”: how to create safety in the bedroom

May 25, 202255:13
10~ Common issues in relationships... And their solutions. With Tobin Zivon

10~ Common issues in relationships... And their solutions. With Tobin Zivon

04:25 Tobin introduction

08:23 Experimentation and learning in relationships

13:46 Tobin’s previous blindspot

20:29 most common thing to see again and again in couples practice

24:17 Antidote/answer to that

31:29 Punishment as an unconscious defensive barrier in women

40:29 Productive ways that women can communicate with their male partner

50:50 what women desire from men

57:51 being more responsible for choices in partnership

01:03:15 “ask me anything”... What is happening in Saora's life currently.

01:09:05 Where to find Tobin online

Saora Love

Tobin Zivon has been wholeheartedly dedicated to spiritual awakening and to serving others in the flowering of their highest potential for over 30 years.

Author of books “The Art of Mindful Living” and the forthcoming “Allies in Awakening: Living the Truth of Unconditional Love in Intimate Relationships,” he has been described as “The Ultimate Guide… A rare, exquisite blend of Therapist, Coach, Spiritual Teacher and Tantra Master all wrapped into one.”

He has worked with thousands of individuals and couples to help them break through stuck patterns and painful dynamics, helping them to find their way into a more fulfilling and connected life of authentic liberation, love and relationship satisfaction.
IG: @tobinzivon

May 16, 202201:13:14
9~ The nice guy syndrome and the how's and why's of women needing trust and safety. With Traver Bohem

9~ The nice guy syndrome and the how's and why's of women needing trust and safety. With Traver Bohem

Saora love has a beautiful discussion with Traver Bohem

03:01 Traver introduction

07:04 Tough time for relationships

08:53 Working with women vs working with men

10:32 Saora’s  life experiences (“street cred”)

13:28 Main challenges Traver had to move through

21:32 The nice guy syndrome

29:04 What men can do / how to address the nice guy syndrome

37:09 What women can do

45:10 The feminine needing trust and safety. What does this mean.

“Ask me anything”:

01:00:58 Small blindspots in men with a big impact

01:04:25 If you could give men one superpower, what would it be?

01:05:25 If there’s a book you would have every man read, what would it be?

01:05:43 Most impactful book

01:06:40 What do you wish, men knew, what it’s like being in a woman’s body?

01:08:35 Where to find Traver online

Saora Love

About Traver Boehm

Traver is the the founder of the  UNcivilized Men’s Movement, the fastest growing men’s movement in the  world. He is the author of Today I Rise, and Man UNcivilized as well as a  two-time TEDx speaker, men’s coach and podcaster.
Drawing  upon an eclectic background ranging from professional bodyguard and  Mixed Martial Arts to a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine  and meditation, Traver counsels men, women, and couples on how to better  understand men’s mental health and relationship difficulties.
With  a passion for people and a unique lens through which to view the human  experience, Traver is a highly sought after teacher in the fields of  consciousness, relationship, and personal development.

Apr 25, 202201:14:09
8~ Erectile disfunction, masturbation, porn, and how to navigate and communicate about all kinds of challenges with cocks and sex. With Cam Fraser

8~ Erectile disfunction, masturbation, porn, and how to navigate and communicate about all kinds of challenges with cocks and sex. With Cam Fraser

This episode is jam packed with helpful information. Saora Love is chatting with Cam Fraser about all the things to do with men, their cocks and sex.
They explore how men and women can navigate things that men can struggle with sexually. There's a lot of advice for women around how to navigate challenging terrain with men and how to communicate more effectively.

02:50 Cam introducing himself

10:38 What are the main problems men go through?

16:01 Correlation between trouble with ejaculating (not being able to) and pornography

19:18 Advice for men regarding masturbation practice

26:12 Genital focused sex

28:45 Advice for women around men and sex. Helping men be more vulnerable. 

31:00 How women can communicate with men in more conducive ways. 

40:35 how to approach a flaccid penis.

43:49 Fundamental keys to a sustainable relationship

52:38 Approach on being non-judgmental

55:33 What women can do to support men

56:46 Going into frustration

58:33 Language used when giving feedback to male partners

01:04 Judging men for expressing emotions

Saora Love:

Cam Fraser:


Cam is a Certified Professional Sex Coach, Certified Sexologist, Registered Counselor, and Registered Tantric Yoga Teacher. His work integrates scientifically validated, medically accurate information about sexual health, with sacred sexuality teachings from the mystery traditions. As a coach, he helps men go beyond surface-level sex and into full-bodied, self-expressed, pleasure-oriented sexual experiences free of anxiety or shame.

Apr 19, 202201:11:35
7~ How to use polarity to increase passion in a long term relationship. What works and what doesn't. With Rosko and Joelle Blake.

7~ How to use polarity to increase passion in a long term relationship. What works and what doesn't. With Rosko and Joelle Blake.

In this episode Saora Love is chatting with Rosko and Joelle Blake about their 13 year relationship with 3 sons. They dive into what works and what doesn't... Giving practical advice that can help every relationship.

6:04 The differences between men’s and women’s work.  

16:09 How to deal with the tension between the feminine drive for connection and the masculine drive for freedom.

27:00 How Rosko and Joelle have such a successful 13 year relationship even with 3 young boys.      

32:25 Rosko and Joelle’s experience with how they step more into the masculine and feminine roles in their relationship  respectively. 

37:02 How men cam move away from being the “nice guy” and move more into the healthy dark masculine.

39:45 How women can experience and rest back more into the feminine. 

45:00 The necessity of a woman’s discernment when choosing a partner.

47:00 the balance as a woman between surrendering fully and also holding your own masculine core.

47:50 how and why a woman should “let your man lead you badly”. 
Ways to communicate without words. 

52:00 how to give enough feedback in a non verbal way with sounds.

Find the work they create together at:

Rosko's IG -

Joelle's IG -

Rosko is a Men’s Leadership Coach and Movement Teacher, father and  husband. He has around two decades of experience in coaching traversing  relational physics, sexuality and sexual mastery, life coaching and  archetypal psychology, strength and conditioning, nutrition and  physiology.

His core philosophy is that embodied physicality layered with broad  self-awareness is the key to going deep and stepping forward in our  lives. It is the language of the body that has the capacity to express  the truth behind our intellectualised and constructed stories, and it is  our physicality that grounds our human experience. Our bodies have the  ability to really show us where we are, and where we are NOT in our  lives.

Rosko uses an alchemical mix of dialogue coaching underpinned by an  unshakeable foundation of physical practise to challenge men to remove  their dampeners and step forward into embodied power and integrity in  themselves, their relationships and their lives.

Apr 05, 202201:02:07
6~ BDSM, attuned touch, safety and exploring the edge of your yes. With Phillippe Lewis.

6~ BDSM, attuned touch, safety and exploring the edge of your yes. With Phillippe Lewis.

In this rich episode Saora Love has a beautiful conversation with Phillippe Lewis about a broad array of topics. Such as touch, how to touch well, listening, consent, awareness, BDSM, pushing the edge of your yes, after care, sovereignty, polyamory/monogamy... And much more.

1:58 Who is Phillippe.

4:48 Touch… How to touch and listen well.

8:00 Understanding the polarities of feminine and masculine touch.

10:35 energetic agility… The balance of masculine and feminine, internally and externally.

13:50 How to be truly current and honest about how touch is being received.

20:27 how men can learn to trust a woman’s body as a guidance system.

22:50 what does safety feel like?

25:55 when Phillippe and Saora had a deep connection at a festival.

29:30 BDSM and pushing the edge of your yes.

33:44 Role play and the potential healing benefits.

35:25 What does Saora find exciting about BDSM and pushing the edge.

37:00 How BDSM can be an art of taking someone into a trauma state safely to have the opportunity to heal.

40:30 The importance of the way the sub is guided out.

42:40 After care.

47:20 how to cut cords/unravel energetically and return to sovereignty.

49:50 Saora’s journey with polyamory and monogamy.

53:00 Phillippe asks Saora to share her current relationship desires.

58:00 Saora shares whet she’d need in a partner now to not get distracted off her path.

Mar 24, 202201:08:06
5~ Conversations with a dominatrix... Erectile disfunction, sexual wounding, prostate stimulation and the war on masculinity. With G Lyonns.

5~ Conversations with a dominatrix... Erectile disfunction, sexual wounding, prostate stimulation and the war on masculinity. With G Lyonns.

In this episode Saora Love is talking with G Lionns.
G is a sex and power coach for men and a kink educator. This is a fascinating and engaging episode where they dive into so many deep topics including G's and Saora's personal stories of wounding with the masculine, sexual healing for men, Prostate stimulation, how men misinterpret when women are seeking safety, diving deep into radical self responsibility, and loads more.

3:20 who is G.

11:55 G’s experience as a dominatrix.

15:40 Saora’s story around her childhood wounding with men growing up.

21:06 The collective journey of sexual wounding/needing love and disassociating.

22:40 The importance of healing the internal masculine and feminine simultaneously and the balance that is inherently needed for internal harmony.

24:40 Sexual wounding and healing for men.

29:00 Men not having a place to talk about sexual abuse.

30:30 Men craving prostate stimulation.

31:25 What actually helps men with sexual wounding.

37:20 How can women support men in their healing.

39:35 Erectile disfunction… How women are unconsciously contributing to it, and how they can help.

45:55 The war on masculinity…

51:15 How women are trying to feel safe and masculinize themselves.

53:00 Trusting the masculine in men as a woman and how to receive.

54:00 The importance for men to understand and be aware of the female collective anxiety around being unsafe.

59:20 A woman’s oracle and how women can very much feel when a man is not in his center or in his masculine.

1:02:00 How can we all ground into ourselves and take more responsibility in the face of relationship challenges.

1:05:27 Taking radical self responsibility for the ways we blame others.

1:14:00 How people can get really triggered about personal responsibility and victimhood.

1:17:19 How it’s not the apology that counts and rebuilds trust, it’s the accountability.

G Lyonns:
The Mars Contract, sex and power coaching for men, provides a safe space with effective, lasting solutions through private one-on-one training and online courses, that help men feel empowered and capable to become the confident, effective man they wish to be.

G Lyonns is the founder of the Mars Contract, a safe container for deep healing and transformation designed to integrate, balance, and guide men back into their power and confident leadership. She is committed to helping the masculine embark on a mission of personal accountability through courage, authenticity, integrity and respect.

As a sex and power coach for men, G uses decades of experience to provide her clients with the tools to transform their relationship and narrative with intimacy, masculinity, confidence and power so they can penetrate life with purpose. The results? Her clients become more effective and potent in all areas of their lives, from financial success to mind-blowing sex and deep connection.

The Mars Contract is deeply invested in restoring the power and purpose of masculine energy on this planet. Why? Men are an important, integral and interconnected aspect of our human experience and we need their grounded presence and protective, confident leadership now more than ever. Visit for more info.

IG: @g_lyonns

Mar 16, 202201:35:16
1~ My intentions and prayers for this podcast.

1~ My intentions and prayers for this podcast.

Just a brief episode sharing my intentions and prayers for this podcast. It's a way for you to start to feel me and why I'm creating this.

Mar 08, 202206:35
4~ How to get better at relationships. With Segev Perets.
Mar 08, 202250:07
3~ Polarity and relationships - Diving into what works and what doesn't. With Rosko Blake.

3~ Polarity and relationships - Diving into what works and what doesn't. With Rosko Blake.

In this episode between Saora Love and Rosko Blake, they delve into the realms of relationships that may not be as obvious to everyone. They explore juicy and helpful topics such as understanding the nice guy syndrome, The gift that feminine intuition can be to a man and how he can trust a woman's oracle, The trap of processing too much from within your relationship, men owning their inner monster, what it feels like for a woman to be claimed, and why a man would want to shift from being a prince into a king. Along with many other juicy topics... Enjoy!

3:15 Who is Rosko Blake

5:50 How men have been effected by societies myths and programming of what he “should” be.

10:30 Masculine with and without a core of femininity/sensitivity.

13:00 Understanding the nice guy dynamic and how it’s an overreaction to not having reverence for the masculine.

15:58 What is the gift and effect of when a man is given guidance and intention from the feminine.

17:40 How can men understand how to trust a woman's oracle

20:00 The trap of men believing that if someone is bringing more emotionality than them it means that person is wrong.

21:50 How can women communicate their needs and desires in a palatable and respectful way, by engaging his utility and desire to fix.

23:45 The problem with women desiring to process everything in depth with her partner.

25:10 The need and benefit of men to processing with brothers.

27:25 Polarity and relationship artistry.

29:00 being flexible with polarity roles.

33:00 owning the monster within.

35:30 What it feels like as a woman to be claimed.

37:45 Beliefs and experiences about strong chemistry, taking it slow or just jumping in, and the relationship it plays with karma.

45:00 discussing when you have sex too quickly.

47:00 the mother wound and seeking approval

50:35 Why would a man want to shift from being in his prince hood.

53:00 What does the true embodied masculine look and feel like?

59:00 What does the embodied feminine look and feel like?

Ross has around 20 years of experience in physical coaching, with at least half of that also spanning the realms of personal development and life coaching.

He has come to know that how we’ve learned to be in the world resides in the nervous system, and this is where we must look if we’re to create true change - whether that be in our physicality, our presence or any other component of the self.

He knows that our patterns are both formed and healed in relationship, either with self or with other, and it’s the art in these interactions that offers us the most learning. The most potent vehicle we have here is through movement and the sensory experiences of our animal body, both of which must be cultivated through practice.

Ross focuses his teachings on relational physics (the dynamic masculine and feminine) and movement as tools to deepen masculine presence and expand feminine expression through embodied physicality.


Mar 07, 202201:09:51
2~ The intricacies and subtleties of relationship energetics... What's really going on? With Ethan J Henson

2~ The intricacies and subtleties of relationship energetics... What's really going on? With Ethan J Henson

In this episode Saora Love and Ethan J Henson dive deep into the mechanics of the subtleties and energetics of human interactions.
They discuss how to be more aware of what's really going on at a deeper level than what's apparent on the surface. 

They explore our multidimensional nature, evolution, attachment styles, subtle energetics, masculine/feminine dynamics, belief systems and their effect on others, how we can take more responsibility, how to be integral as a woman in your radiance and SO much more. 

3:20 who is Ethan

5:00 his enquired into why spiritual practice can create more separation within relationships.

6:20 how there’s SOOO much energetic interaction going on beyond the cognitive levels. How to navigate to the deeper levels

10:00 being cut off from our multidimensional self.

12:21 Conscious governorship over your own energy field system and the unconscious interactions that happen in relationships.

15:00 a deep discussion of the subtle energetics between the different attachment types.

19:00 the ways we can all take more responsibility to track what’s going on in the attachment interactions

22:00 how a woman can speak from her body when she speaks about disconnection with her man.

24:00 being aware of subtle energetics and being able to read what’s your’s and what’s the others.

30:15 How our beliefs and ideas about others effects them.

35:22 how crucial meditation is.

38:44 When one partner suddenly evolves quicker than the other.

41:24 What Ethan finds attractive in a woman.

44:42 the intricacies of women in their radiance and the journey of integrity and responsibilities that come with it.

51:52 Being aware of where energy is coming from, going to and why.

52:32 What does the true embodied masculine look and feel like.

Ethan J Henson
At the early age of 20, Ethan J. Henson had a near death experience that shifted his consciousness and began a spiritual awakening. Along with new levels of awareness, the near death experience opened his ability to see the Human Energy Field. This capacity to both see and work with the Human Energy Field grew through intensive training and private mentorship with Reverend Lemuria Torling (a 3rd Generation Psychic Healer) for over 15 years.

For the past 18 years, Ethan has taught Advanced Psychic Development, Spiritual Healing, and the Infinite Way, a non-dual meditative and healing practice originally transmitted by Joel S. Goldsmith. Along with a 20 year meditation practice and many hours of observing the Human Energy Field between couples in Relationship, Ethan also trained in Advanced Taoist Sexual Nei Gong and Kundalini Yoga. The integration of all these approaches inspired the foundation of his work which brings the Masculine and Feminine into relational harmony. He teaches that Relationship is a path of Spiritual Awakening.

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Mar 07, 202257:17