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The Big Little Soul Podcast

The Big Little Soul Podcast

By Sarah Connolly

The BLS Podcast is a space for hard conversations to be had; for soul-inspired, purpose-driven, interpersonal and global issues to be discussed. I am still very much so on my own path of self-discovery, and I hope to walk that path with you such that we can learn, inspire, and empower one another and the world around us. If you're here, you're here to grow, to evolve, and to create change - together.
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8. Sacred Sexuality and Reconnecting to the Divine Masculine & Feminine w/ Devie Rose

The Big Little Soul Podcast Aug 02, 2021

49. Guided Beginner Meditation

49. Guided Beginner Meditation

Hello Beautiful Souls

This episode is one I've been putting on the back-burner for quite some time, though one I deeply hope will resonate and add value to the present moment for all who listen.

This episode is a short guided meditation...

A meditation to bring you back to self

To help you slow down to the speed of Soul

And to invite you into extending a radical permission slip to yourself...



Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

May 09, 202416:48
48. Unconventional Therapy; Letting Healing Be Both Easy and Profound - with Nikki Roy, Certified Counsellor
May 03, 202401:06:16
47. How Parasite Cleansing Could Radically Change Your Life with 'The Worm Queen' - Kim Rogers

47. How Parasite Cleansing Could Radically Change Your Life with 'The Worm Queen' - Kim Rogers

Today’s episode is one I know MANY of you have been waiting for in eager anticipation!!

I had the honour of interviewing the amazing Kim Rogers - who some of you may know on social media as “The Worm Queen” 

Kim is a well-seasoned wellness professional with over 18 years of experience in Western Medicine. She has authored numerous medical publications, contributed to national allied health certification tests and continues to provide valuable insight as a member of medical advisory boards.

Kim’s journey in the medical field took an unexpected turn with her own health challenges in 2018, which we dive into in this episode as Kim tells her story of how she emabarked on a personal quest to strive for a more holistic and natural approach to health. 

Inspired by her own healing, Kim founded RogersHood Apothecary and subsequently invented the world-renowned ParaFy Parasite Cleansing Kit - which I myself have been using religiously for my own yearly parasite cleanse and heavy metal detox, which is an integral part of my own self-care regime. 

If the concept of parasite cleansing is new to you, if you’ve perhaps had a bad experience with a past cleanse, or if you are simply curious as to how this may radically change your life as it did Kim’s and my own, you’re not going to want to miss what’s to come in this episode!

If after listening to this EXPANSIVE and highly educational episode, you have decided that it’s time to do your own parasite cleanse, you can use
THIS LINK and code “sarahc” at checkout to save yourself some monay-nay and take one giant leap towards greater mind-body-soul wellbeing!

If you’d like to find more of Kim’s educational content, you can find her:
Instagram: @mrsrogers.hood

TikTok: @mrsrogershood

Facebook: Kim Rogers

As always, much love,
From My Big Little Soul to Yours

Apr 25, 202401:36:40
46. Love as a Portal to Deeper Healing with Jill Alanna Nixon

46. Love as a Portal to Deeper Healing with Jill Alanna Nixon

Jill Alanna is a manifestation & abundance teacher & mentor, shamanic guide to Sacred Union & and Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator.

Jill’s soul mission is to help liberate as many people to their highest & most abundant timeline in ALL aspects of their being and their life. Jill is a conduit for others to become the emBODYment of greater levels of love & miracles.

She is a neuroscience geek, quantum physics nerd, and manifestation expert. In short, she helps her clients become an energetic match with their dreams and deep soul desires.

As a highly intuitive channel, she works with higher guidance and deep intuition to reveal what will best serve YOU. 

She combines Reiki, guided visualization, hypnosis, tapping, Quantum Healing, shamanic breathwork, light language, energy activations, sound healing, NLP, Human Design, Rapid Resolution Therapy and other deep and ancient healing techniques and instruments all in one session - again, determined by the client’s needs.
On today’s episode, Jill and I dive deep into the topics of:
-Manifestation & Abundance Energetics
-Miracles and the Divine Orchestration of all that is meant for you
-How being IN LOVE (as a foundational energetic and subsequently in sacred union) is one of the deepest portals into healing ourselves and others
-What it means to be deeply connected while remaining UNATTACHED
-The difference between being in a ‘relationship’ and being in ‘sacred union’
-How healing translates into intimacy, sex and our overall experience in the bedroom

If you’d like to find more of Jill and her offerings, you can tap into any of the resources below:

FREE Sacred Union Masterclass:

FREE Quantum Abundance Activation:


IG: @jillalannanixon


Much Love, as always

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

Apr 16, 202401:36:40
45. Becoming a Money Magnet through Healing, Dance & Rewriting Your Narratives with Candice Jamieson

45. Becoming a Money Magnet through Healing, Dance & Rewriting Your Narratives with Candice Jamieson

Today’s conversation is with a beautiful soul whose journey very much so parallels many aspects of my own.
Candice Jamieson is a former personal trainer and holistic nutritionist turned financial educator. 

In former years of her personal journey, Candice struggled with finances and, though money kept coming in, she found herself not being able to hold onto it...
In Candice’s words: “I did what everyone does, I went to the bank.  Long story short i felt overwhelmed with shame and fear.  After making every financial mistake, I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible transform their finances to create and allow space for their biggest manifestations.”

Candice is passionate about helping people feel more confident in their being and showing others what is possible in the realm of wealth.
On Today’s Episode:
-Stepping out of ‘poverty mentality’
-Why healing trauma is CRUCIAL if we wish to cultivate abundance (in all facets of our being - finances included)
-How to overcome fear, imposter syndrome, and common self-limiting beliefs that often arise when we begin attracting wealth
-What IS “Manifestation” - REALLY…?
-What does it mean to become a “clear and open channel for money and consciousness” ..?
-How to use the energetic principles of money to our advantage
-How dancing, singing, being playful and being in love all enable us to step into higher brackets of wealth

If you loved this episode, you can find more of Candice and her amazing magnetic energy here:


Apr 06, 202452:32
44. Love and Leadership with Jake Kokot
Apr 01, 202401:24:51
43. Human Design with Divine Decoder Ashlee Coulthard
Mar 26, 202401:03:17
42. Rewriting the Algorithm of Abundance with Allyson Byrd

42. Rewriting the Algorithm of Abundance with Allyson Byrd

Allyson Byrd is more than just a mentor to business owners in the digital marketing space; she is an agent of transformation and grace. A celebrated leader in sales through energetics, Allyson has enabled her students to come together and create astounding results – $330 million in sales revenue using her methodologies of Spotlight Energetics™. Her unique approach of bold guidance, disruptive challenges, and empowering encouragement have enabled thousands of people in over 20 industries from 47+ countries to exceed their own expectations. With her vast experience and knowledge as a global mentor, spiritual advisor, online educator, content creator and virtual CEO, Allyson Byrd has been considered one of the World's leading energetics experts for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Allyson has the remarkable ability to challenge even the most successful entrepreneurs with her innovative and counterintuitive perspectives.
Allyson’s energy speaks for itself, and she is a truly RADIANT human and a POTENT channel.
On today’s episode, Allyson and I dive into all things ABUNDANCE related - and though that word may initially draw your mind towards thinking about money, that is but a fragment of this discussion.
Find yourself a comfy space, sit down, and drop in for this expansive conversation with my beautiful soul sister Allyson Byrd

If you loved this episode and love Allyson’s energy as much as I do, you can find more of her here:
FREE Online 8-Part Audio Series - ‘The Magnetism Codes’


Facebook: Allyson Byrd

Instagram: @iamallysonbyrd

Mar 20, 202401:04:16
41. Overcoming Unworthiness and Dancing with Creation with Paige Harker

41. Overcoming Unworthiness and Dancing with Creation with Paige Harker

Today I am welcoming the beautiful Paige Harker.

Paige is a personal brand photographer and entrepreneur who is a true representation of how incredibly expansive and abundant life can become when you do the inner work to heal yourself. We dive into this concept today as Paige shares bits and pieces of her personal journey and some of her most powerful lessons and teachings that have helped her move from a place where she lacked confidence and self-worth to becoming a radiant, high-vibing human and a true embodiment of self-love and supporting others along their journeys of divine expression.
This episode is especially powerful for those who are still in search of their true self, those who are healing from disordered eating and body image struggles and for entrepreneurs and soul-driven creators looking to expand their business and magnetize the work and the life they truly desire


-What is the “inner work” (as defined by Paige in the context of her personal journey)
-The Power of Meditation
-Overcoming Unworthiness
-How the “inner work,” emotional integration and alignment with our passions can yield PHYSICAL changes in the body such as weight loss, better skin, etc
-Initiatory Processes
-The difference between surrender and laziness and the intimate dance between surrender and creation 

-Not falling for the comparison trap
-Moving towards our passions and using them to tap into our inner radiance

If you enjoy this episode and would like to connect further with Paige, you can find her on social media at



Much Love, as always

From My Big Little Soul to Yours


Feb 12, 202451:59
40. Somatic Experiencing - Guided Practice (E-Book Episode)

40. Somatic Experiencing - Guided Practice (E-Book Episode)

If you are listening to this episode in the future, it is very likely that you have found it through the link in my E-Book! If you are listening hot off the press, then that was a little foreshadowing to the very exciting upcoming release of my FREE E-Book called “Foundations of Soul”
This episode is dedicated to sharing a guided somatic practice that I share a written form of in the context of the E-Book.

Jan 22, 202417:25
39. Escaping the Prison of Identity with Mark Groves

39. Escaping the Prison of Identity with Mark Groves

Today’s guest is not only a human connection specialist, a speaker, writer, motivator, creator, connector and collaborator, but he is an archaeologist of the truth - constantly digging to find the answers, the alternatives and everything in between. He is a proponent for speaking truth especially when it’s uncomfortable, and even when it may burn a bridge or two or ten thousand….

This spectacular human is an alchemist of the academic and the human, inviting people to explore the good, the bad, the downright ugly, and the exquisitely beautiful sides of this human experience.

Today’s conversation on the Big Little Soul Podcast is with my friend, a true role model in my life, and an all-around incredible soul - Mark Groves!


Topics of Conversation and Key Concepts:

~Love is telling the truth and if the truth fractures a relationship, the relationship can’t hold it

~Mark’s own ‘Prison of Identity’ under the tile “Create the Love” and how he is navigating his recent re-introduction of himself and what he stands for in his work

~The Prostitute Archetype

—> When we are willing to sell ourselves out for other people, constructs, beliefs and ideals (**Often rooted in our inner-child-self who is still afraid to disappoint people**)

—>How many of us are actually using social media on OUR terms?

—> Where in our lives and within ourselves are we still not liberated?

**How to step outside of the box of your own creation**

~When our Soul Path Shifts

—> When the call becomes a non-negotiable

—> What the consequences of not listening to the call of our soul is

—>When resistance arises on ‘the path’ not as a form of misalignment, but rather as a test to see how badly you want it

—> Advice for those discerning between fear that is arising to redirect vs fear the is arising as an invitation to lean further in

~Envy is the thief of possibility and the siphon for potential

~The ‘Spider Web Theory’

~The Concept of the Acorn and the Oak

~How Truth is the ultimate algorithm

~Tapping into authentic self-expression and becoming aligned with one’s path and potential

~You can’t have war with one person
- - -

If you enjoyed this episode and would like to find more of Mark and his content, you can find him here:

Instagram: @createthelove

- - -
Check out more podcast and personal content on my page:

Nov 13, 202301:10:03
38. Grief as a Gateway to Living Our Fullest Expression with Markus Blettinger

38. Grief as a Gateway to Living Our Fullest Expression with Markus Blettinger

Markus Blettinger is a coach and educator, among many things in this world.

Markus has over 15,000 hours of coaching in the field of human optimization and helping others navigate the initiation of suffering into soul-centred living.

In this episode, Markus shares his story, which includes some of the darker sides of plant medicine and a very deep process of navigating grief, death and dying.

DISCLAIMER: This episode addresses the topics of attempted suicide, death and dying and various other aspects of the human experience that may be triggering for those who have unhealed and unintegrated traumas relating to these subjects. This episode also incorporates discussion about plant medicine and other subjects regarding physical, mental and spiritual health and wellness. None of this discussion is intended to be used as medical or psychological advice. Please listen at your own discretion


Topics & Episode Break-Down:


-How do we, as individuals and society better navigate death?

-Restructuring society’s approach to death (A perfect-world-perspective)

> Making death “bigger” > Constructing a better system of education > How ‘Celebrations of Life’ rob us of the necessary grieving process

-How do we give ourselves permission to love while acknowledging the grief that goes hand-in-hand with loss?

**Grief isn’t here to make us feel sad, it’s there to make you feel alive*


-Non-attachment as a way of life > How do we adopt a state of non-attachment while simultaneously being able to cultivate deep connections?

> Why attachment is at the root of our grief (and the benefits and downfalls to this)

-Becoming The Observer/The Witness

> How this differs from living as The Actor (the human self that gets caught up in attachment)

> How to navigate between these two realms and consciously play both characters (the character and the one who is aware of the character being played) > The “empty space of awareness” > What’s at "zero distance from self?” -Detaching from cycles of discomfort and pain > Learning to let it be easy > Incorporating joy, pleasure and play

-The power of BEING

> Microdosing discomfort by doing nothing

> Breaking free of Hustle-Culture

> Learning to balance doing and being

> What is the ‘right’ effort..? (How do we ‘shift through our gears’ appropriately?)

> How do we just BE…?


The Dark Side of Plant Medicine

-Markus’ near-death experience and attempted-suicide catalyzed by a heroic-dose of psilocybin in combination with a set and setting that was not conducive for a wholesome & healing journey INTEGRATION >Why this component is more important than the journey itself

>How we navigate a society where plant medicine is ‘trending’ and integration is not

>Learning to slow down in a society that teaches us to always be doing

>Learning to embrace the intensity of the present moment

>Building a solid foundation before we attempt to climb the Everest of healing and expansion

> The importance of having devotional practices and the BASICS in place before we endeavour into realms of plant medicine that can act as a ‘grenade to the psyche’ Surrendering to our Purpose and trusting in our divinely-orchestrated path

> Staying the course even when accepting our purpose invokes fear and resistance

> “Stop pushing things on the world and let the world tell you what it needs”


> Using comparison to others as a way of embracing the uniqueness of our own personality, gifts, knowledge and Dharma

- - -

If you enjoyed this episode and you’d like to connect with Markus and access more of his content and the incredible wisdom he is sharing with the world, you can find him here:

Website: ⁠⁠

Instagram: @Universoul.integration⁠

- - -

As always, you can find ME (Sarah Connolly) here:




Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

Oct 29, 202301:43:50
37. Rewriting Our Story; A Journey of Devotion to Self with Tracy Holemeyer

37. Rewriting Our Story; A Journey of Devotion to Self with Tracy Holemeyer

On today’s episode, I am welcoming back a return guest, and one who is just SUCH a beautiful depiction of authenticity and integrity. Tracy Holemeyer is a Somatic Practitioner and Multimodal soul guide helping humans heal, reclaim, embody, align. Tracy is a truly exquisite human and soul and the wisdom and experiential stories she shares on this episode are equally as touching as they are expansive. Given that we were on a time crunch, there are certainly no shortage of topics and take-home messages in this episode.

Topics of Discussion

Masculine & Feminine Harmony

~Recognizing how we “raise” the masculine and feminine within us

~How the masculine and feminine within us are also representative of what we value in our external world ~How to redefine and recultivate masculine and feminine qualities when we have previously operated from protection mechanisms

~Fight-Flight-Freeze ~Projections ~Aggression <>
-Redefining what aggression is (from the perspective of protective mechanisms)

Healing from Trauma:

~Reclaiming pieces of ourselves that were left behind in order to be someone we were told we needed to be

~How to (re)create self-trust after losing that when we lose our essence of self ~Somatic experiencing, grounding and self-reassurance when triggered in-the-moment ~Recognizing our humanness and validating our emotions ~Letting go of what we think we know and re-writing our story ~Embracing that we matter and we have the right to be here
Spiritual Bypassing ~Rushing to find the lesson and the “karmic contract” rather than being in the human experience of it
“If we were just supposed to get to the lesson and the karmic contract, we wouldn’t have come here into a body to figure it out”
“If we are not in the truthiest truth of it every step of the way, we don’t complete the lesson, we are rushing to a fo-lesson that then has to be repeated over and over and over again because we are not grasping it and allowing us to come into it on our own”
-The principal of becoming MORE sensitive to energy the more we heal, grow and evolve (and how this is often misconstrued and used as the foundation for self-judgement and criticism)
The Toxic Nature of “Boss” Culture and Hustle Mentality
“You’re not lazy, you’re recovering”

The Importance of ‘Complaining’

-Why it is SO important to have modalities and support systems through which you can unload (and not in a way that spiritualizes, jumps to lessons and paints things over with toxic positivity)
Recognizing Intuition vs Impulse vs Ego vs Trauma Response

-Learning to (re)define what our voice of intuition is -Discerning between intuition, impulse, ego and trauma response -Giving ourselves grace for when we denied our intuition and later learned it was right all along

Sep 08, 202301:15:50
36. Same Planet, Different World with DTO; Dave The Organism

36. Same Planet, Different World with DTO; Dave The Organism

DTO is an award-winning music producer, designing inspirational music that raises the vibrations of the planet.  DTO kicked off his career with a spark with his remix of “Love Me” by Grammy-nominated producer, StoneBridge.  DTO followed up with Nameless Energy, a yoga soundtrack recognized by Deepak Chopra for the kirtan project “Jai Ram” ft. Tara Devi. Nameless Energy is a music playlist guiding yoga instructors and students through a 60-minute yoga class. This album has integrated into the yoga world as an inspiring, healing, and transformational musical journey.


On today's episode, Dave and I talk about how he discovered his Soul Purpose as a musician and the many things he learned about himself and about the world along the way.

We discuss the power of frequency and how music (and all that we consume in our external world) impacts our body, mind and Soul.

Dave shares about how he has disconnected from traditional North American society in a recent move to Costa Rica and, in doing so, more deeply connected to himself, his musicality and the essence of community and Mother Earth.


If you'd like to find more of Dave, you can check out his website:

His music can be found anywhere you love to listen by searching "DTO" (Spotify link to the song used for this episode's intro breathwork & tune-in practice HERE )

And if you'd like to learn more about the incredible retreat centre Dave and his beautiful partner Himalaya facilitate at their STUNNING property in Costa Rica, you can find info below:

Embody Costa Rica


Aug 11, 202301:23:07
35. The Depths of Self & That Which Lies Beyond with Kiira Kali
Apr 29, 202301:23:47
34. When Silence and Stillness Gets LOUD with Brian Russell, Ph.D.

34. When Silence and Stillness Gets LOUD with Brian Russell, Ph.D.

Brian Russell (Ph.D.) is an award winning professor of biblical literature and a transformational coach for spiritually-minded professionals. Known for his curiosity, compassion and commitment to growth, his personal mission is to seek out, study, and embody the deepest truths about spirituality and the universe so that he can share them compellingly, lovingly, and transformationally with others. Brian is the author of:Invitation: A Bible Study to Begin With (Seedbed 2014)(re)Aligning with God: Reading Scripture for Church and World (Cascade 2015)Centering Prayer: Sitting Quietly in God's Presence Can Change Your Life.  Brian is also the host of the Deep Dive Spirituality Conversations podcast. In today’s episode, Brian and I take a deep dive into the following: -“What did it feel like when you felt that nobody was coming to help you?” —> Reflections on this experience (which many of us face in our path) and how we have both navigated this -The concept of ‘The Spiral Staircase’ -The importance of stillness and silence and how, contrary to popular belief, things get REALLY LOUD when you truly begin to sit in meditation -Shadow Work -Moving through guilt, shame, fear and rage -The “7 Deadly Sins” or what Brian calls “Internal Pain Spots” - - what these mean, how they show up and how to navigate them (no matter your spiritual or religious views) -Facing death in our day-to-day reality -How to live a life of service under the principal of ‘Being a Reservoir, not a Canal’ And SO. MUCH. MORE. - - - If you’d like to find more of Brian, you can find him here: Instagram: @yourprofessorforlife  Brian's Podcast, Coaching & Other Teachings can be found HERE: - - -
Mar 31, 202301:05:07
33. Consult the Wisdom Within with Jake Kokot

33. Consult the Wisdom Within with Jake Kokot

Jake Kokot is a true embodiment of a Soul doing the work in this human experience, a representative of Conscious Masculine Leadership, and an exquisite force of humanity contributing to the cultivation of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

This episode is Soul-touching and will undoubtedly leave you with some tangible takeaways to contribute to your own growth and healing.

Some topics Jake and I discuss include:

✧ 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 ✧
-How to cultivate depth of connection within thy self, and thus within others
-The importance of community and the impact Men’s Work has had on Jake’s life and personal path

~ 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 ~
-The necessity of facing the darkness and the ‘sliding scale’ of shadow to light
**𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙤 𝙬𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝙁𝙀𝙀𝙇 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛??**
-The difference between depression and sadness and how FULLY feeling one’s grief, guilt and shame is helps us to prevent and mitigate depression

✧ 𝑪𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 ‘𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒆’ 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 ✧
—̶>̶ How our internal & external environment influence our physical and mental wellbeing and how we can take our power back to elevate our energy when one or both of these does not feel aligned

~ 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 ~
—̶>̶ How to process trauma and emotions at the physical level (*Jake and I share an exercise that you can do NOW to help you do this in your own body, in the comfort of your own home*)

**𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐯𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐬𝐞**

—̶>̶ **Jake and I share a few more applicable practices you can begin implementing in your daily life to begin tapping into your own intuition and discerning intuition from impulse**

…𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝑶. 𝑴𝑼𝑪𝑯. 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑬!!!…

- - -

If you’d like to find more of Jake, you can connect with him via:




- - -

SO Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours


Mar 16, 202302:03:12
32. Conscious Sex and the Cosmos with Alexia Sitaras

32. Conscious Sex and the Cosmos with Alexia Sitaras

Alexia Sitaras and I are back co-creating on the Podcast for some more POTENT transmissions and JUICY topics including: ~𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 we are knee-deep in right now, and how this *may* be reflecting in your personal energy, relationships and the changes happening in your 3D Reality ~𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 -How to navigate the DEEP yearning for this in life -How to tap into your own divine masculine/feminine balance -What is required of us when we desire to call in divine union in relationships (intimate and otherwise) ~𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒅 ~𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘯-𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘓𝘌𝘈𝘙 𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘜𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯 (ie. How to ACTUALLY manifest) ~𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑬𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝑬𝒙𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒆𝒙 ** 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐗?!?!? ** -How energetic exchange occurs during sexual intercourse, how this can affect our physical and emotional body, and how this differs for men and women (penetrator vs portal) ~𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞 & 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲 ~How are you caring for your sacred portal??? —> Self love & Self-pleasure practices And SO. MUCH. MORE. - - - If you want more of Alexia and to learn more about her upcoming retreats, you can find her here: Instagram: @alexiasitaras Website: LinkTree - - -
Mar 05, 202301:52:46
31. Billionaire Mentality - Creating Stratospheric Success in Health, Wealth, and all Facets of Life with Adriana Gentile

31. Billionaire Mentality - Creating Stratospheric Success in Health, Wealth, and all Facets of Life with Adriana Gentile

Adriana has a compelling story of going from rocky beginnings as a high school dropout, to world-renowned entrepreneur. She has won countless awards in fitness, leadership, and sales. Adriana has spoken on stages in front of thousands, launched her own fitness brand, and created an international sales team known as Good Vibe Partners. She can be found in media across North America for her holistic approach to the wellness of life, including, Fox45, ABC10, WSAZ, Medium & Authority Magazine, and many many more! Aside from her accolades, Adriana has an innate understanding of the Laws of the Universe and has been called to raise human consciousness. She has stepped into her power by starting her second company, Stratospheric Success, a non-traditional way of teaching others how to create ultimate success: happiness, fulfilment, purpose, and an abundant life. If you struggle with money mindset or are looking for tangible ways to up-level your life and create abundance in health, wealth and all facets of mind-body-soul wellness, this is the episode for you! Adriana and I talk about how through self-awareness, raising your consciousness, understanding principles of human behaviour, quantum physics and the Laws of the Universe, you too can have everything your heart desires! - - - If you would like to find more of Adriana and the incredible work she is doing in this world, you can find her on social media here: Personal Instagram: @im.adrianag Business SM: @stratospheric.success @goodvibespartners  and @g.v.transformations - - - Much Love, as always, From My Big Little Soul to Yours
Feb 20, 202301:53:40
30. Ego Dissolution, Navigating Grief and the Teachings of Ayahuasca with Armondo Canales

30. Ego Dissolution, Navigating Grief and the Teachings of Ayahuasca with Armondo Canales

Armondo Canales is here on the pod’s 30th episode to share his personal journey of navigating grief, divorce, anxiety & depression, the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ and how plant medicine and the spirit of Ayahuasca have helped him navigate these turbulent times of his human experience. Armondo shares his journey of leaving the corporate world and everything society had taught him was the “right” way to live and, in doing so, redefining what success and happiness meant to him. We speak about the path of self-discovery and the many ins and outs this journey entails. We discuss how each of us faced physical health issues during our healing journey, primarily gut health dysregulation as a result of repressed emotions and stored trauma. On the topic of Ayahuasca, Armondo shares some of his most powerful journeys with this beautiful plant spirit and we also talk about the significance of intention, preparation, integration and safety. If you would like to connect with Armondo, you can find him in this 3D reality world on Facebook at - - - - - - ASIDE: I have been speaking about and interviewing guests about plant medicine more and more lately, and though I have been conscious about emphasizing the importance of preparation, intention, safety, set and setting and integration, I truly don’t think these variables can be emphasized enough. Plant medicine is not for everyone, and it absolutely positively should not be used in an attempt to outright heal or “fix” oneself. I believe the medicines that Mother Earth gifts us hold profound powers for healing and consciousness, AND, they must also be used with the utmost respect, and reverence and in an informed way, as they can be abused just as easily as any other drug. I would highly, highly, highly encourage each and every one of you listening to do your due diligence in research prior to embarking on any of these journeys. I also truly believe that the spirit of the medicine will call to you if and when you are ready and meant to work with it. Until that happens (if it does), work on getting to know yourself and being comfortable in the discomfort that goes hand-in-hand with solitude. Breathwork is a tool that can be just as, if not more potent in healing than some plant medicine, and it comes with FAR less risk. Other things like cold therapy, time in nature, meditation, sound healing and SO many other practices and modalities are also available to each and every one of us - many for free, and again I emphasize that THIS is the work that is going to get you in touch with your own heart and Soul. Please, PLEASE do not dive into the realms of plant medicine on a whim. Get to know yourself first. Start healing using basic techniques and the wisdom of your own body and THEN use that inner intuition to guide you as to whether or not plant medicine is the next step for you. I hope these discussions bring awareness to these topics and the importance of all of the former I have barely just scratched the surface on in this intro. Please always listen with an open mind, an open heart, and a great level of discernment - whether it’s my podcast or the words of another in your ears. - - - **DISCLAIMER: The Big Little Soul Podcast is not meant to be used as medical advice** - - - Much Love, as always From My Big Little Soul to Yours
Feb 13, 202301:49:08
29. Discovering the Sextroardinary with Intimacy Coach & Bodyworker Jessi Woods

29. Discovering the Sextroardinary with Intimacy Coach & Bodyworker Jessi Woods

I am beyond excited for the release of this episode and am elated to welcome Jessi Woods to the podcast!

Jessi is an Intimacy Coach, Addiction Recovery Coach, Athletic Trainer, Healer & Aqueoussage Bodywork Practitioner. She is known in the sports medicine world for her teachings on “Sexual Energy Transmutation for Athletic Performance.” Jessi helps clients get to know themselves deeply and live a life of passion and purpose. She created the “Aqueoussage Bodywork” technique in 2016 - a technique that involves a combination of deep relaxation & arousal, which can serve as an effective mind stimulus, a source of somatic healing and a way to deepen into one’s own process of healing and self-discovery. Jessi is celebrating her 10,000 hours as a Practitioner and I am so honoured to be celebrating with her as we dive into some incredibly informative and JUICY topics!!

T𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲:

~𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲 (In-to-me-see) and the process of self-discovery
~𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 & 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 through saying "no more" to low-vibrational substances and energies
~Living life in ‘𝐄𝐫𝐨𝐬’
~Releasing judgment and finding orgasmic pleasure in the mundane
~Sexual energy ‘leakage,’ “holding the gold” and learning to treat sexual energy with reverence, respect and discernment
~𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 & tapping into ‘𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞’
~Benefits and drawbacks to the ’𝐍𝐨𝐅𝐚𝐩’ 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
~How Sexual energy affects every facet of your life
~My personal 2-Year-Celibacy journey - the highs, lows, lessons and everything in-between
~What I learned through getting ghosted
~𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐯𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
~Somatic processing of trauma through bodywork
~𝑨𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆 for relaxation, arousal and mind-body-soul stimulus

- - -

If you'd like to find more of Jessi and the beautiful work she is doing in the world, you can find her, her products and services in the links below:

Instagram: @flowcoachjessi

Link Tree:

IntimaSea Sexual Health & Wellness Products:

Through her motto, Live the Strength you Hold, Jessi embodies her gifts to compassionately connect her clients to their own unique strengths.

- - -

Much Love, as always

From My Big Little Soul to Yours 

Jan 28, 202301:43:02
28. Kambo - Medicine Spirit, Ceremony and Integration with Melisa Dubé

28. Kambo - Medicine Spirit, Ceremony and Integration with Melisa Dubé

On today’s episode I am welcoming a fellow colleague, medicine woman, holistic healer and beautiful soul Melisa Dubé.

I had the pleasure of connecting with Melisa during our trainings in Addiction Recovery and Psychospiritual Education through Being True to You and felt called to invite her on the podcast to share her story, her wisdom and the potent messages she has to share in the realms of healing, medicine work, coaching and life as a whole.

Melisa is a certified IAKP Kambo Practitioner and shares with us her journey of discovering the medicine of Kambo.

We chat about:

~The history of Kambo
~Ethical sourcing of Kambo and other Earth medicines
~How Kambo works - uses, benefits, risks
~Honouring and working with the Spirit of medicines
~The importance of integration and intention
~Cultural appropriation in medicine work
~Being “called” to work with medicine
~Practitioner experience, ethics and safety
~The aspect of ceremony

And MUCH more!!!

If you have felt called to work with Kambo, entheogens or other Earth medicines or are simply curious as to what is next for you in your own journey of healing and self-discovery, I invite you to tune into this heart-centred episode.

As Always, much love,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - -

If you would like to find out more about Melisa and the healing she offers in ceremony with Kambo, you can find her at

If you are interested in discovering more about the IAKP (International Association of Kambo Practitioners) and the work and trainings they offer worldwide, you can visit

Some additional excellent resources on Kambo:

Jan 24, 202302:14:21
27. Healing, Facing Triggers and Dancing in the Void with Alexia Sitaras

27. Healing, Facing Triggers and Dancing in the Void with Alexia Sitaras

On today’s episode, I am welcoming back a repeat guest, a soul sister, a truly magical human, a master manifestor and relationship coach - Alexia Sitaras.

If you haven’t already listened to my first recording with Alexia, I encourage you to find 𝗘𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟭𝟴 - 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘽𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙘, where we talk about the Law of Attraction, the power of intention-setting and the interrelation of mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Today Alexia and I are diving into the human tendency to focus on things that distract us from the present, the things that impede our ability to derive the most potent lessons from the experience of life, and the MANY factors at play in the ways we show up during times of discomfort, the way we show up in relationships and the many ways suppressed emotion and trauma manifest in how we show up in everyday life.

We discuss

~How to begin 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙪𝙢𝙖-𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙨
~How to 𝙣𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 and the tribulations of life
~How to begin to 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙤𝙛 ‘𝑬𝒓𝒐𝒔’ - in deep presence, through the derivation of the 𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘤 nature of each moment; not just those limited to sex and sexuality.

One of the major topics of discussion in this episode is 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 “𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒅” (𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜)

𝘔𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴,
𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘔𝘺 𝐵𝒾𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓁 𝘵𝘰 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴


- - -

If you want more of Alexia and to learn more about her upcoming retreats, you can find her here:

Instagram: @alexiasitaras



Jan 17, 202301:41:29
26. There's Power in Pleasure with Kyra Newton

26. There's Power in Pleasure with Kyra Newton

Are you unsure of where to begin when it comes to 'rediscovering' who you TRULY are...?

Are you knee-deep in the process of self-healing and self-discovery and looking to gain a deeper understanding of your habits, patterns, behaviours and how to integrate these all into a more well-rounded version of you..?

Are you craving a more pleasureful experience of life, of self and of SEX...?

Well, my beautiful Soul Family - Meet Kyra Newton!!

Kyra is an explosive force! She is a mover, shaker, and visionary with a lot to give. She has a big personality and it is only getting bigger as she continues to live bravely and stand by what she values. She is a Medicine Woman, Truth seeker, Creatix, Sacred Space holder, professional dance artist, a Trauma-Trained Somatic Coach, a mentor and a guide for women. She shines in helping women transform their relationship to their bodies, reclaim their power through sensual embodiment and begin to lead their lives from a place of self-trust and a deeply embodied inner knowing.
In today's episode, we chat about the work Kyra does with other women and as a woman herself, though - man or woman -there’s something in this episode for everyone, especially if you’re walking the path of self-healing and the integration of BOTH the conscious masculine and feminine.
​Kyra shares vulnerably about her past and how her own trauma has shaped who she is today. We discuss how trauma manifests in the mind and body, and how this dictates who we become and how we view the world.
​We talk about what it really means to undergo a "reclamation of self" and the ways this process has manifested for us both.

We differentiate between sensuality and sexuality and discuss how to truly get in touch with both.

There are SO many more juicy bits and pieces to this episode, so tune in for more! At the end of the episode, we also chat about the upcoming Pleasure Playground event - a safe and sacred space for women to express themselves freely, show up unapologetically and embrace their sensual bodies.

- - - -

If you enjoyed this episode and would like to find more of Kyra and her work, you can find her here:
If this episode sparked your curiosity and inspired you to join us at our upcoming Pleasure Playground event, you can find more information and purchase discounted tickets through the link below:

- - - - -

Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

Sep 16, 202201:12:42
25. All We Need Is Love with Aidan Uttinger

25. All We Need Is Love with Aidan Uttinger

Aug 25, 202201:10:26
24. Healing Shame and Learning to Find Validation Within with Matt Landsiedel

24. Healing Shame and Learning to Find Validation Within with Matt Landsiedel


I am ecstatic to welcome the first guest of this second season of the podcast - Matt Landsiedel.

Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addictions Counselling and has spent the past 15 years working in the fields of mental health and Transformative Life coaching. As the creator of his own brand “Inspired to Be Authentic”, Matt works as an emotional and spiritual guide for highly sensitive people and empaths, assisting others in transforming trauma, grief and shame into acceptance, empowerment and authenticity

In this episode, a large part of our conversation revolves around our personal transformations from seeking external validation, to sourcing that validation from within.

Matt and I talk about many parallels in our personal journeys - from our own addictions to fitness to seeking validation through sex and codependent relationships, and how we learned to heal our own shame and relational patterns through seeking stillness.

Matt and I discuss:

-How to discern between when we are doing something from a place of true self-love and authenticity versus when we are seeking validation from the outside world

-How to transmute shame into self-acceptance

-How shadow work and healing the inner child are integral components of stepping into our true authentic expressions and “highest” versions of self

We also talk about how to incorporate:


-Mirror Work

-Somatic Work

-Self-Love & Embodiment Practices

And MUCH more!!

If you’re ready to do a deep dive into self-discovery, get your journal out, set up a nice comfy space and sit back for this DEEP DIVE of an episode.

- - -

If this episode resonated with you, it would mean the WORLD if you could share it on social media and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

If you’d like to find more of Matt and the incredible work he is doing, you can find him here: All of

Instagram: @inspiredtobeauthentic


ALL of Matt’s Work and Offerings can be found HERE

- - - 

As always, thank you for being here, thank you for being you and thank you for letting me be me.

Here’s to further healing, growth, self-discovery, and movement towards a more beautiful world.

Much Love,

From My Big Little Soul To Yours

Jul 06, 202201:12:29
23. Soulo Episode - Are You Enabling or Enhancing Your Relationships?

23. Soulo Episode - Are You Enabling or Enhancing Your Relationships?

In this episode I talk about:

-When it’s actually MORE loving to let someone suffer

-What is “𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆,” 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮…?

-What variables are at play when we are unsure whether it’s appropriate to speak the wholehearted, honest truth, or to refrain (and how refraining in an act of love is VERY different from silencing a truth that needs to be brought to light)

-Some reflections for deepening into 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛-𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 and becoming radically honest with ourselves about how we are showing up in our relationships and how this is reflecting in the quality of those relationships and our ability to foster the connection and intimacy we truly desire

Much Love, 

As Always, 

From My Big Little Soul to Yours 

- - -  

Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? 

Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here: 


Instagram: Personal: @sarahjcon  

Podcast-Oriented: @thebiglittlesoul 

- - -  [Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]  ---

May 06, 202216:42
22. Sex, Shadow & Sacred Union with Kiira Kālī

22. Sex, Shadow & Sacred Union with Kiira Kālī

I am honoured to have my beautiful soul sister Kiira Kālī on the podcast! Kiira brings SO much light and truly profound insight forth. 

This episode is dedicated to those of you who are on your own journey and are looking for insight into how to take your own healing to the next level.

Kiira and I discuss the realm of Tantra, and how the transmutation of sexual energy and dissolution of sexual shame has played a crucial role in her personal journey and that of her past and present relationships. We discuss many key variables in developing a healthy relationship with self and how to carry that into sacred union with a partner.

We talk about how tantric practices can be woven into self-work and relational work, and within this, we also discuss facing our own shadow, and how self-love and our own healing are an integral component of healthy relationships.

We talk about how to increase awareness around repetitive patterns, trauma bonds, attachment styles, and how our romantic relationships become mirrors for us to gain access to deeper levels of healing.

We also have a very important conversation about the ‘Rebel’ archetype and how this becomes such a crucial component of growth, evolution and rebirth.

Whether you are single or in partnership, this episode has SO many profound takeaways, and I hope one or more speak to you and land exactly when and where they need to.

As Always, Much Love,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - -

If you want to see and hear more from Kiira or are curious about the work she’s doing in the world, you can find her here:


Link Tree for Consultation and Services: Click HERE

- - -

Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism?
Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here:



Personal Page: @sarahjcon 

Podcast Page: @thebiglittlesoul 

- - -

[Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]  

Mar 25, 202201:24:51
21. Pleasure, Pain, and Finding the Highs in the Mundane with Eloïse Theberge
Mar 21, 202201:21:40
20. The Power of Plant Medicine with Cheyanna Koch

20. The Power of Plant Medicine with Cheyanna Koch

On today’s episode, I welcome my beautiful soul sister Cheyanna Kosh.

Cheyanna is a truly incredible being who has endured a lot in her lifetime. Our paths intersected this past year as our journeys mirrored one another in various ways. Today I welcomed Chey on the podcast to share a chapter of her story that entailed a great deal of spiritual work, including various plant medicines that became the catalysts for profound physical and emotional healing.

We chat about the many misconceptions revolving around plant medicines and the profound power that many hold for healing.

We discuss how different ceremonies are carried out, with a focus on Ayahuasca and Kambo, and also dedicate a portion of the episode to talking about the incredibly important nature of intention-setting and integration. Chey and I chat about our own individual experiences as well as those we shared during the ceremonies we sat together.

This episode involves some topics that may be triggering for others, so please listen at your own discretion.

As a gentle reminder, none of the content of the Big Little Soul podcast is intended to be used as medical advice.

What I do hope this episode epitomizes, is an invitation for curiosity; a catalyst for you to ask what former misconceptions you may have held that are available to your reassessment. Most of all, I hope this episode lands in your ears and your heart in a way that provides insight and shines a light on one or more things that may serve you where you are right now in your path.

Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

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If you'd like to learn more about Chey, you can find her on Instagram

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Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism?
Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here:



Personal: @sarahjcon
Podcast-Oriented: @thebiglittlesoul

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[Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]  


Mar 12, 202201:08:34
19. Psychedelic Psychotherapy & Integrative Healing with Dr. Sandy Indermuhle

19. Psychedelic Psychotherapy & Integrative Healing with Dr. Sandy Indermuhle

**Disclaimer: None of the content shared in the Big Little Soul Podcast is intended to be used as medical advice.**

Today’s honourable guest is Dr. Sandy Indermuhle. Sandy is a former Emergency Physician of 15 years who is now transitioning into a different realm of healing alongside her husband Troy, who also has an extensive history in the medical field working as an ER and ICU nurse. Sandy and Troy are currently in the process of opening their own clinic - ‘inLIGHTen Wellness’ - which will be a center focused on Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, while also offering a combination of healing modalities including Breathwork and Shamanic-Based Intuitive Core Wound Healing. In this episode, Sandy and I talk about this new and innovative practice of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, including its incredibly powerful therapeutic benefits in the treatment of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD and addiction. Sandy and I also discuss her own healing journey and the elements of that path that catalyzed her transition from emergency medicine to the realm of healing from a mind-body-soul approach. We discuss the profound powers of various plant medicines, including Ayahuasca and Psylocibin, and the immense importance of one’s intentions and the ‘call’ to do this work, as well as the crucial role that the integration process plays in prolonged healing. - - - Additional Info: inLIGHTen Wellness is projected to open late March-early April (*stay tuned for official opening date and open house info*) 14301 N 87th St #309, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Email: Website: Instagram: @inlightenwellness Both Sandy and Troy underwent training through the Ketamine Training Centre by Phil Wolfson Additional resources for those interested in learning more about KAP and Psychedlic Therapy: - - - Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here: Website: Instagram Personal: @sarahjcon  Podcast:@thebiglittlesoul  --- As Always, Much Love From My Big Little Soul to Yours --- [Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ] 

Feb 27, 202201:05:50
18. Healing Lineages & Becoming Magnetic with Alexia Sitaras

18. Healing Lineages & Becoming Magnetic with Alexia Sitaras

Today’s guest brought SO much energy and wisdom to the podcast! This is, hands down, one of my favourite episodes to date!!

I had the honour of welcoming Alexia Sitaras - a ‘Magnetism Mentor’, Energy Healer and Astrologer!

We talk about ‘Magnetism’ - essentially, the Law of Attraction, the power that can be derived behind intention-setting and many of the other powerful practices Alexia incorporates into her coaching and healing work.

We talk about health and how both mental and physical health are intricately intertwined with the alignment of our Chakras and our energetic and spiritual wellbeing.

We talk about many aspects of healing the mind, body and soul, and how healing thy self is about SO much more than the self.

And, of course, we touch on Astrology, birth charts and lots of other interesting, soul-stimulating topics!

If you're looking for some insight and inspiration to kick your New Year off with a bounce in your step and a fire in your soul, this episode is for YOU!

As Always, sending you SO much Love,

From My
Big Little Soul to Yours

- - - 

If you want to see and hear more of Alexia’s content, you can find her here:


Alexia Also Offers:

-1:1 Mentorship to Become Magnetic
-Birth Chart Visualization and Healing
-Couple Compatibility Healing
-Unlocking Your Magnetism FREE Healing
-FREE Skin Consultation

You can find all of the above HERE

**If you purchase Alexia’s ‘I Am Magentic’ Course, you can use the code “BIGLITTLESOUL” to get a free Astral Purpose Reading**

*****AND! For one lucky listener who has made it all the way to this point, if you repost this episode on any form of social media and tag both Alexia and Myself, Alexia is offering one free Astral Purpose reading!***

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Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism?

Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here:



Personal: @sarahjcon 

Business & Podcast-Oriented: @thebiglittlesoul 

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[Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]  

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Jan 01, 202201:46:02
17. From Addict to Finding the Magic with Morgan Messenger

17. From Addict to Finding the Magic with Morgan Messenger

On today's episode I had the pleasure of having a dear friend from back in Canada join me to discuss a pretty tender topic. Morgan Messenger is not only a good friend, but a Level 2 Reiki practitioner and the owner and creator of Sacral Ceremonies - a ceremonial cacao and sustainably-sourced microdose production and distribution company. Aside from running her own business, Morgan also works as a medical esthetician, she is a Mom, a soul sister, and a beautiful human who has endured a lot in this lifetime. In this episode, Morgan shares her story about overcoming addiction, and how that ultimately lead her to where she is today and how she is helping others heal as she continues down her own path of self-discovery.  I hope if you’re listening to this episode you find hope, inspiration, strength and clarity in Morgan's words. - - - If you’d like to find more of Morgan and her ‘Sacral Ceremonies’ products, check out the links below: Instagram: Morgan’s Personal IG: @mo.messenger Morgan’s Business IG: @sacralceremonies Links for Healing Circles, Events and Products: *To order Ceremonial Cacao and/or Medicinal Micros, please contact Morgan directly through any of the above. Indicate you've listened to the episode, and she will apply the code 'Sacral10' for your purchase to give you 10% off your order. - - -  Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here: Website & Blog: Instagram: Personal: @sarahjcon  Business-Oriented: @thebiglittlesoul  - - -  [Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]  --- As Always, Much Love From My Big Little Soul to Yours - - - 
Dec 27, 202101:09:03
16. On Pandemic, Perception, and Purpose with Jim Cressman

16. On Pandemic, Perception, and Purpose with Jim Cressman

Today’s guest is Jim Cressman. Jim is the CEO and President at Invictus Entertainment Group, Founder and President at Big Star Recordings Inc, and music agent to some pretty profound artists including Aaron Pritchett, George Canyon, Cory Marks, and Brett Kissell.

Jim has a big role and a big heart and today’s topics of conversation are just as immense. In all honesty, this episode is a LOT.

Jim and I talk about the pandemic and how it has influenced both of our lives - both personally and in our careers (as you can imagine, there’s quite a bit to discuss here).

We also talk about personal experiences with healing the body and achieving optimal health, and how traditional Western Medicine is really failing society as a whole when it comes to promoting total-body wellbeing.

Jim shares his thoughts, wisdom and experiences in a way I think many may derive impactful meaning and powerful take-aways from.

I encourage you to listen to this podcast with an open heart and open mind, and to take pause when you find yourself triggered - to ask yourself what story you are creating and how the thoughts and opinions shared resonate with your mind, body and soul. I ask that you use this podcast to challenge yourself to question, to hold space for alternate perspectives and to acknowledge that the opinions of others are based on their own experiential stories.

As Always, Much Love

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - -

If you’d like to find more of Jim and his content, you can find him here:




YouTube - Jim Cressman

Podcast: ‘The Jim Cressman Podcast’
Apple Podcasts

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Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism?

I would SO appreciate you reaching out via DM, and if the podcast has personally impacted you, it would help immensely if you could hop on over and leave a review on Apple Podcasts

If you’d like to see more of my own content, you can also find me here:



Personal: @sarahjcon 

Podcast Oriented: @thebiglittlesoul  

- - - 

[Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]

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Dec 19, 202101:37:40
15. Sexual Empowerment and Conscious Relating with Kat Proulx
Nov 28, 202101:06:14
14. Overcoming Adversity and Aligning With Your Soul's Purpose with Nicki Chartrand

14. Overcoming Adversity and Aligning With Your Soul's Purpose with Nicki Chartrand

Nov 22, 202101:13:19
13. Soulo Episode - Not Knowing HOW
Nov 16, 202108:25
12. Keys to Success and Profound Transformation with Simon Pelland

12. Keys to Success and Profound Transformation with Simon Pelland

This episode is for you if you are striving towards big goals.
This episode is for you if you feel stuck.
This episode is for you if you can’t put a finger on what’s holding you back.

This episode is for you if you want to open new doors and if you are curious about what is available to you and your big beautiful soul.

Whether you need a gentle nudge or a cosmic 2x4 to the head to propel you forward, this episode has something to offer you.

Today, I welcome back my first repeat guest, Simon Pelland. Simon is a Relationship Coach and mentor who specializes in educating and empowering people in leadership, self-expression, authenticity and personal power. Simon's core coaching principle is choosing love over fear. Simon leads by example and helps guide others in working with fear, taking courageous leaps, and creating a life enriched with love, thriving relationships, abundance and immense purpose.

I hope you enjoy this episode and that it serves to encourage, educate and inspire you.

As Always, Much Love

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - -

If this episode resonates with you and you’d like to be immersed in more of Simon’s content, you can find him here:

Instagram: @simon.nicolaas 


Podcast: The Courage Podcast

*Simon also offers FREE Discovery Calls, and I can attest to the fact that they are very much so worth your time*

- - -

Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here:

Website & Blog:


Personal: @sarahjcon  

Podcast & Business Oriented: @thebiglittlesoul

- - -

[Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]

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Nov 08, 202101:28:03
11. Soulo Episode - Truth and Turbulence

11. Soulo Episode - Truth and Turbulence

This episode is a bit of a supplemental extension to my former episode to give you all a bit more context as to why I've made the decision I've made, a bit of a peek into what my next steps are, and some hopefully insightful perspective into the ongoing world events - especially those happening right now in Canada, and most specifically those involving our Health Care industry. I hope you find this episode educational, inspirational, and perhaps even thought-provoking as to why you may believe and value the things you do, and how we as a collective may begin to change our external world for the greater good Much Love, as always From My Big Little Soul to Yours --- Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here: Website: Instagram: @sarahjcon (Personal)  @thebiglittlesoul (Podcast Oriented)  - - - [Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]  ---
Oct 25, 202128:42
10. Soulo Episode - Hold the Line
Oct 11, 202123:24
9. Soulo Episode - Trust the Process
Aug 16, 202125:10
8. Sacred Sexuality and Reconnecting to the Divine Masculine & Feminine w/ Devie Rose

8. Sacred Sexuality and Reconnecting to the Divine Masculine & Feminine w/ Devie Rose

Let's talk about SEX baby!

...I know we've all been praying for less smoke, but today's guest brought some absolute FIRE to the podcast, and I am SO thankful she did.

I had the honour of welcoming a very dear long-time friend Devie Rose to the Big Little Soul Podcast. Devie and I's journeys have paralleled one another in many ways, and it has been so beautiful to watch her journey unfold and to see the incredible woman she has blossomed into today. 

Among many incredible accolades and talents she embodies, Devie is a teacher, a Divine Feminine Mentor and Trauma-informed Holistic Life & Intimacy Coach. Devie incorporates Breath-work, Ayurveda and Sacred Sexuality teachings into her work to help guide others through healing in a holistic way.

This episode is for you if you're interested in:

-How to tap into, embrace and express your sacred sexuality as both an individual and in relationship
-Practical tips to achieve better balance in life
-How to make the most of your nutrition and how Ayurveda can help enhance your diet and overall health 
-Insight on how to tap into the Divine masculine and Feminine (**both of these apply whether you identify as a man or woman**)
-How to heal the wounded / unconscious / "toxic" masculine & feminine


If you loved this episode and would like more of Devie's beautiful writing and offerings, you can find her here:

Instagram: @devie.rose_


Devie is currently offering

-Virtual transformational Breathwork sessions
-Holistic Counselling (Sex, Intimacy, Ayurveda)

***And you can get 25% off either of these using the code Breath25***


Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here:


@sarahjcon (Personal)
@thebiglittlesoul (Podcast Oriented)

[Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid ]


As Always, Much Love

From My Big Little Soul to Yours


Aug 02, 202101:01:48
7. Soul Medicine with Dr. Kimberly Karuna

7. Soul Medicine with Dr. Kimberly Karuna

I had the honour of welcoming my beautiful soul sister Dr. Kimberly Karuna on the podcast.

Dr. Karuna is a Naturopathic Doctor, Soul Medicine specialist, an 'Archaeologist of love and compassion', an intuitive guide, and a transformational coach. Dr. Karuna studied Neurobiology, Physiology & Behaviour and discovered Naturopathic medicine in her journey of self-discovery and desire to help others heal.

Dr. Karuna and I share many similarities, and on this episode we discuss our personal experiences in our healing journeys and the many ways she embodies a mind-body-soul approach to healing and applies this in her practice.

This episode was JUICY, fulfilling, inspiring and educational. You can expect some soul-filled gold revolving the topics of:

-Mental Health
-Gut Health (IBS, Food Intolerances & much more)
-The 'Yes' Diet
-The importance of self-awareness and creating a foundation for healing 
-Emotional Integration
-Relational Patterns
-Somatic Healing Practices 
-'Soul Medicine' & Spiritual Health
-Treatment and Diagnosis of disease processes and how this needs to shift in conventional medicine
-Trauma responses and how to best recognize these to promote functional healing

"When healing occurs at the deepest level, improvements in physical health are a natural consequence"

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If this episode resonates with you and you'd like more of Dr. Karuna, you can find her here:


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Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find me here:


@sarahjcon (Personal) 
@thebiglittlesoul (Blog & Podcast Oriented) 

- - -

Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid 

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Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - - 

Jul 19, 202101:23:01
6. Functional Health & Healing with Vince Pitstick

6. Functional Health & Healing with Vince Pitstick

Hello beautiful souls and welcome to another episode of the Big Little Soul Podcast!

This is a very special episode for me, as I had the pleasure of welcoming a guest that has truly changed my life, and his name is Vince Pitstick.

Vince played a pivotal role in my healing journey in overcoming Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (also known as SIBO) and Androgen dominance (a hormonal imbalance) in addition to severe anxiety and a barrage of other physical and mental issues that ensued after years of pushing my body to the absolute limit and doing far too much for far too long. I am going to do a Solo sequel to this episode to talk about my personal journey in more detail, but in this episode, we touch on the many ways Vince played a pivotal role in my journey, in addition to the many ways in which the health and fitness industry as a whole needs to change radically.

This episode is for you if:

-You consider yourself a "go hard or go home" type individual

-You have experienced or are experiencing gut issues
-You've hit a wall with your training progress
-You are struggling mentally and/or physically and in search of guidance to improve in both areas
-You are a personal trainer, health coach, health care worker, athlete or anyone looking to achieve optimal health and/or help others do the same-
-You've witnessed or have fallen victim to one of the many ways the Allopathic approach to medicine is failing us - as individuals, patients, practitioners and society as a whole

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If you loved this episode and you want to hear more from Vince, you can find him here:

E3 Podcast w/ Vince Pitstick, Erica Lugo & Keoni Glory

Personal Instagram: @vince_pitstick

Vince is the founder and head coach at Nutrition Dynamic. You can find more info on coaching and an abundance of educational videos and posts here:

Instagram: @nutrition_dynamic
Coaching Inquiries: LinkTree

The incredible supplements and health care products created by Vince and the team can be found at Nuethix Formulations, here
and on Instagram: @nuethix_formulations

- - -

Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find ME here:


@sarahjcon (Personal) 
@thebiglittlesoul (Blog & Podcast Oriented) 

- - -

Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid 

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Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - -

Jul 06, 202156:03
5. Soulo Episode - The Waves of Grief
Jun 20, 202141:28
4. Trauma-Centered Healing with Tracy Holemeyer

4. Trauma-Centered Healing with Tracy Holemeyer

The beautiful guest that I had the honour of sharing space with on the podcast today is Tracy Holemeyer

Tracy is a breath work facilitator, a self-healing coach, a speaker, a writer, an advocate for domestic violence and, all-in-all, a guide for the soul.

**TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains discussion around domestic violence and trauma**

If you don’t feel that you can safely hold space for these topics, I would kindly offer that you may want to skip this particular episode. And in that, I would also like to encourage you to reach out to Tracy, if trauma-centered healing is something you are need of guidance with. If you do choose to continue on to the episode, you will see just what I mean when I say Tracy is a truly awe-inspiring human and beautiful soul.

We talk about experiencing and healing trauma, the many identities we embrace and shatter throughout those processes and so much more.

If you’ve been interested in learning more about trauma-responses, embodied healing, meditation, breath work, and the many intricacies that go hand-in-hand with somatic healing and self-awareness, this episode may resonate with you.

Tracy and I were here for a good time AND a long time, so sit back, get comfortable, get present, and join us as we dive head first into today’s episode.
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If you loved this episode, you can find more of the beautiful Tracy Holemeyer here:

Instagram: @uncontrollably_me
'Awaken' Group Coaching
'Align' Joshua Tree Retreat

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Further Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? Or if you just want to see more of my own content, you can find ME here:

@sarahjcon (Personal)
@thebiglittlesoul (Blog & Podcast Oriented Content)


- - - 

Intro & Outro Music by DJ Taz Rashid

- - - 

Much Love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to yours

Jun 11, 202101:32:37
3. Soulo Episode - Take Your Power Back
Jun 05, 202121:42
2. Love Over Fear with Simon Pelland

2. Love Over Fear with Simon Pelland

In my very first guest episode, I had the honour of interviewing my friend and coach Simon Pelland. Simon is a Relationship Coach whose purpose-driven life revolves around making choices from a place of Love Over Fear. This concept is not only that in which Simon has based his personal-development course around, but one in which he implements in his everyday life – through his actions and in his words – all in the hopes of inspiring others to also live their life consciously choosing love over fear.

As you may have guessed, this episode involves a lot of talk about fear:

Fear of failure
Fear of other people’s opinions
Fear of the finite nature of time

We talk about the importance of the people and energy you allow into your life and the importance of the efforts you put into the relationships  and daily tasks that make up your day-to-day. Simon provides valuable insight on the concept of simple actions, the compound effect, and taking radical responsibility over auditing the people and conversations you allow into your life. We talk about how to navigate criticism and how to differentiate between constructive criticism and criticism that should invite the implementation of healthy, self-worth based boundaries.  

We talk about shame, ego, loss, big dreams, actionable steps to propel you towards living a life of impact and purpose and SO much more.

I hope you’ll join us.

If this episode resonates with you and you’d like to be immersed in more of Simon’s content, you can find him here:
Instagram: @simon.nicolaas

(*Simon offers FREE Discovery Calls, and I can attest to the fact that they are very much so worth your time*)

The Courage Podcast: Simon’s own podcast where he shares empowering content, education on Huntington’s Disease and his quest to cure this  tragic illness and, you guessed it – how to live a life of choosing Love Over Fear.

- - -

As always, thank you for joining me.

Much Love,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - -

Soul-moving music by the incredible DJ Taz Rashid
(Access his royalty-free Yoga playlist
here )

May 25, 202101:05:49
1. Soulo Episode - To FEEL Fully and Unapologetically
May 19, 202110:41
Show Promo: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What is my Purpose?

Show Promo: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What is my Purpose?

Hello beautiful souls and welcome to the Big Little Soul Podcast. I am your host, Sarah Connolly and I am here to speak from my soul to yours, to share my truth and encourage you to do the same.

The intention of this podcast is to continue on my own journey of self-discovery while I share with you what it means to me to live a wholehearted, purpose-driven life. I want to define what "purpose" means - for myself and for those I get to bring on the show to share their own stories. In doing so, I hope to shine light on what "purpose" means for you too. I believe we all have a unique purpose here on this Earth. I'm still in the process of discovering what that greater purpose is for me, and I hope my podcast will create a safe space for you to come to walk with me as we each begin to unveil the individual gifts and wisdom we were brought here to share with the world and those around us.

There is a lot I still don't know, and I have an ever-growing desire and hunger to continue learning and evolving. I also have an immense desire to create change. I hope to discuss topics and bring awareness to subjects that will uplift, enlighten, educate and inspire. I will be talking about everything from holistic health and healing to relationships, social, cultural and global affairs. I want to talk about our planet, our passions, interpersonal and relational adversity and so much more - all with the intention of becoming more aligned with my purpose, and perhaps paving the way for you to find your own.

My vision is to be the catalyst through which you discover your true potential and worth.
My vision is to create change.
My vision is to make an impact.

My vision is to be the little soul that makes a BIG difference.

I hope you'll join me.

Much love, as always,

From My Big Little Soul to Yours

- - -

Sound & Music Editing: GarageBand & Epidemic Sound
Website & Blog:

May 08, 202110:06