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Wild & Sacred

Wild & Sacred

By Sasha Ostara

Selflove for Rebels. We'll talk about, Intersectional feminism, connection, relationships, trauma, neurodivergence, embodiment and holistic sexuality.
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Two stories of Dia de Muertos

Wild & SacredNov 03, 2021

From "individual empowerment" to understanding systemic oppression

From "individual empowerment" to understanding systemic oppression

When I started the journey into Female empowerment I understood that to be truly free we needed to understand our systemic oppressor. This opened Pandora's box into Colonialism, and all it's ugly faces.

Here I share how this journey has looked like, specially since October 2023

May 06, 202422:54
Ken, Barbie and Patriarchy

Ken, Barbie and Patriarchy

Was Barbie really a man-hating film? A conversation about Ken.
#kenough #barbiemovie #feminism
Aug 10, 202315:46
Manipulative Relationships: Learning from The Jonas Hill case
Jul 19, 202320:12
Being too much

Being too much

Caterina Snyder and Sasha Ostara discuss what it feels like to be too much, to be never enough, and never fitting.

Pleasure, business, and living as rebels, how to live all this is part of never feeling enough, always embracing being too much.

Nov 28, 202201:04:25
Pleasure and Divergent Rebels
Oct 07, 202249:12
Queer Love, It's about that girl!

Queer Love, It's about that girl!

In this interview, Jordana Ezra and I discuss the beauty of love between women.

Jul 13, 202244:07
Undoing Patriarchy with Feral Grace

Undoing Patriarchy with Feral Grace

Undoing the patriarchy within us and around us, Body ownership, Ecstatic Dance/5rhythms and sexuality. The ecology of female sexuality and leadership.

Instagram- @feral.grace

Follow me at

Jun 11, 202244:24
Broken hearts and sexuality, with Evelyn Sparks

Broken hearts and sexuality, with Evelyn Sparks

Follow Evelyn here:

Check out her work here:

Follow me at

May 26, 202230:11
From Domesticated to Untamed

From Domesticated to Untamed

Discussing Somatic Feminism with the amazing Gina Catherine

The stories of the underworld, the recovery of our power and voice, through our erotic force. 

Mar 31, 202201:15:48
Feminism as a life or death issue

Feminism as a life or death issue

Every day 10 women die in my country, Mexico, because of gender violence. Where new age gurus keeps romanticizing gender roles as "energy exchange", in the world every day women keep fighting for their basic rights. This is the rawest and honest you have ever heard me. 

#polarity #feminism #sacredsexuality #healing #somatictraumahealing

Mar 09, 202225:14
What monogamy could learn from non-monogamy

What monogamy could learn from non-monogamy

The Sexpert Talks Summit was a beautiful event I co-created with a group of colleagues back in 2019-
I wanted to share some of the interviews as podcasts from time to time here and to invite you to check out the whole summit for free in our youtube channel.
I've been considering a second round or season of this summit, maybe in the future (say late 2022 or early 2023)
The Sexpert Talks Summit empowers women, men, and non-binary individuals in their diversity of experiences and expressions of sexuality. Our series of interviews aim to invite curiosity, increase confidence, create clarity, and breathe vitality into the lives of our participants from across the globe.  Our online summit is designed differently than most you’ve experienced. We value the wisdom and opportunities shared by our experts so much, we want it to be as accessible as possible.  We release a small number of episodes each week so you never feel behind. You’ll have evergreen access to the audio in our Sexpert Talks podcast, video on our Sexpert Talks YouTube Channel, and of course access to our Sexperts and their services when you follow them (we know you’ll want to!). Our Summit is not only easy to access and integrate but is also forever free.  Jennifer spent a decade in non-profit. Working at the redcross and the IRC, counseling people in crisis. people who needed refuge, homes, food, water, resources.  
What she learned in all that time was the value of peoples relationships. relationships with themselves, with others, with what they do day-to-day, + to the world around them.  
She worked with the likes of Heart surgeons, who were used to conducting open-heart surgeries on battlegrounds, saving lives. who had escaped international war to now work as janitors at McDonald's. they were safe now, yes. but struggling with how they were treated by customers. with how isolated they felt. with their identity + in their marriages + as fathers/mothers. Sasha an Erotic Soul Healer who guides people to reconnect to the radiance of their hearts through their s*exuality and her gifts in the arts of jade egg, archetypes, and tarot. She's currently offering online sexuality coaching for women, and jade egg online coaching and guided healing practices  Connect with Sasha through her website & on Instagram at

Jan 24, 202232:46
Restorative Justice, Healing from Sexual Abuse and taking an abuser to theraphy

Restorative Justice, Healing from Sexual Abuse and taking an abuser to theraphy

Marlee Liss suffered sexual assault, sought justice, and in her journey, she found healing, for her and for her aggressor and community.

Listen to the recount of her journey in this powerful interview!

Marlee is a Sensuality coach, restorative justice advocate, speaker, and queer feminist (she/her)

Get her free training here.

#sexualhealing #metoo #sexualabusesurvivor #sacredsexuality 

Nov 28, 202138:25
Healing from Narcissism and Codependent relationships
Nov 09, 202143:55
Two stories of Dia de Muertos

Two stories of Dia de Muertos

Stories of life and Death
Today is El día de los Santos Difuntos, or Día de Muertos, as it is known around the world.

Honoring the brevity of life reminds us of the importance of LIVING.
Living fully, and not just surviving is the one reason why we connect to our Eroticism, our Sexual energy, which is the life force itself.

Eros and Thanatos.
Eroticism and Death, go hand in hand.

This video contains the story of two women who died just two days apart from one another. One never fully lived. The other lived fully.

How many people walk through life without ever really living? Afraid of feeling, letting life pass through them.
I know that is my greatest fear.

The first woman lived if we could use that term, letting life rot around her and inside of her. I am not being metaphorical.
Her house was full of stored and rotten stuff, and died of a preventable infection because she didn't think going to the doctor to care for her health was a valuable expense.
She kept postponing a dream trip (to a place one-hour bus trip away from her house) until death came for her.

On the other side, there is the story of a woman that followed her bliss, lived a life of travel, adventure, daring, loved deeply, and was deeply loved. Left a legacy of memories and joy.
She fought for her life and beat cancer once. She died surrounded by her loved ones.

Both women died, just days away from one another. Death comes to us all. But one fully lived, and the other never dared to.

I am grateful to both and feel love for both, there were both relatives. But the first is a cautionary tale of what happens when we let the trauma freeze response take over our lives, and the second was inspiration about how life is filled with precious moments when we live with an open heart and follow our bliss.
#diademuertos #healingtrauma #somatichealing #somaticsexuality

Nov 03, 202114:52
What Feminine Fierceness and Sensuality look (sound) like

What Feminine Fierceness and Sensuality look (sound) like

A chat with Melissa Kelly, creatrix of ROAR, Feminine RIsing Magazine. About female fierceness, sisterhood, the sisterhoodwound, healing and feminine power. 

#sisterhood #healing #fiercewomen #sisterhoodwound #womenempoweringwomen

Oct 28, 202142:31
Talking about Netflix's show, MAID; domestic violence, emotional abuse and trauma
Oct 23, 202128:08
Dealing with trauma stored in the vagina
Sep 25, 202119:11
Storytime: trauma at the gynecologist's office
Aug 29, 202153:45
Women empowering women. Fierce sisterhood
Aug 24, 202119:51
Healing The Sisterhood Wound
Jul 16, 202136:04
How to re-pattern our brain with Arden Leigh

How to re-pattern our brain with Arden Leigh

It brings me great joy to be able to share with you interviews, work, and books with people I deeply admire and support. I believe we thrive as a community.

I know I wouldn't be where I am at if it wasn't for the loving support, and inspiration of my sisters along the way.
That is why I am creating my digital space, Coven: House of the Wild, where I am uploading my work (without the censorship of FB), and where I will be sharing more resources, books, lectures, and practices.

Check out the plan that suits you best. The doors are open, and I will love for you to join.

I am having an open house! I will be guiding a free Womb Healing.
I had the pleasure of having this profound conversation with Arden Leigh, creator of The Re-Patterning Project, and Lead singer of Arden and the wolves.

We spoke about how to change our lives by changing our understanding of how those patterns were created in the first place and how to design new stories afterward.

One of my favorite topics is changing family traits/healing family trauma/re-patterning (I love this term by Arden). I call it the Family Ghost. If we don't confront it, it will keep chasing us, generation after generation.
It is a herculean task, it involves changing your story, and creating one anew. We need support to do this and that is precisely what Arden's work is about.

Join us in this powerful conversation and follow Arden's social media (links below), join their fantastic community on Facebook, listen to their music on Spotify, and more than anything, enroll in The Re-Patterning Project.

To learn more about The Re-Patterning Project, visit:
To join The Re-Patterning Parlor on Facebook, an online community for support from Arden and like-minded peers, click here:


Watch the interview here: here you can even listen to her amazing music directly from the page (oh technology how much I love thee)
And remember to share the love by sharing the interview. That is of great support to us.
Jun 09, 202141:30
Midlife journeys: pleasure, Menopause, becoming the wise woman, hormones and cancer
May 25, 202101:06:47
What is embodiment? Being present in our bodies

What is embodiment? Being present in our bodies

A conversation about to be meaning of being in our bodies and how that can change your life, create healing. With Marina Nabao. #pussyhealing #wildwoman #wombmagick #somatichealing #somaticexperience
May 14, 202145:47
Trauma, de-colonization and leadership

Trauma, de-colonization and leadership

Find Isha here
Isha is a trauma psychologist, somatic-expressive energy alchemist, and founder of (R)evolutionary Rompereglas, an online healing and coaching business. Through movement, breath, and sound, Isha helps healers, connectors, and bridgebuilders decolonize their bodymind to harness their fiercest and fullest expression of their life force energy in service of their purposeful leadership.
Apr 30, 202157:19
Four steps to overcome bodyshaming

Four steps to overcome bodyshaming

I share my thoughts and life experiences with body shaming and cues on how to overcome the deep damage it causes.
Apr 19, 202121:14
Feeling at home in your body

Feeling at home in your body

Finding a way to feel at easy in your skin, to love what is, and to connect to life. A conversation with the magical Carol Anne.
Apr 08, 202145:19
Take that sexy photo and see how hot you are. The healing effects of phototherapy
Mar 30, 202138:48
Speaking about privilege and sexuality

Speaking about privilege and sexuality

Understanding how privilege works, not as a guilt trip, but as a mental health tool. When you figure out that there is a culture around you that supports you or set you up for failure, depending on where you are standing in the circle of privilege, we can actually become responsible for what we do to support others with less privilege than us and to stop comparing our progress with those withmore closer to the center in this circle.
Mar 22, 202156:47
Let's talk about Sexual Harassment

Let's talk about Sexual Harassment

Most women have experienced sexual harassment in one way of the other, but the virtual world makes it even easier for most women to be harassed even when they are in their own home. The coaching industry, and the sex Ed, and SW have some interesting stories to tell about this. Listen to this amazing conversation with our favorite feminist Samantha Bryan
Mar 14, 202152:56
Breasts alchemical power

Breasts alchemical power

Let's talk about the power of our breasts and self pleasure, with Miranda Amora. #baubo #sacredsexuality #priestess #goddess #breast #alchemy #yonieggs #breastmassage
Oct 01, 202040:54
How to get the love you want

How to get the love you want

Join my conversation with Jerry Souter about conscious dating and love
Aug 31, 202036:35
Vulnerability, sexuality and the heart of men, with Dr. Ananya Harvey
Aug 14, 202029:50
Play, Paint, Laugh, Love. A conversation with artist and coach Julia Berryman

Play, Paint, Laugh, Love. A conversation with artist and coach Julia Berryman

This conversation with Julia Berryman is going to bring you so much joy, playfulness and magic! #lovecoach #loveandhealing #playful #laughtherapy #creativity #art #orgasms
Jul 23, 202046:41
How to Change our lives by changing our stories

How to Change our lives by changing our stories

This is an interview with Coach Moira, directly from Scotland. Such a delightul conversation!
Jul 18, 202039:41
Tarot + coaching a great conversion for tarot lovers
Jul 10, 202043:57
Pleasure. Why it's not a luxury

Pleasure. Why it's not a luxury

Samra Suskic-Basic and I had this amazing conversation. It was so raw and honest.
We had planned to speak about male sexuality, but then we started discussing our views on spiritual tourism, cultural appropriation and ended up recording this amazing chat, I literally just said "You know what, this should be the podcast, let's just press record"

And so we started talking about our personal journey and issues with the white representation of pleasure. How it feels distant and even uncomfortable when we have been raised to be survivors, and thriving has been out of the question.

We then spoke about the wonderful black feminists that have embraced pleasure as activism and led the way for us, like Audre Lorde, and how we are learning from them to reclaim our space in the world and to use pleasure as a way of rebellion.
Check out the whole amazing chat, and check Samra's amazing blog and articles, she is posting on Medium and The Good Man's Project.
#fucklabels #pleasuerecoach #pleasure #lovecoach #pleasureactivism #blm #biwoc #thriving
Jul 05, 202045:46
Is sex supposed to be painful? A conversation with Marianne Van Katwijk
Jun 24, 202039:00
A womb healing blissful experience

A womb healing blissful experience

I wanted to share this delightful experience with you! Get my free mini course, "feeling safe in your body", at html://
Jun 16, 202015:28
Female sexuality as power, with Ann Nguyen
Jun 12, 202023:60
What monogamy can learn from non-monogamy, from the Sexpert Talks series

What monogamy can learn from non-monogamy, from the Sexpert Talks series

In January we launched the Sexpert Talks series podcast. This is one of my favorite interviews from it.
May 23, 202032:46
How emotions show up in our body

How emotions show up in our body

Let's talk about emotions and corporality. I am creating a free embodiment program soon. Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter to have all the best offers
May 15, 202013:16
Speaking about uncomfortable questions sex coaches get from men

Speaking about uncomfortable questions sex coaches get from men

In this Episode my colleague Karen Davis and I talk about some reactions we've had to men's approaches online, what they teach us about ourselves and how identify a man just trying to figure out how to approach women VS a predatorial behavior
Apr 28, 202001:02:08
A guided Jade Yoni Egg practice for reconnecting to pleasure
Apr 12, 202001:16:16
A groovy chat: talking about my yoni love party with Karen Davis

A groovy chat: talking about my yoni love party with Karen Davis

Karen is a fellow coach and friend and she came to my free Jade Egg masterclass last week, here we share the experience, and talk about everything jade Yoni Egg
Apr 08, 202041:52
Love in the time of covid

Love in the time of covid

I had this interview with Marie-Anne Winter about the challenges relationships face during quarantine
Apr 07, 202024:52
Storytime; when my anxiety froze me and how to deal with it
Apr 05, 202020:16
Embodiment practices to release corona virus anxiety
Mar 17, 202019:42
There's no masculine or feminine energy, there's just energy

There's no masculine or feminine energy, there's just energy

A conversation with Samantha Bryan, creator of The Scarlet Tongue. Where we discuss the attributes we give to men and women and how in doing so we are limiting ourselves.
Mar 04, 202042:06
Jade Yoni Egg and Menopause, the healing powers of pleasure

Jade Yoni Egg and Menopause, the healing powers of pleasure

In this interview Dianne Shepherd and I speak about the healing power of the yoni egg practice, to create a healthy Menopause or second spring. How sexual energy is life force and how to use it for our benefit.
Feb 27, 202034:20
 Can we stay committed in a long term relationship?
Feb 14, 202023:56