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The School Should Be Podcast

The School Should Be Podcast

By Zahara Chowdhury

A discussion of all the things we wish we knew, learned and discussed at school. From wellbeing to finance, prejudice to the school system...our aim is to give students, teachers and professionals a voice to discuss what they think school should be for our teachers, students and communities. We want school to be a place where students want to go, teachers enjoy teaching and communities see the true value of these institutions. That is only possible with these conversations. So grab a coffee, listen in and let us know your thoughts!
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How are you feeling? Being Muslim and Jewish amidst a rise of islamophobia and antisemitism

The School Should Be PodcastMay 13, 2024

How are you feeling? Being Muslim and Jewish amidst a rise of islamophobia and antisemitism

How are you feeling? Being Muslim and Jewish amidst a rise of islamophobia and antisemitism

This was a difficult episode to title. Effectively it is two friends, two educators, one Muslim and one Jewish, coming together in a safe space to talk about how we are feeling amidst the rise of Islamophobia, antisemitism, the war on Gaza, the awful pictures and videos we are seeing day in and day out on social media and the utter feeling of helplessness watching an entire people suffer beyond belief.

I met Penny through Social Media and have so much respect and love for Penny's work in the anti-racism space. I have so much to learn from Penny as do all of us. This is the first of a short series of episodes that we will be recording navigating our understanding of antisemitism, islamophobia. Of course we've had plenty of conversations about this, but Penny was one of the first people I reached out to after the Oct. 7th attack on Israel. We checked in on one another and ever since, we've had much needed, safe and heartwarming conversations to somehow deal with the dread that fills our hearts every day. We hope this podcast provides the same for you.

Please support much needed aid for Palestinian families here:

About Penny:

Penny Rabiger is an ex-teacher who was one of the founding members of The Key for School Leaders and has worked with education start-ups, charities and social enterprises since 2007. She is a school governor and co-founder of the national race equity charity The BAMEed Network. Penny is Lead Coach on the Anti-Racist School Award at the Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality, Leeds Beckett University, where she is also completing her PhD.

May 13, 202454:49


In this episode of the BHS takeover, Jasmine, Ellie and Kareena talk all things GCSEs, from choosing your options, to what different GCSEs entail, along with workload, revision and managing expectations in years 10 and 11. A must listen for students choosing their options or students who have just started their GCSE courses.

*if you are a student and you are concerned about your wellbeing and mental health, please get in touch with your teachers at school or a trusted adult. For wellbeing and mental health advice, please visit:

May 09, 202427:11
May 07, 202424:12


Jasmine, Ellie and Kareena, Sixth Form Students at Beaconsfield High School have taken over the School Should Be episode to help students navigate revision and wellbeing!

Sharing their thoughts, advice and wisdom after successfully completing their GCSEs and now on their A level journey, they reached out to students in years 7-10 to ask what questions and concerns do they have about their wellbeing at secondary school. Over the next few episodes, join them as they answer a range of questions and share their thoughts to get students through a very critical period of time: exams.

Tune in for some brilliant advice, plus they'll make you laugh along the way too.

Jasmine is a Politics Ambassador. She is currently studying A level History, English Literature and Politics. Ellie is an Economics Ambassador and currently studying A level Maths, Economics and Psychology. Kareena is a Philosophy and Ethics Ambassador and currently studying A level English Literature, Philosophy and Ethics and Psychology.

*if you are a student and you are concerned about your wellbeing and mental health, please get in touch with your teachers at school or a trusted adult. For wellbeing and mental health advice, please visit:

Mar 18, 202423:48
How can teachers have conversations about Israel and Palestine at school?

How can teachers have conversations about Israel and Palestine at school?

The last few months have been challenging beyond belief and navigating conversations about Gaza, Israel and Palestine have been particularly challenging for schools. What we are seeing on social media and the news is nothing ever of us thought we would bear witness too, and the global and political climate is causing an overwhelming sense of anxiety, grief and uncertainty. As ever, young people need a forum to have these conversations and we have seen schools navigate the situation in Israel-Palestine very differently with very diverse responses. Some have chosen not to say or do anything at all, and some have strategically and thoughtfully navigated teaching, learning and conversations about it from the outset.

For teachers and schools concerned about the complexities and management of these conversations, this thought-provoking, candid and extremely valuable discussion with Sanum Khan and Jehan Al-Azzawi, will most definitely act as a guide and safe space to navigate conversations, teaching and learning about Israel-Palestine in secondary schools.

Jehan Al-Azzawi is a Transition Teacher and teacher of Global Citizenship based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Jehan is also an active trade unionist, holding elected positions at both local and national level in the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS). Jehan is a board member of the Scottish Association of Minority Ethnic Educators (SAMEE). Before becoming a teacher, Jehan was an academic. She holds a BA(Hons) in Politics, an MA in International Relations (University of London), a PhD in Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies and an MSc in Transformative Learning & Teaching (University of Edinburgh).

Sanum is an assistant head at a secondary school in the south east of England. Her subjects are RE and PSHCE. As an AHT, she oversees and leads on student personal development as well as staff wellbeing. She regularly delivers CPD on DEI and has recently written for SecEd and book reviews for Schools Week. She also works closely with Facing History and Ourselves UK and sincerely believes in education that nurtures reflection and critical engagement.

Jan 30, 202401:28:21
How can teachers create safe environments amongst 'unsafe' media narratives?

How can teachers create safe environments amongst 'unsafe' media narratives?

David Church, former senior leader, LGBT+ Education Consultant and Director of QueerEd, joins me, 20 years on from the repeal of Section 28, to talk about how teachers can create safe environments for LGBT+ students and all students to have difficult conversations amidst a growing concerns about media narratives, social media and the overwhelming impact these can have on schools.

David tells me how schools can talk to parents, carers, studentsn and why it is important we create environments in schools which are safe for every student to thrive and be themselves.

Nov 19, 202340:18
How can teachers, parents and carers support young people with their mental health?
Oct 08, 202338:29
How can schools diversify their curriculums to create inclusive learning cultures?

How can schools diversify their curriculums to create inclusive learning cultures?

Bennie Kara, former Deputy Headteacher in the UK, Co-founder of DiverseEd an award-nominated diversity, inclusion and equity training and development consultancy talks to me about moving beyond book lists and how schools can diversify their curriculums. Bennie speaks to me about diversity within the context of whole-school culture and as an integral process to supporting every student and member of staff.

Get in touch with Bennie via LinkedIn or X to support your organisation with EDI and she shares a range of resources for schools on her social media platforms too.



Oct 02, 202345:50
South Asian History Month: Stories to Tell - lessons from my Nanaba!

South Asian History Month: Stories to Tell - lessons from my Nanaba!

This episode is a special one, one where I sit down with my grandad (Nanaba) and learn as much as I can about his story. He was born in Kisumu, Kenya in 1935, went to school in Nairobi and Mbale and he has never visited the country where his own parents were born: India. He took a trip to a newly formed Pakistan before marriage in 1960 and then he left behind his life in Africa to build a life in England in the 1970s. In and amongst so many things he tells me about, it makes me think the only thing that makes me Pakistani then is the Radcliffe Line

For me, and maybe for many South Asians, listening to my Grandad makes me emotional: so much adversity, (limited) joy, education, opportunities and experiences were wholly conditioned by Colonial rule and Empire. Equally, I know he would not necessarily share my perspective; he has always been a positive force for good, light-hearted, fun loving and someone I am and will always be in awe of.

I hope many can listen and enjoy his narrative and story; it is beautifully ordinary and I am fascinated by his candid and calm approach to life under Colonial rule, living through war, partition, independence and migration. Some of the dates and details are hazy and mismatched, this only adds to the authenticity and truth of his lived experiences.

I'm sure his reflection on teenage life, experiences at school and his advice for young people will resonate...his story tells me that although our lived experiences can be so different, we are all more alike than we know...if only we intentionally connect, converse and create a culture where we can embrace our stories and the stories we are surrounded by.

More than a podcast, I am so happy, so so happy, that I have this recording as a piece of my history; a piece that my children can listen to, ask questions of and in time, I hope, find more answers too.

Be kind...after all, he is my Nanaba!

Jul 18, 202357:40
 How can we have honest conversations with young men in schools?

How can we have honest conversations with young men in schools?

Edgar is a year 13 student at Dr Challoner's Grammar School. I met with Edgar, along with his fellow students, to talk about Andrew Tate, masculinity and the impact these conversations and current context of masculinity is having on young men. In this episode, Edgar joins me to discuss, candidly, the experiences of young men at school and his own very thoughtful reflections, experiences and research on the topic of masculinity for teenage boys in schools.

Edgar shares his perspectives on the conversations young men would benefit from, and based on his experiences, how we can create a culture of belonging, safety and understanding for young men at school. We talk about lessons, interacting with girls, what 'should' be learned at school (not necessarily taught by teachers) and the impact of social media on teenagers and Gen Z.

You can connect with Edgar here:

Jul 10, 202353:16
How can teachers and parents work together to end sexism in schools?

How can teachers and parents work together to end sexism in schools?

End Sexism in Schools are a grassroots organisation made up of individuals from up and down the UK, and as far afield as New Zealand, united by a shared vision of ending sexism in UK schools. The campaign began with founder, Debbie Brazil's experiences with her son’s school brought home the real need for change — both in the curriculum and in school culture.
After garnering initial support from members of the Women’s Equality Party, after it was brought to the 2020 WEP Conference, the campaign began to find its feet independently, involving anyone who shares our vision for change. The decision to work independently from any specific political affiliation was made because the issue of sexism in schools is not a party political one. It impacts people from all walks of life and across the political spectrum. Anyone is welcome — in fact, invited — to get involved with our work. Wherever our broader political views might differ, our shared desire to see children and young people educated in safe and supportive environments, without gendered expectations, unites us.
The campaign is young but ambitious, small but growing, and they welcome you to join them on the journey! In this episode Rachel and Debbie speak candidly about the changes needed in schools to systemically and structurally end sexism in schools.
Jun 12, 202301:05:19
How can we navigate conversations about masculinity at school?

How can we navigate conversations about masculinity at school?

Shuaib Khan is a teacher, author, podcaster and proud brother to his late brother Kasim Khan. Shuaib is a teacher of 6 years, specialising in RE and sociology, and has been a dedicated teacher and role model in his local community. Shuaib's tweets are lyrical, nuggets of wisdom and he has amassed a social media following of over 6000. In this episode, Shuaib talks to me candidly about how we can have conversations about masculinity with teenagers in and out of school, especially as the phrase 'toxic masculinity' is being used more and more in schools now.

On the podcast we talk about masculinity, grief, diversity and inclusion along with Shuaib's own experiences as a young British Pakistani man, navigating identity, culture, belonging and more in the UK.

Shuaib's wonderful younger brother, Kasim was diagnosed with leukaemia just a few weeks before his death in May 2022. Shuaib writes, 'when I am in pain, I pick up the pen' and in the summer of 2022, Shuaib published a beautiful book of poetry and thoughts, Small Circle, Big Heart, all about love, grief, relationships and more in memory of his loving brother. Please support Shuaib and keep Kasim and the Khan family in your thoughts and prayers by purchasing a copy of the book here. All profits go towards charity.

May 01, 202359:41
Captains and Poets: how can we help children build a sense of identity and belonging at school?
Apr 03, 202341:32
Why should young people work in construction? Diversifying career and academic choices for young women

Why should young people work in construction? Diversifying career and academic choices for young women

Dr Whitney Bevan is a lecturer in Construction Management at Robert Gordon University . Whitney's research and teaching focuses on sustainable energy, wellness and socio-economic development within the construction industry. As a leading expert in her field, Whitney wants to encourage more young people, especially young women, into the field of construction. It is so much more than hard hats and building sites. In many ways, it is the foundation (no pun intended!) of the world we live in.

This episode is for young people, teachers, parents and careers advisors looking to diversify careers education and learn more about different pathways within the construction industry. Feel free to contact Whitney and Robert Gordon University to find out more about how they can support you and your school with more information.

Mar 24, 202345:40
How can schools and parents support students with hidden disabilities?

How can schools and parents support students with hidden disabilities?

Aleha is a year 12 student, who has a hidden disability. Her disability is called panhypopituitarism, a disability that impacts the functionality of the <strong>pituitary gland. For her Extended Qualification Project, an additional research project A level students can do when in Sixth Form or college, Aleha is focusing on the relationship between Hidden Disabilities and mental health. As part of her project, Aleha has recorded a podcast for the School Should Be podcast to discuss what it feels like to grow up with a hidden disability and speaks very candidly about the everyday impact this can have on a young person's life. Aleha has navigated living with her illness with great strength and resilience and now wants to help all young people who may be struggling or feel lonely as a result of their condition. In this podcast she shares some excellent tips and strategies for schools, teachers and parents on how we can support young people with hidden disabilities. It hasn't all been smooth sailing for Aleha and she speaks authentically about her experiences, whilst injecting hope and applying a positive lens to living a life with a hidden disability. </strong>
Mar 17, 202338:52
Dyslexia and Me: navigating dyslexia and entrepreneurship at school from the age of 12!

Dyslexia and Me: navigating dyslexia and entrepreneurship at school from the age of 12!

Onyinye Udokporo is an entrepreneur, Neurodiversity consultant and LinkedIn creator. A magnificently eclectic career so far, Onyinye works to enable and support the use of education as tool to ensure young people, private and public organisations can enable success and achievement for all. Her company, Enrich Learning makes education equitable and accessible for young people. She has written papers on the Urban Digital Divide, received by the Prime Minister and has also conducted research in parental engagement - effectively to bridge divides in education accessibility for all students. She has authored the excellent book, Dyslexia and Me, part-memoir, part training material for educators to understand how to create spaces that are accessible for Dyslexic people.

In this very candid, warm and insightful episode, Onyinye talks about how she discovered she is dyslexic, the support systems that should be available to all students in the education system, becoming an entrepreneur at the ripe age of 12 and building her business whilst studying for her degree too. Onyinye gives a very honest and transparent insight into what life is like as a Black, neurodivergent, female entrepreneur and how she now aims to enable and open doors for young people across the country...and soon across the world too! 

First 30 minutes: entrepreneurship and me! 

Last 30 minutes: how to navigate neurodiversity in schools. 

Mar 06, 202359:57
Big Talk: how teachers and students can have meaningful conversations in schools
Jan 17, 202329:35
What all students need to know about financial planning

What all students need to know about financial planning

Sophia Lerche - Thomsen talks to me about what students need to learn and know about financial planning. She explains the key foundations of financial planning, how students can effectively plan and prepare for the financial futures, what the word investment means (including Bitcoin and NFTs!) and she shares her career journey and how she navigated her choices as a student to the present day. A very useful episode for students and teachers, especially to support financial education in schools. 

Sophia has spent 10 years working in financial services in London, Dubai and with a global client base. A Times top rated adviser, Sophia helps her clients with financial planning, investment options and specialises in family financial planning and sustainable investment. Sophia’s main goal is to help families make smart, timely and effective decisions with their money. Ultimately, she wants every family (especially women) to turn their income into wealth, protect their finances and reduce tax!

Feel free to contact Sophia to discuss financial planning and your choices here

The information in this episode is purely education and not advisory. It is recommended that you seek professional financial advice before making financial decisions. 

Nov 06, 202201:03:55
How can teachers prevent and overcome everyday sexism?
Sep 29, 202201:07:18
Teachers & Leaders: How can the 4-day work week 'work' for schools?

Teachers & Leaders: How can the 4-day work week 'work' for schools?

Charlotte Lockhart is CEO of the 4 Day Work Week, now a Global Foundation that advocates, supports, and funds research about 4-day week practices, policies, workplace wellbeing and the future of work. Charlotte, along with her co-founder Andrew Barnes has recently launched the international pilot project here in the UK, and has had 100s of companies express an interest.

In this insightful and valuable episode, Charlotte talks to me about how the 4 Day global program can work for schools specifically, strategic plans and questions school leaders need to address about flex, and how teachers and leaders can adapt their mindsets to make 'school' work for the 21st-century context - a context that quite rightly is working towards hybrid 'work', flex, productivity, technology and prioritising mental health and wellbeing. 

Watch this space for more info on the '4 Day Work Week' for schools...coming soon! 

Feel free to get in touch with Charlotte and the 4-day Global team via LinkedIn, Twitter and 

Mar 07, 202201:10:03
What is Intersectional Feminism and how can we explore it at school?

What is Intersectional Feminism and how can we explore it at school?

Kirsty Went, Year 13 Student in the UK, Deputy Head Girl and upcoming English Literature Undergraduate talks to me about her explorations and understanding of intersectional feminism. Kirsty first spoke to me about the need for more relevant, in-depth and practical support for students about consent, gender equality and equity, sexual harassment, allyship and keeping womxn safe. Our conversations continued and we shared our experiences and feelings about the gaps, lack of representation and understanding of the lived experiences of women on the National Curriculum. Kirsty's experiences, although diverse in some ways, were still predominantly limited to the mainstream White, Western theories and understandings of feminism. 

After reading Lola Olufemi's Feminism, Interrupted, Kirsty got back in touch with me with a passion to share and push more learning and representation of the different cultural, political, economic, familial, historical, generational (and more!), experiences of womxn. Her readings and explorations have led to her great interests in intersectional feminism, which effectively breaks down and challenges the mainstream feminism the majority of us are familiar with. Kirsty is keen to ensure students and teachers at every school learn to ally with womxn and promote gender equity for all by learning about nuance, diverse perspectives, diverse histories and how we can all be social justice activists and gender equity allies from simply lifting a book, reading and learning. 

This is a fantastically candid episode in which we can all learn about the art of discussion and nuance from a student who wants to encourage more empathetic, curious and challenging conversations at school: exactly what school should be! 

Mar 01, 202256:20
Students, Teachers and Parents: Navigating the World of Networking as a Neurodivergent Student

Students, Teachers and Parents: Navigating the World of Networking as a Neurodivergent Student

David is the organiser of the Neurodivergent Professional Network LinkedIn Group and blogs frequently on Medium and other platforms about the professional and adult experience for Neurodivergent individuals. David has a wealth of professional experience and navigating professional networking is something he speaks and advises on frequently.

A late diagnosis of autism in his mid twenties, whilst working and developing his career led David to realling think about his professional career, persona and environment. What started as face to face meetups, creating a psychological safe space  for neurodivergent professionals, has resulted in a collaborative and strong LinkedIn network. David also supports neurodivergent students and early career professionals carve out their professional identities in systems and structures not necessarily designed for neurodivergent individuals. David talks to me about resilience, how neurodivergent students can successfully and confidently navigate the professional world and how parents and teachers can support the success of neurodivergent students too. 

Feel free to get in touch with David via social media using the links tagged above. David is also available on Twitter if you would like to reach out for careers advice and support for neurodivergent students. 

Feb 27, 202240:31
Teachers & Leaders: how to navigate difficult conversations and change management in schools

Teachers & Leaders: how to navigate difficult conversations and change management in schools

Hannah Wilson, previously a secondary school Executive Headteacher, is a Leadership Consultant, Coach and Trainer, talks to me about how teachers can strategically manage change, difficult conversations and create opportunities for diversity and inclusion within schools. A podcast aimed at teachers and school leaders, this practical and valuable conversation walks teachers and leaders through creating sustainable, inclusive cultures in which their staff and students can thrive. Hannah talks to me about various change management theories in leadership and how staff (whether you are teaching or not) can create and enable positive, diverse opportunities for themselves and their schools.   

Hannah is co-founder and director of DiverseEd, a training and education platform to help educational establishments embed a culture of DEI and belonging. Hannah is also co-founder of grassroots organisation, WomenEd, supporting, empowering and representing women in education. Hannah has worked on DfE-funded diversity grants including development programmes for diverse, global majority individuals and women leaders. Hannah specialises in diversity, equity and inclusion training and is an advocate of flex in the workplace, the focus of her MA in education; she also coaches leaders from a range of sectors and leads Leadership development training programme for individuals in the education sector.

Feel free to get in touch with Hannah if you are looking for a leadership coach for yourself or your staff, or interested in DEI training for your organisation: 

Feb 23, 202238:18
How can students develop an 'athlete mindset' at school?

How can students develop an 'athlete mindset' at school?

Matt Messias, Leadership and Resilience Coach at Matt Messias Impact Leadership, former Premier League, FIFA, UEFA and Football League referee, AND a headteacher who has led schools internationally in the UK and New Zealand…I couldn’t think of someone more perfect to talk to about what the athlete mindset is and how students can develop the mindset we all know is the key to their success. In this episode, Matt shares the many facets of the athlete mindset, from creativity, play, failure, well-being and mental health, agility, patience, responsibility…and of course, how parents and teachers can enable the athlete mindset.

With his experiences in education, Matt also shares how schools, parents and the community can link the teachings of the athlete mindset to what we know is a priority for school leaders: results and academia. Matt argues the case for both and how schools, parents and carers can healthily create a culture that harnesses the athlete mindset and academia, without sacrificing either.

This is such an important episode, the foundation of what school should be - I hope you enjoy it, learn from it and schools, please contact Matt to implement lasting change in your organisations - the best thing you could do!

Jan 18, 202253:06
How can teachers and students embed anti-racism work at school outside the realm of Black History Month and BLM?

How can teachers and students embed anti-racism work at school outside the realm of Black History Month and BLM?

In this episode, Michaela, founder of The Prosperity Project, explores how schools can have conversations about anti-racism and embed anti-racism proactively and consistently in schools. It's not as simple as an anti-racist, equality policy; Michaela advises on how schools, teachers and students can take an intersectional approach to anti-racism work. We also discuss practical things students and teachers can do on a daily basis to navigate racially fuelled incidents in schools and how individual school communities (students, parents, teachers and the locality) can do more to nurture an anti-racist society. 

Michaela, founder of the Prosperity Project. Former Primary School Teacher and Philosophy graduate, Michaela also founded the Black Thought Experiment to enable conversations and topics which concern the Black Community and Diaspora. Now, through the Prosperity Project, Michaela and her team of experts facilitate, train and support schools with anti-racism policies, diversifying the curriculum, leadership and teacher training too.

Follow The Prosperity Project on Socials: 

Twitter: @tprosperityproj

Instagram: @theprosperityproj

Nov 12, 202158:37
How can schools be safe and inclusive environments for all students and staff? Exploring diversity and inclusion in education

How can schools be safe and inclusive environments for all students and staff? Exploring diversity and inclusion in education

Nic Ponsford, Co-Founder and the CEO, Education, of the Global Equality Collective, a movement and community of over 15 000 and a Collective of over 450 diversity, equality and inclusion subject matter experts, joins me to talk about how schools can integrate effective diversity and inclusion education in a sustainable and effective manner. The GEC has designed and launched the world’s first app for diversity and inclusion, which provides workplaces and schools with necessary D&I research and data, education, resources and advice - all tailored and relevant to the organisation's needs.

Nic was also a secondary school leader and is a digital education specialist, and now an education and technology thought leader. Nominated for national diversity and inclusion awards in 2020 and 2021, Nic has long been an inclusion activist for adults and students. The GEC brings together an array of experience, expertise and knowledge to ensure diversity and inclusion are not something organisations just 'do' and tick off; rather, the GEC aims to make D&I an embedded and integrated, working part of every organisation and its stakeholders too. 

Nic talks to me about her experiences in schools, how she managed integrating diversity and inclusion practices in her leadership, systems and processes, and how schools can overcome certain barriers associated with effective diversity and inclusion education, from environment, demography and parents too. Follow the GEC on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Aug 15, 202101:02:44
A Headteacher's perspective: how can we create great school cultures for students, teachers and parents?

A Headteacher's perspective: how can we create great school cultures for students, teachers and parents?

Meena Wood, MBA Ed Leadership, FRSA, is an Education Consultant & Trainer, former HMI Ofsted Inspector, Secondary Academy Principal, Principal of Adult Education, DfE & LA Education Advisor. Meena joins me to talk about what makes a great school culture and how schools can embed healthy, effective and successful school cultures into their everyday working practices, environments, staff body and students. 

Culture is everything for any organisation - it is what defines an identity, an organisation's values, ethos and their output too; this is most certainly no different for a school, especially when it comes to student wellbeing, academic success and staff wellbeing too. 

Meena is an inspirational leader with an array of experience in working with schools and students to help enhance and build strong cultures for the benefit of students, staff and their parents. Meena shares her experiences with me along with her experiences as an Ofsted Inspector to provide a real insight into how every school can be great for students, no matter where they are or what school they choose to go to. It's so important we overcome a postcode lottery when it comes to schooling and developing a great school culture is perhaps a key part of making this possible. 

Meena has recently co-authored a book Secondary Curriculum Tranformed: Enabling All to Achieve, which can help headteachers and teachers across the country and beyond create a highly successful, efficient and rich, skills-based and values-led curriculum for all - it should be on reading lists for teacher training, worldwide! 

Aug 02, 202101:04:11
What should we know about teaching and learning in Pakistan? Deconstructing dominant narratives and adopting a curious mindset

What should we know about teaching and learning in Pakistan? Deconstructing dominant narratives and adopting a curious mindset

Anusheh Attique is a teacher, mentor and innovator in curriculum design and training and development in Pakistan. This conversation is such an energetic, lively, engaging and authentic discussion of everything school should be: learning about different perspectives, unlearning our biases and understanding to listen and empathise with compassion, curiosity and an open mind. Anusheh speaks to me about schooling in Pakistan, decolonising the curriculum, the sheer importance of teaching students humanity and understanding and why education is such an important and foundational tool for success no matter where you are in the world. 

A truly uplifting, informative and heart-warming discussion on how students should learn, how we should teach and how we can all connect as students across the world. 

Jul 26, 202101:02:56
How can we create a positive body image experience for teenage boys at school?

How can we create a positive body image experience for teenage boys at school?

This week, I speak to Harry Moore, Business Management graduate with a Masters in Psychology...and a fitness professional of over 10 years. Harry is founder of Team for Never Lean, a platform of over 19k subscribers, that aims to discuss and centralise topics and discussions that can often make the fitness industry feel like an uncomfortable place. Team For Never Lean is are centred on research and aims to dispel misinformation about fitness and exercise in order to make fitness and health accessible for everyone. 

Harry talks to me about his own school experiences with fitness and how schools, teachers and students themselves can normalise conversations around male body image, a topic that is perhaps not explored enough, especially for impressionable teenagers. The conversation takes many turns and in essence, Harry shares simple yet effective advice on how we can move away from aesthetic body image goals for young people and focus on a holistic approach to mental, physical and emotional health - something all students need to do for their wellbeing. 

Jul 19, 202101:11:41
The Double X Economy: academic and economic barriers for women - a student perspective

The Double X Economy: academic and economic barriers for women - a student perspective

Noor-ul-Huda Sheikh and Liberty Thomas, both university students join me to discuss Linda Scott's excellent book, The Double X Economy, in which Scott explores the level of global, female 'economic subordination'. In her book, Scott draws upon an array of sources from her own research and data, to her own exchanges with women in Ghana, Bangladesh and in the US. The book is fascinating and a wonderful read, especially for students aged 17 and above; as Scott says, reading the book is activism in itself and you cannot help but be compelled to work towards global economic equality for really is better for all of us, politically, socially and economically too.  

Noor, a French and Business student and Liberty, an aero engineering student, both attended an all girls' comprehensive school. Now at university, we discuss the impact the book has had on their own thinking and how schools can tailor teaching, learning and school culture to enable equality of opportunities for female students. They draw upon their own experiences along with their experiences in their student leadership roles. Both students are studying very different subjects and they explore the impact of studying STEM based subjects for young women at school too. 

A wonderful conversation, which is of great benefit to those young people and schools interested in Scott's work, justice and equality for women and how we can academically and economically empower women from a young age. 

Jul 11, 202147:17
Gender diversity: how can we address gender stereotypes from an early age in the classroom and beyond?

Gender diversity: how can we address gender stereotypes from an early age in the classroom and beyond?

Bilkis Miah is Co-founder and CEO of You Be You, an award-winning organisation working with primary schools and parents to address and break down gender stereotypes and encourage students to embrace their individual identities. Bilkis explores how teachers and students can address gender stereotypes from as young as 5 and why schools need to challenge gender stereotypes if we are to create equitable opportunities for younger generations and beyond.

In this podcast episode, Bilkis talks to me about particular gender stereotypes students, parents and teachers can challenge; how teachers can begin conversations around gender diversity in the classroom, and parents/ family can help their children in the home environment.  We explore the importance of identity, intersectionality and gender education on the curriculum - and how it can make the world of difference to the opportunities available and accessible for all students.

Bilkis, originally working in management consultancy in the City, discovered early on that although successful in her own career, there were few that represented her identity as a female, British-Bangladeshi woman in leadership. We now see most companies aiming to diversify their workforce and encourage people of all genders to rise to the 'top' when it comes to career success; however, this must be addressed early on if we are to sustain a non-tokenistic approach to gender diversity in our societies. You Be You workshops, resources and CPD training for schools are backed by prominent research and expert advice. Bilkis and her team have successfully led pilot schemes in primary schools which have resulted in a 38% decrease in young girls thinking certain jobs are just for boys and a 52% increase in young children thinking it's ok for girls to play with trucks. It is these 'simple' notions that we need to address from a young age to normalise limitless opportunities for all children, which is the purpose and motive behind You Be You's work with primary school children and primary school teachers.

Jul 04, 202158:29
How can literacy be taught in schools in a post-pandemic world?

How can literacy be taught in schools in a post-pandemic world?

Sarah Ledger, Director at Lexonik, talks to me about how we can teach literacy skills and education in schools and how we can make literacy about more than just spelling, punctuation and grammar. An award-winning company that works with schools, students, teachers and homeschoolers, Lexonik provides unique resources and transformational programmes to ensure every single individual can access literacy education. Their programmes help students in the UK and beyond to raise attainment and learn the skills they need to reach their potential, all through a confident approach to literacy. 

Sarah speaks to me about the rise in digital literacy and how students can still integrate the foundations of literacy in all areas of their education. We talk about Lexonik's response to the government's concerns around literacy and student learning gaps as a result of the pandemic. We also discuss ways in which reading and writing skills can be accessed by everyone, of every age, regardless of context. As Sarah says, the ability to read is a human right; it is empowering, necessary and something that every individual is entitled too. Learning to read and write isn't just for an exam, but can make a difference to your quality of life and choices, which is why the work Lexonik do with schools to people in prison is so necessary for our society. 

We also speak about Hull University's decision to not mark against poor spelling, and founder of Lexonik, Katy, shared her views with the School Should Be blog, which can be read here. 

Jun 28, 202101:05:10
Sustainability: what is it and why should we care?

Sustainability: what is it and why should we care?

Louise is a university student, studying Business and Sociology. Currently on placement as a sustainability and business development intern, Louise has a keen interest in sustainability, micro choices we can make on a daily basis to have a positive impact on the planet and our lives. Sustainability and our need to take care of our environments and planet is an urgent necessity that all of us need to pay attention to. Thankfully, Generation Z and those at school are paving the way, however sometimes it's difficult to know where to start and what we can do, especially as it is not a topic that is taught so widely in school. In this episode, Louise explains what sustainability is and what schools and students can do to lead a practical, sustainable lifestyle. 

Jun 22, 202148:22
Opportunity and the Education System: A Student's Point of View

Opportunity and the Education System: A Student's Point of View

Jack Allsopp an Oxford graduate with a first class honours in History and a master's in Global and Imperial History. He attended a leading grammar school and achieved an excellent set of grades. Nearly 5 years on and now part of a programme management graduate scheme at a fantastic company, Jack wrote a blog post for School Should Be, reflecting on his experiences as a student. The blog was honest, nuanced and in many ways uncomfortable to read from a teacher's and parent's perspective. Although Jack effectively played out the 'schooling dream', the reality of his experiences is very different to what we might expect of a student who shines bright with academic success. 

After reading his blog piece I asked Jack if he. would be willing to discuss his experiences and thoughts further. This podcast is everything school should be - an honest, tangent-filled chat on what school should be, how to enable equity and Jack's own views of schooling - neither successful nor unsuccessful, just his personal views which I think students, parents and teachers will benefit from, especially as we think about the future of the education system, school culture and student wellbeing. 

Jun 16, 202156:35
How can we have conversations about Israel and Palestine in the classroom?

How can we have conversations about Israel and Palestine in the classroom?

Sharon Booth, founder of Solutions Not Sides, an organisation that facilitates a range of excellent workshops, resources and discussions for 15-18 year olds on Palestine and Israel.

In this podcast, Sharon and I discuss the language students can use when talking about Palestine-Israel, some key points to note when the topic of Israel-Palestine comes up in classroom discussion, student and teacher wellbeing, especially their safety, in these discussions and how students can be positively active in their desires to prevent racism, prejudice and to build bridges in our communities too.

During an SNS workshop, schools and students will hear from Palestinian and Israeli voices to discuss the history, political climate, context, lived experiences and so much more about Israel and Palestine. SNS teaches students how to use critical thinking tools, empathy and how students can challenge prejudice here in the UK.

Recently, SNS has been highlighted by the Secretary of State for Education as an organisation that can help schools address antisemitism around the issue of Israel and Palestine. SNS believes it is equally important to address Islamophobia and also has had many firsthand experiences of addressing Islamophobia around this issue in the classroom.

The core outcomes a school can expect from an SNS workshop are:

  1. Humanisation and empathy
  2. Ability to embrace complexity and diversity rather than feeling threatened by it
  3. Empowerment through the acquisition of skills, confidence and knowledge to influence others

School Should Be encourages students and teachers to take part in SNS’s #iftheycanwecan campaign on social media platforms. The campaign provides a platform for Palestinian and Israeli voices that are often not heard here in the UK; the campaign aims to bring global attention, support and to help activists and organisations in Israel and Palestine who are working for peace, an end to racism, violence, prejudice and dehumanisation. For more information to see how you and your school can get involved, please visit:

Sharon provides a great starting point in the podcast with some excellent resources, all signposted during our conversations. All secondary schools will benefit from SNS's input and their workshops help create transparent, diverse and inclusive school cultures, which we want all schools to embrace.

Jun 06, 202152:10
How can social media be used as a positive, complementary force for students and teachers?

How can social media be used as a positive, complementary force for students and teachers?

Simranjeet Kaur Mann is a trainee solicitor for a top 20 law firm, a content creator and a vlogger. A previous Head Girl when at secondary school, Simran's YouTube channel has amassed over 100k views in one year, since she started it at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Simran's vlogs and content are predominantly to support, inform and advise future students interested in vacation schemes, careers in law and how to successfully 'student well' at university. Simran is a fine example of how a student and now young professional can manage a conventional career path and a social media presence - one she does with grace, humility and some entertaining banter along the way too. She has a lot to teach and show the next generation (and even generations before her!) whilst keeping it real and maintaining some sense of mindful adulting too! Simran speaks to me about all things social media and school, how students and teachers can work with digital platforms and how we can foster more inclusive communities in schools too. 

This podcast has to be one of my favourites, an authentic conversation with plenty of life lessons and laughs along the way too - I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! 

Jun 01, 202101:05:40
The personal is political: uncomfortable conversations about womanhood in the classroom

The personal is political: uncomfortable conversations about womanhood in the classroom

Leila is a Human, Social and Political Sciences student at The University of Cambridge. An advocate for equitable rights, diverse and equal opportunities, Leila wrote an open letter to her school after the tragic disappearance and death of Sarah Everard, regarding the treatment of female students, addressing school culture and behaviour policies that can perpetuate misogynistic tendencies, common to several societal institutions and often an area of unconscious bias. Leila's letter went viral on Twitter and in response, over 500 students got in touch with her with their stories too. 

A necessary and uncomfortable conversation, Leila and I talk about how schools can embrace and normalise conversations about womanhood, and the change in narrative that schools need in order to be wholly inclusive and enabling. A fascinating conversation, we talk about A LOT and ultimately, Leila challenges the notion of political discussion: a lot of the time, it isn't a political discussion that needs to be quelled, it is a personal, authentic conversation that must be enabled to effect change for the betterment of society. 

May 27, 202101:23:25
How can schools have conversations about race to tackle prejudice in schools?

How can schools have conversations about race to tackle prejudice in schools?

Uju Asika is an award-nominated blogger and founder of parenting blog - Babes About Town. She is also a creative consultant and founder of Mothers and Shakers, a digital consultancy building connections between female entrepreneurs and supporting women in business within the digital space. Most recently, Uju has written the wonderful and much needed book, Bringing Up Race, teaching parents, teachers, adults, carers - all of us - how to (quite literally) ‘raise a kind child in a prejudice world’ ...perhaps if we all look to follow its teaching, we may find ourselves one day, in an unprejudiced world.

Uju talks to me about how schools, classrooms, teachers, students and parents can create a culture of racial equity, whilst normalising uncomfortable conversations about race in schools. She explains how teachers and schools can address race conversations and how behaviour policies and diversity and inclusion policies can ensure all students feel accepted, confident, seen and heard. 

Uju is available to talk to school leaders and teachers about her book - feel free to get in touch with her:

May 23, 202101:05:31
Why should students focus on their wellbeing more than academic success?
May 11, 202101:02:55
How do introverts learn best in the classroom?

How do introverts learn best in the classroom?

Sophie Morris, an introvert expert and coach, tells us all about the best ways to teach introverts in the classroom and how introverted teenagers learn best too. 50% of the population are introverts, yet we seem to operate in an extroverted world. Given that school is also a fairly extroverted environment, it's not good enough to say students need to speak up more in lessons, raise their hands or take leading roles more often. Introverts can learn just as well as extroverts and Sophie Morris tells us exactly how. If you're interested in being coached by Sophie or would like her to provide training at your school or workplace, please get in touch:  

May 02, 202151:08
Why should students learn about politics at school and how can teachers integrate it into their lessons?

Why should students learn about politics at school and how can teachers integrate it into their lessons?

Leo Carr, founder of Study Politics, a platform that provides A level revision and learning resources for all politics students and teachers, tells us about why students need to learn about politics at school and how it can have a positive impact on their perspectives, discussions and learning experiences overall. Leo was part of the first cohort of year 13 students to have their exams cancelled in 2020 as a result of Covid-19. Instead of letting all of his notes and learning go to waste, he taught himself how to create a website, start a business and is now working with a multitude of students and schools to support their politics education! You can find out more about Leo @studypoliticsuk and 

May 02, 202140:47