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The Seeking Happiness Podcast

The Seeking Happiness Podcast

By Seeking Happiness Podcast

We’re all ‘Seeking Happiness’ right? We’re Andy Milligan & Didier Soulier and we’re on a mission to make positive life changes and on a journey to find that elusive life quality called ‘happiness’. We want you to share our journey and make your own positive life changes as we interview life coaches, public service professionals and masters of business and industry.
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Ep 3 - Jane Considine Author and Education Consultant

The Seeking Happiness PodcastAug 03, 2021

Ep 28 - Unlocking Joy: The Power of Positive Thinking with Mark de Freitas.

Ep 28 - Unlocking Joy: The Power of Positive Thinking with Mark de Freitas.

Mark de Freitas Bio – Seeking Happiness

Welcome to "Seeking Happiness," a podcast that shines a light on wellbeing and positive change with your host, Mark de Freitas. As an accomplished Psychologist and Sports Scientist, Mark brings over 40 years of expertise in exploring the human mind. Through his successful hypnotherapy practice, he specializes in using hypnosis and self-hypnosis techniques to foster deep relaxation and profound personal transformation.

In each episode, Mark will guide you through fascinating insights into how the brain functions and how you can alter your thinking to enhance your life. This podcast is a beacon for anyone seeking answers on how to achieve a happier, more fulfilling life. It emphasizes the power of personal change and the potential within each of us to pursue a path of increased happiness and wellbeing.

Listening to "Seeking Happiness," you will gain not only knowledge but also practical tools to help kickstart or advance your journey. Mark is known for his open, honest communication, ensuring that every listener feels welcomed and supported.

Resources Provided by Mark:

  1. Therapy Website: Mark de Freitas Hypnotherapy
  2. Free Relaxation Recording: Enhance your sleep, reduce stress, and uplift your mood with a free relaxation recording. Download here. Remember to listen at bedtime with earphones, setting your device in flight mode for an uninterrupted experience.
  3. LinkedIn Profile: Mark de Freitas
  4. Facebook Page: Mark de Freitas Hypnotherapy

Join us on "Seeking Happiness" to unlock the doors to a better, happier you. Subscribe now and start your journey towards a brighter future filled with joy and wellbeing.

May 08, 202401:03:26
Ep 27 - The Journey to Happiness with Daniel Astarita.

Ep 27 - The Journey to Happiness with Daniel Astarita.

In this inspiring episode of "The Happiness Podcast," we delve into the remarkable journey of Daniel Astarita, the Managing Director of 'Kesslers London,' a renowned manufacturing team known for collaborating with major brands like Sainsbury's, L'Oreal, Adidas, Dior, and Primark. Daniel takes us through his enlightening and thought-provoking life story, revealing the pivotal moments and decisions that catapulted him from the shop floor to the helm of a global operation.

Daniel's narrative is not just about professional success; it's a deeper exploration of personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness. He shares intimate details of his family life and the challenges and triumphs of undergoing IVF treatment, offering listeners a candid look at the struggles behind the scenes. This episode shines a light on the importance of support, perseverance, and finding joy in the journey, not just the destination.

Listeners will find Daniel's insights into business development and leadership invaluable, especially his philosophy on climbing "Happiness Mountain." His approach combines strategic thinking with a heartfelt understanding of the human experience, making him a compelling guide for anyone looking to find fulfillment in both their personal and professional lives.

As Daniel shares his story, he also instigates ideas behind his business focus, emphasizing the role of innovation, customer engagement, and brand collaboration in achieving success. His sharp observations and engaging storytelling make this episode a must-listen for those seeking inspiration on their path to happiness.

Apr 07, 202438:19
Ep 26 - The Soulful Journey of Linda Pagnini – Music, Acting, and Climbing Happiness Mountain

Ep 26 - The Soulful Journey of Linda Pagnini – Music, Acting, and Climbing Happiness Mountain

Join us in an inspiring episode as we explore the captivating journey of Linda Pagnini, a multifaceted musician and actress, whose collaborations with the fantastic guitarist Roger Crombie and the world-renowned composer George Fenton have set stages alight. Linda opens up about her incredible life story, which serves as a testament to the idea that change and the ascent of 'Happiness Mountain' are within everyone's grasp.

Linda’s musical ventures, especially with her band ‘Apeccs,’ offer a rich tapestry of sound that resonates across the internet, captivating listeners worldwide. Fans and new listeners alike can explore Apeccs’ soul-stirring melodies, including tracks like ‘Dark Night,’ at The site not only hosts their latest tunes but also provides a platform for fans to leave messages for Linda, which she cherishes and makes an effort to respond to, highlighting her genuine connection with her audience.

Beyond her musical talents, Linda Pagnini shares her soulful interpretation of humanity, emphasizing the intrinsic value and understanding each of our ambitions deserves. Her story is not just about musical and acting accomplishments but also about an honest and deeply intriguing individual’s journey through life’s ups and downs, and how she interprets those experiences through her art.

Listeners will be moved by Linda’s honest reflections and encouraged by her belief in the power of change and personal growth. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of creativity, personal development, and the pursuit of happiness. Linda’s narrative reassures us that reaching for our dreams and climbing our own Happiness Mountain is not only possible but within reach.

Check out her music at and on Spotify here :

Feb 14, 202439:42
Ep 25 - Interview with Andy Dickinson - Surviving the Unthinkable: A Father's Journey from Cardiac Arrest to Recovery

Ep 25 - Interview with Andy Dickinson - Surviving the Unthinkable: A Father's Journey from Cardiac Arrest to Recovery

In this podcast episode, we delve into the powerful story of Andrew, who experienced a life-changing event on January 1st, 2023. Awakening in a hospital, heavily medicated, Andrew was initially unaware of the severity of his condition. He had suffered a sudden cardiac arrest during a run with his daughter, Amber, in Harlow, Essex. This incident was a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of emergency medical training.

Amber, trained as a lifeguard and familiar with CPR, played a crucial role in her father's survival. Her quick actions and the assistance of a cardiology nurse who happened to be nearby were pivotal. The intense situation unfolded rapidly, with Amber performing CPR, summoning help, and guiding emergency services to their location. The arrival of first responders, police, and paramedics, including the use of a defibrillator, was crucial in stabilizing Andrew for transport to the hospital.

This story underscores the critical importance of first aid training, particularly CPR, in saving lives during cardiac emergencies. Andrew's survival, with a 90% mortality rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, was nothing short of miraculous. He emphasizes how Amber's CPR training, albeit years ago, proved invaluable during those critical moments.

Post-event, Andrew's journey through recovery highlights the complexities and challenges faced by cardiac arrest survivors. He speaks about the mental and physical rehabilitation process, both for himself and his family. The psychological impact on those who witness such traumatic events is profound, often overlooked, but equally important.

Andrew's path back to health included a structured rehabilitation program, starting with simple exercises and eventually resuming running. His experience brings to light the mental and physical toll of such an event, but also the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

This story is not just about survival; it's a testament to the power of emergency preparedness, the strength of family bonds, and the remarkable capacity of the human body and spirit to overcome adversity. Andrew's experience serves as a reminder of the value of first aid knowledge and the profound impact it can have in a moment of crisis.

Dec 17, 202330:46
Ep 24 -Finding Light with James Rocks aka Chris Burrow

Ep 24 -Finding Light with James Rocks aka Chris Burrow

In a heartening episode of our series, we sit down with James Rocks, known in the acting world as Chris Burrow, who opens up about his multifaceted journey from encountering the shadows of depression and mental health challenges to illuminating paths for others through his experiences. James is in the throes of launching an online support program aimed at aiding individuals grappling with depression and mental health issues, inspired by his own battles and triumphs over adversity.

James candidly discusses his past encounters with stressful and negative work environments, sharing insights into how these experiences, once burdensome, became pivotal in steering his life towards a more fulfilling direction. His story is not just one of overcoming, but of transformation—utilizing his personal struggles as a foundation to support and enlighten others facing similar battles.

His upcoming project, an online help program, reflects his commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those who struggle in silence. James believes in the power of change and the importance of seeking help, a message he delivers with a chirpy attitude that's nothing short of infectious. His positive outlook and vibrant spirit serve as a beacon of hope, encouraging listeners to visualize and enact the changes necessary to chase after happiness in their own lives.

Listeners will find James's approach to tackling mental health issues refreshing and relatable. Through his journey, he demonstrates that it's possible to turn life's challenges into opportunities for growth and to find happiness in the process. His interview is a compelling listen for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life or to understand the transformative power of facing one's fears with optimism and courage.

Chris/James is contactable on or at IMDb James Rocks

Jul 29, 202236:04
Ep 23 - Rising Above: Dale Parker's Journey from Stress to Stage - Teenage actor

Ep 23 - Rising Above: Dale Parker's Journey from Stress to Stage - Teenage actor

In this deeply moving episode, we meet Dale Parker, a teenage actor whose story of recovery from a challenging school experience captures the essence of resilience and hope. Despite facing mental stress and adversity, Dale's upbeat attitude and proactive approach to life shine as a beacon for young individuals everywhere, demonstrating that it’s possible to turn one’s life around, even under the most daunting circumstances.

Dale opens up about his journey through mental stress, offering insights into the coping mechanisms and support systems that helped him navigate these challenges. His story is not just one of overcoming but of thriving, as he carves out a space for himself in the world of acting, using his experiences to enrich his performances and connect with audiences on a deeper level.

Listeners will find Dale's candidness about his struggles and his determination to rise above them both inspiring and relatable. This episode serves as a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the potential for personal transformation. Dale's narrative encourages us to face our challenges head-on and to find our own paths to happiness and fulfillment, no matter the obstacles.

For anyone dealing with their own struggles or interested in the stories of those who’ve turned adversity into opportunity, Dale Parker's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of mental health awareness, and the unyielding pursuit of one’s passions.

Jun 16, 202249:12
Ep 22 - The Happiness Formula with Pete King: From Laughter to Insight - Actor, Writer, Director and Stand-Up Comedian

Ep 22 - The Happiness Formula with Pete King: From Laughter to Insight - Actor, Writer, Director and Stand-Up Comedian

Join us in an enlightening conversation with Pete King, a versatile talent who navigates the realms of acting, writing, directing, and stand-up comedy with a unique blend of humor, honesty, and integrity. Armed with multiple qualifications in psychology and mental health, Pete offers an intimate glimpse into his life journey, sharing personal anecdotes and reflections on his quest for happiness and his battles against depression.

Pete's approach to tackling life's challenges is both refreshing and profound. He explores the positive angles that contribute to what he describes as the happiness formula, providing listeners with practical insights on how to pivot towards positivity and well-being. His ability to weave humor into discussions of serious topics like mental health not only makes his message more relatable but also serves as a powerful reminder of the therapeutic value of laughter.

In this episode, Pete's reflections are not just about overcoming adversity; they're about embracing life's ups and downs with grace and humor. His story is an inspiring testament to the power of perspective in the pursuit of happiness and the impact of humor in finding light in the darkest of times.

Listeners will undoubtedly find Pete's vision and insights both helpful and inspirational. Beyond his achievements in the entertainment industry, Pete King emerges as a beacon of hope for anyone facing adversity, proving that it's possible to lead a positive, fulfilling life despite the challenges. And, as noted, his good looks are just the icing on the cake!

May 02, 202257:54
Ep 21 - Tamsin Cope - Search for Sweeney

Ep 21 - Tamsin Cope - Search for Sweeney

In this new episode, we have the pleasure to chat with Tamsin Cope.

Tamsin is a Californian who's moved to the UK via Mexico and Australia.  She has worked in TV and Film production in L.A. and talks about her life journey which has led her to the other side of the camera and to overcome many life issues which affect us all.  Tamsin shows us that Seeking Happiness is an universal goal and is achievable by everyone regardless of life chances and choices.

Here are some questions we will be asking:

· Tell us a little about your childhood and any problems that you had to overcome.

· Can you give us a few details about your journey leading up to you leaving your home and country.

· I understand that you’ve become an actor/actress– tell me a little more about this part of your life and ‘why’ acting?

· How do you think dealing with the Covid Crisis impacted you personally?

· What are your thoughts on the current crisis/invasion in Ukraine?

· Have you ever reached a point where you realized you wanted to make some lifestyle changes?  Can you elaborate upon how you went about making those changes?

· Can you reflect upon your experience of dealing with difficult situations in recent times..

· What do you do to help you relax and relieve the stresses of life? Are you a member of any clubs or have any hobbies which help you when seeking happiness?

· What type of books do you read? Can you make some recommendations for our listeners?

· What are your TOP 3 TIPS to help anyone who might be feeling they need to make changes in their personal life or circumstances.

· What do you think are the biggest issues faced by any individuals who want to create a happier lifestyle for themselves and their families?

Apr 08, 202256:26
Ep 20 - Stephen Pennell - Author of 'Gangsters, Geezers & Mods'
Mar 21, 202250:52
Ep 19 - Andrew Longfield - Radio presenter, Musician, Actor and Motor enthusiast
Jan 13, 202236:09
Ep 18 - Mav Akram who runs the Women’s Boxing Club in Birmingham.

Ep 18 - Mav Akram who runs the Women’s Boxing Club in Birmingham.

In this week's another special Christmas episode, we have the pleasure to interview Mav Akram. Here are some questions we will be asking:

· Tell us a little about your childhood and problems that you remember having to overcome. (The importance of family dynamics and how these may have  affected you in adulthood)

· You run the Women’s Boxing Club in Birmingham. Can you explain to our listeners what this role involves?

· What would you say is your experience in dealing with this area?

· Can you tell us a little about your thoughts on dealing with change and uncertainty? (perhaps elaborate on the steps/support that boxing provides to help people reinvent/discover themselves)

· Boxing training not only fights anger management, mental health, and weight issues; it can provide a new sense of well-being and happiness – Do you think this reflects your reasons to help empower women?

· Tell me about your recent work with BOA and your help with their Theatre Play.

· You won an award at The Muslim Women Awards in London; can you tell me a little more about that?

· Community Winter Camp in December – tell me a little more about that and what listeners can expect.

· Do you ever feel isolated/lonely; how do you deal with this?

· How do you think dealing with the Covid crisis affected you personally?

· Have you ever reached a point where you realized you wanted to make some lifestyle changes?  Can you elaborate upon how you went about making those changes?

· Can you reflect upon your experience of dealing with difficult situations in your life?

· What do you do to help you relax and relieve the stresses of life?

· What type of books do you read? Can you make some recommendations for our listeners?

· What are your TOP 3 TIPS to help anyone who might be feeling they need to make changes in their personal life or circumstances.

Thank you for reading, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast:

Dec 24, 202125:37
Ep 17 - Leanne Bayliss Blogger & Author on Alcohol Addictions and Sobering Up.
Dec 15, 202101:00:42
Ep 16 - Didier and Andy recap on podcast wisdom and tips so far...
Dec 02, 202139:28
Ep 15 - Unlocking Mid-Career Transformation with Anna Urnova - High-performance executive coach - Award-winning published author.

Ep 15 - Unlocking Mid-Career Transformation with Anna Urnova - High-performance executive coach - Award-winning published author.

This week, we're thrilled to introduce Anna Urnova, a distinguished high-performance executive coach and an award-winning author, to our listeners. With over 15 years of experience, Anna has been a guiding light for business leaders worldwide, helping them navigate complex changes, enhance performance, and infuse fun into their professional lives.

In an era where mid-career stagnation is all too common, Anna brings a fresh perspective with her FREE Masterclass. She outlines five crucial steps that have empowered her clients—driven, middle-aged professionals—to move from feelings of being stuck and unfulfilled to leading impactful, happy, and purpose-driven lives. This episode offers a sneak peek into the transformative journeys of real men who, under Anna's guidance, reinvented themselves without the need to compromise on their professional standing or personal lives.

Listeners will be treated to inspiring stories of genuine transformation, illustrating how it's possible to revitalize one's career and personal satisfaction simultaneously. Anna's approach is not about drastic changes that put you at risk but about strategic, authentic shifts that align with your core values and aspirations.

For anyone feeling stagnant in their mid-career, looking to make a significant change without jeopardizing everything they've worked hard for, this episode is a beacon of hope. Anna Urnova not only shares her wisdom and strategies but also extends an invitation to her masterclass, a resource that could be the first step toward a happier, more fulfilled version of you.

Best wishes on your journey to rediscovery and fulfillment, and remember, transformation is just a masterclass away. Check out Anna's masterclass here: Anna Urnova's Masterclass.

Nov 17, 202139:60
Ep 14 - Paul Francis - Musician to Photography and life journey.

Ep 14 - Paul Francis - Musician to Photography and life journey.

In this week’s episode, we have the awesome Paul Francis sharing his own story about music and his love for photography. Here is some question we are asking Paul:

· Tell us a little about your life journey and what you dreamed of achieving when you were a child.

· You were a musician for a chapter of your life. Can you tell the listeners what led you into that area and how it progressed?

· You’ve kept in touch with other musicians from this part of your life; tell me a little about these people and what they bring to your life. (Importance of staying grounded by old friends)

· You mentioned to me about joining a branch of the military; can you elaborate on this and reflect on what you did.

· Can you give us a few details about the job that you are now doing and the demands it makes of you.

· How do you think dealing with Brexit and the Covid Crisis affected your business and you personally?

· Have you ever reached a point where you realised you wanted to make some lifestyle changes.  Can you elaborate upon how you went about making those changes? (Photography)

· Can you reflect upon your experience of dealing with difficult situations in your life.

· What do you do to help you relax and relieve the stresses of work life?

· What type of books do you read? Can you make some recommendations for our listeners?

· What are your TOP 3 TIPS to help anyone who might be feeling they need to make changes in their personal life or circumstances.

· What do you think are the biggest issuesfaced by any individuals who want to create a happier lifestyle for themselves and their families?

Nov 03, 202101:04:50
Ep 13 – Kal – Spirituality and your beliefs.

Ep 13 – Kal – Spirituality and your beliefs.

In this week's episode, we have the pleasure to have Kal sharing his own story about spirituality and his beliefs.

Here is some question we are asking Kal:

· Tell us a little about your childhood and problems that you had to overcome.

· You’re journey from Hungary wasn’t something you really expected as a child or even welcomed. Do you still feel that way?

· Do you still keep in contact with family in Hungary?

· Do you ever feel isolated/lonely; how do you deal with this?

· Tell me more about your spirituality and your beliefs (angels/numbers).

· How do you think dealing with the Covid Crisis affected you personally?

· Have you ever reached a point where you realized you wanted to make some lifestyle changes?  Can you elaborate upon how you went about making those changes?

· Can you reflect upon your experience of dealing with difficult situations in your life.

· What do you do to help you relax and relieve the stresses of life? Are you a member of any clubs or have any hobbies which help you when seeking happiness?

· What type of books do you read? Can you make some recommendations for our listeners?

· What are your TOP 3 TIPS to help anyone who might be feeling they need to make changes in their personal life or circumstances.

· What do you think are the biggest issuesfaced by any individuals who want to create a happier lifestyle for themselves and their families?

Oct 22, 202135:55
Ep 12 – Francesca Rose – Eating disorders

Ep 12 – Francesca Rose – Eating disorders

This week episode we have the pleasure to have Francesca Rose who was courageous and kind enough to share her own story about eating disorders and the effects that come along with it.

Here is some question we be asking Francesca:

Tell us a little about your childhood and the problems that you had to overcome.

What are ‘eating disorders’ and how would someone know if they were experiencing this? (How would parents/family/friends recognize the signs?)

Are there obsessions/rituals that people with eating disorders experience?

Where should someone go to if they are seeking help and happiness with an eating disorder?

Can you just reflect on the Therapy that you took part in and explain to listeners what that involved.

Therapy is a recovery process that may not ‘fit’ everyone. Do you think it’s possible to recover and ‘seek happiness’ by yourself (a ‘self-help journey’ without counselling)?

Recovery must be a difficult journey; what do you think were the most difficult moments for you?

I understand that you’re an author and have written some books about your experiences and how others can benefit. Can you tell our listeners a little about the books and where they can access them?

What do you do to help you relax and relieve the stresses of your life? Are you a member of any clubs or have any hobbies which help you when seeking happiness?

What type of books do you read? Can you make some recommendations for our listeners?

What are your TOP 3 TIPS to help anyone who might be feeling they need to make changes in their personal life or circumstances.

What do you think are the biggest issues faced by any individuals who want to create a happier lifestyle for themselves and their families?

Thank you for reading, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast:

Oct 08, 202144:39
Ep 11 - Didier and Andrew recap the past episodes.
Sep 22, 202156:09
Ep 10 - Andre & Dave - Los Nacho Hermanos
Sep 15, 202149:29
Ep 9 - Helen Mears - Teacher

Ep 9 - Helen Mears - Teacher

This week episode we have the pleasure to have Helen Mears who has been a teacher for the last 31 years.

Here is some question we be asking Helen:

  • Tell us a little about your early life and about the career choices you made?
  • Can you give us a few details about the job that you are now doing and the demands it makes of you?
  • What was the journey like into teaching when you joined?
  • Have you noticed the changes in expectations over the years and through the changing governments
  • Have you ever reached a point where you realised you wanted to make some lifestyle changes?
  • Can you elaborate upon how you made/are making these changes?
  • Tell us a little bit about the problems you faced during the Covid crisis in and how you overcame these. (Work/Family/Lifestyle Choices)
  • Can you run the listeners through what you do now in your ‘seeking happiness’ routine and explain how that helps you?
  • What type of books do you read?
  • Can you make some recommendations for our listeners?
  • What are your TOP 3 TIPS to help anyone who might be feeling they need to make changes in their personal life or circumstances.
  • What do you think are the biggest issues faced by any individuals who want to create a happier lifestyle for themselves and their families?
Sep 08, 202101:11:49
Ep 8 - Mark Rainsbury Bouncer, Businessman and Performer

Ep 8 - Mark Rainsbury Bouncer, Businessman and Performer

Sep 01, 202136:22
Ep 7 - Neil Milligan Microsoft Consultant

Ep 7 - Neil Milligan Microsoft Consultant

In this week's episode, we talk to Neil Milligan, his work at Microsoft, his idea of happiness, and his tips for a more fulfilling life.

Questions addressed this week include:

  • Tell us a little about your childhood and about the career choices you made
  • Can you give us a few details about the job that you are now doing and the demands it made of you – the journey to take you to the USA.
  • Can you run us through the steps you had to take to become a US CitizenI understand that you reached a point where you realized you wanted to make some lifestyle changes.
  • Can you elaborate upon how you went about making those changes?
  • You’re really into mental fitness (Life Coaching/Analysing Business Problems and Providing Solutions) – what does that bring to your life and how do you think it can help others to make positive changes on the journey to happiness.
  • Can you reflect upon your experience of ‘The Trump Administration’ Tell us a little bit about the problems you faced during the Covid crisis in the USA and how you overcame these. (Work/Family/Lifestyle Choices)
  • You’ve served some hospital time in recent years and had invasive surgery more recently – can you share a few details about your experiences and how you’ve managed to find a focus to overcome these difficult times.
  • What type of books do you read? Can you make some recommendations for our listeners.
  • What are your TOP 3 TIPS to help anyone who might be feeling they need to make changes in their personal life or circumstances.
  • What do you think are the biggest issues faced by any individuals who want to create a happier lifestyle for themselves and their families?

Thank you for reading, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast:

Aug 25, 202129:42
Ep 6 - Lena Kay Transformation Coach

Ep 6 - Lena Kay Transformation Coach

3,265,000 views on TedTalk “I believe we are born to win and programmed to lose” conversation with lovely and inspiring Lena Kay. Lena is a professional speaker, personal coach and woman Inspired influencer.

“Lena is very compassionate, highly spiritual and kind human being and best at her work. I will continue to work with her as I travel my entrepreneur journey. I would highly recommend her expertise to any business person…” Pranita Salunke – CEO of Vitality Health Clinic

Lena Kay’s Website:

Questions addressed this week include:

  • How is your Entrepreneur ventures are doing since we last spoke?
  • What is the most common thing people struggle with when they come to you to seek change?
  • You mention you avid health enthusiast, can you expand on this please?
  • What makes you happy, on a daily basic what is your routine if you have some?
  • What make a marriage last for you, what is the lows and how do you overcome issues in your relationship?
  • What advice would you give your 20 year old today?
  • What cool project you currently working on right now? A new book, an new TedTalk, new service?
  • What would you advise to people struggling right now with their life and seek more happiness in their life?
  • What do you do to relax?
  • Books, you recommend?

Thank you for reading, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast:

Aug 18, 202137:50
Ep 5 - Lucia Riley End of life care
Aug 15, 202137:13
Ep 4 - Cathy Rai NHS Midwife
Aug 03, 202143:05
Ep 3 - Jane Considine Author and Education Consultant

Ep 3 - Jane Considine Author and Education Consultant

Jane Considine is an Education Consultant who energises and inspires thousands of teachers every year, helping them to transform the teaching of reading, writing and spelling in the primary education phase.

Jane has authored two best-selling books, Hooked On Books and The Write Stuff, that have sold thousands of copies all over the world. Jane’s books outline her clear and systemic approaches to the teaching of reading and writing. In spring 2021 Jane will be releasing her next publications, a series of spelling systems. Like her books on the teaching of reading and writing, The Spelling Book – Transforming the Teaching of Spelling will revolutionise the way spelling is taught in the classroom.

We will be asking Jane the following questions:

  • Tell us a little about your journey into education? – Teaching, National Literacy Strategy, Setting up your own educational enterprise- ‘The Training Space’
  • You went from being a Teacher to a really busy and hectic education consultancy role, travelling to all corners of the UK (personal interaction), to online sessions. Can you tell us what was the decision process behind this and has it made your life happier? How?
  • Tell us a little about ‘Teacher Squad’.
  • You’ve written a few books Jane. Tell us a little about those and how we can access them.
  • What books do you read Jane? Are there any books you could recommend to our listeners that might guide them or offer some insight into making positive life changes as they ‘seek happiness’?
  • Can you reflect upon how you feel the primary education system is responding to pupil needs at present; in light of the Covid Crisis and your general feelings about direction for the future.
  • Clearly, what you’re offering can bring greater ‘happiness’ to parents and their children. What would you say are your top 3 tips for parents to help themselves and their children with their educational aspirations (primary – secondary – college – university)
  • What do you think the road to happiness looks like? Do you feel ‘anyone/everyone’ is capable of making change/utilising their unharnessed personal skills (motivation, problem-solving, creativity)?
Aug 03, 202158:58
Ep 2 - English Actor Paul Candelent.

Ep 2 - English Actor Paul Candelent.

Paul Candelent is an English Actor ( who will be playing one of Grindelwald‘s bodyguards in the upcoming Fantastic Beasts 3 (2022), he also acted in Indiana jones 5 (2022) Age of the Living Dead (2018) and The Ipcress File (2021).

We will be having a conversation about his amazing life journey which took him from Prison to Personal Happiness Questions are outlined below.

  • Tell us a little about your life journey Paul. Walk/Talk us through your childhood first – Where did you grow up? What did your upbringing look like?
  • You went from a really safe/normal/happy childhood into some dark corners. Can you tell us about those dark corners and how you dealt with them?
  • Male mental health issues are a big media topic at the moment (males being encouraged to share their inner problems and issues). Is this an area that you understand personally?
  • Tell us a little about your current lifestyle choices and what you hope to achieve.
  • You’ve started writing a book, I understand, about your life Paul. Tell us about that. I’ve heard a little about your life story and think it would make a great film; any plans to get that underway?
  • I’d like to talk a little bit your spiritual side. Can you explain to us what that looks like and what it brings into your life?
  • What books do you read now Paul? Are there any books you could recommend to our listeners that might guide them or offer some insight into making positive life changes as they ‘seek happiness’?
  • How has the Covid crisis affected you Paul?
  • Clearly, your story and the advice you’re offering can bring greater ‘happiness’ to a multitude of people. What would you say are your top 3 tips for anyone who wants to make positive change and seek a life of happiness.
  • What do you think the road to happiness looks like? Do you feel ‘anyone/everyone’ is capable of making change/utilising their unharnessed personal skills (motivation, problem-solving, creativity)?
  • Where can we find out more about you and your work Paul?
Aug 02, 202147:42
Ep 1 - Mark Peters NLP Master Teacher

Ep 1 - Mark Peters NLP Master Teacher

We’re all ‘Seeking Happiness’ right?

We’re Andy Milligan & Didier Soulier and we’re on a mission to make positive life changes and on a journey to find that elusive life quality called ‘happiness’. We want you to share our journey and make your own positive life changes as we interview life coaches, public service professionals, and masters of business and industry.

Episode 1:
Mark Peters – NLP Master Teacher

In this week’s episode, we talk to a good friend: author and NLP therapist Mark Peters at Balance Approach

Mark is a Master Teacher of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). He’s been a life coach and therapist for almost 20 years: Clinical Hypnotherapy,; CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy); ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy), and Tai Chi & Qigong Teacher.

Mark offers a range of balanced and coordinated services including:

  • NLP Training
  • Coaching Training
  • Business Development Training
  • Personal Development Training

We will talk about actual tips and tricks to help you right now if you struggle with emotional management and low self-esteem and many other questions likes the ones below:

  • What does NLP means and what does it entail?
  • How did Mark end up taking this line of work?
  • What are the best tips and tricks to help people suffering from emotional management?
  • Where can we find Mark’s details?
  • What does Mark do for fun?
  • What does Mark do to relax?
  • Any books Mark can recommend?

Thank you for reading, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast.

Aug 02, 202101:05:44