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Sunday Sermons from Trinity UMC Lincoln, Nebraska

Sunday Sermons from Trinity UMC Lincoln, Nebraska

By Jeff Slater

A rebroadcast of each Sunday sermon at Trinity United Methodist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.
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Pentecost 2024

Sunday Sermons from Trinity UMC Lincoln, NebraskaMay 19, 2024

Born Again and Again. And Again.

Born Again and Again. And Again.

You know that feeling when you’re lost?

Ok, how about when your LIFE feels lost?

Join us as we hear the story of a man who came to Jesus in the middle of the night seeking more. Jesus’ answer showed him just how much more there was… and introduced him to the process of accepting the gift of true life.

Jun 02, 202416:45
12 Stones at Gilgal

12 Stones at Gilgal

Memorial Day Weekend is about remembering and connection— remembering those who’ve sacrificed for us, connection with those we love.

Today, we’ll talk about that connection and how it is also connection with God— the one who loves us most and has given the most for us. Join in to deepen your experience this weekend, to become a more whole, balanced person.

May 26, 202417:22
Pentecost 2024

Pentecost 2024

May 19, 202415:43
Dream: How It Happens

Dream: How It Happens

Ok. So we trust that God is transforming the world. But we still wonder how it’s even possible. This time, we wrap up our Easter series on God’s dream for the world, looking at HOW God “makes all things new.” The answer may surprise you not because of how big it is, but because of how small. Join us to see what God can do with YOU!

May 12, 202414:38
Dream: Comma

Dream: Comma

Ever wonder how God sees our problems?
The problems we face in our life can be so much bigger than us that we can’t see beyond them. But God can— and does!
Join us as we continue our series on God’s dream for us and for the world, focusing this time on the obstacles that get in the way. By God’s grace and help, there is nothing that cannot be overcome!

May 05, 202414:04


It's human nature to focus on what needs done right around us. But sometimes, it gives us hope to see what God is doing in faraway places. Today, we have a special treat: special guests from our ministry partners in Kenya! Join us to hear their experiences. You will be blessed!

Apr 28, 202418:51
Dream: The Body

Dream: The Body

Ever notice how some things equal more than the sum of their parts?
Join us as we look at how God brings us together to change the world. (And we MIGHT do it by way of children’s television from the 80s and 90s…)

Apr 21, 202419:31
Dream: Gifted

Dream: Gifted

What’s your gift?
We often say someone is “gifted” if they’re talented at something. But “spiritual gifts” in the Bible go deeper still. Among other things, they show you the role God made for you to play.
You may discover a gift— and a purpose— you never knew you had!

Apr 14, 202416:28
Dream: First, Us

Dream: First, Us

God has a dream— to make all things new.

This Sunday we start a new series for the Easter season, all about God’s dream for the world and our place in it. This week begins in the only place we can truly start: within our own hearts.

Join us as we start the restoration of the world in our own hearts!

Apr 07, 202415:56
Easter 2024: Sunday

Easter 2024: Sunday

Why does Easter matter?

It's human nature to get stuck without fully living into the transformation God brings. Join us as we live into the fact that God is making all things new!

Mar 31, 202413:56
Mark: Color

Mark: Color

It’s Palm Sunday, where we wave palm branches and sing “Hosannah!”
But why do we do it? Because it’s also the start of the Holy Week story. This story is at the core of Christianity, and it has the power to shape us into the very best of who we are in God.

Mar 24, 202419:29
Mark: Attachment

Mark: Attachment

You know the thing about the fish who doesn’t know what the ocean is? What’s YOUR version?
This morning we start with a simple observation that money has shaped each of us far more than we care to admit or are even aware. The good news is that Jesus knew it too, and he speakes to it quite directly.
Join us as we continue Lent by examining our lives and receiving Jesus’ help to be more whole.

Mar 17, 202420:21
Mark: Distorted Reality

Mark: Distorted Reality

Ever encounter a “reality distortion field?”
You know, like when we get so caught up in someone else’s strong emotion, or in a news story, or something we legitimately care about— but lose sight of the actual facts of the world?
Join us as we watch Jesus pull his disciples back, again and again, from their distorted reality. And in the process, he shows us the surprisingly simple way to escape our own “reality distortion fields!”

Mar 10, 202424:02
Mark: Obstacles

Mark: Obstacles

Most things worth doing will run into obstacles.
This Sunday we hear the story of one of Jesus’ miraculous healings. But the healing may not be the biggest “miracle.” Wait until you hear the obstacles that were overcome just to make it happen! The story will renew your own “get up and go” to follow Jesus.

Mar 03, 202419:16
Mark: Longing

Mark: Longing

We all have a longing for more.
This week we begin the season of Lent, as we seek to live a life more aligned with God. Sometimes, that means adding something new to your life. Sometimes, it means dropping something to make space. But regardless, it means leaning into longing.

Feb 18, 202422:01
Doubt: Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Doubt: Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Why do the innocent suffer?
That question is the biggest source of doubt for faith— if God is all-powerful and all-loving, why does God allow so many terrible things to happen? We won’t be able to answer the question in the logical sense, but can enter into it together and let God use our doubt to help us grow.
Join us at as we wrap up this sermon series on doubt that has been so enriching to so many of us!

Feb 11, 202423:16
Doubt: When Prayers Go Unanswered

Doubt: When Prayers Go Unanswered

Have you ever wondered what’s going on with unanswered prayer?
Sometimes it seems like God answers petty prayers, then is silent on big things. Why is this? What are we to make of it?
Join us as we look at what Jesus said, plus famous examples of seemingly unanswered prayer in the Bible itself. I promise you’ll leave with a richer understanding and a desire to not only pray, but to work alongside God in the process!

Feb 04, 202422:13
Doubt: Are all non-Christians going to hell?

Doubt: Are all non-Christians going to hell?

Are all non-Christians going to hell?
How can we balance our own understanding of God with so many other global religions and spiritual practices? Are we the only ones who've got it right?
Join us as we explore the multifaceted nature of understanding God. From ancient civilizations to the profound teachings of Jesus, we'll embark on a journey through history to unravel  perspectives on heaven and hell, striving for clarity amidst complexity.

Jan 28, 202429:00
Doubt: Is the Bible True?

Doubt: Is the Bible True?

Is the Bible really true?
It’s not wrong to ask that question, in fact it’s helpful. What do we do with parts of the Bible that are violent? Misogynistic? Clearly wrong?
Join us for a deep dive on how a faithful, thinking person can engage the Bible. I promise you will walk away with a deeper view of the presence and goodness of God!

Jan 21, 202423:09
Doubt: Is There a God?

Doubt: Is There a God?

Do you ever doubt God? The Bible? Religion?

No worries, you’re in good company— in one survey, 94% of church attenders said they often have doubt!

But maybe doubt is actually a gift. Healthy doubt, held well, has the potential to save us from bad beliefs while making the good ones more personal.

Jan 14, 202423:34


Join us as we celebrate Confirmation and re-affirm our own commitment to walk this faith journey hand in hand!

Jan 07, 202413:27


The last Old Testament prophet.
That’s what some people call John the Baptist. He arrived on the scene telling folks that something BIG was about to happen. God’s kingdom was about to come in a new way.
Just one thing: you have to check your pride at the door.

Dec 10, 202314:27
Taking a Stand

Taking a Stand

Ever seen something wrong? What did you do about it?
Opportunities to do the right thing abound. If we’re honest, sometimes we make the right decision, sometimes we don’t. But there’s an ancient story that gives us hope.

Nov 26, 202323:33
To Spread Hope

To Spread Hope

The worst thing is neve the last thing.
If there’s one truth we see over and over in the Bible and in each other, it’s that. And yet, from time to time, each of us finds ourselves in “pity party mode.”
Join us as we renew our sense of God’s goodness and commitment to see us through even the most difficult of times— and as we remember that our first job is to PROCLAIM hope!

Nov 19, 202320:02
What Generosity Does

What Generosity Does

Have you ever met a truly generous person? What did their face look like?

Often, when we talk about giving, we talk about the good it does. But generosity changes the giver more than the receiver. I’m guessing the generous person you pictured had a face full of joy.

Join us as we receive the wisdom of one of the Bible’s Proverbs and discuss the steps— literal steps— to living such a full life ourselves!

Nov 12, 202319:21
Passing the Mantle

Passing the Mantle

This is a special Sunday: All Saints’ Sunday.

Today we remember those who have gone before us— family, friends, teachers, even animals. We lift them up, remember what they gave us, and give thanks to God. As we do, we have a sense that they are never as far away as it seems.

Join us as we light candles, share in Communion, and celebrate that part of them which lives on in us.

Nov 05, 202319:21
The Garden and The Jungle

The Garden and The Jungle

Everything worth having takes work— especially relationships and peace.
Today we read a story from the Bible where neglected relationships lead to division, even among God’s people. But a look at the wider story shows that God is always working to restore us.
Join us as we wrestle with the hard work it takes to keep our relationships and community healthy— and look to God for help!

Oct 29, 202319:29
Who God Chooses

Who God Chooses

What does it mean to be “great?”

Careful… God’s answer may be different than your’s!

Join us this as we read the story that led to the Old Testament’s greatest king. It totally upends everyone’s expectations and helps us see the world through God’s eyes, too.

Oct 22, 202320:21
The Value of the Other

The Value of the Other

Sometimes we need reminding just how rich a life we can have.
Today we hear the story of Ruth in the Bible. On the surface, it’s a touching story of loyalty and friendship between generations. But dig deeper, and it reveals one of the secrets to a truly full life.

Oct 15, 202320:53
Always New

Always New

Ever notice the best things in life change over time?
Fresh produce, flowers in the garden, trees in the Fall… Their beauty changes over time.
Today, we’re going to look at a single Bible verse whose meaning has changed over centuries— it’s an example of how God is always speaking to us in new ways. Join us to discover what new thing God will say to YOU today!

Oct 08, 202322:20


Have you ever been afraid to do something really big, even though you know it’s a good thing?
Today we read the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. Come hear one of the greatest leaders of all time hem, haw, and make excuses for all the reasons he’s not right for the job. And… come hear God tell you that God will lift YOU up, too!

Oct 01, 202323:14
Where God Is Found

Where God Is Found

What limits you? Is it your body— an old injury? Your mind? Your impulses?
Join us as we explore an interesting idea: Our limits are precisely where we meet God. Our weakness is where we find strength. Come give the limits of who you are to God, and watch how God transforms them— and you— into something beautiful!

Sep 24, 202322:14


Are you dreaming big enough?

Join us as we study the story of Abraham and Sarah, two people who laughed at God's promise, thinking it was impossible. We’ll learn that God promises a future with hope, and while we might grow impatient, God never backs down from a promise.

Sep 17, 202323:45
Suicide Prevention Week

Suicide Prevention Week

This is a special Sunday at Trinity: Suicide Prevention Week.

Join us as we learn about suicide prevention and how we can be a source of support to those around us. We’ll hear stories from the Bible of people who struggled themselves, and see how God helped them.

We’ll end in a profoundly HOPEFUL place!

Sep 10, 202329:21
God's Promise

God's Promise

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever been through?

Guess what? God was with you.

This is the deepest meaning of one of the best-known Bible stories: Noah’s Ark. Join us this morning at 9 and 10:30 as we dive deep in the meaning of it, including the animals two by two, yes, but real hope comes from the rainbow at the end. 

Sep 03, 202321:46
Shame: Together

Shame: Together

Shame and broken relationships.

They go together, don’t they? Sometimes shame breaks relationships, other times broken relationships cause shame.

The good news is that God provides a surprising cure: HEALTHY relationships have the power to transform our shame into new life!

Aug 27, 202316:49
Shame: Transformed

Shame: Transformed

Who are you really? Have you ever been treated like someone you’re not?
This morning we’ll sing, pray, and consider the untrue stories we collect about ourselves. The good news is that the only fully true story about us is the one that’s comes from God— a story of redemption and goodness.

Aug 20, 202318:25
Shame: Just As You Are

Shame: Just As You Are

We all have baggage we carry. But is there anything in your past that makes you hang your head whenever you remember it?
Shame is a part of life, but God helps us not only move past it, but to transform it into something that gives you life. Join us as we start a new series that aims to trade in our shame for something better!

Aug 13, 202319:07
Faith At the Movies: The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Faith At the Movies: The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Have you ever wanted to throw a video game controller across the room?

(Ok, ok……. ever actually done it?)

This Faith at the Movies week! We’re talking about The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Pastor Jeff is singling out an experience we’ve all had: failure. And more failure. And more failure. Until we finally catch on. It’s a concept for which there may be no better teacher than Peter in the Bible.

Aug 06, 202315:07
Fully Alive

Fully Alive

Fully alive. We say it every week, but what does it mean? We often sense that Trinity is a special place, but why?
Join us as Pastor Jeff shares a special sermon on what makes Trinity unique. We’ll study the scriptures that guide our leadership and we’ll be inspired to live it out more fully. It’s not complete unless you’re part of it!

Jul 30, 202322:27
Sabbath: Resting In Creation

Sabbath: Resting In Creation

Doesn’t it feel good to get outside sometimes? Good, as in, “right?”

Join us for the final week of the Sabbath series as God reminds us who we are, and just how connected we are to the earth.

But it goes beyond trees and grass… come be reminded of how God is making YOU into a NEW creation!

Jul 23, 202317:51
Sabbath Justice

Sabbath Justice

Do you ever feel like you’re just plugging a dam with your fingers?

There’s so much that needs done in our broken world, not to mention our broken lives, and it can feel like we have two choices: ignore it or despair about it. Sometimes we try to help and it feels like not even a drop in a very large bucket.

There’s an answer for that: Sabbath.

Join us this morning for the third— and perhaps most surprising— week in our series on why rest matters. It may not change the world, but it might change YOU!

Jul 16, 202322:59
Sabbath: Work to LIVE

Sabbath: Work to LIVE

Why are you here?
Yeah, I mean that in the biggest sense possible. Why are you here on this earth, in this life?
There is a way to be reminded of your purpose that is so simple we take it for granted: Sabbath. Join us as we continue our series exploring why it matters and how we can better practice it!

Jul 09, 202315:55
Sabbath: The Art of True Rest

Sabbath: The Art of True Rest

How good are you at resting? REALLY resting?
Be honest… do you know how to truly enjoy a moment with those you love and world around you? Or do you reach for your phone or some other distraction to fill the “gap?”
This week we start a new series, simply called “Sabbath,” exploring the art of true rest. Prepare yourself to appreciate life more deeply!

Jul 02, 202321:13
June 25, 2023: Your Place in the Body

June 25, 2023: Your Place in the Body

Join Pastor Tom for Sunday Worship in this last week of June.

Jun 25, 202320:52
Sunday June 18: Running the Race

Sunday June 18: Running the Race

Join Pastor Tom as we talk about Running the Race on Sunday June 18, 2023.

Jun 18, 202319:07
Christmas In June: The Christmas Stories June 11

Christmas In June: The Christmas Stories June 11

Join Pastor Tom as we revisit Christmas in June this Sunday, June 11, 2023.

Jun 11, 202308:28
Trinity Sunday: The Face of God

Trinity Sunday: The Face of God

Join Pastor Tom in his sermon "Trinity Sunday: The Face of God" from June 4, 2023

Jun 04, 202314:14


Pentecost is a holiday equal with Christmas and Easter in the church, but many don’t realize it’s significant. Come celebrate with us and learn how the presence of the Holy Spirit adds so much to life!

May 28, 202315:47


Jesus did all those miracles. But that kind of thing doesn’t happen any more. Right?
Don’t be so sure! Just because God’s work looks different than in Jesus’ day doesn’t mean it’s any less real. And even more interesting is HOW God’s work gets done.

May 21, 202313:43