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Enuhvative Talk!!!

Enuhvative Talk!!!

By Shamie Spencer

This podcast was designed with YOU In mind. This is the forum that allows you to speak what is on your mind, whilst educating you and giving you our unfiltered opinions. Come on over! Let us laugh, talk, and even cry together. Please click the icon with the $ sign, and for small donations you can always cash app, $shamiespencer- should you feel the urge to assist this podcast. It is going to be fun!🙂🙂😃. Thanks again for joining in.
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No Stress Around Here!!

Enuhvative Talk!!!Aug 13, 2020

Tapping Into your Talent!!

Tapping Into your Talent!!

I would like you to start tapping into those hidden talents. You have been sitting on them far too long, and that is the reason why you are always feeling as if there is a void. It is time you realize who you are, and whose you are.  Do enjoy guys. And ladies you can join my group on Facebook , "The women's Palace.  Our intention is to create a network with  talented women.

For small contribution, you can cashapp at :$shamiespencer

Jan 19, 202111:46


There comes a time in your life when you have to say "NO", for some this will be easy, whilst some struggle with this two letter word every day. My advice is, sometimes, you just have to say "NO",  and realize that you are not a bad person, you just have to take a stand sometimes and say "NO".

Thank you for listening in advance. Continue to share and support this podcast. Much appreciated.

Nov 24, 202010:27
Is it Right for a Female to propose?

Is it Right for a Female to propose?

This is a repetitive questions, and the truth is, there is no right or wrong answers, because  everyone is entitled to what they believe in, and how much they believe in it.  Today I would like to share my viewpoints on this topic,  and I trust it will help someone along the way. However, I would really love to hear your opinions on this .

Thanks again guys!

Nov 11, 202037:22
Travelling in the Pandemic!!

Travelling in the Pandemic!!

I had to travel in this pandemic! I wanted to see what it would really be like. I thought I was going to lose my mind being locked up for 8 solid months. Things have changed, and it may be the new norm for now, but I have decided  a long time ago, that I will not be stopped or crippled by fear, NO COVID 19 is going to steal my Joy! so I went and see what is happening  the rest of world, and to my surprise! the world is still "KEEPING" lol. People are living and adjusting.  Wearing their mask, social distancing, sanitizing,  washing their hands, and going about their normal business. In other words, when life throws you  lemons, try to find away to make lemonade out of it. 

Oct 29, 202014:50
The Art of Forgiveness!

The Art of Forgiveness!

At some point in time we all face the challenge of should I forgive, how do I forgive, and how do I forget? This is indeed a struggle, but something we all have to face at some point in time, bearing in mind that forgiveness is a choice. You can choose to be bitter or better. I would like to hear your thoughts, and how you have overcome the challenges of forgiveness,-  and if you are still struggling with it.

Many thanks, guys. Please continue to listen to Enuhvatove Talk.

Sep 25, 202013:20
Is He Cheating?

Is He Cheating?

This question may have come across your mind at least one time during your relationship. And sometimes your intuition is right, whilst sometimes, you are so wrong. At times we often used our past experience to judge the person we are currently with -because of past experiences or patterns we are now seeing, that indicates that our partner is cheating?

But is that the right way to find out or judge if we are being cheated on, join me in this discussion today.

Thanks, guys.

Sep 14, 202013:02
Is Money Evil, or the Lack Thereof!

Is Money Evil, or the Lack Thereof!

We were taught that money is evil, but I beg to differ. It is only evil in the wrong persons' hands-who uses it to do harm. However, the lack of money is a sin, and that is evil. I reject Poverty! People should be able to have what they desire, we should be able to help our fellow friends,  family, and everyone they come in contact with. Stop being afraid of having money, money is your friend, start embracing that concept today, and realize that you are deserving of millions.

Thank you once again guys for always listening.  Much appreciated.

Sep 11, 202012:25
Surving the Long Distance Relationship

Surving the Long Distance Relationship

For those who are in a long-distance relationship, I am here to tell you there is hope. So do not feel dismayed.  Long-distance relationship has its pros and cons, but I choose to see all the positives that exist.  Let us come up with some more innovative ideas on how we can make our long-distance relationship work. 

I would love to hear from you my listeners if you are in a long-distance relationship, and how things are working out for you.

Many thanks once again.

Sep 08, 202011:23
The Election is Finally Over

The Election is Finally Over

The Jamaica election is finally over, and there is so much I would like to say. Please listen to my views and share your views too.

Many thanks, guys.

Sep 04, 202011:09
Vote and be the difference!

Vote and be the difference!

It is imperative that we all exercise our constitutional right to vote.  I believe that if you are not a part of the solution, then you are definitely a part of the problem.  When voting, one must try not to be bias or influenced by their personal prejudice, but to be fear in their approach, assess the candidate and their manifestos, and see how well it will benefit you and the people of the country, but please be realistic when taking these things into consideration.  Vote with a clear conscience, knowing that the persons running to form the government are hard workers and have given and will continue to give their best.

Thanks, guys!!

Sep 01, 202010:58
Revealing a Secrete

Revealing a Secrete

We all have little secrets that we are afraid to reveal to persons we know or getting to know. We are afraid of their reactions and what they may think about us when such information is shared. The reality is, there is no great need to share what you consider a secrete to anyone if it is nothing detrimental. However, some secrets need to be shared with persons we love or care about in order for them to make a conscious decision. They should have a choice to decide if they want to be apart of your life or not. If you care about them, they surely deserve that much.

Do not isolate yourself due to your secrete, you are not dead, that means you still have a fighting chance at life. Live and Love again...

Thanks, guys!!

Sep 01, 202013:26
Stay Motivated!

Stay Motivated!

Today is the day that you must stay motivated, you cannot allow the pressures of life to get you down. It is time to start dreaming and manifesting all those things you have always wanted to do or achieve. It is never too late to begin anything your heart desires. No excuse is valid, you have to do the things you dream of accomplishing with no fear.  Your motivation will come from changing your thought process.  Try it today ! you will be happy you listened to this podcast.

Many thanks my Conquerers.

Aug 25, 202013:37
The Break Up!

The Break Up!

At some point in time, we have all experienced a broken heart.  It is somewhat inevitable,  but the best part of a breakup, is the transition that we have experienced, having gone through that place of darkness and loneliness, and have come out at the end smiling, whilst being grateful for such an experience, and being able to look back and realize this was not my fault, this had to happen for both us to realize who we are, and what we really deserve.

Aug 23, 202016:31
Your Choices!

Your Choices!

Everyone is given a choice,  the choice to be happy or the choice to be sad. Often times, we say," I have no choice", but I can assure you that you do.

You can make the decision today to make good of your choices.  Do not allow fear or assumption to stop you from making the right choices.  Start using the power of choices today.

Thank you for listening my conquerors.

Aug 23, 202011:13
Stop searching his Phone!!

Stop searching his Phone!!

We may all be guilty of searching our partner's phone, but the question is, is this right to do, do you think you have the right to know.  I honestly think you can't handle the truth (lol). Please join me today with my friend Tamara, as she shares her experience with us in regards to searching her partner's phone and the outcome.

PS. there may be some expletives in these conversations, so you must be 18 and older to listen to this particular podcast. Many thanks guys.

Aug 20, 202029:36
Do it Afraid!!

Do it Afraid!!

We all have fears, and we sometimes allow it to destroy our lives.  Fear is natural and it is a part of our lives, but at the same time, we cannot allow it to cripple us and stop us from living. Today's topic is on fear, and I will be discussing how much fear can hurt us if we allow it to.  I will share some pointers with you that may able to help you to overcome some of those fears. 

Thank you guys for listening and sharing, you are so appreciated. Many thanks.

Aug 20, 202015:05
Do not Meddle In your Friend's Relationship!

Do not Meddle In your Friend's Relationship!

I know you care about your friend, and you want the best for them, but sometimes you have to be careful of the things we say about his/her partner, even though you have the best of intentions, sometimes this could be to your own detriment -so be very careful. Sometimes all you can do is just listen and be supportive, and if you have nothing good to say, it is best not to say anything.

Thanks for listening my Conquerors. Much appreciated.

Aug 19, 202015:06
Its Ok - Superman!

Its Ok - Superman!

Often times, our male counterparts are left to believe that they are SUPERMAN! and they go through life believing that they are, so he hides behind the mask and the cape, and pretends to be someone he is not. He was taught to show emotions and to brush it off and move on. When in fact, he is only human and has the same desires and emotions as his female counterparts.

So today's show is going to help Superman to relax and allow us to take care of him for a change.  Many thanks for listening my wonderful conquerors, continue to support this podcast, it is much appreciated.  Also, share this with all the males you know, let them know we love them!

Aug 17, 202013:56


When it comes on to relationships, everyone has a concern. So with this Podcast, you are going to find many topics that may concern you in regards to a relationship in general. Our aim is to highlight the good, the bad, and the indifference. As our objective is to provide you with ideas and our personal opinions on how we think your life can be better.

Many thanks again for listening, and your opinions and input is always welcome. Thanks again, my Conquerors!

Aug 16, 202004:05:53
The Christian Transformation Part 1

The Christian Transformation Part 1

Join us today, as our special guess Nakia, takes us through her Christian journey.  She will explain in detail how her life has been transformed, and how she is coping and embracing such a change. We hope this podcast is able to reach and help a new convert, or someone who is seriously thinking about giving his/her life to Christ., and that they will soon realize, that serving Christ is not boring, neither is it a strain.  Please join us for part 2 soon.

Thank you for always supporting and listening.

Aug 15, 202019:03
Why are these Servers attacking Me!(lol)

Why are these Servers attacking Me!(lol)

Have you ever felt as if you are being attacked by one set of persons over a short period of time? well I have, this is indeed an interesting day. Join me today, as I tell you all about my day at the restaurants today. If you have had any similar situation, I would love to hear. (lol)

Thanks again my conquerers for listening.

Aug 14, 202014:09
I am Dating a Married Man, is this - Right or Wrong?

I am Dating a Married Man, is this - Right or Wrong?

Do you think it is right for a single female to date a married man? A lot of women at some point in time have been faced with such a decision, and some have managed to escape with their hearts, while some are left afraid and alone. Everyone will be faced with choices, there are good and bad choices,  but it is up to YOU to chose what is best for YOU. It doesn't matter the heartache and pain that comes with it.  With time! you shall heal, and that is a guarantee. Please join me as I speak on this topic, I would love to hear your opinion or your experience. 

Thank you so much for listening, please like and share this podcast. And if you can assist me in taking this podcast to the world and for us to continue in supporting and helping abused girls and women in Jamaica, please do so, any contribution is worth it. Many thanks.

Aug 14, 202020:16
No Stress Around Here!!

No Stress Around Here!!

Why are You so stressed out over the simplest things, that is the question they always ask us, but we all deal with our stress differently?  Stress is a part of our daily lives, that is why we have to learn to live with it, conquer it, and never let it overtake us.  You are stronger than you think, let us fight this stress together. We are more than conquers, never you forget that.

Thank you so much for listening...

Aug 13, 202012:40
Lonely but Not Alone..

Lonely but Not Alone..

We sometimes believe that being alone is one of our worst fears, but that depends on how you look at it and your complete definition of loneliness and being alone. The truth is, you were never designed or created to be alone, so what you are feeling is quite natural, and at some point in time, we will all experience some form of loneliness. Being with someone does not mean you cannot feel lonely, therefore, this feeling of loneliness can be solved with a few pointers I am going to share. Notwithstanding, I would also love to hear from you in regard to your opinion of loneliness, and when you feel that loneliness, what is it that you do to make things better.

Aug 11, 202015:34


Patience is a virtue! mmmh!! where have I heard that before. Often times we are too easily agitated and allow the simple things in life to bring us stress, However, if we try our hardest, we may be able to overcome the obstacle of being impatient, and practice the art of being patient. This is a struggle for me, and I would love to take you on my journey, where I am totally transparent as to who I am. I will share me with you, and would love it if you did the same. This is a safe place to let it all out, as we aim to help each other  with the things we struggle with in our daily lives. So come with me, lets talk.

Aug 10, 202011:44
Lets talk about the Pandemic!

Lets talk about the Pandemic!

How has the  pandemic affected you and your family, how is your sex life, how are your finances and how are you coping. I want to hear, fill me in!!!

Aug 10, 202001:19:30
August 10, 2020

August 10, 2020

Aug 10, 202000:46