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Learning Life This Way

Learning Life This Way

By Shannon Tamez

This podcast will feature solo as well as interviews discussing life lessons we've had to learn. We will discuss what we learned from them, what we loved about them, and how we grew from them.

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What No One Says About Mother's Day

Learning Life This WayMay 15, 2024

What No One Says About Grief

What No One Says About Grief

This week I received some sad news of my uncle unexpectantly passing away. In my grief, I started getting angry about things that have not bothered me in a long time. Nothing to do with the sadness I felt for losing my uncle. Recognizing this helped me to snap out of it so I no longer was staying in a low vibrational state. Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

May 30, 202409:09
What No One Says About Perception

What No One Says About Perception

This week I share how we perceive others sometimes has nothing to do with what they actually done but our own belief in who they are. However, often times it is based on how they have treated them in the past.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

May 22, 202416:02
What No One Says About Mother's Day

What No One Says About Mother's Day

This week I share how I spent my Mother's Day. Spoiler alert: Locked in my room and I loved every minute of it.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

May 15, 202405:31
What No One Says About Rainy Days

What No One Says About Rainy Days

This week I share how it is being cooped in the house with small children. How it is dealing attitudes, getting in my physical activity, and doing activities.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Pixabay

May 08, 202407:53
What No One Says About Finding A Partner

What No One Says About Finding A Partner

This week I share my opinion in how to find a partner, and it may not be what you expect. This is not only limited to a romantic partner either. I also mean when it comes to friendships as well.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Pixabay

May 01, 202410:02
What No One Says About Triggers

What No One Says About Triggers

This is a quick little check in episode where I discussed what has triggered in the last week and how I have processed through them.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Apr 24, 202407:18
What No One Says to Holding Onto Anger

What No One Says to Holding Onto Anger

This week I share how I pinpointed some residual anger I'm still on hold onto and how I am working on releasing it.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Apr 10, 202408:60
What No One Says About Acceptance Pt 2

What No One Says About Acceptance Pt 2

Sorry for the delay, but I'm back. I recorded this episode last week and forgot to post it. SMH! Anyhow, this week I am giving more thoughts on acceptance. What you have to accept for yourself and from others.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Apr 04, 202413:04
What No One Says About Happiness

What No One Says About Happiness

They have found that one of the top reasons kids thrive in life is based on their mother's happiness when growing up. So I share what I am doing to work on my own happiness so that I can be a reflection for my kids.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Mar 20, 202410:32
What No One Says About Shame

What No One Says About Shame

I was asked to share a story on a radio show about a time I was in South Beach and the camera crew from Girls Gone Wild came in to start filming. My friends and I refused to be recorded so we would stop dancing as soon as the camera was facing us. I didn't want to risk my dad watching TV at night and seeing me on one of those commercials. Imagine the shame I would have felt. Not only from me, but more importantly from myself.

So this week I share when it's worth to have a little shame in order to make better decisions for your life.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint.

Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Mar 13, 202407:44
What No One Says About Your Kid's Behavior

What No One Says About Your Kid's Behavior

This week I share how my oldest son really tested "my gansta." I noticed recently how his behavior was changing at home and how he was speaking to my husband and I. This was not something I was going to tolerate especially coming from a six year old. All I could think about if I let this behavior slide, he would think it was ok to act like this outside our home.

So talk about what I contribute to this behavior and how my husband and I are working on it.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint.

Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Mar 06, 202410:45
What No One Says About Listening to Your Gut

What No One Says About Listening to Your Gut

This week I am inspired by the story told by RessaTessa on Tik Tok and when I didn't listen to my gut. I'm also sharing how I have become better and recognizing when my gut is trying to tell me something and listening to it.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint.

Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Feb 28, 202409:55
What No One Says About Self Care as a Parent

What No One Says About Self Care as a Parent

This week I share how I have managed self care for myself. I know it is important to take some alone for myself, but I also want my kids to see me take care of myself so I can be an example to them.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint.

Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Feb 21, 202412:53
What No One Says About Friendships

What No One Says About Friendships

Welcome to Learning Life This Way podcast!  Today's episode I talk about friendships and when you know it's time to walk away. Thankfully we have become more aware about setting boundaries for ourselves.  Unfortunately, sometimes we give people a pass too many times because we consider them friends.  It's not to say, everyone should be perfect. But when we start to see signs and how they treat others, we should take an inventory of how these friends are showing up it our lives.  Or how do we show up for them.

So I hope you enjoy!


IG: @beingshannondora

Music Cred: Ivymusic @ pixabay

Feb 14, 202412:19
What No One Says About Loving From Afar

What No One Says About Loving From Afar

This week I share what I am working through in real time. I have finally come to terms that people can't give you what they don't have. So in order for me to handle it, I have learned that I have to protect myself and love from afar. I can't make them treat me any differently. I just have to put up my boundary and keep it moving. Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint. Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay
Feb 07, 202411:17
What No One Tells You About Resentment

What No One Tells You About Resentment

This week I breakdown how I was able to process pass feeling resentment to get to the root cause. I noticed I was having some emotions I was not use to feeling and ones I didn't find comfortable. So I share how I was able to get to the bottom of it and help me release the negative emotions.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jan 31, 202416:14
What No One Says About Compassion

What No One Says About Compassion

This week I talk about having compassion before criticism. I recently saw a post from a teacher criticizing parents. While there may have been truth to what she was saying, if you're not communicating with compassion, no one will hear your message. But this also goes both ways, parents need to understand how difficult it is to be a teacher under the circumstances in this country. So my message is to have compassion for one another before criticizing.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jan 24, 202410:27
What No One Says About Changes in Behavior

What No One Says About Changes in Behavior

This week I discuss how my oldest son's behavior changes when he plays certain video games. Since he is only six years old, I want to tackle this head on before it gets out of hand. I share when I noticed the changes, and how we have decided now is not the time for him to "jump on the bandwagon" and join the other kids until he is emotionally ready.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jan 17, 202413:35
What No One Says About Getting Rest

What No One Says About Getting Rest

This week I talk about not being apologetic when it comes to taking care of yourself and resting when you need it. Often times we as mothers feel guilty about taking care of ourselves when we pour so much into others. Even if we aren't physically "doing a lot" , we know our minds are constantly thinking about what we need to do for your families. So I'm here to tell you to take the nap you need!

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jan 10, 202411:15
What No One Says About the Holiday Break

What No One Says About the Holiday Break

Hey! I'm back after the holiday break. Since my kids were out of school, my alone time to record was almost nonexistent. But nonetheless, I am here. This week I share what I learned in the past year, what I want to keep going in the new year, and what I hope to do accomplish this year.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jan 03, 202408:49
What No One Says About Making Plans

What No One Says About Making Plans

This week I share the lesson I learned with having plans when you have children...get ready to have them change at any moment. I learned when having my first kid, I can't get fixated on having everything go as perfectly planned. I have to just roll with what life throws me.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Dec 13, 202309:49
What No One Says About Recharging Your Battery

What No One Says About Recharging Your Battery

This week I share how I spent my 41st birthday alone in my house relaxing and sleeping in. I used my time to pour into myself and the rest I so desperately needed. As a busy stay at home mom, it can be hard to make time for yourself. So I let my birthday be an excuse to get some time alone and "recharge my battery."

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Dec 05, 202310:18
What No One Says About Being 41

What No One Says About Being 41

This is my birthday week and I reflect back why I am so grateful to be this age. Things may not be perfect, but life this so good.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Nov 29, 202314:11
What No One Says About Gratitude

What No One Says About Gratitude

Since this week is Thanksgiving, I did a quick episode about what I am thankful for. I share the gratitude I have for my family, friends, and even the time alone I had recording this episode.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Nov 22, 202306:04
What No One Says About Trying to Change People

What No One Says About Trying to Change People

So in this episode I share how I have learned that you really can't change other people. Even if you think you are helping and coming from a good place. It took some time for me to realize that people are going to be who they are and they will only evolve as they see fit. We can only control ourselves and how we interact with those in our lives.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Nov 15, 202312:56
What No One Says About Homecoming

What No One Says About Homecoming

This week I sit down with one of the first friends I met at Hampton University.  Nicole and I met in the summer of 2001 when we both attended Pre-college.  We get into what brought us to HU, why we chose to attend an HBCU, and the magic of returning to Homecoming.  

If you have ever attended a HBCU, you know there is nothing like returning "home" to reconnect with your former classmates.  It especially hits differently when you return as a parent.  Nicole even shares the tough decisions she has to make since her oldest son was born during homecoming season.

We even discuss our school rivals, and why we will always stand up for all HBCUs (even though we're the best).  Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Nov 08, 202301:07:46
What No One Says About Giving Yourself Grace

What No One Says About Giving Yourself Grace

This week is a reminder to give yourself grace. No matter how much more you think you should be doing, it's ok to take a minute for yourself.

I sometimes struggle with thinking I should be doing more even if my plate is already full. I'm also guilty of thinking I don't deserve to rest if there is so much I want to accomplish. But luckily, my therapist told me it's fine to take a minute, breathe, and give myself grace because it would all get done in due time.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Nov 01, 202311:38
What No One Says About Losing a Friend (Death)

What No One Says About Losing a Friend (Death)

This week I learned that a high school friend has recently passed away. We haven't seen each other pretty much since we graduated because we both moved away from our hometown. But thanks to social media we were able to still see how each other was doing.

Surprisingly, she crossed my mind last week, but I didn't take that opportunity to reach out and check in on her. So I am learning not to take advantage of those signs from the universe. I know we all have our own busy lives, and it's so hard when we're caught up in the everyday tasks we all have. But take my story as a reminder that if someone pops in your head, it's probably for a reason.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Oct 25, 202309:17
What No One Says About Turning 50

What No One Says About Turning 50

This week I am joined again with my husband, Jesse. He recently just turned 50 years old and we get into what he's learned thus far in life. We also talk about what it's like starting over with marriage and kids and what he hopes for the next 50 years.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Oct 18, 202351:53
What No One Says About Motherhood

What No One Says About Motherhood

I'm so excited to have my friends Rachel on this week's episode. Rachel is an awesome wife and mother of three. Since Rachel and I have been friends for so long, we have a candid conversation what motherhood is really like. Rachel gets into what she thought being a wife and mother would be versus learning what it's really like once you're in it. We also get into what life was life before we became these new roles, and how we truly enjoyed our time at Hampton University. Go HU! I know if you are a mother, you will relate. Or if motherhood as yet to become your journey, you'll get the inside scoop of what to expect.

Please don't forget to rate, subscribe, and review the show. Also, I would love to hear from you. Please send me an email at or hit me up on Instagram

Music cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Oct 11, 202333:10
What No One Says About Body Confidence

What No One Says About Body Confidence

This week I get vulnerable again about how I feel about my body. Though I am very grateful for it, I have to admit after having kids and getting older it gets very hard loving it sometimes. In this episode I share how I came here and what I'm doing rebuild my confidence.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Sep 27, 202314:51
What No One Says About Staying Positive

What No One Says About Staying Positive

I can't lie. Life is lifing right now, but I have learned it's necessary to stay positive because this too shall pass. In this episode I share tips on how I keep the negative thoughts at a minimum.

1. Lean into your friends and family

2. Journal, journal, journal

3. Stay active

Doing these will keep your mind from dwelling on what's going on at every waking moment. Don't run from your problems, but stepping away for a moment will give you a clear mind to come up with a solid plan.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Sep 20, 202313:41
What No One Says About Being a SAHM Pt2

What No One Says About Being a SAHM Pt2

This week I revisit the conversation about being a stay at home mom (SAHM). I share how I prepped for this lifestyle change knowingly and unknowingly. This does not have to be a decision only for wealthy people. There are some sacrifices you have to make; however, it can be very rewarding being able to have this time with your children. I discuss how we make our finances work such as when we saved, downsizing our vehicles for awhile, and living off one salary before we had kids.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Sep 13, 202319:24
What No One Says About Giving Advice

What No One Says About Giving Advice

This week I discuss what I've learned in giving advice and how not to ruin the friendship or take it personal if the person does not listen to it. Remember even if they are coming to you, their situation is not about you. So offer what you can and keep moving.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Sep 06, 202313:37
What No One Says About Being An Empath

What No One Says About Being An Empath

In this week's episode I dive deep into the heart of what it means to be an empath. I embark on a transformative journey as I explore the intricate world of emotions, sensitivity, and the art of finding balance.

Join your host Shannon as I unravel the layers of being an empath, discussing the unique challenges and remarkable strengths that come with this innate ability. Through personal anecdotes, expert insights, and practical advice, we guide you through the labyrinth of emotions that often leave empaths feeling overwhelmed.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Aug 30, 202330:04
Checking In

Checking In

It's been such a busy summer, but I wanted to check in to say new episodes will be coming.

Aug 23, 202303:47
What No One Says About Finding Your Dream Job

What No One Says About Finding Your Dream Job

In this week's episode I talk with one of my dearest friends in the world.  My friend, Ciji, began working in the airline industry over 16 years ago, and last year she finally was able to land her dream job as a flight attendant.  Ciji is such a jetsetter that she had to record the episode in a hotel's laundry room before her shift started.  I am forever grateful to Ciji for taking the time to appear on my podcast.

Let me know if you have found your dream job and the journey it took you to get there.  You can find me on IG @beingshannondora or send me an email to

Music cred: Ivymusic @pixabay

Aug 18, 202344:35
What No One Says About Back to School

What No One Says About Back to School

We're in the dog days of summer and back to school is approaching. I've finally stopped thinking the future will be easier and appreciating my present. So I'm enjoying not having to wake to an alarm or having to drop off and pick up. Even though this mama needs a break from entertaining kids, I am loving the freedom of my schedule.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Aug 02, 202309:30
What No One Says About Their Past

What No One Says About Their Past

This week I share a story of visiting my mother's hometown. My mother grew up in rural Arkansas. She still has memories of sharecropping and taking what little money they earned to build their house.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jul 28, 202312:58
What No One Says About Following Your Intuition

What No One Says About Following Your Intuition

This week I share a story of when I followed my intuition when I felt another woman would have maybe tried to use my husband as revenge towards her husband.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jul 19, 202312:47
What No One Says About Being Ready For Marriage

What No One Says About Being Ready For Marriage

This week I give my thoughts and unsolicited about being ready for marriage. I give stories of how live was prior to marriage and how little things contributed to me getting ready for the married life.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jul 12, 202314:58
What No One Says About Accepting Others For Who They Are

What No One Says About Accepting Others For Who They Are

Life can get a bit easier once you accept you can't change others. The only thing you can change is how you operate around them.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jul 05, 202315:43
What No One Says About DNA Tests Pt 2

What No One Says About DNA Tests Pt 2

This is part two of the conversation I have with my husband discovering his dad's siblings on

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jun 28, 202331:08
What No One Says About DNA Tests

What No One Says About DNA Tests

In part one of this episode I sit down with my husband, Jesse, and tell what happens when we took DNA tests through He was able to find information about his grandfather who dropped off his father and aunts at an orphanage when they were little. This man lived a very interesting life to say the least. This is an episode you don't want to miss! You couldn't make this up if you tried.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jun 21, 202330:07
What No One Says About Not Changing Who You Are

What No One Says About Not Changing Who You Are

Your worth and identity should never be determined by the opinions or validation of others. Stay true to yourself, even when others fail to recognize your value.  Embracing who you are, with all your strengths and imperfections, is a powerful act of self-love and self-respect. Don't compromise your authenticity for the sake of pleasing others.  Remember that people's perceptions and judgments are often a reflection of their own insecurities and biases.

Don't let their lack of understanding or appreciation discourage you from being your authentic self. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you for who you are. Seek out relationships that value and celebrate your uniqueness, rather than trying to change or diminish it. Ultimately, the most fulfilling and meaningful life is lived when you honor your true self. By embracing your authentic identity, you create the space for personal growth, genuine connections, and a deep sense of fulfillment that no external validation can provide.

Millennial Mindset – Unleashing Inner Peace & Transforming Tomorrow Prompt Journal

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jun 14, 202309:15
What No One Says About Mommy Guilt

What No One Says About Mommy Guilt

Mommy guilt is a common feeling experienced by many parents, and it's important to remember that you are doing your best and that it's normal to have these emotions. Remember, being a parent is a challenging role, and it's natural to experience mommy guilt from time to time. However, by practicing self-compassion, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care, you can alleviate some of these feelings and embrace the joys of parenting. Please share your thoughts on this week's episode with me on my IG at or send me an email at As always, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe.

Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint.

Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

Jun 07, 202317:52
What No One Says About Confidence

What No One Says About Confidence

This week I get into how to build your self confidence. The #1 secret is that is starts with you. It works from within. Once you believe it about yourself, everyone else will too.

Please share your thoughts on this week's episode with me on my IG at or send me an email at As always, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe.

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Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

May 31, 202315:19
What No One Says About Journaling
May 24, 202317:33
What No One Says About Mattering to Other People

What No One Says About Mattering to Other People

This week is a quick little mini episode but one worth hearing. I get into how to move on when others show you that you don't matter to them as much as they have mattered to you. It's ok to be disappointed, hurt, or even angry. Feel the feels. Just remember to lean into the people that have shown you that you matter. Know that you are loved. Let the others just go on to live their lives.

Please share your thoughts on this week's episode with me on my IG at or send me an email at As always, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe.

Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint.

Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

May 17, 202307:18
What No One Says About Arguing

What No One Says About Arguing

This week I get into a situation with some family members. They were arguing about something really didn't mean much but at the root of the argument was so much more. Sometimes years of resentment can fester for so long then one little can blow it up. I've learned by taking a step back, you have a chance to take an assessment of what's really going on so you know how to communicate how you feel.

Please share your thoughts on this week's episode with me on my IG at or send me an email at As always, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe.

Would you like to earn some money for sharing your opinion? Sign up for Paid Viewpoint.

Music Cred: Ivy Music @ Pixabay

May 10, 202313:18