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McGST Podcast

McGST Podcast

By Shaun McGill

Random thoughts about the world today and discussions with interesting people about the world from yesterday.
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McGST Podcast Episode 76 (Talking to a teenager in 2021)

McGST PodcastSep 11, 2021

McGST Podcast Episode 98 (unfairness)
May 07, 202334:28
McGST Podcast Episode 97 (resilience in the UK)
Jan 06, 202350:48
McGST Podcast Episode 96 (the nasty party)
Oct 19, 202217:02
McGST Podcast Episode 95 (living with empty nest syndrome in a failing United Kingdom with a cockapoo)
Oct 06, 202201:08:03
McGST Podcast Episode 94 (trade unions, bye bye Boris, Roe v Wade)
Jun 24, 202201:21:17
McGST Podcast Episode 93 (non-Apple/Amazon support, what's next and should life be hard?)
Apr 09, 202223:01
McGST Podcast Episode 92 (we make them more human than they are)
Mar 31, 202240:15
McGST Podcast Episode 91 (living in bubbles, taking in refugees, Apple, dogs and YouTube)

McGST Podcast Episode 91 (living in bubbles, taking in refugees, Apple, dogs and YouTube)

Joanne and I discuss our ignorance of other people’s lives and answer some questions- 

Would you take in a refugee? You talk a good left-wing game. Sam

Why do you stick with Apple? The products are so boring and closed-down. Kennie

- Related from this tweet- 'Apparently, Russia has now blocked the App Store. This means Russian users won't be able to install any apps, download VPNs or perform any software and security updates. It also means that Putin's grip internally is getting tighter and tighter!'

Hope Murray is OK at the moment. Will you get another dog and if so, would you get another Cavalier? I adore mine. Liza

Why don't you do YouTube? Surely blogs are dead. Kevin

Music by Tom Munch

Created by McGST

Mar 18, 202239:50
McGST Podcast Episode 90 (why do so many of us want to change our lives?)
Feb 21, 202244:17
McGST Podcast Episode 89 (I think I know why Johnson is still PM, Jimmy Carr's moment and I'm running out of space)
Feb 05, 202215:47
McGST Podcast Episode 88 (the Withings Scanwatch)
Feb 04, 202216:19
McGST Podcast Episode 86 (Should we ban private education etc? Levelling up, the digital economy and our old favourite, Covid)
Jan 09, 202201:34:22
McGST Podcast Episode 85 (Merry Christmas)
Dec 22, 202119:18
McGST Podcast Episode 84 (are we storing up tech health problems for the future?)
Dec 11, 202124:57
McGST Podcast Episode 82 (The menopause, the manopause and men’s mental health)
Nov 01, 202101:04:39
McGST Podcast Episode 81 (we have learned nothing / we have no margins)
Oct 20, 202129:27
McGST Podcast Episode 80 (Scared of going to work)
Oct 10, 202132:19
McGST Podcast Episode 79 (Johnson’s time is running out)
Sep 25, 202133:07
McGST Podcast Episode 78 (the iPhone 13 isn't bad, but the iPhone 11 is too good)
Sep 23, 202118:33
McGST Podcast Episode 77 (Talking to a teenager in 2021: part 2)
Sep 13, 202127:22
McGST Podcast Episode 76 (Talking to a teenager in 2021)
Sep 11, 202143:50
McGST Podcast Episode 75 (Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit...)
Sep 06, 202134:30
McGST Podcast Episode 74 (Fweedon Fighting Uneducated Maskless Working From Home People)
Aug 12, 202159:53
McGST Episode 73 (is competition good or bad?)
Aug 05, 202158:32
McGST Podcast Episode 72 (Can only men and women compete in the Olympics?)
Aug 03, 202132:42
McGST Podcast Episode 71 (Marriage, brands, pay rises and being woke)
Jul 25, 202139:17
McGST Podcast Episode 70 (my Apple Watch instinct)
Jul 20, 202107:33
McGST Podcast Episode 69 (freedom day!?!)
Jul 19, 202109:04
McGST Podcast Episode 68 (a potentially unfathomable nightmare)

McGST Podcast Episode 68 (a potentially unfathomable nightmare)

“Surely the infection rate + the pinging app + Monday’s potential free for all = a potentially unfathomable nightmare. Why does it feel like the government is in complete denial about this? It’s absolutely bonkers.” James O’Brien

“Boris Johnson’s plan to lift virtually all of England’s pandemic restrictions on Monday is a threat to the world and provides fertile ground for the emergence of vaccine-resistant variants, international experts say.

Britain’s position as a global transport hub would mean any new variant here would rapidly spread around the world, scientists and physicians warned at an emergency summit. They also expressed grave concerns about Downing Street’s plans.” From The Guardian.

  • Joanne and I discuss the above (again…)
  • Should we vaccinate children to protect adults?
  • Why do some people believe that taking the knee is so offensive? I ended up editing this out of the episode because we didn’t feel comfortable with some of the observations we came up, this will be revisited next time.
  • The Garmin Venu 2s beat the Apple Watch series 6 for Joanne. Why? I like the Garmin in theory, but not in practice. And would a rugged Apple Watch kill Garmin?

Music by Tom Munch

Jul 17, 202155:27
McGST Podcast Episode 67 (the nocebo effect)
Jul 12, 202119:43
McGST Podcast Episode 66 (personal irresponsibility)
Jul 06, 202112:44
McGST Podcast Episode 65 (the last one)
Jun 28, 202129:48
McGST Podcast Episode 64 (Are we living in the Hunger Games?)
Jun 04, 202139:05
McGST Podcast Episode 63 (Amazon’d, are we stuck and being the parents of adults)
May 15, 202155:44
McGST Podcast Episode 62 (The need to create)
May 04, 202113:18
McGST Podcast Episode 61 (Royalty, psychopaths and God)
Apr 09, 202138:41
McGST Podcast Episode 60 (Why fix something if I won’t get credit for it?)

McGST Podcast Episode 60 (Why fix something if I won’t get credit for it?)

Some thoughts about why we tend to prefer to fix things rather than preventing a problem from happening.

“Climate change is a political problem of the future. A government of now isn’t interested in doing anything that costs them money NOW. Covid is different because they have to do something now.” Simon.

“I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one Shaun & Joanne. Most people don’t care.

Most people don’t care as they don’t see or feel the effects of the climate change themselves. Or what they do see is so gradual that it doesn’t register. Many also know that it won’t really effect them.

It is the future generations that will really pay the price.

Here in the UK and other developed countries we don’t feel the effects quite the same because we have the systems that hide the impact. Our waste magically disappears, we don’t have massive amounts of rubbish littering our shores. Perhaps if more waste washed up on our beaches some would think differently.

The habitats most impacted by climate change are not on our doorstep, albeit everything around us is being affected in some way.

Perhaps if we watched in person massive chunks of the ice caps melting or saw the Amazon rainforest on fire we might feel differently.

We can all make a change. Small changes add up. You don’t loose weight by going to the gym once. Constantly doing so over weeks and months helps shed the weight. It is the same with the environment . If we did turn down the thermostat or take 1 less car trip then it does make a difference. Small, steps over time make a difference. Multiply this by the millions of people and slowly but surely.

I am no eco warrior, but in the last 2 years I have made big steps in being better to the planet. We drive less, if we can. I still have 2 cars, but it is very likely we will be down to 1 in the next few months. I do my best to reduce my plastic use. I do more to reuse. I recycle more items, including those that don’t go in normal household recycling. I am far from perfect but I now make more conscious decisions.

People turn a blind eye most of the time thinking there is a solution on the horizon, but the solution will ultimately take all of us.

We need to ask our employers to make a changes. We need to think more about where we spend our money. We need to think about who we bank with and what we invest in. Most of us have pensions that invest in some of the most polluting companies in the world. If we began to switch to more ethical or environmental investments perhaps things would change?

With a shift in demand comes change. Unfortunately the demand is still focused too much on not being environmentally conscious.

It needs governments to put in place legislation ultimately to drive big change. Reward those that take positive steps and penalise those that don’t. But, unfortunately it probably won’t be until the next generation of politicians are in power that we see this change as we have too many of the old guard in place.” Jon.

Music by Tom Munch.

Apr 07, 202118:48
McGST Podcast Episode 59 (Do any of us really care about climate change?)
Apr 05, 202126:27
McGST Podcast Episode 58 (You name it, we talked about it)
Apr 01, 202101:29:52
McGST Podcast Episode 57 (What is music? Part 3. With Tom Munch)

McGST Podcast Episode 57 (What is music? Part 3. With Tom Munch)

Over the past year Tom Munch has been entertaining his fans through Facebook and while doing so he has had to learn upwards of 40 new songs a week to fulfil requests. In a troubling time for all of us we start off by answering a few music-related questions, but the discussion goes much deeper into what music means to all of us, and in particular in times of crisis. The result surprised me and it ended up likely being the best McGST episode to date (don't tell Joanne I said that...).

What difference does recording or playback quality make? Why is modern music louder?

What instantly turns you off of new music?

How do you find new music?

Do you know people with near identical tastes in music?

Why do music and smells bring back such vivid memories?

How important is music in times of crisis or illness?

You can find out more about Tom at and also read his blog which offers some insights into his deeper thoughts on music and the world around him.

The music in this episode is of course by Tom.

Mar 29, 202101:36:12
McGST Podcast Episode 56 (Questions #5)
Mar 22, 202118:32
McGST Podcast Episode 55 (#notallmen)
Mar 15, 202137:14
McGST Podcast Episode 54 (What makes a mechanical watch so special?)
Mar 13, 202120:01
McGST Podcast Episode 53 (What makes the not so special Apple Watch special?)
Mar 12, 202114:10
McGST Podcast Episode 52 (What makes the Kindle so special?)
Mar 11, 202113:30
McGST Podcast Episode 51 (What makes the iPhone so special?)
Mar 10, 202121:45
McGST Podcast Episode 50 (bullies, governments, cats and dogs)
Mar 09, 202136:36
McGST Podcast Episode 49 (My Princess)
Mar 03, 202154:40
McGST Podcast Episode 48 (citizenship, healthcare and digitised analogue tasks)
Mar 02, 202144:40
McGST Podcast Episode 47 (Relationships, sex and being suitable)
Feb 22, 202148:25