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Shelley Gawith, Functional Nutrition

Shelley Gawith, Functional Nutrition

By Shelley Gawith

Helping you to be the best version of you (that you can be!) with functional nutrition and healthy life choices.
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STOP: Connect With Your Body and Mind

Shelley Gawith, Functional NutritionSep 19, 2018

Identifying What’s Right for You
Jul 11, 201905:19
How To Boost Your Immunity To Fight Flu This Winter
Jun 26, 201905:13
How to Make an Environmental & Healthy Difference

How to Make an Environmental & Healthy Difference

So I thought it was worthwhile to take a moment to think about what we can do? 


 Well for example if you did the 31 day challenge over Christmas you would have learnt how plastics are impacting your health. It's impacting all of us directly or indirectly, via our health or via our environment. 

It can feel really overwhelming but on the evening show with Miriama ( she shared the 6 r's: 

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Refuse - Replace - Rot 

Vicky Robertson, Chief Executive and Secretary for the Ministry for the Environment said, "Sometimes it can feel really overwhelming about where to start. I said to my sister on the weekend, this whole zero waste thing feels too hard. And she very rightly said but that's how changing your diet can feel for some people but you would just tell your clients to do one thing. Not do it all over night. That one thing ... whether it's reducing sugar, gluten, dairy, adding in good fats and not snacking in between meals, can have a big impact on your body and health as we all know." 

I suggest either starting with a re useable coffee cup or taking a look in your fridge or pantry like what we had everyone do in the 31 day Shelley Says So challenge: What are you using to store your ingredients and leftover meals in? 

Do you use a lot of plastic in your house?  

Today, I want you to consider your plastic use.  Then, if you are up to it, start switching to using glass containers and jars. My favourite is to recycle jars from spreads and to use them to stores nuts and seeds in. If you feel really inspired, go through your whole pantry and make the switch to glass storage containers. Have a look at what sort of containers you are taking your leftover dinner to work in. Remember, if you are heating up food, you don’t want the plastic melting into your food. Glass containers are the BEST.  

Also for those of you who have already nailed this, as this was in last year's challenge, let's take it to the next step. What are you wrapping your food up in? This year can you make your own or invest in some beeswax wraps. They are amazing and can easily be brought online or from Commonsense Organics. I love mine. Making food wrapping is so easy and now I don't even own any other plastic wraps.  BAGS:  what sort of  bags are using? I have to admit I did like the ease of plastic bags as I was (and sometimes still am) forgetting my re useable bags. I was very lucky to have a client give me some beautiful re useable bags for Christmas. I walk lots, so now I keep one in my bag all the time, otherwise, I tell clients to keep extras in their cars, so they always have one on hand. Also are you bulk bin buyer? Over Christmas I purchased from Good Housekeeping on Cuba Street in Wellington, the cutest re useable bags that you can use for all your bulk bin purchases. They can easily be watched too.  We've already talked about hydration, but what bottles are you using? Plastic or glass bottles? Here's another easy swap you can make if you haven't already.  

Remember it's starting wherever you are at, there is no pressure, just start small than build on this!  Would love to hear any other swaps you have made to reduce plastic in your lives

👉Sign Up for My Online Course - 3 Steps to Finding your Personal Power Foods at 

Jun 12, 201906:10
How to Manage Overwhelm (with 4 dimensional health) ft. Louise Thompson

How to Manage Overwhelm (with 4 dimensional health) ft. Louise Thompson

As you know, health is about so much more than just our diets and movement.  Today Louise looks at the emotional component of our health. 

How many saw an emotional component in your stress beaker (

Many of us can relate to that feeling of being overwhelmed; feeling like we have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. My approach is never to give you more; it’s about doing what you are already doing but making tweaks to it. 

Louise’s advice is about focusing on the language we are using. And it’s a goodie. You’re really going to enjoy today’s video! 

As I watched this earlier, I was once again reminded about how important our language is; how easy it is to make changes to how we are feeling. We can totally change our day with the language we use. 


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👉Sign Up for My Online Course - Finding the Fully Functional You - Be Your Best You!! https://onlinetraining.shelleygawith....

May 01, 201915:52
The Stress Beaker Exercise

The Stress Beaker Exercise

We often think that we are not in control of our stress or we have to do more to reduce our stress. Sometimes it can feel quite helpless. At about this time of the year this can kick in.


👉Click here to read the full article:


So let’s PAUSE and see what is really going on.

1. First, download your Stress Beaker PDF:

2. Start filling it up with all your stressors. You might first of all think of all the external stressors in your life. For example your family, cultural pressure, deadlines, work, bosses, financial challenges, renovations, car repairs you name it.  

3. Work out what percentage of your Stress Beaker they take up. 

4. Next, write down all your internal ones; it might be an injury, oral health, your gums, your sore tooth, your hair falling out, any symptom you have, lack of energy, stool health, period health, acnes, skin rashes, parasites, fungus, mould, environmental- lights, computers, technology, EMFs. Anything and everything, write it all done.

5. Now, put a percentage around those things as well.

6. You have two options now. You can:

(a) do a combination, get a bigger beaker so you don’t feel like you are about to boil over all the time. How do you do this? You do more things that you love in life, you create more joy, more purpose, more fun and connection. More learning! What ever it is that you love.


(b) you start to take control of the stressors that you can control. And guess what the great news is? Everything health related/symptom related, you are in control of. You can change this. How awesome is that!!!

7. Now colour in all the ones you can change. Remember when your are suffering from a symptom that’s a huge stress on your body and guess what, you take that internal stress everywhere you go. So your body is in constant stress when you heal that symptom you are getting rid of a whole bunch of internal stress in your life. It’s so EXCITING!

What can you do today to change one of your internal symptoms?


👉Sign Up for My Online Course - Finding the Fully Functional You - Be Your Best You!!




May 01, 201905:15
Open Your Mouth and Say, "Ahhhhhh" - ORAL HEALTH

Open Your Mouth and Say, "Ahhhhhh" - ORAL HEALTH

Do You Look After Your Teeth?

Do you think about your teeth and oral health when you think about your overall health? 

Your mouth is your first line of defence against pathogens and bacteria. If your mouth is toxic, it can impact your immune system and drain your energy levels when fighting infections.

In clinic when I ask clients if they floss their teeth, the answer is often, “there isn’t enough time”, or “it’s just another thing to do”. 

Which I get. Sometimes, you just want to get out the door to work or hop into bed. 

When I was in the States earlier and went to see a biological dentist, they were able to take a sample of my mouth bacteria. I’ve included the video, see all those squiggly lines? You don’t want them. That’s a sign that you have “bad” bacteria in your mouth.

The dental nurse reckons that flossing with baking soda for 6 weeks will change this. New bacteria grows every 24 hours so this has to be a crucial start to your oral health regime. I included this step in Shelley Says So last year (PS: if you want to sign up for next year here you go.)

Okay, so if you are not flossing then that's the first step.

But this year i'm upping the game. I'm obviously not a dentist but I do have a passion for oral health, probably because mine has been so bad. I've had jaw surgery, braces, root canals, crowns and mercury fillings, all of which I wouldn't do again if I could go back in time.  Now that I know better, I'm doing everything I can to prevent those things in the future, and now you can too!

Here's our new routine (once again, this is what I am now doing, but you can pick parts of it and incorporate as much or as little as you want. You will definitely see health benefits no matter how much you add. 

If you can help your immune system fight infections by flossing your teeth, you will have more energy to do the things you love doing.

Here's this year's eight steps for your morning or evening mouth routine from Nadine Artemis, check her out if you want to learn more about leaky gums and all about our mouth microbiome. 

Step 1: A salt or baking soda rinse before you brush your teeth, you can even add an essential oil to this as well. This gets the mouth into a more alkaline state which is what you want before you brush.

Step 2: Scrape your tongue. 

Step 3: Brush your gums. Make sure you brush gum down, it's more stimulating for the gums. 

Step 4: Polish your teeth. Use baking soda, essential oils and maybe a botanical serum to do this.

Step 5: Flossing!! Yay!! You want to floss at least twice each time so you get everything out. BUT make sure you are not using a floss with chemicals. But remember to get right to the back, the last tooth on each side, you need to get that gum part!!! (don’t make the mistake I’ve been making for years.)

Step 6: You use a ribbed rubber tool to go along the gum line to get all the plaque. 

Step 7: The next step is massaging your gums. You want to take a botanical serum or an ozonated gel and massage that into the gums.  

Step 8: Pay attention to any special area that needs some TLC

Side note: Remember, the whiteness of our teeth is a reflection of our health on the inside of our bodies. 

Did You Take Time To Floss Today?
Mar 20, 201904:40
All About the "F" Word! (Fats)

All About the "F" Word! (Fats)

Are you making sure that you have a good quality source of fat at every single meal?

When talking at Z Energy during the week, some of the questions around this topic reminded me that we all need to know what we want - good sources of fats. Also, who still holds the old thoughts of "if you eat good quality fats, you will get fat"? All of you who see us in clinic now know that this isn’t true at all. Instead, you end up eating less when eating good quality fats.

Marlies reminds us of some of the reasons why we need good quality sources of dietary fats:

  1. Every single cell in our bodies is made from fat.The surrounding of the cell is made up of cholesterol. Where do we get cholesterol from? Yes, our bodies naturally make it, but we also need good quality fats for it.
  2. It’s the best source of energy.Our bodies run off fat. As I shared at Z Energy this week, the fastest way to getting better energy is eating good quality sources of fats.
  3. Dietary sources of fats bring down inflammation in our bodies.
  4. Our hormones run off good quality fats.Do you want easier periods? Eat more good quality sources of fats. All steroid hormones are made up from cholesterol, specifically LDL cholesterol (aka “bad” cholesterol). Pregnenolone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, DHEA  are all steroid hormones! Pretty important, right?
  5. Remember, our brains are also 70% fat!!!We need good quality sources of fats to feed our brains.

In the online course Finding the Fully Functional You we have gone deeper and started talking about the quality of fats that we are using to cook in. This is really important. The best fats to cook in are ghee and coconut oil.Who cooks in butter? Especially when making sweeter things right? Well Marlies has clearly explained why you don’t want to cook in butter.

So butter has a low cooking point, then it turns brown so the structure changes because butter has milk solids and sugar so it turns toxic. Have you heard that Avocado oil is great for cooking in? However, it is an omega 9 and monounsaturated, so also an unstable source for cooking. It will turn toxic. If you want to cook in olive oil then, the Danes Sautéing is preferable.

Also, just something for you to ponder: it’s actually really hard to get enough fish into your diet. How many servings of fish do you have a week?
This could be something to focus on as I know most people we see in clinic aren’t eating enough fish. The other problem is getting good quality fish as well. You want to make sure it’s fresh and not farmed, and not fed grains. As much as I don’t like saying, we need to supplement with things. Sometimes when nature can’t provide it the way we need it due to demand and the environment, you might need to supplement with it. I personally do supplement with fish oils, but remember, you always want to keep everything in balance. So it’s worth testing it as your body does change. You always want a balance of omega 3, 6 and 9.

Can’t wait to see your latest fish recipes and photos posted on our Facebookpage!

Mar 06, 201904:19
Weight, What? Is Your Body Trying To Tell You Something?
Dec 12, 201803:51
Why I Do What I Do - Testimonial from Barbara Murray

Why I Do What I Do - Testimonial from Barbara Murray

I just love our clients and I feel so blessed to be able to help them in this way.
Nov 28, 201803:48
Male Fertility: It Takes Two, Baby!

Male Fertility: It Takes Two, Baby!

It takes two to have a baby; two people who are in good health. It’s not just the women in your lives, men. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really helpful if the lady is in optimal health as she is carrying this precious bundle of joy for nine months as she will be feeding this baby of her nutrients during this time. But pre-conception takes two healthy adults.

I have been ranting and raving about the male's role in fertility in clinic to any female that tells me she wants to get pregnant in the foreseeable future. I jump right in and ask them, “Well, how healthy is your partner and what are they doing for their health?” I guess it’s a great marketing tactic and maybe I should change my specialty to couples’ health as I’m lucky enough get a lot of women coming into clinic wanting to get pregnant.

Research shows that 30 to 50 percent of fertility challenges are related to the male partner, it’s rarely talked about what men can do to improve their fertility health.

A fun fact for all the males in your lives and for all my male clients: Every time you ejaculate you lose these nutrients:
• Zinc- have you done the taste test lately. Can you taste it?
• Selenium
• Copper
As a side note: testosterone, serotonin, acetylcholine and dopamine are also lowered, prolactin is raised after ejaculation.

So, first thing is we want to make sure that males are getting these key nutrients back into their diets and that they are able to digest them. We also want to ensure that their hormones are also balanced, that they are not hiding toxicity in their bodies (especially in their guts, or heavy metals in their fatty tissues) and that they are not sympathetic dominant.

The key thing is, you always want to get information about both partners and look at both partners’ health, it’s not just one person! While I love all the women that come in wanting to be in their best health before they have children, we also want the dads in their best health too.

Happy baby making!
Nov 14, 201804:20
Help! My Hair is Falling Out!
Oct 31, 201804:53


Here's a few questions for you:

How did you get to work this morning?
How did you end up sitting at your computer?
Did you consciously open this email, or was it on auto pilot that you just clicked on it?
Will you watch the video below while looking at your phone, emailing someone, talking to a college and racing through everything that you have on for the day?
When Emily Mason came and did a couple of events for clients, one statistic that shocked me was how much time we spend doing things unconsciously. Are you like me and you’ve had that experience of driving somewhere, but not actually knowing how you got there? And when you look back, you realise you just did it on autopilot, or you find yourself slamming on breaks because you tuned out for a second or two! I have to admit, I can definitely own up and say my autopilot might have been switched on a few times with my early morning yoga class.

We can kind of justify these things as being normal, but when Emily told us we spend 50% of our lives being unconscious, doing life unconsciously, that seems like such a waste. You only need to look down Lambton Quay at lunch time and most people are on their phones looking down. I can be walking to work, missing the sounds, the smells, the colour of the sky or the people walking past, I can be barely conscious of the feel of my clothes as I walk along the street.

I want to be present with my life and really get the most out of it. I don’t want to get to the end of each day, crossing things off my to-do list while rushing unconsciously from one thing to the next, never really getting the joy from each experience and relationship that I’m lucky enough to encounter.

What about you? Are you ready to be more present and make the most of every day? If so, take a minute and purposely watch the video below. What will your action be?

The problem with this newsletter is that it’s too easy to say, “Yeah, I want to live my life differently, or I want to be conscious and present in my life more than just 50% of the time.” This actually takes conscious practice and a decision to really want to.

I invite you today to share with us on Facebook what small action you are going to pick to be more conscious with. Let's be accountable together (and supportive - together).

Will it be:

brushing your teeth,
the way you washing the dishes,
how you chew your food?
Do you even notice what you are eating at dinner?
Or will you decide to come home each evening and turn off your phone and be conscious with your loved ones or yourself?
Maybe you will do a conscious body scan throughout the day so you can be more mindful of what your body needs.
What will you do?

Can’t wait to hear what you are picking.

Pre-register for online training courses:
Oct 17, 201804:46
Modern Toxicity: Does Your Liver Need Help?

Modern Toxicity: Does Your Liver Need Help?

What's a new habit or ritual you can incorporate into your life to detoxify your body?
Did you know that your liver is responsible for clearing out all the toxins in your body? Our livers are powerhouses and most of us don’t even realise it.
While I don’t like to alarm clients, friends and family about the state of our environment these days, I’m sure all of us are already aware of how much more we’re being exposed to toxins, pollution, chemicals, synthetic substances, prescription drugs, and mould .
There are ways to help our livers out. For instance, I'm trying a delicious new detox tea from @LibertineTeas. It's called Exhale and it's a simply a wonderful way to detoxify your liver on a daily basis.
I was honoured to be asked to guest post for Libertine blends about "The Truth About Detox", so I wanted to share it here as well if you’ve missed it. Guess what? They have also gifted us two of their new Exhale Detox Tea tea to give a
Oct 04, 201804:38
STOP: Connect With Your Body and Mind
Sep 19, 201804:29
Are you tired of hearing this word?
Aug 23, 201804:03
Mitochondria ... what are they?
Aug 08, 201804:05
Alternating Nostril Breathing

Alternating Nostril Breathing

Which is YOUR dominant nostril?

As you know, I love giving you the BEST information and education out there and introducing you to other practitioners that I feel are AMAZING.

This week we have Emily Mason sharing all about nose breathing. It’s perfect as it leads in so well to the last video I shared, all about digestion beginning by being parasympathetic. I love what Emily teaches us in the video and below. Did you know that depending on which nostril you are breathing out of, you can tell if you are parasympathetic or sympathetic dominant? How cool is that??!!
Jul 26, 201802:23
Plastic Free July (a Shelley Says So challenge)

Plastic Free July (a Shelley Says So challenge)


This "Shelley Say's So" challenge was first released in January. I'm putting this out now for free now so you get a taste of what other clients loved so much and share it with you in time for plastic free July.

Take a look in your pantry and fridge.

What are you using to store your ingredients and leftover meals in?

Do you use a lot of plastic in your house?
Take a minute to consider your plastic use.

Then, if you are up to it, start switching to using glass containers and jars. My favourite is to recycle jars from spreads and to use them to stores nuts and seeds in.

If you feel really inspired, go through your whole pantry and make the switch to glass storage containers.

What sort of containers you are taking your leftover dinner to work in? Remember, if you are heating up food, you're also heating chemicals from the plastic which you then consume. You deserve better!

Jul 20, 201801:44