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LifeLine Connection

LifeLine Connection

By Shireen Spencer

Prayer Podcast. Recorded prayers to pray daily together. Shared scripture and then prayer to pray as you walk, work, drive or just to add to your daily devotional routine.
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God- Our Relief In Our Distress

LifeLine ConnectionMay 20, 2024

His Glory Fills The Earth

His Glory Fills The Earth

Wherever we are, God reveals His glory. As we join together in worship and praise, God shows us who He is and how He is at work. May we continue to worship so that we can see great wonders in our lives.

Jun 02, 202405:36
Our Refuge and Strength

Our Refuge and Strength

God is our refuge and our strength in every troubling situation. He is with us. He is not hiding. He is not far away. He is with us. May we experience and the protection we need and the strength to move forward no matter what we face.

Jun 01, 202405:16
Kept In Peace

Kept In Peace

Keeping our minds on Jesus, keeps us in peace. He is the answer and gives the answer. We can exchange our troubles for the peace He gives. Today may we think about God and what He can do. He is the power for every situation.

May 31, 202407:04
We Can Do All With Him

We Can Do All With Him

With God, we can do all things He desires in and through our lives, with His strength. He has the power we need to make it through every difficult and challenging situation. He will never leave us alone.

May 30, 202405:55
Everlasting Mercy

Everlasting Mercy

God's love and mercy is never ending and reaches beyond where we have even entered. He moves ahead into generations and already has it waiting there. As we follow Him, we are laying and leaving a legacy of God's mercy to be with those we leave behind. God is forever faithful.

May 29, 202406:54
Rejoice and Mourn Together

Rejoice and Mourn Together

When we have something to celebrate with others, we should do it wholeheartedly. When there is mourning, we join others in this season as well. For both, we pray for one another.

May 28, 202405:09
His Word Makes Our Hearts Glad

His Word Makes Our Hearts Glad

God's Word is good. God's good Word always makes our hearts glad. Let's listen to His Words today and allow them to encourage and strengthen us.

May 27, 202406:29
Satiated and Replenished In Him

Satiated and Replenished In Him

Weary or sorrowful, God gives us what we need in these times. He is with us. He is working in our hearts and lives. He helps us to keep going.

May 26, 202405:51
Put Your Hope In God

Put Your Hope In God

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to put our hope in God. Situations want to bring us down and forget that God is with us. May we be like David and choose to praise God so that we are lifted up and filled with His power.

May 25, 202405:56
Nothing Is Impossible With God

Nothing Is Impossible With God

There are many impossible situations in our lives. There are many things that we can not change. One word or touch from God changes everything. God makes the impossible, possible. Let's choose to trust Him and believe Him for the impossible.

May 24, 202407:19
This We Know, God Is For Us

This We Know, God Is For Us

In every situation and where ever we are, God is for us. God is our biggest supporter and cheerleader. He wants our victory. We have our victory in Him.

May 23, 202406:41
Loving and Serving Freely

Loving and Serving Freely

In Christ and through Christ we can love freely. We may not always disagree and others may not always like the hear the truth but we can always still love. We have been freed from our sins and from death to love and serve others into the kingdom.
May 22, 202406:50
We Are Never Alone

We Are Never Alone

No matter what we face, no matter where we go, we are never alone. God is always with us leading the way even when we don't know where He is taking us. We can trust God to always be with us.

May 21, 202406:28
God- Our Relief In Our Distress

God- Our Relief In Our Distress

God does hear us when we call. When we call out to Him, he brings us His comfort and relief. We can make a great exchange with Him. Our needs for His peace and strength. Let's do that. He can carry our burdens.

May 20, 202407:06
Richness in Knowing God

Richness in Knowing God

Our lives are more complete when we know God's heart and character. Our lives are richer and filled with countless blessings because of God. May we continue to live for Him and search for Him.

May 19, 202406:20
Holy Spirit Activate

Holy Spirit Activate

With the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can move into any and every situation with power. we don't have to fear. We can operate in boldness and courage because we have been given a power that no one can take away from us. God is in control!

May 18, 202406:29
God's Comfort Delights Us

God's Comfort Delights Us

When God's presence is felt, we are comforted. God's comfort is a delight to experience. May we experience the closeness of His presence today in many ways.

May 17, 202406:41
Never Forsaken, Never Begging

Never Forsaken, Never Begging

God will never leave us. We will never have to beg for what we need. He always provides. We can ask Him and trust Him.

May 16, 202405:57
Two or More with Jesus

Two or More with Jesus

Whenever two or more gather together in prayer God is present. We don't have to physically be together but together in spirit activates God's presence and power with us. Let's continue praying together and experience God moving.

May 15, 202406:27
Give Ear To Our Prayer

Give Ear To Our Prayer

Every time we pray, we want God to listen and to hear our hearts. It is o.k to be like the psalmist and actually ask Him to do so, especially when our hearts are heavy and we need to see Him move. Today ask God to give ear to your prayers and expect Him to meet with you.

May 14, 202406:22
No Shame In Hope

No Shame In Hope

May we continue to hope in God and trust God in seasons that are difficult. God is with us in our pain. God is for us in battle. God will do what is best and bring glory to His name. As we look to Him, may our hearts be strengthened.

May 13, 202407:16
Blessed In Believing

Blessed In Believing

As we believe God, we walk in blessings. May we grow in trusting Him. He is faithful to keep His promises to us.

May 12, 202406:14
Pure Ways

Pure Ways

When we follow God's Word, He keeps our ways pure. God always wants us to follow the right path. He walks and talks with us.

May 11, 202404:33
God Will Establish You

God Will Establish You

God is our foundation. He protects us from the evil one. We can trust Him to keep us strong and secure.
May 10, 202406:09
Forever God is God

Forever God is God

No matter what we face, God is in control. He is God who does not change, even though our lives change. Forever He is God and will always do what is best.

May 09, 202406:08
God Increase In Us

God Increase In Us

As we pray and submit to god, His presence and power increases in us. May we allow God to increase in us and glorify Him today.

May 08, 202407:01
Reaping In Due Season

Reaping In Due Season

As we continue serving God, He promises that if we do not give up, we will reap. He brings the fruit and growth. Trust Him. Keep going!

May 07, 202406:12
Fervently Praying

Fervently Praying

God wants us to continually be praying and he hears us when we pray for ourselves and others. As we come to Him in humility confessing our mistakes, our prayers are effective.

May 06, 202406:08
Casting Everything On Jesus

Casting Everything On Jesus

Jesus wants us to give everything that concerns us to Him. He is waiting and willing. Our burdens are to heavy to carry so let's release them to the One who is more than able.

May 05, 202405:12
The God We Serve Delivers

The God We Serve Delivers

No matter what trouble we face and what evil comes at us, Our God delivers. In every fire, He will deliver us!

May 04, 202406:25
Rejoicing, Patient and Praying

Rejoicing, Patient and Praying

We are asked in scripture to keep rejoicing and being patient in trouble through continuing in prayer. This is a strategy that works and leads to victory. So let's trust God and do it.

May 03, 202406:31
Earnest Prayer With Thanksgiving

Earnest Prayer With Thanksgiving

Pray earnestly always. Keep praying. Keep thanking. Pray earnestly with thanksgiving. God will answer.

May 02, 202405:26
The Justice and Righteous Flow

The Justice and Righteous Flow

We know that in God's love we are blessed. We are not judged but accepted because His justice and righteousness is active in our lives. We are made new in Him. He makes all things right.

May 01, 202407:10
Everything We Need For Life and Godliness

Everything We Need For Life and Godliness

God has given us everything we need for our practical and spiritual life. In knowing Jesus, we have the answers to living a Godly life. Knowing who our salvation comes from and following Him is the answer to everything big and small.

Apr 30, 202406:31
Victory Through Our Redeemer

Victory Through Our Redeemer

We know that our Redeemer lives and is and will stand in victory. God has the final word. We are victorious in HIm no matter what we go through!

Apr 29, 202405:55
The Lord Is With Us

The Lord Is With Us

No matter what is happening, no matter where we are, the Lord is with us. He has comfort and strength for us. We can trust His Word and His presence.

Apr 28, 202404:11
Walk In The Valley With Jesus

Walk In The Valley With Jesus

Even though we walk through very difficult and hard times, Jesus is with us. He never leads us. We do not have to fear when we walk close with Him.

Apr 27, 202405:36
He Restores Our Soul

He Restores Our Soul

The Lord is the only one who can return to us our joy, our strength, our hope. He is our peace. He is everything we need.

Apr 26, 202405:56
Loving God More Than Anything

Loving God More Than Anything

Sometimes there are so many things that get in the way of loving Jesus more. May we address what distracts and concerns us as we move forward in making Him priority in our lives. Loving Him is not always easy but is will always be best. He has great plans for our lives.

Apr 25, 202407:03
We Believe For All Things Possible

We Believe For All Things Possible

With God all things are possible for us. So let's choose to believe. Let's choose to believe God has the best in store for us. Let us live with hope and not give up no matter what!

Apr 24, 202407:29
Thinking On Things Above

Thinking On Things Above

Keping our minds on Jesus will always have us in a place of strength and victory. May we intentionally set our minds on things above.

Apr 23, 202406:37
Meditate On God's Wondrous Work

Meditate On God's Wondrous Work

All around us is evidence of God's wondrous works! We have so much time in our day to notice. May we be aware and intentional. May what we see and hear draw us into worship.

Apr 22, 202407:11
Kept In His Hand

Kept In His Hand

The Lord has us safe in the palm of HIs hand. There is nothing or noone that can take us from Him. We are His.

Apr 21, 202405:37
Praise The Lord

Praise The Lord

Praise the Lord for everything because He deserves this. He created everything and can handle everything in our lives!

Apr 20, 202405:47
He Is Perfect In All His Ways

He Is Perfect In All His Ways

God knows what He is doing in and with our lives. He makes no mistakes. He is faithful. We can trust His heart even when we don't understand His ways.

Apr 19, 202404:58
He Brings Light Into Our Darkness

He Brings Light Into Our Darkness

God is light. In our dark places we can look to Him and trust He will bring light to show us the way, His way. God sees all things and no darkness can keep Him away.

Apr 18, 202407:20
Finished Work Of The Cross

Finished Work Of The Cross

Many do not understand the power of the cross, but we who know it can move forward in our salvation with power and security.

Apr 17, 202407:07
Owing Nothing But Love

Owing Nothing But Love

Loving others is hard. With God's help and God's love flowing through us, we all can do it. Let's keep letting God work through our lives.

Apr 16, 202407:30
We are Never Alone

We are Never Alone

God will never leave us or forsake us. Whereever we are and whatever we are doing, God is with us. He goes before us to clear the way and He walks with us to take us through to safety and victory.

Apr 15, 202406:16
God Is Our Portion

God Is Our Portion

God is our portion. He is more than enough to meet every need. We can trust Him.

Apr 14, 202406:18