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Daily Living With Christ

Daily Living With Christ

By Shirley P

Daily Living focuses on taking a deeper look at the scriptures in an effort to gain the practical instructions for followers of Christ. We provide tips and practices that we have learned by sharing our testimonies through our life journeys as a follower of Christ (FOC). This channel's purpose is to edify the body of Christ, educate, and bring glory to the most high God Yahweh and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Who touched me?

Daily Living With ChristApr 18, 2020

The book of 1 Kings

The book of 1 Kings

A transition period
Sep 10, 202357:38
Witchcraft among us
Jul 23, 202354:59
Breaking Covenants

Breaking Covenants

Covenant is defined as a mutual agreement between two or more person to do or refrain from doing a certain act. What Covenants have I enetered into?
Jul 09, 202356:36


My people perish due to lack of knowledge. The only way we can prevent false prophets and teachers from deceiving us is to know the word of God for ourselves.
Jun 11, 202349:00
The Great Separation

The Great Separation

Why did Jesus have to die? Some religions would have you believe that Jesus did not have to die. So, what is the significance of Jesus's death? In this epidose, we will discuss the two deaths described in the bible and what it means for Jesus to die for our sins.
Apr 16, 202355:05
A Spiritual Pandemic

A Spiritual Pandemic

American is going through a Spiritual Pandemic that has been infecting the spirit of many. We are in search if peace, fulfillment, healing and looking everywhere thus opening ourselves up to demonic bandage. Our only real solution is to turn back to God.
Apr 02, 202355:55


What are strongholds and are demons real. We will discuss and see what the word of God tells us about these things.
Feb 12, 202359:45
It's NOT about YOU

It's NOT about YOU

If it's not about me; who is it about?
In today's episode, we will discuss who it is about, if not ourselves.
We all have in common that everyone wants to find meaning in their lives, no matter their background. People from the beginning of time have pondered on the very question. What is the purpose of my life?
Society teaches us to look within to find our purpose or paths. One can find a vast majority of books, lectures, and seminars on how to find purpose without ever consulting God.
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him, but at the end of it is the way of death.
Oct 09, 202257:43
The Misconception of faith

The Misconception of faith

In today's episode, we will have an in-depth discussion about the misconception of faith.

  1. A mistaken thought, idea, or notion; a misunderstanding.
  2. Erroneous conception; false opinion; misunderstanding.

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Heavenly Father, you are ELOHIM, the All-Powerful one creator; you are EL ROI, the God who sees us and sees our challenges. Therefore, Lord God, we come before you in total surrender and with open hearts so that the truth may penetrate deep into our souls and spirits. I pray the words that you minister through me can penetrate all the lies and deceptions of the enemy, and the truth shall reign supreme in the hearts and minds of your people. In Jesus' name, Amen!

The Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Heb. 11:6)

Yet, this is the most challenging task for most Christian today.

Jul 31, 202258:52
What is purpose?

What is purpose?

Often times we get used to using words, like surrender, dying to self, loving God, living out purpose whithout any clear understanding of how to apply them in our lives. 

So beloved, what is purpose? How do we determine purpose in our lives, and how can we apply this knowledge in our lives?

Jul 03, 202254:29
The Power of Our Words

The Power of Our Words

The other day the Holy Spirit led me to watch Tall girl 2. In the first movie, this teenage girl was battling with her insecurities of being too tall, but now that she had been set free from the fear of accepting herself and loving herself for who she was, she now was battling a different battle—the battle of the mind.

When we face fear, it’s usually a fear associated with what others think of ourselves, which leads us not entirely to be who God created us to be.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

In today’s episode, we will talk about how the enemy uses our own thoughts again us and how to overcome the enemy's strategies.

Feb 20, 202243:03
Faith in Action

Faith in Action

All Christians know that the foundation of our walk with Christ is Faith. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:6 states, “But without faith, it is impossible to please him (meaning God).

But do we really believe all that the Bible teaches us?

When faced with challenges, do you believe that God can help us in our situation?

Can God deliver you from any virus or disease?

In today’s episode, we will take a closer look at the faith walk of a Christian and talk about some examples in the Old Testament and from a beautiful testimony about faith. 

Jan 16, 202251:23


The word of the LORD came to Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh, and he responded by fleeing to Tarshish. How many have run away from the call on God in your lives? Let's learn together the wealth of knowledge and understanding found in the book of Jonah. 

Oct 03, 202142:26
Justification by Faith

Justification by Faith

Many biblical scholars have debated the doctrine of justification by faith, which is still being discussed today. They ask a crucial question, Is a person justified by faith alone or by works? I think it’s an important question that every Christian needs to meditate on and study.

The apostle Paul states in Roman 3:28, “For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.”

“So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.”

In this episode, we will discuss the very controversial topic of justification by faith and ask the question, are we justified by faith alone or by works. My goal is to prove that we are, like apostle Paul said, justified by faith alone and that James 2:24 is not a contradiction but a demonstration of their faith belief.

Aug 15, 202128:55
The Grand Narrative

The Grand Narrative

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

In our passage, it states that God gave his one and only Son, but why did he? Why did it get to this point?

Many of us Christians do just like the father in the story and start reading the Bible from the back. As we should, but we must understand the Bible as a whole, many small stories telling a bigger story, God’s story. When we look at the entire Bible as a whole, we can better understand all the stages of the story that God is communicating with the world.

Mar 28, 202139:24
The Mighty Warrior!

The Mighty Warrior!

Ever wonder what it would take to truly serve God? What qualifies someone to be used by God in a mighty way? The Bible teaches us the God is the qualifier. Throughout the Bible, we see how God chooses the most unqualified people to do extraordinary things. All these well-known heroes of the bible have one thing in common. Today we will explore this common thing that turned unqualified men into qualified.

1 Samuel 15:22

But Samuel replied:

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Obedience doesn’t come from a place of understanding but a place of trust. Why is it important for followers of Christ to learn to walk by obedience?

Let's dig a little deeper into the scriptures.

Feb 07, 202140:17
The Cost

The Cost

Deny yourself daily. Those are the words I heard often when I first began my walk with Christ. what does that even mean? We go to church, read the bible (some of us), listen to gospel music, and try to live a life away from sin. We try to be nice to others, not hurt others feelings, help our fellow brothers and sisters, fellowship and encourage each other’s but at what cost?

There is a price to salvation, and it cost you everything…. It will cost you your life!


Luke 17:33 NIV

Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will pressure it.

What are practical examples described in the bible that can help us to understand the cost that each of us must pay?

Let's explore this thought deeper in this episode.

Jan 17, 202148:30
Sideline Christians

Sideline Christians

Most times, Christians have a preconceived notion of how we ought to act, think, and react to the things around us. 

In this episode, we are going to define what I call the sideline Christians.  We will take a look at scriptures to learn how to transition from the sideline and walk in our boldness.  

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. 

Dec 06, 202044:47
Hold on to your pearls

Hold on to your pearls

Many people get a real thrill out of debating other people. This usually can be and remain formal or can get emotional as each party try to present to the other of their belief. Many like to get into Christian debates to try to convert, defend Jesus Christ, and or to prove that the Gospel is indeed the truth. Most Often, the people that will engage in such conversations are those who like to argue and will stop at nothing to prove their point. During these types of exchange very little active listening takes place, instead the opponent listens enough only to come up with a rebuttal to what is being said.

The question that I have for you today beloved is should Christians get into debates with other non- believers?


In today’s episodes, we will be discussing How the scriptures say we should act when confronted for a debate.

Nov 08, 202040:53
The Word

The Word

Growing up in Haiti, My Grandmother used to take me and my sisters to church every Sunday. I started to enjoy church, especially when the church starts singing. AS a child, you kind of imitate everything you see the elders were doing and that is one of the ways we learn about what to do at church. One thing that we also learn was the act of silent prayers, the prayers that are down to a whisper of just the movement of the lips.

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

In today’s episode, we will take a deeper look at the power of the word of God and how we can use it in our daily lives.

Nov 01, 202031:42
The Door to Life

The Door to Life

Today, we are all subjected to all types of belief systems and views on the world around us. When we sit down with another person and discuss our belief system, oftentimes it seems like you both have the same religious belief, same principles, same view on life until you bring up the name of JESUS.

That name, the name above every name is what changes EVERYTHING. 

I have had many conversations where I tried to explain why we do not have the same belief because of JESUS missing in their belief system. 

John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

In this episode, we will discuss a door that all men must enter to access the father and earn salvation.  

Oct 04, 202041:00
Set Apart

Set Apart

The very nature of man wants to be loved, accepted, revered, admired by their peers. That is why we put the focus on social status so that others can see our accomplishments and gives us the respect that we believe that we deserve according to the works of our own hands.

However, the FOC’s journey to finding Christ and going deeper can prove to be the very opposite of our very nature. 

In this episode, we will discuss the process of being set apart by God as we go down the road less traveled according to HIS will. 

Sometime during your walk with God, He will have you go through a process of being set apart. A wilderness season in our lives.  This simply means to separate, isolate, or designate you for a particular use or purpose in his will. 

Sep 20, 202037:38
The Dimensions of Faith

The Dimensions of Faith

Faith is the very foundation of the Christian walk, a central emphasis of Christianity.

Hebrews 11:6 reads

And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe what he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

This is something that we all already know… We know we have to have faith and we know that we must trust God with all our hearts and soul. Making the life decision to follow Jesus Christ means that we must also keep allowing him to teach us so that we can continue to grow and deeper in him.

In today’s episode, we will take a more in-depth look at the different dimensions of faith.

Sep 13, 202041:44
Warning! Warning!

Warning! Warning!

The past week or so, the lord started to lead me to the book of Jeremiah. I had never sat down and read it in its entirety but quickly realized that this was a special book. After ready a few of the Chapters, I began to look deeper into who Jeremiah was and get a better understanding of the message that is being conveyed in this book. One thing that became clear to me was the reason I felt a pull to read this great book. There is so much more to learn in this book, so much understanding and revelations that can be revealed by the Holy Spirit but we will only focus the big picture at this time. 

In this episode, we are going to get an overview of the book of Jeremiah and see what is God saying to us in this time to all followers of Christ. 

Jul 11, 202043:04
What is kindness?

What is kindness?

The bible says that “we must be transformed by the renewing of the mind” (Rom 12:2). This is because we have been raised to believe and view everything around us through a worldly lens, the world has its definition of what love is, about kindness, wealth, happiness, what to strive for, what consists of a fulfilled life, and so forth.

People say “What would Jesus do?” but then would struggle with the way that Jesus dealt with the Pharisees. According to worldly understanding, Jesus’s encounter with the teachers of the laws could be seen as harsh or even mean. But we know that our Lord and Savior always acted in love, which left me with many questions.

What is kindness?

How are we to be with our brothers and sisters, our neighbor and our enemies?

In today’s episode, we are going to discuss what the scriptures say about kindness, what does that mean to us as followers of Christ, and the testing of the spirits.

Jun 27, 202056:20
Seek His Face

Seek His Face

When a newborn child comes out of the womb into this world, what happens is that their body senses that there is no supply of oxygen and start stimulating the lungs to start functioning. This manifests in the form of a cry as the baby ask for its first breath. Breathing is something that most of us don’t even think because breathing is second nature but we know it is essential to life.
(Genenis 2:7)
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
The very breath in our lungs is the breath of God
“I Can’t Breath” is the slogan associated with the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States. When I think of that slogan I see three different implications

In the natural or physical world, the words “ I can’t breath” are that last words of two African American Man that I know of that was suffocated while in police custody. Their fundamental right to breathe which can’t be given my NO man was taken away from them.
Culturally, these same words signify the oppression of the African American community for the past 400 yrs. When we take the time to open our eyes we will notice that even black country like Africa experience oppression of their people
Spiritually, these same words signify the absence of the Holy Spirit. The breath of life! This a cry to our Father in heaven.

In this episode, we will discuss the role of a FOC in this season, the plan of the enemy, and how we out to respond as followers of Christ.
Jun 06, 202048:14
Into to Daily Living

Into to Daily Living

If you feel lead to contact me please email me at

May 30, 202002:00
Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Many times we define ourselves by our profession (teacher, a lawyer, doctor), what we’ve done in the past whether good or bad, or how people may see us or think of us, the opinions of others, we are validated by the perceptions of how people view you, are you liked by others, or disliked…. thus we measure our worth using these guidelines.

Is that who we really are?

How we see ourselves will determine the actions we take in our lives. Our identity will determine our actions.

In this episode, we will talk about our identity in Christ, who the bible says that we are as followers of Christ, and why it’s important to never forget it!

May 30, 202045:39
How important is your team?

How important is your team?

When we look at any highly successful person, whether it’s in their spiritual walk or it’s chasing a dream and accomplishing a goal, we can see that they almost always have this one thing in common…and it’s that small group of people that are always by their sides… Their team!

Who you choose to be surrounded with can be the difference between losing and Victory!

In today’s episode, we will discuss the importance that our team plays in our destiny, how being around blessed people can bless you, and the role that every follower of Christ plays in the body.

May 23, 202052:23
Be Still

Be Still

Although when we go outside we can since a calmness from the everyday hustle and bustle, for many this is far from the truth. Maybe you have been laid off from work, or maybe you’re an essential worker and you are putting your life at risk every day and that way’ heavy on your heart, or you have fallen ill due to the virus, or you can’t get to loved ones, or you are just getting tired of this quarantine.

You are in the middle of a storm Beloved. 

In this episode, we are going to discuss a couple of bible stories of people that were faced with troubling circumstance, how they were able to overcome and discuss what we learned that can be implemented in our daily walk with Jesus Christ.

May 10, 202054:19
Prayer Request

Prayer Request

The function of a prayer group is to invites and encourages others to share their prayer needs and as a group, offer prayers of praise, petition, and thanksgiving to God.

Matthew 18:20

20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

In today’s episode, we are going to talk about who the bible says Jesus is and the benefits and tips praying in a group.

May 02, 202051:47


Many of us are focus on speaking the word of God, discussing it with others, and even debate it with others, but are we also doers of the word?

James 1:22 King James Version (KJV)

22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

In this episode, we will discuss 5 things that we must implement in our lives that will help us to become better disciples of God.

Apr 25, 202053:56
Who touched me?

Who touched me?

There are so many wonderful stories of Jesus’s ministry and healing in the New Testament that can heal, bless, and teach us when we take the time to study the word. The best part about the bible is that it’s like a bowl of soup, at first glance all you see is the film on top with no real understanding of what’s at the bottom of the bowl. So today, let dip our spoon below the film and let’s see what we find as we begin to dine in the spirit.

In this episode, we are going to focus on the story of a woman with the issue of blood. Please read it for yourself in Luke 8: 43-48.

Apr 18, 202041:34
Covered by the blood (Passover)

Covered by the blood (Passover)

In the book of Exodus chapter 3, we read about the call of Moses to his destiny by way of a flaming bush. (Exodus 3:9-10) “And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.". After some convincing, Moses started his journey back to Egypt with his wife and kids to walk out his purpose.
The Passover celebration is a yearly observation of how God delivered his people from the hands of their enemy the Egyptians. The holiday is ultimately a celebration of freedom, and the story of the exodus from Egypt is a powerful metaphor that is appreciated not only by Jews but by people of other faiths as well.
In this episode, we will discuss the Passover, how it relates to us today, and how we can observe this day as a follower of Christ.
Apr 11, 202046:15
The Hills

The Hills

There a song by a gospel artist called the hills by Travis Greene that I like a lot. It’s based on Psalm 121: 1-2 which reads, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

In the last couple of days I fell on a video that show short stories of actual events that took place when a wild animal, saved the life a human l.  Some of the stories were so inspiring that I went on to do more research to gain better understand. It reminded me that God is always in control. That video gave me reassurance that my eyes need to always be fix on the Lord because he is my Help!

In this time of panic and fear, where are you fixing your eyes?

In this episode, we will discuss looking to the hills for help, the posture that we must take to achieve that goal, and the one thing that we must be aware of to see where help are is coming from.

Apr 04, 202044:15
The Battlefield part 3

The Battlefield part 3

When we think of the battlefield, most of us think of a physical battle. We are so focused on the physical aspect of life… what we can see and touch that we sometimes overlook the mental aspect of the battle.
In this last episode we touch a little on the history of the Israelite army, what the bible teach us about the daily war that FOC’s faced today, and the Armor of God. In this episode, we are going to identify one of our biggest enemies and the battlefield of the mind, we will discuss what the bible says about it and how to apply this understanding in our daily walk with Christ.
Mar 29, 202048:07
The Battlefield Part 2

The Battlefield Part 2

The bible tells us of many stories of how the people of God had to go into battle with other nations. The battle of Rephidim where the Israelite victorious over the Amalekites (Ex. 17:8-13), the battle of Jericho (Joshua 6:6-24), Samson versus the Philistines (Judges 13:1-16:31), and the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1-51) just to name a few.

In part 1 of the battlefield series we discussed the deliverance ministry of Jesus Christ, we talked about spirits and the spirit world, and why it’s important for FOC’s to follow those practices. In this episode we will touch a little on the history of the Israelite army, what does the bible teach us about the daily war that FOC’s faced today, and the Armor of God.

Mar 14, 202044:50
The Battlefield Part 1

The Battlefield Part 1

In the four books of the Gospel (which are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) we learn of Jesus’s teaching about the kingdom of Heaven, we learn about the miracle for feeding 5000 men with only five loaves and two fishes, how he healed people from blindness and leper, and the casting out of unclean spirits or demons.

Most often, we tend to shy away from the deliverance ministry of Jesus and skip to the healing, blessing, and victory forgetting the deliverance is also a big part of Jesus’ teaching.

In the episode, we will discuss Jesus's ministry of casting out demons and teaching on the topic, discuss spirits, and why it is important for a follower of Christ to follow those practices.  

This will be a three-part series on the battlefield that Christian face. But before we can get to the fight we have to start by gaining a good understanding of the deliverance ministry of Jesus Christ.

Feb 29, 202044:50
God's promise

God's promise

The story of Joseph is one of my favorite stories found in the bible. His story is told in the book of Genesis 37-50. Joseph was the 11th of 12 sons of a wealthy man named Jacob and his second wife Rachel. The scriptures tell us that Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other sons because he had been born to him in his old age, and he made an ornate robe for him.
In a previous episode called Change my name, we discuss who Jacob was and how his name was changed from Jacob to Israel meaning God prevails after he wrestled with God. The story of Jacob begins in Genesis 25:19 if you want to read it for yourself.
Many important lessons can be found in this story. In this episode, we are going to discuss what happens when God gives you a promise, waiting on the lord, false accusations, attitudes when going through trials, and forgiveness to those that have wronged us.
Feb 15, 202051:08
from Seed to Harvest

from Seed to Harvest

The bible makes many references to farming to help the listener to gain a deeper understanding. Scriptures tell us that workers engaged in agriculture and the majority of the Jewish population lived off the land. 

Some time ago, the Lord gave me the understanding that a seed has a blueprint on the inside of it to become a prospering tree one day. He also said that, although the seed has the blueprint to become a magnificent tree, the ground that is it planted will determine whether it lives up to that blueprint. 

In today’s episode, we are going to discuss what it takes for a seed to grow into a tree, The process it must take, and the Harvest of your labor. we sill also touch on the reference of the seed as the word of God. 

Feb 01, 202038:47
A Worship Session

A Worship Session

In the last two episodes, we discussed the fall of man and how Jesus was the only one that could save us from eternal damnation.
Worship is defined as the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for God. It is the act of attributing reverent honor and homage to God.
In today’s episode, we going to discuss what worship is, why it is an important part of a follower’s daily walk, then have a worship session to show homage unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Jan 20, 202040:02
The walking dead

The walking dead

We are all too familiar with the word sin. Sin is defined as an immoral act considered to be a transgression/offense/wrongdoing against divine law. We are told throughout scriptures to confess our sins, refrain and repent of our sin.
As followers of Christ, we know that we were born in sin and shaped in wickedness. Genesis tells us that through Adam and Eve sin entered into the world, death because of sin, which then spread to all men because all sinned.
What happened when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
In this episode, we are going to explore what happened to Adam and Eve in Genesis, how it still affects us today, and what provision our Father in Heaven Yahweh had already made to save us from the fall of man.
Jan 11, 202048:06
The sin of the enemy

The sin of the enemy

Being proud of yourself is also known as having strong self-esteem. People who are proud of themselves tend to have passions in life, feel content and set good examples for others. ... Being proud of yourself requires envisioning the person you would like to become and making your best efforts to grow as an individual.
I ask you this question… Is this scriptural? Is the belief of being proud of oneself or having a strong self-esteem line up with bible scripture? The belief that you can envision who you would like to be and grow into that individual.
In today’s episode, we are going to go deeper in defining pride, see what the bible has to say in regards to pride, and if this is a biblical character for followers of Christ.
Jan 04, 202042:56
Christian yoga

Christian yoga

The stress of life is an all too common feeling that can be a very detriment to our health when it lasts for a long period. Yet, many of us live with constant stress in our everyday lives when it comes to our jobs, managing our family, and the day to day stress that always seems to appear at the worst possible time. As a result, many people have been in a search for ways to relieve stress and promote peace in all kinds of practices that have been made available to us. One of those practices is yoga.
In this episode, we will discuss the ancient practice of yoga, its origin, the true meaning behind the practice, and whether or not true followers of Christ should follow such practices.
Dec 14, 201951:00
In HIS footsteps

In HIS footsteps

The words faith and belief are common lingoes for followers of Christ. The bible tells to have faith and that we are saved through faith.
What does faith mean?
Faith has both an active and passive meaning which we will explore in this episode. We will go in-depth to define faith and learn ways we can apply this understanding to our daily lives.
Dec 07, 201941:30
Honoring Jesus

Honoring Jesus

As December draws near, the mood of most people all around starts to change for the coming celebration of Christmas. Most of us are so excited to share the Christmas spirit, give gifts, receive gifts, and celebrate with family/friends all for the birth of Jesus Christ.
But, are we called to Honor Jesus Birth?
In today’s episode will go a little deeper and see what does the bible says about the Christmas celebration, and the relationship has to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nov 30, 201946:56
The way of LOVE

The way of LOVE

The bible tells us to love our brothers as ourselves. What if your brother has wronged you? Or they don't deserve your love, and the feelings you are feeling are nothing close to the love that we are told to have for one another. In this episode, we'll define the bible definition of love and learn how to apply them in our daily lives best.
Nov 23, 201937:04
Golden Calf

Golden Calf

In this episode we will defined Idolatry and discuss old testament versus modern idolatry in the 21st century.
Nov 09, 201933:04
The Tabernacle- The house of God. Part 3; Why is the Tabernacle important today?

The Tabernacle- The house of God. Part 3; Why is the Tabernacle important today?

This is the conclusion to our 3 part series of the Tabernacle- The house of God. We will discuss how the Tabernacle related to us in mordern day and why it was important for them to build the sanctuary exactly how God instructed.
Oct 05, 201934:20
The Tabernacle-The house of God. Part 2; What is the Tabernacle?

The Tabernacle-The house of God. Part 2; What is the Tabernacle?

We will take a deper look of the Tabernacle, the house of God.
Sep 17, 201927:35