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Shlomo's Thoughts on the Torah

Shlomo's Thoughts on the Torah

By Shlomo Bar-Ayal

After morning prayers Shlomo Bar-Ayal gives a daily, brief, one to three minute talk on the Portion of the week.

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Actions Determine Leadership

Shlomo's Thoughts on the TorahMay 15, 2024

Show Your Support

Show Your Support

Today is the Israel Day Parade in New York. Now, more than ever it will be necessary for Jews to unite in support of Israel and show those who hate us that we will not give into their lies and hatred.

Jun 02, 202403:47
Everyone Has Intrinsci Value

Everyone Has Intrinsci Value

After the curses the Torah reminds us that we all have intrinsic value. That each human is valuable. Unlike other cultures we do not kill those who have deformities. We value each life.

May 31, 202402:50
Our Hubris Is Our Downfall

Our Hubris Is Our Downfall

The hardest thing to remember is that our success depends on God. We are required to work for success but without moral code of the Bible our society will fall.

May 30, 202403:12
The Slippery Slope Danger

The Slippery Slope Danger

This week's portion warns of the danger of the slippery slope. That a person thinks he is doing something nice but is allowing others to take advantage of his kindness for bad purposes.

May 29, 202403:52
Do Not Be Like Everyone Else

Do Not Be Like Everyone Else

The curses that are mentioned in this week's portion are not extraordinary. This is what happens to an ordinary nation. If you have a special relationship to God then prove it by your actions.

May 28, 202403:21
We Are The Problem

We Are The Problem

The punishments mentioned in this week's portion are really what will happen if we do not have a just society.

May 27, 202401:07
Respect One Another

Respect One Another

The reason that we lost the Bar-Kochba revolt was that we did not respect one another. This is the lesson we should take from the loss.

May 26, 202404:41
Get Up & Do It

Get Up & Do It

Many people will refuse to do something because "It's not my job". This is not a Jewish idea. It does not matter to the Torah. When something has to get done then it is everybody's job.

May 24, 202402:32
Liberty From Man

Liberty From Man

It is no accident that the successful revolutions put God at the center and the revolutions that degenerated into dictatorship put man at the center.

May 23, 202403:14
Saying "I'm Sorry" Is Not Enough

Saying "I'm Sorry" Is Not Enough

Pesach Sheni is the second chance for those who could not bring an Passover offering during Passover but were unable to. The fact is that one has to do the right thing. Saying I'm sorry is not enough, action is required.

May 22, 202403:37
Not In Heaven

Not In Heaven

While we Jews believe that Jewish law was given at Mt. Sinai, we recognize that the rabbis are entitled to interpret that law as they understand it.

May 21, 202403:35
The Liberty Bell and the Jubilee Year

The Liberty Bell and the Jubilee Year

The Jubilee year is the great reset of society. The command for it contains the famous phrase, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to the inhabitants thereof." This means that we have equal opportunity to succeed.

May 20, 202402:39
It's a Partnership With God

It's a Partnership With God

Keeping the Sabbatical year is showing that one believes in God by refraining from work on the land for a year. Much like keeping the Sabbath and kosher is showing one believes in God.

May 19, 202402:34
Our Society Must Be God Based

Our Society Must Be God Based

The story of the blasphemer seems out of place until we realize that the message that the Torah is sending us is that any society that is not based on the Bible is transitory. Morality and law must be constant.

May 17, 202403:15
Preparing To Be A Free Nation

Preparing To Be A Free Nation

The Torah refers to Passover as the holiday of Matzot. The reason is to teach us that leaving Egypt was the first step to becoming a nation. We had to learn what it means to be free.

May 16, 202403:12
Actions Determine Leadership

Actions Determine Leadership

The laws concerning the priests' behavior can only be understood in the context that the priest were the spiritual leaders, so their actions mattered.

May 15, 202403:32
God's Hand In Creating Israel

God's Hand In Creating Israel

Today is Israel Independence Day. It is in the middle of the Omer, a period of mourning for our loss in the Bar Cochba revolt. This is not accident. It shows God's hand in our lives.

May 14, 202403:20
Remembering Why We Fight

Remembering Why We Fight

Today is the Memorial Day for the fallen in the Israel Defense Forces. Those who make the outrageous accusations against the IDF and defend Hamas should know that they are defending anti-Semites and racists. It is that simple.

May 13, 202403:24
Our Leaders Represent Us

Our Leaders Represent Us

The Torah points out that one of the duties of the priests in the Temple was the way they looked. We have to remember that they represent God to the people and the people to God.

May 12, 202403:08
The Key to A Just Soceity

The Key to A Just Soceity

The Torah admonishes judges not to pervert justice and to have accurate weights and measures. The biggest problem in the developing nations is corruption.

May 10, 202403:09
Obey The Law

Obey The Law

We are commanded to fear our parents but also to keep the Shabbat in the same verse. This is teach us that we have to obey our parents unless they order us to violate Jewish Law.

May 09, 202403:15
God's Hand In The World

God's Hand In The World

Israel Independence Day is on Iyar 5, this year it will be celebrated on May 14. It occurs during the Omar, a period of mourning over the loss of the Bar Kochba Revolt. It is no accident of history but God's hand in the world.

May 08, 202403:19
Our Morality Is From God

Our Morality Is From God

The Torah was the first religious book that tied religion with morality. This is because God stresses that He is a moral God and wants us to be a moral people.

May 07, 202402:53
Stand As A Jew

Stand As A Jew

Today is the memorial day for the Jews murdered in Europe during the Holocaust. It is also to remember the bravery that those facing death showed. The defeat of our enemies is not only that we survive but we survived as Jews.

May 06, 202403:02
How To Become Holy

How To Become Holy

The beginning of the Portion states "You Will Become Holy." Then it explains how to become holy through our interactions with our fellow man.

May 05, 202403:05
Breaking the Chains of Slavery

Breaking the Chains of Slavery

The reason that the Jews had to put blood on their doorposts was to rid them of the slave mentality. The purpose was not only to free them but to build them up to be free people.

Apr 18, 202404:03
We Are One Family

We Are One Family

The Hagadah goes out if its way to show the unity of the Jewish people. That when some Jews are suffering then alll Jews are suffering.

Apr 17, 202404:13
A Part but Apart of Society

A Part but Apart of Society

We are taught that, while we should be involved in the society around us, that we should remember that we are also separate. To protect ourselves we should maintain our own customs and traditions.

Apr 16, 202403:18
Do What is Right in God's Eyes

Do What is Right in God's Eyes

There were Jews who probably told to compromise with Pharaoh.. Moses knew that there was no compromise on the issue. It was a matter that Egyptian society was rotten to the core. There is no compromise with evil.

Apr 15, 202402:25
What is Passover About

What is Passover About

The Haggadah that we read on Passover is to remind us of the reason that God took us out of Egypt. That we should be a light unto the nations by our actions.

Apr 14, 202403:12
Remembering a Proud Jew

Remembering a Proud Jew

Yesterday we received the sad news of the passing of Tom Weiss. He was a fixture in our community for all the good deeds that he did with his sunny personality. May his memory be a blessing to us all.

Apr 12, 202402:18
Surviving As Jews

Surviving As Jews

This week we are reminded of the importance of Brit Milah. It is to tell us that the real defeat of our enemies is that we continue as Jews, from generation to generation.

Apr 11, 202402:49
Celebrate Life, Not Death

Celebrate Life, Not Death

The Torah commands us to celebrate life. While we honor the dead, we do not celebrate death. We have to remember that this is one of main differences with our current enemies. The celebrate death, not life.

Apr 10, 202402:55
Our Fate is In Our Hands

Our Fate is In Our Hands

There is no Hebrew word for tragedy. The reason is that in the view of the Torah our fates are not predetermined. We can change our lives by our actions.

Apr 09, 202402:58
The Disease of Slander

The Disease of Slander

The disease mentioned in the Torah seems to be a spiritual disease. It is an affliction that comes upon us for speaking ill of others. We have to be careful of not only what goes into our mouths but what comes out as well.

Apr 08, 202403:15
Life is Hard, So What

Life is Hard, So What

History teaches us that we will suffer tragedies in our lives. It is not that we will suffer them but what do we learn from them and how do we get up and rebuild.

Apr 07, 202403:05
Hubris Before the Fall

Hubris Before the Fall

The hubris of Aaron's sons was what lead to their downfall. The fact that Aaron did not correct their behavior shows that a parents' responsibility is to make sure their children do not fall into the trap of hubris.

Apr 04, 202403:23
You Have to Earn It

You Have to Earn It

The big mistake that Aaron's sons made was that they assumed that they would inherit the status of their father without having earned it. This is to teach us that just because your parents are great does not mean that you will be. You have to earn it.

Apr 03, 202403:11
Do What is Right

Do What is Right

When the sons of Aaron brought an unauthorized offering in the Tabernacle they were punished with death. This is to teach us that we should do what is right, not what we feel is right.

Apr 02, 202402:58
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

All great things in the history of the Jewish people begin in the month of Nisan. That is the real Jewish new year since that is the month the Tabernacle first began to operate.

Apr 01, 202403:48
Going Above and Beyond

Going Above and Beyond

The Torah uses the number eight to teach that we are both physical and spiritual beings. Our physicality is expressed by our having bodily needs. Our spirituality is expressed by our commands to make ourselves better.

Mar 31, 202402:26
Know Your Limitations

Know Your Limitations

Moses was told to anoint Aaron, his brother, to be High Priest. This is to teach us that we all have limitations. And we should know them.

Mar 29, 202402:39
We're On The Way

We're On The Way

Part of the thanksgiving offering was 10 loaves of 3 different types of unleavened bread and 10 loaves of leavened bread. This is to teach that we are on a path. We are not there yet but will arrive.

Mar 28, 202403:17
Make the Mundane Exciting

Make the Mundane Exciting

The Daily Offering teaches us to be excited about daily Mitzvot. The can get boring but if we approach them with right attitude it can change our lives.

Mar 27, 202403:03
No Honest Work is Beneath Us

No Honest Work is Beneath Us

Every morning the first thing that a priest had to do in the Temple was to clean the ashes from the day before. This is to teach us that there is no honest work that is beneath our dignity.

Mar 26, 202403:42
Then Centrality of Israel

Then Centrality of Israel

Shushan Purim is celebrated in cities that were wall at the time of Joshua. Why, since Joshua lived centuries before the story took place. This is to teach the centrality of Jerusalem to the Jewish people.

Mar 25, 202404:03
Why the Jews?

Why the Jews?

The question is why the Jews are the only people who have faced genocide throughout history. The answer is simple. The Jews represent a morality from God. And many people do not want to be moral.

Mar 22, 202403:26
Who is The King?

Who is The King?

God seemingly does not appear in the Book of Esther. The truth is we see God's providence in all that takes place.

Mar 21, 202402:56
Be Alert to Danger

Be Alert to Danger

The Fast of Esther is to remind us that we should be aware of problematic leaders. We should be alert to the dangers facing us in these situations.

Mar 20, 202401:48
Know Before Whom You Stand

Know Before Whom You Stand

While Mordechai wanted to something due to the danger the Jews were in, Esther explains that only she is able to deal with the situation since she knew how Achashverosh operated, what made him tick.

Mar 19, 202404:04