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Faith Retriever, Fetching the Good News

Faith Retriever, Fetching the Good News

By Faith Retriever on Sacred Heart Radio

Welcome to the Faith Retriever, Fetching the Good News for your family with Deacon Eric Paige on Sacred Heart Radio. A show that deepens our relationship with Jesus Christ by connecting listeners with the local Church.
Currently playing episode

#39 Ned Dolejsi talks Catholic Social Teaching

Faith Retriever, Fetching the Good NewsMay 10, 2024

#41 Carlos Carrillo on Resources for Learning and Sharing the faith
May 31, 202427:30
#40 	Fr. Bryan Dolejsi on Discernment How to make Life-Giving Decisions
May 31, 202427:30
#39 Ned Dolejsi talks Catholic Social Teaching

#39 Ned Dolejsi talks Catholic Social Teaching

Welcome to the Faith Retriever. Our faith asks us to try to foster a society that helps us to love God and love neighbor. Catholic Social Teaching helps us to think about how we do that. Today, we are blessed to have Ned Dolejsi with us to help us learn more about Catholic Social Teaching and how it can help us put our faith into action in our communities.

Ned Dolejsi has extensive experience in representing the Church in addressing social problems through the lens of faith. He directed both the Washington and California Catholic Conferences which represents the bishops of the state in public policy matters. He got his start teaching in the Catholic school system and founded the Channel program in the Archdiocese which inspired and prepared college graduates for service in the Church. Through his career, Ned has developed a strong sense of how to think about public policy questions with the mind of the Church. Something we could use much more of.

May 10, 202427:30
Episode 38 Tools for a Better Lent

Episode 38 Tools for a Better Lent

With the season of Lent underway, we have a great opportunity before us spiritually. On this episode, we review the resources offered by the Archdiocese of Seattle for Lent and how we can put them to work in our homes.

Today we talk about this with Patty Lewis, Director of Digital and Content for the Archdiocese of Seattle and Katie DeWeese, editor of the NW Catholic Magazine.

Feb 29, 202427:31
Episode 37 Part 2 with Deacon Gregg McNabb, My Friend is Dying

Episode 37 Part 2 with Deacon Gregg McNabb, My Friend is Dying

Part 2 with Deacon McNabb

Earlier this year, Dn. Gregg offered some helpful guidance for how we visit a loved one or friend in the hospital. Today, we’re going to take a look at a similar, but more challenging situation: what do we do when a loved one or friend is dying? Even though we know death is an inevitable part of our time on this earth, it frightens us. How do we make sure that we can be there for the people we love when this time comes? How do we offer support at this critical time? Dn. Dn. Gregg is going to help us do that by sharing his advice and encouragement.

Feb 08, 202442:32
Episode 36 Deacon Gregg McNabb, My Friend is Dying - Pt 1

Episode 36 Deacon Gregg McNabb, My Friend is Dying - Pt 1

Today we are blessed to visit with Dn. Greg McNabb who serves as full-time Hospital Chaplain for the Archdiocese of Seattle visiting the hospitals on the First Hill in Seattle. Dn. Greg has also served as Pastoral Associate and Pastoral Coordinator at Immaculate Conception and St. Therese parishes in Seattle. He earned a MA in Pastoral Studies at Seattle University and was ordained a deacon along with me in 2007.

Earlier this year, Dn. Gregg offered some helpful guidance for how we visit a loved one or friend in the hospital. Today, we’re going to take a look at a similar, but more challenging situation: what do we do when a loved one or friend is dying? Even though we know death is an inevitable part of our time on this earth, it frightens us. How do we make sure that we can be there for the people we love when this time comes? How do we offer support at this critical time? Dn. Dn. Gregg is going to help us do that by sharing his advice and encouragement.

Feb 08, 202427:30
Episode 35 Taking Custody of our Imagination

Episode 35 Taking Custody of our Imagination

Have you ever noticed that our thoughts seem to have a mind of their own? Would you like your thoughts to help you rather than upset you? Fr. Kurt Nagel is going to help us explore ways that we can take custody of our imaginations so that they help lead us in the right direction.

Fr. Kurt Nagel is Pastor of St. Monica Parish, Mercer Island and Sacred Heart, Bellevue. He also serves in a number of leadership roles in the Archdiocese of Seattle. He has a gift for administrative leadership, evangelization and teaching. You can also find him on the Sacred Heart Book Club on Sacred Heart Radio.

Jan 31, 202427:30
Episode 34 The Use of Philosophy with Father Justin Ryan

Episode 34 The Use of Philosophy with Father Justin Ryan

Great athletes, cooks and artists all know that preparation is the key to great performance. In the same way, philosophy prepares us for good decisions and happiness. Now, on the Faith Retriever, we’re going to learn from Fr. Justin Ryan about the use of philosophy and why you don’t need a degree in philosophy to benefit from it.

Fr. Justin Ryan serves as the Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Seattle. This means that he is responsible for identifying, recruiting and forming seminarians who, God willing, will one day become priests in our parishes. Fr. Justin has a true love for theology and philosophy which helps him to form and support the seminarians who must learn these very important disciplines.

Jan 24, 202427:30
Episode 33 Strategic Alignment and Faith at Work

Episode 33 Strategic Alignment and Faith at Work

Today we are blessed to visit with Dn. Duane Schireman about “Strategic alignment and faith at work” as part of a series on faith in the workplace. Organizations want their employees to align with their mission. How do we go about doing that? And, how do we deal with situations where our organization might be promoting something that doesn’t align with our faith?

Dn. Duane Schireman serves as a permanent deacon at Our Lady of Hope Parish and School in Everett, Washington. In addition he has served at Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishes and School as the Pastoral Coordinator, as well serving on the Field Staff for the Archdiocese of Seattle. Prior to this, Dn. Duane served in a number of HR positions, including Director of Human Resources, during a career spanning 31 years at Boeing. His experience is very helpful in understanding how more about how we practice our faith and add value at work.

Jan 10, 202427:30
Episode 32 How Stewardship Supports the Life of the Church

Episode 32 How Stewardship Supports the Life of the Church

Have you ever wondered how to respond to fundraising campaigns at Church. Or have you ever had to respond to questions from friends and family members on the same subject. Today we are blessed to visit with three guests from the Archdiocese of Seattle who can help us answer those questions for ourselves and for others.

Erin Oest-Larsen is Chief Development Officer and she also directs the St. Joseph Foundation. She has an extensive background in development and fundraising for non-profit organizations.

Steve Homiak directs Parish Support and Annual Campaigns efforts. He is the person who helps parishes plan effective campaigns to engage parishioners each year.

Carin Brown is the Major Gifts Officer. She also has directs the Crozier Society which raises funds for seminarians and vocations. 

Jan 03, 202427:30
Episode 31 Ministering with our Hispanic Brothers and Sisters

Episode 31 Ministering with our Hispanic Brothers and Sisters

On Faith Retriever today, we are blessed to visit with Dn. Marco Alban to discuss how to most effectively minister with our Hispanic brothers and sisters.  

Ordained in 2020, Dn. Marco serves at Mary Queen of Peace, Sammamish in a variety of ministries. He is especially committed to strengthening marriage and family life. Additionally, Dn. Marco has extensive experience at Microsoft as Director for Strategic Leadership, Sales Strategy and Operations. Among other gifts, Dn. Marco is an effective guide for those of us who would like to partner more effectively with members of the Hispanic Community in our parish.

Dec 29, 202327:30
Episode 30 Mining for cultural Christmas gold

Episode 30 Mining for cultural Christmas gold

Today we are going to look at ways we can take advantage of the best things available in culture to make a more rewarding Advent and Christmas season for our families and parishes. We will talk about ways to observe the Gospel messages hidden in some old favorites and highlight a few hidden gems you might not have known about.

Patty Lewis is Director of Digital and Content for the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Communications Office. She and her family are members of Holy Rosary, Edmonds.

Selena Abounader serves as Social Media Manager for the Archdiocese of Seattle and is a parishioner at St. Vincent De Paul, Federal Way.  

We are also blessed to have Patrick Sharkey with us. Patrick serves as Pastoral Assistant for Administration at St. Nicholas, Gig Harbor. He is also studying Spiritual Direction through our Christifideles program. In addition to his deep faith, he brings a powerful love for Christmas to the table in this conversation.

Dec 21, 202327:30
Episode 29 The Faith Behind Christmas Traditions

Episode 29 The Faith Behind Christmas Traditions

We’re celebrating Advent and anticipating Christmas and we are surrounded by Christmas traditions grounded in symbols of our faith. To help us benefit from those traditions, we are going to explore the meaning behind the traditions with three wise people.

Carlos Carillo directs Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Seattle and teaches the faith in a variety of settings throughout the country. In addition to his work with the Archdiocese of Seattle, he teaches on a variety of subjects related to faith and spiritual accompaniment in both English and Spanish.

Joseph Tancioco serves as Program Manager for the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Office of the Vicar General. He has a strong background in Faith Formation and a gift for music, theatre and understanding popular culture.

Patty Lewis is Director of Digital and Content for the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Communications Office. She and her family are members of Holy Rosary, Edmonds.

Dec 13, 202327:30
Episode 28 Tools for a Better Advent

Episode 28 Tools for a Better Advent

Today we start the season of Advent, a potentially very fruitful spiritual season of the year. Today, we are going to look at free resources offered by the Archdiocese of Seattle for Advent and how we can put them to work in our homes.

Patty Lewis is Director of Digital and Content for the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Communications Office. She and her family are members of Holy Rosary, Edmonds. Kate DeWeese edits NW Catholic Magazine. She has extensive experience in journalism and she and her family are members at St. Charles Borromeo in Tacoma. Both are part of the Archdiocese of Seattle Communications Office which creates a very helpful resource online resource for Advent.

Dec 03, 202327:30
Episode 27 Hearers of the Word | Gospel of Mark

Episode 27 Hearers of the Word | Gospel of Mark

Today we are going to discuss with Fr. Stephen Rowan how to be better Hearers of the Word at Mass in this new liturgical year.

Father Stephen Rowan, a priest of the Archdiocese of Seattle, has served as a professor of English and administrator at Seattle University, the University of Portland and Carroll College in Helena, Montana. When he was superintendent for Catholic schools and vicar general for the Archdiocese of Seattle, Father Rowan served as founding chair of the Fulcrum Foundation, which provides tuition assistance and support for Catholic schools. He now teaches courses at Mount Angel Seminary and directs retreats.

Nov 22, 202327:31
Episode 26 What is our attitude at work?

Episode 26 What is our attitude at work?

Today on Faith Retriever we are blessed to visit with Dn. Duane Schireman about “What is our attitude at work?” as part of a series on faith in the workplace. Work is an important part of our lives and our faith should influence how behave while at work. Does our faith encourage us to see our jobs primarily as a way to provide for our families? Does faith mean that we should be prepared to sacrifice for the good of the company? What does God want me to do when my boss wants someone to volunteer to work the weekend?


Dn. Duane Schireman serves as a permanent deacon at Immaculate Conception & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishes and School in Everett, Washington. In addition he has served at Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishes and School as the Pastoral Coordinator, as well serving on the Field Staff for the Archdiocese of Seattle. Prior to this, Dn. Duane served in a number of HR positions, including Director of Human Resources, during a career spanning 31 years at Boeing. His experience is very helpful in understanding how more about how we practice our faith and add value at work.

Nov 22, 202327:30
Episode 25 Healing in Marriage

Episode 25 Healing in Marriage

Deacon Eric talks with Bill and Angela Schnieders on healing from unresolved wounds in the marriage an important skill.

Sep 26, 202327:30
Episode 24 Deacon Greg McNabb talks how to visit a friend in the hospital

Episode 24 Deacon Greg McNabb talks how to visit a friend in the hospital

We are blessed to visit with Dn. Greg McNabb who serves as full-time Hospital Chaplain for the Archdiocese of Seattle visiting the hospitals on the First Hill in Seattle. Dn. Greg has also served as Pastoral Associate and Pastoral Coordinator at Immaculate Conception and St. Therese parishes in Seattle. He earned a MA in Pastoral Studies at Seattle University and was ordained a deacon along with me in 2007.  Dn. Gregg’s experience in following the Gospel command to visit the sick can be helpful for us in that we too are called to visit the sick among our family and friends. The challenge is that we don’t always know how to do it well. Dn. Gregg is going to help us do that by sharing his advice and encouragement.

Sep 26, 202327:30
Episode 23 Engage in The Partners in the Gospel

Episode 23 Engage in The Partners in the Gospel

Deacon Eric speaks with Father Gary Lazzeroni, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Seattle. In his work today, Fr. Gary plays a lead role in coordinating a very important process called Partners in the Gospel. No doubt, you have heard much about this process in your parish. Today, we are going to talk with Fr. Gary about how we as leaders in our parishes can help communicate to our family and friends about this process to help them understand and engage constructively with it.

Sep 26, 202327:30
Episode 22 on Growth Mindset in Marriage Part 2

Episode 22 on Growth Mindset in Marriage Part 2

This episode is part two of a four-episode series on marriage with Angela Schnieders, Bill Schnieders and Fr. Sean Raftis. Angela is known for her work as a co-founder and senior partner with Mission Advancement Partners, Director of Mission Advancement with Endow and co-founder of the Woman School which helps women master the mindsets and skillsets needed to thrive in our changing world. Bill set aside a career in Silcon Valley to relocate to Flathead Lake in Montana exploring start up ventures in water, farming and energy in addition to leading workshops on Catholic apologetics.

Fr. Sean Raftis is a renowned retreat leader and Pastor of St. Richard Church in Columbia Falls, Montana.

The first two episodes talk about the importance of the growth mindset in marriage. Then we discuss communication in marriage and finally healing in marriage. Each episode explores practical ways to let our faith enrich our marriages, strengthening us to care for both our families and communities.

Aug 17, 202327:28
Episode 21 on Growth Mindset in Marriage Part 1

Episode 21 on Growth Mindset in Marriage Part 1

Welcome to the Faith Retriever. This episode is part of a four-episode series on marriage with Angela Schnieders, Bill Schnieders and Fr. Sean Raftis.

Angela is known for her work as a co-founder and senior partner with Mission Advancement Partners, Director of Mission Advancement with Endow and co-founder of the Woman School which helps women master the mindsets and skillsets needed to thrive in our changing world. Bill set aside a career in Silcon Valley to relocate to Flathead Lake in Montana exploring start up ventures in water, farming and energy in addition to leading workshops on Catholic apologetics.

Fr. Sean Raftis is a renowned retreat leader and Pastor of St. Richard Church in Columbia Falls, Montana.

The first two episodes talk about the importance of the growth mindset in marriage. Then we discuss communication in marriage and finally healing in marriage. Each episode explores practical ways to let our faith enrich our marriages, strengthening us to care for both our families and communities.

Aug 10, 202327:28
Episode 20 Father Justin Ryan talks with Deacon Eric on the Doctrine of Creation

Episode 20 Father Justin Ryan talks with Deacon Eric on the Doctrine of Creation

Welcome to the Faith Retriever. Today, we are going to explore with Fr. Justin Ryan why and how we share the Catholic doctrine of creation. This doctrine grounds how we see the world and, without it, we struggle to relate well to God and to share the faith with those we love. 

Fr. Justin Ryan serves as the Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Seattle. This means that he is responsible for identifying, recruiting and forming seminarians who, God willing, will one day become priests in our parishes. Fr. Justin has a true love for theology and philosophy which helps him to form and support the seminarians who must learn these very important disciplines.

Books referenced: Evolution as a Religion by Mary Midgely 

May 03, 202327:29
Episode 19 Deacon Eric talks about discernment to the UW Neuman Center Part One
May 03, 202328:07
Episode 18, Deacon Eric and Fr. Cal Talk Evangelizing Door to Door

Episode 18, Deacon Eric and Fr. Cal Talk Evangelizing Door to Door

Deacon Eric talks with Father Cal Christiansen about some of the techniques of Evangelization and his experiences going door to door around his neighborhood and parish, St. Pius X Catholic Church in Mountlake Terrace.

May 03, 202327:27
Episode 17 talking with Fr. Jim Lee

Episode 17 talking with Fr. Jim Lee

Father Jim Lee joins Deacon Eric on Faith Retriever to discuss a recent retreat he led about how, in many ways, we are all thirsty for God. He shares insights that would be helpful and ones we can apply own prayer life. Deacon and Father talk about those today on Faith Retriever.

Apr 12, 202327:28
Episode 16 Get the most out of Lent!

Episode 16 Get the most out of Lent!

Lent provides us a beautiful opportunity to grow closer to God. Deacon Eric Paige preached and spoke to the people of St. Barbara’s in Black Diamond, WA offering some practical ways to get the most out of this season of spiritual growth. We face an adversary in the form of the devil and the distractions of the world around us. But Lent gives us a chance to focus on the basics:

prayer to develop our intellect

fasting to discipline our senses

almsgiving to develop our will and love for God and people


For more resources check out the Archdiocese of Seattle’s page for Lenten Inspiration and Resources: Lent Inspiration and Resources - Archdiocese of Seattle (

Get At Home with Faith as a resource to develop your family’s faith go to


Mar 10, 202327:29
Episode 15, What is a Deacon?

Episode 15, What is a Deacon?

Today Deacon Eric talks with Bishop Frank Schuster, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Seattle and Pastor of St. Vincent De Paul parish in Federal Way. Bishop Schuster leads the Archdiocese of Seattle’s formation of permanent deacons. Today's topic is about What is a Deacon?  

Feb 18, 202327:27
Episode 14 When Did You Fall in Love with Jesus with Fr. Jim Lee

Episode 14 When Did You Fall in Love with Jesus with Fr. Jim Lee

Today Faith Retriever we are blessed to visit with Fr. Jim Lee, Pastor of St. Michael parish in Olympia.

The simple question “When did you fall in love with Jesus?” can open our hearts to the incredible graces our Lord intends for us. Fr. Jim Lee provides insights into how we can ask this question of ourselves and others so as to inspire a new commitment to faith and breathe new life into our parish community.

'I am blessed' - Northwest Catholic: Read Catholic News & Stories (

Despite physical limitations of ALS, Olympia pastor feels grateful, blessed - Northwest Catholic: Read Catholic News & Stories (

Fr. Lee served as a Maryknoll missionary in Tanzania, East Africa for ten years and was ordained a priest in 1975. Then he helped to form Maryknoll missionaries until 1986, when invited by a friend to the Northwest, he came to the Archdiocese of Seattle serving as Pastor at Assumption parish in Bellingham and then in 1997 was assigned to St. Michael parish as Pastor. Since then he has remained as pastor leading one of our largest and most vibrant parishes in the Archdiocese, despite an ALS diagnosis in 2017.

Feb 09, 202327:27
Episode 13 What is our media diet?

Episode 13 What is our media diet?

Today, we are going to explore What’s in our media diet? with Helen McClenahan and Patty Lewis. Just about all of us are aware of the way that the food that we eat can affect our health, mood and ability to interact with the world around us. We’re now becoming increasingly aware of how the media we watch, read and listen to can affect the way we think, feel and treat those around us. Today, we will talk about some of the things we can do to improve our media diet.

Jan 26, 202327:27
Episode 12 Deacon Eric and Fr Rowan discuss Word at Mass

Episode 12 Deacon Eric and Fr Rowan discuss Word at Mass

On this program, Deacon Eric discusses ways us to be better hearers of the Word at Mass with Father Stephen Rowan.  

Jan 12, 202327:27
Episode 11 Ways to grow and understand the local church

Episode 11 Ways to grow and understand the local church

Deacon Eric talks with Father Rowan and Father Lazzaroni on ways that would help us grow and understand the work of the local church.

Jan 12, 202327:36
Episode 10 Advent Season

Episode 10 Advent Season

Deacon Eric and Father Jim Lee, Pastor of St. Michael's in Olympia, talk about the Advent season and how we can deepen our relationship with Jesus and also evangelize our family and friends drawing them into a closer relationship with Jesus.  Father Lee has served in many leadership roles in the Archdiocese of Seattle, one being, the leader of the spiritual formation program for permanent deacons. 

Dec 10, 202227:28
Episode 9 Fr Nagel and Thanksgiving table

Episode 9 Fr Nagel and Thanksgiving table

Deacon Eric Paige hosts a discussion of gratitude with Fr. Kurt Nagel, Pastor of St. Monica Parish on Mercer Island and Sacred Heart Parish in Bellevue.  Together they discuss how to gently bring your faith to the Thanksgiving table with prayer, kindness and understanding.

Nov 22, 202227:30
Episode 8 Book Discussion with Father Justin

Episode 8 Book Discussion with Father Justin

Deacon Eric Paige interviews Fr. Justin Ryan, Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Seattle. They discuss the book Leisure: The Basis of Culture by Josef Pieper, the importance of leisure and how to correctly practice leisure. 

Nov 12, 202227:59
Episode 7 Deacon Harold Burke-Sievers on Men's Conference
Oct 21, 202227:28
Episode 6 Deacon discusses the upcoming retreat "The Hidden Life"
Sep 24, 202227:28
Episode 5 What is a spiritual retreat?
Sep 24, 202227:28
Episode 4 What is a Newman Center?

Episode 4 What is a Newman Center?

What is a Newman Center?

Deacon Eric Paige talks with Fr. Marcin Szymanski O.P, Director of the University of Washington Newman Center, along with two students Tess and Cello about what a Newman Center is, how they outreach to students on campus and how to connect your college student with a Newman Center. 

Visit UW Newman Center at

Sep 07, 202227:27
Episode 3 How to grow your spiritual life

Episode 3 How to grow your spiritual life

Deacon Eric talks with Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, Auxiliary Bishop for Archdiocese of Seattle on how spiritual direction works and how to grow in the spiritual life.

Aug 16, 202227:36
Episode 2 Father Nagel helping parents evangelize their children

Episode 2 Father Nagel helping parents evangelize their children

Deacon Eric and his guest, Father Kurt Nagel, Pastor of St. Monica Parish, Mercer Island and Sacred Heart Parish, Bellevue, discuss helping parents evangelize their children.

They also discuss parts of the book The Collapse of Parenting: How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Adults by Leonard Sax. 

Jul 29, 202227:18
Episode 1 The art of the homily

Episode 1 The art of the homily

Deacon Eric Paige discusses with his guest Father Stephen Rowan on the art of the homily. Dr. Rowan and Dean Eric also take a deep dive into how the readings are structured, what the priest is trying to accomplish during the homily and themes of the Gospel of Luke.

Fr. Rowan has taught in the Archdiocese of Seattle, was the president of Carroll College and is currently at Mount Angel Abbey in Oregon. He gives a lecture to priests and deacons about preaching the lectionary and today summarized this talk with Deacon Eric. 

Jun 28, 202227:58