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Journal of Life

Journal of Life

By Siddhartha Jha

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This podcast discusses issues from our daily life that are not usually discussed with the help of literary works from eminent saints, poets and artists. The speaker, Siddhartha, is a trainer by profession and with shares his experience on various unspoken facets of our daily living. It is bound to make you come closer to yourself and reflect upon the way of life we are leading.
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Episode 7- Understanding our Responsibility

Journal of LifeJun 20, 2020

Episode 43 - Meaning of 'Ik Onkar'

Episode 43 - Meaning of 'Ik Onkar'

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Baisakhi marks the beginning of the harvesting season. It also marks the day when Guru Gobind Singh Ji marked the beginning of Khalsa. So, there could not have been a better day to re-visit the Moolmantra of Japuji Sahib (part of Guru Granth Sahib), which we have all heard being recited in Gurudwaras and try and find out the priceless meaning it holds for everyone of us. Hope you guys like this episode.
Jun 11, 202246:32
Episode 42|| In Conversation Episode#4|| Decoding: The Psychology of Weak People

Episode 42|| In Conversation Episode#4|| Decoding: The Psychology of Weak People

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One of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's most famous quote says, "And if you think strong men are hurtful, wait until you see what weak men are capable of." Now, the narrative that most of us have been listening to since childhood says that the one who has the power oppresses and exploits people and they hurt the weak ones. So, is Jordan Peterson saying just the opposite or is he actually clarifying what we have always seen right in front of our eyes but never really understood. What did Ayn Rand want to tell us by creating the character named 'Ellsworth Toohey' in her classic novel: 'The Fountainhead'. We also know, that most of Swami Vivekananda's teachings revolved around the principle of Strength.
Now, the question arises what does Strength mean? Why did Swami Ji preach Strength all his life? What makes weak people dangerous? How to identify weak people around you? How to be strong in the face of inequality and injustice? Discussing all of these questions and much more in the latest episode. Hope you guys like it!!
Oct 03, 202146:35
Episode 41 || In Conversation #3 || Science v/S Religion

Episode 41 || In Conversation #3 || Science v/S Religion

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There is often a lot of conversation in the intellectual circles regarding the debate of Science and Religion. Generally, the conventional images associated with that of a man dedicated to science is of rationality and empiricism whereas, Religion is often associated with orthodoxy and conservatism. Is this image true?   What is the need and purpose of religion? Why do people look for religion? What do we mean by Religion? What is the need for Science? What is the objective of Science? Are any of the two Dispensable? What happens if you remove any of the two from the equation. What are the implication of both of them on an individual, socio political level!? Discussing all of the above and much more in the upcoming episode of 'In Conversation' on our podcast: ' Journal of Life'. Hope you guys like it!!

Sep 20, 202159:31
Episode 40|| In Conversation #2 || The Medium is the Message

Episode 40|| In Conversation #2 || The Medium is the Message

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There has been a surge in our information sources in the past decade or so especially with the advent of social media. Most of the community is gathering their information from one or the pother social media platform. Now, here is a food for thought: What if the info is not just info but a means to manipulate and control? How do we decide if the platform owner is not just using the platform but filtering the info too according to their own whims? In such a situation how does one remain uninfluenced? Marshal McLuhan's Theory sheds light on this issue. Also, what is the importance of language? How does Language shape reality? How is language being attacked in the contemporary world? Discussing all of these questions and much more in the new episode of 'In conversation' series of our podcast 'Journal of Life.' Hope you guys like it!!

Sep 05, 202152:46
Episode 39||In Conversation #01|| Reality and Connecting to Life

Episode 39||In Conversation #01|| Reality and Connecting to Life

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A lot of people have been widely investigating into the idea that the current generation has already entered in a Huxlian Dystopia. Among those who have presented substantive theories as to what we are dealing with today, Jean Baudillard and Mark Fisher are the two most prominent ones. Their theories on Simulacra and Simulation, Hyper reality and Capitalist Realism can help us understand the current situation in a far better way. 

Is there any alternative to Capitalism? What is reality? Do we know what is Real anymore? How is the market seducing us towards Hyperreality?Discussing both of these theories along with their sociological, economic, cultural and religious impacts in this beautiful free-flowing and spontaneous conversation with two of my friends one of whom is a writer, poet and a spiritual seeker. the other is a philosophically inclined Jungian analyst with a bend towards Filmmaking. Hope you like this conversation and do let me know what you think of it.

Aug 01, 202159:47
Episode 38 - Whom to Trust?

Episode 38 - Whom to Trust?

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All of us irrespective of our caste, creed, background go through very similar problems in our lives in most of the cases. Difficulty in trusting people can easily be said to be one of those problems.

Our lives includes a number of people, family, friend.ds, colleagues, neighbors etc. We have a relationship with each of them. We expect them to be a certain way but they eventually don't. This makes us feel stupid of ourselves for trusting. All the betrayals, all the hardships, the breakups , the spoilt relationships result into us turning into careful rather doubtful people. We can't really seem to understand whom to trust and whom to not! What is the real meaning of trust? How and whom should we trust? We all have trust issues. Discussing all these questions in this episode. Hope you guys like it!!

Jul 28, 202115:39
Episode 37 - Significance of Art and Philosophy

Episode 37 - Significance of Art and Philosophy

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Everything that we have or achieve in this world always tends to get deteriorated. Every order constructed in this world tends to become chaotic with time. Be it our own bodies, our wealth, money, respect , social status or anything else. Thus, it can be rightly said that here is an existential fear and insecurity that is inbuilt in our system. To solve this existential problem, great German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer gave two ways: one of which was the company of Art and Philosophy. Here is a video discussing the significance of Art and Philosophy and how they can help us resolve this existential problem. Hope you guys like it.

Jun 26, 202112:54
Episode 36 - Why are Super-Heroes attractive?

Episode 36 - Why are Super-Heroes attractive?

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Episode Details: The craze around SuperHero movies are on a rise and doesn't seem to stop anytime soon. Marvel and DC movies like Avengers and Justice League are made at exorbitant prices and are also bringing in huge numbers at the box office in return. For a normal moviegoer, these superhero movies are a form of entertainment. But are they merely that? What is the reason that they seem so relatable and appealing despite being the farthest from the reality of our daily lives. Here is a video discussing the Psychological aspect of the Superhero craze and the imagery that these heroes are presented with. Hope you guys like it.

May 31, 202114:34
Episode 35 - Philosophy Behind Life of Pi

Episode 35 - Philosophy Behind Life of Pi

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Probably, one of the finest movies in the past decade, Life of Pi is not just a visual spectacle but has a deep hidden philosophy behind it as well. The movie talks about deep issues like God, life, purpose, love and friendship. Here is a video discussing about one of the issues from the movie that people would find riveting and confusing at the same time. Hope you guys like it. Link for the channel in bio. Please, like and share the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet!!

May 23, 202115:48
Episode 34- Why we need God?

Episode 34- Why we need God?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details:The Atheist culture is spreading at a rampant rate across not just in our country, but the world in totality. Their primary argument being: There is no proof of God's existence. With the death of religion, the death of belief in God seems inevitable. Thus, a very crucial question arises: What will be the consequences? Friedrich Nietzsche openly claimed that 'God is Dead' , but does this statement really mean what it is often used as? What will happen if God is dead? What did he claim that a catastrophe will be imminent if God is dead. What is God? Is there a proof to his existence? Why do we need God? Answering all of these questions in this episode and much more. Hope you guys like it!!
May 14, 202114:35
Episode 33 - The Problems with Capitalism

Episode 33 - The Problems with Capitalism

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Capitalism is taking over the world with rapid pace. It is defined as the economic system based on the private ownership of capital. Although it seems like a tempting idea, its effects, which can be seen through out the world and history is Catastrophic. So, then the question arises What is Capitalism? Is it beneficial? Is it okay to be Capitalistic? What is Materialism? This episode talks about a few of the major problems with capitalism on an individual, psychological and international level. Hope you guys like it!!
Apr 30, 202115:34
Episode 32- Communism and Existentialism

Episode 32- Communism and Existentialism

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: The Radical Left has been creating tremors especially in the west in the recent times. The cry for rights and the dissolution of hierarchy in the society has been a huge issue which is now seeping in the East as well. Taking into consideration, one needs to carefully look at what the history has taught us. The horrors in the name of Communism, that have occurred throughout the world are a great proof that not all what seems nice to the ears and on papers, turns out that way. The mass failure of the Communist Utopia is a great testament to that. Here is a video discussing the effects of the communist totalitarianism in the west and the east but especially in the Soviet union. Hope you guys like it!!
Apr 22, 202116:33
Episode 31 - The Philosophy of 'Live and let live'

Episode 31 - The Philosophy of 'Live and let live'

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: There is a very popular saying in the modern convention nowadays that says: 'Live and let live'. Of late, I myself have heard it a number of times in defense of those relatives and friends who don't want to engage in deep conversations and show the least bit of interest in going to wisdom literature and saints. So, the question now arises where does one draw the line? Where does one stop trying to help them? Where does one give up on them as they don't like interference and sometimes show signs of violence in their reaction to our suggestions. Where does one decide: 'To live and let live?' Discussing all of these questions and much more in this episode. Hope you guys like it!!
Mar 19, 202115:10
Episode 30 - Masculinity and Feminity

Episode 30 - Masculinity and Feminity

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: There has been a cultural narrative around Masculinity and Femininity that is being widely used till date. We keep hearing words like Yin and Yang in our daily lives but do we really understand them!? What should be the relationship between masculine and feminine? What should be the relationship between males and females like? Is there something called as Masculine energy and Feminine energy? Do we all have a masculine and a feminine part within us? Why should we understand these things? What has been the effect on the society because of the prevalent narrative? Answering all such pertinent questions and much more in this episode. Hope you guys like it!!
Feb 28, 202121:34
Episode 29- What makes India special?

Episode 29- What makes India special?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: The world has been showering praises on India and it's core inherent values from time immemorial. But, it seems that we Indians have ourselves forgotten how great they are and what truly makes India special. Is respecting one's country just because you were born in it, alright? What is one's relation to one country?
Do we understand: What is India at it's core? What holds the people of India together? What do we mean when we say, "India, the nation?" What is it that makes India special? What do we mean by nationalism? Is Nationalism necessary? What is the difference between nationalism and Jingoism? Discussing all of these questions and much more in this episode of the podcast. Hope you guys like it.
Jan 30, 202120:41
Episode 28- Does Positive thinking work?

Episode 28- Does Positive thinking work?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: A lot of emphasis has been laid by multiple life coaching industries and motivational speakers on the need to stay positive. Very often we get to hear statements like: "Be positive", "stay positive", "have hope", "your time will come too" etc. Quite often, when we are worried, positive thoughts help us achieve us a sense of relief as well.
But, is this the entire picture or are we missing something? Have we given any thought to what is thought and thinking? What is the source of thoughts? What are desires? Where do these desires come from? What do we mean by positive and negative? Where do our desires come from? How do we know what we consider is actually positive? Is there any absolute positive? This episode discusses all of the above questions and much more.
Jan 16, 202121:53
Episode 27- Real meaning of 'Self-love'

Episode 27- Real meaning of 'Self-love'

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: The modern day spirituality and life coaching industry has been laying a lot of emphasis on Self-love. Quite often, we get to hear statements like, "Love yourself", "soak yourself in self-love", "accept yourself as you are" or "don't change for anyone, love yourself!".
The question to look at here is What is Self love? Do we understand these two terms: Self and love? We, being we, are already suffering and if we do not change we would keep suffering. Does self-love then mean to keep suffering? Does self love mean not to improve our fallacies? Do we really know what loving ourselves mean? And if we are unaware of love, can we really love anyone else? Discussing all of these questions and much more in this episode of the podcast
Jan 09, 202115:49
Episode 26 - Searching for Happiness?

Episode 26 - Searching for Happiness?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: We are all troubled by one or the other things in our lives. We all deal with sorrows in our lives. It might actually be safe to say that Life itself is responsible for giving us sorrows. All our lives, whatever we do, superficially they might seem different but inwardly all of it is just an attempt to deal with the underlying current of grief that we face in our lives.
The common consensus, prevalent, especially in today's era is that Happiness is the remedy to our sorrows. We seek happiness in every and anything we do in our lives. Excitement has become like our go to medicine for all problems. But are they really effective? What is the relationship between Happiness and Sorrow? If happiness is not the answer to our sorrows, then what is? This episode discusses all of these questions and much more.
Dec 26, 202017:34
Episode 25 - In search of True Love!?

Episode 25 - In search of True Love!?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: We all need love - This is something that no one would ever debate on. We are all perpetually in search of True love. This is a fact of our lives. We all want people in our lives to whom we can relate with utmost honesty. We want relationships where we can express ourselves freely, without the fear of judgement. Relationships, where our egos do not create constant tussles and feuds.

But, such relationships are hard to come by. In the first instance, all the relationships appear to be real and true but eventually, with time, their pretence fades away and the reality sets in. So, we again feel dejected and wonder if a true and real relationship does even exist? Is there something known as true love? Are all relationships bound to be such lifeless bonds? How can we be true lovers to somebody? What is true love and how can we define it? Discussing all of these questions and much more in this episode.
Dec 05, 202017:16
Episode 24 - Culprits we all are!!

Episode 24 - Culprits we all are!!

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: In the country's modern atmosphere, violence against women has become a regular. Women in our so called civilized societies have to bear catcalling, teasing and objectification on a daily basis as if it's bound to be a part of their lives. It has become such a common occurrence that males who are not aware of such things happening to females in their families, might simply just be called ignorant.

So, what is the root cause of all such occurrences? How can a woman deal with it? What is the role of a male in all of this? How can we bring about a social change? Is it just that the other sex is violent or is there more to it than what meets the eye? This episode discusses all of these issues and what does the world need right now to cater to this problem.
Oct 31, 202021:39
Episode 23- On Gandhi, Non-violence and Freedom

Episode 23- On Gandhi, Non-violence and Freedom

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: M.K. Gandhi a.k.a Mahatma Gandhi, a social reformer & activist, a revolutionary, a politician and a leader; he had many roles in his lifetime. But, through all of these roles, there was one thing that he was consistent on: His principle of Non-violence. Throughout his struggle for the freedom of India, he always laid emphasis on the practice of non-violence. Of late, there have been various polarizing opinions about him and his life. Some say: he taught the country to be weak? Some say: non-violence is for the weak? Some say, may be he was the not the man, the history books say he was. I guess, to understand the man really, we need to go close to his teachings. So, what is non-violence truly then? What do we mean by freedom? What should be our definition of non-violence in the modern times? In the context of modern times and the recent happenings in the country and the world overall, this seems to be an urgent need. Hence, discussing all of the above questions and much more in this episode.
Oct 10, 202024:28
Episode 22 - How to overcome failures?

Episode 22 - How to overcome failures?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: We all keep doing one or the other thing in life with a particular goal or a particular intention in life. Sometimes, we do achieve that goal, but often times, the result is not as we expected it to be.
People often say that, "everything happens for the better." "Don't worry about it too much" or things like: "success and failures are part and parcel of life." But, what do they actually mean by it? As impressive as it may seem, it often seems impractical. As a result, we fail to convince not only others, but even ourselves of this fact.
Then the question remains: What is failure? Why do we fail? Why does it hurt to fail? How to get over failure? Why can't we forget our failures? How to overcome failures? Discussing about all of the above questions and much more in this episode. This episode hopes to help the audience choose the right goals and understand the real meaning of success and failures in life.
Oct 03, 202018:32
Episode 21- Hurt by conflict with loved ones?

Episode 21- Hurt by conflict with loved ones?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: We all make various relationships in our lives. Till the time we are alive, we are bound to be related to one or the other thing. But, what should be the basis of our relationships? What kind of relationships do we have right now? How are we leading our lives?
Why do we have ego tussles in our lives? Why do we keep trying to prove ourselves right and in the process get hurt? What is ego? What is love? What is attachment? How do we differentiate between the two? How do we manage relationships? How do we bring love in our relationships? How to reduce conflicts in our relationships so that they do not hurt us more than they help us. Discussing all of the above questions and much more in this episode. This episode is bound to make you come closer to yourself.
Sep 26, 202020:23
Episode 20 - Guilt, Shame and Change

Episode 20 - Guilt, Shame and Change

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Guilt and Shame are probably the two greatest problems everyone has to encounter in their lives. The whole past of humanity has been guilt-ridden for years and this feeling keeps passing on from one generation to another. Every one has one or the other thing in their pasts that they feel guilty about or ashamed of. All of us have invariably made mistakes in our lives that we are not proud of.

Hence, arises a question what is Guilt? What is Shame? What is our relationship with guilt and shame? Where do they come from? How to get rid of Guilt and Shame? If we really have done something wrong in our pasts, how do we change in the real sense? What are mistakes? Why do we keep repeating those mistakes? Discussing all of these questions and much more in this episode. It intends to help us understand guilt, shame and change ourselves for the better.
Sep 19, 202021:29
Episode 19- How to reduce Overthinking and Anxiety?

Episode 19- How to reduce Overthinking and Anxiety?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: The mind being the strongest of all senses always wants to be in control. All thought, or mental activity is just mind ensuring its existence. But, one must clearly understand that one is not the mind. If this were true, how would we be able to observe the mind!?

A lot of people deal with the problem of overthinking and hence, unnecessary anxiety. Thoughts about hope or ambitions of the future, regrets of the past or fears from the past keep haunting us day in and day out. So, one naturally tries to control his senses. All one wants is the thinking to stop. As a result, various questions arise. Can one control the mind? How to stop the mind from overthinking? How to get rid of anxiety about the future and regrets from the past? This episode discusses all of these questions and much more, so that we can understand our relationship with the mind and the thoughts that keep circulating in them incessantly and how to deal with them.
Sep 12, 202019:24
Episode 18 - An Ode to Animals

Episode 18 - An Ode to Animals

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Man lives in what he calls: 'His universe.' He perceives it through his senses and then analyses this through what he calls mind which comprises of intellect, knowledge and memory. So, till the time he remains in this universe, he relates with the nature in a certain way. His relationships, thus, are a clear indication of what his self-concept is!
Animals are probably the most gross form of nature available to humans. We deal with them in a variety of ways. Some of them, we keep as pets, others we treat as other than our pets. But have we ever wondered what should be our relationship to these animals and nature in totality? Why should we live in harmony with animals? Why should we love animals? What should our relationship be like with these animals? What effect does love and compassion have on a man as opposed to just operating from a center of loneliness and deprivation? This episode discusses all of these questions and much more. Hope this episode brings us closer to pets and nature!!
Sep 06, 202018:12
Episode 17- Lack of motivation at work?

Episode 17- Lack of motivation at work?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Our jobs, our occupations are probably the most integral part of our lives. The work that we spend a major chunk of our life with, determines who we become as a person. Our jobs, professions, vocation are not just a medium of earning money, but it serves a lot of other purposes as well. Besides, it is highly likely, that the quality of our professional life deeply affects our personal lives as well. Hence, it becomes very important to choose our profession carefully.
But then, don't we often see people struggling with their jobs? Some might be skilled but don't feel like working? Some just don't understand what is it they want to do? How to find out one's 'calling?' How to find the lacking motivation in our jobs? Probably, the most common problem in everyone's life. This episode discusses all the above questions and much more. Hopefully, this will resolve one of the biggest hurdles of our lives.
Aug 29, 202020:34
Episode 16 - How to get over a Heart-Break?

Episode 16 - How to get over a Heart-Break?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Heart-Break is one feeling that most of us share mutually. A failed relationship, unfulfilled love, breakups, unrequited feelings all of these are common to everyone. We expect the life and the relationship to go a certain way. But even though we try and do the best possible thing, it does not necessarily turn out to be the way we wanted them too. This happens quite often in the case of unfulfilled love, unrequited love, heart break and breakups.
How does one then face the pain and suffering, the guilt and the memories that come with them? How does one move on from a failed relationship? How does one resolve a heart break? This episode discusses these questions from all aspects of a relationship. For all those who have been suffering due to a relationship, in one way or the other, this one hopes to be a healer!!
Aug 23, 202021:01
Episode 15 - What makes a Hero?

Episode 15 - What makes a Hero?

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: A teenager, a young person has a very impressionable mind. When he comes out of the protective cocoon that his parents provide him with, he witnesses the real world and it's colors for the first time. He gets attracted by a lot of things, inspired by a lot of thing. This is the point at which he makes his idols, heroes. People who aspire us, Inspire us. And this happens more so with the evolution of internet.

But, have we ever wondered what does it take to become a Hero? How does an ordinary person turn out to do extraordinary things? What does a hero comprise of? What is different in his life than us? How does one lead a life that becomes timeless? How does a man brought up in the same world turn out do something that is beyond the imagination of the same world? This episode discusses all of these questions and instances from lives of a few heroes from history on the auspicious occasion of India's Independence day. Hope the youth likes this episode particularly.
Aug 16, 202023:59
Episode 14 - Ram- Mandir, Democracy and Secularism

Episode 14 - Ram- Mandir, Democracy and Secularism

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: 5th August was indeed a historic day. As a result of probably the most controversial decision in this century for India, the Ram-Mandir construction began. But so began, the endless chatter around the decision. The country has been literally divided into two factions. One of them in outright support of the decision and the construction of the temple in Ayodhya, and the other one, the smaller, claiming this decision to be unfair, and going as far to say that this decision marks the death of democracy and secularism in the country.
Although this issue is a highly polarising and sensitive one, but it needs to be addressed. For those who are in favour and those who are against, Who is Ram? What is the significance of Ram Mandir? Is this decision aligned with the constitution and democratic rights? Is it okay to be for or against it? What is the main purpose of the Ram-Mandir and what does it represent and stand for? This episode discusses all the aspects related to this decision in the light of teachings of saints and vedanta.
Aug 08, 202022:08
Episode 13 - Right Action V/S Wrong Action

Episode 13 - Right Action V/S Wrong Action

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: We have all been taught various things since childhood. Violence is bad, love is good,  to be kind, polite, respecting, truthful etc. A child learns them earnestly, but when he grows up, he finds that the world operates in grey and not black & white. Whatever he had learnt so far, is in reality of very little or no use in the world. As a result, more or less, all of us remain confused throughout our lives on the delineation between right and wrong, good and bad, good and evil etc. How does a child operate then? How does he decide what to do and what to not? What is right action and what is not? Why do these teachings not seem to apply in the real world? Is there a good and bad in the absolute sense!? So, is there an actual right and a wrong? If yes, how do we define it?  How does one go about finding the right action? This episode aims at unraveling all such mysteries and helping the listeners become clear about where their actions arise from!!
Aug 01, 202018:42
Episode 12- The Myth of Expression

Episode 12- The Myth of Expression

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Of late, there has been a surge in a common consensus when it comes to mental health. People often say that one should not suppress his/her emotions. One should talk to people, express what they have in their hearts. But is this consensus entirely true?
Expression means saying or doing what comes to our mind. We live in a society, we are a part of a society. Invariably, we feel the need to express ourselves. Besides, there has been a debate about introverts v/s extroverts since ages.
When should one express and should one, at any point suppress too? With our mind, always covered with thoughts, whom should we confide to? How does one express themselves and yet, not get perceived as arrogant? Where does different expressions arise from? This episode discusses all of these issues and much more. This episode is bound to make you come closer to ourselves and realize why do we express and say what we say.
Jul 25, 202020:51
Episode 11 - Love and Rebel

Episode 11 - Love and Rebel

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: We've all heard of the epic romances, the eternal love tales. From Shirin-Fariyad to Laila-Majnu; from Heer-Ranjha & Mirza-Sahiba to Romeo-Juliet. All these eternal love stories have been passed on from generations. Have we ever noticed that these stories have a great deal in common? Have we ever sought to seek, what they intend to teach us or are they mere stories to be read, for us? From Bulleh Shah to Mira Bai in the east to Khayyam and Gibran of the west, why have they talked of love in a mystical way? How is that love different from what we call love? How do we resolve this contradiction? How do we understand what is love? How can one go about his/her relationship in the best possible way? What do the epic love stories intend to teach us and how can we apply them in our lives? Discussing all of this and much more this episode is bound to make you come closer to yourself and understand love better. This episode is sure to make our relationships and love life better!
Jul 18, 202019:22
Episode 10 - Trust Issues

Episode 10 - Trust Issues

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: All of us irrespective of our caste, creed, background go through very similar problems in our lives in most of the cases. Difficulty in trusting people can easily be said to be one of those problems.
Our lives includes a number of people, family, friends, colleagues, neighbours etc. We have a relationship with each of them. We expect them to be a certain way but they eventually don't. This makes us feel stupid of ourselves for trusting. All the betrayals, all the hardships, the breakups , the spoiled relationships result into us turning into careful rather doubtful people. We can't really seem to understand whom to trust and whom to not! What is the real meaning of trust? How and whom should we trust? As a result, we all have trust issues.
Do these issues have something to do with our mind? How can we deal with this requirement for security and knowledge that we call trust? What is belief? What is faith? What is the difference between both of them? How can faith help us deal with our trust issues? This episode discusses all of this and much more. This episode promises to relieve us of fear and insecurity in our relationships and hopefully make them better and deeper.
Jul 11, 202020:42
Episode 9 - Raising Parents

Episode 9 - Raising Parents

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: A child's birth is a golden opportunity; a blessing in disguise! An opportunity for the parents, the guardians to grow up with the kid. At first, the child requires support physically and emotionally. But is that all? Is that what parenting is all about and limited to? Is there something more that is required? What is it that needs to be taught to a kid to ensure his life remains full, complete and devoid of confusions and dilemmas? What is required to be taught so that the kid can stand up to the most unprecedented of situations in his life with full vigour and utmost clarity? What does it mean to be a parent?
How can a child contribute to the overall growth of his own life and the lives of his parents? Once a child becomes mature, what should be his approach towards life? What should be his behavior towards his parents? How much weightage should parents' advice have in their child's life? How to balance all of it above. This episode discusses all of this and much more. This episode is bound to bring parents/guardians closer to their kids and vice-versa!!
Jul 04, 202026:41
Episode 8 - The Real Beauty

Episode 8 - The Real Beauty

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Ever wondered, what is beauty fundamentally? When we say, "He/She is beautiful", who do we refer to? Or what do we refer to? Is it the clothes, the make up, the skin colour, the body parts or is it something more? What is the significance of being beautiful in this world? How is it decided that someone is superior or inferior on the basis of how they look? Is there an absolute parameter possible for beauty?
How could one get exploited due to one's beauty? What happens when you pay attention to beauty? What are the subconscious tendencies that we should be careful about while caring about how we look and our physical appearances? Why do people say that looks don't matter!? What is the meaning of the saying, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder?" This episode answers all of these questions and much more. This episode is bound to bring you closer to yourself so that we can learn how to use our body rather being governed by it.
Jun 27, 202021:32
Episode 7- Understanding our Responsibility

Episode 7- Understanding our Responsibility

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: On 14th June, 2020, the nation, rather, the world lost a gem, named Sushant Singh Rajput. The actor committed suicide spawning humungous conversations about mental health. There have been numerous conjectures about how the nexus created within the Indian Film Industry ostracised him and eventually coerced him to commit suicide. People have been talking a lot about mental health, its importance and how he should have chosen to talk to someone. Also, how each of us must be wiling to open up to someone in our lives regarding our mental state. But is that the entire picture? Is that what it is?
Does this whole incident command a sense of responsibility? Was Sushant's death, the first time that something like this has happened? What is a common man's responsibility in such a scenario? What can we learn from all of this? What is the fundamental mistake that we, as a society, have been making? This episode discusses all of this and much more. It's a tribute to all the gems that the world has lost over the years and, at the same time, a reminder to every individual to correct our mistakes. This episode is bound to make us reflect on how we as a society collectively have been operating.
Jun 20, 202019:33
Episode 6- Loneliness!

Episode 6- Loneliness!

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Loneliness is something that we all encounter daily, without fail. Isn't this what we all are in one or the other way: Lonely!? There is probably no one in this world, who doesn't feel lonely. We run from it, deny it, fight it and yet, it's still there lurking there, somewhere! Is it a disease? If yes, does this dis-ease have a remedy?
Ever wondered what is love at its core? What is love fundamentally? A lonely mind is always in love; in love with what it wants to have: Peace, fulfillment, Joy!! This attraction towards completeness and fulfillment is called love! But why does the lonely mind not get what it so desperately needs!?
Answering all of the above questions and much more, this is the 6th Episode titled "Loneliness!'. This episode is bound to make you reflect on our ways of living and help us in finding out what we should and shouldn't do when we feel lonely.
Jun 13, 202017:26
Episode 5 - The Colonial Hangover

Episode 5 - The Colonial Hangover

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: History of a culture, a country as a whole has a lot of importance. The incidents or happenings of the past shape up an individual or a country as a whole in the future. This episode talks about how the history of India has shaped up Indians on an individual level. Despite of gaining political independence in 1947, are we still succumbing to the ways in which we were dominated in the pre-independence era? Does freedom imply just physical and political freedom? Is there something more than what meets the eye? What is mental freedom? How can we move towards it as an individual and as a community? Discussing all of the above and much more, this episode is bound to bring one closer to himself and his country and the precious gold like legacy left behind by the ancestors of this amazing country.
Jun 07, 202016:37
Episode 4 - Friendship

Episode 4 - Friendship

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: There is family, there are friends and then, there are friends that become family. Possibly the purest relationship that one can have in his life, friendship is an integral part of our lives. But, how to choose friends wisely? Who is a real friend? What is friendship? How do we know which friendship to choose? This episode will also talk about how can we improve our friendships, have a better and honest connection with people around us and hence overall improve the general quality of all of our relationships. This episode is bound to bring you closer to yourself and the people you consider important in your lives!!
May 30, 202015:45
Episode 3 _ Earn before you demand!

Episode 3 _ Earn before you demand!

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: Freedom: Is it a commodity? Is it something to be achieved? How much freedom should be given and to who deserves to get freedom? What have we done with the freedom we have got in our lives and as a society collectively!? Many more pertinent questions like these that we don't find people asking around us, primarily because we think rather we believe that we already know the answer to these questions. Here is an attempt to provide a reality check on how are we going about our daily lives! This episode will help you reflect on what is your responsibility towards your own mind, own life and furthermore, to the society. Hence, this will bring you closer to yourself!
May 24, 202024:43
Episode 2 - Maa

Episode 2 - Maa

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode details: One's mother is most probably the most important person in one's life. Not just in India, but all over the globe and in all cultures, mother is highly regarded. But have we treated her in a way that we should have? The importance of freedom in life. What happens to a woman's life when she becomes a mother? What can kids, husbands and we as a society do to make their lives better? How can we ensure that our relationships with our mothers become better? This episode will make you come closer to yourself, think about a few pertinent issues, reflect and hopefully, as a result improve our relationships.
May 18, 202016:39
Episode 1 - How to cope with Bullying

Episode 1 - How to cope with Bullying

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Episode Details: Bullying is quite common but, sometimes it tends to leave a long lasting, may be scar people for life. In this episode, the speaker, Siddhartha, a trainer by profession shares how one can cope with bullying and the main reason for it's occurrence. Also, the role of parents and guardians in solving this problem. This episode is bound to help you come closer to yourself.
May 15, 202012:16