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Simplify Jesus

Simplify Jesus

By Simplify Jesus - Breaking Barriers Through Communication

Listen as Bill Allen and Matt Gunter discuss the ways the church gets things wrong, gets things right, and the misconceptions those that don't attend church have about it. See how it all points to God and how we, as a church, need to change how we communicate with the world around us.

We are Breaking Barriers Through Communication!
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Exodus 7-11 - Moses and the First Nine Plagues

Simplify JesusOct 11, 2022

Ruth 1-4, 1 Samuel 16 - Ruth and David

Ruth 1-4, 1 Samuel 16 - Ruth and David

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we look at the story of Ruth and how her faithfulness leads to King David.

Scripture Reference

Ruth 1-4


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Mar 24, 202329:49
2022 Recap - The History of St. Patrick
Mar 17, 202318:46
1 Samuel 9-15 - King Saul

1 Samuel 9-15 - King Saul

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we look at the story of King Saul

Scripture Reference

1 Samuel 9-15


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Mar 10, 202344:51
1 Samuel 1-8 - Samuel: The Prophet and Judge

1 Samuel 1-8 - Samuel: The Prophet and Judge

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we look at the story of Samuel

Scripture Reference

1 Samuel 1-8


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Mar 01, 202338:48
Judges 9-21 - Samson

Judges 9-21 - Samson

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we look at the story of Samson.

Scripture Reference

Judges 9-21


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Feb 22, 202344:30
2022 Recap - Valentine's Day Special

2022 Recap - Valentine's Day Special

2022 Recap - Valentine's Day Special

Check out this special Valentine's Day episode as Bill and Matt talk about the history of the namesake of Valentine's Day, the patron saint St Valentine from many, many years ago.


1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (CSB)

Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different activities, but the same God works all of them in each person. A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good: to one is given a message of wisdom through the Spirit, to another, a message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another, faith by the same Spirit, to another, gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another, the performing of miracles, to another, prophecy, to another, distinguishing between spirits, to another, different kinds of tongues, to another, interpretation of tongues. One and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to each person as he wills.

Romans 3:23-24 (CSB)

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Articles on the History of St. Valentine


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Feb 14, 202322:23
Judges 1-8 - The Story of Gideon

Judges 1-8 - The Story of Gideon

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we look at the story of Gideon and the first Judges in the early days in the Promised Land.

Scripture Reference

Judges 1-8


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Feb 08, 202337:27


Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we look at the story of Joshua as the Israelites entered the Promised Land.

Scripture Reference


Bible Archeology for Jericho 


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jan 31, 202333:21
Deuteronomy - Recapping the Life of Moses

Deuteronomy - Recapping the Life of Moses

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we recap the life of Moses, hitting all the high points throughout his journey leading the Israelites.

Scripture Reference



Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jan 24, 202338:00
Numbers 21-36 - Balak and Balaam

Numbers 21-36 - Balak and Balaam

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with the story of Balak and Balaam as the Israelites get closer to entering the Promised Land.

Scripture Reference

Numbers 21-36


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jan 17, 202340:03
Numbers 13-20 - Scouting Out the Promised Land

Numbers 13-20 - Scouting Out the Promised Land

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with scouting out the Promised Land.

Scripture Reference

Numbers 13-20


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jan 10, 202341:38
Numbers 1-12 - Setting Up the Nation of Israel

Numbers 1-12 - Setting Up the Nation of Israel

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with setting up the nation of Israel.

Scripture Reference

Numbers 1-12


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jan 03, 202328:22
2021 Recap - New Year's Resolutions

2021 Recap - New Year's Resolutions

2021 Recap - New Year's Resolutions

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast, where Bill and Matt are breaking barriers through communication! Check out this episode as we look back at our 2021 episode discussing New Year's Resolutions. We dive into SMART goal setting and some tips and tricks we've found helpful over the years for setting and completing the goals we set.


Scripture and other References

Proverbs 21:5 (CSB)

The plans of the diligent certainly lead to profit, but anyone who is reckless certainly becomes poor.

Luke 14:28-30 (CSB)

“For which of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, after he has laid the foundation and cannot finish it, all the onlookers will begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This man started to build and wasn’t able to finish.’”

Philippians 4:12-13 (CSB)

I know how to make do with little, and I know how to make do with a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (CSB)

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.

Proverbs 15:22 (CSB)

Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

John 3:16 (CSB)

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Find us at

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Dec 27, 202227:36
2021 Christmas Recap - The Christmas Story

2021 Christmas Recap - The Christmas Story

Check out this Christmas episode from 2021 as Bill and Matt discuss the real Christmas story and what this season is all about - the birth of Jesus.

Christmas Episode #4 - The Christmas Story

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast, where Bill and Matt are breaking barriers through communication! Check out this episode as we talk through the real story of Christmas - Jesus' birth. It is truly a story full of miracles and wonderous sights that all point to Jesus being our savior.


Scripture and other References

Genesis 12:3 (CSB)

I will bless those who bless you, I will curse anyone who treats you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

Genesis 49:10 (CSB)

The scepter will not depart from Judah or the staff from between his feet until he whose right it is comes and the obedience of the peoples belongs to him.

2 Sam 7:1-17 - Prophecy to David about Jesus, bloodline established forever

Matthew 1:17 - 2:12 - Gospel of Matthew Account of the Birth of Jesus

Luke 1:1 - 2:20 - Gospel of Luke Account of the Birth of Jesus

Isaiah 7:14 (CSB)

Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: See, the virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel.

Micah 5:2 (CSB)

Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; one will come from you to be ruler over Israel for me. His origin is from antiquity, from ancient times.

John 3:16 (CSB)

For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Find us at

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Music by ZakharValaha from Pixabay

Dec 20, 202231:16
2021 Christmas Recap - The History of St. Nicholas
Dec 13, 202226:46
2021 Christmas Recap - Hanging of the Green

2021 Christmas Recap - Hanging of the Green

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast, where Bill and Matt are breaking barriers through communication! Check out this special Christmas episode from 2021 as we discuss the meaning behind some common Christmas decorations and how they help us to keep Christ in Christmas during this Christmas season.


Scripture and other References

Romans 8:38-39 (CSB)

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

John 3:16 (CSB)

For God so loved the world He sent his only begotten Son...For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 8:12 (CSB)

Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”

John 14:27 (CSB)

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.

Luke 2:10-11 (CSB)

But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord.

Philippians 2:7-8 (CSB)

Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. And when he had come as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death— even to death on a cross.



Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Find us at

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Music by ZakharValaha from Pixabay

Dec 06, 202222:21


Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we look at the law in the book of Leviticus.

Scripture Reference



Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Nov 29, 202240:40
Thanksgiving - What We're Thankful For
Nov 22, 202224:14
Exodus 35-40 - Building the Tabernacle

Exodus 35-40 - Building the Tabernacle

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with the building of the tabernacle.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 35-40


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Nov 15, 202241:23
Exodus 32-34 - The Golden Calf Incident

Exodus 32-34 - The Golden Calf Incident

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with the golden calf incident.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 32-34


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Nov 08, 202242:52
Exodus 19-20 - Moses and the Ten Commandments

Exodus 19-20 - Moses and the Ten Commandments

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with God giving Moses the 10 Commandments and the law.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 19-20


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Nov 01, 202235:20
Exodus 15-18 - Moses Leading in the Wilderness

Exodus 15-18 - Moses Leading in the Wilderness

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with the first days in the wilderness after escaping Egypt.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 15-18


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Oct 25, 202235:15
Exodus 12-14 - Moses: The Final Plague, First Passover and Exodus from Egypt

Exodus 12-14 - Moses: The Final Plague, First Passover and Exodus from Egypt

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with the final plague against Egypt and the Exodus of the Israelites, including parting the Red Sea.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 12-14


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Oct 18, 202238:51
Exodus 7-11 - Moses and the First Nine Plagues

Exodus 7-11 - Moses and the First Nine Plagues

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in the story of Moses with the first nine plagues against Egypt.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 7-11


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Oct 11, 202240:58
Exodus 3-7 - Moses' Call to Ministry

Exodus 3-7 - Moses' Call to Ministry

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we pick up the story of Moses with his call to ministry.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 3-7


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Oct 04, 202232:48
Exodus 1-2 - Moses' Birth, Adoption, and Escape to Midian

Exodus 1-2 - Moses' Birth, Adoption, and Escape to Midian

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we pick up the story of Moses with his birth, adoption by Pharaoh, and escape to Midian. 

Scripture Reference

Exodus 1-2


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Sep 27, 202228:23
Job 42 - Job's Redemption

Job 42 - Job's Redemption

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we see the redemption of Job.

Scripture Reference

Job 42


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Sep 20, 202229:30
Job 38-41 - Job's Conversation with God

Job 38-41 - Job's Conversation with God

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we see the second testing of Job and his conversation with God after the testing.

Scripture Reference

Job 38-41


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Sep 13, 202218:57
Job 2-37 - Job's 2nd Test

Job 2-37 - Job's 2nd Test

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we see the second testing of Job and how "helpful" his friends were in his time of need.

Scripture Reference

Job 2-37


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Sep 07, 202222:08
Job 1:13-37 - Job's 1st Test

Job 1:13-37 - Job's 1st Test

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we see the first testing of Job.

Scripture Reference

Job 1:13-37


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Aug 30, 202222:15
Job 1:1-12 - Who is Job?

Job 1:1-12 - Who is Job?

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we introduce a man named Job.

Scripture Reference

Job 1:1-12


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Aug 23, 202222:15
Genesis 42-50 - Joseph's Family Restored

Genesis 42-50 - Joseph's Family Restored

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we finish the story of Joseph with seeing him restored to his family in Egypt.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 42-50


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Aug 16, 202236:15
Genesis 40-41 - Joseph's Redemption with Pharaoh

Genesis 40-41 - Joseph's Redemption with Pharaoh

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we continue the story of Joseph and see his redemption with Pharaoh.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 40-41


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Aug 09, 202229:05
Genesis 39 - Joseph in Potiphar's House

Genesis 39 - Joseph in Potiphar's House

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we continue the story of Joseph in Potiphar's house.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 39


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Aug 02, 202226:33
Genesis 37 - Joseph's Humble Beginnings

Genesis 37 - Joseph's Humble Beginnings

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at the humble beginnings of the story of Joseph.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 37


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jul 19, 202227:23
Genesis 32-33 - Jacob and Esau: Brothers Reunited

Genesis 32-33 - Jacob and Esau: Brothers Reunited

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at the story of Jacob and Esau being reunited.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 32-33


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jul 12, 202227:23
Genesis 29-31 - Jacob vs Laban

Genesis 29-31 - Jacob vs Laban

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at the story of Jacob vs his uncle Laban.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 29-31


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Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jul 05, 202229:37
Genesis 25-28 - Jacob and Esau

Genesis 25-28 - Jacob and Esau

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at the story of Isaac and Rebekah's twin sons, Jacob and Esau.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 25-28


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jun 28, 202235:55
Genesis 24 - Isaac and Rebekah

Genesis 24 - Isaac and Rebekah

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a Chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at the story of Isaac and Rebekah coming together. 

Scripture Reference

Genesis 24


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jun 21, 202239:09
Genesis 21-23 - Abraham and Isaac - The Covenant Fulfilled

Genesis 21-23 - Abraham and Isaac - The Covenant Fulfilled

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a Chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at God's covenant fulfilled with the birth of Isaac.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 21-23


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jun 14, 202229:34
Genesis 16-20 - Abram's Bumps in the Roads

Genesis 16-20 - Abram's Bumps in the Roads

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a Chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at some of the bumps in the road in Abram's life.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 16-20


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jun 07, 202243:52
SBC Report

SBC Report

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us for this special episode as Bill and Matt talk about the recent report to come from GuidePost about the Southern Baptist Convention.


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you! 

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels: 

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1 

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay 

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Jun 04, 202220:56
Genesis 12-15 - Abram Part 1 - An Undying Faith
May 31, 202228:06
Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babylon

Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babylon

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a Chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at the Tower of Babylon.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 11:1-9


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

May 24, 202226:15
Genesis 6-9 - Noah's Ark

Genesis 6-9 - Noah's Ark

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a Chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we continue in God's story through history as we look at Noah's ark. 

Scripture Reference

Genesis 6-9


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

May 17, 202229:46
Genesis 1-3 - Creation and The Fall

Genesis 1-3 - Creation and The Fall

Welcome to the Simplify Jesus Podcast! Join us as Bill and Matt take a look at the major events in the Bible from a Chronological point of view. We will be talking about what happened, when it happened, what else was going on in the world, and how it all points to Jesus. This week we get things kicked off with the Creation story through Adam and Even in the garden, which led to sin entering the world. 

Scripture Reference

Genesis 1-3


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

May 10, 202231:04
What is my Identity?

What is my Identity?

Who am I? What is my identity? These are questions that we often ask. We might be identified as what we do for a living, i.e. I am an engineer or entrepreneur. Maybe our identity is in our faith based on what religion and denomination we follow. The truth is we were all made in God's image and our identity is so much more than any one of these things. At the end of the day, our identity should be in who we are in Him and who God created us to be. 


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

May 03, 202230:18
What is Repentance?

What is Repentance?

Repentance is a word that often brings about negative feelings when we hear it, but it's really a good thing for us. Check out this latest episode as Bill and Matt talk about what repentance is and what it looks like from a Biblical perspective. 

Scripture References

1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.


Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Apr 26, 202225:05
The Pastor Leaves the Church

The Pastor Leaves the Church

A troubling trend in church today is people walking away, renouncing Christianity because they believe it isn't what they thought it would be, or because they feel like it's fake or a sham. In this week's episode, we look at one such case and talk through their discussion points from a biblical perspective about how we can't lose our salvation and what true relationship with God looks like. 



Message us at for questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow on all of our social media channels:

Twitter; @Simplifyjesus1

Music by u_8enhfp0w from Pixabay

Music by CHARLES_MICHEL from Pixabay

Apr 19, 202229:48
Easter 2022
Apr 12, 202227:39