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The Simplists

The Simplists

By The Simplists

Bridget chats about living a simple life.
We believe that simplicity leads to freedom, increased joy, and less stress.
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You don't need motivation - you need an action plan.

The Simplists Apr 02, 2019

I'm back

I'm back

I'm back.

I know, I know.  Usual story.  Busy.  Blah.

(I promise I am back for REALS now).

Come follow me on instagram @the.simplists

Oct 05, 202111:03
Caitlin Limmer - 'HRH' - Honesty, Resilience and Hard Work

Caitlin Limmer - 'HRH' - Honesty, Resilience and Hard Work

I have been longing to interview my friend Caitlin and we found the perfect opportunity whilst in lockdown.

Caitlin is the founder of The BearCat Running club, a running club based in a pub. She is the former Race Director of the iconic Cabbage Patch 10 race and someone who has so many stories to tell.

Take this episode out on a long walk or run and be INSPIRED.

Episode links:

The BearCat Running Club - go and follow and join in on some virtual runs with the club

MDS Charity - Caitlin is involved with this wonderful charity that provides patient support for this underfunded disease

A book that I gift SO OFTEN - Living with a Seal - Jesse Itzler. Read it. So many wonderful nuggets of wisdom. An intro to David Goggins.

Then read this book - Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins. Breathtaking.

Digme Fitness - spin, HIIT and yoga concept studio

A book Caitlin recommended that I haven't read - Everyday Ubuntu

If you would like to connect with Cailtin, you can email her

I know Caitlin will be back, I can't wait. We might share some embarrassing stories on the next one.....

Until next time stay safe and stay well
Bridget xx
Jun 17, 202001:25:38
Leanne Spencer - Health, Hustle, Humility and Happiness.

Leanne Spencer - Health, Hustle, Humility and Happiness.

Our last lunch date went on for hours, we just talk and talk when we get together. 

I have wanted to introduce you to Leanne for a while now, the lockdown was the perfect opportunity to get an interview recorded. 

In this episode: 

Why Leanne left the corporate world. 

The route through and out of alcoholism/addiction. 

The 3 words that describe The World's Toughest Ski Race. 

The health and fitness myths that really bug Leanne. 

What it takes to become a Bear Grylls Survival Instructor. 

Why I believe she is a 'fierce female' and a quick introduction to her Diversity Role Models work. 

We will be back for another episode! 

Here are some links for you to follow as we discussed: 

Leanne's TedTalk -

Bullet Journals video - 

The Oura Ring - 

HRV explained - 

Leanne's 5 books she would love you to read: 

Bad Blood by John Carreyrou 

Untamed by Glennon Doyle 

The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth 

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert 

Slim by Design by Brian Wansink Ph.D 

You can connect with Leanne and Bodyshot Performance here: 


Instagram @bodyshotperformance 

LinkedIn - 

Please connect with Leanne, share this episode with someone who may benefit from it, and let’s spread the love. 

Until next week Stay safe and stay well Bridget xx 

Sponsorships: off for this episode

May 20, 202001:07:23
Robin Windsor - Strictly, Sequins, Sadness and Success
May 14, 202001:38:07
A comforting chat in the time of Coronavirus lockdown - some suggestions to help you all mentally

A comforting chat in the time of Coronavirus lockdown - some suggestions to help you all mentally

In a slightly different direction from my season 2 format (although still in the same subject area), I wanted to pop on and create an episode for you all seeing as we are now on lockdown.

It's an episode that we will all look back on after our lives have changed in so many different ways.

It's an unprecedented time, we haven't experienced anything quite like it before.

Many of you have contacted me with fears that you are becoming increasingly lonely, bored, anxious and depressed.  I hope this episode will be of some light relief.

I have noticed so many changes in the way we are being marketed to, particularly on social media.  At least the strong/skinny/diet stuff as stopped for now!

Let's all stick together.  

I'm here for you all.

Find me on Instagram @mrsbridgethunt  Twitter @inbedwithbee and Facebook

If you need to email me -

Huge love to you all

Stay Safe Xxxx

Mar 25, 202037:06
Mental Health Makeover - The social media trap.
Jan 30, 202036:06
Happy New Year - let's start 2020 with a new mindset over mental health

Happy New Year - let's start 2020 with a new mindset over mental health

I am back with a new mini-series on improving mental health!

Tucked up in bed in my PJs and ready to help you in these dark winter months.

After a brief update (and excuses) on what I have been up to since the last episode, I get stuck into the topic of depression/anxiety.

Some links you may be interested in:

Spinning Out - Netlfix series here 

What is Yin Yoga? here 

I will post details of our I AM ENOUGH event here shortly.....

Previous episode on the topic I AM ENOUGH here

Start your very own journey into feeling 'enough'.  Take a sheet of paper and spend 15-30 minutes writing all the ways you are enough.  Now stick it somewhere you will see it every single day.

Send me your thoughts!  Send me a voicemail on the Anchor app or message me on Facebook here or Instagram @mrsbridgethunt  Have a great weekend everyone.

Jan 10, 202036:02
Getting over Imposter Syndrome

Getting over Imposter Syndrome

I start this episode with a catch-up, sorry I haven't recorded anything for a while.  You can fast-forward if you like but some of it is relevant to my podcast episode.

I want to include a mini catch up at the start of each episode from now on.

Diving into Imposter syndrome, I cover:

  • What Imposter syndrome is.
  • The effect that it has on us.
  • Ten ways I have found helped me move on from it, into action and higher self-esteem.
  • The sentence I learned from the entrepreneur Glen Carlson that changes EVERYTHING.

Links to stuff I chat about and recommend:

Fiit app - Introduced to me by my lovely friend Antonia, I particularly recommend the breathwork on the app.  Find out more here 

The work of Max Strom - he does breathwork and he does yoga, start by watching this Ted Talk 

This crazy book by Miranda July - No one belongs here more than you 

Cal Newport's Talk and Book - highly recommend both!

It's a topic that I see come up time after time and you really don't need to be paralyzed by it anymore.  Start some breathwork and allow yourself space to understand that no one belongs here more than you xxx

Send me your thoughts!  Send me a voicemail on the Anchor app or message me on Facebook here or Instagram @mrsbridgethunt  Have a great week everyone.

Oct 14, 201901:00:31
Guilty pleasures - why not simply 'pleasures'? Let's ditch the guilt.

Guilty pleasures - why not simply 'pleasures'? Let's ditch the guilt.

Guilty pleasures get talked about a lot.

From TV to food, we feel that we should justify why we choose to do something.

I disagree with the principle that a pleasure has guilt attached to it.

In this episode I delve a little deeper!

Send me your thoughts!  Send me a voicemail on the Anchor app or message me on Facebook here or Instagram @mrsbridgethunt  Have a great week everyone.

Aug 12, 201929:06
Raising your self-esteem - how to go from 'not enough' to I AM ENOUGH

Raising your self-esteem - how to go from 'not enough' to I AM ENOUGH

Self-esteem is one of my FAVOURITE topics.

Pretty much everyone I coach comes to me with a specific goal and behind that lack of perceived ability to reach for it is low self-esteem.

In this episode I share:

  • Some interesting research into self-esteem.
  • How a lack of self-esteem manifests in everyday life.
  • What higher self-esteem could mean for you - (spoiler - big things happen)
  • Practical tips to raise your esteem.
  • The one simple thing that always makes my self-esteem soar.

I could talk for hours on this topic.  It's so vital.

I just LOVE to help people in a way that works, if you have a topic you would like me to do an episode on then please get in touch.

Send me your thoughts!  Send me a voicemail on the Anchor app or message me on Facebook here or Instagram @mrsbridgethunt  Have a great week everyone.

Jul 02, 201946:07
Why positive psychology is making us more depressed.

Why positive psychology is making us more depressed.

One of my burning topics right now.

I get so many clients coming to me with shame.  A shame that they don't feel like they are 'winning at life' and guilt because in spite of having read books, gone on courses, they still haven't got to where they want to be.

In this episode:

  • What trying to lie to ourselves does.
  • What happens when we move away from our feelings.
  • What the fuck-it bucket is.
  • Why "just snap out of it" is one of the worst things you can say to someone with depression.
  • The problem with the trend in gratitudes and how to make them work and maximise their benefit.
  • How I get to my goals, the one mindset I choose to work with.

I like people to leave with positive action steps and not a fluffy 'dream it and you'll do it' mentality.  It doesn't work.

I just LOVE to help people in a way that works, if you have a topic you would like me to do an episode on then please get in touch.

Send me your thoughts!  Send me a voicemail on the Anchor app or message me on Facebook here or Instagram @mrsbridgethunt  Have a great week everyone.

May 30, 201935:30
How we can all improve our mental health
May 22, 201932:55
How words can be weapons - the stuff we tell ourselves that isn't true

How words can be weapons - the stuff we tell ourselves that isn't true

This is one of my favourite topics.
In this episode I give you a couple of examples of how what we tell ourselves, matters.
My own battle with depression and anxiety used to be driven by my feeling that I wasn't enough. Due to bullying at school I felt not good enough, not worthy of others time.
When we get a negative input from childhood, often a word or a sentence we can carry that for decades, we tell ourselves it's the truth when often there isn't a shred of truth to it.
How we can reframe it by examining it and then replacing it with what we know to be true.
I would love to hear any limiting beliefs that you have, let me help you examine them and let's start a new version of that story that is positive.
Send me your thoughts! Send me a voicemail on the Anchor app or message me on Facebook here or Instagram @mrsbridgethunt
Have a great week everyone!
May 13, 201926:23
Interview with my muse - the incredible Jo Beale
Apr 30, 201901:03:48
A Collection of 'truths' I have discovered that make life much happier.

A Collection of 'truths' I have discovered that make life much happier.

In this episode, I share with you the 'truths' that form the rules I live by.
I discuss fad diets, stupid exercise classes, people who don't like me, chin hair, communication, sweating the small stuff.
I would love you to share this episode with anyone who needs to know how great life is in your 40's.

For a bit of balance I also mention some of the not so great things.......
I would love to hear your thoughts! Send me a voicemail on the Anchor app or message me on Facebook here or Instagram @mrsbridgethunt
Have a great week everyone!
Apr 13, 201933:43
Success can happen at any age - here's the secret sauce.
Apr 07, 201928:35
People-pleasing doesn't work, here's what does.

People-pleasing doesn't work, here's what does.

Are you a people-pleaser?

I used to really battle with this and still do a little but I am 90% better than I was.

I want to write a whole book about people-pleasing and may still do that in a year or so but before then I am going to chat about it in this episode as it is so important.

I outline the different people-pleasing signs and some of you might identify with just one, one of my clients came to me with all of them and we worked hard on turning it around!

If you battle with people-pleasing then doing the work on it will free up your time, allow you to truly step into your own identity and you will have the courage to to just be yourself.

Some of the things I discuss:

  • How the trait of people-pleasing starts in our formative years.
  • Why we guess what others are thinking.
  • What mind-reading and fortune-telling are and why people-pleasers often use both.
  • Why assertiveness is the only way to clear and authentic communication.

I loved this episode because I am so passionate about it.  I have learnt a lot over the years about overcoming people-pleasing and I now carry the words of Derek Sivers around with me all day, every day...  

"It's either a HELL YEAH or a NO.  Join me in choosing to do something because it's a HELL YEAH and let's say a firm NO to the things that don't serve us.

Apr 04, 201930:18
You don't need motivation - you need an action plan.
Apr 02, 201921:55
Burnout is very real - and dangerous too. Here's how to AVOID it.

Burnout is very real - and dangerous too. Here's how to AVOID it.

I have suffered with burnout before and I want to help you if you are heading that way.

I discuss what burnout is and what it can mean to your body.

I share the one question I ask myself to check if I am heading for burnout again.

Do you have 'human giver syndrome'?  What is it and what it means if you do.

My tips for preventing burnout, they work for me and I would like you to try them.   They include putting yourself first and creating a cavewoman space!

How I recently spotted it in someone else and why I believe it's important to have our antennae listening for the signs in others.

It's a topic close to my heart, thank you for listening and if you would like to message me you can find me here:

Instagram @mrsbridgethunt

Until next time 

Bridget x

Apr 01, 201918:37
Fear is the enemy of action.

Fear is the enemy of action.

Fear can paralyse even the most driven people to stop taking action.
In this episode I explore:

How fear can paralyse us - how the story we tell ourselves often has no evidence behind it.
Why do we listen to it?
A strategy for lessening fear.
How little actions every day lead us to big results.

The one trick I use to overcome fear and it works for me every single time. Here is the link to the Mel Robbins Talk.
I saw this quote over a year ago now and it really has stuck with me:
To fight fear, act. To increase fear — wait, put off, postpone.
– David Joseph Schwartz
Mar 25, 201923:39
You CAN beat procrastination
Mar 15, 201920:46
Welcome to 'In bed, with Bridget'

Welcome to 'In bed, with Bridget'

An introduction to my new podcast. Includes a bit about me, a welcome to my world and how I can help YOU.
Please let me know if you have any topics that you would like me to talk about.
Mar 11, 201919:32