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Simply Family Business

Simply Family Business

By Beatrice Yakubu

Information About:
• Starting a Business with your child
• Online Business Ideas
• Social Media Marketing Ideas
• Digital Media as a Family Asset
• Success and Self-Empowerment
• Entrepreneurship
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Three Benefits of Social Media Skills For Your Child

Simply Family BusinessDec 01, 2021

Five Mindset Ideas For Your Personal Growth and Success
Feb 02, 202329:05
 Does Success Come With Luck or Hardwork?
Nov 03, 202217:21
What Is The Path To Success?
Oct 16, 202217:11
Get Committed To Your ‘WHY”
May 28, 202215:47
How Does the right Mindset, help with your visibility
May 04, 202219:10
Video Marketing - Your Role and The Role of Your Child
Jan 26, 202220:17
Counting My Blessings for 2021
Jan 21, 202213:46
Categories of Goals Setting; Using The 7Fs, to have a holistic lifestyle in 2022
Jan 12, 202225:08
The Go Getter Method of Goal Setting for 2022
Jan 07, 202223:50
Count Your Blessings for 2021🙏🏽
Dec 23, 202119:04
Is the Internet a scam children must avoid?
Dec 16, 202120:15
Why Make Money From Home With Your Child?

Why Make Money From Home With Your Child?

Why do you need to make money from home with your child:

  1. Gender role hasn’t shifted much and women still bear more responsibilities in the home. According to Gallup, (, women do nearly 70% of household work.
  2. Women look after children longer than men. According to People Management, women bear two-third responsibility for childcare than men ( 2020)
  3. Women have more influence over children. According to Gallup, women have over 50% influence on their children (

You can use these statistics as an advantage to bond better with your child by helping them turn their talent into an income generating skills.

Want my help to build with your child; a fun, fruitful, family business?

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Dec 10, 202120:17
Three Benefits of Social Media Skills For Your Child
Dec 01, 202117:57
Why Video Editing Skills Is An Asset For Your Child
Nov 25, 202130:00
What To Do With Your Child To Make Money Online
Nov 06, 202129:57
It is not about you, but those you serve!
Oct 29, 202127:31
Get Your Child Interested In Building a Business With You
Oct 06, 202123:54
How Do I Start Social Media Marketing?
Sep 23, 202128:51
How Can Your Child Benefits From Social Media?
Sep 16, 202122:14
Why Start a Business With Your Child: Part Two
Sep 08, 202129:35
4 Reasons Why You Should Start a Business With Your Child
Sep 01, 202122:06
How To Create A Winning Instagram Bio

How To Create A Winning Instagram Bio

In order to stop the scroll on Instagram so that people can take notice of your account and follow you, a great bio is required of you.

1.  Your Account Name: Do you want to use your personal branding i.e. your own name or your company’s name? Either way is fine, just that with company name you have access to such things like the account’s performance stats.

2.  Username or Account Handle: You need to pay attention to ensure that it is a searchable name and one that people can identify you with

3. Profile Picture: it’s got to be a clear picture.  A headshot is fine, but one that people can see at list some personality, because people want to connect with people. You could also use company logo instead

4. Caption: will allow only 150 characters, so that it is important that you talk about who you are, what you do, and how you help people.

5. Links: can be included by link tree so that you are able to get all your Links integrated. At a click of one link, people can get to connect with you in various ways online

6. Use Emojis: a great way to lighten up on Instagram

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Jul 14, 202111:40
Is Social Media Worth Your Time?

Is Social Media Worth Your Time?

In this episode I discuss the process of running a business and how social media ties into that, in terms of promoting the business to your ideal prospects.

There are four steps in the process which are explain below

1. Solve Problems: Business exist to offer products or services that helps other people solve their problems.

Entrepreneurs are people who find solutions for other peoples’ problems, therefore, your business exists to meet the needs of others. Whether you are providing services that will transform the lives of others or you’re providing products that would help them, the important things is ‘providing help’.

2. Where to find them: Finding out where the people are so that you can educate them about how you can help, is key to marketing the business.

How do you find them?, where do you get them?  Previous means of reaching out to prospects were radio, newspapers, word-of-mouth (referrals), TV (if you had the money) etc.

There are over 4 billion users on social media, that is over half of the World’s population congregating on these platforms. Hence, the reason why they are worth your time.

3. Get their attention: Finding a way to get their attention, in order to pass your message, ideas and expertise requires social media marketing skills.

First, create a platform and ensure that you get the fundamentals right:

Customised Banner

Clear profile picture

Contact information and links integration

4. Build their believe and trust: In what you do so they will want your help.

Educate people about your industry, about your service, and to really connect with people and get them to understand your mission to help

And if you are thinking how would I get time to do all these? Learn and teach your children, your nephews or your nieces to support you in running your business.

This will give you double benefit because they help you connect with people on social media, while you get the opportunity to teach them about entrepreneurship, that’s a win-win

If this podcast has made sense for you, download, comment, rate, review and subscribe.

Want my help to bring your business leads and sales on autopilot with Social Media Advertising?

Book a no obligation 30mins call

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Jul 07, 202115:44
Four Social Media Hacks To Grow Your Audience
Jun 02, 202115:11
Getting Sales On Social Media
May 29, 202113:25
How Effective Is Your Communication Skills?
May 28, 202112:57
What You Don’t Know Can Kill You
May 27, 202118:42
Four Way To Build A Strong Network On Social Media

Four Way To Build A Strong Network On Social Media

“Your Network is your net worth” and you’re the average of the 5 people closest to you!

So the people you follow, network with, or you associate with on social media matter as far as growing your business is concerned.

If you want to get right people to network with, grow your business or to grow yourself as a person, you need to take this four most important steps.

  1. Get The Basics Right

Ensure your social media profile is set up correctly

a. Profile Picture: Your profile image should be your own picture with a beautiful smile. People want to connect with people and the warm and lovely you appear, the more people will want to network with you.

b. Your Banner: Ensure your banner is customised with a clear statement of what you do and how you help people

d. About Page: Ensure that you describe what you do in detail so that people have a gist about your business. It gives audience the chance to decide whether they want to associate with you or whether what you’re doing could help them.

2. Content and Engagements

Be consistent with posting on social media to get the algorithm work in your favour

Your post should also be relevant to your people, that is, educating, entertaining or encouraging.

Before sending out a post, comment on a few posts in order to activate the algorithm to realise that you are an engaging member. So when you send a post out, it will get higher reach.

When a post goes out, it usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes to hit the peak of reaching out to people. You can then reply to comments there after, to trigger another round of engagement boost.

3. Engage With Leaders in Your Industry

You will get noticed by others in their network, with your comments.

Also request the to connect with some of their followers, who are likely to be your potential clients.

4. Collaboration: Networking with people whose services compliment yours. For instance, a digital marketer networking with someone in personal development or mindset or health coaching, so that they can work together for the benefit of their audiences.

So those are the four points you need to to know in order to grow your network on social media that will benefit you and your business

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May 26, 202128:08
What is Your Money Mindset?

What is Your Money Mindset?

You are where you are now financially because of your money mindset.

If you consistently receive £2000 a month and one day your boss decided to reduce your take home to £1500, chances are you’ll quit your job. The reason being your mind is conditioned to £2k per month, as your worth and won’t accept anything less.

What if you could change your money thermostat and think of a bigger amount? Chances are you will work hard to achieve it because you believe it’s doable.

A prospect I spoke to few days ago, has a coaching program with a price tag of £400 for six months

When I posted her business case in our private Facebook group asking for suggestions as to how to market her business, I’d a lot of engagement. The main thing was that the price is too low and unless she increased the price, Facebook ads will not be profitable

I wasn’t sure how to discuss that with her so it took me a while until I mastered courage, in fact I prayed before hand. When I mentioned it to her, she said, let’s increase the price then!

Why was she charging £400, when she could easily charge £1000 or £2000 per monthly? Money Mindset.

What about you?, What if you changed your money mindset, what could you achieve or be?

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May 25, 202114:27
Security Vs Freedom
May 24, 202119:08
Empower Yourself
May 23, 202115:46
Change Your Money Mindset

Change Your Money Mindset

  • The challenge of asking for your worth can be detrimental for your business
  • When you create a program, believe that people can afford
  • Remember that you can’t serve people at the highest level with very low price
  • Without charging your worth, you are not able to serve more people
May 22, 202112:03
Don't Let Fear Stop You

Don't Let Fear Stop You

Fear can rub your from your God given potential to excel in life. I explain how Fear nearly stopped me from going through with an appointment and the results there after.

May 21, 202110:40
Living Your Life's Purpose

Living Your Life's Purpose

Is it possible to live your life's purpose? I talk about this in relation to my life and how it's revolving into my actual life's purpose.

May 21, 202120:33
Why Go Live On Facebook

Why Go Live On Facebook

Why Go Facebook live?

1. Importance of Video marketing

2. Facebook Algorithm

Before You Go Live:

1. Structure

  •  Hook
  • Introduction
  • Content
  • Summary
  • Call to action

2. Pick a Location

  • Quiet place
  • Out of way with not disruption
  • Little interruptions as much as possible

3. Internet Speed test:

  • Internet should be stable
  • Upload speed
  • 2.25 mhz

4. Get everything set up

  • Light
  • Audio

* Portable and stable place for you camera (Tripod)

5. Do a Test live broadcast

  • Broad cast to only me first.
  • Go through the content

6. Let people know you’re going live

  • Pre post on social media
  • Use Liveleap

7. Go Live:

  • After the hook, go straight to the point
  • Look directly on the camera
  • If there happens to be any interruption, move to
  • Batch interactions so content delivery will flow great
  • Have fun
May 21, 202127:21
Content For Your Facebook Group

Content For Your Facebook Group

- Welcome Post

- Live Stream

- Questions

- Customer success story

- Promotion

- Contest and Give aways

May 17, 202121:18
Benefits of A Facebook Group!

Benefits of A Facebook Group!

These are Five ways you'll benefit from starting or growing your Facebook group...

1.  Build community of like-minded people

2. Provide value to group Members

3. Leads Generation: If you target potential clients

4. Promote: You services 'indirectly'

5. Social proof: Clients posting their success

If you'll like to learn how to close clients on Social Media even if you have no large following, reserve your seat for my next master class.

May 05, 202126:05
Why You Are Wasting Your Time On Social Media!

Why You Are Wasting Your Time On Social Media!

- You are on several social media platforms

- You are sensing out post consistently with checking engagement

- You are sending out several videos without checking views

- You are on several Facebook Groups, potentially spamming audience

Way Forward:

- Facebook Adverting

- Boost your post to get wider reach

- Advertise for engagement, traffic, leads and conversions 

Apr 28, 202123:14
How To Create An Engaging Social Media Post
Apr 21, 202127:12
Overcoming Personal Challenges to Thrive

Overcoming Personal Challenges to Thrive

My journey into the online space.

Overcoming the Discomfort to...

- Starting my nursing 

- To attend Business discovery meeting

- To start Facebook account

Jan 29, 202120:33
Give And It Shall Be Given

Give And It Shall Be Given

As a business owner, the mantra of 'Ask and it Shall be Given', has given way to "Give and it shall be Given". Your potential clients will reciprocate when you give and give more. 

Jan 15, 202112:15
Is Social Media Serving You?

Is Social Media Serving You?

Three ways to take advantage of Social Media

- Share your opinion

- Connect with like minded people

- Offer help with your products or affiliate products

Jan 07, 202117:24
Reflection on 2020 and looking forward to 2021

Reflection on 2020 and looking forward to 2021

What was my 2020 and what will I do in 20201

Dec 31, 202004:60
Why Your Social Media Strategy Isn't Working

Why Your Social Media Strategy Isn't Working

- Target the Right Platform

- Target the Right Audience with your content

- Boost the post to reach more people

- Pay for Facebook Ads

Dec 23, 202020:21
The Fundamentals of Social Media

The Fundamentals of Social Media

Choose the Right Platform

Opitimize your profile 

Create Valuable content

Boost your post

Dec 23, 202016:20
Keep Moving

Keep Moving


Get rid of Fear

Bring Clarity to Your Course

Keep you growing

Dec 10, 202007:50
From Mistakes to Mastery

From Mistakes to Mastery

How to go from mistakes to mastery.....

1) Starting Something new Requires Learning

2) Learning involves Time

3) Mistakes happens in your learning Process

4) Persevere through the challenges

5) Master the skills.

Nov 15, 202020:52
Are You Concern About Your Using Social Media?

Are You Concern About Your Using Social Media?

Are You Concern About Your Child's Using  Social Media?

-Social Media is a tool

-New feed is based on your search

-Get involved and guide your children.

Nov 11, 202020:06
Creating a New Narrative in Life

Creating a New Narrative in Life

-Change Your Mindset

-Give Your Children permission to pursue their passion

-Upgrade your skill

Oct 31, 202025:45
Are You Ready For The Sacrifice.......

Are You Ready For The Sacrifice.......


Personal Want


Oct 25, 202012:33